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2011 Vol. 28, No. 9
Published: 2011-09-15

1 Analysis of Geothermal Water Characteristics along Railway in Southwest of China
CHEN Wei,JIANG Liang - wen,DU Yu - ben
Research purposes: One newly - built railway passes through the Hengduan Mountain area in southwest of China,with complicated geological conditions. The railway tunnel construction was seriously affected by the geothermal water. This paper summarizes the distribution of geothermal water and the geological and topographic characteristics of the areas where the railway passed through,analyzes the influence factors of supply sources of geothermal spring at eleven areas on the railway track and discusses the railway alignment for providing the reference to the engineering survey under similar geological conditions.
Research conclusions: These geothermal water areas belong to the geothermal zone within the Eurasian plate,mainly comprising of fracture - type geothermal zone. The geothermal water easily exposes in the fault zone,the area with complicated structure,the dike intrusion zone and the wall rock alteration zone,and it is closely related to the new tectonic movement. The temperatures of the geothermal water exposed in magmatic rocks and metamorphic rocks are high and the temperatures of the geothermal water exposed in the sedimentary rocks and Quaternary loose sediments layer are low. The main geothermal storage layers are of the soluble karst rock of the presinian,sinian and Triassic and of the granites of the Variscan and Indosinian. The insulation layers are of the metamorphic rocks,clastic rocks and loose sediments with poor water conductivity and thermal conductivity. The geothermal waters in eleven areas that influence the the railway are originated from the precipitate water and drained into river valleys or ravines after circulating and heating in the fault zones. With the CIVK program currently recommended,the geothermal water produces a little influence on the railway track,but the program needs to be improved further.
2011 Vol. 28 (9): 1-6 [Abstract] ( 4857 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (338 KB)  ( 145 )
7 Reliability Analysis of Deep Excavation Based on Field Monitoring Data
ZHU Hong - hu,YE Xiao - wei,RAN Long
Research purposes: There are considerable uncertainties existing in deep excavation activities and the field monitoring data cannot directly reflect the present excavation stability condition in most cases. In this paper,combing Bayesian updating with Monte Carlo finite element method,real - time reliability assessment of stability during the excavation of Pengbu station of Hangzhou Metro is performed based on field measurement data.
Research conclusions: The results show that,in comparison with conventional method,it is more rational to estimate the failure probability of deep excavation by use of field monitoring data. This method can effectively enhance the accuracy of excavation stability analysis and avoid the problems resulting from the errors of the inclinometer readings. The horizontal displacement monitoring data of the diaphragm wall can be used as the input information of reliability analysis. The selection of failure criteria has a significant influence on the stability analysis results. The proposed method can compensate for the limitations of conventional reliability analysis and is a promising alternative method for stability analysis of excavation based on field monitoring data.
2011 Vol. 28 (9): 7-11 [Abstract] ( 2605 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (559 KB)  ( 158 )
13 Discuss on Warning Value of Deep Horizontal Displacement of Foundation Pit in Soft Soil Areas
HU Heng,DONG Zhi - liang,LUO Yan
Research purposes: At present,the more and more foundation pits are built in soft soil areas,and its security and economical efficiency become the matter of the common concern. Setting up the reasonable monitoring and warning values is the effective way to reduce the risk of the foundation pit construction. The current warning values stipulated in the relative code are established on the base of the non - soft soil condition,and it is unsuitable for the soft soil condition. So it is necessary to draw up the warning value for soft soil areas.
Research conclusions: From the statistic analysis of the measured data of the foundation in soft soil area,it sis concluded: ( 1) The maximum deep horizontal displacement value of Grade A foundation pit is concentrated in the 60 -100 mm deep areas and it decreases with the increase of the excavation depth. ( 2) On the premise of no change of the support structure,the deformation volume of the support pile increases obviously,but the deformation law does not change. ( 3) The maximum horizontal displacement of the support pile is basically in nonlinear decrease state with the increase of the elastic modulus.
