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2012 Vol. 29, No. 6
Published: 2012-06-15

1 Study on Layout of Coal - transportation Railway Corridor for Sea - shipping in Eastern Region of Inner Mongolia
Research purposes: In recent years,the coal production in the eastern region of Inner Mongolia has increased steadily ,and the coal supplying to the south region has increased rapidly by railway and sea -shipping except supplying to the the northeast region of China. At the same time ,a number of railway projects serving for the coal transportation have been approved or constructed to form the railway corridor to the sea with several railways. So is is necessary to do the study on the sea - shipping demand of the coal in the eastern region of Inner Mongolia and the rational layout of the railway corridor to the sea according to the coal resources,the sea harbour and the transportation route.
Research conclusions :(1) It is reasonable that the transport distance from the coal mines to the main harbours is 600 - 800 kilometers. (2) In the annual planning,the coals from the coalfields of the Baiyinhua,Baqibei,Wujianfang and Bayanbaolige will be taken as the main coal resources ,the harbours of Jinzhou,Caofeidian and Suizhong will be taken as the main harbours for sea - shipping and the railways from Baiyinhua to Jinzhou,from Xilinhaote to Caofeidian,from Xichi to Cisui and from Bayanwula to Xinqiu,Fuxin,Yixian and Jinzhou will form the railway corridor system. (3) It is for sea - shipping to provide the perfect and strong railway corridor for sea - shipping the coal in the eastern region of Inner Mongolia.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 1-5 [Abstract] ( 2514 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (192 KB)  ( 140 )
6 How to Deal with Relation with Local Government for Railway Alignment
YU Hao - wei
Research purposes: As a strip structure,the railway has to pass through lots of the economic bases and covers a wide range. In the preliminary works,how to deal with the relation and how to coordinate with the local government are crucial to the railway alignment,the railway station installation and the railway construction,and it is directly related to the railway construction speed and the smooth implement of the railway construction in the later period.
Research conclusions:As the first element of railway construction,the railway alignment should adhere to the principle of " serving the local as the foundation" and the opinions of the local government on the railway alignment and the station installation should be asked for. The good communication with the government should be conducted and the optional schemes for the railway alignment should be compared when the the government demand conflicts with the whole railway construction. Also,the principle should be followed.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 6-9 [Abstract] ( 2633 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (547 KB)  ( 208 )
10 Determine the Transition Curve Length of the Railway Line for Mixed Passenger and Freight Traffic with Speed of 250 km / h in Turkey
Research purposes: The transmeridional railway lines in turkey intends to 180 ~ 250 km / h target speed, mixed passenger and freight traffic ,while there is not the standard of mixed passenger and freight traffic above 200 km/h in china ,the paper focuses on the transition curve length of the railway line for mixed passenger and freight traffic with speed of 250 km / h.
Research conclusions:(1) The transition curve length of the railway line for mixed passenger and freight traffic with speed of 250 km / h need consider the unbalanced rate of lateral acceleration slope and rate of superelevation slope. (2) When the radius of curve is certain ,the superelevation is greater with the higher speed; when the speed of the high - speed train traffic is certain ,the value of the design superelevation is the main factor which determines transition curve length. (3)The mixed passenger and freight traffic with speed of 250 km / h need consider the comfort and the safety of the high - speed train and the low - speed train, the value of design superelevation is smaller than the passenger dedicated line , and the transition curve length is shorter.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 10-14 [Abstract] ( 2793 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (251 KB)  ( 213 )
15 Application Research on the Second Trigonometric Leveling Method in Mountain Area
LAI Hong - Bin1,MA De - ying2,MEI Xi1,WU Peng1
Research purposes: With the improvement of railway construction standards, the elevation control measurement of non - ballasted track railway and high - speed rail requires a second - order leveling. China's railways are mainly distributed in the mountains of difficult terrain conditions. In view of it’s difficulty to guarantee the accuracy of height by traditional spirit leveling in mountain area,this paper proposed a new method which named the middle way trigonometric leveling. Obviously ,this method can pass elevation to with high working efficiency because of less restriction of terrain conditions.
