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2010 Vol. 27, No. 10
Published: 2010-10-15

1 Discussion on Comprehensive Geological Exploration for Basalt Tunnel
LI Jian,YANG Ying
Research purposes: In order to evaluate the general engineering geological condition,forecast geological disaster in tunnel construction and instruct the tunnel construction,the study Was done on the comprehensive geological exploration technology,especially on the comprehensive geophysical exploration technology for the Hehoshan Tunnel of Dali—Ruili Railway according to the special engineering geological characteristics of basalt like differential weathering.
Research conclusions: (1)Based on the data of geophysical exploration,the anomaly of the lower resistivity can be sorted according to the anomaly shape and the value and the gradient of resistivity.(2)The V,IV andⅢanomaly gradations should correspond respectively with the V,IV and III surrounding rocks.On the other hand,the data of the tunnel excavation demonstrate that only with the data of the geophysical exploration it is difficult to distinguish V surrounding rock and IV surrounding rock.(3)Due to special engineering geological character of basalt,the comprehensive geological exploration,especially the geophysical exploration must be conducted in order to objectively evaluate the general engineering geological condition for the tunnel and rightly instruct tunnel construction.
2010 Vol. 27 (10): 1-7 [Abstract] ( 2547 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (694 KB)  ( 208 )
8 Research on Application of High precise Gravity and Magnetic Measurement Technology in Geological Survey in Iron Mine Goaf
LIU Li—dong,LI Zhi—hua,Hao Ming
Research purposes: The geological survey in iron mine goaf is a quite new subject for the geological survey for railway alignment. Based on the Seismic and electromagnetic methods,the hish—precise gravity and magnetic measurement technology wag successfully tried to conduct the geological survey in the iron mine goaf according to the characteristics of metallogeny and iron mine goaf.The discussion wa$made on the advantages and eomplementarities of different methods to seek the characteristics of the abnormal response in iron mine goaf and establish a set of working methods.
Research conclusions: The integrated geophysical exploration technologies of taking high—precise gravity and magnetic measurement as the principal technology WaS used for the geological survey in iron meine goal in She County along the Handan—Changzhi Railway, obtaining a rather perfect result.Through the comparison and verification of the data got by means of high—precise gravity and magnetic measurement,seismic reflection,TEM sounding and tightly point spacing DC sounding metheds,the abnormal area and boundary of the 90af were mapped out,which could provide very useful geological basis for the goaf evaluation and railway alignment.The experience from this project has a great directive significance to the geological survey for railway in the similar situation.
2010 Vol. 27 (10): 8-10 [Abstract] ( 2739 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (469 KB)  ( 157 )
11 Application of Airborne LIDAR in Railway Survey and Key Problems
WANG Xiao—kai
Research purposes: As a new aerial survey technique,the airborne LIDAR technology has been widely researched and applied in many industries at home and abroad.However,a mature applied mode has not yet formed in vsrious industries,including railway survey at present.So it is necessary to do deeper research on application of this new technology in railway survey and timely sort the key problems in application found in the research for promoting the development and application of this new technology.
Research conclusions: Several key issues of airborne LIDAR applied in railway survey are analyzed.Applications of airborne LIDAR in railway survey are conscientiously summed up,the parameters of airborne laser sensor in the condition of China's terrain condition are determined.And fully combined with specific projects,method and standard of point cloud classification for railway survey is mastered,accuracy authentication of airborne LIDAR result can be done through the authentication method of result precision of airborne LIDAR mentioned in the paper,observational result of airborne LIDAR based on UTM system through protection into engineering coordinate to get the geographical information system Can meet the requirement of railway survey and design before the project application.
