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2013 Vol. 30, No. 12
Published: 2013-12-15
Research on the Design of Line Selection of Route Scheme Basingon Guangzhou Nansha Port Railway
ZHOU De-hong
Research purposes:Guangzhou Nansha port railway is a freight railway which start from Heshan Railway Station of Guangzhou—Zhuhai railway and end of the Guangzhou Nansha port.Because the control factors such as existing and planned expressway,existing and in the construction of the railway,high—voltage wire corridor,factories and mines,both the layout and planning of city,navigable river and SO Off spread all over the railway which has caused a great influence on the feasibility of railway line scheme and has seriously hindered construction progress of the project. This paper attempts to combine the construction reality of Guangzhou Nansha port railway by expanding the route scheme of route design and reasonably avoiding or treating along the control factors that in order to ensure the feasibility and rationality of the railway line scheme and vigorously promote the process of projeet construction and provides valuable experience for the construction of similar projects.
Research conclusions:(1)Comparison and selection of route scheme is an important content of design of railway line selection.When we conduct the comparison and selection of route scheme must synthetically considering the influencing factors such as project investment,difficulty of project implementation,project risk and local government opinion and SO on in order to make sure the selected line scheme optimal.(2)The analytic hierarchy process and muhi-objective decision-making model can effectively assist making decision for comparison and selection of route scheme.(3)In this paper,the study on the design of line selection of route scheme basing on Guangzhou Nansha port railway has comprehensively discusses the ideas and methods of comparison and selection of route scheme that has the typical scientific rationality and could provide reference and application for similar program.
2013 Vol. 30 (12): 1-5 [
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Research on Crossing- mountain Schemes of Jiufen2shan Mountain in Quzhou-Ningde Railway
MU Han-1in
Research purposes:Quzhou-Ningde Railway through The Jiufengshan mountain which like thick”door”, The crossing-mountain area’s length is relatively long and dispersion Is relatively large,the engineering geological conditions are complicated,and there are many scenic spots here.The combination of these control factors of these directions of line,we focus on the research on single and double of Jiufengshan mountain tunnel,tunnel length and the location of pingnan railway station.We can acquire recommended through comprehensive comparison,analysis shows that the recommended scheme for the purpose of providing the reference to the similar works.
Research conclusions:Schemes of Jiufengshan mountain are complex,which Are affected by many factors including passenger and freight transport capacity,the length of super mountain tunnel,the tunnel position,environmental regulations,engineering geological conditions,construction investment and So on.We acquires even schemes of three series through the study of large area of the crossing-mountain and the following conclusions through comparison of the engineering difficulty,the engineering geological conditions,engineering investment and the driving action for local economy development are:(1)First construction of double line can meet demand of passenger and freight transport in long tunnel crossing interval,and investment is low in the forward and operational risk is small.(2)Second length of crossing-mountain tunnel of east station scheme of pingnan baiyu is longest,but its passenger and freight transport conditions are relatively good,auxiliary projects are low,which has the practical significance to promote the local economic development in pingnan.
2013 Vol. 30 (12): 6-9 [
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Research 0n the Expansion Plan for Yangang to Guangtong of Chengdu-Kunming Railway
YU Hao-wei,FANG Yi
Research purposes:As an infrastructure,railway investment is huge,we should pay particular attention to the top-level design.For the reconstruction of existing railway,how to choose the suitable scheme put in the first problem before the builders,reasonable or not will directly affect the implementation effect and the success or failure of railway construction. In this paper, we take Yangang to Guangtong section as an example,described the necessity and the research ideas of its expansion,detailed study of the different expansion plan.
Research conclusions:(1)The existing Chengdu-Kunming Railway’s technical standard is very low, it's transport capacity can not meet demand,urgent need to capacity expansion.(2) Single expansion plan and construction of the second program have range of issues,such as does not meet the traffic requirements,low speed ,long travel time,low utilization of existing lines,should not be used.(3)As the main channel of communication between northwest, Sichuan and Yunnan,ASEAN,South Asia,as the case of investment is not very different,press New 200 km/h double standard on the Chengdu-Kunming Railway for capacity expansion is appropriate. (4)The research results can be applied to similar existing lines expansion and speed improvement projects.
