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2010 Vol. 27, No. 7
Published: 2010-07-15
Research on Supporting Effect of Bolt—grouting Combined Support by Means of Numerical Simulation
LI Hong—jun,LIU Cheng—yu,LI Yun
Research purposes: By means of numerical simulation,the comparative research is done on supporting effects of bolt—grouting support and bolt—shotcrete support in terms of controlling tunnel deformation and expansion of plastic zone,increasing anchoring force and decreasing the stress on initial support.
Research conclusions: Based on the concrete engineering project,in this paper,a systematic analysis is made of and a comparative research is done on the supporting effects of bolt—grouting support and bolt-shotcrete support under condition of fractured soft surrounding rocks by means of numerical method.The research shows that for fracture soft surrounding rock,the bolting—grouting combined support increases the self supporting capacity of surrounding rock and the radial supposing pressure on the tunnel circumference by increasing the strength of surrounding rock and anchoring force of bolt,and it is more efficient than bolt—shotcrete support in terms of confining the deformation of surrounding rock,controlling the expansion of plastic zone,increasing anchoring force,decreasing the stress on steel arch and shotcrete,improving initial support stability.Therefore,the bolt—grouting support is especially used for supporting the fractured soft surrounding rock.
2010 Vol. 27 (7): 1-5 [
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Disaster of Cutting Slope in Permafrost Region and Treatment Principle
XIONG Zhi—wen,Liao Xiao—ping,ZHU Ben—zhen,ZHENG Jing,Xu Bing—kui
Research purposes: The study is done on the types classification,causes and controlling factors of the diseases of cutting slopes in permafrost region and the principles of treating the existing typical diseases of cutting slope are offered for providing the reference to treating the disease of cutting slope in permafrost region.
Research conclusions: For the cutting slope in permafrost region with the high ice content,the destabilization of thaw slope is a typical disease and the reason for it is there is the water on freezing layer and slope absorbs heat to cause the high—ice—content frozen earth thawing.The treatment principle for it is to strengthen dredging water in the freezing layer of the upper slope and draining the water in cutting of roadbed while emphasizing on the thermal protection and draining water in the surface.For the cutting slope in permafrost region with low ice content,the damage of shotcrete protective covering of rock slope is a typical disease and it is related to the water gathering on the freezing layer toward slope.The treatment principles for it is to strengthen water drainage under the concrete layer of slope,remove the damaged concrete layer that brings harm to the traffic safety,and build the light slope protection structures,like frame anchor that does not hold the water back when the concrete layer is broken.In principle,sealing the cutting slope in permafrost region is inadvisable.
2010 Vol. 27 (7): 6-10 [
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Comments on Construction Technology for Aeolian Sand Roadbed in Desert Area with Dry Compaction Method
YAN Shao—fa,GAO Dong
Research purposes: Based on the analysis of the technical characteristics,engineering properties and compaction mechanism for aeolian sand,the suitable dry compaction technology is proposed for the aeolian sand roadbed in desert,including the construction technology,rational machinery combination and number of compaction,for the purpose of provding the theoretical basis for compaction of aeolian sand roadbed.
Research conclusions: The maximum dry density can be decided by the vibrating compaction technique.The construction machinery combination is advised.Namely,the bulldozer(not less than 140 horsepower),the back and Forth driving road roller(1 8—25 t),and the grader should be used together.The thickness of the carrel—built layer is controlled at 50—80 cm.and it is guaranteed at 40—60 cm,no more than 60 cm after compaction.The concrete process includes the 2—3 times rolling by bulldozer,the fine levelling by grader,the 1 time of stationary compaction by roller,the 2—3 times vibrating compaction by roller,the bulldozer stationary compaction by the roller.
2010 Vol. 27 (7): 11-14 [
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Research on the Subgrade Surface Stiffness of Ballastless Track of High—speed Railway
WEI Yong—xing,QIU Yan-jun
Research purposes: The introduction is given to the integrated structural perforrmanee of subgrade and foundation in design of high—speed railway,the explanation is offered to the support stiffness for subgrade surface and the the discussion iS made Oil the meaning in construction and inspection method of the support stiffness.
