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2011 Vol. 28, No. 4
Published: 2011-04-15
Research on Schemes of Leading Qingdao - Liangyungang Railway into Qingdao Junction Terminal
LUO Yong - li
Research purposes: If the Qingdao - Liangyungang Railway is led into the Qingdao junction terminal,this railway will become a big transportation corridor form the south coast to the north coast to promote the sources supplement and economic development among the cities of Qingdao,Rizhao and Liangyungang and enhance the traffic quality among the cities because this railway links Qingdao with Rizhao and Liangyungang. Through the comparison and choice of the optional schemes,the optimal scheme is recommended in this paper.
Research conclusions: ( 1) When the research is done on leading the new railway into the existing railway,the railway alignment and the station where the railway will be led into should be chosen appropriately according to the arrangement of the existing railway terminal,the arrangement of the existing stations,the passenger and freight flows and the arrangement of large enterprises in order to make full use of the existing passages as much as possible for reducing the movement and disturbance to the large enterprise and residential area. ( 2) From the verification and economic choice of the schemes in the aspects of the arrangement pattern,engineering technical condition and construction difficulty of the Qingdao Terminal and its coordination with the city planning it is concluded the scheme of leading Qindao - Liangyungang Railway into the Qingdao Terminal is adopted.
2011 Vol. 28 (4): 1-4 [
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Study on Schemes for Leading Zhengzhou - Xuzhou PDL into Shangqiu District
ZHAO Sheng
Research purposes: Following the design ideas of " Putting man first, serving the transportation,strengthening the fundament and weakening the trivial,optimizing the system and focusing on the development" ,and considering the current situation and the projects under construction and to be constructed or planned in Shangqiu district,the study is done on determination and the recommendation of the optional schemes for accumulating the experience of studying and designing the general layout of the railway terminal.
Research conclusions: The scheme that Beijing - Kowloon PDL will be led into the existing Shangqiu Station and Zhengzhou - Xuzhou PDL will be led into the existing Shangqiu Station in parallel have evident advantage on station setting,engineering factors,passenger organization,use of the existing infrastructure and setting of contact line. So it is recommended in this paper.
2011 Vol. 28 (4): 5-8 [
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Research on Computation Method for Settlement of Red Clay Foundation of Wuhan - Guangzhou Passenger Dedicated Line
ZHANG Zhan - rong
Research purposes: The high - speed railway has high request for its foundation settlement and it requests the post - construction settlement of the foundation to be controlled below 15mm in order to ensure the track regularity.The red clay of 100km is spread along the railway. As a special soil,the engineering characteristics of red clay is very different from the normal soil. To find out the settlement characteristics of the red clay and the settlement calculation method can provide the basis for taking the reasonable measures to control the foundation settlement in the standard range,with an important engineering value.
Research conclusions: ( 1 ) The modified layer - wise summation method applicable to calculation of the red clay foundation settlement was offered by modifying the calculation formula of the layer - wise summation method on consideration of the influencing factors of the settlement correction coefficient,excavation disturbance and settlement completion rate. ( 2) This methods was approved reliable by comparing the settlement calculated value obtained by this method with the settlement monitoring data. ( 3) It showed this method was suitable for calculation of the foundation settlement of Wuhan - Guangzhou Passenger Dedicated Line and may provide a useful reference to the similar engineering.
2011 Vol. 28 (4): 9-14 [
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Study on Evaluation and Test of Road Base of Existing Railway
ZHAO Feng - lin,ZHANG Jian
Research purposes: Based on the on - site investigation,the tests were done to the road base of the existingBaicheng - Aershan Railway with the dynamic penetration test,K30 test,Evd test and spectral analysis of surface waves,and the comprehensive evaluation was carried out to the existing road base by analyzing and studying the test data to prove whether the road base can continue to maintain the good condition or not after the speed - raise for the purpose of providing the technical basis for the design and scheme comparison of the speed - raise project.
