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2014 Vol. 31, No. 7
Published: 2014-07-15
Discussion of Difficult Technical Problems about Geophysical Exploration on Railway
LI Jian
Research purposes : As basic data for the design, there is a great difference in the comparison of data precision of geophysical exploration with expected precision of engineering design. Some difficult technical problems are one of causations resulting in the differences. These difficult problems badly restrict development of geophysical exploration technology on railway. Putting forward and discussing these difficult problems is to arouse the experts and colleagues at home and abroad paying attention to and solving these difficult problems.
Research conclusions :(1) The difficult problems can be summed up as contradiction of disturbance with resolution ratio, contradiction of difference of physical properties with resolution ratio and contradiction of depth of exploration with resolution ratio. (2) Due to restriction of the difficult problems, it is notable especially that defection of the application effect on geophysical exploration. (3) If the difficult problems are solved or partly solved, the ability and precision of geophysical exploration will be greatly enhanced in railway engineering geological investigation, and it will be tremendous development on geophysical exploration technology.
2014 Vol. 31 (7): 1-6 [
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Research on the Different Characteristics of Sand - drift between Gobi and Plateau
LI Kai - chong,XUE Chun - xiao, JIANG Fu - qiang,LIU He - ye
Research purposes : Through the research and analysis of field test and laboratory test data of Qinghai - Tibet Plateau and the Xinjiang Gobi area, the characteristics and the main manifestation of sand - drift between them are discussed, which will provide some fundamental data and theoretical basis for the design and the construction of sand disaster protection engineering in these area.
Research conclusions : (I) The result of sand particle size analysis shows that the mostly segment is less than 0. 25 mm in sand drift movement. (2) The different characteristics of sand — drift have been discovered between Xinjiang Gobi and Qinghai — Tibet Plateau. The wind speed causing erosion is about 11.0 ~ 20. 0 m/s in Xinjiang Gobi area, which is much larger than 7.0 m/s in the Qinghai — Tibet Plateau. (3) The laws of wind carrying sediment changes with height are described by power function,and the wind carrying sediment is decreased with height increasing. (4) Sand transport capacity attains to almost 90% of total capacity within 0. 5 meters in Qinghai - Tibet Plateau, but it is only 76% in Xinjiang Gobi area. (5) The research results can provide some references for the design and the construction of sand disaster protection engineering in the similar surroundings.
2014 Vol. 31 (7): 7-11 [
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Application of LIDAR Technology in Geological Hazard Investigation and Monitoring
FENG Guang - sheng
Research purposes : Unfavorable geological survey is one of the important contents of engineering geological investigation in mountain railway and highway construction projects, to determine the distribution range, the size and influence of the unfavorable geological condition. There are defects in large workload, long cycle, low efficiency, low accuracy and high safety risks in artificial investigation with navigation and satellite interpretation, and it is unable to meet the need of constantly improve in the construction quality, safety and efficiency. Through the scanning of laser radar for the unfavorable geological conditions, its 3D information can be fast acquired, its spatial size, position and distribution are determined, and more accurate data is provided for engineering geological investigation.
Research conclusions :(1) The different angle mountain shadow map by using DEM from lidar can accurately express the micro landform,and be advantageous to distinguish of geological disasters. (2) The boundary of slope, collapse and ground subsidence can be determined by means of lidar gradient image and DOM. (3) The slope deformation and ground subsidence can be dynamically monitored by means of lidar data of different periods. (4) The technique is effective for the unfavorable geological survey and monitoring of geological survey of railway and highway engineering, it has the characteristics of real — time, dynamic and initiative, which overcomes the defects of the traditional manual
2014 Vol. 31 (7): 12-16 [
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Laboratory Test Research on the Mechanical Characteristics of Delivery Controlled Anchor
ZHENG Jing, MENG Jin - bao, WANG Xu2, AN Meng - kang, LV Chang - ming
Research purposes : The common anchor used in slope engineering is fully grouted anchor, which uses the solid strata ( sliding body or potential landslide sliding body) adhesive strength between mortar and soil or rock and have a certain self — anchoring effect, however, because of the uneven stress distribution the reinforced effect of anchor is limited. Prestressed anchor can not make use of adhesive strength and without self — anchoring effect, it is need outer anchorage structure and grouting anchor body reaches a certain strength that apply a post - tensioned locking force,then can reflect anchoring effect. For this situation, a new structure of delivery controlled anchor ( ZL201120477930. 8 ) is researched and invented, which can take full advantage of the adhesive strength between mortar and soil or rock of reinforced ground. The purpose of this experiment is through indoor model test to compare delivery controlled anchor with fully grouted anchor,research the mechanical behavior and effects of delivery controlled anchor.
