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2015 Vol. 32, No. 1
Published: 2015-01-10
Design of Route Selection and Windproof Measures for Strong Wind-hit Section of Second Double Line of Lanzhou-Urumqi Railway
WANG Zheng-ming
Abstract:Research purposes:As the importance and difficulty of railway project, design of route selection and enginering measures is closely related to the economical efficiency and reliability of project. During the second double line of Lanzhou-Urumqi railway design, through analysis of the major elements, the principles are considered in the design of route selection along 100-kilometer wind area. Aiming to prevent the hazard of wind, the scientific research has been conducted in the design of subgrade, bridge and anti-wind tunnel, based on the extensive site investigation, we propose the specific windproof design measures for 200 km/h railway.
Research conclusions:(1) The wind hazard of many aspects is existing in Lanzhou-Urumqi railway line, and the second railway line with higher speed and lighter body of rolling stock is estimated to be even worse, thus, study of route selection and design of windproof measure is very important. (2) The impact of wind is prove to be the significant control factor for route selection in 100-kilometer wind area. In addition, the alignment shall be selected as per project function, geological condition, environmental protection, safety and economical efficiency, such principles shall be followed. (3) The alignment that is parallel on the south of existing railway line in 100-kilometer wind area can meet the functional req〖JP2〗uirement. Furthermore, this proposal could mitigate the wind hazard, minimize the environmental impact and save the cost as well through taking feasible windproof measures. (4) The wind-〖JP〗shield wall is mainly adopted as the windproof measures in subgrade section. The major types of wind-shield wall including cantilever, counterfort, column & plate type were adopted respectively in sections of different height of embankment and depth of cut, considering the division of wind area, distribution of wind speed, frequency characteristics. (5) Adoption of wind-shield barrier which is made of steel structure on bridge and u-shaped girder can assure the safety of bridge structure and wind-shield barrier itself. (6) To reinforce the windproof measurse, windproof open-cut tunnel was built partially in core of 100-kilometer wind area. (7)The selection of route selection and design of windproof measures studied in this paper are avaiable for references in the design of similar projects.
2015 Vol. 32 (1): 1- [
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Research on the Primitive Ecological Conditions Evaluation Method of High-speed Railway Region
DUAN Xiao-chen1, MA Bian-xiao1, WANG Zhao-yu1, ZHANG Xiao-ping2
Abstract:Research purposes:This paper studies how to apply the principal component analysis and system clustering methods on the primitive ecological conditions evaluation of the high-speed railway regions, based on the different primitive ecological information. The many-target, many-attribute and many-hierarchy complex system evaluation is done to analyze the primitive ecological system and degenerated extent about the railway regions synthetically. The primitive ecological conditions evaluation methods, which are discussed in this paper, have important theoretical guidance and practical application significance for the line selection, environmental impact assessment, ecological restoration and reconstruction work of constructing the green beautiful high-speed railway. The paper takes the Changsha-Yiyang high-speed railway for example to validate the evaluation methods of the primitive ecological conditions and degree of degeneration on the high-speed railway region.
Research conclusions:(1) Apply the principal component analysis and system clustering method for the primitive ecological evaluation and analysis, and then study primitive ecological conditions index of the high-speed railway areas. (2) The high-speed railway regions, which are the normal or minor degraded, are suitable for construction of high-speed railway, but must take the pointed and adequate measures for ecological restoration and reconstruction work. (3) The high-speed railway regions which are degenerated or worsen fearfully must be detoured.(4) This research results are significant for the environment impact assessment and protection of the high-speed railway.
2015 Vol. 32 (1): 7- [
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Study on Predicting the Surface Settlement for Shield Tunneling Based on DEACO-WNN
HAO Ru-jiang1, JI Yan-peng1, NI Zhen-li2
Abstract:Research purposes:In recent years, the subway career is developing rapidly, a number of new lines were built. Surface settlement caused by shield tunneling brings more trouble for construction safety. A research on reduce security risks during the construction and improve construction quality of surface settlement caused by shield tunneling is significant.