Research conclusions: Based on the on - site investigation and the composition of subgrade filling of the existing railway,it is necessary to evaluate the subgrade of the existing railway section by section to reduces the negative influence caused by discrete data and improve the accuracy of the valuation results. The defect locations of existing Baicheng - Aershan Railway in bearing capacity and strength mainly concentrate in the range of 0. 0 ~ 0. 6 m of the road base's surface and 0. 6 ~ 1. 2 m range of the bottom. The deep filling should be conducted to them in a big range for more test and evaluation. The dynamic penetration test has features of simple operation and wide applicability,but itstest data is of big discreteness and how to reduce the error is the problem to be resolved in future. Compared with the Evd ,the K30 requires a lot of human and material resources and much time . The comparative experiment can be done to the existing railways of different grade with these two methods to explores the relation between Evd and K30,and substituting Evd for K30 partially in the test points can improve the work efficiency. The defect position and scope of railway road base in the bearing capacity and strength can be accurately revealled by using the spectral analysis of surface waves along with the dynamic penetration test to evaluate the condition of the existing road base.
2011 Vol. 28 (4): 15-21 [
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Numerical Analysis of Consolidation Deformation of Tunnel Foundation Under Effect of Long - term Train Load
ZHANG Xue - gang ; HUANG A - gang ; GUO Wang - jun
Research purposes: The analysis is made for the dynamic response and deformation law of the foundation under the different loading quantities of train. The spatial FEM model is established in the numerical analysis. The exciting force corresponding to the irregularity management standard is adopted to simulate the train load and the M - C plastic constitutive model is used to present the load bearing characteristics of the tunnel foundation.
Research conclusions: During the the initial running of the train,the ground differential deformation along axial direction is big and the deformation change is variable. The settlements on the bottom and top of the tunnel lining trends to consistent. With the decrease of the buried depth of the tunnel,the foundation deformation increases. During loading of some times,the deformation on the middle part is big and decreases gradually along the longitudinal direction to the two ends. After long time running of the train,the deformation on the middle part increases,but its long - term effect should not ignored. Application of the plastic constitutive model can reasonably present the accumulation of foundation deformation under the effect of long - term load of the train.
2011 Vol. 28 (4): 22-26 [
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Determination of Design Scheme for Chongqing - Fuling Railway Under -passing Wutong Overpass Bridge
DING Zhao - feng
Research purposes: During the construction of the railway terminal,when the new or additional railway under - passes the existing road bridge,the factors that affect the safety of existing bridges should be considered carefully in the design and the safety of the existing bridge becomes an important issue in the railway construction because the construction condition is limited. On considering the technical and economic factors, the design schemes for Chongqing -Fuling Railway under - passing the Wutong Overpass Bridge in Chongqing were compared and the best scheme was selected to reduce the negative factors that affected the safety of the bridge for the purpose of providing the references to the similar works.
Research conclusions: In general,when a new or additional railway under - passes the existing road bridge,the scheme should be reasonably selected on consideration of economic,technical,security and other factors. Minimizing the impact of construction of a new or aditional railway on the existing road bridge is crucial to construction of a new or additional railway under - passing the existing road bridge . The pile - board structure was used for construction of Chongqing -Fuling Railway under - passing the Wutong road bridge to transfer the top load to the bed rock by the pile. In this case,the safety of existing bridge and the stability of the existing subgrade can be ensured . This scheme is the best one because of minimizing the impact of railway construction on the existing road bridge.
2011 Vol. 28 (4): 27-31 [
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Construction Technology for Laying Ballastless Slab Track in Switch Area on Frame Type Bridge
HE Xin,WU Wei - fan
Research purposes: As the track standard of high - speed railway is high,sometimes the switch has to be installed on frame type bridge due to the limitation of the landscape. So it is necessary to research and summarize the construction technology for laying slab ballastless slab track in switch area on frame type bridge.
Research conclusions: The construction technology for laying slab ballastless slab track in switch area on frame type bridge includes technologies of laying the extruded board and sliding layer with high stremgth,pouring the concrete of base layer,laying the switch slab,pouring the emulsified asphalt slurry,nailing the switch slab and producing lateral chock block. The construction technology for laying ballastless slab track in switch area on frame type bridge is very complex with many work procedures. It must ensure and strictly control the construction quality and precision in order to meet the requests of less maintenance and high regurality of slab ballastless track in switch area on frame type bridge.
2011 Vol. 28 (4): 32-36 [
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Application of Geophysical Prospecting in Geothermic Survey for Railway Tunnel
LI Jian,LUO Shi -Min,YU Nian
Research purposes: Taking the Gaoligongshan Tunnel of the Dali - Ruili Railway as an example, the systemic research is done on the data collection. Processing and interpreting with the CSAMT and MT methods for the purpose of enhancing the prospecting precision of the deep and big fault closely related to the geothermic by adopting geophysical prospecting.