Research conclusions:The support stiffness for subgrade surface is an important parameter for analysis of ballastless track structures and also the key factor for matching the longitudinal stiffness of the foundation under ballastless track.It can reflect the structural support performance of the top surface of roadbed to the track structure surface and it is also as the requested index of the track structure for the subgrade structure.The support stiffness for subgrade suI'face can be controlled by optimal design of the vertical stiffness of the subgrade bedded system.The longitudinal stiffness of track can be adjusted and matching the stiffness of the subgrade with the other structure can be realized by optimal design of the vertical stiffness of the subgrades with different sections.The support stiffness for subgrade surface can be tested with loading plate and the area ofloading plate should be 1.0×1.0 m2 to 1.5×1.5 m2.
2010 Vol. 27 (7): 15-19 [
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Analysis of Error Composition and Weight Value of Ballastless Track
ZHAO Dong—tian
Research purposes: This paper analyzes the error resource and error transferring regulation of ballatless track and offers the measures for reducing the error for the purposes of reducing the error transfer and the construction error of ballastless track,improving the accuracy of initial ballastless track and ensuring the comprehensive quality of track.
Research conclusions: From the qualitative and quantitative analyses it is known the weight values of all sub—items are variable,and the distribution of the weight values are offered through the study.In the course of construction,the rational construction scheme should be chosen,the attention should be paid to the fastening management,and the measurement reliability of track should be ensured,the construction technology should be taken the control sector。The construction procedure and standard should be implemented to every job,and the advanced construction machinery should be used to avoid the the error transfer and accumulation and guarantee the the construction quality of ballastless track.
2010 Vol. 27 (7): 20-24 [
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The Reasonable Stiffness of Ballastless Track Turnout of 250 km/h Passenger Dedicated Line
CHEN Xiao—Ping,WANG Ping,ZHANG Yao
Research purposes: In China,the construction of passenger dedicated line is in progress on a large scale and in which the the majority are the 250 km/h ones.As the important infrastructure of passenger dedicated line,the stiffness of ballastless track turnout influences the safety and stability of the track,So it needs reasonable designed.According to the operating conditions of track.the research was done on the stiffness value of ballastless track turnout of passenger dedicated line with theoretical analysis for providing the theoretical guidance for determining the reasonable stimless of ballastless track turnout of 250 km/h passenger dedicated line.
Research conclusions: From five aspects of comfortableness,stress,vibration,deformation,and matching components stiffness,the criterions for determining the reasonable stiffness of the turnout were proposed.The method for determining the track stiffness was also established by using the vehicle—turnout space coupling dynamic analysis and track deformation analysis. With this,the research Was done on reasonable stiffness of ballastless track turnout of 250 km/h passenger dedicated line.The research results showed that stiffness of 36~44 kN/mm to the fastening.The stiffness of 290. 330 kN/mm to the rubber pads under rail,and the stiffness of 40—50 kN/mm to the rubber pads under tie plate were reasonable.
2010 Vol. 27 (7): 25-28 [
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Study on Parameter Optimization of Curves behind the Turnouts in Station Yard of High—speed Railway
Shi Jin,LONG Xu—you,WEI Qing—chao,YIN Guo—dong
Research purposes: The design standard of the station yard of high—speed yard is very different from that of conventional railway.The curves behind the turnouts should meet the requirement of high running speed of train to enhance the capacity of train reception and departure of the station yard.Based on the model of vehicle—line dynamic interaction,the study is done on the effect rules of the length of inserted section in curves behind the turnout and the length of transition curves on the vehicle—line dynamic response,and the discussion is made Oil the rational parameter values of curves behind the turnouts for providing the theoretical basis to the design parameter of the station yard of high—speed railway.
Research conclusions: According to the comfortable requirement,the matching relationship between radius of curves behind the tumouts and superelevation under the conditions of different train running speeds,and the values of transit curves radius under different radius of curves behind the turnouts are given out.The study on optimizing the length of inserted section in curves behind the turnout and length of transition curves shows the length of the folded line between curves behind the turnouts should avoid taking the value of the sum of the fix distance and peak value attenuation distance in the first cycle of vehicle vibration on folded line.To the curves with radius of 1 200 m,the folded line length of 30m is unsuitable.When the length of transition curves behind turnouts is more than 50 m,the comfortableness is not improved obviously.
