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2014 Vol. 31, No. 1
Published: 2014-01-10

1 Plan and Build Suburban Railway and Intercity Railway Early in China Hot!
QIN Yong一ping
Research purposes:Through comparative study of city's expansion and the development experience and history of the suburban railways of Tokyo,Paris,London and other typical world,an important reason of traffic congestion,environmental pollution to find in many Chinese city is why they have not established the public transport system with rail transit as the backbone,and city layout is not reasonable because of serious lag of suburban railway and intercity railway planning and development. This paper calls on reversing the thought”first subway then suburban railway and intercity railway" in some Chinese city,planning and building suburban railway and intercity railway early subway at the same time of planning and building subway and light rail in the city.
Research conclusions:(1)In addition to provide transportation services,the more important role of the suburban railway is to support the city population,resource,industry agglomeration and diffusion,guide and support the city layout and structure adjustment,promote city development.(2)Suburban railway emerged and developed before the subway,and the length of suburban railway line accounted for about 90% of the total length of city railways in Tokyo, Paris,London city. ( 3)The suburban railway should as far as possible pass through or into the downtown,linking up the subways. ( 4)The city public transportation system with the rail transit as the backbone lags in our country,and the suburban railway and Intercity railway more lag.(5)In many Chinese city,the planned rail network structure is not reasonable because some single metro line is too long and metro total amout is too large,but the planned suburban railway length is too small.(6)Chinese cities should learn from Paris and other cities of the world with special deference to Tokyo's experience,minimize the weaknesses,of suburban and intercity rail construction.
2014 Vol. 31 (1): 1-9 [Abstract] ( 2812 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (5526 KB)  ( 780 )
10 Exploration on the Issue Related to Operate Suburban Passenger Train by Using Railway Terminal Lines
BAI Bao-ying,YANG Wei-sheng
Research purposes: It is not only to make full use of railway resources for operating suburban passenger train by using large city railway terminal,but also plays a significant role in the aspects including improving and optimizing the urban rail transit system,reasonably using the rail transit resources,cooperating and guiding the construction and development of the city.
Research conclusions :(1)Urban rail transit system should be designed based on the connection intension of central city,suburban and exurban,with different levels of rail transit configuration. Developing the suburban railway can improve the rail transit system of large cities. ( 2)The railway which has spare capacity in Beijing railway terminal can be a part of the urban rail transit system,and undertakes the function of urban rail transit.(3)There are three patterns on developing the suburban railway:extending the urban rail transit,taking advantage of existing railway by appropriate transformation to have the function of operating suburban passenger train,newly building suburban railway. ( 4)This research has reference meaning for the construction of large urban rail transit system and carrying out research on undertaking urban rail transit function by taking advantage of lines in existing railway terminal.
2014 Vol. 31 (1): 10-14 [Abstract] ( 4944 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (2467 KB)  ( 400 )
15 Exploration on the Track Structure Type Selection and Key Design Parameters of City Regional Railway Hot!
Research purposes: In this century, China's accelerated urbanization process has ushered in a new wave of construction of the city track traffic and the city regional railway as the rail transit of urban agglomerations or city circle. With the massive construction of the city regional railway,the main technical issues such as its track structure type selection and key design parameters become urgent to be studied.
Research conclusions :(1)Bi-block ballastless track is recommended for city regional railway after a comprehensive comparison between ballasted track and ballastless track and between different ballastless track types.(2 ) The structure design and construction method of the end beam at the end of track slab are optimized on basis of early research,design, construction and operation experience of bi-block ballastless track applied in high-speed railway,so as to effectively control the concrete crack of continuous track slabs for subgrade and tunnel sections. Thus,bi-block ballastless track with unit track slabs is recommended for subgrade,bridge and tunnel sections of city regional railway.(3)Bi-block ballastless track structure has good reliability,maintainability and economy. ( 4 ) The research results can be applied in the rail design of city regional railway.