Research conclusions: ( 1) The data obtained by CSAMT method: The subsurface section is divided into five regions: fault,anomaly gradation Ⅴ,anomaly gradation IV,anomaly gradation Ⅲ and gradationⅡ. The existence of Huangcaoba Fault is confirmed by the data obtained by CSAMT method and it provides the basis for the validity of the Gaoligongshan Tunnel project. ( 2) The data obtained by MT method: The MT method is the first time to use for the geothermic survey for railway tunne. For improving the transverse resolving of the MT data,a prospecting point is installed separately every 200 m while the prospecting point is generally installed every 1 000 - 10 000 m for surveying the regional structure for oil field survey. In order to enhance restriction faculty of the inversion model and the reliability of inversion result,1D OCCAM inversion plus 2D NLCG inversion are made through synthetizing the data of the TE mode and TM mode. There are six bigger and deeper faults( F7 - 1 ~ F7 - 6) in the site of the Gaoligongshan Tunnel and they may be the channel of the geothermic water. In addition,there is one suture zone in deep area at DK 214 + 400 and it is approximately upright and is extended downwards at least by 30 km.
2011 Vol. 28 (4): 37-41 [
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Research on Location of Geothermic Tunnel of Lhasa - Rikaze Railway
LI Jin - cheng
Research purposes: Through the analysis of the geologic and geothermic conditions of the geothermic tunnel of Lhasa - Rikaze Railway,the principle of choosing the location of the geothermic tunnel of the Lhasa - Rikaze Railway is determined for providing the basis to determine the location of the geothermic tunnel.
Research conclusions: From the railway alignment,the locations of the geothermic tunnels in the section between Semai - Renbu of the Lhasa - Rikaze Railway are in the plateau and mountain areas with valley. The railway alignment should be away from the places of landslide,mudflow,talus,rock falling and fault as much as possible. Especially the alignment should be away from the geothermic development area. The track should cross the geothermic zone with big angle and passes through the zone by the shortest distance. A safe,reliable,reasonable and economic alignment is determined.
2011 Vol. 28 (4): 42-46 [
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Analysis of Soft Rock Deformation of Tianpingshan Tunnel of Guiyang -Guangzhou Railway
FU Kai - long,CAI Jia - peng,FENG Tao
Research purposes: Predicting and monitoring the soft rock deformation is a complex and important work in railway engineering,and searching an effective method for predicting and monitoring the soft rock deformation is of significance.
Research conclusions: For the soft rock deformation of the Tianpingshan Tunnel,the comprehensive survey was conducted and the analysis of the deformation range and deformation level caused by the excavation was made from the lithology characters, structure and ground stress. It can be seen from the current excavation that the prediction of the deformation of the the incline shaft 2 and the main tunnel that under - passes the Chaotang Fault Zone is rather reasonable and whether the prediction of the deformation of carbonaceous shale area is correct or not,it needs waiting for comparing it with the excavation result.
2011 Vol. 28 (4): 47-52 [
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Study on Mechanical Characteristics of Single - layer Lining of Railway Tunnel Under Condition of Fractured Surrounding Rock
WU Jian - jun
Research purposes: Taking the Dabieshan Tunnel of the Hefei - Wuhan Railway as the background,the study is done on the contact mechanical characteristics and the load bearing characteristics of single - layer lining in the different construction stages as well as on the stability of surrounding rocks for the purpose of clarifying the mechanical characteristics of single - layer lining to provide the reference to the design and construction of similar tunnels.
Research conclusions: ( 1) Compared with the composite lining structure,the contact pressure of single - layer lining structure is obviously bigger,and the maximum pressure is easy to occur at arch foot while the minimum prssure is easy to occur on inverted arch. The internal force of the secondary single - layer lining is obviously smaller than the composite lining. ( 2) The inner force in single - layer lining is firstly distributed following the supporting time and then distributed following the rigidity. ( 3) The YAI values of the surrounding rocks on the left and right arch web sides and arch foot are relatively small,and where is easy to destabilize,so the relative measure should be taken.
2011 Vol. 28 (4): 53-57 [
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Developmental Characteristics and Treatment of Large Karst Cavity of Yichang - Wanzhou Railway
DENG Yi - ming
Research purposes: The complexity,risk and harm degrees of large water - filled and no water - filled karst cavities encountered in construction of Yichang -Wanzhou Railway are very rare,and the treatment of them is also very difficult. This paper summarizes the rare experience of treating the large karst cavity of Yichang -Wanzhou Railway for providing the references and improving the work.