Research conclusions: Compared with the traditional trigonometric leveling method,the middle way trigonometric leveling method is innovative in field operating . The advantage of this method is that it can basically eliminate atmospheric refraction and earth curvature effects and can get results quickly without measuring instrument and prism heights. Because of its simpleness and efficiency,this method can be widely used to reach second - class standard of elevation measurement requirements. Additionally ,to develop the more appropriate technical parameters for some measurement tolerance (such as vertical angle Index Error between observation sets and divergence of Index Error),we should do more testing and do more analysis of test results in the course of future measurement.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 15-19 [Abstract] ( 2586 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (363 KB)  ( 195 )
20 Research on Numerical Modeling for Seismic Imaging Profile
LIU Zhen - ming,XU Guang - chun,LI Zhi - hua
Research purposes: In railway exploration process,we are often caught by bad geological factors such as goaf,softlayer,etc. Under these unfavorable geological conditions,the seismic imaging method is an effective exploration method. The complexity of subsurface collection determines the complexity of the seismic wave field. The difficult of data interpretation and anomaly discrimination leads to the method fails sometimes. To differentiate effective signal and inter- ference signals can improves the accuracy of data interpretation.
Research conclusions:With the actual physical parameters,we effectively simulated the seismic imaging profile. On modeling profile,we can see a significant geophysical anomaly,effectively reflecting the complex structure of the wave field in the shape and characteristics. The finite - difference numerical simulation method allows speed to change vertical- ly and laterally,and better used on actual model. It’s effective for modeling common - offset profile. Through research, we can more accurately determine the anomaly location and shape,and improve the exploring precision. It has a certain significance to the interpretation of actual work.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 20-23 [Abstract] ( 2576 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (408 KB)  ( 121 )
24 Modification of Probability Integral Model for Calculating Railway - underlying Goaf
QIN Shuang
Research purposes: The probability integral method is one of the most main methods for prediction of the mine subsidence ,and its defect and the modification method are emphatically studied for a long time. Because the complexity of the stratum moving form is unable to be shown in theoretical computations ,the defects of the model have not been effectively corrected. The defect can specially influence the calculation results in prediction of the high precision deformation of the railway - underlying goaf.
Research conclusions :Through analysing the principle of probobility integral deeply and summing up the experience,a new kind of probability distribution model (the asymmetric possibility distribution model) is presented according to the characteristics of the random medium theory. The relation between the probability distribution model and major influence radius r is analyzed. With the increase of the mining depth ,the variation of the negative exponential function by section occurs to the r value. Taking the calculation parameters of the probability integral and the face subdivision method as breakthrough point ,and according to the occurrence characteristics of large inclination of inclined coal seam,it is put forward that subdivising the face along its strike can effectively correct the idealized defects of the probability integral model. The calculation example proves that this method can effectively improve the accuracy of the deformation prediction for railway - underlying goaf. It plays a positive guiding role in the railway alignment , railway design and goaf disposal.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 24-27 [Abstract] ( 2552 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (372 KB)  ( 134 )
28 A New General Limit Equilibrium Method for Analysis of 2 - dimension Slope Stability
CAO Xiong
Research purposes: A new general limit equilibrium method available for arbitrary sliding face is proposed.The numerical integral formulas are established respectively based on the statical equilibrium and the moment equilibrium stability factor. Also the computation formula is established for the down - sliding force in the any horizontal section and the position of its action spot to meet the actual demand of the project. From the equation established with this method ,the various commonly - used limit equilibrium methods can be deduced.
Research conclusions:With the general limit equilibrium method of the numerical integral form,it is unnecessary to itemize manually and it avoids the tedious work of itemized calculation and improves the computation accuracy. By using the one - dimensiona iterative method to calculate ,the calculation process can be simplified and it is easy to program. The calculation example shows this method has high computation accuracy and use value.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 28-32 [Abstract] ( 2622 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (408 KB)  ( 262 )
33 Theoretical Analysis of Calculation of Pile Foundation Joist on Consideration of Pile - beam Coordination Interaction
FENG Zhi - jun,LAI Zi - hui,XUE Yuan
Research purposes: The pile foundation joist structure is widely used in the railway construction currently, but the coordination interaction between the pile and the joist is ignored in calculation of the internal force of the pile foundation joist. Regarding the load born by the joist as even distribution is not exact and is rather a conservative. This paper presents a mechanics model on consideration of joint bearing load of the pile and joist. With this model ,the computation formula convenient for design and the concrete solution procedure can be deduced to make calculation of the internal force of the joist structure more exact.
