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2014 Vol. 31, No. 3
Published: 2014-03-30
Development and Suggestion of Domestic and Overseas Suburban Railway
SUN Hai-fu
Research purposes:The suburban railway which connects core city with suburbs or satellite city is a short-distance and rapid passenger rail transit mode mainly for commuter flow in major city.In this paper,the development status of the domestic and overseas suburban railway is studied,and network scale,distribution of stations,operating features,power supply modes and other aspects of domestic and overseas suburban railway are reviewed and summarized.According to the characteristics of the domestic and overseas suburban railway,the suggestions for the development of the suburban railway in our country are proposed.
Research conclusions:(1)The suburban railway can use state railway mode or the urban rail transit mode.(2)The suburban train can be operated by using or reconstructing existing railway line.(3)The operation management pattern mainly depends on investment subjects.(4)The suburban railway should adopt government-led diversified investment pattern.(5)The government should establish compensation mechanism of suburban railway.(6)The research conclusions can provide references for suburban railway development.
2014 Vol. 31 (3): 1-5 [
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Main Problems and Proposals for Suburban Railway Planning and Construction in Some Chinese Cities
QIN Yong-ping
Research purposes:Through summarizing and drawing lessons from useful experience of the suburban railways of Tokyo,Paris and other typical world cities,the article explores 10 problems in planning and construction of suburban railways in some Chinese cities and put forward proposals to solve the problems.
Research conclusions:(1)Serious lag of suburban railways planning and construction in some Chinese cities is one cause of delay of city layout adjustment and optimization and one reason of traffic jams exacerbated.The construction thought of first inner city railways then outside the city should be reversed.(2)In some cities,partial sections of suburban railways are replaced as urban subways which has led amount of suburban railway too little,and single subway too long with longer travailing time and high investment.The whole rail network will tend to be low operational efficiency and poor investment efficiency.(3)Suburban railways should as far as possible pass through or into the downtown.and interchange with ring railway or subway stations located in the downtown.(4)Cherish the existing railway corridor resources in urban areas.(5)Finance in plural investment mode for construction of suburban railway.(6)Set up moderate technical standards and save investment of construction and operation.(7)Research and formulate uniform technical standards early.(8)111e network of city railway should be approved by the national department.(9)Cultivate professional team for design,advisory and construction management.(10)Offer reasonable working hours for suburban railway design,construction and commissioning.
2014 Vol. 31 (3): 6-13 [
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Research on Format of Urban Rail Transit Network System in Wenzhou
YU Wen-qiu
Research purposes:The urban rail transit is developing rapidly in our country.Its service function and technical requirements is between the subway and national railway,the selection of its system format is similar to AC power supply system of national railways and DC power supply system of subways.Through the analysis of main control factors affecting the Wenzhou district network system,reasonable choice is made for the Wenzhou network system.
Research conclusions:(1)The selection of network system for urban rail transit should obtain the intention of the 1ine network planning,and integrate with the features of the project.It is also beneficial for the operation and the administration and resources sharing.(2)In order to share resources,it can fulfill the organization of the operation of crossover line trains and the reduction of passengers transference in requires.In general,the same system should be applied in the whole city railway network in one city.(3)The amount of the investment of engineering should not be the determined factors for the system selection.(4)Based on the research,it is analyzed that AC(alternating current)power system best fits the rail transit in such city region network.(5)This article not only provides certain theoretical basis for urban railway related research,but also makes a reference for other cities.
2014 Vol. 31 (3): 14-18 [
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Discussion on Planning of Transforming Idle Railway into Urban Railway in Tianjin Terminal
Research purposes:As the rapid expansion of the city scale,traffic problem has become a major contradiction.The most effective way of solving this problem is to develop the urban mass transit.But the current problem is:on one hand,as the rapid construction of the railway,part of the railway resources lie idle,on the other hand,the construction of urban mass transit need a large number of funds and precious urban track resources.This paper analyze show to make the idle railway give play to the urban transit function in Tianjin terminal,and hope to provide references for the diversification mode choice of the urban mass transit in other cities.