Research conclusions: The design concept and construction requirements of large cavity in tunnel are largely different from the tunnel in other places. The crossing rationality,the stability of fundament,the safety of structure and the feasibility of construction must be considered specially. There must be no any hidden trouble. The morphological features of cavity and the fillings must be checked out and meanwhile,the related karst geological condition and hydrogeological condition must be explored gradually. And after,the success can be achieved by taking the relative measures.
2011 Vol. 28 (4): 58-66 [
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Analysis of Fire Resistance of Segment Structure of Nanjing Yangtze River Tunnel
Analysis of Fire Resistance of Segment Structure of Nanjing Yangtze River Tunnel
Research purposes: Taking the segment structure of Nanjing Yangtze River Tunnel as an example,the analysis is made for the shield segment with the three - dimensional method,and the study is done on the stress redistribution,steel bar security,structural deformation,crack expending and change of the bearing capacity of segment structure under the effect of the interior non - uniform temperature field in fire conditions. Especially the study is done mainly on the steel bar stress state under combined water and soil pressure , in order to judge the structure security.
Research conclusions: The study results show that by using fireproof coating,the segment structure and its internal steel bar can safely withstand 250 degrees temperatures within two hours when firing. This study is significant to reducing engineering cost by application of reasonable fire - resisting material,minimizing the structural damage by fire,prolonging the service life of shield tunnel after fire and post - disaster repairing tunnel.
2011 Vol. 28 (4): 67-70 [
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Research on Power Design of Substation for High - speed Railway
Research purposes: For solving the problems occurred in the power supply project for the high - speed railway,the ideas on optimizing the design and the mattes for caution to reduce the outside restraints factors are offered in this paper.
Research conclusions: According to the situation that there are many restraints factors on the project of the power supply of the substation for high - speed railway,this paper puts forward the safe,reliable,economic and applicable design principle for the power supply project,describes the short - term and long - term relations between the power supply capacity and the power demand and the relation between the power supply project and the investment for the pipes and digging ditches by the city,and introduces the key points and mattes for caution in the design. Especially this paper offers four design schemes of using traction power for the power supply to the large railway station building and railway terminal and it can provide the reference to ensuring the construction completion and strengthening the control of project cost.
2011 Vol. 28 (4): 71-74 [
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Calculation of Steady Arm Grade and Registration Safety Measures
Sui Yan - min
Research purposes: The steady arm grade is an important parameter of the relation between the pantograph and catenary,and it should not only satisfy the safety requirement of pantograph dynamic envelope delimitation,but also satisfy the basic requirement of its own bearing force and the lifting force. At the same time,the calculation of the steady arm grade is the core element of design and installation of the cantilever. Therefore,it is very necessary to research and summarize the principle and method for the grade calculation as well as the relative safety measures to be taken.
Research conclusions: The steady arm grade in initial state depends on the design parameter of track,the contact wire's rated tension,stagger,span length and the structure parameter of the steady arm. The rational determination of the design parameters,such as the contact wire's rated tension,stagger,span length is crucial to the safety and reliability of the steady arm grade. The cantilever should be designed and installed according to the calculated steady arm grade.Otherwise,the accuracy of the pre - configure calculation shall be affected,and even the adjustment of the pre -configure components in the site will be done. Taking the measures like the registration arm support and the wind - proof wire,can preferably ensure that the contact wire's geometrical structure still is in the allowed range under the compact of the running wind load and the operation safety of the pantograph,and make the registration safer and more reliable.
2011 Vol. 28 (4): 75-78 [
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Discussion on Design of Repair Base of Railway Rolling Stock Based on Foreign Experience
HUANG Bo,XU Cheng - xin
Research purposes: By learning the foreign experience of design of one repair shop of railway rolling stock,a combined repair base is designed for repairing the EMU,locomotive and rolling stock as well as large - sized permanent way machines with the advanced information management system for the information sharing so as to create a new way to design the repair base.
Research conclusions: Based on the feature of the project characteristics and the optimization of general layout of the repair base,the combined repair based is design for repairing the EMU,locomotive and rolling stock as well as large -sized permanent way machines. In this way,the project cost can be reduced and the information resources can be shared.
