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2010 Vol. 27, No. 5
Published: 2010-05-15

1 Research on Settlement Law of Soft Soil Subgrade of New Railway
LIU Sheng-chuan, CAO Yuan
Research purposes:Due to the high compressibility, low permeability and long lasting time of consolidation and deformation of soft soil subgrade, it is important to do the research on the settlement law of the soft soil subgrade in engineering design. To study the settlement law of soft soil subgrade in a certain period of time, the detailed monitoring works were carried out to the soft soil subgrade of new-built Jiaozhou-Xinyi Railway for 2 years for analyzing the settlement and deformation laws of the soft subgrade.
Research conclusions:The differential settlement of embankment soil had the obvious unevenness in the lateral direction. Before opening to traffic, the degree of differential settlement of embankment increased with increase of the compression volume. One year later after opening to traffic, the settlement of the embankment became slow and the lateral uneven deformation of embankment soil decreased, but the embankment settlement hardly changed. The post-construction settlement caused by the horizontal displacement of soil was less than 9% of the total settlement. The change law of the magnetic cells elevation showed that the subgrade was in stable status about in 6 to 8 months after implement of construction.
2010 Vol. 27 (5): 1-3 [Abstract] ( 2587 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (350 KB)  ( 188 )
4 Research on Technology of Water Control and Drainage for Subgrade of Zhengzhou-Xi'an Passenger Dedicated Line
MI Wei-jun, XIONG Zhi-wen, QU Yao-hui, WU Xiao-peng, WEI Yong-liang
Research purposes:Loess exists widely in the area along the Zhengzhou-Xi'an Passenger Dedicated Line, with length of collapsible loess section accounting for 65% of the total railway length. The collapsible loess covers all types of loess in China, with degrees from Grade Ⅰ to Grade Ⅳ. Construction of high-speed railway in such a area with complex geological condition faced the much uncertainty and challenges Therefore, at the early stage of construction, the soaking tests were done in the typical test pits according to the different topographical features of the loess plateau, the second-order terraces of Yi River and Luo River, the loess tableland, the second-order terraces of the Yellow River and the Wei River, so as to seek the influence range of collapsible loess under condition of soaking in large floor for the purpose of providing the tested data for foundation treatment and design of water control and drainage.
Research conclusions:The tests and researches showed the saturation-line rates of 8 soaking test fields under fully soaking were between 1.3~6.0. The horizontal distance between the area where the collapsible deformation happened and the side of soaking test pit increased gradually to 6-15 m from east to west out of the test pit of 15 mm. The horizontal distance between the area where the water proof measures were taken and the shoulder was 0.2~0.5 times of the loess layers' thickness. The design depths were 0.32H -1.60a, 1.53H-3.40a and 0.88H-1.75a separately for the areas of DK 233-DK 250, DK 250 -DK 321 and DK 321-DK 356.
2010 Vol. 27 (5): 4-8 [Abstract] ( 2772 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (390 KB)  ( 101 )
9 Analysis of Technical Problems Related to Longitudinal Slab Ballastless Track on Bridge
WANG Qing-bo, JIANG Zi-qing, SI Dao-lin
Research purposes:As the longitudinal ballastless track on bridge and the bridge structure are anchored together, the loading on the system of longitudinal ballastless track on bridge is relatively complicated under the effect of temperature stress and braking force. In this paper, the research is done on the some relative technical problems that more attention should be paid to when making the structural design.
Research conclusions:The temperature stress of the base plate can't be considered when doing checking calculation to the pierbody in straight section, but the stiffness reduction of base plate must be considered, and the temperature stress should be calculated as main force and the braking force should be calculated as additional force. At the same time, the working condition of larger stiffness of base plate must be considered. The temperature stress of the track becomes an internal force on short subgrade between two bridges, and the load on the friction plate is smaller than that with fixation point. The modal analysis shows the opposed-phase vibration of the bridges and track structure becomes one of important reasons for the track flapping the beam.