2011 Vol. 28 (9): 13-16 [Abstract] ( 2590 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (561 KB)  ( 174 )
17 Experimental Research on Design Method for Rigid Pile Composite Foundation under Embankment
LOU Yan,HE Ning,LOU Bin
Research purposes: The design method for the rigid composite foundation is commonly used for the rigid composite foundation under embankment and the design result is big different from the actual situation. It brings about the high cost of the rigid pile composite foundation to cause the impact on the wide application of the rigid pile composite foundation. In order to better application of the rigid pile in the composite to enhance the bearing capacity of the embankment and bring the good bearing capacity of the rigid pile into play,the experimental research is done in large -scale on the design method for the rigid pile composite foundation under embankment.
Research conclusions: The research shows the design method for the rigid pile composite foundation under embankment should follow the two basic principles: one is to bring the rigid pile into the major play and the other is to bring the good bearing capacity of the rigid pile into play. In order to achieve these targets,the effective way is to determine the bearing ratio between the pile and as three,enlarge the distance between piles and enhance the replacement rate. If the rigid composite foundation is designed with the proposed method and the pile reaches at the supporting course,the settlement deformation of the embankment can be controlled to meet the specification requirement of the post - construction settlement for the bridgehead and the cost can be largely reduced.
2011 Vol. 28 (9): 17-22 [Abstract] ( 2793 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (340 KB)  ( 112 )
23 In - site Experimental Study on Behavior of Foundation Reinforcement of Cement Deep Mixing Pile with Plastic Drainage Board
DING Guang - wen
Research purposes: The purpose is to obtain characteristics of the action mechanism,the settlement and the load bearing of the pile - soil when reinforcing the deep buried soft soil by taking the comprehensive measures for providing the basis for determining the design calculation method.
Research conclusions: After inserting the plastic drainage board in the composite foundation of the cement deep mixing pile,the effects of the drainage and consolidation in the deep buried soft soil can be speeded up to speed up the completion of the foundation settlement to reduce the post - construction settlement,the displacement development in the side direction can be speeded up and it is closely related to the drainage condition,and the improvement of the strength of the foundation soil can be speeded up and the stress ratio of the pile - soil is obviously smaller than the composite foundation of cement deep mixing pile and it favors for giving the play the load bearing capacity of the foundation soil.
2011 Vol. 28 (9): 23-30 [Abstract] ( 2600 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1179 KB)  ( 356 )
31 Study on Control Effects of Settlement of Compact Pile Foundation of High Speed Railway in Collapsible Loess Region
QU Yao - hui,WU Xiao - peng,MI Wei - jun,WEI Yong - liang
Research purposes: Settlement control is a key technical problem in construction of high - speed railway in collapsible loess region . Based on the tests to the subgrade of the passenger delicate line from Zhengzhou to Xi'an in collapsible loess region,the study was done on the settlement deformation characteristics,the collapsibility elimination effect and settlement control effect of the cement - soil compact pile foundation of the high - speed railway by conducting the observation of the settlement deformation,the large - sized submerging test and prediction of the subgrade settlement.
Research conclusions: The maximum reinforcement depth of compaction piles should not exceed 15m. The compact pile with the depth of 15m was used for the test subgrade. The surplus settlement volume of the subgrade that had been loaded by dead load for six months could meet the control requirement of the post - construction settlement for the ballastless track,and only a little settlement occurred to the reinforced layer of the foundation after submerging. And the collapsibility of the loess in the reinforced layer was eliminated fully. In the area with the thickness of the collapsible loess less than 15m,the compact pile is an effective way to reinforce the foundation for the settlement control.
2011 Vol. 28 (9): 31-35 [Abstract] ( 2633 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (598 KB)  ( 176 )
36 Frost Heaving Behaviors of Hardened Ballast Beds under Different Content of Clay and Water
ZHAO Cheng - jiang,WANG Xiao - rong,XIA Qiong,JIN Zeng - fang
Research purposes: The frost heaving is not generated in clean ballast bed. It will be frost heaving if the ballast bed mixed with more than 12% to 15% silt clay particles. In this paper,by testing the silt content in interior hardened ballast and analyzing for frost heaving tests with different clay and water content,the frost heaving features of interior hardened ballast are found.