2011 Vol. 28 (4): 79-81 [
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Jinbin Light Rail Reserved Station ( Binhai University Station ) in the Architectural Design
SUN Ming,GAO Xing
Research purposes: This paper sums up the related problems of the construction reserved engineering design in phase I of Jinbin subway,put forward feasible solution,and at the same time discusses the specific content of the reserved engineering in related project and the depth it need to reach. It can provide references for subsequent project.
Research conclusions: Reserved engineering in architectural design should be demonstrated sufficiently in the preliminary design stage,and the design depth must meet corresponding requirement. On this basis,we put forward requirements as definite land control etc. ,providing place and space for reserved engineering. Design details should consider the influence of the second construction on the line operation,reducing assignments near the rail,lowering interference in operation.
2011 Vol. 28 (4): 82-87 [
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Research on Evaluation Methods for Urban Rail Transit Construction Projects
Research purposes: With the speeding up of urbanization process in China,building urban rail transit has become an important approach to promote city functions. It is necessary to research the evaluation of the urban rail transit construction project because the the construction project is a core issue in building urban rail transit.
Research conclusions: Based on deeply analyzing the evaluation characteristics thoroughly,and aiming at the shortages of the existing evaluation methods in the processing evaluation indexes,the expert weights and the qualitative and quantitative depictions,in this paper,a comprehensive evaluation model is offered on the base of the AHP method,FHW method and principal component analysis method and the model solution is simplified with the software SPSS to provide a more perfect evaluating index system. This comprehensive evaluation model has been used in the urban rail transit construction project and the evaluation result shows this model is of practicability,can optimize the construction project and is helpful to the decision - making.
2011 Vol. 28 (4): 88-93 [
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Analysis of Common Problems in Design and Construction of Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems for Subway
WU Shi - qiang
Research purposes: With the rapid development of subway construction in China,the experienced designer and construction workers are not enough for design and construction of subway. This paper summarizes the experience and lessons in design and construction of subway for the purpose of giving a hand to the fresh designers and construction workers of subway.
Research conclusions: In this paper,the analysis and explanation are made and given to the problems that are ignored easily and needed for caution in subway design and construction from the aspects of the ventilation systems for subway tunnel,the ventilation and air conditioning systems for public areas and the ventilation and air - conditioning systems and air - conditioning water system for equipment control rooms.
2011 Vol. 28 (4): 94-96 [
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Alternative Study on Gas Extinguishing Systems for an Underground Transportation Junction Terminal
LIU Xue - zhi,LAN Ting - ting,LIU Lu,GENG Guang - jin
Research purposes: The junction terminal project of urban rail transit has the characteristics of large construction area,functional diversity,many gas extinguishing systems for the electric equipment rooms and huge investment and so on. The gas extinguishing system is an indispensable subsystem of the fire protection system. This paper studies the feasibilities of IG 541 and FM 200 gas extinguishing systems for the large underground transportation junction terminal from the aspects of their fire extinguishing performance,impact on the environment,safety,demand of gas cylinder room,investment,maintenance and the delivery distance of the fire fighting pharmaceuticals,for the purpose of providing the reference to the similar works.
Research conclusions: Through the engineering example,the calculation,analysis,comparison and summary were made for the IG 541 ( Inergen) and heptafluoropropane ( FM 200) systems. Compared with the FM 200,the IG 541 system has the features of small area occupied by the gas cylinder,the flexible combination and distribution,long gas transmission distance,high safety,less impact on environment by extinguishing agent,and low operation cost. As the filling pressure of the IG 541 system is big,the system's spray equipment that can prevent the mistaken spray is very important. In addition,the concentration of extinguishing agent used for the electric equipment room where man often stays should be appropriate; Both systems are suitable for the underground project,but they also have the shortcomings that the the big area is needed for the cylinders and the systems are decentralized. These should be improved.
2011 Vol. 28 (4): 97-102 [
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Research on the Electric Efficiency Evaluation of Subway Station Lighting System
ZHANG Ting,ZHANG You - peng,ZHENG Hui
Research purposes: The lighting system is the key component to maintain routine operation,because of its long operation time and huge power consumption,the subway lighting energy - saving has great significant nowadays.The subject of obtains the indicators which has deeper impact on electricity efficiency and the economical & practical of energy - saving direction for the subway lighting system according to the electric efficiency evaluation construction.