Research conclusions:(1)Use the existing railway and the newly built railway to form a circuit urban railway which includes Tianjin Station-Tianjin North Station-Xiyingmen Station-Chentangzhuang Station-Tianjin Station.(2)Use the surplus transportation capacity of the Tianjin-Shanhaiguan line to run urban trains from downtown to Binhai New Area.(3)Use the abandoned railway and part of newly built railway to form the transit track from downtown to Jinghai and Dagang,and run urban trains.(4)Use the existing railway double line project to form the transit track from downtown to Baodi and Ji county,and run urban trains. (5)This result can provide the reference for other cities.
2014 Vol. 31 (3): 19-24 [
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Comparative Study on the Highway Traffic Efficiency of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Urban Agglomeration
WANG Wei-dong,WANG Jing,WU Jie
Research purposes: The highway traffic efficiency of the three urban agglomerations called Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan,Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta were evaluated in this paper based on Geographic Information System (GIS) and extension theory evaluation model. An evaluation index system of regional highway traffic efficiency was established.This paper intends to find the highway traffic efficiency gap between Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan and Yangtze River Delta,Pearl River Delta via comparing and analyzing the highway traffic efficiency evaluation indexes of the three urban agglomerations,and applies extension theory evaluation model to evaluate the highway traffic efficiency of Changsha - Zhuzhou-Xiangtan urban agglomeration.
Research conclusions:(1) The highway traffic efficiency of Changsha - Zhuzhou-Xiangtan is in the normal level at present.(2) The difference of highway traffic efficiency between Changsha -Zhuzhou-Xiangtan and Yangtze River Delta,Pearl River Delta are mainly in aspects of highway network route length,per acre highway network density,unit length highway network output,real GDP per acre,passenger and freight volume etc. The highway traffic efficiency of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan has some certain and potential advantages in the aspects of industrial enterprises above designated size comprehensive benefits ( economic index) and unit length highway network output ( highway network index) etc.(3) The main reason which leads to the difference between Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan and YangtzeRiver Delta,Pearl River Delta has been analyzed by applying the extension theory evaluation model which could calculate and evaluate the highway traffic efficiency objectively. This paper also provides the valuable reference to evaluate the highway traffic efficiency of other urban agglomerations of the country.
2014 Vol. 31 (3): 25-32 [
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Research on the Pearl River Delta Intercity Railway Lead into Baiyun Airport
Research purposes:According to the Pearl River Delta Intercity Railway planning approval,with Guangzhou Baiyun Airport overall planning,adhere to the“people-oriented,passenger service”purposes, research on the Pearl River Delta Intercity Railway lead into Baiyun Airport,realize the function of Comprehensive transportation hub, including airport,Intercity Railway,subway and public transportation.
Research conclusions:(1)Intercity Railway into airports in large passenger distribution area,a convenient,safe and punctual is an important service requirements.Planning,in the station design,the station building,train routing,transfer and passenger flow must reflect humanized requires. (2)Proposed Intercity Railway North-South direction into T1,T2,T3 terminal and set station,planning and construction scheme and other traffic convenient transfer.(3)Combined with the construction sequence of Intercity Railway network projects,raises the transportation organization staging scheme.(4)This research has reference meaning for overall planning of large-scale integrated airport traffic organization.
2014 Vol. 31 (3): 33-38 [
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Experiment and Simulation Contrastive Analysis on Dynamic Response of High Speed Railway Transition Section
LI Xian-min,Liang Yan-hui,WANG Meng-shu
Research purposes:The research on the theory and applications of high-speed vehicle-track-subgrade coupling dynamics has mostly focused on the wheel-rail relationship at home and abroad,many achievements about bridge-subgrade transition section have been obtained by using the field tests.However,few achievements on the dynamic response for subgrade transition zone of ballastless have been gotten.To provide the theoretical value and practical significance in high speed railway construction,a reliable vehicle-track-subgrade coupling model,which considers the main influence factors such as vehicle,track and subgrade together,has been established combining with Wuhan-Guangzhou line transition zone in this paper.
