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2013 Vol. 30, No. 9
Published: 2013-09-15

1 Countermeasures for Engineering Geological Problems Faced in Construction of Lanzhou Rail Transit
YAO Wei, HONG Zheng, LIU Meng-meng, TAN Dong-sheng
Research purposes: The engineering geological and hydrogeological conditions are rather complex along the Lanzhou rail transit, with lots of the engineering geological problems due to the big variety of rock and soil types. In order to solve the engineering geological problems better in this paper, the introduction is given to the general situation and geological environment of the Lanzhou rail transit and the main geological problems, the countermeasures for them and the ideas on the survey are presented.
Research conclusions:(1)The main geological problems of the Lanzhou rail transit included the stability of the surrounding rock, the engineering water disaster, the seepage deformation, the engineering ponding after completion of the tunnel construction and the foundation settlement. (2)The various engineering problems faced in construction of the Lanzhou rail transit could be overcome or controlled by making the reasonable design scheme and taking the corresponding construction measures, such as using the New Austrian Tunneling Method, the shield tunneling method, the open cut method, the top-down method, the underground diaphragm wall and the isolation piles etc. (3) The various technical means should be used for the geotechnical survey for the rail transit. Besides, the routine geotechnical mechanics parameters should be well known, the parameters like the resistivity and foundation bed coefficient should also be considered. In addition, the differential and corresponding surveys should be conducted for the different construction methods. (4)This study results can be applied in treatment of the engineering geological problems in construction of rail transit.
2013 Vol. 30 (9): 1-6 [Abstract] ( 2625 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1912 KB)  ( 431 )
7 Research on Deformation Failure Mode of Slope Diseases Caused by Earthquake Hot!
Zhang Jing, LI Ming, SU Jun-xia, AN Meng-kang
The slope diseases caused by earthquake are different from other types of slope diseases in general. They have various mechanism and deformation failure modes and can cause large damages. In order to prevent and control these diseases pointedly, based on investigations of 3 slope diseases along the Wenchuan-Yingxiu Road influenced by the "5·12" Wenchuan Earthquake, the analyses and researches were made and done on the slope diseases types, slope structures and mechanism to summarize the deformation failure modes of slope diseases caused by earthquake.
Research conclusions: (1) The main types of slope diseases include the collapse, landslide, slumping, fault and rockfall. Collapse is the major disease, up to 71% of the total slope diseases. About 80% diseases happens to rock slope. (2) The deformation failure modes of collapse have 8 types like pull cracking and falling. Landslide has 5 types like pull cracking, shearing off and sliding. Slumping has 2 types of shaking loose and slumping. Rock falling has 2 types of throwing and dropping. Disorder falling has 1 type of shaking to crimping. (3)This research result can provide the reference to prevention and control of the slope diseases caused by earthquakes along railways and roads.
2013 Vol. 30 (9): 7-14 [Abstract] ( 2646 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (2935 KB)  ( 294 )
15 Study on Techniques for Collapsible Loess Foundation Treatment of Zhengzhou-Xi'an Passenger Dedicated Line
YAO Yu-chun, LI An-hong, LUO Zhao-xin, SUN Ying
Research purposes: The loess is widely distributed along the Zhengzhou-Xi'an Passenger Dedicated Line and about 60 percent of the loess is the collapsible loess that has a strong impact on the railway construction. The Zhengzhou-Xi'an Passenger Dedicated Line is the first ballastless high-speed railway built on the collapsible loess foundation at home and broad. How to solve the problems of the collapsibility and post-construction settlement of the loess foundation was the key point in building the collapsible foundation.
Research conclusions: According to the characteristics of the collapsible loess of the Zhengzhou-Xi'an Passenger Dedicated Line, by making the theoretical analysis and doing the centrifugal model tests and field tests, the research was done on the adaptability and effect of reinforcing the collapsible loess foundation with the pile-board structure of subgrade, cement soil column hammer impact-expand pile, cement soil compaction pile and CFG pile. From the results it is concluded:(1)The overhead and framing pile-board structure has a distinct advantage to reinforce the deep collapsible loess foundation or short collapsible loess foundation between bridge and tunnel.(2)The cement soil column hammer impact-expand pile is available for reinforcing the medium deep collapsible loess foundation.(3)The cement soil compaction pile is available for reinforcing the shallow collapsible loess foundation according to the limited conditions.(4)The cement-flyash-gravel pile(CFG pile)is available for reinforcing the collapsible loess foundation with small diameter and distance.(5)The research results can provide the reference to the reinforcement of the collapsible loess foundation.
