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2012 Vol. 29, No. 5
Published: 2012-05-15

1 Analysis of Accuracy of Absolute Survey in Control of Horizontal Regularity of Ballastless Track
WEI hui1,ZHU Hong - tao1,WAN Jian2
Research purposes: At present,the absolute survey method of the electronic total station ( ETS) is used for the precision adjustment of the ballastless track regularities. With this method,by surveying the external geometric state,the internal geometric state is controlled,but it is not fully compatible with the traditional concept of track irregularities. In this paper,the discussion is made on the error of absolute survey and the analysis is made for the control precision of this precision adjustment of the ballastless track irregularity.
Research conclusions: The theoretical analysis and relevant experiments proved that using the adjustment method of absolute survey with high accuracy ETS could meet the accuracy requirements of within ± 2 mm for the horizontal irregularity adjustment of the ballastless track of high - speed railway.
2012 Vol. 29 (5): 1-5 [Abstract] ( 2617 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (251 KB)  ( 229 )
6 Mechanism for Toppling Deformation and Treatment Measures of Marlite Slope
Research purposes: During the realization of Algeria East - West Highway Project,toppling deformation of marlite slope was observed in several places and some slopes were even transformed into landslide,which was unfavorable for project advancement. In this case,it is necessary to research on the mechanism of toppled and deformed slopes and to study their stability,in order to proceed to treatment or pre - consolidation before toppling deformation.
Research conclusions: ( 1) Deformation failure mode of the slope is dependent on the inner structure of slope,the physic - mechanical properties and outsider factors; ( 2) Studies on mechanism of the slope deformation failure and on slope deformation failure and stability at every different evolution stage are necessary for proposing proper slope treatment measures in accordance with its development stage; ( 3) Comprehensive treatment proposition,which combines several propositions such as earthwork reliving,materials replacement,anchorage,retaining and drainage etc. ,could be taken into consideration during the treatment.
2012 Vol. 29 (5): 6-10 [Abstract] ( 2636 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (407 KB)  ( 182 )
11 Research on Dynamic Compaction of Foundation of Blowing Sand Reclaimation
DENG Man - xiang
Research purposes: In coastal area,the blowing sand reclaimation becomes more and more popular,so it is necessary to do the research on how to effectively and economically treat the foundation base in the reclaimation area and how to establish the reasonable numerical model to make the project the most economic and reasonable.
Research conclusions: According to the characteristics of disposal engineering of the foundation of the blowing sand reclaimation,a 3 - D numerical model was established to study the settlement caused by the dynamic compaction. Its results was compared with the data of some actual projects for treating the sand - soil with the dynamic compaction method. By loading with compaction hammer,the volume of void was decreased and the density of the soil was increased,obtaining good treatment result. This method was available for treating the foundation of blowing sand reclaimation in the coastal area. The most reasonable dynamic compaction parameters were got by comparing and analyzing the numerical simulation research and the actual project,and it could provide the reference to the similar works.
2012 Vol. 29 (5): 11-13 [Abstract] ( 2528 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (198 KB)  ( 173 )
14 Research on the State of Subgrade Engineering in Permafrost Region Railway during the Early Operation
SHI Gang - qiang1,LI Yong - qiang2
Research purposes: Studies on the status of subgrade engineering in permafrost region is complicated by the intervention of temperature and water and railway operating conditions. Based on in - site investigation and monitoring during the early operation of the QTR,this paper studied the status of subgrade engineering from three aspects,subgrade deformation,geothermal changes and hydrothermal conditions,and proposed solutions to subgrade cracks to ensure railway safety and conservation.
Research conclusions: ( 1) During the Early Operation,the subgrade engineering in Permafrost Region Railway,we found that the overall deformation has been on the decline and subgrade deformation has stabilized. ( 2) The upper limits of permafrost in most subgrade sections have increased,their statuses have stabilized and the cold reserves of bases have increased. The increase in upper limits is a result of the decrease in soil temperature. ( 3 ) The status of subgrade engineering has changed because the changes in geothermal field have altered the places and soil depths of deformations. At the same time,the asymmetry field causes deformation differences and deduces cracks. Hydrothermal changes will result in cracks. ( 4) Asymmetry thermotics in subgrade structure will soften the asymmetry of upper limits,thus reduce the difference of horizontal deformations and prevent cracks.