Research conclusions:(1)The calculation results is in good agreement with the transition structure dynamic response curve by comparative analysis of test data.(2)The length of high speed railway transition section should be controlled about 40 m,which can effectively reduce or even eliminate the dynamic response of structure layer of the transition section, and can guarantee the high-speed train running safety and comfort.(3)Dynamic response characteristics of dynamic stress,vibration acceleration and dynamic displacement are obviously different between among transition section structure layers,which is mainly marked by the difference on the magnitude of the peak and the peak position.Through the transition section,the dynamic response induced by the train will be significantly reduced to ordinary subgrade dynamic response value. (4)The dynamic response of the transition structure layer affected by vehicle velocity,train axle load size and other factors,is usually increased with the increase of vehicle speed and axle load,among which the train axle load is remarkable influence on dynamic response.(5)The conclusions of this paper can provide reference for design and construction of high speed railway transition section.
2014 Vol. 31 (3): 39-45 [
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Effect Analysis of Torsion Irregularity on the Dynamic Characteristics of Double-block Track
GAO Jun-ying
Research conclusions:(1)With the amplitude of the torsion irregularity increasing,the vertical accelerations of the Car-bodies,the bogies,the wheels,the rails and the slab are increasing.Under the good damping effect of vehicles ‘primary and second suspension systems,the amplitude of cal-bodies’ acceleration is not very large,SO the torsion irregularity cant make significantly effect on the comfort of passengers.(2)At the same time,from the viewpoint of the running safety,the amplitude of the torsion irregularity should not be more than 2mm.(3)The track torsion irregularity’s safety limit proposed in this paper can provide the valuable reference to the design of double-block ballastless track and also provide theoretical direction for the maintenance and repair of our country track geometry.
2014 Vol. 31 (3): 46-50 [
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Research on Force and Deformation of Ballastless Track in Longitudinally Coupled Turnout Area on Bridge
WANG Hui-yong
Research purposes:The type of CRTS 11 ballastless slab track has been used widely in recent years.At the same time,longitudinally coupled turnout has been used on bridges.In order to research the interactions between longitudinally coupled turnout and bridge,taking the longitudinally coupled turnout area on Tianjin South Station bridge of the Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway for instance.the finite model of turnout-track-slab-bridge-pier was established,the effect of slab stiffness, friction coefficient between bridge and track and the position of train braking on the force of ballastless track and turnout was analyzed in the article.
Research conclusions:The results show as follows:(1)Under the action of temperature force,as the slab stiffness increases,the longitudinal force of pier,the slab axial force and the displacement of turnout increase.As the friction coefficient between slab and bridge increases,the slab axial force and the displacement of turnout decrease.(2)Under the action of braking force,as the slab stiffness and the friction coefficient increase,the slab axial force increases,but the longitudinal force of pier and the displacement of turnout decrease.(3)The conclusions in the article about the interactions between turnout and bridge provide the valuable reference to the design of ballastless track in the longitudinally coupled turnout area on bridge.
2014 Vol. 31 (3): 51-55 [
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Experiments and Research the Vibration Isolation Performa of Ballast Mat
PANG Ling,ZHAO Cai-you,YAO Li,WANG Ping
Research purposes:In order to accurately and efficiently evaluate the vibration isolation performance of ballast mats,single freedom impedance model and multi—freedom vehicle—track coupling dynamic model were established to analyze and contrast the acceleration insertion loss of ballast mat laying on a rigid foundation,and then it was validated with the measured data.
Research conclusions:(1)Both single freedom impedance model and multi—freedom vehicle—track coupling model can effectively evaluate the vibration isolation performance of the mat within 0—200 Hz frequency band,but the former is simpler,clearer of the mechanical concept,and has stronger practicability.(2)The vibration isolation performance of the mat is frequency selective,that it only has a significant role in isolation in a frequency band,and other bands had little effect and even increase vibration.The most significant isolation effect is at the natural frequency of the system before laying ballast mat where the acceleration insertion loss is about 16.3dB.(3)The worst isolation effect which enlarges vibration most apparent frequency is at the first order resonance frequency of the system after laying ballast mat, it should be attached to more attention when design ballast mat SO as to avoid coincidence with the natural frequency of structures which had vibration isolation requirements.(4)Single freedom impedance model presented in this paper can provide the valuable reference to the vibration isolation design of railway ballest bed.
