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2010 Vol. 27, No. 6
Published: 2010-06-15

1 Study on Scheme for Reconstruction of Baotou-Xi'an Railway Corridor
WEI Zhou-quan
Research purposes:The Baotou-Xi'an Railway Corridor is an important part of Baotou-Liuzhou Railway Corridor. This paper gives an introduction to the current situation of the Baotou-Xi'an Railway and studies the upgrading scale of this existing railway.
Research conclusions:In view of the role and effect to be played and made by this railway, the Baotou-Liuzhou Railway will become double-line railway at last with large traffic capacity. In order to give full play to the whole traffic capacity of this railway corridor, when upgrading this railway, the double-line from Baotou to Dabaodang in the north section should be built with the target speeds of 160 km/h and 200 km/h in future, the second line from Dabaodang to Yan'an in the middle section should be built with the target speed of at160 km/h, and the new double-line from Yan'an toXi'an in the south section should be built with target speeds of 160 km/h and 200 km/h in future. The existing line remain its original to form the three-line pattern. The early built-up double-line from Baotou to Xi'an will not only solve the problem of insufficient traffic capacity for outwardly transporting coal, but also solve the problem of the insufficient through traffic capacity. So this pattern accords with the general planning of Baotou-Liuzhou double-line with large traffic.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 2564 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (263 KB)  ( 290 )
5 Research on Schemes for Leading Shangqiu-Fuyang-Hangzhou Railway into Hefei Terminal
Dong Zhi-qiang
Research purposes:Following the design ideas of "Putting m an first, serving the transportation, strengthening the fundament and weakening the trivial, optimizing the system and focusing on the development" and considering the current situation and the projects under construction, to be constructed and planned of Hefei railway terminal, the study and comparison are made among the recommended schemes for accumulating the experience to the study on general layout and design of the railway terminal.
Research conclusions:With construction of Hefei South Railway Station, the Hefei railway terminal will form the pattern of two passenger stations. Base on the this pattern, the study is done on the four schemes: central leading into Hefei South station, leading Shangqiu-Fuyang-Hangzhou PDL into Hefei Station, leading Shangqiu-Fuyang-Hangzhou PDL into Hefei South Station, and building new passenger station for Shangqiu-Fuyang-Hangzhou PDL. Through study and com parison, it is concluded the scheme o f central leading into Hefei South station has obvious advantages in transport organization, passenger travel and coordination in capacities of the line and station. As the construction of Hefei South Station already starts , there are some uncertainties in modifying the Hefei South Station. So it is proposed to make further comparison between the scheme of central leading into Hefei South Station and the scheme of leading Shangqiu-Fuyang-Hang zhou PDL into Hefei South Station in the next stage according the possibility of modifying the Hefei South Station.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 5-9 [Abstract] ( 2563 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (593 KB)  ( 241 )
10 Research on Determining Priority Rank of Construction Projects on Consideration of Traffic Impact
Research purposes:Reasonably ranking construction projects is an essential measure for alleviating the pressures to both investment and traffic environment. This paper presents the method for ranking the construction projects on consideration of the traffic impact.
Research conclusions:From the calculation and analysis, it is concluded ranking construction projects can ease the impact degree of the construction projects on the traffic and environment, and ranking the construction projects by determining their impact degrees from big to small on the road and road crossing can avoid the maximum congestion caused by conducting many constructions at the same time and the impact of the traffic attraction generated by the completed projects on the urban traffic system.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 10-13 [Abstract] ( 2756 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (744 KB)  ( 133 )
14 Research on Traffic Organization of Existing Railway Lines under the Condition of PDL Network
SHI Tie, GUAN Xiao-pin
Research purposes:The Passenger dedicated line (PDL) mainly undertakes the passenger traffic to realize separating the passenger traffic and freight traffic into different railway lines and relieve the situation of the insufficient transport capacity of the existing railway line, so it is necessary to adjust the traffic organization mode of the existing line to adapt to this change trend. This paper discusses the orientation of the passenger and freight traffic products of the existing line.