2014 Vol. 31 (1): 15-19 [Abstract] ( 2760 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (440 KB)  ( 177 )
20 Analysis of Suburban Railway Passenger Flow Characteristics and Demand Forecast in China
Research purposes: Suburban railway is gradually becoming a link of cities to suburbs and cities to cities. As an important transportation mode,it meets long-distance,large-capacity transport requirements. Characteristic Analysis and passenger demand forecast have very important roles for the suburban railway planning and operations. We use Beijing Suburban Railway Line S2 as the research object and analyze the characteristics of suburban railway passenger and passenger demand forecasting methods. They lay the foundation of the suburban railway for a long-term development.
Research conclusions:(1)Suburban railway has time distribution characteristics on morning and evening peak and highly holiday traffic,spatial distribution characteristics on unbalanced uplink and downlink traffic density and highly concentrated passenger flow. ( 2)In a special period,suburban railway passenger flow has volatility and randomness. It is suitable for the gray GM(1,1)model to predict passenger flow. In the study on Beijing S2 line,we achieved high prediction accuracies and satisfaction predictions.(3)The paper has a certain reference value for long term forecasting research work of the city 's suburban railway traffic. It also provides a theoretical basis on the suburban railway construction
2014 Vol. 31 (1): 20-23 [Abstract] ( 3965 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1305 KB)  ( 456 )
24 Research on Corridor Development Strategy of“The Silk Road Economic Belt" Railway Hot!
WANG Zheng-ming
Research purposes:“The Silk Road Economic Belt" is a new economic development zone based on the ancient silk road. In order to accelerate the interconnection between relevant countries within the economic belt,based on the study of the core role of railway in transport corridor, international and domestic rail corridor layout scheme is put forward on the strategy level,and the structure of the domestic transport network and the planning scheme of important nodes are deeply studied in order to offer opinions and suggestions for the planning and construction of railway corridor in "The Silk Road Economic Belt".
Research conclusions:(1)Six international transport corridors,four border crossings and"two main and two auxiliary" domestic transport corridor network pattern are built up according to the radial direction of" The Silk Road Economic Belt";(2)Currently,full use of existing facilities,solving customs clearance problems,srengthening the sourcing organization,unified freight rate and the operation of international freight are proposed in order to form channel effect as soon as possible;(3)China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway,China-Pakistan Railway,Golmud to Korla Railway, Southern Xinjiang Railway Circle Line projects are suggested to be accelerated for an early form of“two main and two auxiliary" corridors in China;(4)Construction of railway junction terminals ( Region ) in Xi’an,Lanzhou,Urumchi and related railway border crossings need to be accelerated;(5)Research results can be used as an important reference for railway project implementation plan,construction timing along "The Silk Road Economic Belt".
2014 Vol. 31 (1): 24-31 [Abstract] ( 2944 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (4090 KB)  ( 648 )
32 Survey and Remediation on Karst Collapse Subgrade of Shizhishan Station in Wuhu-Tongling Railway
HUA Li-jing
Research purposes:In recent years,because of various geological environmental problems,karst collapse phenomenon frequently occurs in existing railway subgrade in karst area,and it seriously influences the railway operation and traffic safety. In order to solve such geotechnical problems,based on the field inspection,geotechnical surveying, geophysical prospecting,drilling and other comprehensive exploration methods,this paper comprehensively analyzes the karst subgrade diseases of Shizhishan Station in the existing Wuhu-Tongling Railway,and provides the basis for subgrade disease treatment.
Research conclusions:(I)For the on-site complicated environmental conditions,adopt the comprehensive exploration technique to obtain the reliable geological data.(2)After the termination of pumping, karst collapse will still happen intermittently,the existence of such”hysteresis effect”should be paid enough attention to by relative personnel. (3)The operation practice after treatment proves that the investigation and treatment methods adopted in this paper are correct and effective and have significant effect,the research results of this paper provide a good reference for the similar karst subgrade treatment projects.
2014 Vol. 31 (1): 32-36 [Abstract] ( 2627 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (3233 KB)  ( 122 )
37 Analysis of Subgrade Stability Considering Ground Water Level Fluctuations Hot!
Research purposes:The engineering property is affected due to seasonal water level fluctuations in seasonal rainfall area,how to analyse and judge the subgrade stability is very important in the surroundings. Taking railway in Nigeria as example,this paper analyzes the subgrade stability in complete weathering granite ( granite-gneiss ) stratum under the condition,in order to provide some technical reference.
