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2011 Vol. 28, No. 10
Published: 2011-10-15

1 Study on Mechanism of Water - rock Interaction on Mountain Hazards Induced by Black Stratum
MA Jian - jun
Research purposes: As a causative factor of mountain hazards , the black stratum,distributed in the mountainous area,often gives harm to the engineering and human activities. The study is done on the water - rock interaction mechanism of the black stratum for offering some assistances to the treatment of the mountain hazards and the engineering design.
Research conclusions: The sulfide minerals like pyrite in the black rock can generate sulfuric acid water under water- rock interaction with the oxygen,and it influences the surrounding mineral composition. These actions can lead to the changes of the mineral composition of the black rock and non - black rock nearby to weaken the physical and mechanical properties of the rock materials, resulting in appearance of the mountain hazards under the gravity action. Based on the test and analysis of the black rock and surface water in Dujun area,the failure mode of the black rock slope in the mountain hazards is researched and some engineering control measures are offered.
2011 Vol. 28 (10): 1-5 [Abstract] ( 2572 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (693 KB)  ( 329 )
6 Research on Macroscopical Quantitative Relation Between Wave Velocity and Strength of Rock ( Rock Mass)
WANG Zi - jiang
Research purposes: The vertical wave velocity and compressive strength of the rock ( rock mass) are the very important indexes for appraising the rock mass strength,the slope stability and surrounding rock classification.In this paper,based on the tests data,the statistics is made for the average values of the vertical wave velocity and compressive strength of the rocks of all kinds of stratum,the macroscopic relation between the vertical wave velocity and compressive strength of the rocks is analyzed,and the model is established for the macrocopic quantitative relation between them. All these are crucial to appraising the rock mass quality,classification of the surrounding rock of tunnel,saving the test cost,shortening project construction time and checking the reliability of the test result.
Research conclusions: ( 1) When the rock ( rock mass) is dense,hardy,complete and fresh,its vertical wave velocity is big,otherwise its vertical wave velocity is low when the rock ( rock mass) is weak,serious weathering,watery and dissected. ( 2) The vertical wave velocity of the rock is directly proportional to the cube root of rock compressive strength,and the vertical wave velocity of the rock mass is directly proportional to the cube root of the compressive strength of rock mass and the square root of the integrity index of rock mass. ( 3) The practices show the model for the macroscopic quantitative relation between the vertical wave velocity and compressive strength of rock( rock mass) is reliable.
2011 Vol. 28 (10): 6-9 [Abstract] ( 2572 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (212 KB)  ( 205 )
10 Application of Data Fusion Technology in Remote Sensing Interpretation for Railway Geology Engineering
LIU Gui - wei
Research purposes: The remote sensing interpretation technology for railway geology engineering,as a complex system work,is difficult to get good effect only by using the single data or method. To improve the accuracy and quality of the interpretation,this paper studies the application of data fusion technology in the remote sensing interpretation.
Research conclusions: ( 1) The remote sensing interpretation accuracy for unfavorable geological condition can be enhanced by using the data fusion technology. ( 2) The quantitative interpretation and analysis for the unfavorable geological condition can be realized by using the 2D interpretation method along with the 3D interpretation method.( 3) The study should be strengthened on the application of fusion of remote sensing with the geophysical prospecting to extend the application range of remote sensing interpretation.
2011 Vol. 28 (10): 10-13 [Abstract] ( 2639 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (979 KB)  ( 501 )
14 Study on Railway Alignment of Xi'an - Chengdu Passenger Dedicated Line in Qinling Mountain Area
JING Ji - Cang
Research purposes: This paper comprehensively analyzes and studies the formation lithology,geological structure,the hydrogeological characteristics and the unfavorable geological conditions of the Qinling Mountain area along the Xi 'an - Chengdu Passenger dedicated line to define the railway alignment in the area with the better geological condition .
Research conclusions: For the railway alignment of the passenger dedicated line in Qinling Mountain area ,the geological conditions in the formation lithology,geological structure,the hydrogeological characteristics and the unfavorable geological conditions of the area in the research range were found out,and the adaptability of the different construction plans to geological conditions in the fields of the track plane position and gradient were analyzed. The comparative analysis of the different construction plans of Xi'an - Chengdu Passenger Dedicated Line in the Qinling Mountain area showed that the CK plan was better than the others in geological conditions,and the adaptability of the CK plan to geological condition in the fields of the track plane position and gradient was better than the others.
