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2013 Vol. 30, No. 3
Published: 2013-03-15
Analysis of Cause and Formation Mechanisms for Loess Sinking Hole in Longxi Region
HU Yong - zhan
Research purposes: The loess sinking hole is the problem often encountered in the engineering construction in the Longxi region,and it can cause a series of geological disasters,such as the slope unstability,tunnel collapse,debris flow and so on. To solve these engineering geological problems,the cause and formation mechanism for the loess sinking hole in the Longxi region was analyzed and studied for provide the geological basis to the engineering construction in the Longxi region.
Research conclusions: The loess featured with coarse particles, porousness, disintegration, relatively strong permeability,thick soil layer,strong collapsiblility,structural fracture development are main reasons for the loess sinking hole in the Longxi region. Under the main effects of water erosion and underground erosion and the auxiliary effects of the saturated yielding,disintegration,gravity and living things,the loess sinking hole is formed by the preferential seepage channel and the runoff channel of the vertical bedding joint,structural joint and unloading joint.The formation mechanism of the loess sinking hole includes the following five types: the water erosion - breakthrough
2013 Vol. 30 (3): 1-4 [
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Study on Characters of Supporting Structure for Deep Foundation Pit in Rich -water Soft Stratum
LI Shu - guang,FENG Xiao - ling
Research purposes: The Neijiang Road Station of Shanghai metro is closed to the Huangpu River,with the poor engineering geological conditions,such as flowing mucky clay and 1m deep underground water. It is necessary to do the research on the internal forces and deformations of the supporting structure for the deep foundation pit of this metro station for providing the references to the similar works.
Research conclusions: Taking the main deep foundation pit of this station as the engineering background,the introduction is given to the calculation process of the incremental method for the laminated wall and the internal bracing system by using the SAP84 finite element program. The research is done on the horizontal displacement of the underground diaphragm wall,the axis force of the steel bracing system,the vertical displacement of laced column and the settlement of the surrounding buildings during the excavation. The monitored result shows the measured horizontal displacements of the underground diaphragm wall are 44 ~ 71 mm,a bit bigger than the calculated values. The maximum measured axial forces of the steel bracing are about 64 to 80 percent of the maximum calculated value. The maximum heave value of the laced column is about 20mm. The analytical results indicate the deformation of retaining structure and the settlement of surrounding buildings can be effectively controlled if the steel bracing are installed in time and the floor concrete is casted as soon as possible.
2013 Vol. 30 (3): 5-10 [
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Control,Test and Analysis of Soft Foundation of High - speed Railway
LIAO Jin - xing
Research purposes: The high - speed railway has a very strict requirement on the post - construction settlement of the foundation and the post - construction settlement of the foundation belongs to the residual settlement after rail laying. The appropriate calculation method for the foundation settlement should be chosen to satisfy the requirement of the post - construction settlement of high - speed railway,and the appropriate measures should be taken according to the calculation result of the settlement.
Research conclusions: The calculation thicknesses of the compression layer of the soft - soil high - compression foundation and the medium - compression clay foundation should be determined according to that the additional stress is equal to the 0. 1 time of its stress. The calculation thicknesses of the compression layer of the non - clay foundation and the low - compression clay foundation should be determined according to that the additional stress is equal to the 0. 2 time of its stress. The settlement in the reinforced range of the CFG pile composite foundation should be calculated by using the soil composite compression modulus method. When the settlement of the subjacent bed is calculated by using the equivalent entity method,its calculation result is rather closed to the real settlement. When the settlement in the reinforced range of the bored cast - in - place pile structure foundation is calculated with the pile theory and the settlement of the subjacent bed is calculated by using the stress diffusion method,their calculation results are rather closed to the measured settlement.
2013 Vol. 30 (3): 11-15 [
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Applied Analysis of Slope Structure Reinforced with Prestressed Anchored Frame Beam
ZHOU Hong - yuan,ZENG Zhi - yong
Research purposes: For the deep soft soil or soft rock cutting,the traditional engineering measures of the toe retaining wall or the slope end supporting with anchor pile is often taken to reduce the slope height,remain the slope stability and avoid the rock moving away and destroy mountain and vegetation massly. However,under the condition of the mechanized construction in large scale,there are the security risks when taking these measures. For building such kind of the slope of passenger dedicated line,the toe low retaining wall and the uper steep slope are used in order to well control the slope height,cut the construction risk,be convenient for construction and ensure the construction security and the long - term stability of the slope as well as to meet the requirements of greening the environment,saving the mason and reducing the investment. So it is necessary to reinforce the prestressed anchored frame beam in grade.