2014 Vol. 31 (3): 56-60 [
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Effects Analysis of Differential Settlementon on Long-span Continuous Bridge and Ballastless Track Structure
ZOU Zhen-hua
Research purposes:This paper,associated with a certain engineering project of differential settlement on ballastless track long-span bridge in high-speed railway,analyzes the bridge structure and ballastless track stress on bridge under operation condition with diverse differential settlement value.Through comprehensive analysis of structure safety and adaptability,the relevant solutions and suggestions are proposed.Through targeted research,this paper is aimed at providing the reference for remediation processing of large-span continuous beam differential settlement in the future. Research conclusions:When long-span continuous beam differential settlement value is more than a certain range of the current design code,the stress influence on the pier is less,the effect on continuous beam girder and rail is controllable.The current code limit value for long-span continuous beam differential settlement should be appropriate to relax,to guarantee the safety of the structure and save the construction cost.At the same time,the larger differential settlement should be taken timely measures to carry out comprehensive improvement.The research results can be applied to differential settlement remediation of the railway long-span continuous beam pier caused by soft soil,groundwater level changes and other factors.
2014 Vol. 31 (3): 61-65 [
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Research on the Stiffness Design and Its Value for Long Span Railway Steel Truss Cable-stayed Bridge
CHEN Ke-jian,LI Yong-le,LI Long,ZENG Yong-ping
Research purposes:The stiffness design parameters of most of long span railway steel truss cable-stayed bridges in safe operation are summarized firstly.Referring to current codes around the world,and considering stiffness characteristics of railway cable-stayed bridge,the stiffness indexes of long span railway steel truss cable-stayed bridges are discussed.Then,the dynamic responses of vehicles and bridge are calculated by the coupled vibration method of vehicle-bridge systems to explore the effect of depth-span ratio and width-span ratio.And the reasonable value ranges of the stiffness design indexes are presented for long span railway steel truss cable-stayed bridges.
Research conclusions:(1)According the existing long span railway steel truss cable-stayed bridges and current codes,considering the difference of loads,the requirement of vertical stiffness of long span railway steel truss cable-stayed bridges can be reduced to certain degree.The ratio of vertical deflection to span should be in the range of 1/500~1/800 for the design of long span railway steel truss cable-stayed bridges.(2)The ratio of lateral deflection to span at the design wind speed can be up to 1/1 000~1/2 000,the ratio of lateral deflection to span at the wind speed allowing train operation should be less than 1/4 000 according to the current code.(3)The ratio of truss height to span should betaken as 1/25~1/40,the ratio of truss width to span should be 1/25~1/35.(4)In this paper,the research results call provide the valuable reference for the design of long span railway steel truss cable-stayed bridge.
2014 Vol. 31 (3): 66-71 [
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Size Effect on Flexural Properties of Simple Supported Beam Near-surface Mounted CFRP Laminate
WANG Xing-guo,ZHENG Dan-dan,ZHU Kun-jia,LI Li
Research purposes:For the shortcomings of external bonding carbon fiber reinforced polymer(CFRP)laminate reinforced concrete beam,such as easy debonding,in this article first slot in the surface layer concrete beam and stick embedded CFRP strip,and then Carry out the flexural properties test of monotonic loading.Effect of different size of RC bridge beams(scale model beam size to prototype beam size ratio is 1/2)on typical load,distribution and spacing of cracks,strain of FRP laminate and steel bar is analyzed.
Research conclusions:Results show that:(1)Beam size impacts on the embedded strengthening effect,especially on performance of the concrete beam after reinforcement under sustained load.(2)Deflection ratio is close to geometric similarity coefficient for scale model and prototype beams under the same load.(3)Under sustained loading,the concrete embedded CFRP sheets have good reinforcement effect,bearing capacity is improved less than the strengthened beam without initial load,and the improved value is nonlinear relationship with geometric similarity coefficient.Crack spacing of model beam is relatively larger after reinforcement,and it should be paid attention to in design.(4)The results can be references for the bridge reinforcement study and application.