Research conclusions(1)The ground water level changes greatly along the railway.(2)The complete weathering granite ( granite-gneiss ) stratum has fine physic-mechanical properties along the railway,but the bearing capacity in local area with high content of Montmorillonite or mica reduces due to ground water level rising.(3)The rising water level has little effect on the deep cutting ( within 15 m),but in short time the height of subgrade fill is restricted to the groundwater level depth. (4)The analysis results in this paper provides some reference for railway subgrade building in the similar surroundings.
2014 Vol. 31 (1): 37-41 [Abstract] ( 2674 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1760 KB)  ( 463 )
42 Experimental Study of the Granitic Regolith and Improved Soil
RAN Long-feiLIU Yang
Research purposes: High speed passenger dedicated lines have strict requirements to roadbed deformation. Although fully weathered granite and its improved soil has been widely used in highway projects,however, it is still rare that the fully weathered granite and its improved soil used for high-speed railway at home and abroad. Therefore,the strength mechanism,compression feature,the water stability and the attenuation of shear strength of the granitic regolith and its improved soil are studied in this paper.
Research conclusions:From the experimental study of the granitic regolith and its improved soil,it is concluded that the plastic index decreases with the increasing of the cement:the optimum water content shows little change,however , mechanical properties of granitic regolith are increased with the increasing of the cement. The fully weathered granite and its improved soil can be used for high-speed railway,which provides a reference to the similar engineering, and there is an important theoretical value and engineering practical significance.
2014 Vol. 31 (1): 42-48 [Abstract] ( 2682 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1931 KB)  ( 418 )
49 Analysis of Characteristics of the Rocky Heaps and the Engineering Effect for Subgrade in a Highway
Research purposes:There are widely distributing of rocky heaps along the highway in weiyuan,a typical Sichuan Basin red beds landform. If handled improperly,the safety and investment of the highway will bring great risk. Through the analysis of the the influencing factors,such as the form,the composition and the mechanical properties of the rocky heaps,as well as groundwater, the stability and the engineering measures were studied.
Research conclusions:(1)The single-slop is the mostly type of the rocky heap in the projection,anchor pile is the main reinforcement measure of the unstable rocky heaps caused by the subgrade engineering: ( 2 ) There is a layer of low liquid limit clay folder gravel on top of the rocky heap,and lower stone soil folder low liquid limit clay on the bottom,it has obvious layered characteristics,the interface of the soil-rock and the different soil layer are the mostly potential sliding surface:(3)The groundwater is well developed,the drainage of slop and underground water of the rock heaps should be strengthened:(4) The research results can provide references for the similar projects.
2014 Vol. 31 (1): 49-52 [Abstract] ( 2621 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1307 KB)  ( 244 )
53 Test of Foundation Pile Selection in New Weinan Railway Station of Zhengzhou-Xi an Railway Passenger Dedicated Line
JIANG Ze-zhong
Research purposes: The researches are just used for testing the mechanical responses of the pile foundation for bridge according to the typical project,and also expecting to get involved in soil pile length range of resistance and the difference on the response. According to the test results,the suggestive values of the tip resistance and the pile side resistance for the Elevated bridge foundation piles in the New Weinan Railway Station are given.
Research conclusions: Based on the static load test of Viaduct Pile Foundation,the bearing capacity of post grouting pile and pile with conventional process are analyzed. Measured by the static load test of embedded load box method and the internal force of pile reinforcement stress meter, the bearing properties of the two piles are analyzed comparatively. The results show that the side of two test pile play differences,and the post-grouting technology of spinning drill pile has good effect of reinforcement and improvement on the foundation. The ultimate bearing capacity of single pile is about 2. 8 times that of the conventional process test pile. It can improve the characteristics of the interface between pile and soil,which increase the bearing capacity and decreases the settlement of pile effectively. The post grouting technique is useful for improving the behavior of pile bearing significantly. The research results could be used for the pile selection design guide and construction in the Zhengzhou-Xi an Railway Passenger Dedicated Line,and also for the similar project referencing.
2014 Vol. 31 (1): 53-58 [Abstract] ( 2620 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (2291 KB)  ( 255 )
59 esearch on Shear Lag Effect of Twin-Cell Box Girders Hot!