Research conclusions: For the soft soil or soft rock cutting,the light structure of combination of the dense spacing prestressed anchored frame beam to the steep slope with the toe remaining wall is used,and the appropriate vegetation measure is taken in the anchored frame beam,with the features of mature technology,advanced process,rationality and reliability. So,it can be widely applicated.
2013 Vol. 30 (3): 16-18 [
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Study on Analysis Method for Stability of Bedding Cutting Slope Along ailway
DONG Jie,SONG Xu - guo,XU Zai - liang
Research purposes: The stability analysis of the railway rock slope is one of the most concerned problems in railway construction in mountain area. In recent years,the engineering accidents caused by the unstability of the bedding rock cutting slope have occurred frequently because the position of the sliding surface can 't be accurately allocated due to being short of the scientific and rational evaluation method. This paper presents a analysis method for the stability of the sliding body along the different rock boundaries and longitudinal cracks.
Research conclusions: A bi - direction searching model based on plane coordinate system is established. This model considers the geometric features of the multiple level platforms of the cutting slope and the rock stratum attitude,and it can be used to analyze the hidden sliding body one by one and search for the minimum safety coefficient about slope stability. In addition,in order to improve the analysis efficiency of the stability of the rock cutting slope,an professional software is developed by using C # programming tools to realize the automatic searching for the bi - directional structure surface of the bedding rock slope.
2013 Vol. 30 (3): 19-23 [
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Study on Design Method for Slope Reliability of Railway Embankment
WANG Zhon - jin,WU Min - min,CHENG Ai - jun,LUO Wen - hai
Research purposes: The railway engineering structure is being changed from the safety factor to the probability - based limit state design,so the study has to be done on the reliability theory - based design method for railway embankment that is one of the important structures.
Research conclusions: The function was derived. The calculation was made for the standard section of the embankment slope of the ordinary railway with the Monte - Carlo method to make sure the target reliability index of the railway embankment was 2. 3 for discussing the variation of target reliability index. A set of the partial coefficients and their expressions were obtained for studying the influences of the slope parameters and the their variations on the partial coefficient. There are following three resolutions on the big variation the partial coefficients in the design: Firstly,based on the variable parameters,the reliability is directly calculated. Secondly,the partial coefficient is adjusted with the adjustment formula. Finally,on considering the partition between the main variation parameters and the variation coefficient,the different partial factors are used.
2013 Vol. 30 (3): 24-27 [
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Application of Pier - top Longitudinal Support Scaffolding Method in onstruction of Track - crossing Cast - in - place Beam
DONG Jv - hong,ZHANG Wen - ge
Research purposes: When the intercity railway crossing the existing high - speed railway is built,the intercity railway crossing the existing bridge of the high - speed railway is often listed in the high - speed railway project and built in advance in order to avoid the disturb the traffic of the existing high - speed railway. Such kind of bridge often needs casting in - place. This paper studies how to erect the economic and reasonable scaffold above the high -speed railway to ensure the construction schedule,quality and security.
Research conclusions: ( 1) With the pier - top longitudinal support scaffolding method,the cast - in - place of the superstructure crossing the bridge can be conducted with security and high quality and efficiency. ( 2) By making full use of the pier top and space under the flange plate of the box beam to support the longitudinal bars along with sectional steel cross beam,it can be as the support platform for the outside modeling and operation. ( 3) By making full use of the existing materials,the cost can cut and the construction period can be reduced.
2013 Vol. 30 (3): 28-32 [
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Evaluation and Analysis of Pile Integrity Testing with Sonic Transmission Method
HAN Kan,HOU Dian - ying
Research purposes: The pile foundation of bridge is the main part of bearing load,and its quality is directly related to the bridge safety and duration. As the construction of pile foundation has features of the complicated processes,big difficulty and high technical requirements,the quality problem happens easily. Therefore,it is necessary to strengthen quality test to ensure the construction quality of the bridge. This paper deeply discusses the evaluation and analysis of the pile integrity test with sonic transmission method.