2010 Vol. 27 (10): 11-14 [Abstract] ( 3389 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (441 KB)  ( 111 )
15 Research and Practice of Geophysical Exploration for Railway in Cold Area
HAO Ming,XU Guang—chun,GUO Zhi—qiang
Research purposes: It is difficult to do the Geophysical exploration for railway in cold area.The geophysical instruments often can,t be in normal status when the environmental temperature is under or close to the working temperature of the geophysical instruments.Simultaneity the shield effect of high resistance and hilgh velocity in the earth ‘s surface often impacts the collection and interpretation of the data.Through the selection of methods and research and tests of the performance of the instruments for the geophysical exploration in winter for Mudanjiang—Shuifenghe Railway and Jining—Tongliao Railway,the problems in the geophysical exploration for railway in cold area in winter were solved and the problems of engineering geology related to the tunnel and bridge were solved by using the technology of comprehensive geophysical exploration,which reduces the exploration cost and saves the construction time.
Research conclusions: (1)The shield effect of hilgh velocity in the frozen crust of earth surface may be eliminated by installing wave—detector and the hiigh—frequency filter.(2)To avoid the shield effect of high resistance in the earth’s surface。the electrodes need to penetrate the frozen crust with direct current electric method.(3)CSAMT is a preferable method for geophysical exploration for long tunnel,but due to the complexity of the electron components and batteries of its transmitting system and receiving system,the cold—resistance capacity of CSAMT is inferior to MT.(4)The installation of MT is in a simple way that the electron and magnetic probe connect with host computer directly.In this way,the system interferer Can be reduced and probability of appearance of problem like complicated circuitry can be lowered.Simultaneity the cold—resistant capacity of MT is stronger,and MTU一5 A can explore objects with high accuracy if the interferer is small.
2010 Vol. 27 (10): 15-19 [Abstract] ( 2481 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (591 KB)  ( 214 )
20 Application of Compression Dispersion-type Anchor in Construction of the Xiangtang-Putian Railway
LIU Hao-zheng
Research purposes: The Youxi Railway Station of the Xiangtang -Putian Railway lies in the low-terrain mountain area in Fujian Province with poor engineering geological conditions. Construction of this station needs excavation of high cutting slopes.To ensure the stability of the cutting slopes and keep the greening environment around the station, a new anchor technology developed in recentyears, namely, the compression dispersion -type anchorwas used. It can be described as the flexible ecosystem in the framework on slopping surface resulted from the three dimensions drainage system and the plants and biology protection owing to the spray sowing.
Research conclusions: In this paper, the introduction is given to the all-round reinforcement mechanism, design and calculation works of the compression dispersion -type anchor and the related matters for caution in the engineering application. Through the comparison and analysis of various anchor systems, the adapt ability of adopting the compression dispersion -type anchor to the Youxi Station was determined. The typical design calculation of the compression dispersion -type anchor was made according to the engineering geological conditions. The detailed discussion was made on the construction technology and the related matters for caution in the engineering application. The compression dispersion -type anchor presented in this paper can be as the reference to the design and construction of high cutting slopes for railway and highway in the mountain area with complicated geological conditions.
2010 Vol. 27 (10): 20-25 [Abstract] ( 2551 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (171 KB)  ( 151 )
26 Application of Improved Layed Summation Method in Calculation of Railway Foundation Settlement
YAN Dong
Research purposes: The settlement of hish—speed railway must be strictly controlled,but it is very difficult to accurately calculate the foundation settlement in design of high—speed railway.In order to calculate the settlement of foundation accurately,a secant modulus method is offered through doing the indoor compression test on the basis of the existing research results.The final foundation settlement of railway is obtained by using the secant modulus method and the Bussinesq§solution.The verification shows this method is available and can be as the reference to the similar works.
Research conclusions: From the comparison of the calculation results obtained with the traditional layed summation method,the secant modulus method and the angle of spread method for one actual construction project,it was found the results obtained with the secant modulus method Was close to the actual foundation settlement.This indicates that the secant modulus method iS accurate and available.