2013 Vol. 30 (9): 15-19 [Abstract] ( 2675 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1348 KB)  ( 559 )
20 A Determination Method for Critical Height of Embankment Based on the Mohr-Coulomb Theory
JIANG Chu-sheng, LI Qing-hai, SI Wen-ming, XING Fu-qiang, LIANG Yao, HE Gang
Research purposes: On consideration of both the internal friction angle and the cohesion, the discussion is made on the determination method for the critical height of a embankment on soft ground based on the Mohr-coulomb theory, and the comparative analysis of it is made with the traditional FeIlanius formula and empirical formula to find out their shortages. This paper presents the theoretical formula based on the analysis of the two aspects.
Research conclusions: (1) The calculating result of determination of the critical height of a embankment is more authentic on consideration of both the internal friction angle and the cohesion at the same time.(2)The calculating analysis shows the critical height should not be designed in the way of reduction of 2-3 m of the filling critical height and it should not be designed only on consideration of the filling critical height, but it should be designed on full consideration of the filling height, slope ratio, the train load and the ground parameters. Otherwise a conservative design will be made. (3)In the previous methods,the soil internal friction angle and cohesion are seldom considered, therefore, they have certain limitations. (4)The calculation formula presented in this paper on consideration of the soil internal friction angle and cohesion at the same time can be used for the preliminarily determination of the critical height of the embankment on the soft soil.
2013 Vol. 30 (9): 20-22 [Abstract] ( 2621 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (263 KB)  ( 238 )
23 Three-dimensional Dynamic Simulation Analysis of Pile-slab Structure Subgrade of Shanghai-Hangzhou Passenger Dedicated Line
YUE Yong-xing
Research purposes: With the infrastructure construction in China getting better and better gradually, the new-built high-speed railway often has to crass the existing structures. When the subgrade of high-speed railway has tocross the existing subway, the correct evaluation of the impact of the train vibration on the metro and the roadbed structure is important. Taking the pile-slab structure subgrade of the Shanghai-Hangzhou Passenger Dedicated Line crossing shallow subway engineering as an example,this paper studies the dynamic response characteristics of the pile-slab structure and the subway tunnels under the train operation.
Research conclusions: The pile-slab structure-foundation-subway numerical model was built to make the dynamic simulation analysis and study the dynamic response characteristics of the system under the condition of loading on two coaches on the single track. The results showed: (1)With increase of train speed, the acceleration of the measured point increased Linearly, the dynamic stress increased exponentially and the dynamic displacement decreased linearly. (2)The dynamic response caused by the excited force decayed quickly through the bearing plate, the joists, the pile foundation and the soil around the pile, so the dynamic response to the subway lining structure was very small. (3)Under the effect of train excited force, the peak value of the subway increased linearly with increase of the train running speed, and the maximum value was about 0.96 cm/s and it satisfied the specification requirement. (4)The three-dimensional dynamic simulation result was very close to the real tested value. So the dynamic numerical model is reliable for making the dynamic analysis of the pile-slab structure-foundation-subway system and is feasible for studying the dynamic characteristics of the pile-slab structure and evaluating the safety of the subway structure under the effect of the excited force of train.
2013 Vol. 30 (9): 23-29 [Abstract] ( 3249 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (2880 KB)  ( 378 )
30 Research on Fast Detection System for Foundation Plate of Ballastless Track of High-speed Railway
GUO Jian-guang, SHI Lei
Research purposes: A new detection method with the computer, the total station and senor technologies is presented for control of the elevation of the ballastless track of high-speed railway. By using the new control technology, the control of elevation of the ballastless track of high-speed can be achieved during construction. Meanwhile, the detecting efficiency can be enhanced, the construction schedule can be speeded up, the measurement and labor costs can be cut, and the one-touch operation and good visibility can be achieved by using the new measurement and mathematical model built with software system.
