Research on the Method of Determining the Bearing Capacity of Railway Foundation |
ZHOU Zheng-li |
Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation, Tianjin 300251, China |
Abstract Research purposes: Determining the bearing capacity of the foundation is one of the key problems in railway engineering survey. Determine the bearing capacity of the foundation is only reasonable that the settlement after deformation controlled within the allowable range,in order to ensure the safety and comfort of rail operations. Based on the engineering test section of a certain railway as an example, analysis the applicability of methods for determination of foundation bearing capacity, discuss the appropriate method to determine the bearing capacity, and providing the reference for related design.
Research conclusions:(1)The various means of determining the bearing capacity have their own characteristics, there are certain connections and differences among means, using any single approach to determine the bearing capacity of foundation soil is unscientific and unreliable. (2) To determine rail foundation bearing capacity, the means of integrated exploration must be used which is based on the load test and compare exploration sampling, static cone penetration test and other in-suit test method. (3)This paper can provide some reference to determine the bearing capacity of foundation for railway engineering.
Received: 01 August 2013
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