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2012 Vol. 29, No. 7
Published: 2012-07-15
The Technology Innovation about Construction of High - speed Railway in the Loess Regions
XUE Xin - gong
Research purposes: There is no research and engineering experience to use for reference at home and abroad about the construction of high - speed railway which is ballastless in the collapsible loess regions. The collapsibility deformation properties of loess increased the settlement of the subgrade,bridges,tunnels and other structures,affecting the stability and security of railway. This paper makes a summary of the key design technology innovation about comprehensive investigation,subgrade,tunnels and bridges.
Research conclusions: The introduction of the concept of " Loose Soft Soil" in the loess investigation,has made a supplement and improvement for“Code for Geology Investigation of Railway Engineering”. At home and abroad for the first time using the embedded consecutive pile - sheet subgrade structure,to solve the long - term creep resistance of the thick layer of clay soil under the subgrade base which would cause the settlement of subgrade. Comprehensively and systematically put forward the design principles and construction method of the large section of loess tunnel which is safely,rapid and economical. In the high - intensity earthquake zone and on the long continuous - beam bridge,the technology of four sets two - way rail expansion joint were used. In the north Weinan station,integrated design technology of pass - type station bridge and gapless turnout group was applied. These innovative technologies are the key to the technology package of civil works for high - speed railway built in collapsible loess regions.
2012 Vol. 29 (7): 1-4 [
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3D Adjustment of CPⅢ Network for High - speed Railway Based on Ellipsoid Datum
XU Wan - peng
Research purposes: Aiming at the defects of the existing CPⅢ network and data processing technology,and combining with the characteristics of the CPⅢ network,this paper presents the three - dimensional adjustment function model based on the ellipsoid datum to give full play to the effect of measuring result by accurate total station for enhancing the reliability of the measurement data processing.
Research conclusions: The model is based on the ellipsoidal coordinate system without consideration of the project deformation in adjustment,and it can directly and synchronously process the independent and original observational data by 3D adjustment processing and be available for the network of any size. Besides,with this function model,it is more conducive to conduct the combined adjustment with the GPS values and terrestrial observation values,and it can directly do the statistical test to the original observation values in the adjustment.
2012 Vol. 29 (7): 5-10 [
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Research on Temperature Span of Ballastless Track on Large - span Concrete Bridge
CUI Li - hong,Guo Fu - an,JIANG Zhong - gui,LIU Zeng - jie
Research purposes: Laying the ballastless track and seamless track on the large is one of key technologies for construction of the passenger dedicated line in China and it is of a serious challenge to the bridge construction and laying ballastless track. It is a problem whether the rail overlapping device is installed or not in design of the seamless track on the large - span concrete bridge. This paper discusses the design of the ballastless track and seamless track on the large span concrete bridge.
Research conclusions: From the research on design of the ballastless track and seamless track on the large span concrete bridge and the investigation of service situation of the existent seamless track on the large concrete bridge,the following points can be concluded: ( 1) If the track temperature span of large concrete bridge with the ballstless track exceeds the certain range,the disease will happen to the track structure. ( 2) The maximum longitudinal additional force of the rail and the load on the track structure can be reduced by cutting the longitudinal resistance of the rail fastening on the bridge by using the fastening with small resistance on the bridge. ( 3) The loads on the rail and the bridge pier and the deformation of the bridge structure increase obviously with the increase of the temperature difference of the bridge.( 4) The monitoring of the seamless track on the large span bridge and the experimental research on the design parameters of the seamless track have to be strengthened.
2012 Vol. 29 (7): 11-13 [
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Geophysical Exploration Pattern for the Bridge with High Pier and Big Span Under Complex Geological Condition
LI Jian
Research purposes: Taking the Nujiang River Bridge of the Dali - Ruili Railway and the Jinsha River Bridge of the Lijiang - Xianggelila Railway as examples,in the light of the principle of giving consideration to the exploration depth and the exploration expense,the study was done on the comprehensive geophysical exploration pattern for the bridge with high pier and big span under the complex geological condition in order to enhance the exploration precision.