Research conclusions: By testing the silt content in interior hardened ballast and analyzing for frost heaving tests with different clay and water content,it states that the frost heaving rate is generally less than 4% when the silt content in ballast exceeds standard,and the frost heaving of ballast is the result of a combination of silt content and water content, so proof and drainage system must be good meanwhile effect of silt content on frost heaving should be paid attention to. The harmfulness of weak frost heaving behavior for ballast linear engineering treatment is greater than normal structures,and more attention should be paid.
2011 Vol. 28 (9): 36-39 [Abstract] ( 2693 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (590 KB)  ( 332 )
40 The Discussion and Research on Tensile Methods for Load - dispersive Anchor
FU Wen - guang,HU Jian - lin
Research purposes: The purpose is to study and discuss the tensioning and locking methods that the load could be added accurately for the load - dispersive anchor when only one jack is used.
Research conclusions: The more jacks synchronized method should be adopted preferentially when a load - dispersive anchor is tensioning and locking. There are whole pulling whole locking,whole pulling single locking,compensation tensioning,single pulling single locking and loop single pulling single locking methods when only one jack is used and tensioned one time. Among them,the whole pulling whole locking method and the whole pulling single locking method are rarely used because of much error,the compensation tensioning method is relatively reasonable since the elastic displacement difference between unit anchors has compensated and so used more often,single pulling single locking method could meet the actual demand of most engineering when pulling and locking in the order of unit anchors’length from short to long. But all the methods above are not accurate enough to add the load. The loop single pulling single locking method is based the load control,it is a new method that worthy to be lucubrated and popularized since that the load is added accurately,tensioning load loss and locking load loss is small,the work is simple,construction machinery is small,and it is appropriate for all load - dispersive anchor even when they have the different design capacity.
2011 Vol. 28 (9): 40-44 [Abstract] ( 2619 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (275 KB)  ( 278 )
45 Analysis of Engineering Example of Reinforcing Railway Subgrade in Mining Subsidence Area with CFG Pile
LI Ting,WEN Fa - ming
Research purposes: Some special engineering measures must be taken for satisfying requirements of operation safety when the railway passes through the area with unfavorable geological condition. This paper discusses the problem of reinforcing the railway foundation in mining area,compares the reinforcing program of high - pressure jet grouting pile with the reinforcing program of cement fly - ash gravel pile ( CFG pile) ,and analyzes the advantages of CFG pile of reinforcing the railway subgrade in mining subsidence area for providing the reference to the similar works.
Research conclusions: Taking a special railway track in the coal mine as an example,on the basis of stability analysis, the limit height of soft soil embankment is obtained. In the case that the heightening requirements of the embankment under mining subsidence can not be met,the CFG pile can be used for reinforcing the subgrade. And based on the theoretical checking - calculation of the bearing capability of the composite subgrade,the comparative analysis of the settlement with finite - element method and the comparison with the reinforcing program of high - pressure jet grouting pile,the feasibility and safety of CFG pile for reinforcing soft foundation are tested and verified. The result shows the CFG pile is better for reinforcing soft foundation than the high - pressure jet grouting pile under the same conditions. According to the relative codes,the reinforcement design requirement with CFG pile is presented. The wide application CFG pile has the positive effect on making use of the wastes,saving the cost and protecting environment.
