Railway Route Selection Technitjue for Tableland & Incline of East Africa Plateau |
LONG Zong -ming,ZENG De -li,ZENG Yang |
(China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd,Chengdu,Sichuan 610031,China) |
Abstract Abstract : Research purposes : This paper presents the impacts on selection of tlie main railway technical standards from such factors as the national economic characteristics, current conditions of the existing railways,technological present status of railways,railway transport assurance systems,on the basis of tlie engineering practices of survey,design and construction of Ethiopia - Djibouti Railway; discusses the process for selection of the main technical standards for the railway section running across the Ethiopian Highland,by taking examples of the technical difficulties during the survey and design in the East Africa dominated by tableland and tableland slope, engineering setting proposal and route selection,and the technical ideas in route selection ; proposes the methods for selection of the main technical standards for the railways extending on the East African Plateau and technologies and principles for route selection of the railways meandering on the land dominated by tableland and tableland slope. This paper is intended to offer guidance in the application of the methods for route selection and selection of the technical standards for the railways constructed on tableland and tableland slope in the varied climatic,environmental and geomorphologic regions. Research conclusions:(1 ) For railway route selection on tableland & incline of East Africa Plateau,geomorphologic continuity and intactness should be prioritized, and such parameters as route length,engineering type, quantities of works,number of curves and number of stations shall be taken into consideration for comparison. (2) The engineering type should be selected to facilitate implementation on site and reduce construction cost, under the premise of a satisfactory service life and safety assurance. (3) In terms of engineering measures, priority should be given to the following principles : avoiding high fill and deep cut,reducing quantities of works,controlling route elevation based on flood level for passing low - lying land of tableland,building immersible subgrade and culverts with water level balance on botli sides in the section suffered from water logging in rainy seasons,to adapt to the highland climate,environment and geomorjDhologic region in Africa.
Received: 26 December 2016