Research conclusions:After the passenger dedicated line network is formed, the passenger traffic service of the existing lines will reduced much, and plenty of passenger stations and mixed passenger and freight service stations will be changed into freight stations. In that case, the freight traffic capacity of the existing line will enhance, the train type on the line will reduce, the speed difference between trains will lower, the travel speed of train will enhance, and the coefficient of removal for scheduling one passenger train will reduce, so based on this situation, the existing line should explore its traffic capacity to meet the increasing traffic demand. At the same time, the existing line should well coordinate the relation between it and the passenger dedicated line, adjust its traffic organization principle, upgrade its infrastructure, pay more attention to the quality of freight traffic, grasp the development chance, full give play to its advantages, accurately aim at the market target, and develop its characteristic passenger and freight traffic products to enhance its competition capacity for meeting the increasing traffic demand.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 14-17 [Abstract] ( 2556 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (663 KB)  ( 222 )
18 Study on Structural Design of Double-block Blab Ballastles Track and Continuous Reinforced Concrete Pavement
WANG Sen-rong
Research purposes:The doubkle-block slab ballastless track is developed from continuous reinforced concrete pavement. Analyzing the structural design of reinforced concrete pavement and making comparison between the structural design of reinforced concrete pavement and the structural design of double-block slab ballastess track can provide reference to the structural design of double-block slab ballastless track of high-speed railway.
Research conclusions:The structure of continuous reinforcement concrete pavement has no expansion joints in lateral or longitudinal direction. But because of temperature load, about 3 to 5 centimeters displacement may occur within 75 m regions of the free end. So the anchor device is installed in the end part or expansion joints are usually laid in many places to spread and eliminate the displacement in end part. The crack width of continuous reinforcement concrete pavement should be less than 0.6 mm without severely seepage, and it should be less than 1.0 mm under condition of low temperature. The reinforcement ratio is about 0.5% to 0.8% and reinforcement is of single-layer. The pavement slab should be laid on bitumen-treated basis layer or leveling course to better control the lateral crack width. For the German double-block slab ballastless track, the reinforcement ratio is 0.8% -0.9%, the crack width of designed control is 0.5 mm, the gap between cracks is about 2 m, and the reinforcement is laid on the middle or low layer with single-layer. For Chinese CRTSⅠ double-block slab ballastless track, the design slab thickness is 260 mm and the reinforcement is of double-layer in order that the slab can bear bigger bending deformation.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 18-22 [Abstract] ( 2796 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (705 KB)  ( 344 )
23 Study on Midway between Tracks of Main Line of Intercity Rail Transit in Pearl River Delta Zone
HUANG Yuan-qing
Research purposes:As the same outline dimension EMU as the A type metros' vehicle will be used for the intercity rail transit network in the Pearl River Delta Zone region, with much higher running speed than the metro, the current design specifications for urban rail transit can not fully be applicable to the intercity rail transit in the Pearl River Delta Zone. In order to achieve the design goals of high speed, high security and saving the investment, it is necessary to study and determine the midway between tracks of main line of intercity rail transit in the Pearl River Delta Zone.
Research conclusions:The minimum midways between tracks of the main line in the Pearl River Delta Zone Intercity Rail Line can be as follows: In the straight sections, the midway between tracks is 3.8 m when the design speed is 140 km/h and below, the midway between tracks is 4.0m when the design speed is 160 km/h and the midway between tracks is 4.2m when the design speed is 200 km/h. In curve sections, the midway between tracks should be broadened if the midway between tracks in straight section on both ends of the curve is 3.8 m, and the midway between tracks is unnecessary to be broadened if the midway between tracks in straight section on both ends of curve is 4 m and above.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 23-26 [Abstract] ( 2603 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (140 KB)  ( 308 )
27 Geophysical Prospecting for Xiangcan Submarine Tunnel in Xiamen
LI Jian, Wei Dong-hua, Cao Yun-yong, Du Hua-guang
Research purposes:For the geological prospecting for Xiangcan Submarine Tunnel in Xiamen ( the first submarine tunnel in mainland of china), the research is done on how to effectively solve the engineering geological problems with geophysical prospecting method, such as how to collect, process and interpret the data when using the seismic reflection prospecting for submarine tunnel, for the purpose of reducing the expense of prospecting and shortening the prospecting period.