2014 Vol. 31 (3): 72-75 [
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Study on Deformation Capacity Analysis Method of Round-ended Railway Bridge Piers
LI Bing-nan,DAI Hang,ZHANG Ji-wen
Research purposes:At present,the deformation capacity analysis method based on the moment-curvature analysis of the bottom cross-section and the plastic hinge models is widely used in the domestic and foreign seismic design codes for bridges to quantify the ductility ability of piers under horizontal seismic load.In order to investigate the applicability of this analysis method to the seismic design of railway bridge piers in China,the theoretical analysis and experimental verification of the deformation capacity of the round-ended railway bridge piers which is still lack of research currently are executed.
Research conclusions:(1)The theoretical calculation results of the deformation capacity of the round—ended pier specimens correspond with the test results very well,and the deformation capacity analysis method based on the moment curvature analysis of the bottom cross-section and the plastic hinge models can be applied to the seismic design of the round—ended railway bridge piers.(2)The empirical formula of equivalent plastic hinge length and the ductility safety factor of the maximum permissible angle of the plastic hinge of the round-ended railway bridge piers can be same with the Chinese code JTG/T B02-01 and CJJ 166.(3)The deformation capacity analysis method of round—ended piers presented provides a practical method and basis for seismic ductility design of the round-ended railway bridge piers in China.
2014 Vol. 31 (3): 76-81 [
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Construction Technology of Deep Foundation Pit of Railway Underground Tunnel in Coastal High Groundwater Level Area
Research purposes:In recent years,with large—scale railway construction,construction technology of open excavation tunnel in railway passenger dedicated line is developing rapidly.In order to optimize mixture support of foundation pit retaining structure,design parameters and construction technique of railway underground tunnel in coastal high groundwater level area,provide broad space and a good condition for earthwork excavation and the construction of the tunnel structure,make sure the main structure can use template Car whole casting,improve construction efficiency,ensure construction period and project safety,therefore,it is necessary to research construction technology of railway underground tunnel in coastal high groundwater level area.
Research conclusions:Hainan Donghuan Railway of Meilan Underground Tunnel(including underground station is broadly controlling engineering.(1)The tunnel and underground station can use cut and suitable approach to apply,borehole pile+jet grouting piles as a retaining structure and steel support+prestressed as anchor cable support system.(2)The retaining support system in domestic coastal regions of high groundwater is the first time applied in a wide range.(3)Using the hybrid supporting system,not only can save a large amount of steel,but also can improve the construction conditions,to speed up the construction progress,ensure construction safety.(4)The results of the study can provide technical support for the similar engineering construction in coastal high groundwater level area.
2014 Vol. 31 (3): 82-86 [
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Research on Deformation Control Technology of Tongzhai Tunnel Entrance
WU Fa-zhan,FU Zheng
Research purposes:Tongzhai tunnel entrance was affected by the same high stress,and other geological factors carbonaceous slate role in the early stages to 118 steel support parameters based support,the construction of large deformation occurs,arch distortion,shotcrete off,seriously affecting construction safety and progress.This paper is finding solutions to large deformation method to provide a reference for the subsequent construction.
Research conclusions:(1)In the stress deformation by the engineering test,take the anti-supporting measures,adhere to the”strong first and optimization late”principle,support in place at a time,so as to control the deformation.(2)Soft surrounding rock after excavation is timely supported,enclosing to ring as soon as possible,and timely radial grouting to effectively strengthen loose rock,improve the surrounding rock properties,reduce rock pressure effected on the supporting structure,the support and surrounding rock stress system has formed,to restrain the deformation of tunnel.(3)Reduce the times of the excavation,set the inverted arch as early as possible,control the initial support closing time strictly.(4)The control measures of deformation of tunnel carbonaceous slate can provide reference for similar engineering.
2014 Vol. 31 (3): 87-90 [
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Research on the 3D Real-time Interactive Visualization Information Platform for Tunnel Engineering Monitoring
PU Hao,PENG Yong,XU Yuan,SHU Qun,ZENG Xue-yi
Research purposes:At present,foreign and domestic study on information management system for tunnel engineering monitoring mainly remains in simple chart analysis of monitoring data under 2D view.A few system achieved information query under 3D condition,but the tunnel model is relatively rough and the information is single.In this paper,the technology of 3D real-time interactive visualization was apply to develop tunnel monitoring information platform where the tunnel model had almost real and rich information.