2012 Vol. 29 (5): 14-17 [Abstract] ( 2619 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (224 KB)  ( 212 )
18 Experimental Study on Settlement Characteristics of Unsaturated Soil Subgrade of Qingdao - Jinan Passenger Dedicated Line
YAO Yu - chun1,LI An - hong1,JIANG Guan - lu2
Research purposes: Now the theory on the unsaturated soil is imperfect,and the consolidation theory and settlement calculating method for the unsaturated soil are not mature because of the complexity of the unsaturated soil.The subgrade settlement becomes one of important control factors of passenger dedicated line,so it is very important to know the physical mechanics characteristics of the unsaturated soil and it is very significant to reveal the settlement characteristics of unsaturated soil subgrade for selection of more reasonable and economic treatment way for the unsaturated soil subgrade of passenger dedicated line.
Research conclusions: The saturations of unsaturated silty clay and floury soil along the Qingdao - Jinan Railway are between 46% ~ 80% . The embankment settlement during construction period can be above 75 percent of the total settlement and about 90 percent of the total settlement after 3 to 5 months. The stress - strain curve and the strain - time curve tally with the hyperbolic model,and hyperbolic method is recommended to predict the settlement of the subgrade. It is unnecessary to treat the unsaturated soil subgrade of the ballast track of passenger dedicated line. It is necessary to conduct the treatment to the shallowness from 5 m to 8 m of the subgrade of ballastless track of passenger dedicated line. The treating depth should increase for the high filling and transition sections of the ballastless track of passenger dedicated line.
2012 Vol. 29 (5): 18-25 [Abstract] ( 2605 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (570 KB)  ( 324 )
26 Comments on Engineering Geological Investigation of Ethiopian Railway
XU Zheng - xuan,ZHANG Kun,TANG Lin
Research purposes: The railway in the section of SEBETA - ADAMA - MIESO of Ethiopian Railway is the first standard railway to be built in Ethiopia. It is difficult to conduct the engineering geological investigation for railway because there is a little study on the local basic geology and there is a little available information. Therefore,it is necessary to study a suitable set of engineering geological investigation methods for the Ethiopian railway to well know the engineering geological and gydrogeological conditions along the railway for providing the real and accurate geological basis information to the railway alignment,the engineering geology evaluation and the engineering design.
Research conclusions: By adopting the geological mapping and geophysical prospecting first and then conducting the specifically disposing drilling,in - situ tests and various laboratory tests,the investigation cost can be effectively reduced and the survey precision can be met. The in - site survey shows adopting various comprehensive engineering geological investigation is available for the Ethiopian Railway Project.
2012 Vol. 29 (5): 26-29 [Abstract] ( 2634 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (254 KB)  ( 306 )
30 Calculation and Analysis of Impact of Prestress Tension on Cast - in - place Falsework
WAN Cheng - gang,YAO Fa - hai
Research purposes: When the prestress is in tensile state,the concrete beam and cast - in - place falsework will interact. The load on the falsework will redistribute because of the deformation of the concrete beam. Only a little calculation is made for such working condition in actual project. Therefore,as the calculation is incomplete,the safety factor of the designed falsework structure is insufficient and it may cause the safety accident because the load on some parts of the cast - in - place falsework is insufficient. In this paper,taking the cast - in - place falsework of one cable stayed bridge as an example,the research is done on the calculation method for the impact of the tension of lateral and vertical prestress on the load bearing of the cast - in - place and the analysis is made for the causes for the load redistribution of the cast - in - place falsework caused by the prestress tension for the purpose of providing theory evidence to construction of prestress concrete beam.
Research conclusions: By establishing the finite element model for the prestress concrete beam and the cast - in - place falsework,the analysis and calculation are made for the changes of the load bearing of the cast - in - place falsework under conditions of the concrete casting,designed strength,tensile vertical prestress and tensile lateral prestress in each construction stage. The calculation results show when the vertical and lateral prestress is in tensile state,the the concretebeam will deform to cause transmission of the load on the cast - in - place falsework into the two sides of the falsework. The more tensile prestress there is,the more obvious the load redistribution sign is. The load redistribution will produce the big negative impact on the local structure of the falsework.