2011 Vol. 28 (10): 14-18 [Abstract] ( 2573 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (297 KB)  ( 119 )
19 Study on Track Alignment in Huangguoshu - Beipanjiang Section of Shanghai-Kunming Passenger Dedicated Line
MAO Bang - yan,WU Jun - meng,YU Hong - ping,TANG Bing
Research purposes: The Huangguoshu - Beipanjiang section of the Shanghai - Kunming Passenger Dedicated Line is located in the mountain area deeply cut by Baling River and Beipan River in Kediya,with the complex terrain and geological conditions. The railway alignment is seriously restricted by the geological conditions.Therefore,the study on the railway alignment not only can avoid the hidden trouble of the engineering safety as much as possible when railway passes through the high gas formations,the dense goaf and the stratum with serious development of karst,but also can provide the reference to the high - speed railway alignment in the area with the same or similar geological conditions.
Research conclusions: Through the deep investigation and analysis of the environmental geological conditions and the main engineering geological problems of each alignment scheme,the GRC mathematical model was established to evaluate the alignment,and the evaluating index system and their weights for the geological alignment were offered. With GRC model,the optional schemes of CK,C4K and C19K were evaluated and their scores were respectively 73. 3,74. 3 and 73. 5. So the CK scheme was the final one. With this scheme,the railway keeps away from the unfavorable geological areas of landslide,scatter,collapse and mining area as well as the karst area with serious development.
2011 Vol. 28 (10): 19-24 [Abstract] ( 2659 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (276 KB)  ( 201 )
25 Study on Engineering Geological Property of Q2 Overlapping Clay Soil in Ningxiang along Changsha -Yiyang Railway
WANG Ying - he,GUO Jian - hu,ZHAO Xin - yi,GAO Wei
Research purposes: The Q2 overlapping clay soil is widely distributed in Ningxiang along the Changsha -Yiyang Railway and it is hardly found in other regions. To choose the proper method to treat this type of soil is the key problem because the subgrade settlement of intercity railway must be controlled strictly. Through the in - situ investigation,drilling exploration,in - situ test and indoor experiment,etc,the study is done on the soil's morphology and genesis,physical property,strength characteristics,deformation consolidation and expansive property to know the engineering characteristics of the overlapping clay soil for providing the reliable basis for the subgrade design.
Research conclusions: The overlapping soil is formed from the red clay caused by the effect of leaching and depositing under the warm and wet environment,and it is a typical unsaturated soil with void ratio being bigger than red clay and saturation degree always being less than 90%. The overlapping soil with high liquid limit and high liquidity index is a high liquid limit soil. This soil is generally in plastic - hard status with strong strength and its bearing capasity can reach to 200kPa in natural condition. The overlapping soil belongs to the medium compressible soil,and the compressibility of the overlapping soil in the low layer is bigger than the soil in the upper layer. This soil is a typical over - consolidated soil with the over consolidation ratio of surface soil up to 15. 4 and the overlapping soil belongs to weak expansive soil.
2011 Vol. 28 (10): 25-29 [Abstract] ( 2738 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (372 KB)  ( 329 )
30 Study on Relevant Issues on Passenger Dedicated Railway Crossing Fault Zone
SHEN Jian - ming
Research purposes: The safety of passenger - dedicated line becomes a focus of all society. China is a country where earthquakes occur frequently because of the widespread distribution of seismic fault zones throughout the country. There is the potential safety problems when the passenger dedicated line passing through the fault zone,so the appropriate engineering measures should be taken and the appropriate monitoring methods should be used to ensure the security of the line operation. Taking the Tianjin - Qinhuangdao Passenger Dedicated Line as an example,this paper studies the relevant issues on passenger dedicated line crossing fault zone.
Research conclusions: Based on the analyses of the horizontal and longitudinal sections of the track crossing the Lulong fault zone,the bridge engineering and the track type of the Tianjin - Qinhuangdao Passenger Dedicated Line, the original design can not meet the requirements that the service life of the main structure of the bridge should be up to 100 years and the service life of the ballastless track should be up to 60 years in light of the seismic safety assessment report stipulating that the displacement of non - earthquake creep sliding is no more than 1mm. It is suggested the new - type bridge supports with large lifting height and horizontal and vertical adjustment and the adaptable and non - longitudinal connected ballastless track should be used. Meanwhile,the horizontal and vertical monitoring network should be established to conduct a dynamic monitoring. The principle of passenger dedicated line crossing fault zone is offered.