2010 Vol. 27 (7): 29-33 [
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Research on the Microstructure and Properties of Laser Cladding Fe—base Alloy on U71 MU Rail Surface
YANG Jiao—xi,LIU Hua—dong
Research purposes: With much increase of train running speed,the higher properties of weal"一resistance and rolling contact fatigue—resistance are required to the rail.For increasing service life of the rail,the surface of U7 1 Mn rail Was strengthened by wide—band laser cladding technique.In order to obtain high—performance about 1 mm thick coating free of cracks and pores that metallurgically bonded with the rail matrix,the cladding process Was conducted by C02 laser with direct injection of the Fe—based powder into the molten p001.
Research conclusions: The results of experiments and analysis showed that high quality cladding coating with the thickness of about 1 mm can be obtained under the conditions of laser power being 4 200 watts,scanning speed being 300 mm/min and powder feeding velocity being 1 8 s/min etc.The coating had a higher hardness value of HV780 than that of the SUbstrate material,but there existed a hardness knee point between the coating and the substrate.The laser cladding coating did not appear cracks under the static load of 453 kN.The organsof the Fe -based coating weremainly composed of C-Fe, Cr0. 19Fe0. 7Ni0. 11, NiCrFe and FeCr etc. The martensite structure was formed in the fusion area adjacent to the substrate because of the rapid heating and rapid cooling.
2010 Vol. 27 (7): 34-37 [
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Observation and Analysis of Settlement of Transition Section between Railway and Bridge of Shanghai—Nanjing Intercity Railway
LI Ming—hua,WANG Hui—qian,CAI Li—ping
Research purposes: The transition section is a joint section between rigid abutment or other structures and flexible embankment and it is a mutant of plastic deformation and rigidity in structure.So during the construction,the measures must be taken for reducing the plastic deformation difference between them,to control post—construction settlement and to achieve smooth transition.Combination of the relevant transition section of Pre—station Bidding IV of Shanghai—Nanjing intercity railway,this paper analyzes the observed data on the settlements during construction and after construction,and summarizes the settlement law.
Research conclusions: Using graded gravel to reinforce the transition section,the total amount of settlement is not large with a regular pattern.The largest amount of settlement of the transition section OCCUrs at the area where is 10—20 m away from structures,and the amount of settlement is proportional to filling height,and the settlement velocity is in the positive correlation with filling time.With the”heaped loading and pre—pressing”after construction.the overall settlement tends to steady state.
2010 Vol. 27 (7): 38-41 [
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Observation and Prediction of Settle of Bridge Pier and Abutment of Harbin—Dalian Passenger Dedicated Line
YANG Ji—xin,ZHU Wei—wei,DING Lan
Research purposes: Taking the settlement observation of Yunlianghe Bridge of Harbin—dalian Passenger Dedicated Line as the background,the introduction is given to the observation method and requirement for settlement observation of Yunlianghe Bridge.The general analysis of the future settlement volume of the pier and abutment is made with curve fitting method and the prediction model for the accumulated setdement established by the metabolic GM(1,1) model of gray system So as to know the settlement law.
Research conclusions: The settlement of the pier and abutment of Yunlianghe Bridge of Harbin—Dalian Passenger dedicated Line becomes stable.With the metabolic GM(1,1)model of gray system,the prediction model for accumulated settlement can be established easily because of needing a little measured data.Although there is a certain gap between the predicted data and the measured data,but the prediction model can reflect the change trend of the settlement at the observation point and the approximate settlement volume at t}le observation point can be known before the next observation,80 the prediction model is significant in prediction of the settlement.In addition,the prediction model has a high accuracy and it can be used for prediction of the accumulated settlement.
2010 Vol. 27 (7): 42-47 [
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Analysis of Dynamic Response of Steel Truss Girder Bridge When Train Passing
YANG Shi—ruo, ZENG Qing—yuan
Research purposes: With the continuous speed—raise of train,the analysis of the dynamic response of steel truss bridge of the existing railway line has reference significance to accurate evaluation of design of阳ilway bridge and also to maintenance and reinforcement of the existing railway line.