2012 Vol. 29 (5): 30-34 [Abstract] ( 2616 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (353 KB)  ( 726 )
35 Analysis and Calculation of Impulsive Force of Falling Stones in Exit and Entrance of Railway Tunnel
CHEN Shi - gang
Research purposes: Collapse and rockfall are the most common geological disasters for the steep rock slope.If the they are not treated in time,they may cause the traffic interruption,huge economic loss and life casualty. When railway is built in mountain area,the open tunnel and hangar tunnel are adopted to prevent the impact of the collapse and falling stone on the track structure,especially to prevent the collapse and falling stone in exit and entrance of the tunnel. The impulsive force of falling stone is one of main load indexes to be considered in design of the preventive structure,such as open tunnel,hangar tunnel and stone retaining wall. Now the impulsive force of falling stone is often computed with the semi - experience and semi - theory formula,but the applicability and the rationality of them should be verified before application.
Research conclusions: In this paper,the analysis and discussion were made on the commonly - used calculation methods for the impulsive force of falling stone. The calculation of the impulsive force of falling stone was made for the additional hangar tunnel at the tunnel portal of Xiangfan - Chongqing Railway with the subgrade technical manuals method,tunnel technical manuals method,Labiouse method,Kawahara method and Yangqixin method. It was shown that the calculation results obtained by these five methods were almost the same in magnitude. The results obtained by the subgrade technical manuals method and tunnel technical manuals method were a little bigger than the others.However,on consideration of that these two methods had been applied and verified in a large number projects,it was proposed to use the calculation results obtained by these two methods as the design load of the additional hangar tunnel and based on them to make the design.
2012 Vol. 29 (5): 35-39 [Abstract] ( 2660 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (234 KB)  ( 246 )
40 Application of Ground Penetrating Radar in Detecting Defect of Tunnel Lining
ZHOU Bin1,ZHAO Feng1,JIANG Jian1,LIU Wei2
Research purposes: Detecting the defect of tunnel lining is one important works in the detection of the railway tunnel. The ground penetrating radar has a significant effect and a wide applicable range in detecting the defect of the tunnel lining. The analysis and summary on the wave characteristics of the ground penetrating radar is crucial to detection of the defect of tunnel lining.
Research conclusions: It can be seen from the study that the ground penetrating radar wave reflected by the rock around tunnel lining has a larger amplitude and stronger signal disorderly than the wave reflected by tunnel lining. The waveform reflected by the steel structure in tunnel lining looks like hyperbolic,but the amplitude of the hyperbolic of the reinforced bar is relatively narrow,and the hyperbolic of the of the steel arch frame extends much vertically with small lateral extension. The waveform reflected by the lining cave or surrounding rock cave has characteristics of the confused phase axis of the reflected wave with repeated and stronger reflections and low frequency.
2012 Vol. 29 (5): 40-44 [Abstract] ( 2611 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (407 KB)  ( 127 )
45 Safe Construction Techniques for Tunnels Passing through Fractured Fault Zone
GONG Cheng - ming1,MENG Qing - yu2,LI Wu - hong3
Research purposes: It is often encountered during tunnel construction that it has to pass through fractured fault zone. The geological hazards,such as water and mud gushing,spoil flowing etc. may occur in construction. This paper discusses on the safe construction techniques for tunnels passing through fractured fault zone when encountering water and mud gushing,spoil sliding etc. And it puts forward the rational solutions to ensure the construction safety,quality and construction period.
Research conclusions: Taking Jiubao Tunnel project on Zhang Jiakou - Ji Ning Railway as an example,this paper studies on safe construction techniques for tunnel passing through F3 fractured fault zone and water - rich zone. The rules of “ depressurization,dewatering ,advance support,safety guarantee”are put forward. It presents that the key point of hazard prevention and safe construction is to solve the problems of high pressure water.