Research conclusions:(1)Using R-Trees to create a spatial index can achieve an efficient management of huge amounts of data.(2)The tunnel engineering monitoring 3D real—time interactive visual information platform we studied combines building 3D scene of tunnel quickly interactive roaming and information query into one.You Can browse the scene smoothly,and the information is abundant and complete.(3)The practice proves that using the information platform can improve the visualization and interactivity of the tunnel monitoring for users,which greatly improves the work efficiency.(4)This research result can be applied to 3D visualization management of tunnel,railway,highway, urban rail transit and other engineering fields.
2014 Vol. 31 (3): 91-96 [
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Research on the Evaluation of Urban Rail Transit Network
ZHANG Kai,QIN Bin-bin,LIU Yong-shen,ZHANG Qiang
Research purposes:Urban rail transit network is the skeleton of the city,if its layout is reasonable,it will promote the development of the city,on the contrary,it will hinder the development of the city.Therefore, the rail transit network rating is of great significance.In order to realize a scientific and reasonable evaluation to urban rail transit network.we put forward a kind of urban rail transit network evaluation method based on APH method and entropy weight method in this paper.
Research conclusions:(1)Based on systematic analysis of the rail transit evaluation index system,the five quantitative evaluation indexes we got are typical.(2)The calculation method of the evaluation index weight which is based on APH values method and entropy weight method we pointed out,both considered the subjective experience of relevant experts and followed the objective information contained in the index itself. (3)This method has been used to specific example.The calculation resuh shows that the greater coefficient of urban rail transit network evaluation is more superior.it is consistent with actual.(4)This method can realize the rail transit network comprehensive evaluation of each national big city,it can provide theoretical basis for reasonable urban rail transit network planning.
2014 Vol. 31 (3): 97-101 [
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The Analysis of Space Deformation of Shallow Excavation Loess Metro Tunnel
KANG Zou,ZHENG Jia-jia,XIE Yong-li
Abstract:Research purposes:In order to understand the laws of space deformation of shallow excavation metro tunnel construction in loess area,this paper constructs a three—dimensional numerical calculation model,which is based on the project of Xihn NO.2 metro line,and systematically researches the laws on the vertical and horizontal deformation of the surface and stratum,looking forward to enhance the construction level of metro tunnel in loess area.
Research conclusions:(1)The spatial effect on double—hole excavation is directly related to the hole diameter and the relative position。which the impact will take place when it is around twice diameters far between the face of the latter excavated cavern and the test section of the former one,and without any effect when the distance is excess the range.(2)The surface deformation is divided into three stages,which involves slow change,rapid change and gradual stability with shallow tunneling method.(3)The influence of the construction on stratum is inversely proportional to the embedded depth that with the increasing depth,the effect on the other side of stratum decreases.(4)Similarly,the inverse relation takes place between the settlement rate and the distance of test section that with the face becomes closer to the section.the rate increases.On the contrary,tlle rate constantly decreases when the distance becomes more far,which shown as an infundibulum,and the maximal value of it is at the area 2 to 4 meters after the face.(5)The transverse settlement curve of surface appears an infundibulum with wide bottom,and the settlement curve of stratum shows a standard”W”.(6)The above—mentioned conclusions offer a technical support to the protection of ground&underground key cultural relics and ancient&modern buildings in the construction of Xi’an metro.
2014 Vol. 31 (3): 102-109 [
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Study and Prediction of Surface Settlement in Xi’an Subway during Shield Construction Based on Stochastic Medium Theory
GU Shuan-cheng,LI Min
Research purposes:For the problem of calculated the cross—section convergence when use the stochastic medium theory to predict the surface subsidence induced by shield construction,on the basis of consideration of shield construction technology,combined with the engineering geological conditions,this paper uses the theory of elastic mechanics knowledge to calculate the parameters needed for the stochastic medium theory to predict the surface subsidence.The purpose is that can quantify the parameters of section convergence and optimize the factors which affect convergence value when use the stochastic medium theory to predict the surface subsidence. Research conclusions:Through the analysis of surface settlement of Xi hn subway tunnel induced by shield construction,the results show that:(1)Among these three factors which affect ground settlement,the influence of eccentric overbreak is the most and is the most difficult to contr01.(2)The key factor to control the ground settlement is controlling convergence deformation which caused by stress release in shield machine tail,and in the range of elastic deformation,increasing grouting pressure properly can control section convergence value and reduce ground settlement.(3)The predicted results of surface subsidence which are got from the method for calculating convergence value of section in this paper and stochastic medium theory are matched well with the actual results.And it will provided a certain theoretical basis to develop the control measures for reduced ground surface subsidence by shield construction in the compact structure of soil mass and high strength of loess strata.
