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2013 Vol. 30, No. 2
Published: 2013-02-15

1 Research on Building Large Sight Stereo Model and Measurement Method Hot!
WANG Zheng-ming, REN Xiao-chun, WANG Wei
Research purposes: The measurable 3D stereo model, as a new expression tool for the geographic information, is very important to the railway alignment and engineering design. But the traditional stereo model is a single photo pair model with the complicated calculation of the coordinates and this limites its applications. The digital stereo orthoimage method presented in last years breaks through the limitation of the single photo pair model, but the calculation process of accurate coordinates is still complex. On the premise of ensuring the accuracy, the calculation method should by simplified and the application of the large sight stereo model should be sped up. This paper presents a new set of methods for building and measuring the model.
Research conclusions: The experimental results show that the large sight stereo model build with this method has good visual effects. Its calculation method is simple and easy to realize. Its measurement accuracy is good as the measurement accuracy of the digital photogrammetric workstation in same scale. So it is available for the railway alignment and engineering design, and with it the design works can be directly done in the 3D stereo environment.
2013 Vol. 30 (2): 1-6 [Abstract] ( 3230 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (894 KB)  ( 295 )
7 Research on Minimum Headway Between EMU and Common Passenger Train on Passenger Dedicated Line
GENG Jing-chun
Research purposes: The minimum headway of trains is an important technical standard in the railway survey and design. The common passenger train running on passenger dedicated line (PDL) has big influence on the headway between trains. This paper mainly analyzes the type of coach, passenger train composition and train operation control system, and presents the calculation method and model for the headway between the EMU and common passenger train for providing the reference to the survey and design of passenger dedicated line.
Research conclusions: Based on the technologies of the train control system level 2(CTCS -2), the train running monitor and record device (LKJ) and the ground signals,the analyses and calculations were made for the minimum headways between trains into the Yuncheng North Station of Datong-Xi an PDL by using the calculation model. The calculations show the 3 minutes headway of the arrival-running through,the 3 minutes headway of the arrival-arrival and the 3 minutes headway of the running through-departure between the common passenger train and the EMU can be realized. And the 5 minutes headway of the departure-departure between the EMU and the common passenger train can be realized.
2013 Vol. 30 (2): 7-10,21 [Abstract] ( 2645 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1766 KB)  ( 286 )
11 Analysis of Collapsibility of Loess in Real Soaking Environment and Grading of Soaking Environment
XU Zeng-rong
Research purposes: The analysis of the soaking condition and mechanism of the Loess under the real environment condition was made,the thicknesses of the saturated collapsible loess layers under most unfavorable natural and artificial environments were determined, and the soaking collapsible environments were graded according to the influence differences of the environment on the loess soaking.
Research conclusions: The real collapsible thickness of loess depends on a variety of factors and the major factor is the soaking condition. Under the concrete soaking condition, the thickness of saturated collapsible loess is controlled by the precipitation, penetration of surface water and rising of ground water. The experience and calculation show the most soaking thicknesses under natural environment are obviously less than the thickness of the collapsible loess. By taking the soaking collapsible thickness as the basis, the construction cost and works can be much reduced. The calculation and analysis of the soaking thickness under natural environment presented in this paper can give a new method and thinking on valuation of the loess collapsibility and grading the soaking environment.
2013 Vol. 30 (2): 11-16 [Abstract] ( 2569 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (476 KB)  ( 99 )
17 Issues for Caution in Retaining Anti-slide Pile Construction for Subgrade
CHANG Jv-you, LIU Zu-fu, WANG Ya-min
Research purposes: From the integrity test to the remaining anti-slide pile for the subgrade with the sonic method and reflected wave method,it was found some anti-sliding piles had the characteristics of the lower sonic velocity and multiple reflection wave curves at the same depth. The core drilling testing showed the mortar existed in this area and the reason for it was the serious segregation of the mortar and the concrete. Therefore, it was necessary to do research on the reason for the segregation.