Research conclusions : It is concluded from the study that :(1) According to the test results of data analysis,due to the unbonded segments are arranged alternately at the free section on the new structure of delivery controlled anchor, peak values of anchor stress appear alternately along the free section during the loading process,and the stress distribution is relatively unifoml,which takes full use of the self-anchoring effects of the free section,SO the mechanical behavior of the anchor is well improved.(2)Viewing from the displacement of two different anchors,it Call be seen that the displacements of delivery controlled anchor is smaller than that of fully grouted anchor,and the slope deformation Call be restricted much better,which reflects the superiority of delivery controlled anchor.(3)The research results Call provide guidance and reference to the efficient use of anchor free section.
2014 Vol. 31 (7): 17-21 [
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Research on the Behavior of Rigid - flexible and Long - short Piles net Composite Foundation
BAO Shu - feng
Research purposes : In order to study on the feasibility of rigid - flexible and long - short piles - net composite foundation for controlling the post - construction settlement of deep soft soil subgrade,it was very necessary to make a research on behavior of rigid - flexible and long - short piles - net composite foundation. Based on a project of improving soft soil subgrade of Yingkou Station of Harbin - Dalian High - speed Railway,a field experiment study was carried out.
Research conclusions : It was concluded that : ( 1 ) It was the direct reasons causing " soil arching effect" in the embankment fill of the big difference between the stiffness of piles and the stiffness of soils, and the soil arching effect mainly depended on the differential stiffness. (2) For this kind of composite foundation, the settlement model included the equal - settlement zone in the embankment,the soil arching effect zone in the embankment,the negative friction impact zone, the positive friction impact zone and the equal - settlement zone in the substratum under the bottom of piles. The stiffness of the cushion had a main impact on the settlement difference between piles and soils. (3) For this kind of composite foundation, the average earth pressure on the top of CFG piles was 196 times bigger than the average one on the soil - area between piles,and that on the top of MIP piles was 22 times bigger than that on the soil - area between piles. The ground bearing capacity was obviously improved by MIP piles. (4) By this kind of composite foundation combined with preloading method for improving deep soft soil subgrade,96%of the total settlement was eliminated,and the settlement of post-construction was around 2.0 mill.Therefore, it met the requirements of stability during the operation of high-speed railway.(5)The research results can provide a good guidance for the improvement of deep soft soil roadbed in high-speed railway and highway.
2014 Vol. 31 (7): 22-27 [
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Research on the Foundation Grouting Reinforcement Scheme in Karst Area of Passenger Dedicated Line
ZHANG Wen - xue,CHEN Zhuang, LIU Hai - lu
Research purposes : With the development of planning and construction of railway passenger dedicated line in our nationwide, it is more common for railway bridges to pass through karst areas. As a result, how to analyze the effect of grouting reinforcement on the settlement of pile foundation and determine a reasonable grouting reinforcement scheme has become the problem of designing a pile foundation of railway bridge in karst areas. Based on pile foundation engineering of a railway passenger dediciated line in karst area,genuine Lizheng Software that based on code was used to analyze the effect of different grouting reinforcement scheme on the settlement of pile foundation, at the same time reasonable grouting reinforcement scheme was selected.
Research conclusions :(1) Only grouting karst cave can control the tilt of pill foundation well,but it can not control the settlement of pile foundation effectively. (2) Only grouting the soil layer at pile tip can control the settlement of pile foundation effectively, but it can not control the tilt of pill foundation well. (3) Grouting both karst cave and the soil layer at pile tip not only can control the tilt of pill foundation well,but also can control the settlement of pile foundation effectively, as the result it is a better grouting reinforcement scheme. (4) The above conclusions can provide reference for the engineering of pile foundation grouting reinforcement in karst area.
