Abstract:The pa per describes the technolog y and the quali ty cont rol method o n manufacture o f steel t russ for the Sunkou Hua nghe Riv er Ex tra-lo ng Bridg e. Sugg estio ns are also proposed for row materials co ncerned wi th the reexamination during accepted in factory , the manag ement and the applica tion.
李仲襄. 孙口黄河特大桥钢梁制造的质量控制[J]. 铁道工程学报, 1998, 15(1): 154-160.
Li Zhongxiang. QU ALITY CON TRO L ON M AN U FACTURE OF ST EEL TRU SS FO R SUNKO U HUAN GHE RIV ER EX TRA-LON G BRIDGE. Journal of Railway Engineering Society, 1998, 15(1): 154-160.