Research conclusions:In this paper, the factors of surface settlement caused by shield tunneling and prediction model were studied, the following conclusions were got:(1)A wavelet neural network (WNN) prediction model was created by soil covering thickness, compression modulus, cohesion, natural density, angle of internal friction, jack thrust, pressure grouting. (2)The surface settlement model was created by the wavelet neural network(WNN),which its original weight, scaling parameters and translation parameters values were obtained by the differential evolution and ant colony optimization algorithm (DEACO) and the goal of optimization was relative entropy. The training speed and prediction accuracy was improved greatly using the DEACO-WNN. (3)The measured data in Beijing 6th subway line were tested in the presented model, and the minimum prediction error was just only 0.5%,the prediction accuracy within the allowed range. (4)The model created in this paper has a good guidance for the security protection area of shield tunneling, it could be helpful to improve the construction technique through effective prediction of surface settlement, and enhancing the safety of construction.
2015 Vol. 32 (1): 12- [
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Wind Tunnel Test on Sand-preventing Mechanism of Different Kinds of Sand-barriers
LI Kai-chong, XUE Chun-xiao, LIU He-ye, JIANG Fu-qiang, LIU Hui
Abstract:Research purposes:In this paper, wind tunnel test is made to simulate wind protection and sand fixation benefits of the different kinds of sand-barriers, which include inserting-type concrete sand barrier, the sand barrier of concrete sleepers and vertical-type PE net sand barrier. The characteristic of wind speed profile, wind velocity flow field and sand transport flux under different wind speed conditions such as 8 m/s, 10 m /s, 18 m/s and 25 m /s are determined, their sand protection mechanism is studied to evaluate their protective effect.
Research conclusions:(1) There will be a low-speed air area in the pre and post of the sand-barriers , however, wind speed begins to recover gradually as the distance increases. (2) The energy dissipation of the inserting-type concrete sand barrier and the sand barrier of concrete sleepers are more efficient than that of the vertical-type PE net sand barrier,which porosities is 40%.The wind speed near the surface is close to 0 in the back of the inserting-type concrete sand barrier and the sand barrier of concrete sleepers. (3) The sand transport flux of the inserting-type concrete sand barrier and the sand barrier of concrete sleepers is less than vertical-type PE net sand barrier, the sand transport flux is close to 0, so they have a better protection effect. (4) The results of the study can offer a reference for the design of sand-barriers along the railway line.
2015 Vol. 32 (1): 17- [
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Long-term Monitoring of High-speed Railway Roadbed Stability in Cold Regions
SUN Bao-chen, ZHANG Yu-zhi, LI Jian-zhi, ZHAO Wei-gang
Abstract:Research purposes:To guarantee safety operation of high speed railway (HSR) in cold regions, based on the stability difference analysis, the monitoring indexes were determined. A series of corresponding monitoring technologies were carried out, the long-term monitoring system was established on Harbin-Dalian (HD) HSR roadbed to realize integrated automatic acquisition, automatic signal transmission, automatic data analysis and processing of stability indexes. The three years monitoring data were analyzed preliminarily to reveal the roadbed stability indexes rules.
Research conclusions:(1) The roadbed temperatures fluctuate periodically. The temperature amplitudes decrease with depth. The seasonal active layer experiences one-way freezing from the roadbed surface and two way thawing. (2) Water at various depth is observed to be migrated and redistributed. (3) Under the train cyclic load and freeze-thaw cycles, roadbed filling prosperities may be changed and thus give rise to the frost heave, thaw subsidence and compressive deformation. (4) The stability monitoring system work well. Monitoring data can provide support for the disease repairing and traffic safety guarantee of HDHSR roadbed.
2015 Vol. 32 (1): 22- [
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Analysis of Deformation Characteristics of the Buttressed Retaining Wall for Subway Shield Undercrossing Highway
SHEN Yu-peng, WANG Hui-huang, HUANG Le-yi, CHU Man-shuai
Abstract:Research purposes:Excavation, segment and second line set of soil in subway shield construction can lead to the surface deformation of the retaining wall, retaining wall subsidence and incline, especially for the operation of upper highway. Midas/GTS is used to simulate Beijing metro line 6 through Beihuangmuchang Qiao section of Tong Yan highway, the deformation characteristics of subgrade buttressed retaining wall between bridge and subgrade is analyzed by the tunnel shield construction around line.