2014 Vol. 31 (7): 28-32 [
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Method of Retaining Structure Limit State Design Based on Probability Theory
WEI Yong - xing,LUO Yi - nong,LIU Chang - qing
Research purposes : The reliability theory based on the probability theory is a kind of advanced method for engineering research and design, but limited to the lack of related research, has not been adopted in the current design specifications of railway subgrade retaining in China. So it is necessary to research the retaining structure limit state design method based on probability theory.
Research conclusions :(1) The reliability of the traditional retaining structure design by using the total safety coefficient method is unknown, the effects of the variable uncertainty is not considered, some potential safety risks exist. (2) The research approach to study the limit state design method of retaining structure is to establish a limit state equation, analyze reliability index and determine the partial coefficient of design expression. ( 3 ) Determine the target reliability index and the partial coefficient in limit state design expression according to the different condition. (4) In this paper, the retaining structure limit state design method based on the probability theory can be directly used in the design of railway subgrade retaining structure.
2014 Vol. 31 (7): 33-37 [
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Research the on Relationship between Reliability Index of Retaining Structure and Partial Coefficient
LUO Yi - nong 1,LIU Chang - qing 2,WEI Yong - xing 1
Research purposes : From the concept of reliability index,the relationship between reliability index of retaining structure and the partial coefficient is discussed in theory. And by the analysis on calculation results of the several typical structural reliability index of retaining structure and partial coefficient, guideline opinions are put forward for reference of specification revision.
Research conclusions :(1) The theoretical analysis and practical calculation results show that the safety coefficient or partial coefficient of retaining structure and reliability index are positive correlation. (2) The reliability index is closely related to the retaining structure limit state, corresponding to different status and safety forecast, the reliability index of the different classification should be adopted. (3) Based on viewpoint of system engineering, the reliability of retaining structure is maintained in the same level, each partial coefficient calculated in retaining structure design should be adjusted according to the analytical result of reliability index. (4) Reliability index classification of retaining structure in this paper and the viewpoint of partial coefficient adjustment based on same reliability requirement can be directly used to guide the design of the retaining structure.
2014 Vol. 31 (7): 38-42 [
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Earth Pressure of Retaining Structure Based on Probability and Its Influence on Reliability Index
LIU Chang - qing,LUO Yi - nong,WEI Yong - xing
Research purposes : For the retaining structure, the main function is to support the lateral earth pressure. Studying the earth pressure from the viewpoint of probability theory is an important content in the study of retaining structure limit state. By analyzing the influence of main random variable uncertainty on earth pressure and the function calculation, this paper has analyzed the uncertainty of earth pressure calculation model to explain the relationship between earth pressure and retaining structure reliability.
Research conclusions :(1) The earth pressure is the key variable influencing the function calculation of retaining structure. (2) The uncertainty of comprehensive internal friction angle and uncertainty of computing model are the main source of uncertainty of earth pressure calculation. (3 ) The earth pressure calculation method has great influence on reliability index, and it is very important to correctly choose calculation model, which is the key to the reliability index calculation. (4) The earth pressure calculation based on the theory of probability is worth further study. (5) The research conclusions can be used for reference to the engineering designers and researchers.
2014 Vol. 31 (7): 43-47 [
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Research on the New Method for Accurate Linear Segmentation of Plane and Vertical Curve Type in Existing Railway
GUO Liang-hao,LIU Cheng-long,SONG Tao,LIN Yuan-hu
Research purposes : The measured linear segmentation in existing railway,which would affect linear fitting and optimization, is the first step of retest calculation. Considering the shortage of low segmentation accuracy in existing retest segmentation process,we propose a new method for linear segmentation : first find the approximate location of pile point by using the method of approximate segmentation, then carry on accurate segmentation by fitting and iterating calculation.
Research conclusions :(1) Based on adjacent chord azimuth changes,the method of approximate segmentation can handle different curve radius measured data, and the result meets the requirement of fitting and iterating calculation.(2)By contrast of the segmentation results between measured data and design data,the method of plane accurate segmentation can achieve high segmentation accuracy.(3)By contrast of the segmentation results between measured data and design data, the method of vertical linear accurate segmentation is correct and the high accuracy can be achieved. (4) The research achievement can be applied in measured linear calculation,and has the reference value for linear adjustment in existing railway.
