Abstract:Research purposes: Gas is a ma jo r source to cause the geo log ical disaster in tunnel and underg round eng ineering. The collapse acc ident caused by the explosion accident due to abnormal em ission occurs sometimes. The treatm ent of the co llapse o f high gas tunnel is cruc ial to later- stage construct ion of the tunne.l Th is paper d iscusses and analyzes the key techno logy for the co llapse area o f Zipingpu Tunnel of Chengdu-W enchuan Expressw ay.
Research conclusions: Cho ice o f reasonable comprehensive treatm ent p lan is cruc ia l to treating the collapse area of high gas tunne.l The treatment o f the co llapse o f this tunne l included three stages: ( 1) The geo log ica l exploration w as conducted to determ ine the co llapse length and he ight and surrounding rock c ircumstances. ( 2) The treatment w as conducted to the gas w ith in the scope of the co llapse. ( 3) The primary support w as removed and rep laced to treat the co llapse. The advanced drilling w as conducted to detect the fracture gas fo r gas contro,l the <75 + <51 long selffeeding anchor ( grout ing ) w as used for the advanced suppor,t the pre- grouting w as conducted to solid the co llapse body, the benchmethod w as used to excavate the co llapse body, the short foo tage drilling w as used, and the concrete w as shotcreted to close the new excavation face, follow ing by do ing the primary support and secondary lin ing. W ith these treatm ents, the collapse area w as effectively contro lled and treated and the tunne l passed through the co llapse area safe ly.
Peng Dongling. J iao ling Gas Tunne l Collapse and the Effec t Evaluation of Treatment Options [ J]. Highw ay and Transportation Technology ( Applied Techno logy),2009( 12): 2- 3.