Research conclusions: (1)Application of the fast detection system for the foundation plate of the ballastless track of high-speed can much enhance the construction measurement efficiency and facilitate the quality control during construction of foundation plate.(2)The detailed and objective data can be provided for the intermediate acceptance, and the detection methods with the independent intellectual property right have been formed during the research.(3)The combined test way and method are found for the relative and absolute benchmark measurements,and it fills the technological blank in this field and promotes the innovation and development of the automatic measurement equipment for construction of high-speed railway in China. (4)The detection system presented in this paper solves the quality control problem in construction of ballastless track of high-speed railway and can provide the reference to the similar project.
2013 Vol. 30 (9): 30-34 [Abstract] ( 2577 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1837 KB)  ( 426 )
35 Research on Construction Technology for Building Second Line Under Condition of Running EMU
ZHAO Dai-qiang
Research purposes: In order to ensure the safety and quality of building the second-line of the Suining-Chongqing Railway under condition of running the EMU at speed of 165 km and the operation safety of the existing railway, it is necessary to do the study on the wind pressure influence when the EMU running and the key construction technologies of erecting the girder, laying track, welding unit and spreading and blocking the stress in the small midway between tracks of 4.4-6.5 m from the near existing track.
Research conclusions: (1)The analysis of wind pressure calculation of the EMU shows when the midway between tracks is 4.4m, the erecting equipment is in the stationary state and the speed of the EMU is at 165 km/h, the maximum amplitude of pressure fluctuation generated by the EMUs meeting is 637. 15 Pa and it is less than the allowable instantaneous pressure wave value of 900 Pa of the midway between tracks. The EMU's window structure and glass are in the safe and reliable state and the equipment has the high stability. (2)By adopting the method of blocking track for 5 hours to erect 1 beam or laying 300m long track panel, the laying and erecting works can be done in small midway between track of 4.4-6.5 m from the existing railway track. In this way, the construction safety and quality are guaranteed, the construction cost is cut and the construction period is shortened. (3)This research result can provide the reference to both small railway line spacing range of additional second-line construction technology.
2013 Vol. 30 (9): 35-39 [Abstract] ( 2632 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (382 KB)  ( 176 )
40 Analysis of Seismic Response of Directivity Pulse-like Near-fault Ground Motion to Bridge of High-speed Railway
CHEN Ling-kun, ZHANG Nan, JIANG Li-zhong, CHEN Ge-wei
Research purposes: Recently, the more attentions have been paid to the influence of the near-fault ground motion on the dynamic response to bridge, but there is a little concerns about the near-fault ground motion effect in the current railway codes. To investigate the influence of the seismic response of the near-fault ground motion on high-speed railway bridge, by using the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center(PEER), the Next Generation Attenuation Relationships for Western US(NGA West)strong ground motion database, the ANSYS software, the ANSYS-APDL language and the moment-curvature program, the finite element model for the multi-span simply-supported bridge of the high-speed railway was built on consideration of the influence of the track irregularity to calculate the elastic-plastic seismic responses of bridge subjected to the near/far-fault ground motions.
Research conclusions:(1)Compared with far-fault ground motion and non-pulse-like motion, the directivity pulse-like Near-fault ground motion had a big influence on the seismic responses on the short-period structure, increased the displacement response of inelastic bridge structures and it also increased the structural and nonstructural damage because the hysteretic properties of the near-fault directivity pulse-type earthquake was characterized by the central strengthened hysteretic cycles.(2)The big vertical acceleration of near-fault directivity pulse-like motion could notably change the axial load of the bridge piers, resulting in big increase of vertical deflection in the mid-span of girder, but the vertical earthquake force is specified as 65% of the lateral earthquake in the 《Code for Seismic Design of Railway Engineering》 (GB 50111-2006) and it causes the smaller vertical deflection in the girder. (3)The calculation results could provide the reference to the seismic design of high-speed railway bridge, and provide the technical support for the revisions of the design specifications and standards.