Research conclusions:(1)The joist load distribution should be changed from the even distribution into the saddle - shaped distribution or ladder - shaped distribution. The coordinated effect of the pile foundation should be taken into account in calculation of the internal force for the joist. (2) Taking the calculation presented in this paper,the bending moment value in the span of the joist decreases by about 40% while the variation of the shear force is small. (3) The size and the reinforcement of the joist designed with the traditional calculation model should be further optimized.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 33-36 [Abstract] ( 2479 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (396 KB)  ( 167 )
37 Mechanism Analysis of Cone Penetration Test in Soft Soils
LI Peng1,XU Zai - liang1,LI Guo - he1,HAN Zhi - qiang2
Research purposes: As an important in - suit testing method,cone penetration test has been accepted by more and more geotechnical engineers. The existing cone penetration application methods lack of theoretical analysis and verification of the empirical formula,often only use mathematical statistical methods to establish soil physical and mechanical parameters. This paper first analyzes the mechanism of cone penetration test in soft soils and discusses the affection of different soil physical and mechanical parameters to the cone penetration test. Moreover,verifying the empirical formulas between cone penetration parameters and soil engineering properties.
Research conclusions:Numerical simulation has been employed to perform cone penetration analysis for understanding of the soil behavior during cone penetration process. During static cone penetration process,most of the radial compression occurs within 1 - 2 times the probe diameter range ,the maximum radial stress occurs in the underside of parts of the probe cone. In the same cone penetration rate,with the increasing of stress ratio value M,the foundation soil vertical stress,shear stress,excess pore water pressure and specific penetration resistance ratio were gradually increasing; With the increasing of logarithmic bulk modulus λ , the radial stress and vertical stress of the foundation soil were gradually increasing,the shear stress,excess pore water pressure and specific penetration resistance ratio were decreasing. Furthermore,the empirical formulas between cone penetration parameters and soil engineering properties in“Code for in - suit measurement of railway engineering geology”were coincident well with numerical simulation results. This paper has a useful reference to the theoretical and applied research in the field of in situ test for geotechnical.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 37-44 [Abstract] ( 2541 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1795 KB)  ( 543 )
45 Monitoring and Research on Subgrade Settlement of Ballastless Track of High -speed Railway
ZHAO Yong,CHEN Zhan,XU Hong - xing
Research purposes: High speed railway needs a very strict control of post - construction subgrade settlement.The post - construction subgrade settlemen mainly refers to the residual subgrade settlement after the track is laid. The design speed of the Shijiazhuang - Wuhan high - speed Railway is 350 km / h with the ballastless track. During the construction,the monitoring and research were done on the subgrade settlement in the tested section in order to research the scientificness of reinforcing subgrade.
Research conclusions:The pile + plate structure and CFG pile composite foundation was used for reinforcing the deep soft soil foundation along with the heap pre - loading. The settlement volume during construction was up to the 72% - 85% of the total settlement volume,so the post - construction settlement was effectively controlled. The vertical settlement of the foundation in the whole section was even and it met the demand of laying the ballstless track and proved the reinforcement measures were feasible.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 45-49 [Abstract] ( 3270 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (623 KB)  ( 448 )
50 Stability Study of Truss - arch with Three Tubes included Parallel Two -tubes and Basket Handle Inclination of One - tube
WANG Peng Yu
Research purposes: The main bridge of HuTiaomen River Bridge is one of the major projects of the Guangzhou - Zhuhai Railway;Main arch is a new structure of truss - arch with three tubes included parallel two - tubes and basket handle inclination of one - tube. Various influence factors were studied ,including inclination of the arch Ribs ,spatial position of the basket handle one - tube,different types of crossbars and cross - sections of the arch ribs, thus making a optimal design and providing reference to the similar works in future.