2010 Vol. 27 (10): 26-29 [Abstract] ( 2498 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (403 KB)  ( 103 )
30 Research on Application of Cement Mortar Pile in Reinforcing Soft Foundation of High—speed Railway
TAN Yuan-Fa
Research purposes: The cement mortar pile developed from the deep mixing pile in recent years is a new way of reinforcing soft foundation.The hiish—speed railway has a strict requirements for the post—construction settlement of subgrade.Through the design,construction and field test for reinforcing the soft foundation of one high—speed railway, the research was done on the reinforcement mechanism,design parameters,construction technology and reinforcement effect of the cement mortar pile to reinforce the soft foundation.
Research conclusions: It is feasible to reinforce the soft foundation of hish—speed railway with cement mortar pile because application of cement mortar pile can overcome the problem of the insufficient strength of the pile when using cement injection pile and plasma spray pile in cohesive soil with high plasticity index.However,the construction technology,reasonable water—cement ratio and gray—sand ratio,and the construction parameters of the cement mortar pile must be determined by test piling,so it is proposed to strengthen the on—site construction management when using cement mortar pile.In addition,the quality inspection of pile can be done by the core drilling along with load test.In order to ensure the effects of cement strength and reinforcement,it is not allowed the large—sized construction machinery to roll the upper embankment on cement mortar mixing pile within aging 0f 28 days.
2010 Vol. 27 (10): 30-35 [Abstract] ( 2780 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (512 KB)  ( 171 )
36 Discussion on Calculation Method for Settlement of Pile-net Structure Subgrade
WEI Yong—xing,XUE Xin—hua
Research purposes: Pile—net structure subgrade is an effective way for reinforcement of soft soil foundation,but so far there is no relatively mature calculation theory and method for the settlement of pile—net structure subgrade.
Research conclusions: At first,the cooperative mechanism of pile—net structure subgrade was analyzed briefly.Then,taking the settlement of one subgrade section of Beijing—Shanghai Hish—speed Railway as the study object,the settlement in the reinforcement area was solved by using the composite modulus method and pile compression method, and the settlement of subjacent bed Was solved by using Boussinesq method and Japanese 1/3 method.The result of comparing it with the measured value showed that this method is reasonable and available for calculation of the settlement of pile—net structure subgrade.
2010 Vol. 27 (10): 36-40 [Abstract] ( 2530 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (456 KB)  ( 170 )
41 Discussion on Upgrading Scheme of Existing Railway Line
ZHOU Shi—lin
Research purposes: Based on the comprehensive considerations of the design track capacity,traffic organization,speed—increasing effect,land usage,interference to the other existing lines and engineering investment,the analyses of the upgrading schemes of existing railway line ale made for deciding the final upgrading scheme.
Research conclusions: From the comparison and analysis of the previous upgrading schemes of some existing railway lines,such as reconstruction of single track,additional construction of the second line with partial upgrading of the existing line,construction of double track step by step and construction of double track by one time,it is concluded construction of double track by one time has features of saving construction cost,getting good economic benefits,high traffic quality,less interference to the other existing railway lines,and provding the wide space for further economic development and railway network construction.So the scheme of construction double track by one time should be adopted for upgrading of existing line.
2010 Vol. 27 (10): 41-44 [Abstract] ( 2503 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (371 KB)  ( 195 )
45 Determination of Divergence Tolerance of Elevation and Altitude Difference between Aajoining Points of High Speed Railway with CPIII Network
XU Xiao—zuo
Research purposes: CPⅢvertical control network plays an important role in ensuring the vertical static regularity of the ballastless track of hish—speed railway.It以en needs repeated measurement in order to assure the reliability of the measurement results.However,the divergence tolerance of elevation and altitude difference between adjoining points of high—speed railway with CPIII is generally determined on the basis of large amount of statistic data,other than rigorous theoretic derivation.So the research on principle of rigorous estimation of divergence tolerance of elevation and altitude difference between adjoining points of high—speed railway with CPIII is significant to assuring establishment of CPIII vertical control network and reliability of the measured data for hish—-speed railway.
