Abstract This pa per ma kes an at tempt to show the possible direction of a new main t runkline f rom east to w est in Chinese railw ay netw ork, i. e. the Hang zhou-Chengdu rai lway. It deems the scheme tow ards Anqing to be bet ter than the scheme tow ards Jiujia ngin the east segment in terms of t raffic v olume. It also g ets an idea of the superio ri ty of the ferry instead o f the girder bridg e in order to g et the maximum eco nomic benefi t. Wi th respect of YV A( The Three Go rges Pro ject ) , who se dam site i s Sandouping, is under co nst ructio n, it makes advi sement to lo cate ci rcui to usly alo ng the Qing jiang River. Wha t is more, i t takes special care to the influence of the Gehey an Hydropow er Sta tion.
Received: 06 July 1998