2010 Vol. 27 (5): 9-13 [Abstract] ( 2834 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (420 KB)  ( 194 )
14 Improvement and Integrative Optmium of Speed-raising Turnout Technology
LI An-ning
Research purposes:Based on the technical development of the turnout for high-speed railway and the increasing demand of railway construction in China for higher technical performance of turnout in recent years, the technical development direction of speed-raising turnout widely used and played an important role in our railway systems, is analyzed for the purpose of improving the overall technical level of the turnout used for the main railway lines in China as soon as possible.
Research conclusions:Through analyzing the turnout technologies used for the high-speed railways at home and abroad, and combining with the applicable situation of speed-raising turnout in the past ten years and the successful experience of applying the simple turnout with movable-point frog of 60 kg/m rail steel in 200 km/h railways, this paper theoretically analyzes the current main speed-raising turnouts used in China and makes the proposals of making the optimum design of the speed-raising turnouts from the line type to the structures of the main components of the turnout to completely eliminate the potential hazards in safety of the current speed-raising turnouts, improve the overall technical level of the speed-raising turnout, better meet the needs of railway construction, development and operation.
2010 Vol. 27 (5): 14-18 [Abstract] ( 2525 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (216 KB)  ( 240 )
19 Analysis of the Problems of Vossloh Fastening Used for Track Slab
LI Yan-ping
Research purposes:The correct design and scientific installation of the fastening are essential to enhancing the linearity of railway track. The accurate and stable track linearity is the premise of guaranteeing the traffic safety of high-speed train. In investigating the production situation of CRTSⅡ track slab used for high-speed railway, it was found some fastenings used for CRTSⅡ slab were loose and the bolts floated. In this paper, the analysis is made for the problems mentioned above and some proposals to making good use of fastening and guaranteeing the construction quality are made in combination with the installation of the traditional fastening used for ballast track.
Research conclusions:From the analysis and research, it is concluded the double ended bolt substitutes for single ended bolt and after the waterproof treatment of the double ended bolt, water can not penetrate into the bushing, so the bolt floating caused by thawing the frozen water can be prevented effectively. It is necessary to change the shape and position of the hole of the bolt with elastic rubber cushion and one nut is added to each fastening for waterproof. After these remedies, the spatial position characteristics of the track, such as plain curve, vertical curve and spatial coordinate, are more stable.
2010 Vol. 27 (5): 19-21 [Abstract] ( 2512 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (94 KB)  ( 683 )
22 Analyses of Dynamic Characteristics and Seismic Response Spectrum of Hemaxi Bridge
Research purposes:A three-dimensional finite element model was developed in order to verify the seismic performances of the Hemaxi Cable-stayed Bridge with double towel and single cable plane. The dynamic characteristics and seismic response spectrum of Hemaxi Bridge were analyzed. By using the standard seismic response spectrum as the input spectrum curve and on consideration to the seismic response of the bridge under the effects of the longitudinal, transverse and vertical responses inputs respectively, the research was done on the internal force and deformation of the bridge structure under the seismic effect and the seismic performance of the bridge was analyzed.
Research conclusions:The analysis of the dynamic characteristics indicated that the first order vibration mode of the Hemaxi Bridge was of vertically symmetrical bend, so the bridge had much response to the vertical earthquake. The second vibration mode was of move in longitudinal direction, so larger bend and shear forces could appear in the joint of the bridge pier and main girder under longitudinal earthquake. The response spectrum results showed that the important components of bridge still remained the elasticity that could satisfy the requirements of seismic design.
2010 Vol. 27 (5): 22-25 [Abstract] ( 2834 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (391 KB)  ( 214 )
26 Analysis of Structure of 900t Wheel Type Rail Carrier with ANSYS Software
HAN Xing-xu
Research purposes:By using finite element software ANSYS, the simulated calculation was done to the mental structure of 900t wheel type rail carrier under its static and dynamic working conditions for assessing the design reasonableness of the 900t wheel type rail carrier in static and dynamic working conditions.