2011 Vol. 28 (10): 30-37 [Abstract] ( 2652 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (680 KB)  ( 200 )
38 Countermeasure and Primary Engineering Geological Problems of Newly - built Ethiopian Railway
ZHANG Kun,GUO Jv - bin,LI Jian - qiang
Research purposes: In order to provide reference to construction, engineering geological and hydrological characteristics of newly - built Ethiopian railway is comprehensively analyzed with method of geological mapping,field investigation and laboratory test,the distribution and characteristics of unfavorable geology and special rock,as well as engineering corrective actions are pointed out.
Research conclusions: Tertiary and Quaternary igneous rock is largely distributed,unfavorable geology such as landslide,collapse,debris and coal gob area is barely found along alignment,so geological condition is good.Surface and ground water is not well developed,thus it has little effect to engineering foundation,soft soil is not well developed too,but expansive soil and gully is widely distributed. Igneous rock is largely different weathered,the weathering depth various too much and soft layer exist,that has large effect to cutting,tunnel and bridge.Under the effect of landform and structure,dangerous rock and talus is distributed part of section but it is easily cured. Fissure is well developed in some area under the effect of volcanic action that has relative larger effect to alignment,specific research is suggested to do.
2011 Vol. 28 (10): 38-41 [Abstract] ( 2658 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (579 KB)  ( 210 )
42 Study on the Settlement Calculation of Railway Composite Foundation
XUE Xin - hua,WEI Yong - xing
Research purposes: How to calculate soil foundation settlement simply as well as accurately is still an issue not well resolved in engineering design. Chord modulus reflects the nonlinear characteristics of soil ,but the applicability of chord modulus in the settlement calculation of railway composite foundation is a worthy discussion problem.
Research conclusions: The layer - wise summation method was modified based on the brief analysis of the chord modulus,and a related calculation program was written using VB computer language. Then,the settlements of gravel pile and cement mixed pile composite foundation of a railway engineering were calculated using the program.It shows that the p - s curves have good agreement with the actual values,and the method proposed in this article is applicable in the settlement calculation of railway composite foundation,which provides a preference to the similarly engineering.
2011 Vol. 28 (10): 42-45 [Abstract] ( 2763 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (263 KB)  ( 104 )
46 Analysis and Research on Impact of Foundation Pit Rebound in Soft Soil Area on Engineering Pile
SUN Jun - ling
Research purposes: The engineering pile of deep foundation pit in soft soil area may break if the pulling force of pile caused by the unloading rebound of the foundation pit is not fully considered in the design. This paper analyzes the the impact of the deep foundation pit excavation on the internal force,deformation and limit load -bearing capacity of the pile and offers the design method of the pile foundation in soft soil area on consideration of the rebound impact of foundation pit for ensuring the construction safety.
Research conclusions: The finite element analysis was made to the test piles of the Hongqiao comprehensive transportation terminal project and piles of deep foundation pit with the MIDAS /GTS software,and the comparative analysis was made among the analysis results,the test pile result and the monitoring result of engineering pile rebound. The method was offered for determining the frictional interface parameters of the pile - soil when the analyzing the impact of the foundation pit rebound on the pile foundation in deep foundation pit. The principle,method and the relative suggestions were presented for design of the pile in the deep foundation pit on considering of the rebound impact of the foundation pit. The discussion was made on the impact of the foundation pit rebound on the uplift bearing capacity of the pile.
2011 Vol. 28 (10): 46-52 [Abstract] ( 2641 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1433 KB)  ( 446 )
53 Study on Foundation Bearing Capacity of Soft Soil Based on DMT
Yu Ting - xin
Research purposes: Application of flat dilatometer test ( DMT) in Geotechnical Engineering is quite a lot. However,how to use it to obtain soft soil foundation bearing capacity has to be studied. The paper studied on how to obtain soft soil foundation bearing capacity through DMT using in - situ tests data.