2013 Vol. 30 (12): 10-14 [
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Research on the Method of Railway Promotion Design for Changchun Baicheng
CHEN Yu,ZHANG Meng-tao
Research purposes:Four stages method applies in forecasting passenger flow of passenger dedicated line extensively and succeed.But few common railway projects use this way in passenger flow forecasting.In pace with advancing of serve,the common railway has stronger competitive power,and leads to be more difficult in passenger flow forecasting.The passenger flow forecasting in railway of Changchun—Baicheng,based on four stages method, combined the traditional method on passenger flow forecasting,ensured the result of passenger flow forecasting being close to the actual result of the project.
Research conclusions:Four stages method applies in forecasting passenger flow of the project of Changchun-Baicheng Railway indicates:(1)Four stages method applies in forecasting passenger flow of common railway as well as applies in Passenger-Dedicated Line;(2)Compared with the traditional methods,four stages method applies in forecasting passenger flow of common railway is advanced and more credibility;(3)The result of the passenger flow forecasting is more fit for the design annual,this study is significant and also useful for the similar projects to reference.
2013 Vol. 30 (12): 15-18 [
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Application Research on Percussion Hole Double Cage Pouring Pile in the Complex Formation
CHANG Ju-you,WANG Yu,YAN Yan,QIAO Song,LIU Zu-fu
Research purposes:Reflected wave method is used to investigate the integrity of the single cage pouting pile, validation found out there are serious expanding diameter and exposed reinforcement in the Complex Formation.both waste of concrete and the impact of the integrity of pile.Therefore should be studied,find out the reason,improved the construction method,not only can save concrete,but also ensure the concrete quality of pile body integrity.
Research conclusions:(1)Impact hole single cage pile expanding diameter mainly due to the impact force to impact into the hole,put flow sand in underground water level,gravel,silt,and soft plastic clay layer contact the bedrock,as well as the cavities within the filling fabric impact into the hole,respectively by the mud return hole with a hole,which is larger than the diameter of pile formed around the construction of underground space,underground space concrete large expanding diameter,the corresponding expanding appear above the necking and exposed reinforcement; (2)Impact hole single cage pile can be made in hard plastic silty clay layer that have not groundwater;(3)Percussion hole double cage pouting pile construction should be used in order to prevention of expanding diameter and expose reinforcement of the concrete and ensure the concrete quality of pile body integrity in the sand,gravel,silt flow layer that have groundwater;(4)Percussion hole double cage pouring pile should be applied and generalized in the field of percussion hole pouting pile.
2013 Vol. 30 (12): 19-22 [
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Study on Bearing Characteristics of Cement-soil Pile Including Steel by Model Test
SONG Xu-guo,DONG Jie,ZHANG Zhi-min,GUO Shi-zhou,LIU Jing-lei
Research purposes:At present,the construction of cement soil pile along incline direction is an effective means of strengthening the existing railway embankment.Because the cement soil piles mainly bear bending force,and the cement soil pile usually occurs some cracks in subgrade’s body to influence the reinforcement effects of the roadbed when the bending stress of cement soil pile at its bottom exceeds the tensile strength of cement,SO the double T-steel or steel pipe is used to be a reinforced material to the cement soil pile.Therefore,it is very significant that preferred materials should be determined in soil-cement piles before their construction.
Research conclusions:(1)The paper shows US that the main function of cement soil piles is subjected to bend loads, and the bending rigidity of pile will increase when reinforced bar is used.(2)The test results which used large scale model show that the use of reinforced cement soil pile can increase the whole bending rigidity greatly compared with concrete pile.(3)The cement soil pile reinforced by double T—steel at the lower part of section is proved that it is more excellent for its characteristics and more suitable for strengthening subgrade by using cement soil pile.(4)The integrity and uniformity of soil—cement piles is very important to flexural rigidity,some guaranteed measures should be made in construction stage.(5)Research finding can be used in strengthened design and construction of working railway bed.