Research conclusions: The comprehensive geophysical exploration patterns for the bridge with high pier and big span under complex geological condition are as follows: ( 1) The comprehensive geophysical exploration is conducted with the three levels of the exploration precision. ( 2) The selected geophysical methods include the audio magnetotelluric method ( CSAMT or AMT) ,shallow seismic reflection wave method,DC electric sounding or high density resistivity method,tomography on cross - hole elasticl wave method,tomography on cross - hole electromagnetic wave method and single -hole well logging method. ( 3) The attention should be paid to the location survey stage and the main pier position of the recommended plan.
2012 Vol. 29 (7): 14-18 [
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Design of Main Bridge of Minjiang River Bridge of Xiangtang - Putian Railway
CAI Hua - bing
Research purposes: In the light of the natural environment conditionts of the bridge site,the prestressed concrete continuous girder bridge with span arrangement of ( 60 + 7 × 100 + 60) m was adopted for the main bridge of Minjiang River Bridge of the Xiangtang - Puian Railway. A variable cross section box girder with single box,single chamber and vertical webs was adopted for the main girder of the main bridge with three - way prestresssing system. The piers of the main bridge were designed as the round - end solid piers,resting on the bored pile foundations. The softwares were used to analyze the plane static force,the seismic design of the main bridge structure,the train - bridge dynamic responses and the calculation of the braking force on deck of the bridge for providing the basis for the bridge design. The research results can be as the reference to the similar bridges.
Research conclusions: The normal stress in top and bottom slabs of the girders and the shear force in weds could meet the relevant requirements in the codes. After adding the viscous dampers on the No. 38 and No. 40 piers,the structure could meet the seismic requirements. The main bridge structure had good dynamics with good traveling capacity for the train and it could meet the demands of the train running safety and passenger comfortableness.
2012 Vol. 29 (7): 19-23 [
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The Spatial Analysis of Curved Simple Trough Girder with Two - lane Railway
TIAN Yang,DENG Yun - qing,HUANG Sheng - qian
Research purposes: Curved trough girder is an open structure which consists of girder and slab,the girder can generate bending - torsion coupling effect and slab can produce biaxial bending and torsion under vertical load,thes tress of curved trough girder is very complicated. Combined with the stress analysis of curved simple trough girder with two - lane railway,the mechanical properties of curved trough girder are studied to provide guidance for design and construction.
Research conclusions: The stress of curved trough girder indicates obvious spatial character. The tesion endured by the lower flange of outside main girder of curve is large,while the inside main girder of curve is relatively small under vertical load. The shear lag in slab is remarkable. The non - uniform settlement 10mm has little effect on the girder force. With the gradual increase of vertical load on the top,the inward lateral displacement which occurs to the top flange of main girder becomes lager and lager,and the notch of trough girder truns smaller and smaller. The bending -torsion coupling effect causes the different support reaction of trough girder between the inner side and the outer side of curve,the support pressure of outer side of curve is greater than those of inner side of curve at beam end. The girder has a tendency of whole transverse deflection towards the inner side of curve.
2012 Vol. 29 (7): 24-28 [
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Study on Steel - concrete Joint of Hybrid Girder Bridge
XU Hai - ying,WANG Ya - fei
Research purposes: For the connections between the concrete beam and the steel beam of the all existing hybrid bridges around the world,the steel - concrete connective segment are specially designed as the transit connection. The structure of the steel concrete connective segment varies significantly among the different bridges. At present,there are still some critical problems to be solved in the area of how to ensure the rationality,safety and reliability of the connection structure and in the areas of the mechanical behaviours,design theory and the calculation method for the steel - concrete connection segment.
Research conclusions: Under the effect of the axial compressive loading,the loads beared by the shear connector and the core concrete are proportional to their stiffness. The simulation calculation of the steel - concrete segment should be made according to the different simulation calculation purposes,and by using different models,such as the spring model,the solid model without bond - slip effects and the solid model on considering the failure of concrete with bond -slip effects. This paper presents a novel method for the connection between concrete beam and steel beam, that is to anchor the longitudinal steel bars directly on the end of the bearing plate without the joint segment. This connection structure is simple with the clear load bearing.