Research conclusions: The analysis showed that the mortar existing in this area was caused by casting the concrete to the pile by two times. The concrete could be casted to the one pile by one time. At the same time,the casting of concrete to the pile could be continuous and the stratification of more than Im could be avoided. The vibration rods would be used for the hierarchical compaction. Additionally, more attention would be paid to the construction quality of the remaining wall and the concrete slump would be controlled at 180 mm. It would make sure that there was no sediment on the pile bottom and there was no water leakage of the remaining wall. If it was necessary to cast the concrete for the second time, the second integrity test to the pile would be done to ensure that there was no mortar on the pile top casted by the first time. For the cutting subgrade, the anti-slide piles would be completed before excavation of the subgrade. For the same row of the pile, the interval construction was needed. In the process of the construction, the second batch of the interval piles could not be casted until the 28 days later after the first batch of the piles were casted.
2013 Vol. 30 (2): 17-21 [Abstract] ( 2607 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (345 KB)  ( 177 )
22 Determination of Reasonable Scheme of Watertight Curtain for Pebble Soil Cutting Slope
DING Zhao-feng
Research purposes: In railway construction, when the cutting subgrade passes through riverside with the excavation depth below the water flood level, the watertight curtain should be built reasonably to avoid the river water intrusion and ensure the safety of railway traffic. In this paper, on consideration of the technological, economic and safe factors, the discussion is made on the reasonable determination of the scheme of the watertight curtain for the pebble soil cutting slope in a railway station to reduce the influence of adverse factors on the newly-built railway. It can offer the reference to the similar works.
Research conclusions: Usually, when the cutting subgrade passes through riverside with the excavation depth below the water flood level, the scheme of the watertight curtain should be chosen on consideration of the technological, economic and safe factors to reduce the influence of adverse factors on the new railway as much as possible. This is one of the ways to deal with the problems in such project. In the choice of the scheme, the misunderstanding of blindly seeking the low cost should be given up, and the high performance to price should be sought.
2013 Vol. 30 (2): 22-24,43 [Abstract] ( 3247 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (351 KB)  ( 148 )
25 Research and Application of Method for Retesting CPⅢ Control Network During Operation and Maintenance Stages of High-speed Railway
REN Xiao-chun, ZHOU Dong-wei
Research purposes: As the control datum for checking and adjusting the railway track of high-speed railway during the operation and maintenance stages, the CPⅢ track control network needs to be retested regularly within four hours of maintenance window time at night. With the retesting method stipulated in the current code for the CPⅢ , it has to be co-tested with the control points of the higher rank section by section. In this way, there are lots of retesting works to be done and the retesting efficiency is low. So it is very important to develop a retesting method and work out a kind of standard for judging the stability of the control point for retesting the CPⅢ during the operation and maintenance stages of high-speed railway.
Research conclusions: (1) By simulation calculation, the recommended values of the limit error of lateral and longitudinal chord lengths were determined and they were separately 1 mm and 2 mm. With these data, the verified tests were done for judging the stability of the retesting control points. The judging method was as follows: When the limit error of the lateral chord length between the adjacent control points of CPⅢ did not exceed the limit of 1 mm, it showed that at least the stability of one control points was poor. For further confirming the stability, it needed to see whether the limit error between the longitudinal chords lengths of these two control points and their adjacent CPⅢ points exceed the limit of 2 mm or not. (2) The testing results showed that the conclusions obtained by using the method presented in this paper were consistent with that obtained by using the methods stipulated in the current codes, so this method was feasible and the research result could provide the reference to working out and improving the specifications for retesting CPⅢ.
2013 Vol. 30 (2): 25-29 [Abstract] ( 2832 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (317 KB)  ( 140 )
30 Design of Large Longitudinal Slope Based on French Specification
LI Wen-bo
Research purposes: To adapt the terrain condition of mountainous area, the large longitudinal slope often has to be built to the highway in mountain area. For building the large longitudinal slope, there are many restrictions stipulated in the specifications at home and abroad. However, the traffic accidents caused by the braking failure of the heavily loaded vehicle in down slope still happen from time to time. The investigation shows the incidence of the traffic accident happened in the large longitudinal slope in France is much lower than China because the French specifications are more rational and effective. Based on inducting and analyzing the cases, this paper analyzes the reason for the braking failure of the heavily loaded vehicle in down slope, presents the risk indicators of the large longitudinal slope based on referencing the current French specifications and relevant provisions and gives the measures for reducing the driving risks for the purpose of providing the reference to highway design.