2013 Vol. 30 (12): 23-28 [
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Research on Project of Horizontal Alignment of Switch Rail for No.9 Simple Turnout
QUAN Shun-xi
Research purposes:Horizontal alignment of switch rail has important effect on the service life of switch rail, driving safety and size of turnout in the No.9 turnout of urban mass transit.In order to guide the structure design of the No.9 turnout.the design calculation method of switch rail horizontal alignment should be established.The reasonable switch rail horizontal alignment of No.9 simple turnout should be proposed by analyzing the influence of switch rail alignment on the plane size of turnout.
Research conclusions:(1)Impact on switch rail is decreasing when the train passing through the turnout on the adverse route and the straightway length of switch rail is increasing with the increasing of disjoint value.Increasing the disjoint value can improve the service life of switch rail.(2)Increasing the half cut surface appropriately will shorten the length of turnout and increase the straightway length of switch rail.(3)The disjoint value is reasonable when the offset of half cut surface is equal to the maximum clearance of wheel-set under the condition of basic parameters of turnout are fixed. (4)The reasonable disjoint values are 16 mm and 23 mm when the basic parameters are consistent with current No. 28.3 m long turnout.which front lengths of basic rail are 2.620 m and 2.020 m.(5)This paper studies has some reference significance to the structure design of the No.9 turnout.
2013 Vol. 30 (12): 29-32 [
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Research on the Ballast Depth in Tinaco-Anaco Railway Line
YANG Ji-zhong,HAN Yi-tao,PAN Zi-li
Research purposes:The thiner ballast depth can not meet the requirements of track structure’s bearing capacity,while the thicker ballast depth will increase construction costs,It is very important to choose a reasonable ballast depth in overseas EPC projects.According to the operation terms in Tinaco-Anaco Railway line in Venezuela, the rate of residual track deformation is regarded as the value to evaluate deteriortion of the track geometrical state and maintaneance work in this paper.In order to define a best track depth from four kinds of ballast depth,the track quality is studied with respect to not only the bearing capacity of subgrade and track stiffness,but also the track maintaneance.
Research conclusions:(1)The track stiffness increases with the increasement of the ballast depth,but the increasement Is small.The ballast depth has little influence on the track elasticity.(2)With the increase of the ballast depth,the stress on the subgrade surface is reducing,when the ballast depth reaches 350 mm,the stress on the subgrade surface is 0.12 MPa,the safety coefficient has already been up to 1.5.(3)With the increase of the ballast depth,the acceleration of ballast is reducing,SO it is the same with the rate of residual track deformation.With other conditions no changing, When the ballast depth rises from 250 mm to 350 mm,the rate of residual track deformation reduces by 66.12%,which will reduce the maintaineance work greatly,and prolong the service life of track bed.(4)It is suggested that the ballast depth adopts 350 mm in the Tinaco—Anaco Railway line.(5)The research method and conclusion can be applied to similar projects.
2013 Vol. 30 (12): 33-35 [
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Bridge Type Study on Zhongning Yellow River Super Major Bridge on Taiyuan-Zhongwei-Yinchuan Railway
ZUO Jia-qiang
Research purposes:Taiyuan-Zhongwei-Yinchuan Railway is nearly 1 000 km with complex topographic and geological conditions.Bridge design speed is 200 km/h.Railway bridges across Yellow River in Zhongning County. Bridges are in octave seismic zone(peak ground acceleration 0.209).In order to satisfy navigation requirement and span requirements of the Yellow River Conservancy Commission,large span structure should be used.Accordingly,the most important problem becomes to select suitable bridge type in these bridge design.According to the natural condition of bridge site and external requirements,bridge type study on Zhongning Yellow River Super Major Bridge is carried out in this paper with emphasis on analysis of seismic force.
Research conclusions:Through the long—-unit prestressed concrete continuous beam and multi—-span simply supposed steel truss girder bridge type comparison,concluded that:(1)Steel truss girder meet a simple shape,force clear,light weight,stiffness and mass symmetry,the center of gravity low seismic design principles;(2)Steel truss girder to facilitate repairs,across major rivers,have a more important military significance;(3)Steel truss girder has a smaller temperature span,do not set the track temperature regulator,to avoid the adverse effects of passenger ride comfort; (4)This article can be a highly seismic region large span bridges bridge type choose to provide a theoretical basis,for other railway bridges style selection has a certain reference significance.