Research conclusions:The augmentation of the basket handle inclination of one - tube’s sloping angle is beneficial to improve the stability of the arch bridge ,while the spatial position of one - tube has little effects on it. Besides,the design of K - type crossbar at the impost of arch is very necessary,which greatly improve the stability of whole bridge structure. However ,there is no marked distinction on the structural stability between 米 - type crossbar and K - type crossbar. Increasing the cross - section of arch ribs has little effects on improving their transversal stability.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 50-54 [Abstract] ( 2588 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (483 KB)  ( 431 )
55 A Comparative Analysis of the Cradle Cantilever Casting and Large Segmental Support Cast - in - place Method
TENG Bing - jie
Research purposes: The comparison of cradle cantilever casting method and large segmental Support Cast - in - place method just concerned about the period and construction cost ,while ignoring the difference of structure stress . The plane bar system model of the structure was formed by simulating cradle cantilever casting method and large segmental Support Cast - in - Place method. Analysis on the difference about mechanical characteristic of continuous beam provides references for practice.
Research conclusions:By comparing the results model analysis,the bending moment and shear of continuous beam are different in two construction method. Compared with the cradle cantilever casting method,using large segmental Support Cast - in - place method would reduce the negative moment ,increase positive moment of the beam and make the shear of mid - span increase,the shear of side span reduce.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 55-58 [Abstract] ( 2735 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (378 KB)  ( 277 )
59 Analysis of Seismic Response of Main Bridge of Yili River Bridge
Research purposes: The Yili River Bridge is an important project to connect the 218 National Highway with313 Provincial Highway and is the largest bridge in Xingjiang with main bridge of coupled thin wall continuous rigid frame bridge(66 + 5 × 120 + 66) m. It is located in 7 degree earthquake region. As there is a little research on the seismic response of long span continuous rigid frame bridge is very rare ,it is necessary to research the seismic response regulations of this bridge to make sure the bridge safety and provide the reference to the similar works.
Research conclusions:From the analysis it is concluded (1) For the continuous rigid frame bridge,the plastic hinges region is on the top or bottom of frame pier and where need to be strengthened. (2) Under the seismic reaction,the plastic hinges happen to this bridge,but they keep certain away from the damaged displacement. (3) The Yili River Bridge has enough ductility and it can not fall under the serious earthquake.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 59-64 [Abstract] ( 2596 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (516 KB)  ( 197 )
65 Study and Discussion on the Issues about Segment Design of Shield Tunnel
DAI Zhi - ren
Research purposes: In view of the relatively obvious randomness of segment design,such as the calculation method is lack of corresponding heoretic support,the calculation mode adopted can not reflect the actual force conditions of segment,the interaction between formation and segment can not be embodied,and obvious deviation dose exist between calculation parameters and actual situation ,in order to enforce the reliability and accuracy of segment design,further study of some main issues related is required.
Research conclusions:Through comparison and analysis,as for lining structure,the beam - spring mode should be adopted in stress analysis. The load direction of groundwater pressure should align with tunnel radius,reaction force at the arch bottom should be determined through the comparison between buoyancy and the vertical total load ,and the interaction between ground and segment should be modeled by radial and tangential springs. Furthermore ,the dimension of sealing gasket in segment joints should be determined by numerical simulation ,the release coefficient of ground stress can be adopted to simulate the disturbance of surrounding formation due to tunneling ,and the control of the upward movement of tunnel lining should be realized by the minimum shield stress of grout.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 65-70 [Abstract] ( 2623 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1028 KB)  ( 359 )
71 Earthing Design of Traction Substations in Regions with High Soil Resistivity
HOU Feng,HOU Shu - jun
Research purposes: The earthing design idea is discussed in this paper for a newly - built traction substation on Xiamen - Shenzhen Railway with complex topographic and geologic conditions and high soil resistivity based on meeting the contact potential and step potential conditions in combination with requirements of current railway codes and IEEE standards concerned. At the same time,an optimal scheme is selected by comparison of economic benefits, providing a reference for the earthing design with similar soil resistivity condition.