2012 Vol. 29 (5): 45-48 [Abstract] ( 2595 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (327 KB)  ( 280 )
49 Linear Analysis and Calculation of Anchor Segment Joint of Catenary
LIU Yang,WU Nan
Research purposes: The installation and adjustment methods and the technology level of the anchor segment joint of catenary in construction of passenger dedicated line are crucial to the operation quality of the pantograph and catenary. The installation and adjustment of the anchor segment joint are always the difficult points in construction due to its complex structure and being in the key location. At present,the manually simulation adjustment is commonly used for it in China. In this way,it takes long time,it is very difficult to ensure the quality and it is unavailable for the technical requirements of the railway development in China. Research conclusions: According to the actual working state of the catenary suspension after the installation,the optional schemes are proposed for adjustment linear of the anchor joint suspension of the catenary. From the analysis of the loading in the micro - segment of the contact wire,it is believed using the secondary parabola for transition is an ideal choice,and based on it the computating model is established. The applications of it in construction of Wuhan - Guangzhou and Beijing - Shanghai passenger dedicated lines shows with this method the accuracy of the dropper is excellent without adjustment after installation,and the test results can meet the track test requirements and the operational requirements.
2012 Vol. 29 (5): 49-53 [Abstract] ( 2536 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (238 KB)  ( 250 )
54 Analysis of Tactics about Traction Power Supply System in Long - term Overload State
Research purposes: At present,the high - speed railway in China is still in the development stage,and the high - speed railway network has not been formed in large - scale. In order to make up the shortage of high - speed railway network,some region - crossing high - speed trains have to run on the ordinary - speed railway lines. In this way,some ordinary - speed railway not only meet the demand of the existing busy passenger and freight transportation, but also meet the demand of running a large number of region - crosingl EMU trains,so it makes the traction power supply system in a serious overload stae. Research conclusions: Taking the section between Xiaoshan and Ningbo of the Hangzhou - Xiaoshan - Ningbo Railway as an example,the study was done on the tactics about the traction power supply system and the other systems in the long - term overload state according to the increasing sequence of traction load by stages. ( 1) The fixed values of the instantaneous interruption,the over - current and the overload protection value of the traction transformer were adjusted. ( 2) It was considered to take some measures for limiting the train running in the traffic organization. ( 3) It was consider to upgrade the traction transformer and its conductor wire on the primary and secondary sides,the power line,the contact wire and the OHL. ( 4) It was considered to add the heat overload protection and oil chromatographic on - line monitoring systems for the traction transformer.
2012 Vol. 29 (5): 54-57 [Abstract] ( 2571 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (242 KB)  ( 181 )
58 Study on Test for Supporting System for Deep Foundation Pit of Metro Transfer Station
HUANG Sheng - ping 1,HAN Ming - hua2
Research purposes: As it is very difficult to construct the deep foundation pit of a metro transfer station,it is very important to maintain the structure safety and stability. According to the engineering geological conditions,the surrounding buildings and the process characteristics of one metro transfer station,the appropriate supporting scheme and the horizontal support system were selected. Based on the field test,the change laws of the horizontal displacement of guard pile for the foundation pit and the axial force of the steel support were analyzed to draw the helpful conclusion on the supporting system for the deep foundation pit of metro transfer station to provide the reference to the similar works.
Research conclusions: In the process of the excavation of the foundation,the deformation of guard pile increased with the increase of the excavation depth. The maximum deformation of the guard pile appeared in the middle - low part of the excavation depth. The place in where the maximum deformation appeared shifted down with the increase of the excavation depth. The supporting axial force increased largely at the beginning,but it varied a little with the excavation of the foundation pit and installation of the next support. The tested axial force of the various supports during construction was to the 70% of the design value.
2012 Vol. 29 (5): 58-62 [Abstract] ( 2656 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (313 KB)  ( 168 )
63 Research on Construction Technology of Slurry Shield through the Pile Group under Complicated Geological Conditions
HUANG Huai - peng
Research purposes: There are many uncertainties in the construction of shield directly cutting pile,the technology is not mature enough. In this thesis,relying on the actual project,the experience and the technical parameters of the construction aspects of the shield directly over the pile were summed up for further study of the shield directly over the pile technology to make a direct reference for similar projects.
Research conclusions: Through the study of the problem,such conclusions are obtained: ( 1 ) To control the the incisions pressure fluctuations in the value of less than 0. 1 bar; ( 2) Difference of the slurry flow and the promoting speed should be match,at the same time ,to control the amount of overbreak; ( 3) The thrust should be in the range of 9 500 ~ 100 000 kN; Shield driving speed is controlled at 10 ~ 20 mm / min. Cutter speed in control of 1. 0 ~ 1. 2 rpm / min is appropriate,and at the same time to control the cutter torque between the range of 0. 9 ~ 1. 2 MN?m.