2013 Vol. 30 (12): 36-40 [
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Design and Research on Basket Handle Arch Bridge by Method of Arch First and Beam Late in High-speed Railway
ZHAO Zhi-jan
Research purposes:Qingyang port is the channel four.The Qingyang port bridge is a basket handle arch bridge of Nielson system with a single span of 96m.In order to meet the requirements of navigation,the arch first and beam late construction method is used.This article introduces the design of 96m basket handle arch bridge of Nielson system.The stress of the main structure of the bridge is calculated according to the established finite element model of bridge actual construction phase.It explains arch first and beam late construction method.
Research conclusions:Calculation results show that each cross section stress of the main bridge structure is in the corresponding material allowable stress range and meets the requirements of the code.Adjusting the stiffness of foundation,can change the displacement of arch rib span,arch rib steel pipe stress,concrete stress and rod stress.It needs sufficient strength and rigidity because of the first stress of steel tube arch rib by method of arch first and beam late.This method without support construction meets the navigation requirements and has great social benefits and has great social benefits.The conclusion can be applied to similar projects.
2013 Vol. 30 (12): 41-45 [
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Design and Analysis of Anti-collision and Collision Resistance Measures of A Pier
Research purposes:With increasing the average size and traffic of vessels,the ship anti-collision and resistance design of super major bridges crossing navigable waters have become an important problem.This paper takes a prestressed concrete reinforced concrete bridge of a railway line of passenger traffic as an example compared the ship collision forces calculated according to 3 types of domestic and overseas Codes,comprehensively researched the ship collision resistance measures SO as to offer the reference for bridge pier anti-collision design.
Research conclusions:(1)The ship collision forces has been calculated according to 3 types of the Chinese General Code for Design of Highway Bridges and Culverts,Chinese Fundamental Code for Design on Railway Bridge and Culvert and AASHTO.Furtherly,the models of the whole bridge and the piers are established by the finite element program MIDAS,the corresponding calculation has been repeatedly made and it is obtained from the calculation that the maximum ship collision force of main pier can sustain in the transverse direction of bridge is 1 3.62 MN,larger than the collision design force 9.62 MN calculated by the two types of the domestic codes,all meet the requirements set of codes. (2)The combination collision resistance measure of collision piers and cable protection has been set to protect main piers.the maximum collision force results of pier show that every steel tube concrete collision pier can sustain 55%and50%lateral and longitudinal design collision force.(3)This paper provides the theoretical evidence for super major bridge pier of a passenger dedicated line and also provides the valuable reference meanings to the study on bridge pier anti-collision research.
2013 Vol. 30 (12): 46-50 [
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Design of Extra-high Filling Urban Railway Open Cut Tunnel in Valley Mountain Area
KUANG Liang,CHEN Chi-kun,TAN Yong-jie,LUO Lu-sen
Research purposes:In the construction of the urban railway,more and more thick filling and heavy load railway open cut tunnels have been appearing in the control of factors of urban layout and construction,especially in the mountainous city,open cut tunnels may also be built above the high filling roadbed.The kind of railway open cut tunnel is more complex than common open cut tunnel,the more factors should be considered in design,around the open—cut tunnel for Fengdu land reclamation on the railway line from Chongqing to Lichuan for the engineering prototype,the critical design features including load combination,open—cut tunnel selection,lining stress analysis,internal and external lining critical process,foundation disposing formation,the whole stability,filling construction technology and SO on,are analyzed respectively.
Research conclusions:This paper proposes the double lining design method of outer lining bearing filling load and inner lining reinforcing structure and bearing later load.By means of finite element structure analysis,the key process is determined which inner lining must be exceed after the completion of outer liner and I—period filling,these design measures can ensure the stress safety and structure stability of open cut tunnel,concrete dam and foundation,and the whole and part stability of filling engineering.The method of shear pile on the bottom of open cut tunnel will prevent filling from pushing tunnel is proposed.Filling construction technology is key to ensuring the stability of open cut tunnel and dam,and the construction of concrete dam should control casting temperature and decline heat of hydration. Research achievements have important reference value and significance on the open excavation construction of railway, highway,subway tunnels,especially involving the open cut structure of thick filling,heavy load and deep foundation.