Research conclusions:A proper earthing scheme should be adopted for the traction substation in consideration of local conditions. The earthing resistance of the substation may be increased to some extent upon verifying the contact potential and step potential. On the basis of this,different resistance reducing measures can be adopted for saving investment of the project under the premise of ensuring equipment and personnel safety.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 71-73 [Abstract] ( 2781 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (195 KB)  ( 193 )
74 Application of the Feeder Fault Judge Equipment in Traction Substation
Research purposes: When the power line with permanent fault ,not only the automatic reclosing of the feeder circuit breaker will fail ,but also will bring a greater current impact to the high - voltage equipment of substation and shorten the service life of these devices.
Research conclusions: Traction substation feeder fault judge equipment can measure and judge the fault types (permanent failure or transient failure) automaticlly. According to measurements of selective blocking on the auto - recloser automatics ,avoid the blindness of the automatic reclosing action when the catenary with permanent fault.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 74-77 [Abstract] ( 2829 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (311 KB)  ( 145 )
78 Research and Simulation of Regenerating Braking Control System of High -speed EMU
WANG Li - jun,LI Wei - dong,ZHANG Jun - ling,ZHAO Heng
Research purposes: The braking control system is one of the key technologies for guaranteeing the running safety of high - speed EMU and an important part of the driving system of EMU. The regenerating braking is used for the high - speed EMU along with the electric air braking. Among the various braking methods ,only can regenerative braking feedback the energy to the catenary. Thus it has become the first choice for the braking mode of AC traction EUM. How to realize the smooth changing - over among the different control ways for the traction,braking,constant - speed and coasting and how to control the unity power factor of feedback are the key technologies of regenerating braking control system. In this paper ,taking the CRH2 - EMU as the study object,the research is done on the key regenerating braking technologies of the EMU for providing the references to the digesting,absorbing and re - innovation of the key traction current - converting technology for the high - speed EUM.
Research conclusions:(1) A constant speed controller based on double - hysteretic band adjustment is designed in order that the EMU can stably run at any speed ranging from 0 to 250km / h. (2) The simulation system can realize the energy feedback and control of the unity power factor when the EMU is in the regenerating braking state ,and the system can give the regenerative braking order again according to the characteristic curve to meet the running demand of high - speed EMU.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 78-82 [Abstract] ( 3506 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (998 KB)  ( 1080 )
83 Analysis of Intermodulation Interferences of GSM System on GSM - R System
SHAO Xiang
Research purposes: Though the analysis of the frequencies and the possible second - order and third - orderintermodulation interferences of the public GSM system and GSM - R system,the computer simulation is made to findout the interferences combinations for putting forward the advices on the frequency planning of the public GSM system along the railway.
Research conclusions:(1)The possibility of the intermodulation interferences of the public GSM system on the GSM -R system is high. (2)The frequency planning of public GSM system alone railway shall be planned according to the used frequency of GSM - R system,so that the GSM - R system will not interfered by GSM system and safety of railway operation can be ensured. (3)When the business enterprise adjusts and optimizes the GSM - R network being along the railway,it is necessary to know the frequency points for GSM - R for optimizing to avoid the interference on the GSM - R system.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 83-87 [Abstract] ( 2543 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (738 KB)  ( 417 )
88 Study on Scheme for Leading Harbin - Mudanjiang Passenger Dedicated Line into Harbin Terminal
LU Mao - sheng
Research purposes: The study is done on the schemes for leading passenger dedicated line into existing large - scale terminal and the analysis is made for the structure,orientation and function of the passenger transport system in the terminal so as to determine a reasonable leading - in scheme. By the analysis and research on the optional schemes for leading Harbin - Mudanjiang Passenger Dedicated Line into Harbin terminal ,the recommended scheme is proposed and it can be as the reference to the similar work.