2013 Vol. 30 (9): 40-46 [Abstract] ( 2890 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (2860 KB)  ( 551 )
47 Analysis of Mechanical Behavior of Pile Foundation of Railway Bridge Pier on Consideration of Slope Effect Hot!
LIN Peng-zhen, WU Fa-hui, Yang Zi-jiang
Research purposes: In order to comply with the demands of road, lots of pile foundation of bridge are built on high and steep slope in plateau area. The load on the pile foundation of the pier located on slope is more complex because of the influence of the horizontal resistance of slope soil Program, the slope-pier cap-pile foundation mechanical behavior on the piles. By using the nonlinear finite element analysis model is built on consideration of the non-linear influences of the materials and pile-soil touch to study the mechanical behavior of the slope-pile cap-pile foundation system under conditions of dead load and combined loads from the areas of the load bearing capacity, deformation and stresses of the system.
Research conclusions: From the analysis of the calculation example, it is concluded: (1)For bridge pier with pile foundation on slope, the horizontal resistance of the slope has rather big influence on the pile foundation bearing the load and the displacement and stress of the pile foundation are of nonuniformity along the slope. (2)For multi-layered soil slope, the displacement and stress of the pile foundation sharply change in the parting region of soil layers and the pile foundation has an unfavorable load bearing area in the parting region of soil interlayers. (3)The research method and results presented in this paper can provide the reference to design and mechanical analysis of the pile foundation of bridge on slope.
2013 Vol. 30 (9): 47-52 [Abstract] ( 3516 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (2350 KB)  ( 440 )
53 Large Tunnel Deformation Caused by Diabase Dike and Its Formation Mechanism Hot!
LIU Cheng-yu, CHEN Zhi-hui
Research purposes: Taking the Wukeng Tunnel of the Longyan-Xiamen Railway as an example,basing on the analysis of the engineering properties of the diabase and the on-site monitored data, this paper studies the pressure of the surrounding rock in the section of the diabase dikes, the deformation characteristics of the tunnel and the formation mechanism that causes the large tunnel deformation to provide the guidance for the design and construction of the similar tunnels.
Research conclusions:(1)The diabase is rich in kaolinite, with the engineering properties of low strength, easy disintegration and weak expansion, but it is dilatable along the unloading direction under the unloaded stress path.(2)The distribution of the diabase dikes has the significant effect on the magnitude and distribution of the rock pressure. The pressure of the surrounding rock with exposing more diabase section is bigger than that with exposing less diabase section, and the pressure of the exposing part is bigger than that of the adjacent parts without exposure.(3)The distribution of diabase dikes also affect the tunnel deformation significantly. The settlement of the vault with exposing the section is larger. In the section of exposing the diabase on the dome, the convergence deformation of the sidewall is larger. In the section of exposing the diabase on the sidewall and arch, the tunnel deformation lasts longer. (4) In the section of exposing more diabase, the large tunnel deformation contains the swelling deformation and compressional deformation. (5)This research result can be available for the design and construction of tunnel in diabase zone.
2013 Vol. 30 (9): 53-59 [Abstract] ( 2703 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (2874 KB)  ( 598 )
60 Application of Thermal Probe Group in Protection of Shallow Section of Tunnel in Permafrost Area
LIU Kun, CAI Han-cheng, LI Fen
Research purposes: The environment temperature of the structure in shallow section of the tunnel in the permafrost area is mainly influenced by the atmospheric temperature. The water above frozen layer is easy to converge around the tunnel opening because of the large amplitude of change of temperature and the thawing circle caused by construction approaching to or overlapping the top limit of permafrost during the construction. Therefore, the damage phenomena like lining cracking, water leakage and ice covering easily happen to the parts of the tunnel in such area. The possible damage to the supporting structure for the tunnel caused by the freezing and thawing cycle can be reduced or avoided by using the active cooling protection for the surrounding wall in the tunnel shallow section in permafrost area.
Research conclusions:(1) By using the thermal probe group, the temperature of the surrounding wall will be significantly reduced within its sphere of influence, the strength of the surrounding wall of permafrost will be enhanced, and the top limit of the permafrost will be raised to form a waterproof curtain on the tunnel ceiling for reducing the frost heaving force on the tunnel supporting structure.(2)The water above frozen layer can’t infiltrate into the tunnel structure and the refreezing time will be reduced from 3 to 5 freezing and thawing cycles to 1 cycle. In this way, the problem of the freeze-thawing damage to the supporting structure in the portal section can be solved.(3)This technology has features of lower engineering cost and more convenience in terms of installing and monitoring. (4)This research achievement can be used for the disease control and treatment of the shallow section of tunnel in the permafrost area.