2012 Vol. 29 (5): 63-68 [Abstract] ( 2617 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (424 KB)  ( 166 )
69 Research on Optimization of Railway Retaining Engineering and Improvement of Design of Green Corridors
HE Gang,JIANG Chu - sheng
Research purposes: It is inevitable that the mountain railway has a large number of cutting high slope. The cantilever - type retaining structure is used for reinforcement in order to ensure the stability of the slope during the excavation. Using the cantilever - type anti - slide pile retaining structure will inevitably result in increase of the retaining works and impacting the visual green landscape. In order to optimize the the retaining engineering,the concept of green railway corridor should be set up and improved. The comparison is made between using the cantilever - type retaining structure for pre - reinforcement and the slope platform submerged retaining works in all aspects to get the suitable retaining mode for reinforcing high slope in the fragile area for good landscape.
Research conclusions: From the comparison and analysis of the cantilever - type retaining structure and the slope platform submerged retaining works in areas of the structure design,mechanical analysis,project investment and landscape requirements,it is concluded compared with the cantilever - type retaining structure,using the slope platform submerged retaining works can save the project investment by 50% and the effect of greening the slope can be achieved.
2012 Vol. 29 (5): 69-73 [Abstract] ( 2584 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (293 KB)  ( 124 )
74 Research on Building Strategic Management and Control System for Central Enterprises
Research purposes: Building the strategic management and control system is an urgent work for the central enterprise and more attention is paid by the central enterprises. According to the characteristics of the central enterprises,and starting with the nature,the intension and features of the strategic management and control,this paper analyses the problems in the strategic management and control of the central enterprise and points out the principles and contents of building strategic management and control system to set up a set of strategic management and control system for central enterprises for providing the theoretic basis and important reference to building strategic management and control system for central enterprise.
Research conclusions: To build the strategic management and control system for central enterprise is crucial to improving the enterprise ability in the strategic management and control and reducing the enterprise risk. According to the strategic management and control characteristics of the enterprise,the central enterprises should master the scientific rules,follow the systemic design principles and comprehensively consider the relationships among the every factor, various levels and various bodies to set up a set of proper strategic management and control systems for enterprises development. The central enterprises should carry out the loop execution according to PDCA,and by the feedback and effect evaluation,the strategic management and control can be improved continuously.
2012 Vol. 29 (5): 74-78 [Abstract] ( 2625 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (234 KB)  ( 294 )
79 Analysis of Initial Traffic Volume Structure of Beijing - Tianjin Intercity High - speed Railway
REN Jun - hua 1,REN Min 2
Research purposes: The initial volume of a high - speed railway is composed of the transfer traffic volume and the induced volume. The initial traffic volume structure of the Beijing - Tianjin intercity high - speed railway is analyzed in order to know its initial traffic volume structure. Research conclusions: As a new traffic mode,the operation of high - speed railway will certainly break the balance of the existing transportation system and produce the transfer and induced traffic volumes. With the operation of high - speed railway being mature and the time being lapsed,the various traffic modes will build a new balance and the transfer and induced traffic volumes of high - speed railway will disappear gradually,and following it,the trend traffic volume of high - speed railway along with the other transportation modes will come based on the new system balance.
2012 Vol. 29 (5): 79-82 [Abstract] ( 2563 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (203 KB)  ( 183 )
83 Studies on Project Management of the Japanese Company during the Realization of the East - West Highway Project
HAN Xin,FEI Jian - hua,FENG Lai - gang
Research purposes: Based on the realization of Algeria East - West Highway project by Chinese and Japanese contracting groups,the present paper introduces and analyzes the project management of the Japanese company,And it also reviews our own and gives out several suggestions about the later,in the hope that we can learn their strong points to offset our own weaknesses.