Research conclusions:(1)The vertical displacement deformation of the retaining wall and the distance between retaining wall and the abutment present the parabolic trend of "big in the middle and small in the edge". (2)The settlement of retaining wall is produced most in the left line of earlier process of the construction, the later construction in the right line is small, it seems that the settlement of retaining wall is mainly produced in the first shield construction. Therefore, we should reduce the advance appropriate length in the process of construction for the first time. (3)The deformation of the retaining wall and the location distance of the shield tunnel presented negative correlation, the slope of retaining wall is found that above the shield construction it turns out gradient extremum, in the both sides of extreme value point it decrease gradually. (4)The results of the paper can be used to provide guidance for safety assessment work when subway shield tunnel cross the upper retaining wall structure.
2015 Vol. 32 (1): 27- [
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Impact of Load Amplitude on the Water Pressure of Non-ballasted Track Structure
XU Gui-hong, YANG Rong-shan, LIU Xue-yi
Abstract:Research purposes:Cracks-water pressure calculation model under the dynamical load and water action was established to understand the distribution of internal water pressure in cracks. In order to verify the validity of the model, pouring a model specimen with cracks, using universal servo-hydraulic machine production cycle dynamic load,high sensitivity sensor is used to measure water pressure inside the cracks. It analyzed the cracks water pressure amplitude variation with load characteristics. Cracks-water pressure calculation model was used to calculate the water pressure, when the train speed is 250 km/h as example.
Research conclusions:The results show that:(1) With increasing cyclic loading (45±20 ~ 70±45 kN) , the water pressure of the measuring points inside the crack is also increasing. (2)Established the theoretical model and its condition is consistent with the experimental conditions, and it proves that the theoretical model is correct by experimental data and theoretical calculation results comparative analysis. (3)Using cracks-water pressure calculation model, cracks water pressure is calculated when the train speed is 250 km/h, the crack opening size, width, depth profiling were 3 mm, 1 m, 1 m. the water pressure of control point in the cracks increases with the increasing of train loads is a linear relationship. (4)The research results provide a theoretical references for analysis of non-ballasted track construction injury.
2015 Vol. 32 (1): 32- [
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Image Coregistration Method of Vehicle-borne Close-range Photogrammetry for High-speed Railway Track
CHEN Qiang1, LIU Li-yao1, YANG Ying-hui1, SHE Yi2
Abstract:Research purposes:In order to improve the speed and efficiency of the detection for high-speed railway track, the close-range photogrammetry is introduced to examine the geometric regularity of railway track. The accurate image coregistration is the key process for track photographs orientation. The track photographs have few image characteristics, single color information, and high similarity of image grey value. So track image edge extracting and matching is relatively difficult. The method on extracting and matching track image edge for vehicle-borne close-range photographs was proposed in this paper. Based on the grey feature and its change information between track photographs, the coordinate geometric mapping model for homologous points of track edge was derived, and accurate image matching was carried out.
Research conclusions:(1) The cross-track coordinates for homologous points of track edge was cubic function model, and the along-track coordinates was linear model. The transformation relationship at homologous points was established, automatic and accurate image matching was carried out. (2)The transformation relationship which acquired from one image pair can apply to the other images with same acquisition conditions. (3)The accuracy and reliability of track image matching were validated from the experiment, which indicates that it can solve the matching difficulty, and it is a promising technique for examining the static geometric regularity of high-speed railways track with close-rang photogrammetry.
2015 Vol. 32 (1): 38- [
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150 m /300 m Check for the Irregularities of HSR and Its Rapid Survey
Abstract:Research purposes:As a new inner geometry parameter of HSR long-wave irregularities, the physical significance and measuring characteristic of 150 m/300 m check are vague. Moreover, owning to its calculation depended on absolute measurement, this method was limited in many applications for track maintenances. At first, this paper discussed the measuring characteristic of 150 m/300 m check by means of harmonic analysis. After, this paper proposed a fast algorithm of 150 m/300 m check based on short chord MCO data and simulated it.