2014 Vol. 31 (7): 48-52 [
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Research on the Seams Genesis of CRTS - I Ballastless Track Slab's Four Corners in Severe Cold Area
LU wei
Research purposes : Given the actual condition of the seamsr regular change in four comers between CRTS - I ballastless track slab of Harbin - Dalian Passenger Dedicated Line and mortar of packed layer in severe cold area, in order to reduce or eliminate the influence for ballastless track structure from the four — comer seams,this dissertation discusses the causes of the four - corner seams of CRTS - I ballastless track slab in theory and offers solutions for reference of design and construction of slab ballastless track structure in China.
Research conclusions : (1) The main reasons for the four - comer seams of CRTS - I ballastless track slab are the buckling deformation caused by the temperature difference between the board and the bottom and the Hanging Empty phenomenon between lower and higher tracks among adjacent slabs after track — laying. (2) The night or the season of least temperature difference between day and night would be better to do mortar pouring, and the best time is between 21:00 and 6 :30. Also delicate adjustment, effective clamping force and full mortar pouring are necessary. (3 ) It is also necessary to improve the adjustment accuracy of the slabs, especially to maximize to eliminate the height difference of adjacent tracks. (4) This study is very useful to reduce the seams of CRTSI,II,IH ballastless track slabs four comers.
2014 Vol. 31 (7): 53-56 [
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Impacts of Prestress Loss on the Deflection for Large - span Prestressed Concrete Continuous Girder Bridges
BU Jian - qing,CUI Jin - can
Research purposes : In recent years several large - span prestressed concrete continuous girder bridges appear large deflection in the main span after opened a period of time at home and abroad,which not only influences the comfort and security of the passing vehicle, but also threatens the safety of the bridge and shortens the service life of the bridge. This study aims to analyze how the prestress loss affect long — term deflection of large — span continuous girder bridge, the research conclusions may be the theory basis for taking effective measures to control the continuous down — warping in the design, construction and reinforcement for large — span prestressed concrete continuous girder bridge across.
Research conclusions : The deflection of large — span prestressed concrete continuous girder bridges is long — term growth,and its growth rate is uncertain. The mid — span deflection increases with the span length,the growth rate has a close relationship with the span length and prestress loss degree, and the prestress loss effect is more obvious when bridge span length is greater. The prestress loss of top deck has more effect on mid — span deflection than that of bottom slab. The creep and shrinkage of concrete and the prestress loss caused by these are the main reason of mid — span deflection large — span prestressed concrete continuous girder bridges. This research results can be applied to optimization design and construction for large — span prestressed concrete continuous girder bridges.
2014 Vol. 31 (7): 57-61 [
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Analysis of Railway Reinforced System Based on Vehicle - rail Interaction Theory and Finite Element Theory
PENG Bin,ZHANG Nan,YANG Jing -jing
Research purposes : To improve the speed limit standard of train when passing construction site of frame bridges jacking — in,optimize the design process of railway reinforced system with cross beam and solve the difficult problems on construction site,static modeling and dynamic calculation of railway reinforced system are carried out based on finite element theory and vehicle — rail interaction theory,related indexes of railway reinforced system are analyzed when train is passing. Standards of static modeling and dynamic calculation on railway reinforced system are established by referring to codes and rules, and calculate results are evaluated.
Research conclusions : Static model used in this article can simulate the construction site more accurately,dynamic calculation can simulate the acceleration and load reduction of reinforced system, and the vibration and resonance phenomenon can be reflected. Calculation and evaluation of railway reinforced system should be held under static and dynamic calculation. The results should be evaluated under advised standards listed in this article, then the conclusion can be more reliable. The research conclusions in this article can be applied to design and evaluation of railway reinforced system.
2014 Vol. 31 (7): 62-68 [
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Research on the Capacity of NSl 003 Railway Crane Running on Railway
LIU Zhen - ying
Research purposes : As a special lifting equipment,railway crane speed in train marshalling and towing state has a great significance for railway rescue. NS1003 railway crane is taken as the object of study, when it runs through the railway bridges along the way in marshalling and towing state, the effect of axle load and wheelbase changing on running speed on bridges is analyzed, to provide analysis method for railway crane design in the future.