Research conclusions: According to the principle of the square difference,the model for the divergence tolerance of elevation and altitude difference between adjoining points of hish—-speed railway with CP III Was derived.And with this model.the simulated calculation Was done for the analogue CPⅢvertical control network measured with German surveying method and China rectangle surveying method and its result Was consistent with the specification of divergence tolerance of elevation and altitude difference between adjoining points of hish—speed railway with CPIII stipulated in the current code for engineering survey of hish—speed railway.The research result provides theoretical basis for the specification of divergence tolerance of elevation and altitude difference between adjoining points of high—speed railway With CPⅢ
2010 Vol. 27 (10): 45-48 [Abstract] ( 2558 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (400 KB)  ( 178 )
49 Experimental Study on Design Parameters of Longitudinal and Lateral Resistance of Ballast Bed for III-Type Concrete Sleeper
YANG Yan—ii
Research purposes: The test was done to the resistance of the ballast bed for the II—type sleeper and the resistant parameters were offered in the past.But with large—scale construction of high—speed railway and continuous speed—raise of the existing lines in China,the III—type concrete sleeper has been widely used in ballast track.Meantime,the cross—section size of ballast bed,ballast material and grain gradation have been continually strengthened and improved.To determine the track resistance of the ballast bed forⅢ一type concrete sleeper is an importantly basic work to design the ballast jointless track.
Research conclusions: Through doing the in—situ tests and making statistic analysis of the tested data for Yunmeng experimental section of the additional second track of Wuhan—Xiangfan Railway,the fitting curves of the ballast longitudinal and lateral resistance of the ballast bed for the III—type concrete sleeper were determined.Besides,the equivalent lateral resisitanee of ballast bed for the III—type concrete sleeper Was calculated.The results could be as the referances to design of the resistance of the jointless track.
2010 Vol. 27 (10): 49-51 [Abstract] ( 2632 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (341 KB)  ( 387 )
52 Deformation Effect Caused by Gauss Projection on Track Design of High—speed Railway
Research purposes: The engineering survey plane coordinate system for high—speed railway adopts engineering independent coordinate system and the projective way is gauss projection in China.Normally,the plane coordinate system for high—speed railway is divided into some subdivisions of projection,SO that the deformation value of the projected side length is not more than 10mm/km.It is known that the angle will be indechnable after conducting the gauss projection,but it was found that the angle of the adjacent projection division would be anamorphic after conducting gauss projection in the track design of high—speed railway.So it is necessary to research the effect of this problem on the track design of high—speed railway to give the corresponding solutions and suggestions to this problem.
Research conclusions: The angle deformation will appear when gauss projection is used in coordinate projection division of the different central meridians,which has a negative impact on the tack design of high—speed railway.Especially when the rectilineal side of high—speed milway is very long,this negative impact Call not be ignored.This impact on the track design of high—speed railway should be reduced by some ways,such as optimizing the position of the subdivision of projection of engineering independent coordinate and controlling the deformation sizes of the central meridian span and angle of adjacent gauss projection divisions.And also it is necessary to research the projection model and calculation method for the engineering survey to achieve the goal that only one projection division is used in a engineering project or fewer divisions are used in one engineering project
2010 Vol. 27 (10): 52-57 [Abstract] ( 2766 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (520 KB)  ( 276 )
58 Research on Structure Style of Turnout Continuous Girder in Station Throat Zone on Ballastless and Jointless Track of High—speed Railway
WANG Li—zhong,LIU Jing—mian
Research purposes: The research is done on the turnout group used for turning the two main tracks in the station throat zone of high—speed railway into six tracks in station for the purpose of reasonable choice of the bridge structure to meet the demands of welded turnout arrangement.