Research conclusions:The data collection must be conducted during sea slack tide. The non-regulation observation system of reflection seismic exploration must be transferred to regulation observation system, and quality of data processing can be improved by density of the velocity analysis points. In the data interpretation, the characteristics corresponding to the different geological conditions in the time reflection profiles are summed up. Namely, the reflection line-ups of nicer continuity, higher frequency and lower amplitude correspond to the seabed with thicker silt, the indication of three continuous reflection line-ups correspond to the stratum covered by soil, indication of two continuous reflection line-ups correspond to the stratum with no cover of soil, and when the reflection line-ups occurs twist or disconnection, it corresponds to the cranny or the rock-vein.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 27-31 [Abstract] ( 2634 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (707 KB)  ( 133 )
32 Application of Single-acting Double-tube Core-drilling Technique in Unconsolidated and Fracture Strata
HAO Yong-sheng
Research purposes:In the course of the geological survey for Tianjin-Qinhuangdao Passenger Dedicated Line, the core-drilling ratio was very low in unconsolidated and fracture strata or in soft inter layer, even the rock core was burnt, polluted and its structure was damaged when using conventional drilling techniques because the rock core suffered the wash of the fluid, vibration of the drilling bit and the friction of the inner tube. It could not meet the railway prospecting criterion, so the drilling technique must be improved.
Research conclusions:(1) The applicable test of drilling showed the Single-acting Double-tube diamond bit could prevent the wash of the fluid, reduce the vibration of the drilling bit and remain the original core structure, therefore to avoid the pollution and burnt damage to the rock core. (2) Application of the Single-acting Double-tube diamond bit could enhance the core-drilling ratio to 91% maximally and the core-drilling ratio could meet the the railway prospecting criterion. (3) There were some problems in using the Single-acting Double-tube diamond bit, so the method of using Single-acting Double-tube diamond bit still could be improved in further tests and applications.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 32-35 [Abstract] ( 2777 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (510 KB)  ( 333 )
36 Analysis of Consolidation Historic Characteristics of Deep Soft Soil Embankment of Jiangmen-Zhuhai Highway
HE Hui
Research purposes:In design of soft soil embankment, the calculations of the settlement and stability of the embankment need consideration of the consolidation history of soft soil. Based on sorting and analyzing the data from a large number of indoor soil mechanic tests and vane shear tests done for the experimental section of the Jiangmen-Zhuhai Highway in Zhuhai, the study was done to seek the consolidation historic characteristics of the deep soil embankment in this area.
Research conclusions:The upper soft soil layer at depth of 6~12 m and above in the area was in consolidation state, and its over-consolidation ratio was 1.1~1.89, but the value of OCR had rather big discreteness. The soft soil below the depth of 6~12 m in the area was in the less consolidation state, and its OCR was 0.45~0.94 and their calculated results were more reliable. In addition, in the depth range of the study, the OCR was reduced with the depth change. The experimental results showed using vane shear test to determine the consolidation history of soft soil could avoid the disturbance to the soil caused by soil sampling during consolidation for the indoor soil mechanic test and the result could reflect the actual consolidation state of the soil.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 36-41 [Abstract] ( 2516 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (358 KB)  ( 154 )
42 Study on Prediction of Bearing Capacity of CFG Pile Composite Foundation with ANFIS
XUE Xin-hua,WEI Yong-xing
Research purposes:The main factors influencing the bearing capacity of CFG pile composite foundation are the parameters of CFG pile; replacement rate, physical mechanical characteristics of soil, cushion thickness and construction technique, and the various factors mentioned above have highly complex non-linear relationship, so it is rather difficult to determine the bearing capacity of CFG pile composite foundation. To reasonably and accurately predict the CFG pile composite foundation's bearing capacity, the adaptive-network based on fuzzy inference system was proposed.
Research conclusions:The theory of adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference systems (ANFIS) was introduced and subtractive cluster method was applied to deciding fuzzy inference rules. After that, an ANFIS was used to predict the bearing capacity of CFG pile composite foundation. The predicted results show that the adaptive fuzzy neural network has higher accuracy and adaptability than the BP network and least squares support vector machines LS-SVM model, and it provides a new approach to predict the bearing capacity of CFG pile composite foundation.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 42-47 [Abstract] ( 2590 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1193 KB)  ( 184 )
48 Methods for Calculation of Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Crushed Stone Pile
LAI Zi-hui
Research purposes:The calculation of ultimate bearing capacity is critical for calculation of bearing capacity of composite foundation. This paper presents the formulas of Hughes-Withers, Brauns, ShengChongwen, and Liu jie used for calculation of ultimate bearing capacity of crushed stone pile, and compares the calculated results of engineering examples using these methods for providing the references to the revision of standards and similar projects in future.