Research conclusions: In the highway's section with the large longitudinal slope of more than 3%, the gentle slopes should not be designed frequently. The emergency lane should be built when the elevation difference of one large longitudinal slope reaches at 130 meters. In addition, the warning signs should be added and the slow lane should be built in the conditional section to reduce the driving risk and protect the driver and the other people.
2013 Vol. 30 (2): 30-33 [Abstract] ( 2600 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (345 KB)  ( 825 )
34 Analysis of Damping Performance of Isolated Rubber Floating Slab
CAO Yu-ze, TIAN Miao-sheng,YANG Qi-zhen
Research purposes: The basic component of the track structure with isolated rubber floating slab is the concrete slab track born by the elastic element. The research was done on the mechanical properties of the floating slab, the analysis was made for the natural frequencies, mechanical response under dynamic load and damping performance, and the discussion was made on the reasonable thickness of the ballastless track to provide the reference to the track design.
Research conclusions: The research results show that the natural frequency of the track system decreases with the increase of the thickness of the ballastless track, and the rate of change decreases with increase of the track thickness. The acceleration insertion loss of the track basis increases with the increase of the thickness of the ballastless track,and the rate of change decreases with increase of the track thickness. When the thickness of the ballastless track reaches at 0.4m,the corresponding dynamic performance,the damping performance effect and the concrete amount of track bed are rather economical. From the present theoretical analysis and online testing, it can be seen the damping performance effect of the isolated rubber floating slab system is obvious,and its construction and maintenance programs are systematic.
2013 Vol. 30 (2): 34-38,75 [Abstract] ( 2625 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (684 KB)  ( 299 )
39 Application of Rotational Cone Penetration in Geological Exploration for A Large Bridge in Tianjin
GAO Yan-xia, GAO Xiu-mei
Research purposes: At present, the drilling and cone penetration are used for the geological exploration for railway in the areas of Tianjin and North China Plain. However, the conventional double penetration is difficult to penetrate the compacted silt and sand layer with burred depth of more than of 35m. The mechanical properties of the deep soil are obtained mainly by the drilling sampling and standard penetration test. The boring hole depth can not meet the needs of the design of the current railway bridge and inspection and calculation of the settlement of the soft soil subgrade. To seek the continuously, rapidly and accurately static cone penetration test technology featured with no disturbance and being used for the hard and deep stratum is the new research direction on the geotechnical testing technology.
Research conclusions: With the new rotational penetration test technology applied in survey for a super big railway bridge in Nangang of Tianjin, the penetration depth reached at 80m. The application showed this technology overcame the conventional static cone penetration tests demerits, such as unable to penetrate the hard and deep stratum and the shallow testing depth, met the needs of the engineering design and the rotational cone penetration was an in-site test method available for railway and the high-rise building.
2013 Vol. 30 (2): 39-43 [Abstract] ( 2625 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (440 KB)  ( 212 )
44 Seismic Design of Shanggou Bridge of Lanzhou North Loop Road
ZHOU Xiao-fu
Research purposes: The Shanggou Bridge in the eastern section of the Lanzhou North Loop Road is a 5x30m continuous T beam bridge with seismic-resistant capacity of 8 magnitude. In this paper, according to the latest version of the "Code for Seismic Design of Urban Bridge" implemented in 2012 and the analysis of the dynamic characteristics of whole bridge under the El and E2 seismic effects, the calculation of ability-protecting components and ductility design were made separately to the corresponding parts of the bridge.
Research conclusions: From the research,we can draw the below conclusions: (1) The differences and the relation between the seismic rules of the highway bridge stipulated in the new version code and the 2008 version code can be seen. (2) For calculation of the bridge with the plastic working state, the following procedure should be followed: First, the section dimension can be increased to control the deformation, then the rate of reinforcement can be adjusted to make the piers yielding and finally the capability protection members are designed.
2013 Vol. 30 (2): 44-47 [Abstract] ( 2603 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (770 KB)  ( 94 )
48 Design of Continuous Beam - arch Combined Structure for Passenger Dedicated Line
YANG Shan-kui,YUAN Ming,YAN Yong,DAI Sheng-Yong
Research purposes: Taking the continuous beam-arch combined structure of the Yazi River Bridge in 56+116+56m of the Chengdu-Mianyang-Leshan Passenger Dedicated Line as the research background, the researches were done in detail on the beam-arch combined structure,including the conformation,loading features of hanger rod and abutment layout,and the introduction was given to the structure features of the beam-arch combined structure, including the establishment of the model, determination of the loading, calculation of the beam arch and hinger rod and analysis of the dynamic characteristics and the arch base for providing the reference to the similar works.