Research conclusions: From the testing instances,it can be seen that during the test it can not only use the sonic parameters to determine whether there is a defect in the pile,and various kinds of the parameters should be used together to determine whether there is a defect in the pile and what are the defect range and level. If the defects of the accumulation of aggregates and insufficient mortar caused by the concrete segregation exist,the sonic wave will pass the more interfaces to cause decrease of the amplitude. In the low strong area with the less aggregate and more mortar,the wave velocity is low,but the amplitude is basically the same,even over high. If the defects of the pile diameter shrinking and the pile with mud ( sand) exist,the sonic velocity and amplitude in this area decrease obviously compared with the normal concrete. The defect of lots of airs stayed in the concrete of the of the up part of cast - in - place pile caused by lifting the tube too fast will not produce the obvious decrease of wave velocity,but it will produce the obvious reductions ( scattering) of the sonic wave energy and the receiving wave energy.
2013 Vol. 30 (3): 33-37 [
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Application of Temporary Buttress in Erecting Large Span Steel Truss Arch Bridge
WANG Xiao - jing
Research purposes: The local stress and deformation of the member bar of the steel girder of the large steel truss arch bridge in the course of the erection are bigger than those in the usage course of the bridge. Therefore,the temporary facility like the suspension cable tower is often used for construction of such kind of bridge. The temporary buttress has never been used for construction of such kind of bridge in China. As the Weiyi Bridge in Liuzhou has features of the big span of the steel truss arch and the poor lateral stability,the research is done on the key construction technologies of this bridge for using the buttress to erect the large span steel truss arch bridge.
Research conclusions: As the simplest and the most commonly - used means,the temporary buttress can be used as the external auxiliary member of the steel truss arch for erecting the large span steel truss arch bridge,and by using it,the requirement of the linear adjustment for the steel truss arch can be met. By using active control technologies for controls of the vertical and horizontal shifts and the elevation,the arch and tie bar of the steel truss arch can be gathered up,the up and down operation of the whole steel truss arch bridge can be avoided and the measures for the closure adjustment of the steel truss arch bridge can be simplified.
2013 Vol. 30 (3): 38-44 [
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Research on Key Points of Urban Bridge Design
YOU Li - hui
Research purposes: With increasingly speeding up the pace of urbanization in China and increasing the rgent demand of traffic construction in the super - major cities,the more and more urban bridges are built. Although most of them are good in the safety and stability and can meet the functional requirement,but a few of them are severely damaged,resulting in fracture and collapse to bring about the unfavorable effects on the urban traffic system,people's normal life and public opinions. In this paper,the experiences and the common issues for caution in the bridge design and investigation are summarized for providing the reference to the similar works.
Research conclusions: Based on the experiences and learning lessons about the bridge construction,the following proposals are made: ( 1) The bridge's design load bearing capacity should increase to make sure the bridge can stand up to the vehicles with the one - side loading and overloading. ( 2) The anti - dumping structure should be used to avoid the big careless omissions and defects. ( 3) The water - proof,draining and anti - seismic functions of the bridge should be improved to make the bridge more durable and more suitable for use.
2013 Vol. 30 (3): 45-49 [
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Technology for Control of Deformation of High Stress Soft Rock Tunnel with Release - constraint Balancing Method
ZHANG Min - qing,HUANG Hong - jian,HE Zhi - jun,REN Cheng - min,ZHANG Wen - qiang
Research purposes: It is difficult to control the large deformation of the high stress soft rock tunnel in the tunnel construction. The Lanzhou - Chongqing Railway has 29 high stress soft rock tunnels,and in spite of using a lot of technologies to control the deformation,but the large deformations still happened to the primary supports in the 4 kilometers long area and the rigid frames had to be replaced. The big deformations produced the big impact on the construction. So. It was necessary and important to do the research on the technology for control of the deformation of the high stress soft rock tunnel in order to guarantee the engineering quality,speed up the construction process and guarantee the construction security.
Research conclusions: ( 1 ) To evaluate the danger of the large deformation is the important to prevent the large deformation of the high stress soft rock tunnel,and the evaluation content should include the three areas of the grading of the high stress soft rock tunnel,the deformation calculation and formulation of the responsibility for the failure of the primary support. ( 2 ) The release - constraint balancing method is used for releasing the ground stress by allowing deformation volume according to the features of the high stress soft rock tunnel and constraining the deformation by strengthening the primary support and lock pin,closing timely and dynamically reinforcing. The engineering application in the Lanzhou - Chongqing Railway shows this method is available for controlling the big deformation of the high stress soft rock tunnel.
2013 Vol. 30 (3): 50-57 [
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Research on Effect of Logging Technology on Guiding Tunnel Deep Bore Testing
SHEN Jian - ping
Research purposes: The hydro - geological survey and the ground stress testing are very important for the deep bore drilling for the railway tunnel and its success or failure and its accuracy are crucial to improving the testing efficiency and data reliability.