Research conclusions: Regarding train and bridge as one composite system,by means of the principle of total potential energy with stationary value in elastic system dynamics and the”set—in—fight—position”rule for structural matrices. the vibration equations of vehicle—bridge time varying system are established.This method is more convenient than the finite elements.The vibration responses of a simply—supported truss bridge are calculated when DF4 locomotive hauling 25 C62 freight wagons and DFl 1 locomotive hauling 1 8 passenger coaches to pass this bridge at the different speeds.It Can be seen from the analysis that the traffic safety is guaranteed and the comfortableness and stability of train reach at the standards.It shows that the bridge has sufficient lateral and vertical stiffness.
2010 Vol. 27 (7): 48-51 [
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Experimental Research on Material Performance of Truss Model with Typical Weld Defects
Liu Ming—hui,Yin Ai—guo
Research purposes: The slag inclusion,air hole and weld residual stress often appear in the truss model sampling during welding and these weld defects would much affect the model modification and experiment.In order to provide the material parameters for the relative calculation and consider the effect of the typical weld defects on the structure performance,this paper researches the material performance of truss model with typical welded defects.
Research conclusions: The result of experimental research show the performance parameters of the material in the welded defect area aye variant,the parameters should be decided separately to the master material,toe zone and weld material rather than deciding one parameter for all of them.In this way,the results of lean calculation and analysis with finite element software can be more close to the actual loading situation.
2010 Vol. 27 (7): 52-54 [
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Research on Sleeve—valve—pipe Grouting Technology for Reinforcing the Pearl River Dam Underpassed by Shiziyang Tunnel
PENG Feng,LIU Guang—jun
Research purposes: The Shizhiyang tunnel of Guangzhou—Shenzhen—Hong Kong High—speed Railway underpasses through the main channel of the Pearl River.When TBM tunnelled in the uneven stratum near the Pead River dam in the direction of the tunnel portal,the ground collapse occurred in large scale,endangering the safety of the Pearl River dam.At the sanle time.TBM could not moved.To resolve this problem,the research Was done on choosing the optimal construction scheme and using above 50 m deep long sleeve—valve—pipe to reinforce the stratum.The feasible methods and measures were offered for guaranteeing the construction conducted smoothly.
Research conclusions: The stratum reinforcement scheme and the sleeve—valve—pine technology presented in this research could solve the problem that the core of the deep sleeve--valve—pipe was stuck or fallen when grouting and the problem that the TBM Was probably packaged when grouting in front of TBM.With improving the stratum by grouting,TBM could work normally.
2010 Vol. 27 (7): 55-59 [
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Prevention of Through Crack in Secondary Lining of Railway Mountain Tunnel
CHEN Zhl.YU Hua—wei
Research purposes: Crack in the secondary lining of tunnel is one of the worst tunnel diseases and it can bring the negative effects to the safety,quality and even operation of tunnel.This paper analyzes the construction environment of one passenger dedicated line and the problems encountered during concrete construction,discusses the cause for the cracks in the secondary lining,puts forward the the key factors for forming the cracks and makes proposals on crack prevention and crack repairing.
Research conclusions: There are many factors that can cause the cracks.The shrinkage crack is the preliminary causes for the through crack in the secondary lining of tunnel.The temperature drop can cause the crack to develop into larger one.And the self—gravity,the construction disturbance or the uneven settlement under rock mass pressures can cause the crack continuous developing.The study shows the capacit)r of crack—resistance of concrete can be improved if the concrete is mixed with external material and high—efficient water—reduction agent.The secondary lining should be kept a certain distance from the excavated section to reduce the disturbance of excavation blast to the concrete of secondary lining.The tunnel portal should be enclosed for insulation.The joint—to-joint construction should be conducted to the concrete converted arch and the secondary lining for prevention of the harm of crack deformation caused by the converted arch construction to the secondary lining.
2010 Vol. 27 (7): 60-63 [
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Study on the Interval Algorithm for Locating Fault of Railway Continuous Power Transmission Line
XU Zhi—qiang,LI Bing,ZHANG Hai—bo,ZHOU Tian—hua,ZHANG Qiang
Research purposes: High reliability of power supply is required for railway continuous power transmission line,however,the single—phase—to—ground fault often occurs on the lines,which Can cause power supply interruption and bring the risk to the traffic safety.How to precisely diagnose and quickly eliminate the single—phase—to—ground fault has become a problem to be solved urgently for the railway departments.The accuracy of fault location call not meet the requirement of rapid sectioning the fault with the impedance method and traveling wave method.According to the structural characteristics of the railway continuous power transmission line and the requirements of the rapid sectioning the fault,the study is done on the method for the interval location.