Research conclusions:(1) Harmonic analysis suggest that 150 m/300 m check method has the competence of amplitude measure for irregularities in 60 m or 100 m wavelengh despite of phase difference. But for harmonic waves in other wavelength, this method can lead to distortion of amplitude and phase. (2) Based on the short chord MCO data, the fast algorithm of 150 m/300 m check avoid the measurement of vertical and horizontal deviation and has prominent efficiency superiority compared with absolute measurement. (3)The simulation result of real data proved the correctness and accuracy of this algorithm. (4) These analysis and algorithm could be used in the long-wave irregularities assessment and measurement for HSR .
2015 Vol. 32 (1): 44- [
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Simulation Analysis on the Noise Reduction Effect of High-speed Railway Sound Barrier
Simulation Analysis on the Noise Reduction Effect of High-speed Railway Sound Barrier
[J]. 铁道工程, 2015,32(1): 49-')" href="#">
WU Xiao-ping,FEI Guang-hai,LIAO Chen-yan
Abstract:Research purposes:The noise source between high-speed railway and normal railway differs significantly, which hinders the sound barrier from working effectively in high-speed railway. Based on the noise source characteristics of high-speed railway, with reference to one ground section of the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway, a dual-source mode to study the noise reduction effect of high-speed railway sound barrier was established. Under different source modes, simulation analysis on the noise reduction effect of 3-meter vertical noise barrier was carried out.
Research conclusions:Compared simulation results with measured results, the calculated sound pressure level of dual-source mode is closer to the measured one, while the result of single-source mode is lower, the deviation is 8 dBA. Under the single-source mode, the insertion loss of sound barrier is about 10.7 dBA~13.1 dBA, which is significantly higher than the measured one. The noise of railway clearance is higher than 70 dBA, to improve the ecological environment of the railway line, many reasonable optimization methods of sound barrier were proposed. The dual-source mode which considered the pantograph-catenary noise can provide reliable reference for the design and application of high-speed railway sound barriers.
2015 Vol. 32 (1): 49- [
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Research on the CRTS Ⅱ Slab Ballastless Track Buckling Deformation in the Process of Construction
Abstract:Research purposes:The slab of CRTS Ⅱ slab ballastless track lies in a state of eccentric compression during the time when the narrow gaps have been cemented and the slabs are not connected, which will easily lead to the buckling deformation for slab under the effect of temperature. A finite element model of the CRTS Ⅱ slab was established by using ANSYS software to study the buckling deformation of slab under temperature load in this paper. The weak link in the deformation process as well as the influences of bond strength of CA layer, gap depth of slab and temperature gradient of slab on the critical temperature rise amplitude of slab were analyzed by the simulation of the buckling deformation under temperature load.
Research conclusions:(1) The CTRS Ⅱ track slab buckling deformation spreads gradually from the first fastener near the end point of slab to the middle of slab with the increasing of temperature. The slab may separate with the CA layer due to the bond failure under certain critical temperature ΔT. (2)The critical temperature increases with the increasing of bonding strength of CA layer. The larger bond strength of CA layer can not only inhibit and delay the buckling deformation, but also reduce the degree of buckling deformation. (3) The critical temperature ΔT increases with the decreasing of the gap area between the slab and CA layer in the construction process. (4) The buckling deformation of slab may be intensified under the effect temperature gradient of slab. (5) The bonding situation between the slab and CA layer can be reflected by the buckling deformation under different temperature. (6) The research results are useful to improve the construction technology of CRTS Ⅱ slab ballastless track.
2015 Vol. 32 (1): 55- [
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Effect 30 t Axle Load of Freight Train on Dynamic Response of Curve Bridge
SHI Jin1, NI Jia-hao2,LU Hong-yao1
Abstract:Research purposes:Combined with the practical design of heavy haul railway and the curve design of the railway bridge under the condition of heavy axle load in recent years,the dynamic responses of railway with the radius of 800 meters of the railway bridge which was sustained 30 t axle load of the heavy-haul train were generated in this paper using a multi-layer finite element model includes the rail, sleeper, ballast bed and bridge. The effect of 30 t axle load of freight train on dynamic response of curve bridge is analyzed.It makes a reference for the design of heavy haul railway.