2013 Vol. 30 (12): 51-55 [
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Research on the Internal Structures of Road-metro Shield Tunnel
TANG Fei,HE Ying-dao
Research purposes:The internal structure of the shield tunnel is an important part of tunnel engineering, affecting the shield diameter,the construction schedule and investment,especially the road-metro shield tunnel. Based on the Sanyang road Yangtze River tunnel,the mechanics characteristic,the main construction technology, methods and their advantages and disadvantages of the internal structures and the flue sheet of tunnel are analyzed and compared in the paper.
Research conclusions:(1)With obvious advantages on waterproof ability,mechanics property and investment,the cast—in—situ method i8 recommended.(2)Prefabricated arc slab flue sheet is convenient for quality control and the stress state is good under the scour and silting-up condition in the operation,the flue sheet should be prefabricated. (3)The analysis can provide theoretical evidences and references for the large road-metro shield tunnel in future.
2013 Vol. 30 (12): 57-63 [
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Research on the Seepage Field Simulation of Water-sensitive Sandstone in Humaling Tunnel
BI Huan-jun
Research purposes:The Tertiary sandstone lies in the middle of HumMing Tunnel.Water and sand inflow appeared during construction,which caused the slow process and the high security risk.According to the field survey, we analyzed the hydrogeological characteristics and water abundance of the water-bearing sandstone and established related hydrogeological mathematical model to simulate the groundwater seepage field,in order to speed up the job progress.
Research conclusions:(1)The Tertiary sandstone has complex water-sensitivity.Under groundwater condition. plastic deformation or flowing deformation occurring in the rock mass caused high difficulty during construction.(2)By conceptualization of the computing cell boundary conditions,we set up the hydrogeological conceptual and mathematical models by using the MODFLOW,and simulated the seepage field of Tertiary water-bearing sandstone and calculated the maximum velocity and water inflow of the tunnel.(3)Compared with the conditional water inflow calculation methods in excavation,the numerical simulation method did more tally with the actual situation of water-inflow. (4)The methods of seepage field simulation and water-inflow calculation in this study has certain reference significa nce for hydrogeological condition analysis in homogeneous water-bearing strata.
2013 Vol. 30 (12): 64-68 [
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Grades for Heat Damage in High Altitude Tunnel Engineering
XIE Jun-tai,YU Yun-yan
Research purposes:With the rapid development of China railway undertakings,a considerable number of tunnel face high rock temperature,high water temperature and other issues.In order to look for the railway tunnel design methods under high temperature environment,and form a complete system to deal with high—temperature rock tunnel design and construction techniques,this paper takes the new railway from Lhasa to Xigaze high temperature rock tunnel design and construction as a backing,surveys and studies the construction and cooling measures for high temperature and heat damage of tunnels,coal mines and deep mines at home and abroad,considering the special climate condition from Lhasa to Xigaze such as high altitude,low air pressures,poor oxygen etc.,chooses Jiwoxiga high temperature rock tunnel as the main study object,conducts a field test trials and effects analysis,accordingly results can provide a theoretical basis.
Research conclusions:For ease of use,heat damage is graded from survey,design and construction stages,and in the plateau region of more than 3 000 metres, heat damage level should improve one grade.Heat damage fortification should be based on non—artificial refrigeration cooling technology,such as ventilation cooling,cold water cooling,spray sprinkler cooling,isolated hot rock,ice cooling etc.,and in combination with other measures to c001.Conclusions made good use of effects in the construction of Lhasa to Xigaze high temperature rock tunnel,resulting in greater economic and social benefits,which can provide references for other similar projects.
2013 Vol. 30 (12): 69-73 [
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The Harmonic Analysis of the Three-phase to Single-phase Converter Applied to the Advanced Co-phase Traction Power Supply System
HE Xiao-qiong,WANG Chen-cheng,WEN De-zhi,SHU Ze-liang,XIAO Jian
Research purposes:The electric phase separation of the electrical railway can be completely cancelled in the advanced co-phase traction power supply system,which is based on three-phase to single-phase converters,and the power quality of the system can be improved greatly.Each part of the harmonic waves of the three-phase to single- phase convener,a primary structure of the system,is calculated in detail in this paper.A simulation model is built up through Matlab/Simulink to verify the theoretical calculation.