Research conclusions: The electric efficiency parameter of metro station lighting system is extracted,the set of parameters’hierarchical framework and relationship are clearly defined. Combination of Delphi method and BP neural network method,the index of evaluation system are twice - confirmed in the parameter set. With the analytical hierarchy process and the qusai - entropy method as an analysis tools,the index which affected electric efficiency in subway station lighting system are empowered weights in an integrated way. The electric efficiency evaluation system of whole subway station lighting system which is reflected the expert opinion tendency about energy - saving,which is a scientific management of energy and a comprehensive analysis of energy saving,which is provided the scientific basis for technological transformation of implementation energy - saving and enhancement of energy efficiency.
2011 Vol. 28 (4): 103-110 [
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Optimal Model of Passenger Trains Departure Time Range with Least Passenger Train Stock Number
ZHANG Yu - zhao,ZHANG Hong -Wei,WEN Juan - juan
Research purposes: Based on generalizing the influential factors of passenger train departure time range,as well as introducing the determination methods of the needful passenger train stock number,this paper deeply analyzes the relationship between passenger train departure time range and needful number of passenger train stock. Then,the optimal model of passenger train departure range with least numbers of passenger train stock is established,while the solving algorithm of traditional method combining heuristic algorithm is put forward,which can provide decision - making basis for determining optimized passenger train plan.
Research conclusions: ( 1) The needful number of the passenger train stock is an important index of passenger train plan,and it will influence the operation cost and efficiency of railway passenger transportation to a great extent. The passenger train departure time range is an important factor to determining the needful number of passenger train stock.( 2) The optimized passenger train departure range with least number of train stocks can be got by establishing optimization model taking the minimal overall time of staying in departure station and turn - back station as objective. It has a certain real significance to optimize passenger train plan.
2011 Vol. 28 (4): 111-114 [
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The Application of Warehouse Technology in Railway Infrastructure Maintenance Base
ZHOU Ming - xiang
Research purposes: Railway infrastructure maintenance base is for the purpos of realization of China's leaping development ideas,to meet the needs of rapid transportation network of the domestic construction,intercity passenger transportation and existing speed railway reconstruction appearing the new things,having no current design manuals,design standards,design specification to apply to. Planed combined various spare parts of the base exist physical properties of the complex features of their own. In order to solve the reasonable storage and management of the materials with different physical characteristics, thus improving the efficiency of maintenance work production processes,reasonable controling problems of production costs,putting forward ideas and suggestions to improve the design of railway infrastructure maintenance base.
Research conclusions: Existing experience of related projects should be drew on while designing automated warehouse system of maintenance base. A rational proof should be given in aspect of requirements of base manufacturing procedures. The layout of system equipment should be compact and reasonable with proper flow direction so as to reduce mutual interference between maintenance and manufacturing. Meanwhile,according to features of equipments in maintenance base,automated storage and logistics information system should be analysed and intelligent computer technology should be developed so as to shorten the logistics cycle and accelerate speed of logistics so as to make good use of of resources and accumulate experience of similar design in the future.
2011 Vol. 28 (4): 115-119 [
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Quality Control of Pile Integrity Testing of Cement - flyash - gravel Pile in Construction Process
CHANG Ju - you,YANG Li
Research purposes: From the integrity testing of cement - flyash - gravel pile ,it was found that the empty holes,the mud,the soil,mortar between folders,shrinkage diameter and severe maceration ( types of honeycomb and separation of sand and stones) appearred in some CFG piles. The study was done on the reasons for these defects. In order to ensure the integrity quality of cement - flyash - gravel pile,the relative construction measures should be taken and the control of the construction quality should be strengthened.
Research conclusions: The construction method of " concrete wrapping drill" should be adopted when pouring the concrete of cement - flyash - gravel pile. That is,when the concrete is poured,the pouring surface of concrete should always wrap the drill by 0. 5 - 1 metre and synchronously rise with the drill. The concrete slump constant should be controlled to 16 - 20 cm,In the anhydrous stratum,the pouring velocity of the concrete should be controlled to 2 -3 m/min. In the water stratum,the pouring velocity of the concrete should be controlled to 1 m/min. In water - rich stratum,the 80 type high - power should be used. In the soft plastic clay stratum ( including water layer) ,the slow pressure construction method should be used for pouring concrete. The pouring of concrete of cement - flyash - gravel pile should be continuous and can not be interrupted. If interrupted,the pile should continue to downward whirl to the depth of 0. 5 - 1. 0 m to drill away the mortar and severe maceration concrete for integrating the new concrete with the concrete at the bottom.
2011 Vol. 28 (4): 120-125 [
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Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
Supported by:
Beijing Magtech