LIN Peng-zhen,SUN Li-xiang,YANG Zi-jiang,JI Wei
Research purposes:When mufti-cell box girder is bending, there are many models of shear lag corresponding to its calculation model of longitudinal stress based on elementary beam theory. On the basis of analyzing the shear lag basic models and mechanical mechanism,shear lag effect of a railway simple supported twin-cell box girder is calculated which applied by concentrated force on mid span and uniform load on full span. With the changing of Height-span ratio,shear lag effect of different load models are discussed.
Research conclusions;(1)For twin-cell box girders,there are more shear lag effect models corresponding to its longitudinal symmetric load model,meanwhile there is much difference between different models.(2)In all shear lag effect models,the most prominent model is concentrated force only applied on mid web. Also,this model is affected by the height-span ratio most obviously.(3)Considering the multiple patterns of shear lag effect,in designing of mufti- cell box girder, the influence of different load models of shear lag effect should be considered fully. ( 4 ) The simulation method and results of this paper have some reference value for design and mechanical analysis of mufti-cell box Girders.
2014 Vol. 31 (1): 59-63 [Abstract] ( 2552 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1822 KB)  ( 655 )
64 Study on Nonlinear Stability of Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge with Single Thin-wall Rectangular Hollow Piers
ZHANG Yun-bo LIU Da-peng
Research purposes:With the rapid development of transportation in our country,a large number of long- span continuous rigid frame bridges with high piers are constructed. Because of high piers and large span,the nonlinear stability problem in the type of bridge construction process is very prominent. This thesis relies on a typical continuous rigid frame bridge with single thin-wall rectangular hollow piers-Wangjiaba Bridge construction monitoring project, studies the single nonlinear stability of the continuous rigid frame bridge with single thin-wall rectangular hollow piers, analyzes the stability eigenvalue of the bridge under each construction stage and nonlinear limit load value.
Research conclusions:(1)Load of eigenvalue buckling analysis is obtained for upper limit of bridge structure stable limit load.(2)Considering the geometric nonlinearity,material nonlinearity and the initial defects nonlinear stability analysis of the influence of the factors such as load,more in line with the actual situation.(3)The highest pier maximum cantilever construction condition is the most adverse conditions of the high pier construction.(4)The paper can provide the reference for construction monitoring,design and theoretical research of long-span continuous rigid frame bridge with high piers.
2014 Vol. 31 (1): 64-68 [Abstract] ( 2537 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1395 KB)  ( 131 )
69 Research on the Deformation Laws of Surface and Adjacent Building Induced by Shield Tunnel Hot!
REN Jian-xi,LI Qing-yuan,ZHENG Zan-zan,GAO Bing-1i,LIU Chao-ke,ZHANG Kun,FENG Xiao-guang
Research purposes:Based on the shield engineering of some interval tunnel in Beijing subway line eight,it used FLAC simulation to predict the deformation laws of surface and its nearby building caused by shield construction, the goal is to offer a technological support for the determination of reasonable construction parameters and the establishment of the on-site monitoring project when safety through surface buildings in shield tunnel construction.
Research conclusions:(1)Numerical simulation was adopted to investigate the laws of surface deformation caused by the tunnel shield construction of Beijing subway,the lateral ground settlement curve is basically symmetrical in horizontal direction,and buildings have greater influence on surface deformation on the surrounding area compared with its region. The maximum differential settlement is 8. 09mm.(2)According to the prediction results of numerical simulation,the Bi-directional tunnel excavation affected range of surface is 36m that mainly in tunnel center. The excavation face affected area is 24m in the frontage and 20 m in the rear, so it should be mainly monitored during construction.(3)The practice shows that the measured curves are identical with the simulation curves. The numerical simulation is effective means for predicting the laws of surface and adjacent building deformation caused by shield construction.(4)The research results can be used to make adjacent building deformation control scheme caused by shield construction.
