Design and Seismic Isolation Performance Analysis of Friction Pendulum Bearings |
ZHENG Xiao-long , JIN Yi-xin |
China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd,Chengdu } Sichuan 610031,China |
Abstract Research purposes: With the rapid development of high-speed railway in China and frequent strong earthquakes around the world seismic isolation technology and products about bridge ushered in the best opportunities of the spread and application. Through detailed description about theory design and testing on TJGZ-FPB friction pendulum bearings this paper illustrates the material structural characteristics and testing considerations; through non-linear of time history analysis on the newly-built prestressed concrete simple-supported beam bridge of a railway only for passenger traffic,verifies the seismic reduction effort. Research conclusions: By researching damping properties of friction pendulum bearing , we can get following research.
conclusions:(1)Friction pendulum bearing is based on friction pendulum system(FPS),and it can be reliably extend structural natural vibration period and dissipate earthquake energy. (2) As a new type of isolation products,friction pendulum bearing has stable performance without aging and fatigue weakness. It has advantages of simple structure, convenient machining and cost-efficient. (3)Results can be concluded by nonlinear time history analysis on bridge that friction pendulum bearing with reasonable design can reduce more than 40% of shear force on pier bottom,and more than 60% of bending moment on pier bottom. (4) Friction pendulum bearing has advantage of high-security and cost-effective. It is the ideal isolation bearings for railway bridges.
Received: 18 December 2013
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