2013 Vol. 30 (9): 60-64 [Abstract] ( 3184 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (2277 KB)  ( 116 )
65 Control Technology for Water and Mud Bursting of Railway Tunnel under Unfavorable Geological Conditions and Its Engineering Application
HANG Min-qing, PENG Feng, ZOU Ming-bo, XIE Xiao-fei
Research purposes: The water and mud bursting is one of the common geological disasters in tunnel construction. In the control process of the water and mud bursting, the professionalization management and construction are crucial to the control effect. If the dredging is conducted hastily after the water and mud bursting, the secondary disasters are easy to happen, result in appearance of the bigger water and mud bursting. At the same time, the reliabilities of the mechanized level and the control plan for the water and mud bursting have a large impact on the treatment effect: Therefore, it is necessary to do the research on the professionalization management, safe dredging and blocking, mechanical matching, control plan for the water and mud bursting and its implement to form a set of the control technology used for the water and mud bursting.
Research conclusions: (1)Grouting is an effective method for control of the water and mud bursting of railway tunnel, and the principle of the “grouting reinforcement along with drainage and dropping pressure" should be followed. (2)In order to obtain safe, efficient and economic control effects, a comprehensive control means of the grouting improvement, reinforced anchorage and large pipe roof construction should be adopted with informatization grouting technology and professionalization management.(3)This research results can be applied in control of the water and mud bursting disaster.
2013 Vol. 30 (9): 65-71 [Abstract] ( 3591 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (2865 KB)  ( 534 )
72 Comparative Study of Strata Loss and Its Corresponding Ground Settlement Induced by Shield Construction
WANG Jian-xiu, ZOU Bao-ping, FU Hui-xian, TIAN Pu-zhuo, ZHU Yan-fei
Research purposes: A large area of soil is disturbed during shield under-passed the building-sensitive region, but it is very easily induced by ground settlement, lead to quicksand, and piping, brings a big challenge to the facestability, operation security, and three-dimensional construction. The current research of ground settlementmainly concentrates on the small shield, and considering different definition about strata loss. How to use thestrata loss to research the relationship of strata loss and ground settlement during shield construction is still one of the most sophisticated problems needed to be solved urgently. This paper, taking a super-large-diameter shield under-passed the building-sensitive region in a complex environment as an example, the corresponding strata loss of ground settlement of 2D and 3D, and its corresponding ground settlement are calculated under the condition of strata loss from conventional to extreme. The relationship among shield construction, strata loss and ground settlement are discussed.
Research conclusions: (1) The maximum ground settlement for every increased 0.1% of strata loss was increased 3-4 mm under the condition of strata loss 5 %. (2) The final settlement for every increased 0.5 % of average strata loss of shield tail was increased 8mm. (3) By the common influence of strata loss of shield head and shield tail, the total final settlement was formed.(4)It is proposed that development of a set of methods for shield control by using ground settlementin dicators of strata loss control rate.(5)This paper provides the valuable reference to the study on the ground settlement , disaster prevention, tunnel design, and construction.
2013 Vol. 30 (9): 72-77 [Abstract] ( 2885 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1886 KB)  ( 532 )
78 Deformation Law of Water-rich Sandy Gravel Stratum Induced by Slurry Shield Driving
WANG Zhen-fei, ZHANG Cheng-ping, WANG Jian-chen
Research purposes: The laws of strata deformation induced by large diameter shield driving in the water-rich sandy gravel sensitivity in this stratum are not clearly known due to the large gap between particles, none cohesion stratum. Based on displacement of the deep soil were the Beijing underground diameter line project measured and analyzed to know the laws of the surface subsidence and the high and horizontal strata deformation induced by shield tunnel driving in the water rich sandy gravel stratum.