Research conclusions: Through the research on the structure type of turnout continious girder in the station throat zone ON ballastless and jointless track,the control sectors of choice of the bridge structure style in the turnout zone were summarized.In order to design the structure that can meet the strength and deformation requirements of the turnout on ballastless and welded turnout,the attention should be paid to the followings:(1)The demands of the ballasfless and welded turnout to the bridge deformation and girder gap position should be confirmed.(2)According to the demands of the ballasdess and welded turnout to the relative transverse displacement of rail at the position of girder gap,the reasonable transverse arrangement of girders should be confirmed.(3)Based on the confirmed bridge structure style,an integrated ballasdess and jointless turnout—bridge—pier mechanical model should be established to calculate the working conditions of the track. girder and substructure in turnout zone.(4)The analysis of entire or partial girder should be made.
2010 Vol. 27 (10): 58-61 [Abstract] ( 2784 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (377 KB)  ( 178 )
62 Design and Construction of Simply-supported Double—track Steel Truss Girder Bridge
HOU Yong
Research purposes:As the design and construction of simply—supported steel truss girder are complex,the corresponding construction programs must be considered and the corresponding calculations and design must be made for the different construction schemesin the design process.In this paper,taking Yinghe Bridge of Luohe—Fuyang Railway as an example,the introduction is siven to the research and analysis of the design and construction of the 128 m simply —supported steel truss girder for the purpose of providing the reference to the similar design and construction works.
Research conclusions: The bridge approach of Yinghe Bridge of Luohe—Fuyang Railway is a 32 m span girder.The main bridge bias crosses the Yinghe River that is a IV class navigable fiver and it requires the bi-·direction navigation under one span.After verification of navigation and comparisons of the construction schemes,it wag decided to use 128 m simply—support steel truss girder due to the limitations of the clear height and clear width.As the construction condition was poor and the navigation could not be affected during the construction needed to install the scaffold on the river bank and temporary buttress in the fiver.The girder assembly Wag conducted on the scaffold and the guide steel truss girder Was installed on the front end of the steel truss girder.The steel truss girder Wag erected with semi—cantilever dragging method,In this way,not only Was the navigation requirement met during the construction period,but also Was the construction time saved.
2010 Vol. 27 (10): 62-66 [Abstract] ( 4791 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (458 KB)  ( 291 )
67 Experimental Research on Shrinkage and Time Deformations of Main Bridge with(108+2×185+115)m Continual Rigid Frame
MA Ming
Research purposes: The construction of the intercity rapid rail transit from Guangzhou to Zhuhai(including Zhongshan to Jiangmen)is the first time for China to construct the intercity rapid rail transit in the true sense.In which the main bridge with(108+2×185+115)m continual rigid frame crossing RongGui canal is the longest span ballastless track bridge structure in China.Under natural environment,there are lots of factors to influence the bridge creep and the all factors influence each other,80 the influence mechanisms are very complicated.As the ballasfless track bridge structure has high request for the later shrinkage and time deformations,it is very important to explore the change laws of the shrinkage and time deformation..
Research conclusions: From the experimental research it is concluded to properly increase the concrete aging at stretching prestress and the secondary permanent load time can decrease the later shrinkage deformation of the structure.When the temperature is fixed and humidity increases,the displacement of the upper arch in the middle of the span decreases,and when the humidity is fixed and temperation increases,the displacement of the upper arch in the middle of the span increases.
2010 Vol. 27 (10): 67-73 [Abstract] ( 2528 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (499 KB)  ( 199 )
74 Research on Mechanics Behaviour of Cable-girder Anchor Structure of Long Span Cable-stayed Bridge
LUO Ming
Research purposes: The cable—girder anchor gone of long span steel cable—stayed bridge is the key zone where bears giant cable forces with the complicated load—bearing situation.It is hardly to get the actual stress distribution and the mechanism of the stress transferring only by FEM analysis.Based on the static load test to the cable—girder anchor zone of the Huangpu Pead River Bridge.this paper researches the stress distribution and the mechanism of the stress transferring of the anchor—box type cable—girder anchor structure.