Research conclusions:It is proposed the ultimate bearing capacity of single crushed stone pile should be calculated with the formula of Sheng Chongwen. With this formula, not only are the effects of pile group considered, but also is the collection of various physical and mechanical parameters for the foundation soil avoided. The bearing capacity of composite foundation should be calculated according to the ultimate bearing capacity, and then divided by safety factor from 1.3 to 1.5, with. clear concept and money saving.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 48-50 [Abstract] ( 2604 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (972 KB)  ( 229 )
51 Discussion on Bearing Capacity of Crushed Stone Composite Ground
XIAO Xing-qiu
Research purposes:After analyzing the shortcoming of the methods for calculating the bearing capacity of the crushed stone pile composite foundation, this paper points out the incompleteness of stress ratio of pile and soil introduced into the calculation formula for the bearing capacity and the effect of increase of the soil strength on the bearing capacity of composite foundation. Base on these, the discussion is on the calculation methods for the initial bearing capacity and dynamic bearing capacity during pre-loading of composite foundation to seek the dynamic calculation formula for the bearing capacity of composite foundation.
Research conclusions:This bearing capacity of granular material pile depends on the strength of soil between the piles and they are variable. So the bearing capacity of crushed stone pile composite foundation can be expressed as the function of soil's shear strength. The bearing capacity of crushed stone composite foundation is a dynamic variable, increasing with the increase of the soil strength between the piles. The calculation formula for the dynamic bearing capacity of composite foundation is presented for construction with it.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 51-54 [Abstract] ( 2640 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (740 KB)  ( 287 )
55 Research on the Recreation and Practice of Ballastless Track Technology
WU Ke-jian
In 2006, Ministry of Railways decided to i m plement the technical recreation project of ballastless track for passenger dedicated line and the Wuhan comprehensive experimental section of Wuhan-Guangzhou High-speed Railway was built for recreation of complete set of ballastless track technology . Therefore , the researches were done on the theoretical design, structure design, fabrication process , track components , construction materials, construction equipments , track laying out technology and turnout for ballastless track to enrich and improve the ballastless track technology. This paper systematically describes the recreation and practice of ballastless track technology, gives an introduction to the main research contents, main recreative achievements and train tests, puts forward the the advices and suggestions on the quality control of the ballastless track engineering, and expresses the ideas on the continuous recreation of ballstless track technology.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 55-60 [Abstract] ( 2756 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (609 KB)  ( 340 )
61 Analysis of Combination Effect of Beam-arch of V-shaped Rigid-frame and Arch Structure Combined Bridge
GONG Jun-hu, WANG Hua-cheng, HUANG Bei-ping
Research purposes:The V-shaped rigid-frame and arch structure combined bridge is formed by connection of slant legs of main span of V-shaped pier continuous rigid-frame with the arch abutment of concrete-filled steel tube arch. It has the feature that the arch and V-shaped pier continuous rigid-frame bear the load together and its performance of the structure is different from general beam-arch combined bridge. The research is done to reveal the combination effect of beam-arch of the combined bridge.
Research conclusions:Because of the enforcement effect of arch rib on V-shaped pier continuous rigid-frame, the maximum bending moment and deflection of the middle span of rigid-frame and arch structure combined bridge under effect of the active load decrease by 50%, the deflection of the middle span caused by the concrete creeping and shrinkage in the later stage is 12% of V-shaped pier rigid-frame bridge and the vertical stiffness of V-shaped rigid-frame and arch structure combined bridge is 2.56 trimes of V-shaped rigid-frame bridge, so the combination effect of the beam-arch of V-shaped rigid-frame and arch structure combined bridge is very obvious.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 61-64 [Abstract] ( 2780 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (698 KB)  ( 234 )
65 Technical Problems and Solutions to Design and Construction of Bridge and Culvert in Salt-lake Area
LEI Xiao-feng
Research purposes:With construction of railway on a large scale in China, more and more railways need to pass through the salt-lake areas that are widely distributed in China. According to the engineering environment and characteristics in the Chaerhan salt-lake area, the major technical problems in construction of bridge and culvert in salt-lake are analyzed, and the primary setting principles, comprehensive anti-corrosion measures and construction methods for construction of bridge and culvert in salt-lake are presented in this paper.