Research conclusions : When the main structure and gravity center position of the crane are confirmed, the bogie wheelbase can be adjusted to improve its echo performance. If the product design cycle is short, first design the whole machine structure, finally adjust the parameters of the crane to improve its echo performance. If the product design cycle is long, constantly optimize the crane design, use the method which adjusting the weight and gravity center location of the crane and crane bogie wheelbase and axle load, to get ideal crane echo performance.
2014 Vol. 31 (7): 69-77 [
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BridgBuilding PC Cluster System to Achieve the Complex Numerical Simulation of Underground Engineeringe
DU Jun,MEI Zhi-rong
Research purposes:With the rapid development of computer technology,it is possible to achieve the complex three-dimensional numerical simulation of underground engineering. However, due to limited processing power and speed of the personal computer and a high cost of supercomputer configuration,the construction of PC cluster system which has a simple structure,low cost and good scalability characteristics is preferred as a normal user. For these reasons,the research on building PC cluster system was carried out,the performance test of PC cluster system was completed and the numerical simulation of Jiaheyuan underground engineering which had multi-units and different working conditions was achieved by using cluster system.
Research conclusions:(1)PC cluster system has high flexibility,and can be expanded in accordance with needs. (2)For the problem which a single computer can handle,PC cluster system is not dominant. But,for larger three- dimensional numerical simulation of geotechnical engineering,PC cluster system has advantages in realizability and operational speed,greatly improving working efficiency.(3)Realization of numerical simulation of Jiaheyuan underground engineering,not only guides the construction of this engineering,but also verifies that PC cluster system has the advantage in large scale three-dimensional numerical simulation. (4)PC cluster systems based on the personal computers make the complex numerical simulation of underground engineering achieve. It provides a convenient and cheap solution for underground engineers.
2014 Vol. 31 (7): 78-83 [
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Optimal Combination Prediction of Tunnel Deformation Based on OWGA Operators
LIU Shao-tang,LIU Wen-kai,ZHANG Hui-feng,PAN Jie-chen
Research purposes: In order to predict tunnel deformation developments,this paper proposed the optimal combination prediction model of tunnel deformation,based on literature review and the number of gray relational degree OWGA operators,using the latest nonlinear predictive theory,combined with specific engineering practice. Taking the logarithm of the gray relational degree between predictive value sequence and the observational value sequence as the objective function,integrated ordered geometric weight based on prediction accuracy. The analyses using the MATLAB in Grey,exponential smoothing, ARMA and the new model are to test the effectiveness and the rationality of the new model.
Research conclusions:Compared to grey prediction,smoothing prediction,ARMA prediction,the prediction accuracy of optimal combination prediction of tunnel deformation based on the number of gray relational degree OWGA operators is higher with minimum error. Its forecasting result is not only reasonable and effective,but also is optimal. This research can be applied to tunnel safety monitoring and deformation prediction field.
2014 Vol. 31 (7): 84-88 [
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The Multi-criteria Evaluation of Rockburst Proneness on Deep Buried Large Tunnel
HUANG Yu-ren,MAO Jian-xi,LIN Chao-yang,LI Shu-line,HU Jing-yun
Research purposes:North Wuyi Mountain of high-speed railway is a single hole bidirectional tunnel,and the maximum depth of the tunnel is as deep as 1100 meters, so it belongs to high stress area that may cause rockburst in the process of excavation. The indoor experiments about rockburst proneness of rock samples which was collected in high stress area of the tunnel are recorded in this paper, and some property parameters of rock like the uniaxial compressive strength were got combining acoustic emission testing. Four kinds of single index evaluation method were used to evaluate rockburst proneness firstly,including the intensity of brittleness coefficient method,the deformation brittleness coefficient method,the elastic strain energy method and the tangential stress criterion. Then the comprehensive evaluation method of fuzzy mathematical was used to evaluate.
Research conclusions:(1)Combined with acoustic emission monitoring technology,we can get two indexes more accurately than conventional experiment. (2)According to rock properties and surrounding rock stress,we increase the evaluation indicator of deformation brittleness coefficient method. It showed that the results from the comprehensive evaluation method of fuzzy mathematical are more in line with the actual situation of the rock burst of tunnel compared with the single index evaluation.(3)The research result provides a feasible method to predict rockburst and it is significant to prevent and control of rockburst in advance for similar engineering.
