Abstract:Research purposes:The Maluling region is one of the relatively concentrative regions in where the unfavorable geological condition and special rock and soil exist along the Luoyang—Zhanjiang Railway,with crisscrossing distribution of the expansive soil,landslide,bedding and karst.The instability of expensive soil slop has directly big impact on the railway alignment.Based 0nthecomprehensive geological survey and the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the stability of expansive soil slop and landslide,the analysis and prediction of the detrimental effects of the engineering on The slope were made for providing the geological basis for the railway alignment and engineering planning.
Research conclusions:By comparing the geological conditions of different schemes and combining with topographic conditions,the scheme of excavation along the broad and gentle trough valley of synclinal shaft was chosen to keep away from the instable expansive soil slop and landslide,reduce the route length of passing through the bedding,karst and soft soil region and cut the proportion of tunnels and bridges.Although the total track length increased by 200 m compared with the initial scheme,but the engineering investment and operation risk decreased significantly and the geological conditions was optimal.
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