Research conclusions:(1) When the study is done on leading passenger dedicated line into an existing terminal,the layout of existing railway terminal,the planning for the passenger transport system in the terminal and main traveling directions of passenger flow shall be taken into account to choose the reasonable leading - in route and make full use of the existing route as much as possible for reducing separation of the city. (2 ) Based on the analysis of the general planning of the Harbin terminal,the engineering and technical conditions and engineering implementation difficulty as well as the coordination with urban planning ,it is recommended to lead the Harbin - Mudanjiang Passenger Dedicated Line into Harbin West Station along the existing route after making the demonstration in many ways and aspects and the economic comparison and selection.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 88-91 [Abstract] ( 2589 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (490 KB)  ( 185 )
92 Research on Underground Structure System of South Part of Yujiapu Railway Transition Junction
ZHANG Chen - ming,DONG Xiu - zhu,WANG Xin
Research purposes: Tianjin Yujiapu underground railway station without columns in the platform supports a single - layer conch - shaped steel shell which is 143 meters in span. To resolve the difficulties such as heavy load, large span ,bearing shell supports which are not on the columns,great horizontal loads of shell on the underground structure,absence of most of the top plate under the shell and large span cantilever plate besides the great elliptic hole, underground structure system must be elaborately researched. Finite element method is applied on the research of two structure systems including frame structure and arch structure.
Research conclusions:(1) Although the top beam moments of arch system are much smaller than that of frame system, the concrete structure is still not capable enough for the main beams. (2) Large tension axial forces are caused in beams by large span of beams,different distance of columns and absence of most of the top plate under the shell. (3) The section of the arch is designed as plat top and arch bottom to support the shell ,while its arch effect is weaken. (4) Consider the features of Yujiapu station,frame structure is more reasonable than arch structure.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 92-95 [Abstract] ( 2560 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (577 KB)  ( 129 )
96 Research on Process Planning of Main Maintenance Workshop for Overhaul and Un - wheeling Repair of Linear Motor Vehicle in Metro Vehicle Depot
LI Qiang
Research purposes: The Yuzhu Vehicle Depot of Line 5 of Guangzhou metro is the first metro vehicle depot for the overhaul and un - wheeling repair of linear motor vehicle in China. Its main maintenance workshop undertakes the overhaul and un - wheeling repair works and has the first maintenance operation line for the wheel - set of A,B and L types in China. According to the characteristics of linear motor vehicle,the process planning of the main maintenance workshop has been researched for the maintenance mode,inspection and maintenance system and flexible design of the wheel - set operation line for the linear motorvehicle. The maintenance workshop was designed compositely with a number of innovations and the process layout was reasonable and compact. Such design can provide an important reference to the similar works in future.
Research conclusions:The combined capital repair and shed repair system was adopted for the linear motor vehicle. By using this system,the repair cycle extanded 30% compared with the repair system for the common wheel and rail vehicle. The main repair workshop was designed with capital and un - wheeling workshop as main part and the main maintenance workshops were all near the capital and un - wheeling workshop. The flexible design was made for the operation line for the wheel - set maintenance and it could meet the demand of repairing three types of wheel - set.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 96-99 [Abstract] ( 2609 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (549 KB)  ( 572 )
100 Research on Design of Flow Line for Underground Entrance into Railway Passenger Station
Research purposes: As the designs of a number of new railway passenger station to be in service are required for departing the larger number of the passengers in daily mean hour and peak hour,the more attention is paid to the flow line design of the railway passenger station. The flow line for the underground entrance into the station of the the transfer passengers from metro is the best way for shortening the transfer flow line. Therefore ,it is necessary to research the design of the flow line for underground entrance into the station.
Research conclusions :(1) The flow line mode of the railway passenger station is changed into the "Through Type". (2) The design of the underground entrance of the railway passenger station should shorten the transfer distance of the passenger as much as possible. (3) The flow line for the underground entrance into the station should consider the pre - remaining conditions and make reasonable use of the limited underground space of the railway passenger station.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 100-103 [Abstract] ( 2638 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1016 KB)  ( 257 )
104 Research on Pretreatment Approach of Foundation for Shield Under - passing Newly - built Railway Station
YOU Long - fei,WANG Xiao - wen,GONG Yan - feng,SUN Chun - guang,CHEN Li - bao,YE Chao
Research purposes: A interval tunnel of subway is adouble - track tunnel,and it has to under - pass the Shanghai - Nanjing Railway. The shield construction will cause the deformation of the rail surface of the railway to impact the running speed and safety of the train,and also the railway transportation will influence the tunnel safety. For solving these problems mentioned above,this paper presents the" pile + plate" pretreatment approach of the foundation for providing the reference to the similar works.