2014 Vol. 31 (7): 89-94 [
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Check Distance Measurement Accuracy of AT Suck Current Ratio with Locomotive Load Current
YU Guo-wang
Research purposes:Currently,railway passenger dedicated line adopts up and down AT all-paralleling feeding system,which uses short-circuit test(man-made short-circuit point ) to check its protection reliability and distance measurement accuracy. As the destructiveness and fatalness of the short-circuit test,it is very difficult to operate,the cost is very high,there are also limit for test times and flexibility. This paper analyzes the feasibility to adopt locomotive load monitoring and imitating short-circuit test to measure distance,to explore a safe and reliable test scheme.
Research conclusions ; The research proves that the locomotive load current distribution ratio is the same to the current distribution ration under short-circuit condition. So it is workable to make research with locomotive load current value instead of short-circuit parameters. The verified parameters calculated with locomotive load apply to the protective value of the failure distance and locate the actual failure point. Establish the T-R short-circuit ratio curve graph of each section of the whole line by using a large amount of data,and then confirm the failure point location by seeking table method. This technology could be applied to up and down all-paralleling AT feeding systems distance measurement accuracy verification and formulas of newly built and operational railway passenger dedicated line to verify parameters.
2014 Vol. 31 (7): 95-98 [
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Characteristic Analysis of Track Spectrums of Different Subway Line Conditions
HE Yue-lei,LI Zai-wei,SHENG Chun-ling,CHEN Xin
Research purposes: Track irregularity is directly related to the subway train running stability and comfort. Track irregularity spectrums of different subway line conditions which contain ballastless track on elevated lines, ballasted track on ground lines and ballastless track on underground line were fitted and characteristics of which were compared for providing technical references to management of railway track quality and track dynamics analysis.
Research conclusions:(1)Track fitting spectrum using track irregularity spectrum model from China Academy of Railway Sciences and Levenberg-Marquardt method characterizes the original spectral characteristics well. (2)Subway track irregularity spectrum is with spectrum signature of broadband and narrowband random wave and some harmonic with complex periodic,different subway lines are with different spectrum signatures.(3)The condition of profile and align irregularity maintains well.(4)The research results could be used in track structure design and track maintenance.
2014 Vol. 31 (7): 99-104 [
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The Influence of High Pressure Aquifer on Construction of Hangzhou Subway and Its Countermeasures
ZHU Chun-lei
Research purposes: The complicated hydrogeological condition is a great challenge confronted in the construction of Hangzhou subway. Especially,the construction risk caused by the high pressure aquifer along the Qiantang River cannot be ignored. This paper summarizes the features of high pressure aquifer in Hangzhou which has great impacts on the subway construction. The problems of high pressure aquifer in the projects of cross-river tunnel and riverside deep foundation of Hangzhou Metro Line 1 .and the corresponding control measures,are particularly introduced. Additionally,the practical implementation effects are also analyzed. This paper aims to provide the reference to the construction of Hangzhou subway.
Research conclusions: Technical solutions to the problem of high pressure aquifer in the construction of Hangzhou subway are proposed as below:(1)The brine freezing method in conjunction with the mode of tunneling shield reaching the shaft underwater is used to avoid the risk of quicksand and water gushing. (2)The preventive measures against water gushing based on the structure optimization of shield are set, including two inverted one-way restrictors installed in the conveyer and two rings of wire brush seal appended a ring of steel plate brush seal; and the EPDM rubber gasket with water pressure resistance of 0.9MPa is determined to use as waterproof measures of segment joint.(3)The connected aisle under the river is constructed by the subsurface excavation technology and reinforced by a new freezing method,the frost heave and thaw collapse of which is controlled by the deformation of tunnel linings.(4)Combined with the foundation engineering of Jiangling Road station,a complex pressure reduction and dewatering technology is developed, which is to form a complete shut-off waterproof curtain by overlapping a grouting curtain with a certain depth beneath the toe of diaphragm wall. (5)The technical solutions to the problem of high pressure aquifer encountered in the subway construction mentioned in this paper guarantee the successful engineering implementation of Hangzhou Metro Line 1, which can provide valuable experience to the subsequent construction of Hangzhou subway.
2014 Vol. 31 (7): 105-109 [
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Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
Supported by:
Beijing Magtech