Research conclusions:Based on learning the experiences in the design, research and construction of Xining-Golmud Railway, some systematic solutions to design and construction of bridges and culverts in the salt-lake area are presented. The solutions include selecting the structural type and foundation style with clear load condition, convenient construction and good durability, conducting appropriate structure treatment, using durable concrete, determining the reasonable thickness of the protecting cover for reinforcement, and taking additional measures for improving the concrete structure durability, such as reasonable using epoxy-coated steel bars, rust inhibitor, fiber concrete, silane soakage technique, anti-corrosion coating and permeable concrete for mworks.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 65-69 [Abstract] ( 2516 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (225 KB)  ( 138 )
70 Technology for Construction of Hanguguan Tunnel Under-passing New Loess Gulch
ZHANG Ying-cai
Research purposes:The study is done on the influences of construction of the tunnel under-passing new loess gulch on the bias and the construction technology is presented to prevent tunnel collapse.
Research conclusions:(1) To take some measures, such as refilling soil-cement, building concrete ditch, driving biting piles, can prevent the penetration and corruption of ground water, eliminate the impact of ground water on collapsible loess and enhance the stability of gulch and side slope. (2) To consolidate sand strata with sodium silicate grouting can reduce the surface subsidence caused by tunneling and guarantee the tunneling stability. (3) To enhance the strength and rigidity of the primary support for tunnel lining can control the support deformation caused by tunneling and effectively control the influences of the tunnel bias (4) To optimize CRD construction method can shorten the distance and time of working procedure and make the primary lining forming a circle as soon as possible to well control the tunnel deformation and surface subsidence.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 70-73 [Abstract] ( 2590 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (339 KB)  ( 140 )
74 Research on Treatment Technology for Krast Cave with Abundant Ground Water in Tunnel Engineering
MA Tao
Research purposes:The huge krast cave with abundant ground water of Malujing Tunnel of Yichang-Wanzhou Railway is filled with saturated silt and silty clay mixed with gravel, rubble and boulder, featured with small particle, high water content, low strength and high construction risk. The research is done on the treatment technology to seek one bracing system with high safety and reasonable structure.
Research conclusions:(1) Curtain pre-grouting to the krast cave can improve the soil, block the water, much reduce the water content of filling materials, improve the physical and mechanical performances, create the favorable conditions for excavation, and achieve the good effect of reinforcing the karst cave, so it is an effective to treat the karst cave. (2) Application of the primary support of the double-layer shotcrete support structure to the karst cave can effectively control the deformation of the surrounding rock, bear the most pressure of the surrounding rock and much reduce the loading on the secondary lining. (3) In consideration of the high seasonality of karstwater, the water level in the karst cave will much raise rapidly due to heavy water fall in the rain season, so the secondary lining of the tunnel should have excellent capacity of resisting the hig -pressure water to guarantee the safe service of the tunnel.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 74-78 [Abstract] ( 2586 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1076 KB)  ( 329 )
79 Choice and Application of Electric Section Insulator of Overhead Contact Wire for Datong-Xi'an Passenger Dedicated Line
Research purposes:In order to guarantee the quality of power supply to the Datong-Xi'an Passenger Dedicated Railway, the analysis and study are done on the styles of the different electric section insulators of the overhead contact wire used at home and abroad. Considering the influences of the different modes of pantograph raising and the different pantograph spaces, the suitable mode of electric section insulator is presented for Datong-Xi'an Passenger Dedicated Line after making the analysis and comparison of the characteristics of the different modes of electric section insulators.
Research conclusions:Through the comparison, it is proposed to use the 6-span and 13-span electric section insulator for Datong-Xi'an Passenger Dedicated Line. The 6-span section insulator has characteristics of short time of the power cut with less influence on the running speed of EMU and less construction investment. The 13-span electric section insulator can adapt to the different pantograph spaces with less adjustment during the installation and less maintenance during the operation because there are no 3-cantilever suspension in overhead contact system.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 79-82 [Abstract] ( 2717 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (511 KB)  ( 198 )
83 Scheme for Transiting Contact Wire from Rigid to Flexible Suspension for Line 9 of Shanghai Urban Rail Transit
Research purposes:Aiming at the track conditions and engineering characteristics of Line 9 of Shanghai urban rail transit that the track exchanges 4 times from tunnel to ground and especially the track radius in departure and arrival section to the depot is very small, this paper presents a safe and reliable construction scheme after the comparison was made between the run-through scheme and the joint transition scheme by analyzing the flexible and rigid suspension inside and outside the tunnel. And this scheme has been applied for the construction.