Research conclusions: Through the study,the lumped parameter interval algorithm,fault network decomposing interval algorithm and distributed parameter interval algorithm were deduced by using interval analysis method.The PSCAD simulation analysis Was made for the actual transmission line model to verify the feasibility of interval location method.In order to further test its practicability in engineering,the field simulated tests were done with the three algorithms for railway continuous power transmission line from Kaili to Fuquan.The tested results fully met the requirements of precision and rapidity for fault location.Both the theoretical calculation and factual tests had shown that the using Interval algorithm could effectively solve the problem of fault location railway continuous power transmission line.
2010 Vol. 27 (7): 64-68 [
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Traction Simulation of Metro Vehicle Based on Low-dimension Fuzzy Direct Torque Control
WU Pu—sheng.WU Pu—feng
Research purposes: The direct torque control method has been successfully used for big power A.C driving of electric locomotive due to its high static and dynamic performances,but with this control method,the torque ripple under low frequency is rather big,which decreases the low speed control performance.Now the most metro vehicles use A.C driving.As the distance between metro stations is short and the metro vehicle starts and stops very frequenfly with high accuracy of stopping,the metro vehicle is required for the very good performances of acceleration,deceleration and low speed.The direct torque control has high torque response,so it is very suitable for metro vehicle,but the problem of decreasing the torque ripple at low speed needs to be resolved.
Research conclusions: Through the study,a noble direct torque control system based on low—dimension fuzzy control theory is proposed to decrease the torque ripple.In this system,the torque and magnetism ate used as two inputs to form the fuzzy control and the control functions are used as fuzzy output.The output of fuzzy controller is used as the input of vector table and the suitable voltage in each control period can be determined.The simulation results show that the torque ripple is decreased dramatically.
2010 Vol. 27 (7): 69-72 [
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Analysis of Crack of Mass Concrete and Preventive Measures
WANG Cang—zhou
Research purposes: Through sorting the crack type of mass concrete,the analysis of the reasons for generating the crack is made to seek the the influence factors for generating the crack,and the measures for preventing the crack of mass concrete are offered to guide the field production and prevent the appearance of quality accident.
Research conclusions: From the concrete construction example and the field data about the construction process it is concluded the control of concrete matching ratio,inspection of material quality and control of insulation after construction are the key sectors to prevent the crack of mass concrete,and the ratio of reinforcement,construction scheme and adding agent are also the important sectors to prevent the crack of mass concrete.Therefore,the construction scheme should be implemented strictly in construction and the responsibility sense of the constructors should be strengthened to ensure there is no error in every key link.
2010 Vol. 27 (7): 73-76 [
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Application of Numerical Simulation in Pumping Tests for Metro
CHEN Guang—feng,CHEN Hui—fang,ZHAO Rong,XIA Shi—long,LI Li—xia
Research purposes: Pumping settlement is a kind of environmental and geological phenomena that causes lowering and loosing the elevation of the regional surface due to compression of the soil of crust surface and it is one of increasingly serious major geological disasters in the world.How to do the indoor simulation of the field pumping settlement and doing the study on the intemal relation between the pumping settlements of different soils have all important theoretical meaning and applicable value in engineering.
Research conclusions: According to the real engineering conditions of Nanjing metro,the three—dimensional finite element software ADINA was used for simulation analysis and the simulation result of the pumping settlement of this engineering project was obtained.The simulation result basically tallied with the results of the field pumping and the indoor experiment.So application of the numerical simulation can provide the scientific numerical data for prediction of pumping settlement.
2010 Vol. 27 (7): 77-82 [
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Effect of Position of Arched Conversion Layer on Bearing Capacity of Frame Structure
LIANG Jiong—feng,TANG Di—lian,WANG Jian—bao
Research purposes: Through the comparison and analysis of the calculation example,the study is done on the internal force and displacement characteristics when installing arched conversion layer at different heights to the frame structure.