Research conclusions: Before remolding of the shield cutter head, the maximum surface subsidence was about 17.0 mm, the transverse influence range of the surface subsidence was about 40 m on each side of the tunnel centerline, the longitudinal influence range of the surface subsidence was about 1.25 times of the tunnel diameter in front of the tunnel working face and 4.15 times of the tunnel diameter in rear of the tunnel working face and the maximum transverse and longitudinal displacements values of the deep soil on both sides of the tunnel were 11.0 mm and 6.8mm respectively on the horizontal plane of the tunnel center. After remolding of the shield cutter head, the maximum surface subsidence was reduced to 8.0 mm or below and the horizontal displacements of the deep soil on both sides of the tunnel were also reduced. It can be seen the surface subsidence can be effectively controlled by remolding of the shield cutter head. The peck equation matched the surface groove curve before and after the remolding of the shield cutter head. However the changes took place in the strata loss rate and width coefficient of settlement trough. This research results can provide reference to the similar projects.
2013 Vol. 30 (9): 78-83 [Abstract] ( 3503 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (2813 KB)  ( 373 )
84 A Study and Application on Management System of Metro Design
LUO Han-bin, GONG Pei-song, HU Qi-hu, XU Hai-qing
Research purposes: It reaches a peak-hour on metro construction in our country and a metro construction project is complex, especially management of project progress is very difficult. Schedule delay due to progress management is in a high proportion in the view of experience past and the improvement of level on management efficiency and quality is a key and difficult point in project management of metro construction. Based on the focus of difficulty on metro construction management, this paper neatens the organization structure and flow of metro design management, researches the method to improve the level of metro design management in the way of informatization, and develops the management system of metro design based on framework PIP. Finally, this paper has an empirical study based on the line 3 and line 4 of Wuhan metro.
Research conclusions: (1) From the analysis and the test run it is concluded: The Metro Group Co. Ltd. Can intervene to manage in time due to the timely issue and transmission of design progress information in the test run, and the great majority delay have not affected the construction on site, and the proportion of construction progress delay due to design has reduced to 15%. (2)The function of design change has not achieved yet due to the lack of standardization of the workflow of all participant. The information technology can't solve any management problem and the premise of the success of management system application based on PIP framework is the normative plow and a higher level of management by the proof in practice. The management system mentioned in this paper is applied to the design management in metro construction, and can increase the design management efficiency effective.
2013 Vol. 30 (9): 84-91 [Abstract] ( 2623 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (579 KB)  ( 172 )
92 Study on Settlement Regulations of Ground Surface and Bridge Pier Induced by Metro Station Construction with PBA Method
REN Jian-xi, WANG Song, CHEN Jiang, SUN Jie-long, MENG Chang, ZHU Yuan-wei
Research purposes: Based on an underground metro station project in Beijing with complicated conditions, the comparison of the settlement regulations of the ground surface and bridge pier obtained by conducting the FLAC simulation prediction with the actual measured data was made to know the settlement regulations of the ground surface and bridge pier induced by the metro station construction with PBA method for providing the technical support for the information construction of underground metro station.
Research conclusions: (1)The FLAC simulation showed that with the excavation of the pilot tunnel, the settlement of the ground surface gradually increased. The curve of the settlement groove gradually changed from double peaks to single peak due to the influence of the load of the upper bridge and the dead weight of the bridge on the surface soil with playing a major role in the surface settlement at the beginning of the excavation. The maximum surface settlement happened in the center position of pilot tunnel excavation. The maximum predicted value of the ground settlement was 24.75mm and the measured value was 25.51mm. The maximum predicted value of the bridge pier settlement was 5.11 mm and the measured value was 5.89mm. Both were basically the same. (2)The result showed that the PBA construction scheme for metro station and the in-site monitoring scheme were reasonable in design and the deformations of the ground surface and pier met the specification requirements. (3)This research result could provide the reference to construction and monitoring of the large-section metro station in the area with poor geological conditions.
