Sun Ji zho ng |
Thi rd Survey and Design Insti tute of MO R |
Abstract The paper a naly zes the adv antage and disadvantag e of sev eral dif ferent types of subuay′s turn-back statio n. A new statio n model w hich has bo th the adv antages o f these stations a t same time has been deriv ed by the autho r. Thi s kind o f statio n has no ture-back t rack af the rear of the station. Iherefo re, the center of the statio n may be clo se to the paseng er f low . Tts capaci ty o f receptio n and depar ture o f t rains is ra ther higher tha n th e station w ith the turn-back track at the rea r of the sta tion. There are g rade-sepa ra ted co nnecting t racks in the adva nce section of this new -ty pe statio n which is dif ferent f rom the other types o f the station. The new model i s named here as the turn-back statio n model w ith co nnecting t racks.
Received: 25 November 1997