Research conclusions: Relying on in - situ tests of Shangqiu - Hangzhou high - speed railway,the paper studied the comparison and analyzed the correlation between dilatometer modulus ED and static cone penetration test Ps and vane shear test Su,then obtained the calculation formula of soft soil foundation bearing capacity through DMT,fak =0. 019ED +15( ED≤5 000 kPa) . Calculated results were compared with other tests and DMT reflected soft soil foundation bearing capacity better.
2011 Vol. 28 (10): 53-58 [Abstract] ( 2850 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (771 KB)  ( 264 )
59 Analysis of Vertical Load - bearing Characters of Closed Underground Diaphragm Wall
SONG Zhang,CHENG Qian - gong,LI Dong
Research purposes: With the numerical computation,considering the bearing capacity of the soil core within the closed underground diaphragm wall,the characters of the load - settlement,inside and outside frictional resistances,end - bearing resistance,resistance on the top soil core and its load - sharing ratio of the closed diaphragm wall were analyzed in detail,and the load transfer characteristics of the closed diaphragm wall were discussed.
Research conclusions: The closed underground diaphragm wall was in form of the whole settlement,and the up and middle parts of soil core presented the basic synchro settlement with the wall. The bottom part of soil core behaved the compressive deformation feature. The vertical load - bearing of the base relied on its settlement with the bearing characteristic of end skin friction bearing wall. As the inside and outside skin frictions of the wall presented the dissimilar operation mechanism,the most deformation of the the soil outside of the wall were the shearing deformation featured with effects of the outside skin friction from top to bottom. However,the inside skin friction,due to suffering upward compressive deformation, took place gradually from the bottom to the top when the bottom part of soil core was subjected to the reaction. The effect of the outside skin friction preexisted the end - resistance,sequentially the inside skin friction. The inside resistance along the depth presented exponential function expression.
2011 Vol. 28 (10): 59-65 [Abstract] ( 2637 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (760 KB)  ( 343 )
66 Research on Bearing Characteristics of Large - diameter and Overlength Bored Pile
SUN Shu - li
Research purposes: To analyze the behaviors of axial load transmission,the distribution of lateral friction resistance and the performance of resistance at pile end under different load action,to master the load transfer characteristics and bearing mechanism of large - diameter and overlength bored pile ,and to provide reference and guidance for improving the design method of large - diameter and overlength bored pile.
Research conclusions: The axis force of large - diameter and lengthy bored pile reduces from the upper portion of pile to the bottom portion,the rate of reduction indicates the magnitude of lateral friction resistance of pile. The function of lateral friction resistance at the upper portion of pile takes precedence of the bottom portion. Moreover,the majority of the load is born by lateral friction resistance of pile for the large - diameter and lengthy bored pile,and the magnitude of resistance at pile end is usually very small. Therefore,most of the large - diameter and lengthy bored piles are friction piles or end - bearing friction piles.
2011 Vol. 28 (10): 66-71 [Abstract] ( 2586 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (632 KB)  ( 168 )
72 Experimental Study on Geophysical Prospecting Method for Subsidence of Box Culvert and Bridge of Shanghai - Hangzhou Railway
CUI De - Hai
Research purposes: The uneven subsidence appeared in the soft soil stratum around the newly - built railway box culvert and bridge of Shanghai - Hangzhou Railway and it brought about the earth cavity because of collapse. The geophysical prospecting was conducted for several times,but the results were not good. Based on the full analysis of the structure and the formation cause of the soft stratum around the box culvert and bridge in this area,the experimental study was done on the detection of the subsidence with the methods of ground penetrating radar and the transient rayleigh wave prospecting.
Research conclusions: From the analysis of the results of the several box culverts and bridges,it is concluded that application of the multiple - coverage and multiple - channel transient rayleigh wave prospecting along with the CMP analytic method to detect the subsidence can effectively reduce the influence of the interference wave and enhance the noise - signal ratio,getting good effect of detecting subsidence of the box culvert and bridge.
2011 Vol. 28 (10): 72-77 [Abstract] ( 2615 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1106 KB)  ( 474 )
78 Research on Comprehensive Geophysical Prospecting for Long Taihangshan Tunnel of Shijiazhuang - Taiyuan Passenger Dedicated Line
LI Zhi - hua,ZHAO Jian - feng
Research purposes: In the reconnaissances that the survey time is pressed,lots of works should be done,the mountain is steep and the geological condition is complicated,how to choose the suitable comprehensive geophysical prospecting method and to give its full play of rapid survey with big survey depth and how to develop the inversion technique that can reflect the abnormal data on the latent danger with high precision are crucial to enhancing the survey precision and effective overcoming the complicated geological condition.