Research conclusions:(1)The dynamic indexes caused by 30 t axle load meet the relevant specifications of railway on curve bridge with the radius of 800 m, the design of bridge and the railway line is reasonable. (2)The dynamic responses caused by centrifugal force and axle load have an impact on the adjacent bridge span with a train passing through the curve section. (3)The number of train marshaling has no effect on the peak value of dynamic response, but it affects the duration of the structure dynamic responses when it exceeds 4. (4)The research results have reference significances in curve designing of heavy haul railway on bridge.
2015 Vol. 32 (1): 61- [
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The Maximum Gradient of 32 m Simply-supported Beam Bridge of Ballastless Track Based on the Fastener Force
WANG Ping, XIE Kai-ze, CAI Dun-jin, XIAO Jie-ling
Abstract:Research purposes:A plane model which could analyze the influence of bridge deformation on fastener force was established based on the finite element method and the track-bridge interaction theory. The influence of bridge gradient and longitudinal displacement of pier top on fastener force was analyzed. The adaptive gradient for 32 m simply-supported beam bridge under the load of bridge shrinkage creep, the foundation settlement, temperature difference between one side and another side of pier, train and so on was put forward to provide theoretical guidance for the selection of gradient of bridge.
Research conclusions:(1) The change of bridge gradient and longitudinal displacement of pier top can cause fastener force and the maximum of uplift force increases approximately linearly with the increment of bridge gradient and longitudinal displacement of pier top. (2) For the 32 simply-supported beam bridge whose distance between beam end and adjacent bearing is 0.55 m, when the height of pier is 20m, the maximum gradient is 29‰ to ensure the uplift force of fastener within the limit, while when the height is 40m, the gradient is 20‰. (3) When increasing longitudinal horizontal stiffness of pier or using transition slab or special fastener system between the ends of two beams, the maximum gradient can be appropriately raised. (4) The maximum gradient of bridge ascertained by the uplift force of fasteners can provide the reference for the railway loaction design and the setup of bridge gradient in future.
2015 Vol. 32 (1): 66- [
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Research on the Reinforcement Mechanism of Prestressed Anchor Cable Lattice Beam and Its Site Verification
Abstract:Research purposes:In this paper, the reinforcement mechanism of the prestressed anchor cable lattice beam is analyzed in detail. Through long-term monitoring test in the district of Mentougou in Beijing, the change characteristic of soil pressures, the stresses of lattice beams and the cable prestress loss are studied.
Research conclusions:(1) The main reason to the dramatic change of soil pressure is the filling load. The change of soil pressure is the most dramatic in the first loading, and the change is not obvious the late loading. (2) The distribution of lateral soil pressure is not a simple rectangular, trapezoidal or triangular, and the relation of soil stress and time present the "W" type curves, for the existence of anchor cable. (3) The K value (ratio between the lateral pressure to vertical pressure) is related to the burying depth, and is greater than 1.0 in some cases. (4) The tensile stress will decreases over time in the anchor cable, and the re-tensioning the anchor tension is necessary for the permanent retaining wall. (5) The results can provide helpful references for the designer or maintenance staff to design or conserve the same retaining.
2015 Vol. 32 (1): 73- [
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The Finite Element Stress Analysis and Experiments on Long-span Arch Supporting Structure
YIN Jun-feng,MIN Sheng-jie,XIN Shi-you,LIAO Ze-yu
Abstract:Research purposes:The structure of steel arch has considerable advantages which attracts many designer and was applied to the construction of modern public architecture with long arch. The facade of the Chongqing West Railway Station is a long arch structure with two quadrilaterals. In order to analyze the stress and partial displacement distribution of the station facade under natural gravity,we construct 3D structural and geometric models of the steel arch by the finite element method in ANSYS. We build up a three-dimensional geometric model of a full arch structure and mesh the structure model of the facade arch and then we set the initial conditions and boundary conditions.