Research conclusions:From the analysis of the static strength and stiffness of the 900t wheel type rail carrier, it can be seen the static strength and stiffness of this carrier could meet the design requirements, and the static strengths of some structures were much bigger than that of design, so the strength could be appropriately reduced for saving cost. The first order frequency of full load was 2.264 Hz, bigger than 2Hz and it fully met the design requirement of the dynamic stiffness stipulated by GB/T14406-93. In a word, the design of 900t wheel type rail carrier is rather reasonable.
2010 Vol. 27 (5): 26-29 [Abstract] ( 2638 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (374 KB)  ( 193 )
30 Technology for Synchronous Jacking-in Steel Girder on Multiple Spots and Quality and Safety Control
WANG Wei-ning, ZHANG Li-ying
Research purposes:The Zhengzhou Yellow River Combined Highway and Railway Bridge is an important passage for Shijiazhuang-Wuhan Passenger Dedicated Line to cross the Yellow River. Its main bridge is a continuous steel truss bond multi-tower cable-stayed bridge to meet the traffic requirements of high-speed railway and grade A highway, and the construction of this bridge needs high technology, with many difficulties. This paper introduces the synchronous jack-in method used for the steel girder of the main bridge, mainly including the key control points of the construction quality and safety.
Research conclusions:The successful application of the synchronous jack-in method in jacking in the steel girder on many spots shows the technical difficult problem of building the large-span bridge on river has been overcome, another mutual technology for building bridge has been formed and the control of the construction quality and safety is the essential to successful application of new technology and technique. For the quality control, only when the member bar manufacture and assembly, power resource and random error correction are well controlled can guarantee the entire construction quality of the steel truss girder. For safety control, the monitoring and control works should be done for the stability and reliability of the assembly platform, the measures to be taken for guaranteeing the safety of hoisting and erecting the member bars, and conduction system for jacking force.
2010 Vol. 27 (5): 30-34 [Abstract] ( 2624 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (546 KB)  ( 232 )
35 Study on Settlement Deformation of Open-cut Tunnel of Xiamen Submarine Tunnel and Disposal Technology
GUO Yan-jing, WEI Ying-hua, HUANG Ming-qi
Research purposes:Before construction of Mingan open tunnel of Xiamen Submarine Tunnel, water was collected in many ditches and depression areas near the tunnel portal. The foundation base of the inverted arch was under grounder water table line. Before filling soil for the open tunnel, many cross hoop tensile crack arisen by uneven settlement happened on the structures of the open tunnel. Assuming the tunnel had hollow elastic grade beam structure, the ANSYS 10.0 finite element software and the structure-load model were used to calculate the flexural torque for determining the safety coefficient and the load characteristics of the structure for the purpose of providing the theoretical basis for working out the reasonable disposal scheme.
Research conclusions:(1) During the grouting, more attention should be paid to the grouting pressure and adjusting the pressure if necessary to avoid the damage to the structure. (2) The attention should be paid to inspection of stringing and leaking the slurry. (3) To avoid the stringing slurry by grouting hole, the skipping boring method should be adopted and the intermittent grouting method should be adopted with multiple times of grouting from high pressure to low pressure. (4) Lowering the tube for boring should not damage the internal main reinforcement the tunnel to avoid the appearance of damage arisen by the stress concentration, resulting in lowering the safety coefficient.
2010 Vol. 27 (5): 35-38 [Abstract] ( 2601 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (454 KB)  ( 119 )
39 Discussion on Danger Assessment of Gas Disaster in Tunnel
KANG Xiao-bing, XU Mo, DING Rui
Research purposes:With construction and development of the transportation infrastructures in China, more and more tunnels pass through coal measure strata and the area with gas to make gas accidents on the rise. Therefore, it is so urgent to study the gas disaster danger assessment system which conforms to the characteristics of tunnel engineering.