2014 Vol. 31 (3): 110-116 [
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Research on the Measurement of Carbon Emission from Railway Operation and Evaluation of Low-carbon Effect
XIE Han-sheng,ZHOU Xin-jun,HUANG Yin,SHANG Yi-fan
Research purposes:This paper aims at estimating the change of carbon emission from railway operation in recent years through the establishment of carbon emission calculation model on the base of revealing the relationship between energy saving and carbon emission reduction in railway operation.And it also aims to establish the system of evaluation on low—-carbon effect by determining the factors affecting railway carbon emissions and their weight in order to offer the evaluation tool to energy saving and emission reduction.
Research conclusions:The analytic result shows that energy consumption directly determines the carbon emissions,therefore by introducing the correlation coefficient energy consumption can be convened into carbon emissions.Because a lot of clean energy is used in the railway operation,and in the strict sense,the power itself does not directly generate carbon emissions,the energy consumption of railway is not entirely equivalent to carbon emissions,that need to be clearly stated in the carbon emissions calculation.Technology assessment and management evaluation are the main factors of evaluation system,and by using the AHP and expert scoring method,the weights of all levels can be determined.The method to calculate the carbon emissions and the system of evaluation on low-carbon effect presented in this article can be applied in such fields including emissions statistics,monitoring and evaluation in the railway sector.
2014 Vol. 31 (3): 117-122 [
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Research on the Innovation Model and Rebuilding of Scientific Process Based on Innovative Approach
WEI Yong-xing,XIONG Xiang-xue,QIN Xiao-lin,YUAN Zhi-gang
Research purposes:China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co.Ltd,one of the major engineering consulting enterprises in China,began in 2006 to employ innovative approach in its operation,including staff tentative studies,all—round training and software—based training.However,further efforts are needed on how to merge the creative approach into technical research management and apply the new methods to practice.
Research conclusions:Through the research,the following results are acquired:(1)Project research and development or technical direction screening proceeded by applying the innovative approach are the best ways to promote and apply the innovative approach for engineering consulting enterprises.(2)Pilot study,based on the innovative approach and added to science research process,is in favor of enhancing the results of scientific research projects 88 well as the Success rate of project approval.(3)A new concept”expert sub—group”is developed in team construction and enterprise innovative model.The practice shows that the promotion mode of innovative approach could bring the advantages of approach theorist and engineering technician into full play,and it helps to improve the level of scientific research and development of engineering consulting enterprises.(4)The research results can be generalized to such enterprises.
2014 Vol. 31 (3): 123-128 [
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Application and Risk Analysis of BIM in Railway Systems
XU Jun,LI An-hong,LIU Hou-qiang,YE Ming-zhu,ZHANG Jie-ru
Research purposes:Recently,software,hardware and IT level are highly developed,which make it possible for the wide application of BIM in the engineering construction.Based on the respective characteristics of BIM and railway systems,and the present application of BIM in rails,the possible application areas of BIM in the while life cycle of railway aye expounded firstly.And then the application risk and countermeasures of BIM in railway systems are analyzed from five aspects policy,economy,technology,human resources and management,which would provide a reference for the application of BIM,the construction of information-base railway,and the establishment of related standards.
Research conclusions:(1)The advent of BIM technology provides new drivers for improvement of the production and management efficiency,and can be applied to railway planning,design,construction and operation.It helps to improve project quality and reduce construction costs. (2)Many risks are obvious,such as imperfect policy,indistinctive benefits,inadequate core—technology,shortage of human resources,and uncertain management system,SO that BIM’s application has mainly focused on three—dimensional modeling,and hasn’t yet completed the application of whole life cycle.Relative technology,standards,policy,management,etc.,require further improvement.
2014 Vol. 31 (3): 129-133 [
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Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
Supported by:
Beijing Magtech