2014 Vol. 31 (1): 69-74 [Abstract] ( 2621 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1859 KB)  ( 442 )
75 Over-voltage Analysis and Suppression in the Traction Network Double Neutral Section Electrical Sectioning Device
QU Zlu-jian, LIU Yu-xin,ZHOU Min
Research purposes:In order to research over-voltage produced by electric locomotive power outage over split-phase which makes equipment insulation breakdown,chain-type equivalent circuit model of timing switch control is established. The new suppression method which suppress the over-voltage is proposed compared with the over -voltage produced by joint simulation model in the single and double neutral section of seven/eight span overlapping electrical sectioning device in electric locomotive-electrical sectioning-traction network.
Research conclusions:(1)The over-voltage of seven-span overlapping electrical sectioning device is consistent with the test results of literature,and the residual pressure co-simulation and the theoretical value are about 11 kV,which further prove the effectiveness of the simulation.(2)The maximum overvoltage decreases from 95. 57 kV in the single neutral section of the seven-span overlapping electrical sectioning device to 59. 28 kV in the bilateral neutral passive RC circuit of the eight-span overlapping electrical sectioning device,which suppressive effect is obvious. (3)Experimental results have the important reference value for anchor section joint electrical phase design.
2014 Vol. 31 (1): 75-81 [Abstract] ( 2583 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (2343 KB)  ( 439 )
82 Construction Monitoring and Numerical Simulation of Deep Excavation of Century Avenue Metro Station in Lanzhou Hot!
ZHOU Yong,GUO Nan,ZHU Yan-peng
Research purposes:With special engineering and hydrological geological conditions in Lanzhou,the research about pile-strut supporting design,construction monitoring and numerical simulation of subway deep foundation pit is still blank. In this paper, taking the pile-strut supporting structure design of Lanzhou Century Avenue Metro station excavation as the example,horizontal displacement of pile top,lateral displacement of piles,axial force of support and the surface subsidence monitoring results are studied.
Research conclusions:(1)The initial excavation,pile was forward curve deformation to the pit,with the excavation and support installation,curve of pile gradually to the deformation”)”shape change,the position of maximum horizontal displacement occurred is also down. The maximum displacement of pile body generally appears in the middle part of the pile body 4~10 m range and about 1/3 to 2/3 of deep excavation.(2)During the process of excavation,measured horizontal displacement of ring beam is about 5~10 mm,and it is far less than 30 mm of specification control values. (3)There is still a small amount displacement near the bottom of the pile,the design methods supporting piles embedded solid segment as fixed end need to be improved.(4)Surface subsidence and horizontal displacement size distribution are mutually corresponding, soil around the pit present settlement-uplift-subsidence-uplift-settlement status,the maximum surface settlement located outside pit and approximately 1/3 times the depth of the pit.(5)Using the finite element software ADINA to simulate the process of foundation pit excavation,finite element calculation values are compared with the actual monitoring results,it is found that their values are close,development trends are almost the same,and the results of finite element analysis is reliable and the supporting effect of the pile-strut supporting structure is ideal.(6 ) It can provide a reference for the follow-up design and construction.
2014 Vol. 31 (1): 82-88 [Abstract] ( 2664 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (2846 KB)  ( 229 )
89 Research on Water Reduction Technology for Deep Foundation Pit of People's Square Station of Hangzhou Metro
DING Zhi,CHENG Wei-feng,HU Zeng-yan,ZHANG Shi-min,YU Xing-fu
Research purposes:Combined with the water reduction for the People's Square Station of Line 2 of Hangzhou metro,a three-dimensional seepage model was used to simulate the seepage field inside and outside the deep foundation pit and the effective dewatering design scheme was adopted to ensure the safety of excavation of deep foundation pit. At the same time,the risk of dewatering for confined groundwater and the monitored data on subsidence were analyzed for providing the reference to the similar works.
Research conclusions:As the water reduction engineering is strong in speciality and obvious in territoriality,the similar experience is very important. There are deeply complex Quaternary loose sediments distributed along Qiantang River, where multilayer thickness of pore confined aquifer is well developed. Strong hydraulic connection is dominated between aquifers,forming a complex aquifer system. Because high pressure water level is existence,it greatly increased the difficulty of dewatering of deep foundation pit. In order to ensure rationality and validity of a dewatering design,the dewatering design must consider engineering geological conditions,hydraulic geological conditions and foundation bracing systems to select reasonable hydrological parameters and make analysis of seepage flow seepage mode. The dewatering should be conducted strictly according to the dewatering design dewatering subsidence and dynamic control to reduce the watering depth of pressure-bearing water for with three-dimensional scheme with immediate effective controlling the around the foundation pit as practice,the method is correct,reliable much and as possible to is a mean ensure the safety of surrounding buildings. to design the dewatering of deep foundation pit ,where deeply complex Quaternary loose sediments exist.