2011 Vol. 28 (9): 45-48 [Abstract] ( 2666 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (316 KB)  ( 180 )
49 Study on the Influences of Pile Soil Properties to Welded Turnout in Pile -slab Structure
XIAO Hong,GUO Li - na,LIU Wei - wei
Research purposes: Pile - slab structure as a new - type railway foundation of track undersurface can control its subgrade settlement effectively and has been widely applied in high speed railway construction. It is very likely that welded turnout is lie upon the Pile - slab structure that is increaseing used in high speed railway. To research the interaction between welded turnout and Pile - slab structure,this paper,with building the mode of welded turnout in pile - slab structure,mainly analyze the influence factors to subgrade settlement for different pile spacing,plates with different soil properties and different position. Research conclusions: The results show that: ( 1) the excessive pile spacing will be unfavorable to the mechanical behavior of the upper welded turnout. ( 2) without considering elastic supporting action of the soil under the plates,The underpants of pile - slab structure can also offer enough vertical stiffness to Welded turnout structure . ( 3) Subgrade settlement will affect the basic Rail buckling force,especially between two adjacent pile - slab structure,but have little influence on others.
2011 Vol. 28 (9): 49-52 [Abstract] ( 2638 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (459 KB)  ( 137 )
53 Discussion on Method for Prefabricating Cushion Cap of Bridge Pier in Water
Research purposes: As there are lots of big rivers in China,the construction technology of the bridge pier in water has been widely used for the municipal projects,highway projects and railway projects. In construction of bridges in China, the open excavation foundation pit, ordinary - support foundation pit, building artificial island and surrounding wall,and building surrounding wall with concrete pile,steel plate pile,steel tube pile,single wall steel,double wall steel,thin wall concrete,boxed cofferdam,pouring jacket and continuous wall are used for the cushion cap.The discussion is made on the construction technology of the cushion cap of the bridge pier in water to cut the construction cost and promote the progress of the construction technology of bridge on the premise of ensuring the construction safety,quality and process.
Research conclusions: The high - order prefabricating technology for the bridge pier in water has been used in foreign country,but not be used in China. From the analysis and research it is concluded the high - order prefabricating technology for the bridge pier in water is available with the features of good universal property,advanced technology,safety,reliability and and good economical efficiency. After further optimization and tests, the high - order prefabricating technology for the bridge pier in water can be widely used.
2011 Vol. 28 (9): 53-57 [Abstract] ( 2616 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (942 KB)  ( 425 )
58 Simulation Study on the Section Optimization of the Super Pilot Tunnel in High Geo - stress Tunnel
MA Wei - bin,ZHANG Mei,ZHAO You - ming,LIU Yan - qing,GUO Xiao - xiong,FU Bing - xian
Research purposes: In order to solve the problem of the large deformation in high geo - stress tunnel of ongoing lanzhou - chongqing railway,according to the characteristic of the complex geological conditions and changeable influencing factors,the high in - situ stress in the right hole was released in advance by using deformability of the super pilot tunnel,under these conditions,the right hole was in acceptable low - stress state when it was excavated,which was potengoally less the input of support rigidity. This paper determined reasonable by using numerical simulation method.
Research conclusions: By taking maoyushan tunnel as the research object,the displacement release rate corresponding various location and dimension of the super pilot tunnel was studied in the paper through numeric simulation. The two -dimensional analysis show that the reasonable dimension of the super pilot tunnel was 7. 6m( width) × 5. 5m( height) .The reasonable distance between the pilot tunnel vault and the right holr vault was 2. 5m. The displacement release rate fo A snd BB `and CC `and DD `were respevtively 37% ,54% ,72% and 59% . This paper can provide reference for construction and design of other similar projects.
2011 Vol. 28 (9): 58-62 [Abstract] ( 2629 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (973 KB)  ( 235 )
63 Innovation of Key Construction Technology for Kiaochow Bay Submarine Tunnel with Boring and Blast Method
QING San - hui,XIE Wen - qing,GU Wen - kai,HUANG Shi - wen
Research purposes: There is the big risk in construction of submarine tunnel. If the engineering measures are not correct,the calamitous outcome may happen and even it threatens the successful completion of the construction.The study was done on the key construction technologies for the Kiaochow Bay Submarine Tunnel with Boring and Blast Method for guaranteeing the safe construction of the tunnel.