Research conclusions:Based on the researching the gas tunnels in China from the areas of the geological sectors, gas sectors and man-made sectors of influencing the danger of gas disaster in tunnel during construction, a relatively perfect gas disaster danger assessment system for tunnel is presented. This system can do the assessments at three levels, namely, gas tunnel classification assessments, danger assessment of gas tunnel construction and danger assessment of tunnel working face, to make a prompt and accurate assessment of gas disaster in the phases of route selection, design and construction, and take appropriate engineering control measures.
2010 Vol. 27 (5): 39-42 [Abstract] ( 2612 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (350 KB)  ( 215 )
43 Analysis of Impact of Construction of Shallow Large-span Tunnels on Environment with Surface Excavation method
YANG Hui-jun
Research purposes:The southwest ventilation tunnel of metro has the following obvious features: complex geological conditions and surrounding environment, large span (excavation span accounting for 9.9 m), shallow burying (the cover depth of soil on the tunnel structure accounting for about 10 m), small cover-span ratio (about 1), frequent external loadings on road surface and under-passing the underground pipelines. So it is necessary to monitor and measure the area impacted by the construction to assess the impact of the construction on surrounding environment.
Research conclusions:(1) The final environment control standard is determined and the protection measures for peripheral environment are worked out. (2) The surface deformation can be divided into four stages: micro deformation stage, aggravating deformation stage, slow deformation stage and basically stable stage. (3) The assessments of the safety of the surrounding buildings on the ground and the underground pipelines show that the buildings and underground pipelines are all in safe states. (4) The impact of construction of a shallow large-span tunnel with surface excavation method on surrounding environment is controllable.
2010 Vol. 27 (5): 43-47 [Abstract] ( 2740 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (645 KB)  ( 249 )
48 Safety Assessment of Tunneling Based on Surface Settlement Standard
ZHANG Ping-liang, FANG Xin-xian, ZHANG Yun-liang, AN Yong-lin
Research purposes:In order to assess the safety of surface settlement during construction of Liuyang River Tunnel, in this paper, the surface settlement standard was discussed from the views of rock stability, empirical formula and relative norms. The three-dimensional model was established by GTS to simulate construction using three bench method and two side-wall pilot method. The comparison of numerical simulation results with the in-site monitoring results was made as well.
Research conclusions:The standard of surface settlement for shallow tunnel is stricter than deep buried tunnel. The harder the rock is, the smaller the tunnel span is, the lower the side wall is and the smaller the allowable surface settlement is. Otherwise they are bigger and higher. The main influence factor is rock's property, and the secondary influence factor is tunnel span. Both three-bench method and two-side-wall pilot method can meet the requirements of the settlement safety. Considering the construction schedule, three-bench method is adopted. The data values of in-site monitoring are smaller than numerical simulation.
2010 Vol. 27 (5): 48-53 [Abstract] ( 2568 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (280 KB)  ( 224 )
54 Technique for Construction of Heluoshan Tunnel in Water-rich Stratum
SHAO Shuang-xiu
Research purposes:When a tunnel passes through water-rich stratum, the accidents of water in rushing and water bursting are easy to occur, resulting in tunnel collapse and support deformation to seriously affect the normal tunnel construction and bring about enormous latent danger to the safety of person and equipment. In order to ensure the norm tunnel construction and reduce the construction cost and personal injury as much as possible, it is urgent to do the research on techniques for construction of tunnel in water-rich stratum.