Research conclusions: The continuous beam-arch combined structure has the merits of both long - span continuous beam and arch. Combined with the same large span continuous beam, the height of the main beam can be lowered because of the arch effect. The pressure-resistant and deformation-resistant capacities of the concrete are much enhanced because of the hooping effect of the steel tube on the concrete. The stability of the steel tube is improved because of the concrete in the steel tube to make the arch and beam being able to bear the loads. So the beam-arch combined structure has the features of the good capacity of bearing load,the good stiffness of the structure,less height of architecture and mature construction methods, and this type of bridge will become one of the most competitive bridges.
2013 Vol. 30 (2): 48-52 [Abstract] ( 3284 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (787 KB)  ( 371 )
53 Analysis of Settlement Influence on Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway Caused by Under-passing of Shijiazhuang-Jinan Passenger Dedicated Line's Bridge
SUN Zong-lei,LI Qiao
Research purposes: As the foundation of the new building near the existing railway bridge will produce additional stress to the soil,it is inevitable to cause foundation deformation of the existing railway bridge. The Jinan west connecting track bridge of the newly-built Shijiazhuang-Jinan Passenger Dedicated Line needs to under-pass the Yellow River south approach Bridge of the Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway. As the ballastless track is used for the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed Railway,it requires strict control of the settlement of the bridge substructure to ensure the safety of train running. Therefore,it is necessary to study the settlement influence on the Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway caused by under-passing of the Shijiazhuang-Jinan Passenger Dedicated Line s bridge. The Plaxis 3D finite element program was used to analyze the settlement influences on the bridge of the Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway when the solid bridge pier or frame bridge pier of the Shijiazhuang-Jinan Passenger Dedicated Line under-passes for the purpose of determining the minimum impact on the structure and stabilizing the track alignment.
Research conclusions: The analysis results illustrated that on consideration of the additional settlement of foundation caused by the newly building bridge ,the maximum unequal settlement of the adjacent solid pier structure of the existing Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway was 3.2mm and the frame pier structure was 4.3mm, and they were in the regulatory range of 5mm and feasible. It was recommended to use the solid pier structure because its additional impact was lesser than the others. In addition, it was proposed that the settlement influence on the existing high-speed railway bridge could be further reduced by extending the length of pile foundation of the new bridge properly and it also pointed out there was a variation between theoretical calculation and real data,so the perfect monitoring scheme,method, control value and early warning value would be established and improved to ensure the safe construction and safe operation of high-speed railway.
2013 Vol. 30 (2): 53-57 [Abstract] ( 2618 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1341 KB)  ( 364 )
58 Calculation of Movable Die Carrier and Determination of Pre-camber of Bridge of High-speed Railway
WU Shang-de
Research purposes: The bridges in the special sections of the Shenyang-Dandong Passenger Dedicated Line needed to be built by using the bridging machine with movable die carrier because of the natural environment conditions. The calculation was made to verify the design and manufacturing qualities of the MZ900S type Bridging machine with upstriker movable die carrier, know the actual deflection and stiffness of the bridging machine under the various working states during construction of cast-in-situ box girder and determine the reasonable pre-camber according to the y=0.1213x2-30.1 for the purpose of ensuring the bridging machine in the good working state in service.
Research conclusions: (1) The calculation and heaped loading test showed the strength,stiffness, manufacturing quality and assembly quality of the movable die carrier met the design requirements and the pre-camber was reasonable according to the y=0.1213x2-30.1. (2) The movable die carrier had the features of the clear loading on the structure, good adaptability, perfect functions and high mechanization. (3) The movable die carrier met the construction requirements for the 24 m box girder, the curve bridge, the bidirectional 32m box girder with assembly of integrated 32 m bridge opening.