Research conclusions:The compound arch is gradually deforming and the deformation process is spreading from center to all around the structure.Through the computing process by ANSYS, it is clear that in the horizontal direction,the displacement reaches the maximum level on both sides of the lower layer, and in the vertical direction the center of the upper layer has its displacement at a peak level.In addition,by the tangential force analysis in the horizontal direction,it is showed that the arch structure owns the favorable stiffness property that can effectively transmit the horizontal force whereas by the vertical stress analysis. It further confirm that the arch structure can efficiently absorb part of the shear force exerted on it in the vertical direction,which is distinct that the outer force loads concentrate on the arch surface andmuch attention should be paid to the reinforcement and crack of this the part. The research results can be aplied to the practice and theory research of steel arch structure.
2015 Vol. 32 (1): 79- [
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Flexural Behavior of RC Beams Strengthened with Pretensioned CFRP Laminate under Loading Conditions
WANG Xing-guo1, ZHOU Chao-yang2
Abstract:Research purposes:Externally bonded (EB) fiber reinforced polymer(FRP) method has some shortcoming, such as poor intensity of utilization of FRP and performance improvements during normal use for reinforced concrete beams. Impose certain initial load on concrete beam first, then the carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) laminate is prestressed, anchored and pasted in the concrete beam bearing surface, the effect of prestress and initial state of the concrete beam on the bending property of the test beam is studied. Comparison of the bearing capacity, midspan deflection, crack propagation of pretensioned CFRP laminate strengthening member and common CFRP laminate flexural member, feasibility and superiority are pointed out for pretensioned CFRP laminate strengthening method for concrete bridge.
Research conclusions:(1)The pretensioned CFRP can improve the performance of the beams, and enhance yield load and ultimate load by 15.5% and 10.5% compared with RC beam strengthened with externally bonded CFRP laminate under sustained loading.(2)Displacement ductility is slightly lower than the benchmark beam without reinforcement.(3)The crack spacing of pure bending section is relatively smaller, which can effectively inhibit the expansion of the crack, improve the concrete beam using stage performance.(4)The research results can provide references for RC girder strengthening study and application.
2015 Vol. 32 (1): 83- [
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Design,Selecting Type and Application of SLJ 900/32 Mobile Bridge Erecting Machine
CHEN Shi-tong, SUN Zhi-xing, ZHANG Ping, LIU Jia-wu
Abstract:Research purposes:In order to resolve the problem that the box girder is difficult to be transported and erected by the existing transportation & erection equipment in the bridge-tunnel immediately joint section on high-speed railway, this paper studies the design of bridge erecting machine with transporting and erecting and meeting the whole machine crossing tunnel, erecting box girder at tunnel entrance and erecting box girder inside tunnel.
Research conclusions:The scheme of the SLJ 900/32 mobile bridge erecting machine in this paper is as follows: (1) The main support leg adopts the joint-dominated triangular structure. The supporting wheel train 〖JP3〗mechanism is used on the main support leg. Without any anchor measures, the main support leg is designed to realize the structure self-〖JP〗stabilization and can resist overturning moment which bridge erecting machine over the span to the next pier. (2) With the constant drive mode on the main support leg, the bridge erecting machine realizes the synchronization control mode of different driving method and improves the safety and reliability in operation. (3)Through alternating functional transformation technique of the main support leg and auxiliary support leg, the bridge erecting machine can over the span to the next pier without the need of the guide beam. The operational process is simplified and the bridge erecting machine can erect box girder at tunnel entrance and erect box girder inside tunnel. (4) This application verifies that the main support leg with the automatic warning detecting device can achieve not only the real time and on-line monitoring internal force, but also the automatic warning even emergency stop protection when the internal force exceeded to ensure safety in operation. (5)This research results are available for transporting and erecting large-tonnage concrete box girder in normal working conditions and in the bridge-tunnel immediately joint section on high-speed railway.
2015 Vol. 32 (1): 88- [
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Comprehensive Treatment Technology and Evaluation for Tangjiayuan Tunnel Through the Landslide Section
GU Shuan-cheng1, WANG Bing-qiang1, WANG Jian2, HE Wei-geng2
Abstract:Research purposes:Based on the engineering background of Tangjiayuan tunnel of Xian-Baoji highway, segment the deformation of the tunnel through the landslide and stress distribution of surrounding rock are investigated. On the basis of the landslide stability analysis, the paper puts forward comprehensive countermeasures of landslide and takes all-round monitoring measures as excavation disturbance's influence on the landslide deformation monitoring of tunnel to evaluate the stability of the landslide and the tunnel.