Research conclusions:When a tunnel passes through the water-rich stratum, the geological forecast should be conducted well for the tunnel construction. In the course of tunneling, for the centralized strand -shaped water-in rushing, the water should be diverted both at the working face and place behind the working face, the heading-and-bench method should be adopted for tunnel excavation and supporting with core soil reserved and the small-diameter pilot tubes in three rows should be used for supporting in advance. And for platy-shaped water-in rushing, the water should be diverted at the working face in advance, the three-bench method shall be used for excavation and supporting with the core soil reserved at the upper bench when tuff is encountered at working face, and the small-diameter pilot tubes in two rows should be used for supporting in advance. The heading-and bench method should be used with the core soil reserved at the upper bench, and the small-diameter pilot tubes in three rows should be uses for supporting in advance if there is no tuff.
2010 Vol. 27 (5): 54-57 [Abstract] ( 2594 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (327 KB)  ( 184 )
58 Grouting Technology for Construction of Mountain Tunnel in High-pressure Water-rich Fault Fracture Zone
ZHANG Jian-ru
Research purposes:The geological disaster of high-pressure water bursting easily happens in construction of mountain tunnel in fault fracture zone with complex lithology and rock crushing under condition of the sufficient groundwater recharge source and it seriously affects the safety and progress of the construction. In order to effectively predict and control the water-in rushing from the fracture zone and prevent the appearance of the water-bursting into the tunnel ,it is necessary to do the research on the characteristics of the fault fracture zone and treatment measures.
Research conclusions:Reasonable adoption of tunnel grouting method should depend on the surrounding rock conditions revealed by excavation along with the predicted results. For construction of the tunnel in high-pressure water-rich fault fracture zone, the advanced grouting should be used to reduce the penetration coefficient of the surrounding rocks and losing the underground water. After grouting, the inspection assessment should be made to the grouting effect by inspection hole.
2010 Vol. 27 (5): 58-62 [Abstract] ( 2587 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (556 KB)  ( 443 )
63 Design of OSC Landscape of Beijing South Railway Station of Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Railway
MENG Xiang-kui, LIU Feng-tao
Research purposes:Based on the design of OCS landscape of Beijing South railway station, the purpose is to seek the methods, the principles, the considered factors and measures to be taken while making landscape design, for making the OCS not only meeting the function requirement, but also achieving the effect of landscape design so as to provide the reference to subsequent works.
Research conclusions:The coordination of OCS with site environment should be considered and the design of the support structure style and plain arrangement should be optimized and compared when making design of OCS landscape. After optimization of the landscape design for Beijing South Railway Station, the steel tube mast, steel tube hard cross portal, spring compensator with constant tension and anchor mast without back stay were used to the OCS in Beijing South Railway Station, obtaining perfect landscape effect. It can be as the reference to the similar landscape design in future.
2010 Vol. 27 (5): 63-66 [Abstract] ( 2770 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (322 KB)  ( 209 )
67 Research on Influence Testing Ages on Pore Structure of Concrete
XU Hua-xuan
Research purposes:In the existing concrete frost resistance test, the rapid freeze-thaw test is often adopted, with long test cycle and high cost. On consideration to that the pore structure could stably exist in hardened concrete, the research was done on determining the relation between test age and concrete pore to reduce the test cycle of frost resistance.
Research conclusions:The hardened air content of C30 concrete increases gradually with the increase of age, while there are not obvious rules between pore structure and age ofC50 concrete. The air-entraining ggent of poor quality will introduce the large amount of large-diameter bubbles to decrease the compressive strength of concrete. As the C50 Concrete is of much viscosity, the more AEA is needed, generating smaller bubbles than C30 Concrete. The test sample preparation is an important step in the process of bubble structure test. The strength of the sample will affect the measured results. To ensure accurate test results, the test age of C30 concrete is not be earlier than 28 days, while the steam curing of C50 concrete is notbe earlier than 7days. In the premise of ensuring the frost resistance of concrete, the bubble spacing coefficient of different concrete is quite different, and the bubble spacing coefficient of C30 concrete is larger than C50 concrete.