2013 Vol. 30 (2): 58-62 [Abstract] ( 2541 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (827 KB)  ( 428 )
63 Discussion of Geophysical Exploration Pattern for the Railway Tunnel
LI Jian
Research purposes: With construction of high-speed railway in large scale, the tunnel length and tunnel amount increase rapidly. For the geological exploration,especially for the geophysical exploration for the tunnel,there are lots of works to be done with the big technical difficulties,many ways and high cost. The research was done on the geophysical exploration pattern for the railway tunnel on consideration of the cost of the geophysical exploration for the purpose of achieving the good exploration accuracy.
Research conclusions: (1) During the exploration and design stages, the CSAMT method is mainly used for exploring the 40m deep ground,the corresponding geophysical exploration methods should be used for exploring the ground of the less than 40m depth, and the multiple coverage seismic reflection wave method should be used for the geological exploration for the subaqueous (submarine) tunnel. (2) During the construction stage,the electric sounding method is used for exploring the tunnel base,the hole-crossing elastic tomography method is used for exploring the area with density distribution of coal goafs,the EM tomography method is used for exploring the karst area,especially for the karst with good development, the TPS method is used for the advanced geological forecast to the area in front of the working face of the tunnel,and the ground penetration radar is used for inspection of the lining quality of the tunnel.
2013 Vol. 30 (2): 63-68,103 [Abstract] ( 4894 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (492 KB)  ( 204 )
69 Investigation and Treatment of Chahe Unsymmetrical Pressure-landslide Tunnel of Dongchuan Railway
YANG Wen-hui,JIANG Liang-wen, LIU Wei,ZHANG Xu, HE Jia-liang
Research purposes: The Chahe Tunnel is a hillside tunnel. The arch waist and vault of the tunnel cracked longitudinally with the block off. The sidewall cracked longitudinally and moved outside to exceed the boundary,and it endangered the traffic safety. As the tunnel area was featured with the topographic and geological conditions of unsymmetrical pressure, the tunnel cracks were also featured with the obvious unsymmetrical pressure. The investigation revealed that the continuous stretched and fractures happened on the mountain peak and the horizontal shearing cracks happened on the sidewall of the tunnel. To identify the reasons for the tunnel disaster, correctly evaluate the stability and predict the disaster development trend were crucial to the success of the its treatment.
Research conclusions: The Chahe tunnel was a typical case that the tunnel became and developed into a landslide tunnel due to the joint effects of the unsymmetrical pressures of terrain and the geological structure. The special terrain and the slope geological structures and the geological characteristics of each soil layer made the slope easily to be pressured unsymmetrically. The soft and weak sliding zone formed along the bedding surface and the high-angle fault surface were the internal factors of the landslide formation. The river erosion, the rain infiltration and especially the intermittent declining movement of the hanging side of the F1 high-angle normal fault caused by the structure movement and seismic action were the important external triggering factors for the formation and development of landslide. The respected treatment effect can be achieved by doing the comprehensive treatments according to the investigation conclusions and suggestions.
2013 Vol. 30 (2): 69-75 [Abstract] ( 2663 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1398 KB)  ( 336 )
76 Study on Application of TSP Advanced Forecast in Tunnel Construction
YANG Feng, LI Zhi-hua, Shi Jian-lin
Research purposes: The unfavorable geologic phenomenon, such as karsts,collapse, and water bursting etc.,are often encountered during tunnel excavation. In order to ensure the construction safety, the advanced geological forecast should be conducted. The TSP advanced forecast becomes one of commonly-used geological forecast methods at home and abroad because of its wide application scope,far forecast distance,high accuracy,simple operation, rich results ,less influence on construction and short forecast period.
Research conclusions: The TSP forecast technology was used for the Lijiaying Tunnel and it worked well. The forecast results proved that by using the TSP method, the geological conditions of the area within 100-150 meters in front of the working face of the tunnel could be well known timely, and also the forecast result could be sent timely. Meanwhile, the applicable procedures of TSP forecast method were so simple that it was possible to carry on the forecast work without the influence on the tunnel construction. With the TSP technology, the basis could be provided to the tunnel construction and parameter adjustments to guarantee the construction safety.