Research conclusions:In the works of the deep bore hydro - geological survey and the ground stress testing for railway tunnel,there are following three sectors to determine the whether the tests accuracy can be enhanced and whether the tests succeed or not: (1) Selection of the testing section: Dividing the test section that meets the test requirement is the prerequisite for the successful test.(2) Determination of water stop position on the top and bottom ends: The effect of the water stop is crucial to the success of the test.(3) Determination of the thickness of the test section: Determination of the calculation thickness of the hydro - geologic test plays a decisive role in accuracy of the test data.
2013 Vol. 30 (3): 58-61 [
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Research on Technology for Opening Compartment and Changing Cutleries of Slurry Shield Under Complicated Geological Conditions
ZHANG Zong - xi,XIN Zhen - xing
Research purposes: There are many uncertainties in opening compartment and changing cutleries of the slurry shield in water - rich sand layer,and the technologies of the opening compartment and changing cutleries are not mature enough. In this paper,the construction process and the technical parameters about the opening compartment of the shield in actual construction in the complex stratum are summed up for providing the reference and basis to the further research on the technologies for opening compartment and changing cutleries of the shield and to the similar works.
Research conclusions: From the research on the technologies for opening compartment and changing cutleries of the shield in the complex stratum,it is concluded the clay membrane with the average thickness above 5cm must cover the entire soil of the working face. The feeding and compressing compartment must be done step by step at the same time. The pressure should be reduced step by step. The pressure needed for forming the clay membrane should be bigger than the cutting pressure by 0. 5 bar.
2013 Vol. 30 (3): 62-65 [
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Discussion on Impact of Train Vibration on Shield Overlapped Tunnel
GOU Ming - zhong
Research purposes: With the powerful development of the urban rail transit in China,the overlapped tracks of the urban rail transit are often laid out in some prosperous old downtowns in order to reduce the impact on city building ( structure) . In this way,the small spacing and overlapped shield tunnel is formed. Taking the up and down overlapped tunnel in the section of the Hongling Station - Laozhanjie Station - Shaibu Station of the Line 3 of Shenzhen metro as the background,with the numerical simulation method,this paper discusses the impact of the train vibration on the structure and embedded soil of the shield overlapped tunnel,and discusses and analyzes the load bearing of the of the connecting bolt in order to take the corresponding technical measures in the design and construction.
Research conclusions: From the research on the shield overlapped tunnel with minimum clearance of 1. 6 m under effect of the train vibration load,it can be seen: ( 1 ) Under the effect of the dynamic load,the main stress of the soil embedded layer is mainly of the compression stress and it is in safety range under the effect of the train vibration load. ( 2) Under the effect of the dynamic load,the internal force of segment increases a little,but it is acceptable. ( 3) Under the effect of the dynamic load,the pulling force of the bolt on the completed block is the biggest among all hoop bolts of the segment of the upper tunnel,and it is necessary to reinforce the joint bolt because of the stress increase. ( 4) In order to ensure the safety of the railway traffic,the effective damping system should be installed for the up and down overlapped tunnel. This theoretical analysis can be as the theoretical analysis to the operation of the shield overlapped tunnel and as the reference to the similar works.
2013 Vol. 30 (3): 66-70 [
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Research on Comprehensive Prevention and Control Technoloies for Expressway Tunnel Passing Through Landslide Area
ZHAO Zhi - gang1,ZHANG Zhi - jun1,LI De - wu2,ZHAO Lian - heng3
Research purposes: Taking the comprehensive treatment technologies for tunnel passing through the landslide area as the engineering background,the interaction mechanisms and deformation failure modes between the tunnel and landslide are explored and the comprehensive prevention measures for control of landslide is also presented by means of the numerical analysis,construction practice and site monitoring in order to analyze the change trend of landslide and tunnel structure in advance and avoid the heavy losses caused by the landslide.
Research conclusions: ( 1) The Daping landslides are caused by the joint effects of the geological and hydrological conditions. ( 2 ) The interaction mechanisms between the tunnel excavation and anti - slide pile of slope can be expressed as follows: The anti - slide pile belongs to the passive support structure and the deformation of anti - slide pile is the embodiment of load bearing. The tunnel excavation process is a process of disturbing the landslide mass and also a process of bringing the anti - slide pile into play. ( 3) With the schemes of reinforcing landslide,tunnel excavation and tunnel supporting not only can the stability of landslide mass be guaranteed,but also can the security of tunnel construction be guaranteed.