2012 Vol. 29 (7): 29-32 [
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Optimization of System Transformation of Cable - stayed and Self - anchored Suspension Compound System
LI Hai - yan
Research purposes: For construction of the new - type system bridge,the analysis and research should be done on the structural system pattern before the construction and the construction plan should be optimized according to the characteristics of the bridge construction. Based on the cable - stayed and self - anchored suspension of the Hanzhong Second Ring Road,the analysis and study were done on the structure features of the new composite structure and the optimization process.
Research conclusions: By research and optimization of the construction plan, the requirements of the construction safety,rationality and operability were met to make the construction going ahead smoothly and safely. For construction of new -type bridge structure,it was necessary to analyze the characteristics of the bridge structure and optimize the construction plan before construction. The characteristics of the bridge structure could be better understood by doing research on the optimization of the construction plan before construction. In this way,the construction could be finished safely and reliably.
2012 Vol. 29 (7): 33-35 [
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Application of Active Control Technique in Monitoring Construction of Steel Truss Arch Bridge with Three Main Trusses
CHEN Jin - zhou,ZHENG Ping - wei
Research purposes: In accordance with the active control concept,and in combination with construction of the main bridge of the Dongpingshuidao Bridge,the whole constraction stages of the steel truss arch bridge with three main trusses was calculated and analyzed with finite element theory,the objective control value of every stages was determined,the possibility of deviation from the construction control target was analyzed in advance and the the preventive and active control measures were worked out and taken for guiding the bridge erection to complete the bridge construction smoothly and meet the design requirements.
Research conclusions: The theoretical calculation and analysis with the finite element method were carried out for the bridge and the objective control values of every construction stage were determined to obtain the adjustable ranges of the cable force of the buckle cables,the jacking and lowering amount at the support points,the scale of post anchor force and the amount of the counterweight for the side span steel girder to achieve the " pre - control" . According to the in -situ monitoring values of the geometry,internal force and cable force during the construction,the active control strategies and measures of pre - raising the steel truss members,tensioning the buckle cable and the post anchor cable,temporarily loading the side span steel girder and jacking,lowering and vertical moving the support point were taken to timely adjust the internal force and geometry of the structure for realizing the " process control" to achieve the successful closure of the bridge.
2012 Vol. 29 (7): 36-40 [
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Study on Application of Magnetotelluric Constrained Inversion in Tunnel Exploration
YU Nian,LI Jian,LEI Xu - you,WANG Xu - ben
Research purposes: Base on the study on the principle of OCCAM inversion method,the objective function of the OCCAM was modified,the constrained inversion item was added,the concept of constrained inversion of electrical parameter was proposed and the inversion of electrical parameter module was developed to improve the resolving ability of the magnetotelluric method for the exploration of large railway tunnel.
Research conclusions: From the comparison of the model's conventional onstrained inversion result with the electrical parameter result,it could be seen that the imaging effect of the constrained inversion with prior information was better than the conventional inversion. The method was used for the data processing,and the comparison of the results before and after constrained inversion for the Fangdoushan Tunnel showed that the constrained inversion results of the geological structure such as the fold,fault and karst more tallied with the real situation.
2012 Vol. 29 (7): 41-46 [
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Study on Optimization of Excavation and Support Parameters for Deep -buried Super - large Span Single - arch Tunnel
KANG Fu - zhong,HE Shao - hui,ZHANG Qi,CAO Rui - lang
Research purposes: The Badaling Four - line - way Tunnel of the new Beijing - Zhangjiakou Railway is the first tunnel with so large span in China,featured with the span of 27. 3 m,the height of 18 m and the cross section area of 386. 56 m2 . For excavation,the following four excavation methods were planned: the single - wall pilot method,the single rock column method,the CRD four - hole method and the six - hole CRD method. The finite element software was used to make the simulation calculation of the excavation and support processes with the four methods mentioned above for the purpose of getting the optimal construction scheme.