2013 Vol. 30 (2): 76-80 [Abstract] ( 3423 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1330 KB)  ( 393 )
81 Analysis of Influence of New Highway Construction on Tunnel of Ganzhou-Longyan Railway
Research purposes: With more and more new highways overpassing the existing railway tunnels,it is necessary to carefully consider the multifaceted influences of the highway on the additional displacement,the additional stress and the regularity of the existing railway tunnel. The dynamic effect of the construction should also be considered. With the theoretical solution, it is difficult to consider the complex terrain and dynamic construction process. Combined with the construction of the highway overpassing the the railway tunnel of the Ganzhou-Longyan Railway in the Xinzhanbei Road in the new district of Shanghang County,the three dimensional finite element was used to analyze the influence of the highway construction on the railway tunnel in order to guide the engineering design and provide the references to the similar projects.
Research conclusions: From the research on the actual terrain condition and the 3D FEM model for the design of the tunnel lining, it was seen the maximum additional displacement of the railway tunnel was about lmm, the maximum additional stress of the tunnel was 1810 kN*m/m and the maximum horizontal displacement of the highway excavation face was about 41.0mm. On the premise of well doing the works of construction organization and monitoring, the safe operation of the railway could be archived. It was also proposed that the excavation could be symmetrically conducted section by section,zone by zone and layer by layer and the appropriate adjustments of the construction procedures could be made according to the monitoring data to further reduce adverse effect on the tunnel.
2013 Vol. 30 (2): 81-85 [Abstract] ( 2749 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1779 KB)  ( 328 )
86 Research and Analysis of Japanese Steel Cantilever Support Structure Property
LIN De-fu,GU Xiao-dong,HAN Ling-qing
Research purposes: The aluminum alloy cantilever support structure are commonly used for the catenary system of the high-speed railway in China. It has many advantages,such as less weight,easy construction and needing no embalming after cutting, but its shortcomings are obvious, such as poor structure strength and poor resistance to chloride corrosion in coastal areas. As China is vast in territory and various in climate, in order to adapt to the various climate,it is necessary to seek the cantilever support structure of catenary system that can adapt to a variety of climatic characteristics. The Japanese steel cantilever support structure, much different from the common type cantilever, has its own advantages, so the research on its application in the catenary system in China has a notable effect on improving the reliability of the catenary system in Chinas coastal and strong wind regions.
Research conclusions: An analysis program was compiled for the Japanese steel cantilever structure with finite element method and ANSYS software. Combined with the standards and real project condition, the results of the static and modal analyses to the Japanese steel cantilever structure were studied. The result showed that the Japanese steel cantilever support structure had a lot of merits,such as the less deflection after loading and being uneasy to produce resonance due to the strong overall stability, and its static strength met the design requirements. So it has good applicable prospecting.
2013 Vol. 30 (2): 86-89 [Abstract] ( 2760 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1237 KB)  ( 264 )
90 Yard Type Research on the Enhancing Back-returning Capacity of Metro Terminal Station
TANG Yu-chuan,LONG Yong-fang,XIAO Chun-guang
Research purposes: Along with the gathering of city population and the expansion of city scale,city metro passenger flow goes up continuously,train density improves constantly,thus a higher demand of metro terminal station back-returning capacity is brought out, and sometimes common yard type and back-returning mode can not meet the need of the system. It is necessary to do some study on the yard type and the back-returning mode, so that to meet the system need.
Research conclusions: (1) Under some limiting condition,the back-returning capacity of the two common forms can't meet the need. (2) The paper has done some analysis and computation on a peculiar yard type and its back-returning mode,the result is that its back-returning capacity can reach 40 train pairs. (3) This back-returning mode has some advantages and adaptability.
2013 Vol. 30 (2): 90-93 [Abstract] ( 2549 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1697 KB)  ( 505 )
94 Research on Program for Leading Line 8 of Wuhan Metro into OCT
ZHANG Jia-jun
Research purposes: The city development can attract a big passenger flow for metro traffic,enhance the subway value and achieve the virtuous circle of the subway and urban developments. According to the requirements of the "Construction Plan of Wuhan City Rapid Transit",the Line 8 of Wuhan metro is required to be led into the OCT. The construction here becomes the braking point of the main direction of the Line 8 construction because the OCT is close to the East Lake Scenic Area and it is difficult to coordinate the Line 8 with the OCT. In addition, the metro line will be cycled in the East Lake Scenic Area and it will increase the construction scale and have the big impact on the the East Lake Scenic Area.