Research conclusions: By making theoretic analysis,numerical simulation,in - site test and conducting the advanced geological forecast,the deep study was done on the key technologies,including the risk management of construction of submarine tunnel,construction for the fault fracture zone,construction of the shallow crossing large span,construction of rooms with small clear distance,construction of crossing chambers,and rapid construction with boring blast method. The construction risk management information system was set up. The double - channel grouting device and the new technique of the rapid curtain grouting without grouting stop wall for the fracture rock ( fault fracture zone ) were developed. The construction technologies for plane crossing chambers and stereoscopic crossing chambers were optimized and the set complete technology of the boring and blast was summarized for promoting the progress of the Chines technology for construction of submarine tunnel.
2011 Vol. 28 (9): 63-69 [Abstract] ( 2665 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1195 KB)  ( 252 )
70 Preliminary Study on the Standards of Operation Ventilation of Diesel Traction in High - altitude Tunnel
SUN San - xiang,ZHANG Yun - xia,LI Guo - liang,YANG Guo - zhu,XIE Jun - tai
Research purposes: In order to solve the problem of standards about allowable concentration of harmful emission gases to operation ventilation of diesel traction in high - altitude( > 3 000 m) tunnel. Based on the comparison results of operation ventilation standards and allowable concentrations of harmful emission gases,CO,NO2 control of the maximum allowable concentration,the suggestion standards of operation ventilation control of diesel traction in high altitude tunnel is presented. 
Research conclusions: The national standards is more stringent than the developed countrie’s. The suggestion standards of operation ventilation control of diesel traction in high altitude tunnel are that time weightd average ( TWA) of NOx( nitragen dioxide leve1) is 10 mg/m3 in workday,short term( 30 min) exposure limit of NOx≤30 mg/m3. TWA of CO is 30 mg / m3 in workday,short term( 30 min) exposure limit of CO≤90 mg / m3.
2011 Vol. 28 (9): 70-74 [Abstract] ( 2658 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (222 KB)  ( 196 )
75 Research on Construction Technology in Karst Area of Xiangshan Tunnel of Longyan - Xiamen Railway
ZHANG Mei,ZHANG Min - qing,HUANG Hong - jian,SUN Guo - qing
Research purposes: The sections of DK 24 + 083 ~ DK 24 + 232 and YDK 24 + 098 ~ YDK 24 + 304 of the Xiangshan Tunnel of the Longyan - Xiamen Railway are in the areas with the closed karst senke,granite and fully weathering sandstones. The karst cave,karst groove and pipelines are interconnected to form a huge water store structure. After conducting full face curtain grouting,the large - scale water and mud bursting occurred to flood the shaft and cause the ground collapse when excavation was done. The drainage was completed on the back slope of the entrance end by using the plugger that can be passed through by water but not by mud in the ground of the tunnel. Subsequently, the informalization comprehensive grouting technology was used for the karst section,and for reinforcing the breaking open,the drainage for reducing the pressure,the grouting for reinforcing and the pipe roof for supporting were conducted on both ends.
Research conclusions: ( 1) The plugger that is passed through by water but not by mud can be used by grouting into the deep hole on the ground. ( 2) Based on meeting the quality reuirement,the construction speed can be doubled by using the informalization comprehensive grouting technology,compared with the full face curtain grouting technology. ( 3) the principle of drainage for reducing the pressure,the grouting for reinforcing and the pipe roof for supporting can be used for reinforcing the breaking open caused by water and mud bursting.
2011 Vol. 28 (9): 75-82 [Abstract] ( 2584 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1020 KB)  ( 272 )
83 Research on 3D Mechanics Model for Catenary
WU Zhi - ping
Research purposes: With the development of high - speed railway,the catenary should be assembled with more precision and the mechanics of the catenary should be calculated more precisely. However,the most of the current mechanics models for the catenary are the 2D ones and they can not reflect the actual situation of the catenary exactly. So the calculation of the real mechanics of the catenary can be realized by establishing the 3D model. Research conclusions: In this paper,the research is done on the 3D model for the catenary and the systematically static balance equation is offered. The non - linear equations are obtained with iteration method to solve the problem of static balances under the different loads. Also the change of the balance positions of the catenary under the different conditions is researched through calculation of the suspension chord length. These three kinds of the 3D model are available for researching the dynamic effect of the pantograph and catenary and with them,the vivid simulation models can be obtained. The model accuracy is tested and verified by calculating the wind yaw with the 3D model for three - span catenary.