Research conclusions: From the comparison of the seven parameters of the maximum drawing and compressive stresses,the vault settlement,the ground settlement,the axial force of the anchor arm and the maximum drawing and compressive force of the lining,it can be seen the single - wall pilot method is the optimal excavation method,followed by six - hole CRD method,based on taking the 0. 3 m thick spraying concrete lining and 5 m long anchor arm as the support paramters. The research result is reasonable and has the reference to the design and construction.
2012 Vol. 29 (7): 47-52 [
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Analysis of Impact of Lining Rigidity on Seismic - resistant and Absorption Properties of Shield Tunnel
Research purposes: Improving the seismic performance of shield tunnel is to meet the certain demands of ensuring the safe operation of tunnel and safeguarding the people's lives and properties. Changing the properties of the rock in a certain range of the lining and changing the structure performance are two main ideas on improving the seismic -resistant and absorption properties of the shield tunnel. There are many ways for changing the lining structure,such as increasing the lining thickness,changing the way of segment loop joint or vertical joint and changing the lining rigidity.In this paper,the numerical analysis and comparison of the impact of the different lining rigidities on the seismic -resistant and absorption properties of the shield tunnel for providing the reference to the design of seismic - resistant and absorption.
Research conclusions: From the analysis of loading bearing of the different lining rigidities of the shield tunnel,it is concluded that only increasing the rigidity of the segment alone can not improve the seismic performance of shield tunnel,but increases the load on the segment. With the increase of the rigidity of the tunnel lining,the displacement of the lining structure is reduced by less than 2 mm,thus it is not obvious to restrain the deformation of the shield tunnel by increasing the lining rigidity under the effect of earthquake.
2012 Vol. 29 (7): 53-56 [
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Analysis of Cause for Quality Problems of Cement Emulsified Asphalt Mortar and Prevention
WANG Xiao - yong,XIA Long
Research purposes: In high - speed railway construction,the cement emulsified asphalt mortar is used as the elastic cushion between the track slab and the concrete base plate and it is one of key engineering structures,so its property is crucial to the regularity and durability of the track structure and to the comfortableness and security of train.The various quality defects may happen in the course of hardening of the cushion of the cement emulsified asphalt mortar to destroy the cohering property between the track slab and rail base plater because of a little working experience,the improper operation and the impact of the external environment. Therefore,it is necessary to analyze the cause for the quality defects and take the effective measures.
Research conclusions: Based on the construction practice of cement emulsified asphalt mortar cushion for a CRTSII slab ballastess track of one high - speed railway, the analysis is made for the causes for the common problems after pouring in the course of construction of,namely,the micro cracks happen in the joint area between the slab and the mortar or the mortar is not full and slices in some areas,and a large number of the tiny bubbles,the larger bubbles,the bubbles of connecting each other from top to down happen and the asphalt bead separate out. The relative measures are presented from the fields of the edge banding technique for the track slab,the pouring technique,the mixing technique and thecontrol of raw materials to improve the construction quality and it can be as the reference to the similar works.
2012 Vol. 29 (7): 57-61 [
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Application of New - type Epoxy Resin Mortar in Planting Reinforcement Bar of Highway Engineering
HE Xiao - gang
Research purposes: The introduction was given to the current applicable situation of the epoxy resin mortar and aiming at the problem of the poor coherence of the cohering surface caused by the toxicity of the auxiliary materials like epoxy resin curing agent and the contraction of the epoxy resin,the study was done on the selection of the raw materials,formulating of recipe and the various properties of the epoxy resin mortar for the purpose of finding out the low toxic,low contracting and high cohering strength epoxy resin mortar that was available for the planting reinforcement bar.
