Abstract:The research on the integ ra tion i s a popular problem in the rai lw ay surv ey a nd desig n scope. The First Surv ey a nd Desig n Insti tute of MO R dev o ted to thi s research wo rk in more earlier stag e, and therefo re many ripe experiences had been accumulated. Based o n the w o rking summaries fo r many years and f rom the integ rated view point , the paper ex pounds deeply co ncerned wi th the dif ferent aspects of the integ ra tion, such as i ts org anization and manag ement , theo retical technique, dev elo pment method, implementatio n pro cedure, etc.
王书建. 铁路勘测设计一体化研究[J]. 铁道工程学报, 1997, 14(4): 131-136.
Wa ng Shujian. RESEARCH ON INTEGRATION OFRAILWAY SURVEY AND DESIGN. Journal of Railway Engineering Society, 1997, 14(4): 131-136.