2011 Vol. 28 (9): 83-87 [Abstract] ( 2703 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (525 KB)  ( 242 )
88 Analysis of Load Capacity of Traction Network with All Parallel Supply Mode in TRNF Electrified Railway
CHU Zhen - yu
Research purposes: All parallel supply with parallel branch connecting the upward and downward catenaries in the dual electrified railway will made the current distribution more balanced and could promote the power supply quality roundly,which is specially adapted to the electrified railways with mono - directional traction load in mountain areas. Currently the parallel branch was set in the middle of the supply arm,but the reason could not be found. In this paper the load capacity of traction network with all parallel supply mode is calculated and the best position of the parallel branch is also analyzed.
 Research conclusions: ( 1) All parallel supply mode can reduce the demand of load capacity efficaciously. ( 2) The best effect arises when the parallel branch is set at the front one - quarter of the supply arm. ( 3) The current flowing in the parallel branch always keep at 25% approximately. ( 4) The best position of the AT post is also at the front one - quarter of the supply arm.
2011 Vol. 28 (9): 88-91 [Abstract] ( 2794 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (350 KB)  ( 205 )
92 Model Test Research on Dynamic Characteristics of the Underlying Soil for Subway Tunnel
LIU Zhi - qiang,WANG Fei,YAO Bo
Research purposes: The settlement of subway tunnel in different level will be caused under the long - time vehicle dynamic load and it brings unfavorable effects on the stability of subway operation. The settlement is clearer especially in the saturated soft clay. It will help us to correctly understand the subway operation load of the surrounding soil by carrying out soil dynamic stability research under subway tunnel and provide the basis for soil around tunnel reinforcement. 
Research conclusions: Based on the analysis of stress characteristic during subway operation,a simulated experimental system is researched and built up. This paper investigated the dynamic stability of underlying silty clay of shield tunnel by model test. The dynamic characteristic in different amplitude and frequency of dynamic load was researched,also we analyzed the settlement of the subway tunnel. The test results shows that,the dynamic response of underlying silty clay presented attenuation trend with the increasing of space,the attenuation was more obvious when the distance was smaller,and the larger the value of dynamic load peak,the greater the tunnel settlement. The lower frequency,the greater the vertical settlement when the dynamic load has the same value and the vibration frequency is constant.
2011 Vol. 28 (9): 92-96 [Abstract] ( 2581 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (466 KB)  ( 187 )
97 Physical and Mechanical Properties of Granitoid Residual Soil in Dongguan City
LIU Jian - guo
Research purposes: By the statistic analysis of the physical and mechanics indexes of the granitoid residual soil Line R2 in Dongguan,the physical and mechanical properties of the granitoid residual soil are found out,the relation between the physical and mechanical indexes is set up and some measures and recommendations on the engineering in granitoid residual soil area are offered.
Research conclusions: ( 1) The particle composition of the granitoid residual soil in dongguan has features of big ends, small middle part,big natural pore,small liquidity index,strong shear strength,big compressive coefficient,small compressive modulus and small the expansive property. ( 2) There is a lineal relation between the natural pore and the compressive modulus. ( 3) The in - situ test should be used along with the indoor test for the investigation.
2011 Vol. 28 (9): 97-100 [Abstract] ( 2938 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (355 KB)  ( 123 )
101 Research on Feasibility of Using Tubular Skylight System in Metro Engineering
WANG Zhi - Qiang
Research purposes: At the moment,electric lighting is widely used in domestic metro,even though using efficient and energy saving lamps,energy consumption is still serious. Electric lighting increases air - condition load,discharges carbon dioxide,and it does not fundamentally solve the problem of energy saving and environmental protection. So,it is necessary to do the research on using natural daylight for lighting.