Research conclusions: ( 1) The selection of the curing agent and the other auxiliary agents used in the epoxy resin mortar is crucial to cutting the toxicity of the epoxy resin mortar,especially the curing agent has more impact on the toxicity of the mortar. ( 2) Adding the appropriate amount of cements and sands can obviously reduce the contraction of the resin to avoid the crack of the cohering surface. ( 3) The cohering strength of new - type low toxic epoxy resin mortar can reach at the 20 MPa for one day,the cohering strength after 3 days can meet the design requirement of planting reinforcement bar and its final strength can reach at 60 MPa with the contraction rate of about 0. 3%. ( 4) When the planting depth of the smooth round reinforcement bar is not lees than 15 times of the reinforcement bar diameter and the planting depth of the screw thread reinforcement bar is not less than 10 times of the reinforcement bar diameter,the drawing force can yield the reinforcement bar,so it has perfect applicable value in the planting reinforcement bar engineering.
2012 Vol. 29 (7): 62-66 [
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Thinking on Design of Earthing for Lightning for Station Building
Research purposes: There are lots of passengers staying in the railway station building in where there are the power supply and distribution systems,the building intelligent systems and the transportation dispatching systems and the communication and signal systems. In order to guarantee the safeties of the personnels,facilities and transportation production, the protection of direct lightning flash and lightning electromagnetic impulses ( LEMP) must be well done for the station building. The earthing for lightning is systematacially studied in this paper and the key points of design are presented.
Research conclusions: From the the analysis it is concluded ( 1) The external lightning protection should be used along with the internal lightning protection for the lighting protection for station building. ( 2) The equivalent potential bonding is the most critical measure for lightning protection. ( 3) The comprehensive earthing requirements of 1 ohm has not to be meet by every building.
2012 Vol. 29 (7): 67-70 [
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Construction Technology for PC Chord - stayed Pole of Platform Canopy of Xi'an North Station
NIU Zhen,JI Jing - yuan,WANG Li - yun,LIU Ming - bao
Research purposes: The platform canopy of Xi'an North Station of Zhengzhou - Xi'an Passenger Dedicated Line is composed of steel column,cantilever beam and chord - stayed pole. One end of the chord - stayed pole is connected with the steel column and the other end is connected with the canopy. The steel chord - stayed poles are arranged symmetrically on the two sides of the steel column with pre - stressing to form the self - equilibrating system for reducing the length of the canopy and controlling the shape - finding of the structure. According to the project characteristics,the various influence factors on the force of the chord - stayed pole during construction were analyzed,and by simulation analysis of the whole construction process,the important parameters of fitting length of the pole without stress and the tensioning force during construction were determined to control the whole construction process.
Research conclusions: From the analysis it is concluded ( 1) Before construction the simulation analysis of the whole tensioning process should be made to make sure the cable tensioning is in control. ( 2) The real - time and tracing monitoring should be conducted during construction. ( 3) The calculation result should be compared with the monitoring result to prove the validity of the simulation analysis with finite element and the feasibility of the construction plan.
2012 Vol. 29 (7): 71-76 [
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Research on Overall Design of Large - scale Complex Underground Space
CHAI JIA - yuan
Research purposes: The development of large - scale complex underground space has become one of the important trends in city. But as there is short of systematical planning and complete technical standard system,there are many technical problems in development of the large and complex underground space,such as the planning and functional layout,disaster prevention design,humanized design and complex structure system design. This study attempts to provide a systematical design idea and method for the overall design of the large complex of underground space.
Research conclusions: As the large underground space is of large space with the complex functional composition,its design should follow the concept of the " safety,comfortableness,greenness and efficiency" to better the planning and functional layout and deal with the relations between the internal and external traffic organizations and the surrounding environment. The designs of the building,structure and mechanical and electrical systems must meet the demands of the characteristics and function of the large complex of underground space to give full play to the advantages of intensive and efficient use of the large and complex underground space for promoting the sustainable development of the large,complex underground space.
2012 Vol. 29 (7): 77-81 [
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Analysis of Safety Range of Supporting Force on Excavation Face of Tunneling Shield for Xi'an Metro
YAN Zhi - guo,LI Yue
Research purposes: In combination with the tunnel engineering of Line 2 of Xi'an,and according to the specific geological conditions,the FLAC3D numerical simulation software was used to determine the safety range of the supporting force on the excavation face during the tunnelling,taking the settlements of the ground above the excavation face and the tunnel top as the measuring standard,for the purpose of avoiding the over settlement and rising of the ground when the tunnel passed through the place with big variation of the buried depth.