2010 Vol. 27 (5): 67-71 [Abstract] ( 2593 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (349 KB)  ( 162 )
72 Design of Traffic Safety for Line 1 of BRT in Xiamen
Research purposes:The Line 1 of BRT in Xiamen is the first elevated BRT that remains the condition for upgrading it into the urban rail transit. As there is no emergence zone and up and down ramps on the bridge, the traffic jam and the secondary traffic accident probably happen if the event happens suddenly. In order to avoid and eliminate the latent danger, the analysis of the safety risk on the bridge is made and the relative safety measures are presented.
Research conclusions:Through the analysis and study, it is thought the failed vehicle should be moved away within 13 minutes to restore the normal traffic. At the same time, the vehicle and guard rail should be specially designed along with the relative designs of the facilities for the traffic safety according to the characteristics of the BRT vehicle to safeguard the traffic safety.
2010 Vol. 27 (5): 72-76 [Abstract] ( 2575 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (205 KB)  ( 132 )
77 Monitoring Deformation of Existing Ground Track of Urban Rail Transit Caused by Under-passing of High-tension Cable Pipeline
MA Xue-mei, WU Feng-bo
Research purposes:The project of large diameter under-passing the existing ground track of urban rail transit faces the large engineering risks. The strict monitoring should be conducted to the existing ground track in order to guarantee the engineering going on smoothly and the traffic safety of the existing track. This paper mainly introduces monitoring the deformation of the existing ground track caused by the under-passing of pipelines for providing the reference to the similar works.
Research conclusions:Affected by the under-passing of the pipelines, the roadbed of the existing track experienced the process of apparent settlement during construction, apparent post-construction settlement, settlement becoming slow and settlement becoming stable. As the roadbed settlement was large and the rail settlement increased relatively, the rail was uplifted necessarily. The track geometric deformation and rail displacement were small and didn't exceed the control values. Affected by soil disturbances and the seasonal change of the groundwater level, the structure of Shangdi Bridge near the engineering site floated and the differential settlement between the Bridge and the roadbed increased. The attention would be paid to the influence of the back fill soil and ground water on the bridge.
2010 Vol. 27 (5): 77-81 [Abstract] ( 2751 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (656 KB)  ( 117 )
82 Discussion on the Harm of Harmful Gases of Hangzhou Tunnel and Its Countermeasures
CHEN Guang-feng,CHEN Hui-fang,HONG Min3,GUAN Jin-lin, ZHAO Rong
Research purposes:Marsh gas exists in the area from Binkang Road Station to Westxing Station of Line 1 of Hangzhou subway. If the marsh gas gathers in the tunnel, it'll cause harms to the construction of shield tunnel and the operation safety of the tunnel, and even the probable gas blast can cause the harms to the surrounding residents and buildings. Based on indoor simulation experiment and analysis as well as the full-scale experiment, the critical influence values and preventive measures are presented.
Research conclusions:Through analyzing the harmful degree of harmful gas on the underground construction and environment, the security assessment contents necessarily done to the harmful gas contained in soil is are worked out. For construction of Hangzhou subway, the study is done on the solution to emission of the marsh gas. By doing the indoor simulation experiment and field full-scale experiment, the critical influence values of the marsh gas on the construction and operation of tunnel are obtained. In addition, it is necessary to drill some holes into ground to emit the marsh gas contained in shallow soil for reducing or eliminating the hidden safety danger so as to ensure the safety of the tunnel construction and operation.
2010 Vol. 27 (5): 82-86 [Abstract] ( 2560 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (367 KB)  ( 234 )
87 Analysis of Techniques for Determining Factor Weight in Job Evaluation with Analytic Hierarchy Process
ZHU Xiao-mei, YE Ren-sun, ZHANG Chong-tian, WAN Hua, ZHOU Xue-jun, LIN Jing-ping
Research purposes:AHP is a common quantitative analysis method for determining factors weight in job evaluation and recently, it has been applied widely in job evaluation. However, as AHP is rather complex, its practical effect is not good. Therefore, the analysis and discussion on the techniques for determining factors weight in job evaluation with AHP has important realistic significance to improving the effect of job evaluation.