2013 Vol. 30 (9): 92-98 [Abstract] ( 2644 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (2389 KB)  ( 428 )
99 Study on Deformation and Supporting of Surrounding Rocks of Sabei Long-span Tunnel of Xi'an Metro
LIN Yun-hong
Research purposes: Taking the tunnel project in the section between the Sajinqiao and North Main Street of the Line 1 of Xi an metro as an example, in this paper, the numerical analyses are made for the different construction processes by using the MIDAS GTS numerical simulation software to control the ground settlement and deformation and ensure the construction safety when the mine tunneling method is used for the metro interval construction. These different construction processes include the construction of no use of the anchor and grouting reinforcement, the construction of no use of the anchor but use of the grouting reinforcement and the construction of use of the anchor and grouting reinforcement. Besides, based on the in-site monitored data, in this paper, the study is done on the regulations of the surrounding rocks' settlement and deformation after the excavation of the large cross-sectional shallow loess tunnel and the analysis is made for the feasibilities of the CRD Method and the corresponding supporting measures.
Research conclusions: From the comparison of the numerical simulation results with the in-site monitored data, it is concluded: (1) For the shallow loess tunnel, it is proposed that it is unnecessary to use the arch anchor, and the sidewall anchor should be used according to the actual demand. (2)The grouting reinforcement can effectively control the strata subsidence caused by tunnel excavation for the shallow loess tunnel. (3)This research result can provide the reference the similar projects.
2013 Vol. 30 (9): 99-104 [Abstract] ( 2606 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1853 KB)  ( 97 )
105 Measurement and Analysis of Velocity and Flow Direction of Water in River-crossing Section of Line 2 of Hangzhou Metro Hot!
YE Xiang-qian, LIU Jian-gang
Research purposes: The velocity and flow direction of groundwater will affect the effect of metro engineering with freezing method. It is necessary to measure and analyze the velocity and flow direction of the groundwater in river-crossing section due to the complex hydrogeological conditions in this area. In the process of detailed geological survey for the river-crossing section of the Line 2 of Hangzhou metro, the determinations of the velocity and flow direction of the groundwater flow in three boreholes (one in the south bank and another two in the north bank) were made with single hole dilution method to know the horizontal velocity, horizontal flow direction and vertical velocity of the phreatic water and artesian water on both banks of the Qiantang River.
Research conclusions: (1) There is no obvious vertical velocity of the groundwater flow on both banks of the Qiantang River. (2)The horizontal velocities of phreatic water and artesian water are far less than 5m/d. (3)The groundwater's velocity and flow direction on both banks of the Qiantang River have a little influence on the construction of the river-crossing section of Line 2 of Hangzhou metro with freezing method.(4)In the case of no influence by nearby engineering construction (such as precipitation), the velocity of the groundwater in the Hangzhou area is generally slow with little influence on the construction of the metro engineering or municipal tunnel project with freezing method. So it is proposed it is unnecessary to do the determination of the velocity and flow direction of the groundwater during the engineering investigation in future.
2013 Vol. 30 (9): 105-110 [Abstract] ( 3504 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (2324 KB)  ( 284 )
111 Study on Optimization of Construction Schemes for New Tunnel Under-pass the Existing Subway Station at Short Range
ZHU Zheng-guo, YU Jian-tao, ZHU Yong-quan, WANG Jin-tao
Research purposes: In order to optimize the construction scheme and ensure the safety and operation of the existing station structure, the simulations were made for the construction schemes with the different excavation methods and for the different reinforcement ranges of the surrounding strata by using the analysis software with FLAC3D three-dimensional fast Lagrangian method according to the engineering characteristics of new tunnel under-passing the existing metro station at short range for the purposes of knowing the characteristics and laws of the existing station's track settlement and structure stress and the new tunnel's surrounding deformation and structure bearing load.
Research conclusions: (1) From the analysis and comparison of the calculations results of the excavation processes obtained by using method, the track the full section method, the bench method and CRD method, it is concluded by using the CRD deformation and structure bearing load of the existing station can be effectively controlled.(2)On the base of the analysis of the numerical simulation results of the different reinforcement ranges for the surrounding strata around the new tunnels, it is proposed the grouting reinforcement should be conducted to the soil sandwich layer, the working face layer and the layer within 3.0m range on the left and right sides of the tunnel. (3)This result can provide the reference to the design and construction of the similar tunnel under-passing the existing subway.