Research conclusions: ( 1 ) The excavation face of shield tunnel has its minimum supporting force and maximum supporting force. It means that the supporting force has a reasonable safely range. When the supporting force is out of range,the soil around the tunnel is easy to be damaged,or the over settlement or over rising appears to the ground surface when the tunnel is shallow. ( 2) When the tunnel buried depth is bigger than 1. 5 times of the tunnel diameter,the surface point can not effectively reflect the deformation of soil around the tunnel,and at this time,the soil deformation should be monitored and controlled by the monitoring spots in the tunnel. ( 3) The safely range of supporting force increases with the increase of the tunnel depth. When the tunnel is shallow, the safely range of supporting force is very small,and at this time,the heap loading on the ground should be used to increase the tunnel buried depth equivalently for increasing the supporting safely range and reducing the construction difficulty.
2012 Vol. 29 (7): 82-86 [
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Study on Safety Risk Management in Construction of Metro Adjacent to Bridge
WU Xian - guo,ZHANG Li - mao,CHEN Yue - qing
Research purposes: The damage to the adjacent buildings caused by metro construction and its prevention attract more attention nowadays. Aiming at the impact of the metro construction on the adjacent bridge,this paper analyzes the safety risk management process in construction of metro adjacent to bridge and presents a complete set of the risk management system for providing the scientific and effective reference to the adjacent bridge with the different risk levels.
Research conclusions: Taking the form and depth of the foundation and the relation between the bridge pile and the spatial location of metro into account,the adjacent grade of the bridge to metro can be divided into 5 levels. The present bearing capacity of the adjacent bridge can be assessed by checking and diagnosing the current appearance,working state and dynamics characteristics of the bridge structure. Based on both of the adjacent grade and reliability evaluation results,the safety risk of adjacent bridges to metro construction can be classified into the 4 levels: Ⅳ,Ⅲ,ⅡandⅠ.For the different safety risk levels,the corresponding measures should be taken. It has been applied in construction of the Wuhan metro adjacent to bridge,obtaining good result.
2012 Vol. 29 (7): 87-92 [
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Analysis of National Railway 's Production Efficiency from Perspective of Technical Economy
ZHANG Zhi - jian,YU Zhao - yu
Research purposes: The national railway is a major part of the railway system and plays an important role in the national economic development. Enhancing the production efficiency by the technical innovation is the only way for the national railway to develop. In this paper,the technical values of four factors were determined with the entropy fuzzy matter - element method from the perspectives of the national railway's technology and economic factors,and the DEA method was used to calculate the nearly 12 years' national railway's production efficiency.
Research conclusions: The national railway's technology economic factors present the improving trend year by year. The scale but inefficiency was the main reason for the low efficiency of the comprehensive technology; In the long - term,the technical innovation and enhancing the technical and economic efficiencies are the way for the national railway to realize the harmonious and sustainable development.
2012 Vol. 29 (7): 93-96 [
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Investigation and Analysis of " Frame - type Construction Brigade "Management Mode for Railway Construction Project
WANG Shu - yu,SUN Rui - jiao
Research purposes: The investigation and analysis of the labouring management mode of the " frame - type construction brigade" widely used in the railway construction prjects were made and the existed problems and weak points were summed up for the purpose of working out the effective measures for improving the labouring management for the railway construction project.
Research conclusions: The labouring management mode of the " frame - type construction brigade" is a way to build a powerful team in implementation force,with changing the situation of separating the management level with the laboring level. The investigation and analysis results showed the relative policies on the management of " frame - type construction brigade" should further studied in site,the investment for the on - the - job training should be increased,the manage ment of the person taking post with certificate should be strengthened,the backbone management and technical persons should go into the basis labouring team and the " head of contracted labour " mode should be eliminated to improve the working and living conditions of the migrant workers and give full play to the superiority of the management mode of the" frame - type construction brigade.
2012 Vol. 29 (7): 97-100 [
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Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
Supported by:
Beijing Magtech