Research conclusions:(1) In the early stage of Tangjiayuan tunnel excavation, the landslide is basically stable; When the tunnel face advances to 50m from the monitoring section, landslide deformation increases; When the tunnel face advances arrived at monitoring section, the changing rate of displacement of monitoring points is the largest; As the role of tunnel support and anti-slide pile reinforcement, the tunnel face advance to the monitoring cross section after 30 m, landslide basically returns stability. (2) In the early monitoring, because of the influence of the landslides and terrain bias, the surrounding rock pressure increases significantly, with the effect of strengthening tunnel supporting, the surrounding rock pressure gradually stabilize, and the surrounding rock pressure and surface settlement appear obvious asymmetry phenomenon. (3) This paper discusses the landslide section of tunnel construction and its influence, puts forward the comprehensive improvement scheme, and monitors the deformation of tunnel and surrounding rock pressure, which is useful for the line selection and prevention of the similar engineering.
2015 Vol. 32 (1): 93- [
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Preceding Reinforcing Improvement Research on the Tunnel with Low Permeability Stratum
YANG Zhe-feng, GAO Shi-ming, WANG Shuang-chao, TANG Xia, CHEN Jian-ping
Abstract:Research purposes:When Wuhan metro line 2 went through poor permeability of clay or clay gravel stratum, as a conventional construction method, "small duct grouting in advance" in tunnel arch was difficult to construct, and its advanced reinforcement effect was not obvious. In order to solve this problem, this paper put forward a scheme that the application of steel instead of leading anchor rod or steel tube. By comparing arching effect between rectangular cross-section steel and circular cross-section steel, this paper suggested to adopt the rectangular cross section steel. The results show that the rectangular cross-section steel could improve strengthening effect. And it can accumulate the experience to similar projects.
Research conclusions:According to the research, it can be drawn:(1)For the same width and spacing of the rectangular and circular cross section steel, rectangular steel has better the arching effect, and it can bear higher soil load;(2)In terms of the bending capacity and price, rectangular section steel is better than that of circular steel tube;(3)In the small percolation coefficient strata, grouting effect is poor, rectangular steel can be used in place of the small duct grouting in advance for supporting in advance;(4)The research results can be applied in the tunnel advanced support design.
2015 Vol. 32 (1): 99- [
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Research on the Grouting and Blocking Water Technology in the Water Rich Broad Patulous Cranny on Taihang Mountain Tunnel
ZHANG Min-qing1,ZHANG Liang2,HE Zhi-jun1,PENG Feng2,ZHANG Xiao-hua 3
DOI: 中图分类号:U25 文献标识码:A
Abstract:Research purposes:In the construction of the Taihang Mountain tunnel, the water rich and wide tension fissure zone is encountered, which the left line length is 218 m, the right line length is 200 m, single hole maximum gushing water pressure is 230 m3/h, 0.8 MPa prediction, surrounding rock is grade Ⅲ quartz sandstone. Construction has taken full face curtain grouting, work with water and peripheral grouting method.
Research conclusions:(1) The three methods can meet the requirements of excavation, construction progress are 25 m/month, 20 m/month, 39 m/month, peripheral grouting treatment of the formation has more advantages; (2) Construction with water must satisfy the advanced hole drilling single hole water is less than 40 m3/h, the total water amount is less than 300 m3/h, broken crack length is less than 3 m, otherwise, the construction safety and schedule cannot be guaranteed; (3) Compared to the full face curtain grouting, grouting hole of the surrounding grouting reduces 59%, grouting time shortens 56%, schedule 56%; (4) The whole section curtain grouting by using 2 L/(min·m) as the inspection hole water standard is appropriate, and can relax, peripheral grouting can adopt 5 L/(min·m) standard; (5) The research findings can be similar to water rich broad patulous cranny grouting water shutoff in construction application.
