Abstract:Due to the w eak surrounding rock, hig h g round stress. easy co llapse and big deforma tion, the co nst ructio n of tunnel s wi th mudsto ne w ere v ery dif ficul t. the pa per int roduces the foreig n ex perience fo r co nst ructing thi s kind of tunnel. Combined wi th the practices in home, the autho r pro poses a lso several sugg estio ns concerned wi th using the multisection tunnel ling method, st reng thening the suppor ts, sha ping the circular sectio n and determining th e g ro und st ress, etc.
吴成三. 最困难的泥岩隧道的修建方法[J]. 铁道工程学报, 1998, 15(2): 57-60.
Wu Chengsan. THE MOST DIFFICULT CONSTRUCTION METHOD OF TUNNEL WITH MUDSTONE. Journal of Railway Engineering Society, 1998, 15(2): 57-60.