Research conclusions: The design of the anchor—-box test model for the Huangpu Pearl River Bridge is reasonable and the model can reflect the actual mechanical behavior of the bridge.The anchor—box type cable—girder anchor structure can transfer the stress smoothly and safely and it meets the functional requirement of the long span steel cable. Stayed bridge。
2010 Vol. 27 (10): 74-77 [Abstract] ( 2564 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (387 KB)  ( 160 )
78 Study on Pre—camber of Large Span Railway Steel—truss Girder Cable—stayed Bridge
ZENG Yong—ping,CHEN Tian—di,YUAN Ming,DAI Shen—yong
Research purposes: So far,in China the study on the pre—camber calculation mostly focuses on the continuous rigid structure and continuous girder bridge constructed with the cantilever erection method while a little on the pre—camber of the steel—truss girder bridge and little on the pre—camber of the steel—truss girder cable—stayed bridge.This paper studies the calculation method for the pre—camber of the steel—truss girder cable—stayed bridge and it can provide the reference to the design and construction of pre—camber of the similar steel—truss girder bridge in the future.
Research conclusions: To the steel—truss girder cable—stayed bridge,firstly,the length of the upper chord should be set as variables and the multiple constraint equations should be established to the influence vectors of the the length change of the upper chord on segment camber or other restriction conditions.Then,the solution circumscription should be given and the most closed ones should be solved to get the pre—camber that is the most closed to the theoretic results of the multiple constraint equations.Finally,the theoretic solutions should be rounded,merged and adjusted to obtain the rather ideal pre—camber.
2010 Vol. 27 (10): 78-81 [Abstract] ( 2676 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (321 KB)  ( 232 )
82 Research on the Accumulated Deformation of Foundation Base of Multiarch Tunnel in Karst Region under Effect of Train—induced Load
ZHAI Xu—dong,PENG Li—min
Research purposes: The existence of karst Can change the soil structure around the multiarch tunnel. thereby reducing geotechnical strength of the rock and soil.And under the effect of repeated train—induced load,the deformation of foundation base may exceed the limit value to impact the operation safety of train.Therefore.According to the requirement of ballastless track,it is of practical significance to doing study on the post—construction deformation and subsidence of the tunnel in karst region for avoiding large settlement and impacting the track regularity and the structure of ballastless slab track during long—term operation.
Research conclusions: :(1)Under the condition of trains meeting at one time,the subsidence of any parts of supporting structure is less than 2 mm and both the maximan tensile and compressive stress are less than the design values.The displacement and deformation of supporting struture can satisfy the design requirement.(2)Under the effect of long—term load of train,the accumulated deformation of typical cross—section of the foundation base is less than 20 mm,which meets the related requirements and has not devastative effects Oil the long—term service of the track.
2010 Vol. 27 (10): 82-87 [Abstract] ( 2543 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (607 KB)  ( 123 )
88 Study on Layout of a Kind of Section Post in Railway Tunnel
YAO Xi—ping
Research purposes: With the development of the railway construction technology and the construction of passenger dedicated line in the mountain area,the traction power supply facilities have to be built in the tunnel.As the section post is simple and its impact range is small when it fails,SO it often substitutes for the traction substation to be installed in the tunnel. As the tunnel space is limited,close to the railway main line and a airtight and wet space,SO it is urgent to do research on the section postg layout,earthing,and disaster prevention and rescue.
Research conclusions: This paper describes a design of the section post in tunnel and the key points of selecting the equipments.In this design,the main wiring is simplified to save the field and the equipments are of dispersed layout for easy transportation and replacement.This paper also puts forward the key and difficult points for design of section post in tunnel according to the environmental speciality of the section post in the tunnel,researches the earthing of the section post,and introduces the principle of disaster prevention to make the section post in tunnel normal operation and provide the reference to the similar design.