Research conclusions: ( 1) Subsections focus on the designing and overall planning of the project,coordinate the whole designing、construction and purchase,take charge of the external accountancy and settlements in the whole project,put the progress and invoice check under centralized management etc. ( 2 ) Flat management simplifies the management hierarchy and makes it closer to the front - line,which helps improve the efficiency and reduce costs. ( 3) Analyze and measure the cost - benefit relationship of the machinery equipment for construction seriously. Make a thorough comparison of the performance - price ratio and after - sales service of the same equipment both at home and abroad for the final decision. ( 4) Enhance the skill training and all - around education of workers. Standardize field operations. Increase the proportion of local employees,which helps reduce costs on workers and promote the employment of the country to fulfill the community responsibility.
2012 Vol. 29 (5): 83-87 [Abstract] ( 2662 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (204 KB)  ( 492 )
88 Tactics on Qualification Management of Engineering Survey and Design Enterprise
QIAN Yi - ping
Research purposes: The research is done on the qualification management of the enterprise for the purposesof improving the qualification level and comprehensive strengths of the enterprise and laying the foundation for enterprise'sdevelopment.
Research conclusions: Through researching the qualification management of engineering survey and design enterprises,according to the dependency level of enterprises on qualification and the role of the qualification in the enterprisebusiness,the analysis and review are made on the qualification management of the enterprise from three interconnectionfields of the history and current situation,the influence of the qualification system on the enterprise and the qualificationmanagement tactics. The countermeasures are presented for improving the qualification management of the enterprisefrom the fields of the enterprise development tactics,building talent system and integration of the enterprise resources inorder to promote and improve the qualification management of the enterprise and the enterprise development and makethe enterprise invincible in serious market competition.
2012 Vol. 29 (5): 88-91 [Abstract] ( 2563 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (175 KB)  ( 174 )
92 Analysis of Safety Production Situation of Large - sized Construction Enterprise and Its Countermeasures
LI Feng - chao,ZHANG Ye - zhong
Research purposes: In this paper,the introduction is given to the current situations of the construction industry and one large - sized construction enterprise in China,the analysis is made for the external and internal safety production conditions encountered by the large - sized construction enterprise and some safety production problems to be solved for the construction industry during the period of the enterprise transformation and industry structure adjustment are presented for the purpose of containing appearance of the safety production accident so as to guarantee the enterprise's rapid development,stable transformation and implement of the " going out " strategy.
Research conclusions: Facing the serious safety production situation,the construction enterprise should adhere to the outlooks of the scientific development and safety development,set up the concept of " zero accident" ,that is to say every safety accident can be prevented. In addition,the implement capacity of the enterprise should be strengthened,the organization security system for the safety production should be built and improved,the rules and systems for the safety production should be worked out, the check and control of the hidden danger of safety production should be strengthened,the education and training for the safety production should be improved,the supporting role of science and technology should be played in the safety production and the key and important links should be strictly controlled. At the same time,it is necessary for the country and the industry to improve the law and rule sytems,normalize the admittanceof construction market,the bidding flow and the working out financial estimate,optimize the project design,scientifically decide the construction period,normalize the construction supervision,reduces the local interference and correctly guide the supervision of the public opinion. The measures mentioned above are crucial to the safety production and scientific, safe and healthy development of the large - sized construction enterprise.
2012 Vol. 29 (5): 92-95 [Abstract] ( 5067 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (214 KB)  ( 476 )
96 Problems of Financing Mode for Large - sized State - owned Construction Enterprise and Its Countermeasures
DU Yu - qin
Research purposes: According to the features of large - sized state - owned construction enterprises,this paper presents the major forms,obstacles and countermeasures for the financing of large - sized state - owned construction enterprise,and points out main issues that should be noted in enlarging the financing manners.
Research conclusions: Currently,the large - sized state - owned construction enterprise has two financing manners of bank loan and stock with the problem of insufficient applicable depth. It is suggested to apply them more deeply. Engarging the financing manners for large - sized state - owned enterprise includes three manners of the bond,leasing and trust. But some obstacles exist in spreading the application of these three manners. The joint efforts from the government,enterprise,and intermediate agencies are needed. In enlarging the financing manners for large - sized state - owned enterprise,it is necessary to pay more attention to the control of the financing risk and selection of financing manner in order to minimize the financing risk and financing cost and meet the enterprises' requirement of sustainable financing.英文关键词
2012 Vol. 29 (5): 96-100 [Abstract] ( 2564 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (203 KB)  ( 264 )
Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
Supported by:Beijing Magtech