Research conclusions: The research shows that tubular skylight system is better than electric lighting in energy saving,environmental protection and safety,it can bring considerable social and economic benefits. Tubular skylight system can effectively reduce the consumption of power for lighting in daytime,make full use of solar energy,which meet a net -zero carbon emissions goal. So,it is feasible to use tubular skylight system in metro engineering,and it is available to popularize and apply.
2011 Vol. 28 (9): 101-104 [Abstract] ( 2580 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (288 KB)  ( 443 )
105 Application of Freezing Method in Reinforcing Soil on Shield Ends
MIAO Li - xin,QI Xiu - dong,ZOU Chao
Research purposes: In the process of shield construction of metro,the end area is the place where the shield machine departs and arrives and where the accidents easily happen. The reinforcement of the end area is crucial to the departure and arrival safety of the shield machine . In the loose unstable alluvial layer,the water - containing rock layer with the pore development,the slush layer,the soft mud stone layer,the saturated layer and the layer with high water head,how to well use the freezing method and conducting the reinforcement monitoring are the key elements to guarantee successful construction of shield tunnel.
Research conclusions: The difference between reinforcing the soil on the ends with freezing method and reinforcing the ordinary foundation is that the former has the requirement of the freezing temperature. Only when the freezing temperature is guaranteed can the soil strength on the ends be guaranteed and the risks of sand and water bursting be effectively controlled. In order to avoid the appearance of accident,the relative measures should be taken such as using small propulsive force,slow cutting and avoiding the freezing of the cutter head when the shield machine passes through the soil on ends.
2011 Vol. 28 (9): 105-109 [Abstract] ( 2622 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (620 KB)  ( 458 )
110 Research on Risk Management of Construction Project Near Passenger Dedicated Line
CUI Li - hong
Research purposes: The construction project near passenger dedicated line is easily affected by the contretemps to produce the influence on the safety of passenger dedicated line,with the features of the big and indeterminate risk. This paper studies the risk characteristic and the influence of the construction project near passenger dedicated line,and discusses the risk management of construction project near passenger dedicated line.
Research conclusions: The safety of passenger dedicated line must be put in the first place during the construction project near the passenger dedicated line,the policy of the " safety first,precaution crucial and comprehensive control" must be insisted on and the principle of the " consideration of the transport and construction together" should be followed to ensure the completion of transport and construction.
2011 Vol. 28 (9): 110-112 [Abstract] ( 2562 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (152 KB)  ( 167 )
113 Analysis and Suggesting upon Management of Cost of Materials Supplied by Party A for Railway Project
WANG Yong - sheng
Research purposes: According to the purchasing power and the liability subject,the construction materials for railway project can be divided into the materials supplied by Party A,the materials controlled by Party A and the materials purchased by construction enterprise. The materials supplied by party A are the materials purchased by the owner organized by the Ministry of Railways or directly purchased by the owner through bidding for the project. This paper introduces the management purpose,risk - sharing principle and method of settling accounts of the materials supplied by Party A firstly,points out the two kinds of the problems based on the current management situation,analyzes the reasons for the problems and the negative influences caused by the problems,and offers the suggestions according to the relative rules and contract principle.
Research conclusions: ( 1) The material market price should be as the material general estimate prise for the project with new general estimate. The prise different coefficient should be used for adjusting the general estimate made with the basic prise method for the approved project. The recalculation of the prises of the materials supplied by Party A should be made when checking up the general estimate and the cost of the materials supplied by Party A with settling accounts should be adjusted on the base of the recalculation. ( 2) The dynamical adjustment should be made for the materials quantities as the actual supply limit and the materials saved by contractor should not be deduced from the contract.
2011 Vol. 28 (9): 113-117 [Abstract] ( 2543 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (214 KB)  ( 277 )
Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
Supported by:Beijing Magtech