Research conclusions: Compared with the structure of no conversion layer,the intemal force of the structure member above the conversion layer changes a little while the internal force of the every flayer below the conversion layer increase much.For the structures of conversion layers at different heights。the internal force of the structure member below the conversion layer changes a litde while the internal force of the structure member above the conversion layer increase much.Under horizontal load,the deformation curve on the structure above conversion layer is shearing deformation mainly and the the deformation curve on the structure below the conversion layer is bending deformation mainly.The Conversion layer is the turning point between above and below deformation Curves.With no conversion layer,the max.Value appears on the low part of the structure.The top displacement increases with raising height of the conversion layer.The conversion layer is the place with small displacement between layers.Therefore,if the design is reasonable,the arched conversion layer Can have a perfect seismic performance.
2010 Vol. 27 (7): 83-85 [
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Study on Impact of Appreciation of RMB on International Engineering Projects
Research purposes: The analysis of the impact of the appreciation of RMB on undertaking international engineering projects by domestic construction enterprise is made So as to map out countermeasures to reduce the risk caused by the fluctuation of exchange rate to the international businesses of Chinese construction enterprise.
Research conclusions: The impact of the appreciation of RMB on undertaking the international engineering projects lies in the project income and project expenditure.As there are different ways of valuation,the appreciation of the RMB has much greater impact on lump—sum valuation after the completion of a project than on periodic valuation.Besides,in terms of project cost,the appreciation mainly affects mechanical equipment cost and labor cost rather than material cost.In order to reduce or avoid the loss brought about by the appreciation,the construction enterprise Can take some measures for avoiding risk,such as accepting and valuating works by month,requiring advance payment,in—time currency swap,fixing exchange rate and trading resources with projects.
2010 Vol. 27 (7): 86-90 [
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The Practice and Thinking on Professionalization of Project Manager
WANG Feimeng
Research purposes: In this paper,through analyses of the the construction situation of the project manager team and the problems faced in the construction of the project manger team by China Railway Group Limited,the basic thinking and measures for solving the problems in construction of the project manger team are offered and the practice expectation is evaluated and thought for the purpose of strengthening and pushing forward the construction of the project manager team.
Research conclusions: The professionalization of the project manager is the the important way to strengthen construction of the project manager,and the development direction is to take construction of the team as the target,take the qualification management as the basis,separate the qualification with employment,establish the inspiring systems,such as subsidizing with the position,achievement examination,commendation and award and prior rising in rank,and strengthen the team training.The professinalization of the project manager can provide the operable model for standardized management of the project manager and make it possible to copy the the project manager in the enterprise.The construction of professinalization of the project manager should be conducted gradually for a long—terra period.It needs a continuous exploration,improvement and innovation.In this way,the management system and operation mode for the project manager with the enterprise characteristics can be formed and the talent basis for the sustainable development of the enterprise can be established.
2010 Vol. 27 (7): 91-95 [
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Analysis of Legal Risk of Investment in Mongolian Minerals by Chinese Enterprise
YANG Guan—shan,FANG Xiang—yang
Research purposes: Entering the 2 1 st century,the demand for the minerM resources and commodities is increasing strongly.Mongolia has huge mineral resources and it has become the place to attract the global capital to invest in the mineral resources.More and more Chinese enterprises continuously invest in the Mongolian mineral resources.In this paper,the introduction is given to the Mongolian mineral resources,the current mining development, the laws related to the investment in mineral resources,the current situation of the investments of Chinese enterprises and the new trend of the investment in the Mongolian mineral resources after the financial crisis,the analysis is made for the current situation and the advantages of the investments in Mongolian mineral resources by Chinese enterprise,and the discussion is made on the probable risk of the investment in Mongolia by Chinese enterprise for the purpose of providing the reference to the investment in Mongolia by Chinese enterprise.
Research conclusions: From the analysis it is believed the Chinese enterprise should enlarge the investment in Mongolian mineral resources.In addition,the measures for avoiding the investment risk should be taken by the Chinese enterprise,including learning the Mongolian laws,doing the research on the project feasibility,inspection of the mining right and relative documents and strengthening the communications with the governments at all levels.It is believed through taking these measures,a period of healthy and rapid development will come for the Chinese enterprise to invest in the Mongolian mineral resources.
2010 Vol. 27 (7): 96-100 [
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Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
Supported by:
Beijing Magtech