Research conclusions: For the comprehensive geophysical prospecting for the long Taihangshan Tunnel,the comprehensive prospecting was used,obtaining rapid,economical and high efficient effects,the data processing and interpreting technologies were developed,getting the clear abnormal pictures. The 73 abnormal areas were found by conducting the comprehensive geophysical prospecting and it provided the basis for determining the unfavorable geological body and water - rich area and arranging deep boring. So the survey precision was much enhanced. In the rather high level,it shows the basic study is crucial to the development and progress of the geophysical prospecting,having good scientific sense.
2011 Vol. 28 (10): 78-83 [Abstract] ( 2582 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1666 KB)  ( 391 )
84 Study on Key Technologies of Shield Segment of Wuhan Yangtze River Tunnel
XIAO Ming - qing,DENG Zhao - hui,HE Chuan
Research purposes: The segment of shield tunnel is the key factor that affect engineering safety,engineering cost and construction speed.Wuhan Yangtze river tunnel exists some engineering difficulties, such as excavation surface with large diameter,high water pressure,long distance,stratum with strong water permeability,big variations of river bed,complex geological condition, and so on. On condition that there is no more similar experiences at home, it should conduct a study on key technologies of segment of shield tunnel to ensure the security and reliable of the structure, and the obtained conclusions can offer a guideline for the similar underground projects.
Research conclusions: First proposed a new type of the large diameter shield tunnel structure,which is“general -purpose and wedge - shaped,2 -meter width, nine uniform blocks ”, and by comparing with the different thickness of the segments under stress,recommends adoption of 0. 5 -meter thickness of the segment. This structure is safe and reliable,economic and effective,more adaptive to the construction of the project. This paper studied on the distribution of internal force of the structure by using the 3D shell - spring model, reveals the feature of the large - width segment that the bending moment at both sides are bigger than that in the middle. So it can draw a conclusion that different parts of the segment use the different reinforcement along the width of the segment to cut down engineering cost.
2011 Vol. 28 (10): 84-89 [Abstract] ( 2513 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (531 KB)  ( 255 )
90 Influence Factors of Karst Tunnel Risk and Risk Assessment
WU Zhi - sheng,ZHANG Jie
Research purposes: In recent years, the sudden and catastrophic geological disasters of Karst tunnel happen continuously and they not only cause the loss of state property,the construction delay and the environmental disruption,but also cause serious personal casualty. The reasons for the disasters are the risk hazard has not been fully understood and the full measures have not been taken. Based on the study on the influence factors of the mountain karst tunnel risk,this paper tends to evaluate the risk degree and grade the risk for laying the solid foundation for tunnel construction.
Research conclusions: The analysis of causes of Karst tunnel risk is made to find out the influence of the intrinsic factors,external conditions and engineering technical conditions on tunnel risk,and delete the overlapped factors.Based on the study, it is aware of that the formation lithology and geological structure that promote the development of Karst and Karst water are the intrinsic factors of the karst tunnel risk and play the leading role in the risk while the external conditions and engineering technical conditions play the auxiliary role in the risk. According to this ,the basic grading standard and method are formulated and the scoring formula is used for grading the tunnel risk.As long as the intrinsic factors exist,there is a possibility that the karst tunnel has high risk. The high risk and extremely high risk Karst tunnel should be avoided as much as possible. If there is no way to avoid,the traditional idea should be changed and the risk should be under control.
2011 Vol. 28 (10): 90-95 [Abstract] ( 2594 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (225 KB)  ( 132 )
96 Experimental Research on Ice - melting Characteristics of Power Through Line for Railway
SUN Jian - ming,LIN Hao
Research purposes: As the 10 kV power through line for railway is an overhead line with hybrid junction of cable,its conductor section is much less than the 110 kV power system and above. So it is necessary to do the research on its ice - melting characteristics for providing the basic data for the ice - melting scheme of 10 kV power through line.
