Research on the Comprehensive Physical Exploration for the Tunnel in Metamorphic Rock Area |
ZHANG Ji-zhen, LI Zhi-hua |
The Third Railway Survey and Design InstituteGroup Corporation, Tianjin 300251,China |
Abstract Research purposes: In the exploration for the tunnel in complicated metamorphic rock area, choosing the suitable technology with rapid andmoney-saving characteristics for comprehensive physical exploration and adopting the modern advanced instrumentand computerprocessing technology are the effective ways to expand the applicable range of the technology for comprehensive physical exploration, improve the accuracy of geological survey and solve the complicated geological problem.
Research conclusions:In typical geological survey for the tunnel in complicated metamorphic rock tunnel project geology, the technology with rapid and money-saving characteristics for comprehensive physical exploration was used,and with it the unfavorable geological body in deep underground was clearly revealed, the precision ofgeological survey was improved much and the accident hidden peril was lowered hugely. This can be as the reference to the similar works.
Received: 22 July 2009
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