2014 Vol. 31 (1): 89-94 [Abstract] ( 2606 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1868 KB)  ( 474 )
95 Research on Mechanical Behavior of Construction in Transforming the Existing Tunnel into Subway
DUAN Bao-fu,WU Sheng-zhi,ZHU Ying-lei, SONG Le-chun,LI Huan-zhen
Research purposes:It is the first attempt in our country to transform the existing civil air defense engineering into subway. Unilateral and bilateral excavation are being used in the reconstruction of the original tunnel. In order to provide theoretical guidance and decision-making basis for the tunnel construction safety,combined with numerical analysis and field monitoring, we study the stress distribution and arch,surface settlement status in the whole progress.
Research conclusions:Based on the structure,construction technology,monitoring,measurement and numerical simulation,we analysis the distribution of stress field and the law of surface settlement in the construction process,and get the following conclusion:(1) The surface and vault settlement caused by unilateral or bilateral excavation is less than the standard , so it is reasonable construction procedure. ( 2 ) We discussed the phenomenon of stress concentration in the process of implementation of two kinds of construction methods,and determined the corresponding location of the maximum stress occurs.(3)It has significant differences on the settlement of tunnel structure which mainly performs in the position of the maximum settlement value occurs. (4)The study found,by contrast,that the construction method has little influence on the change of surface settlement.(5)So the research results can accumulate experience for the city subway construction and provide higher guidance value to the similar projects.
2014 Vol. 31 (1): 95-100 [Abstract] ( 2619 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1486 KB)  ( 184 )
101 Research on the Fire Protection Design of Rail Transit Station Building on the Ground
SUN Ming,GAO Xing
Research purposes:City track traffic on the ground station is different from the general civil construction,the design of the fire district and safety evacuation mode has been the lack of unified standard basis,the dispute is extremely easy to have the fire protection design and review process. According to the characteristics of the design of the station building on the ground,combined with the engineering example of urban rail } and railway station,the reference to the relevant norms are discussed,the design method of the station fire city track traffic on the ground,and provide reference for the follow-up project.
Research conclusions:(1)The station hall public area of fire district should be not more than 2 500 m2,the platform area of semi open type can not be limit:(2 ) The fire lane can be arranged along the long side of the main building in two:(3)The station hall and the platform which can avoid smoke damage place,can be used as security region:(4)A level of power supply of heavy duty escalator, security doors doors and platform ends,can be used as a small staircase evacuation facilities across the line contact channel:(5)The proposal about the rail transport station building fire protection design can be used as fire protection design for future reference station.
2014 Vol. 31 (1): 101-106 [Abstract] ( 2518 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1389 KB)  ( 405 )
107 IT System Model Design and Application of Construction Enterprises Based on 3G Net
HUANG Cong-Zhi
Research purposes:The development of 3G network will bring new opportunity to the informatization construction of traditional industry,high-speed mobile communication technology resolve the problem that construction enterprises in the project management information construction is subject to a fixed network link. This paper aims to establish a scientific and rational mobile information system model,combined with a large construction enterprise mobile information system construction practice.
Research conclusions:(1)Mobile information system based on 3G technology has the advantages of convenience,ease of use,economy,security,and is suitable for construction enterprise deployment and application;(2)To build enterprise mobile information system architecture framework model,should be user-oriented,open up the process, subdivision business,real-time seamless,security-conscious;(3)The models can be used to design and implement monitoring and visualization of construction safety management,mobile office,digital chemicals and other mobile information applications;(4)Mobile information system also has security and ease of use,technical updates fast, uneven development and other issues,but the idea of mobile information service applications will gradually mature,the application level will continue to deepen.
2014 Vol. 31 (1): 107-112 [Abstract] ( 2650 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1373 KB)  ( 375 )
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Supported by:Beijing Magtech