Research conclusions: The research and test were done on the ice - melting characteristics of the power through line by using LGJ - 35、LGJ - 50 and LGJ - 70 three different types of steel reinforced cable and 10kV cross -linked cables of the same section area with simulation of the field environment in lab. The influences of the ice -melting current on the bearing ability of the power through line,ice - melting time and the de - iceing method are analyzed. It is concluded the optimum ice - melting currents of the railway 10kV power through lines of LGJ - 35,LGJ - 50 and LGJ - 70 are separately 175 A ~ 195 A,210 A ~ 240 A and 265A ~ 305A and the optimum ice -melting time varies from 1h to 2 h.
2011 Vol. 28 (10): 96-100 [Abstract] ( 2557 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (514 KB)  ( 167 )
101 Research on Upgrading Scheme for Existing Wuhu Railway Terminal
LIU Jian - guang
Research purposes: In the design year,several new railways with different grades will be introduced into the Wuhu Railway Terminal. The traffic capacity of the terminal,specially the passenger traffic facilities should be improved while the second cross - river path is built for the Wuhu Railway Terminal. Choice of the bridge site and passenger station site were crucial to arrangement of the rapid railway network. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the city and railway plans, the engineering enforcement and the condition of attracting passengers, the research was done on the choice of the second cross - river bridge site and passenger station site as well as the overall arrangement of the terminal. The implement plan by stages was offered.
Research conclusions: After the comparison of the bridge or tunnel sites in Siheshan,Yijishan or Weisilu from the fields of the construction investment and the hazards of construction and operation,the bridge site inYijishan was recommended. After comparison of the passenger station sites in the existing Wuhu Station,New Yijiang Station and the new Wuhudong Station from areas of the technology and economy,the upgrading of the existing Wuhu Station was recommended to form the overall arrangement of the " π" character terminal.
2011 Vol. 28 (10): 101-105 [Abstract] ( 2664 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (816 KB)  ( 366 )
106 Study on CAD for Reconstruction of Closure Mouth of Existing Railway
HU Jian - ping
Research purposes: The design of the closure mouth is an important work for reconstruction of existing railway. However,there is a little research on the computer - aided design method ( CAD ) for the closure mouth of the existing railway at home and abroad. To improve the design quality of closure mouth,the study was done on the computer - aided design methods for the closure mouth,and the CAD model was developed by using the Visual C + + .net2002 development platform and ObjectARX secondary development technology.
Research conclusions: The module was successfully applied in upgrading of the Chengdu - Chongqing railway. The application showed the module interface was friendly and its performance was stable. It could automatically search the scope of the closure mouth,calculate the plane and vertical data of the closure mouth according to the given track space,detect the plane data that got out of line,gave alarm for the mistaken information with tracing indication to the mistaken area,and rapidly and accurately draw the plane and cross - section drawings. It could provide a audio - visual platform for the designer to check the design rationality of the closure mouth to improve the design quality.
2011 Vol. 28 (10): 106-110 [Abstract] ( 4859 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (665 KB)  ( 122 )
111 A Computer System for Parameter Collecting and Processing Based on the RPT Technology
ZHAO Feng - lin,CHEN Xin - jun
Research purposes: In order to meet the research of the RPT,we should develop a computer system for parameter collecting and processing.
Research conclusions: The system based on CPT collecting and dealing the parameters,consists of 51 series single - chip receiver on the ground and the collection and storage system underground. This system can measure and store two parameters on the ground as well as three parameters underground. And the parameters stored in the system underground can be reverted to curves according to the depth points. Then the data also can be copied as well as post - processed through the host computer.
2011 Vol. 28 (10): 111-114 [Abstract] ( 2745 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (383 KB)  ( 164 )
115 Research on Application of Internet of Things Technology in Railway Transportation
ZHANG Rong - xin,LIU Zi - yi,GUO Jing - wu
Research purposes: Along with the Internet development,the Internet of Things technology is applied widely in industry and livelihood. The Internet of Things technology plays an important role in solving the problem of urban transportation congestion and reducing energy consumption,and for the railway transportation it also has been preliminary applied in the device security system and the passenger /freight transportation service areas. With the large - scale railway construction and rapid development of Internet of Things technology,the Internet of Things technology must have wide development prospects in railway system. This paper researches the application of the Internet of Things in railway transportation.