2015 Vol. 32 (1): 104- [
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Technology Research of Disease Treatment about Solid Track Bed and Foundation Base of Enriched Water Tunnel
ZHENG Bao-cai, ZHANG Jun-bing, XUE Ji-ming, JI Hong-jiang
Abstract:Research purposes:Aiming at the open and merge between solid track bed and foundation base of the enriched tunnel in the process of the railway operation, the causes of diseases is analysed, reasonable management measure is taken, which is used to plug underground water and grout the disease area, so as to ensure the structure safety of the process of the railway operation.
Research conclusions:Through the practice of construction, the method of composite anchor anchoring and quantitative amount pressure grouting which is used to cure disease is viable. The result of altitude monitoring shows that there is no obvious deformation happens before and after grouting construction, the grouting pressure can satisfy with the line safety control requirements. The result of dynamic monitoring results of the solid track bed when there is the train pass by shows that solid track bed is in a stable state, there is a good reinforcement effect in the disease area. The results of the study can provide a reference for similar enriched water tunnel diseases treatment.
2015 Vol. 32 (1): 110- [
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Study of Dynamic Prediction and Control about Tunnel Construction Schedule and Cost
HU Lan1,LI Tao2, QIU Wen-ge2
Abstract:Research purposes:Fuzziness, randomness and uncertainty in tunnel geological conditions and construction, made its actual schedule and cost dynamic and variable in the construction process, increasing the difficulty to control. How to integrate its impact factor for predicting and controlling tunnel construction schedule and cost dynamically still need to be further studied.
Research conclusions:(1) With the main hole mileage in tunnel as the principal axis, drilled footage per month and cost in single linear meter of tunnel surrounding rock classification, tunnel surrounding rock change probability, risk accident statistical parameters(probability of occurrence, the processing time and cost under different level of risk) were selected as random variables, then a function relation model of tunnel construction schedule and cost was built by Monte Carlo Simulation. (2) The tunnel dynamic control evaluation index and evaluation standard was set up on top of that. A new decision method was provided for project managers by getting a full grasp with actual construction state timely and adjusting plans of schedule and cost quickly and accurately. (3) An empirical study of double-line tunnel tested its practicability and feasibility, to use for reference in similar projects.
2015 Vol. 32 (1): 115- [
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Research on the Lightning Protection Effect of Metro Overhead Ground Wire
ZHAO Hai-jun1,CHEN Wei-jiang2,SHEN Hai-bin3,BIAN Kai4
DOI: 中图分类号:TM863 文献标识码:A
Abstract:Research purposes: With the lightning faults increasing, overhead ground wire has been used for lightning protection in metro projects. The overhead contact system(OCS) for the vehicle power supplying in metro is different with the power system transmission line, because it was installed above the track and its insulation level is very low. The relevant provisions are lacking in the design codes. The protective effect of overhead ground wire has not been systematically studied in the current domestic metro. There are great differences in the projects that have been implemented. Therefore, it is necessary to study the lightning protection effect of metro overhead ground wire. Using electrical geometric model (EGM),the relationship of the overhead ground wire installation position with lightning flashover times and the lightning flashover arrester discharge current has been studied in this paper. The proposed solution is given for lighting protection earthing of overhead ground wire. Finally, the application suggestions in metro are put forward in this paper.
Research conclusions:(1) The overhead ground wire can reduce the number of lightning flashover of the OCS. The OCS is higher, the effect is more effective. The overhead ground wire is beneficial to lightning protection in metro.(2) The total lightning flashover times are almost the same whether the overhead ground wire is installed above the OCS or at the top of the pillars. So the overhead ground wire installed at the top of the pillars is suggested to be used. (3) The overhead ground wire can reduce the impact current of metal oxide surge arrester with series gap .The height of the overhead ground wire should be checked to reduce the flashover times of shielding failure to 0.1 times / 100 km·a(40 thunderstorm days). It is suggested that the overhead ground wire is 1 meter higher than the OCS. (4) It is suggested that the earthing device for lighting which is composed of a gas discharge tube and a metal oxide resistor should be connected in series with the earthing line. (5)The research results of this paper can be applied in urban rail transit.
2015 Vol. 32 (1): 122- [
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Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
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Beijing Magtech