Research conclusions:(1)When adopting SPWM modulation to the inverter and the switching frequency is far higher than the basic frequency,the output harmonic voltage is reflected on mostly in low-order harmonics,especially 3 th, 5th,7th,9th.However the current absorbed from the DC side definitely contains a 2-order harmonic.(2)When adopting SVPWM modulation to the rectifier,the input voltage contains non 3-times frequency of harmonic and the input current is influenced by the filter inductance and the DC voltage,namely,THD of the current rises along with the increasing DC voltage and drops with the decreasing inductance.(3)The proposed theoretical calculation in this paper can be easily achieved with a computer program.(4)The paper can provides the theoretical calculation evidence for the possible harmonic,resonance problems and their suppression that may occur in the further research of the advanced CO-phase traction power supply system,and also for other AC-DC-AC converters.
2013 Vol. 30 (12): 74-79 [
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Research on the Signal Technology Scheme of the Train Running Mode
LI Qian-she
Research purposes:Generally the mode that the train runs across two main lines is realized by the junction lines,but the running way between the HefeiFuzhou Passenger Dedicated Line and the JiujiangJingdezhenQuzhou Mixed Traffic Line is realized by two yards and one shared track in the Wuyuan station.So the signal design needs to make a scheme to meet the transportation needs of the junction station special layout.
Research conclusions:(1)Wuyuan station designs two respective interlocking systems for the two yards,and the intersecting cross-over turnout is controlled by the interlocking system of the yard I.The route between two yards is set up by some sectional routes.(2)The signal indication turns on when the train runs from the yard 11 to the yard I,while the signal indication turns off when the train runs from the yard I to the yardⅡ.(3)Due to the automatic transition mode of every home signal,the CTCS-3/2 grade transition point does not need to be set up,when the EMU runs from the Jiujiang-Jingdezhen-Quzhou Railway to the Hefei-Fuzhou Passenger Dedicated Line.The execution point of ZX-3/2 needs to be set up Oil the 6G track.when the train runs from the yard I to the 6G track.The train control grade transition from CTCS-3 to CTCS-2 is realized by expanding the GSM-R coverage scope and setting up the action point of ZX-3/2 on section of Jiujiang direction,When the train departure from the 5G track of the yard I. (4)The temporary speed restriction is achieved by the temporary speed restriction server(TSRS)and the secure data network.(5)This signal scheme is a reference for some similar projects.
2013 Vol. 30 (12): 80-84 [
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Research on the Line Layout Planning of Shenzhen Chegongmiao Intergrated Transport Hub
Research purposes:Shenzhen Chegongmiao integrated transport hub is the passenger integrated transport hub which set 4 rail transportation,conventional public transportation,rental and social vehicles as a whole.The hub has many urban rail transit lines,large scale,complex passenger flow organization,many surrounding environment control factors,the project is difficult to implement.In this paper,through the analysis of Chegongmiao hub from the initial planning to study layout line,the writer proposed some methods and ideas about how to do research on line layout of large orbit traffic hub.so as to provide reference for similar engineering.
Research conclusions:Research of large hub of rail transit is a process that involves many fields,many control factors, engineering complex,also is a macro to micro process.For large rail transport hub should increase research investment in the early planning.to determine the feasibility of its function and its implementation as soon as possible,the later location adjustment is likely to cause the corresponding transformation project,increase the project implementation difficulty and investment,and make the defect on function of use.At the same time,line layout of large hub inner orbit traffic are complex.the spatial relationship between the hub and line and before and after the interval should be dealed with for meeting the needs of the passengers at maximum limit,analysis and study for a variety of possible layout should be carried out,strive to be comprehensive,in order to get the most reasonable layout scheme.
2013 Vol. 30 (12): 85-88 [
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Research on the Emphasis and Difficulties of Modern Tramcar System Development and Its Countermeasures
WU Qi-gang
Research purposes:The modern tramcar is a new modern traffic mode and many cities accept this traffic gradually.But how to deal with the relations among this traffic and road,vehicles,sight and SO on is difficulty.Analysis of emphasis and difficulties and countermeasure researches on this traffic is the paper"s purpose,SO that the modern tramcar system can exert its function better.