Research conclusions:The studies show that using the " pile + plate" pretreatment approach along with the reinforced segment for this subway tunnel can effectively control the ground deformation. In the course of construction,the synchronous grouting is a key element. And its grouting volume should be more than usual by 0. 1 - 0. 2 m 3 and the second grouting should be conducted timely to guarantee safety of the ground buildings.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 104-108 [Abstract] ( 2601 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (874 KB)  ( 426 )
109 Research on Design Plan for Xujiapeng Transfer Station of Wuhan Metro
WEI Chong - li
Research purposes: The line 7 of Wuhan metro is an important line to connect the new west downtown with the new south downtown in long - range plan. The 18 stations ,including 9 transfer stations will be built in the first phase project of the Line 7. The Xujiapeng Transfer Station is the first station close to the Yangtze River in the south,it is located in the cross between the Heping Avenue and Tuanjie Road and it will transfer with the Line 5 and the Line 8 of Wuhan metro. So this station will be a three - line transfer station. The researchs on how to deal with the transfer relation among the three lines,how to do the pre - remaining works in the joint plan for the transfer station and how to deal with the relation with the public works are the key and difficult points.
Research conclusions:According to the planned alignments of these three lines and the environment conditions around the Xujiapeng Transfer Station,it is proposed the " 工" shaped transfer mode should be adopted for the Xujiapeng Station. The river - crossing tunnel should be designed and constructed with the station at the same time to reduce the unnecessary repeated construction. The research presented in this paper can provide the reference to the similar works.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 109-113 [Abstract] ( 2633 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (588 KB)  ( 324 )
114 Discussion on Design of Track Joining of Departure and Arrival Track of Vehicle Depot of Urban Rail Transit
Research purposes: The research on the track joining of the departure and arrival track of the vehicle depot is a very important work in the prophase design. In this paper,through comprehensively analyzing and comparing the schemes for the one - station track joining and two - station track joining of the departure and arrival track of the Xizhang Vehicle Depot of Line 1 of the Wuxi metro,the analysis is made from areas of the scale of the station where the track joins,track conditions,the interference degree on the traffic,the turn - back operation,the operation efficiency of the train departing the depot and the construction investment so as to decide the most reasonable scheme.
Research conclusions:The factors of the easy operation,optimization of the plane and vertical sections conditions, reduction of the traffic interference on the main track,improvement of the operation efficiencies of the train turning back and departing and arriving at the depot and reduction of the operation cost should be considered for selection of the track joining mode of the departure and arrival track. In addition,the factors of the depot site,the main track conditions,the station scale,the traffic conditions,the operational conditions and investment should be considered to select the reasonable track joining mode in the design of the urban rail transit. According to the layout of the station ,the train has the function of changing direction if possible. When selecting the track joining mode of the departure and arrival track ofthe depot,the factors of the regional plan and the social and economic benefits also should be considered to decide the most reasonable scheme.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 114-117 [Abstract] ( 2585 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (398 KB)  ( 286 )
118 Test and Analysis of Vibration Induced by Elevated Railway and Anti -vibration Measure
ZHANG Liang - tao
Research purposes: The planned Shanghai - Nantong Railway will pass through the Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone on viaduct and it will be about 250 m away from a chip processing plant. In order to ensure the normal production of the chip processing factory,it is necessary to test and analyze the vibration induced by the elevated railway and present the anti - vibration measures according to the test results.
Research conclusions:The vibration value of the place around the chip processing factory has exceeded the allowable vibration velocity for the foundation of the chip processing workshop because of the vibration induced by the container truck on the peripheral road. The similar vibration tests and monitoring for the existing Shanghai - Hangzhou Railway showed the vibration value of the ground 250 m away from the track was equivalent to the that of the chip processing factory when the passenger train met with the freight train and it exceeded the allowable vibration velocity. On consideration of that the building was built in the place about 500 m away from the railway,the study mainly demonstrated how to reduce the vibration level of the place 250 m far away from the railway to being equivalent to that of the place 500 m far away from railway. The study showed the anti - vibration measures were feasible.
2012 Vol. 29 (6): 118-125 [Abstract] ( 4901 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (854 KB)  ( 235 )
Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
Supported by:Beijing Magtech