Research conclusions:The transition from rigid to flexible suspension is the key techniques of the suspended contact wire in the metro project. On the basis of comprehensive consideration to the requirements of the smooth transition and the accuracy installation of the pantograph and the train speed, the run-through transition scheme was used to this track. By accurately computation and in-site debugging, the rapid transition fro rigid to flexible suspension was achieved in the curve section to reduce the complexity of transition.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 83-86 [Abstract] ( 2686 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (647 KB)  ( 250 )
87 Choice of Neutral Point Earthing Mode of 10kV All-cable Power Transmission Line for High-speed Railway
SUN Jian-ming
Research purposes:For the 10kV power transmission line for the ordinary railway in China, the mode of overhead line as main line with cable as auxiliary line has been adopted for a long time without neutral point earthing. For the high-speed railway, the 10kV power transmission line is mainly cable line. Considering the capacitive current of long distance cable line is much greater than the overhead line, and the 10kV cable line is laid together with communication and signaling cables for long distance, thus it is necessary to do the comprehensive study on the earthing mode of neutral point in order to present a proper earthing mode of neutral point of the 10kV all-cable power transmission line for high-speed railway for providing the reference to the similar works.
Research conclusions:Under condition that the voltage of 10kV all-cable power transmission line is regulated by voltage regulator, it is appropriate to use the low -resistance earthing mode whereas the capacity of voltage regulator is lower than 250kVA, the neutral point can be grounded directly. The value of low resistance should be determined by the earthing fault instantaneous tripping mode when single phase earthing current is less than 400A. The value of the earthing grid of substation and power distribution substation should be no more than 1Ω.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 87-90 [Abstract] ( 2566 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (824 KB)  ( 186 )
91 Research on Design of Power Supply and Distribution System for Beijing South Railway Station
LI Kang-yan, ZHOU Fan
Research purposes:The Beijing South Railway Station is the largest railway passenger station in Asia and its open design thought and boldness of concept thoroughly changed the traditional design style of station building and the building structure, so it brought about new requirement for design of power supply and distribution system. This paper gives an introduction to the research on the design of power system and presents a feasible design scheme.
Research conclusions:The power supply chiefly depends on national power supply network, the 10kV power distribution station and substation were installed in the station area for meeting the requirement of power supply to Beijing-Jianjin Intercity Railway and Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway, and the 10kV power distribution station was installed for the station building. The diesel generator sets were installed as the emergency power supply along with the EPS. All these were composes of the power supply and distribution system for Beijing South Railway Station. In addition, the triple power supply and solar photo voltaic generating system were installed and they could supply power for some customers when the outside power failed.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 91-97 [Abstract] ( 2539 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (489 KB)  ( 273 )
98 Study on Integrated Mode of Integrated Supervision and Control System (ISCS) for Urban Rail Transit
LIU Jing
Research purposes:Through the study on the existing and under-constructed Integrated Supervision and Control System(ISCS) for the urban rail transit, this paper puts forward the suggestions on the integrated scale and depth of the system for the purpose of providing the reference to establishment of the Integrated Supervision and Control System (ISCS) for urban rail transit in future.
Research conclusions:The purposes of establishment of the Integrated Supervision and Control System(ISCS) for the urban rail transit are to realize the resource sharing among the systems, guarantee that the correlation for business and the coordination for event can be conducted automatically among the relevant systems and deal with the events that happen suddenly. The deep integration mode under condition of sorting and scale can be used to the Integrated Supervision and Control System(ISCS) under establishment for the urban rail transit. With this mode, the subsystems that are easily integrated and the hardware parts that are consistent should be integrated. The big subsystems with high cost and high risk in integration should be interconnected.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 98-101 [Abstract] ( 2527 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (966 KB)  ( 245 )
102 Discussion on Design Concept and Method for Railway Station Yard and Terminal
Research purposes:The leaping development of railway brings about the big change of railway construction concept. How the design of railway station yard suits such new construction requirements becomes an important issue. Based on the many years' design consultation, working out the specifications and codes, and technical management experience, this paper summarizes the concepts and characteristics of planning and construction of railway station yard and terminal under the new situation from a macroscopic point of view, for providing the reference to similar design.