Research conclusions:(1) The links of design and implement of inquiry paper on the factor weight in job evaluation should be controlled well. First, the inquiry paper should be clear, simple, easily understood and written. Next, the inquired person should be chosen properly. Finally, the inquired person should be trained before writing down the inquiry paper. (2) The scientific and reasonable data analysis method should be used. The arithmetic mean method should be used for weight when collecting data and the determination matrix different from subjective method should be used to enhance the data quality and give full play to AHP.
2010 Vol. 27 (5): 87-90 [Abstract] ( 2661 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (121 KB)  ( 426 )
91 Merits and Demerits of General Design and Construction Contract for Line 3 of Shenzhen Subway
SHENG Yu-ping
Research purposes:The mode of general design and construction contract was adopted for construction of Line 3 of Shenzhen subway, making great achievements and showing some merits. This paper gives introduction to the merits and demerits of general design and construction contract for the Line 3 of Shenzhen subway to provide the reference to similar works.
Research conclusions:The merits of general design and construction contract for subway construction are as follows: to reduce changes in the design and the construction, save the construction cost, shorten the construction time, be easy to link the design with construction and be helpful for optimizing the design. But there is still room for improvement. For examples, the relative laws and regulations should be revised and improved. The management risk and preventive measures should be studied. How does the government control match its management? How are the relative regulations adaptive to the Bidding Law? And the sample contractor should be studied and worked out.
2010 Vol. 27 (5): 91-94 [Abstract] ( 2656 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (146 KB)  ( 179 )
95 Thinking on Problem Related to Interpenetrative Delivering Track Laying and Girder-erecting Machine
YANG Lu-fan
Research purposes:The track laying and girder-erecting machine is the main equipment for railway construction. But after implement of the Administrative License Law of the Peoples' Republic of China, it is difficult to interpenetratively deliver the track laying and girder-erecting machine, resulting in noway to deliver the machine from one site to another and direct impacting the railway construction. In this paper, the analysis is made for this problem and some suggestions and advices are put forward on solving this problem.
Research conclusions:To solve this problem involves the MOR and the construction enterprise, so it is difficult to solve it in short time. For resolving this problem, on one hand, the user of the machine should strengthen the equipment management and maintenance management, on the other hand, the MOR should improve the technical management, the approval process and management system along with the user to solve this problem on fully consideration to the true application situation of the machine.
2010 Vol. 27 (5): 95-98 [Abstract] ( 2570 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (119 KB)  ( 231 )
99 Research on Establishment of Enterprise Annuity System
Research purposes:The competition between enterprises is the talents' competition after all. By establishing enterprise annuity, the employees' living standards can be enhanced after retirement, their worries behind can be solved, the long-term and closed relation between the enterprise and the employees can be established, their activity can be improved, a good inspiring system can be formed and the competition capacity and cohesion of the enterprise can be enhanced. Establishment of enterprise annuity can make the enterprise attracting more talents, improving its labor resource management and pushing forward its sustainable development. However, now the situation of the enterprise annuity in China is less than satisfactory. This paper researches the establishment of enterprise annuity and puts forward some suggestions to the policy on the establishment of enterprise annuity.
Research conclusions:(1) Enterprise annuity is not only the "private product" provided by enterprise, but it also has the nature of "public product", so it is the quasi public product. The enterprise annuity plays big role in the labor resource management of the enterprise, so the enterprise in China should speed up the establishment of enterprise annuity system to promote the enterprise development. (2) Speeding up development of enterprise annuity cab be hardly done without working out the national policy. The national adjustments by means of finance, tax, economy and administration can speed up the establishment of enterprise annuity to promote the enterprise development and form the situation of multiple wins.
2010 Vol. 27 (5): 99-102 [Abstract] ( 2720 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (119 KB)  ( 170 )
Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
Supported by:Beijing Magtech