2013 Vol. 30 (9): 111-115 [Abstract] ( 4910 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (869 KB)  ( 237 )
116 Discussion on Synchronous Coordination of Rail Transit and Urban Planning
ZHENG Jian-dong
Research purposes: Along with the rapid expansion of city scale and population growth, the metropolis and city cluster have been formed, thus a demand of perfect public transportation system is brought out. Rail transit becomes more preferred for its characters of keeping energy-efficient, punctual and convenient, regional rail transit and urban rail transit are developing quickly. However, the problem of incoordination between the rail transit and urban planning has arisen in the rail transit development in recent years. This paper mainly discusses the problems exist in rail transit and urban planning.
Research conclusions: (1) The incoordination between the rail transit and urban spatial layout is affected by the following factors: unlike formulation department and term, different examination and approval department, diversity of investment main body, construction and management department, etc. Relevant departments should strengthen communication. Urban rail transit development should be coordinated with the urban spatial layout. (2)Accurate passenger flow forecast is important and difficult, thus the impact of rail transit on industry, business, science park and industrial zone along the rail transit line, even its influence on travel psychology and habit have to be considered. (3)From the research and analysis, this paper provides valuable advice on synchronous coordination of planning and construction between rail transit and urban spatial layout, which is conducive to strengthen control and management for the planning, investment, construction and management departments.
2013 Vol. 30 (9): 116-120 [Abstract] ( 2573 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (904 KB)  ( 186 )
121 Risk Management Research and Case Analysis for Embankment of Railway Hot!
WEI Yong-xing, DING Zhao-feng, LUO Yi-nong
Research purposes: The information of risk management research is limited. And the risk management system has not been formed. So it is important and significative to establish the risk prediction and evaluation theory and realize the risk prevention and management for the railway embankment. This paper studied the method of risk prediction and evaluation theory for railway embankment, and analyzed the risk of one railway embankment. All above can provide reference and guidance for the research of risk management techniques of railway subgrade engineering.
Research conclusions: (1) In the paper, a comprehensive analysis method with “analytic hierarchy process + expert investigation + fuzzy evaluation" is put forward for analysis and calculation of the risk of railway embankment engineering and the specific steps have been given. (2)It is suggested to class risk factors of railway embankment as slight degree, mild degree, moderate degree, severe degree and catastrophic degree and the corresponding treatment measures are put forward. (3)The calculation result shows the weight of seismic risk factor is maximum in the risk factors, therefore, the corresponding risk treatment measures shall be taken in the design of embankment in the seismic area.(4)The comprehensive analysis method with “analytic hierarchy process + expert investigation + fuzzy evaluation” is characterized by distinct levels,clear steps and quantitative analysis of risk, which can be used for identification and analysis of subgrade engineering risk of railway and highway.
2013 Vol. 30 (9): 121-126 [Abstract] ( 3238 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (922 KB)  ( 127 )
127 Research on Safety Management of Adjacent Underground Pipelines in Metro Construction
Wu Xian-guo, ZENG Tie-mei, ZHANG Li-mao, SONG Ruo-xin
Research purposes: Tunnel-induced pipeline damage has become a big issue, and the protection of pre-existing underground buried pipelines grows to be a public concern. Based on the impacts of metro construction on the safety of adjacent pipelines, the safety risk management standard for the existing pipelines adjacent to metro construction is studied. A systematic safety risk management system for the existing pipelines is also developed, providing supports for safety assurance and protection of adjacent pipelines at different risk levels.
Research conclusions: (1)According to the horizontal and vertical relative distances between the metro structure and the adjacent pipeline,the neighboring grade is divided into five levels(I-V); (2)To use the horizontal and vertical pipeline deformations as indicators to establish the safety control standard for the underground buried pipelines is more representative than other indicators; (3)With the deformation of the existing pipeline, usage, and its operation status taken into account, the safety risk of the tunnel-induced pipeline damage can be assessed into five different levels, namely Safe, Basic Safe, Dangerous, Basic Dangerous, and Very Dangerous. Corresponding prevention and protection measures are further proposed before and during the construction process for the adjacent pipelines according to their evaluated risk levels; (4) The proposed method is applied in one shaft foundation pit excavation project in Wuhan metro tunnel construction, and the results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method; (5)The research conclusions can be used in the metro tunnel construction fields by providing decision supports on the construction safety management.
2013 Vol. 30 (9): 127-132 [Abstract] ( 2632 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (965 KB)  ( 323 )
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