Research conclusions: Combined with the application of the Internet of Things in the intelligent traffic and through analyzing the sufficient condition of popularizing and applying the Internet of Things technology in China railway system currently,the research is done on the possibility of wide application of the Internet of Things technology in automatic fare collection system,train tracking and positioning systems,station train information sharing system,integrated security early warning system,cargo management system and warehouse management system etc and the development direction of Internet of Things technology in railway traffic is expounded.
2011 Vol. 28 (10): 115-118 [Abstract] ( 2679 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (175 KB)  ( 556 )
119 Research on Leading Changsha - Zhuzhou - Xiangtan Intercity Railway into Urban Rail Transit
HUANG Wei - li
Research purposes: The intercity railway network of the Changsha - Zhuzhou - Xiangtan urban agglomeration ( 3 cities plus 5 cities) is the forerunning project of building a conservation - minded society and an environment - friendly society in Henan,with the standard of passenger dedicated line. The Changsha - Zhuzhou -Xiangtan rail transit was planned with the mode and standard of urban rail transit before the research on the Changsha - Zhuzhou - Xiangtan intercity railway network was done. In order to integrate and make use of the resources of the urban rail transit,the research was done on the program of leading the intercity railway network of Changsha - Zhuzhou - Xiangtan urban agglomeration into the urban rail transit from the aspects of the influence of different passenger flows,the technical standard,the traffic organization,the traffic capacity,the equipment types and the project investment.
Research conclusions: According to the situations of the Changsha - Zhuzhou - Xiangtan rail transit that its traffic capacity will not meet the traffic demand,the relative equipment technologies are not mature and the project needs lots of investment and based on the arrangement of the intercity railway of Changsha - Zhuzhou - Xiangtan urban agglomeration,the intercity railway should be built in the near future and it will undertake the certain function of the urban rail transit in the city proper. The planned urban rail transit should be built in the appropriate time with the integration of Changsha,Zhuzhou and Xiangtan.
2011 Vol. 28 (10): 119-123 [Abstract] ( 2757 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (320 KB)  ( 218 )
124 Structural Calculation and Analysis of Transfer Node of Three - line Transfer Station
HU Shuang - ping
Research purposes: In an urban rail transit network,there must be two lines or above intersecting to form various forms of transfer,and at the same time the transfer to the ground railway station,airport,major ground bus hub,ferry and road passenger station should be considered. Thus,the transfer station is an important hub for subway,and its design and analysis are rather complex. The Ranjiaba Station of the first - phase project of the Line 6 of Chongqing subway is a transfer station and it is necessary to make the three - dimensional analysis of the transfer regional nodes for providing a theoretical basis for the design to ensure the safety of the station structure.
Research conclusions: Based on the analysis of the Ranjiaba Station with the three - dimension model,the design method for the stress reinforcement in the transfer node region is offered. According to the load - bearing characteristics of the plate thickness of the transfer node,the double - plate arrangement mode is presented.According the load - bearing situation of the middle column,the scheme of the steel section concrete column is given. Based on the simulation analysis of TBM passing the station,the scheme of bearing the TBM load with the rail - mounted middle plater by temporary support and bearing the structure load by the permanent load - bearing structure is pointed out.
2011 Vol. 28 (10): 124-128 [Abstract] ( 2582 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1061 KB)  ( 528 )
129 Study on Design of Comprehensive Pipelines in Metro Depot
WU Gui - hu
Research purposes: The design of the comprehensive pipelines is a major difficult work for construction of the metro car depot,and is crucial to the design of the metro car depot. Generally the design of the comprehensive pipelines begins after all construction drawing of the other specialities have been finished. Thus,the design time of the pipelines is very short. At present,the traditional design thought and methods for the comprehensive pipelines already can't meet the design needs. In order to better solve the problem that the design time of the comprehensive pipelines is short,requiring high quality,it is very urgent to offer the new design method for the comprehensive pipelines.
Research conclusions: Based on the summary of the design of the comprehensive pipelines of the ground metro car depot and double - layer metro car depot,the idea on using backstepping method to design the comprehensive pipelines is offered. In this way,the design time of the comprehensive pipelines can be reduced by 50% and the design quality and the comprehensive quality of the designer can also be improved.
2011 Vol. 28 (10): 129-136 [Abstract] ( 2598 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1127 KB)  ( 368 )
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