2010 Vol. 27 (10): 88-92 [Abstract] ( 2579 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (430 KB)  ( 132 )
93 Checking Calculation ofAuto-passing Phase Splitting by CTCS-3 -based EMU
GENG Jing-chun
Research purposes: The position of the electric phase splitting is one of the key factors forensuring safe and reliable operation of train on passenger dedicated line. This papermainly researches the influence of the signal system and train control system on locating the electric phase splitting, and presents the calculation principles and analysis model for checking calculation ofauto-passing phase splitting by the CTCS -3 -based EMU for providing the reference to survey and design of passenger dedicated line.
Research conclusions: According to the calculation principles, for the track where only the single -unit EMU composed of 8 coaches runs, it is suggested that the minimum distance between signal and electric phase splitting should be not less than 217. 5meters. For the track where the twin -unit EMU composed of 16 coaches runs with speed of 200 km /h, the minimum distance between signal and electric phase splitting should be not less than 431. 05 meters, and when the distance is notup to 431. 05 meters, the average start gradient should be no more than 15. 5‰.
2010 Vol. 27 (10): 93-98 [Abstract] ( 2578 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (377 KB)  ( 546 )
99 Study and Application of New Symmetrical Three—way Turnout for Urban Rail Transit
MA Zhen—hai,YU Chun—hua
Research purposes: The simple turnout is used generally when the both ends of stabling siding of urban rail transit(mainly refers to metro in this paper)connect with the main track,but it is unhelpful for shortening the excavation length of station and reducing the constructing difficulty.Therefore,the special turnouts available for urban rail transit have been developed,including symmetrical three—way turnout and symmetrical turnout.In this paper,the introduction is given to the symmetrical three—way turnout.
Research conclusions: The research shows that the symmetrical three—way turnout is available for urban rail transit with rational design parameters and reliable structural strength.The symmetrical three—way turnout is not only safe and reliable.but also can effectively shorten the excavation length of the subway station访tIl stabling siding and is helpful for saving construction investment,debasing project risks and reducing the construction difficulty.So the symmetrical three—way turnout Can be applied widely in urban rail transit.
2010 Vol. 27 (10): 99-103 [Abstract] ( 2545 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (434 KB)  ( 161 )
104 Discussion on Application of BIM in Railway Design
ZHU Jiang
Research purposes: With starting from analyzing problems existed in railway design,the discussion is made on the method for application of BIM in瑚ilway design and the process of railway design with BIM is offered.
Research conclusions: According to the successful experience of applications of BIM in building and highway constructions,it is believed application of BIM in railway design has great significance to improvement of the design productivity,decrease of reworking design and misunderstanding the design ideas in construction,and even improvement of the integral level of railway construction.It is proposed application of BIM in railway design can be realized phase by phase and step by step to provide the initiatory basis for developing multi—specialized compositive BIM 3 D visualized design software platform.
2010 Vol. 27 (10): 104-108 [Abstract] ( 2616 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (496 KB)  ( 603 )
109 Analysis and Discussion on Control of Construction Project Cost
LiU Dan
Research purposes: It is urgent to study,analyze and well know the methods for controlling construction project cost to make the the management of construction project cost standardized,systematic and legal as soon as possible,because the problems that the general estimate excessed the estimation,the budget excesses the general estimation and the final settlement of account excesses the budget have existed for long time in China and they seriously trouble the management of construction project cost.
Research conclusions: Control and management of construction project cost is a process management from the investment decision—making to the final settlement of account for final completion of construction project and is also a systematic project with no dispensable part.Only all costs of the whole construction works ale controlled Call the goals Can be achieved.A systematic and integrated method should be used for controlling the whole construction process to eliminate the”Three Excesses”phenomenon,control the construction project cost reasonablly and effectively and save the construction cost to gain the maximum economic and social benefits.
2010 Vol. 27 (10): 109-114 [Abstract] ( 3265 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (570 KB)  ( 1207 )
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