2013 Vol. 30 (3): 71-76 [
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Study on Choice of Parameters for Catenary - pantograph Simulation with Newmark Integration Method
SU Guang - hui
Research purposes: The coupling kinetic equations for the catenary - pantograph simulation can be built with the Second Lagrange Equation. These equations belong to the time varying system and their solutions can be obtained with the direct integration method or indirect integration method. When the Newmark integration method in the indirect integration method is used to choose the proper parameters,it belongs to an unconditional stability method and is often used in the catenary - pantograph simulation. Except the two parameters of Newmark method,the results of simulation also depend on the simulation's time interval and orders of the model. So the choice of these two parameters must be studied carefully.
Research conclusions: This paper studies the choice of the integral parameters at the different train speed with the Newmark method by building the simple catenary suspension mechanics model for the catenary and pantograph system. The result shows the simulation needs an vibration stabilization process when the model order is too low,and the result is satisfied when the model order is over 150. The time interval should be the half of the critical time interval for ensuring the simulation accuracy.
2013 Vol. 30 (3): 77-81 [
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Research on Design Plan for Loop Line in Tianjin Metro
Research purposes: With the services of lines 1,2,3 and 9 of Tianjin metro,the demand of the passenger for transferring line among radiate lines is increasing rapidly. Based on the Tianjin Overall Planning and Tianjin Urban Rail Transit Network Planing,the study was done on the design plan for the metro loop line around the middle ring area in Tianjin to effectively connect the loop lines with the radiate lines and provide the reference to the similar works. Research conclusions: From the analysis of comparing the combined loop line of the lines 5 and 6 with the combined loop line of the lines 6 and 7,it can be seen the main distributive areas of the passenger flow can be connected by the combined loop line of the lines 5 and 6. In this way,the accessibility between the loop line and the lines 1,2,3 and 9 is improved. So the combined loop line of the lines 5 and 6 is feasible in technology. In the similar works in future,the same construction standard and the same construction schedule should have for the two combined loop lines or above. In order to realize the maximum function of the loop line,the hubs of the passenger flow should be connected by the loop lines based on considering the passenger flow,transfer area and metro vehicle depot.
2013 Vol. 30 (3): 82-85 [
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Underground Barriers Clean - up Technology for Subway Shield Tunnelling Based on Ground Frozen Method
ZHOU Cheng1,WANG Cheng - shan2,LI Yong - jun,GUO Pu
Research purposes: There are various underground barriers in subway tunnel construction,which need be emoved efficiently and in time. Based on the river - crossing subway tunnel section of Line No. 2 of Wuhan Metro,this paper systematically introduced the underground barriers clean - up technology for subway shield tunnelling by artificial ground freezing method. Then,it discussed the safety issues of cleaning - up barriers with pressure by artificial ground freezing method from the stability of frozen soil and the impact on the surrounding environment. As its complex geological conditions and surrounding environment,underground barriers clean - up easily lead a great impact on the surrounding environment due to its high risks,so it is important for us to choice correct method to clean up underground barriers.
Research conclusions: The key of the underground barriers cleaning - up technology by artificial ground freezing method is the closure and quality of the frozen soil. After the frozen soil temperature is at - 10 ℃ ,the underground barriers was cleaned up successfully,and the heave and melt effect in the soil was controlled within ± 6mm. It provided an effective control of the construction safety risks,and reduce the effect to the construction environments,which gives a good benefit to other similar construction projects.
2013 Vol. 30 (3): 86-90 [
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Research on the Risk Identification and Control of Subgrade Engineeriong
WEI Yong - xing
Research purposes: Subgrade,as an artificial outdoor engineering structure made of geotechnical materials,is featured with natural characteristics which inevitably have some potential and uncertain factors of affecting the safety and quality in construction. That’s to say,the risk is to be severely controlled.
Research conclusions: The risk identification of subgrade project should be done from a specific engineering combining risk events with risk sources. The risk events must be found by the procedure of the project – sub item – branch item –construction process,as well as the risk sources at the same time from five aspects: the nature,geology,environment,design and construction,materials. The treatment of risk shall comply with the following basic principles: using the economic and reasonable technical and control measures to prevent the subgrade risks,lessening or reducing loss caused by risks and avoiding collapse,sliding,which is difficult to restore and affects normal function. subgrade risk should be controlled from its root. In the planning and design stage,the identified risk that is likely to cause the delay of schedule or cause heavy loss should be remedied by adjusting line plane or profile,adopting substitute program or other optimizing program to avert or reduce risks. Economic and rational technical measures are needed to guard against the risks in subgrade projects.