Research conclusions:(1)The emphasis and difficulties of the modern tamcar system development include road traffic organization,traffic integration,the mode selection of power and net-programming,line landscapes.(2)This paper brings forward some countermeasures of aforementioned question:shared road sections and intersections use traffic regulation;reduce flow cross and shorten transfer distance,layered cohesion;the contact network power suppply method is suitable:plan and reserve development conditions.(3)The modern tramcar is a suitable traffic methed for new district.
2013 Vol. 30 (12): 89-92 [
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A Multi-Agent Model for Urban Rail Integrated Supervisory Control System
DONG Cun-xiang
Research purposes:Urban rail integrated supervisory control system is a unified operation platform and important integrated system for urban rail safety operation.The interated supervisory control system ISCS model based on multi-Agent system supports the system analysis,design,simulation and optimization and has important valuable reference for developing the integrated supervisory control system.
Research conclusions:(1)Based on the analysis about structure and function of urban rail ISCS,a muhi-Agent model for ISCS has been established.This paper obtain result about the composition structure of ISCS multi-Agent model.The internal components of BAS Agent and central Agent which are the most important parts in the model have been analyzed.The functions of each Agent in the model has been discussed.(2)The communication issue and CO-operation relation between the Agents in the model has been discussed well and guarantee the transmission synchronous between events information inside model.(3)This paper provides the theoretical evidence for the construction of urban rail integrated supervisory control system and the valuable reference to the study on the urban rail information.
2013 Vol. 30 (12): 93-98 [
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Analysis and Thinking about Supervision of Mountainous High Speed Railway
WANG Ming-hui,LI Xin-qiang,LI Dong-bin,ZHANG Qiao
Research purposes:Because of the characteristic including complex topography and geology,high proportion of bridge and tunnel,more high risk working points,difficult management of altered design,meanwhile,because of using more innovative technology in the construction process,the supervision of mountainous high speed railway has the particularity of technology and organization management.Combined with the main problems of current supervision,the paper analysed and thought how to implement the management target including safety,quality,investment,construction period,environment protection,stability in the construction of mountainous high speed railway.
Research conclusions:(1)Safety risk control is an important content of supervision work.(2)The supervision company must take part in the practical process of technological innovation actively.(3)Key posts such as the chief supervision engineer and group leader of a section,must have rich experience,and the supervision company must hold regular training for the supervising engineers.(4)The matrix supervision organization is more suited to supervision of the mountainous high speed railway.(5)The domestic installation and work facilities of supervisors must accord with building a clean environment and the feature of mountain area.(6)Control the quMity of transition section strictly. (7)Strengthen the information construction,control the supervising condition and personnel position of every worksite strictly.(8)strengthen the environment supervision,control the sensitive worksites emphatically.(9)Adaptation to local conditions and innovation management is important guarantee to complete the supervision of mountainous high speed railway.
2013 Vol. 30 (12): 99-103 [
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Application Study of FIDIC”Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects”in the International Engineering Project
Yang Chang-gen
Research purposes:FIDIC”Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects”is the standard conditions of contract with universally recognized and widely used in international engineering field and the provision of environmental protection is one of most important provisions for the success of project.This paper researches on the provision of environmental protection basing on the project of Guinea Simandou rail,and provides reasonable proposals which are about effectively deal with the problems related to the provision of environmental protection in international projects and the smooth execution of international engineering project for Chinese enterprises.
Research conclusions:(1)The provision of environmental protection of FIDIC”Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects”is SO strong depending on contract environmental that we need to comprehensively and deeply study the relevant environmental protection laws and regulations in the area of performance of the contract.(2)Environmental protection needs to be early implemented in the course of project design stage and the design concept of environmental protection aligement should be complied with SO as to build sustainable system for environmental protection of the project.(3)The specific measures for the environmental protection should be implemented in the course of project construction and operation stages.
2013 Vol. 30 (12): 104-107 [
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Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
Supported by:
Beijing Magtech