Research conclusions: Based on the investigation of the current conditions and the analysis of the reasons for the difficulties, the difficult problems in coordination of the Line 8 with the OTC is overcome by taking the countermeasures, getting the good results. (1) Compared with the construction planning,the track length is shortened and the project investment is saved by 2.1 billion yuan. (2) By reasonably setting up the stations, the OCT branch lines and the Line 4 can cover the surrounding areas, and it can promote the rapid development of the region. (3) The floor of the property development increases by 29,150 square meters and the commercial value of the subway is enhanced.
2013 Vol. 30 (2): 94-98 [Abstract] ( 2623 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1276 KB)  ( 654 )
99 Study on Three Line-transfer Programs in Hong Kong Road Station of Wuhan Rail Transit
ZHAO Qiang
Research purposes: There are large traffic flows on the Jianshe Avenue and Hong Kong road with many peripheral control factors. It is difficult to build a three line-transfer station in this area and also difficult to do the coordination work for construction. In order to avoid the impact of the track adjustment on the station,it is necessary to do the comprehensive research on the three line-transfer programs in the Hong Kong Road Station.
Research conclusions: Through the analysis of the functional orientation, transfer distance, passenger flow and distance between stations of each line,and based on working out and taking the countermeasures,the importance of the three line transfer was presented and the merits of centrally setting up stations for three lines was analyzed. In this way, the difficulties in construction and coordination were overcome,obtaining good results. The following conclusions are drawn: (1) The three line-transfer in Hong Kong Road Station is necessary because the Line 3,Line 6 and Line 7 meet here. (2) From the transfer function and the influence of station construction on surrounding environment, the central setting up station for 3 lines has certain advantages,but the attention should be paid to the positions of the escalators,exits and entrance to make the transfer passage smooth.
2013 Vol. 30 (2): 99-103 [Abstract] ( 2602 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (349 KB)  ( 163 )
104 Discharging Current and Monitoring of Mental Underground Pipeline Around Metro
SUN Xiang-kun
Research purposes: With the rapid development of the metro in China in recent years, the metro track passes the city populated area,with crossing the mental natural gas pipe,the mental petroleum pipe and the mental chemical pipe. These mental pipes will be corrosive because of the stray current produced by the AC power supply system of the metro. This paper discusses and analyzes the monitoring of the mental pipelines around the metro and the protection of discharging the current cathodically.
Research conclusions: Now the problems caused by the pipeline crossing and paralleling with the metro track become more and more, so the pipeline operators should cooperate with the metro operator. (1) The metro designer and operator of the metro should control the total volume of the stray current,monitor the internal system and discharge the current to make the stray current in the certain range with on impact on the external system. (2) The pipeline operators should insulate and cathodically protect the pipeline. In the area where the pipeline crosses or parallels with the metro track, the monitoring spot should be added, the corrosion-proof coating should be thickened and the anodic discharge current should not be conducted.
2013 Vol. 30 (2): 104-108 [Abstract] ( 2575 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (883 KB)  ( 165 )
109 Economic Analysis of "Subway and Property" Mode
CHEN Fu-gui, XIANG Hong
Research purposes: The construction mode of urban rail transit has been transformed from the government-oriented indebted financing mode to the more socialized and diversified ones in China. How to attract social investment, how to make the urban rail transit project profitable and how to realize the hematopoietic function of the urban rail transit project are crucial to the socialized financing mode. On learning the successful experience of the subway construction in Hong Kong, this paper discusses the financing thinkings and analyzes the economic issues related to the subway and property mode for providing the reference to promoting the reform of the diversified financing mode for the construction of urban rail transits in China.
Research conclusions: From the research it is concluded: (1) On considering that the property resources can not be used as the capital under the current policy, it is proposed the government should set up a construction fund or make a promise of the financial investment for urban rail transit to avoid the capital risk and obtain the approval of projects. (2) The construction and operation of the blinded subway with the property should be evaluated as the comprehensive project. (3) The following points should be considered in the economic evaluation: The internal rate of return should be oriented from the cost of the market capital and on considering the a certain risk investment,it should be a little higher than the bank long-term loan to attract more social capitals. (4) The incremental benefits deducting the property development cost and the amount of contribution of the subway capital can be regarded as the "resource income" and go into the cash inflow,and the inputs and outputs of the other items should be calculated according the subway mode.
2013 Vol. 30 (2): 109-112 [Abstract] ( 2622 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1259 KB)  ( 536 )
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