Research conclusions:The operation convenience and engineering savings are of a contrariety in certain sense. The design concept of railway station yard should take the maximums of the operating conditions and traffic capacity as the first element for adjustment and integration of productivity. The allocation of passenger and freight traffic equipments shall take serving the local development as the goal. In the designs of terminal and regional station yard, the design concepts of "separating passenger and freight traffic into different stations or tracks" and "passenger train running on inside line and freight train running on outside line" should be followed. In any instance, the more attention should be paid to the safety of operations. In the specific engineering design, the design should be optimized according to the local circumstances to achieve the optimal project and operating effect.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 102-108 [Abstract] ( 2567 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1444 KB)  ( 366 )
109 Research on Layout of Integrated Traffic Terminal of Intercity Rail Transit in Pearl River Delta Zone
LIU He-fang
Research purposes:The intercity rail transit network in the Pearl River Delta Zone requires "unified planning, unified construction, unified standard and unified operation" to achieve the goal of interoperability of all tracks in the network with the flexible operation and sharing resources. Therefore, it is necessary to further study the interoperability connotation.
Research conclusions:The design of the integrated traffic terminal of intercity rail transit should follow the following five concepts: the optimizations of collaborative efficiency and overall shape, the adaptation of the terminal individual condition, compact arrangement and seamless transfer, comprehensive utilization of space and resource, and combining qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis. Generally, there is transfer station between the intercity rail transit and urban rail transit, and when the intercity rail transit connects with the urban rail transit at start station or terminal station, the track joining mode should be used to connect it with the rapid line of the urban rail transit. Within the intercity rail transit network, the rapid lines should connect each other directly or via the common-speed line, and the common-speed lines should be interoperable via track joining at the start station or terminal station. The transfer station should be built in the intersection of intercity rail transit.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 109-114 [Abstract] ( 2651 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (884 KB)  ( 436 )
115 Influence of Intermediate Station Layout Form of Intercity Railway on Train Interval
HUANG Yong-liu
Research purposes:The study is done on the influence of the intermediate station layout form of intercity railway on train interval in order to give the applicable scales of different layout forms of intermediate station.
Research conclusions:According to the characteristics of intercity railways' traffic organization modes of train stopping at major station, train stopping at every station and train overtaking, the analysis and calculation of the influence of the different layout forms of intermediate station on train interval. From the study, it is concluded that the intermediate station of the intercity railway where train overtaking doesn't exist and mainly serves for the passenger flow from the train stopping at major station, is appropriate to adopt the form of no arrival and department tracks, the intermediate station of the intercity railway where mainly serves for the passenger flow from the train stopping at major station and there is basically no every-station-stopping train, is appropriate to adopt the form of side-platform with two arrival and department tracks, the intermediate station of intercity railway where mainly serves for the passenger flow from the train stopping at every station, is appropriate to adopt island -platform with 2 arrival and department tracks, and the intermediate station of the intercity railway where mainly serves for the passenger flow from the train stopping at every station and joints with other intercity railway, is appropriate to adopt the island-platform with 4 arrival and department tracks.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 115-118 [Abstract] ( 2621 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (268 KB)  ( 96 )
119 Solutions to Relative Problems in Design of Station Yard of Metro Vehicle Depot
LAN Shu-Gui
Research purposes:Although the metro vehicle depot is generally located at the edge of the city, but the land is still in short supply. Breaking through the conventional design idea can effectively relieve the conflict between the design requirement and the short supply of land. Based on the actual project situation, this paper analyzes the various control sectors of occupation of land, such as occupation of lands by vehicle test track, by vehicle washing track and by arrival and departure track, for providing the reference to the similar design works.
Research conclusions:(1) In the design, the old conventions should not be fettered and all elements should be analyzed reasonably. The design should be of safety, money saving, science, reasonableness and full meeting the demands of the operation. (2) The through vehicle washing track is installed on right side or left side of the arrival and departure track in accordance with the topographic conditions and plane layout of the throat area. (3) If the vehicle test track suffers from the limitations of the topographic conditions and occupation of land, the curve can be laid out in any area, but the radius of curve, the length and super-elevation of the transition curve should meet the speed requirement of vehicle test track, and the large radius of curve should be used as much as possible.
2010 Vol. 27 (6): 119-122 [Abstract] ( 2509 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (620 KB)  ( 253 )
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Supported by:Beijing Magtech