2013 Vol. 30 (3): 91-96 [
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Analysis of the Sliding Risk Factors of Embankment Slope
LUO Yi - nong,WEI Yong - xing,DING Zhao - feng
Research purposes: Based on the the sliding risk of embankment slope,the analysis method combined analytical hierarchy process with expert scoring method was established. By analysising the influence factors of the sliding risk of embankment slope ,the combination method was proved to be reasonable and feasible. The results can provide some reference for similar research and design in the future.
Research conclusions: ( 1) It is feasible to analysis the factors of the sliding risk of slope,using analytic hierarchy process combined with expert scoring method. ( 2) In the criterion layer,the influence of technological factors is greater. ( 3) For the technology risk,how to design reasonably and reduce the sliding risk for the slope of embankment is very important. And construction quality only take second place. ( 4) For sliding risk of embankment slope,control the risk of design and construction is the key.
2013 Vol. 30 (3): 97-100 [
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Analysis of Risk Management of Soil Nailing Wall for Expansive Red Clay Cut Slope
DING Zhao - feng,WEI Yong - xing,LUO Yi - nong
Research purposes: The risk management technology for the railway subgrade engineering is just in the beginning stage and there is a little reference information on it. There are many problems in the establishment of the risk database, the identification of the risk factors, the establishment of the prediction model, the quantitative characterization of the dynamic changes of the risk factors,the recognition of the hazard - affected body and the quantitative evaluation of the vulnerability. Aiming at the problems mentioned above,and taking an expansive soil nailing wall for the cut slope as an example,this paper expounds the risk management process and introduces the scientific risk management system composes of the analytic hierarchy process method,expert investigation method and fuzzy evaluation method and its operation steps for providing the reference and guidance to doing the research on the risk management technology for railway subgrade engineering.
Research conclusions: The risk management system composed of the analytic hierarchy process method,expert investigation method and fuzzy evaluation method has the characteristics of the distinct levels,clear steps and detailed analysis. The analysis results accord with the real situation,so it is reliable. The natural risk,environmental risk, construction risk and design risk have the big influence on the risk assessment results of the expansive soil nailing wall. Therefore,on fully consideration of natural and environmental factors,the reasonable design and strictly construction according to the design are the key points to reduce the collapse risk of the expansive soil nailing wall.
2013 Vol. 30 (3): 101-106 [
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Safety Risk Control in Design of Railway Station Building
WANG Yang,ZHAO Jian - hua
Research purposes: There is a new understanding on the station building because the large and medium -sized station building and comprehensive traffic terminal built in the past few years have their own features. However,the hidden danger in safety has been brought to the some station buildings because of the high construction speed,the high integration,the high,big and wide style of the building and the poor management of the designer. It impacts the personal security of the passenger and the traffic safety. This paper presents the ideas on the discrimination and assessment of the safety risk of the existing station building and how to control the safety risk in design of the station building for the purpose of providing the reference to improving the corresponding management organization.
Research conclusions: ( 1) It is necessary to control the safety risk to the existing and under - construction station buildings,and the corresponding measures should be taken for eliminating the existing hidden danger in safety. ( 2) The building designer should comprehensively control the safety risk in design to timely find out the hidden danger and provide the guidance and technical support to dealing with the safety accident once the safety accident happens. ( 3) The relations between the the safety risk and the development and the profits increase should be well dealt with.
2013 Vol. 30 (3): 107-113 [
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Exploration on Sharing of Marketing Expenditure Between Sellers and Sales Agent of Real Estate and Its Excitation Mechanism
GUAN Bai - hai
Research purposes: At present,the unilization ratio of the marketing expenditure of the real estate is not high and the actual marketing expenditure often exceeds the budget. This paper researches how to share the marketing expenditure of the real estate between the sellers and the sales agents for enhancing the working efficiency of the sales - supply chain of the real estate.
Research conclusions: Compared with the all marketing expenditures born by developer of real estate alone,the unilization ratio of the marketing expenditure is higher under the condition of the marketing expenditure born by the both developer and sales agents and the profits of the both marketing supply chain and sales agent are higher. In addition,the optimized marketing expenditure is positively correlated with the marketing capabilities of the both developer and sales agent. Nevertheless,the optimized proportion of the expenditure shared by the sales agent is negatively correlated with the marketing capability of the developer and positively correlated with the marketing capability of the sales agent.
2013 Vol. 30 (3): 114-119 [
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Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
Supported by:
Beijing Magtech