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2010 Vol. 27, No. 3
Published: 2010-03-15
Study and Application of Long-term Monitoring System for Permafrost Area along Qinghai-Tibet Railway
AN Guo-dong, MI Long, ZHU Ben-zhen, RAN Li
Research purposes:The existing geological condition and land form of the permafrost area along Qinghai-Tibet Railway have gradually formed in a long-term geologic history period with features of relative high average temperature, thin frozen soil and poor heat stability in some parts of the permafrost area. The stability of the frozen soil directly relates to the stability and durability of the superstructure of the railway track. Researching the way for knowing the influence of the environment change of frozen soil on the superstructure of track can make the development trend of the frozen soil understood under the condition of climate change. It can provide the basis for taking the preventive measures for Qinghai-Tibet Railway.
Research conclusions:(1) From the monitored data in recent years, it can be seen that the long-term monitoring system for Qinghai-Tibet Railway has worked well. The monitored data are true and reliable. They can be as the basis for evaluation of the stability of engineering structure in permafrost area along Qinghai-Tibet Railway. (2) The long-term monitoring system has continuously monitored the subgrade in permafrost area for many years and found out the environment characteristics and settlement mechanism of the subgrade in permafrost area when the subgrade occurred big settlement and deformation. Based on them, the strengthened measures will be presented to better maintain the subgrade, improve the water thermal condition for the subgrade system, relax the drop of manual upper limit and slow down the settlement rate of the subgrade. (3) From the analysis of the monitored data on the bridge and the cross-section of culvert in permafrost area, it is believed the foundations of the bridges and culverts are entirely stable.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 1-6 [
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Research on the Scheme for Leading Longkou-Yantai Railway into Yantai Region
WANG Qing-hui, SUN Zhao-wu, WANG Gang
Research purposes:This paper describes the existing railway profile and the general near-term and long-term railway plan of Yantai region, and researches the railway arrangement in Yantai region after leading Longkou-Yantai Railway into Yantai region for the purposes of enhancing the carrying capacity of the block section and reducing the cross interference among the tracks.
Research conclusions:With completions of Dezhou-Longkou Railway, Qingdao-Weihai Intercity Railway, Lancun-Yantai Electrified Railway and the second line of Dezhou-Longkou Railway and leading them into Yantai region in the near future or in future, the railway crossing pattern with two double -track main lines, one intercity railway and one double track feery railway will be formed in Yantai region. In the near future, the Longkou-Yantai Railway will be led into Fushan Station to remain Zhuji Block Postand drawn forth through the turnout 18 of Yantai-Daliang Feery Railway to connect with Yantai-Daliang Feery Railway and cross over the Lancun-Yantai railway in the middle part. After completion of the second track of Longkou-Yantai Railway in future, the Zhuji Sourth Railway Station will be built instead of Zhuji Block Post and it will have five main lines from the Longkou-Yantai Railway, the Yantai-daliang Ferry Railway and Lancun-Yantai Railway. Also the Longkou-Yantai Double-track Railway and Lancun-Yantai Single-track Railway will be led into the Zhuji Station.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 7-10 [
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Research on the Green Railway Construction in Southwest Mountainous Area
XIONG Chun-mei, YANG Li-zhong
Research purposes:Aiming at the influence of railway construction on ecological environment, this paper calculates and analyzes the sustainable capacity in ecology of the Qiandongnan Miao & Dong Autonomous Prefecture in 2006 with ecological trace model and discusses the methods and measures for construction of "green railway" in the southwest mountainous area where is a ecological sensitive area for the purposes of providing the reference method for coordinating railway construction with the environment protection.
Research conclusions:(1) The ecological trace and ecological capacity per capita of the Qiandongnan Miao & Dong Autonomous Prefecture in 2006 were 1.322 62 hm2 and 0.756 66 hm2 separately, and the ecological deficit per capita was 0.566 96 hm2, so the social and economic developments of the prefecture were unsustainable. (2) In order to construct the "green railway" in the Qiandongnan Miao & Dong Autonomous Prefecture and coordinate the railway construction with the environment protection, it is necessary to protect the forestry resource and water resource and make reasonable use of land resource.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 11-14 [
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Analysis of the Characteristics of Gobi Sand-driving wind in Shisanjianfang Section of Lanzhou-Xinjiang Railway
LI Kai-chong, JIANG Fu-qiang, XUE Chun-xiao, YANG Yin-hai, GE Sheng-chang
Research purposes:By analysis of the forming reasons for wind-blown sand in "100 kilometers wind area" along the Lanzhou-Xinjiang Railway, this paper researches the change characteristics of the density of the sand -driving wind with the height change, the relation between the density of wind-blown sand at the differenth eights and wind velocity, and the particle size distribution regulation of the wind blown sand in Gobi area.
Research conclusions:The wind blown sand was mainly concentrated in the space of lower than 3m in Gobi area and it was up to almost 87% of total sand volume. The density of wind-driving sand increased with the increase of wind velocity at the same height. The density of wind-blown sand decreased with the raise of height at the fixed wind velocity. The analysis result of sand particle size showed in the "100 kilometers wind area", the main movement form of wind blown sand in the space of lower than 3m was in leaping movement, and the main movement form of wind blown sand in the space of higher than 3m was in suspending movement.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 15-18 [
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Model for Optimal Selection of Soft Soil Treatment Schemes on Considering Uncertainty of Evaluating Indexes
ZHANG Shi-li;ZHANG Yi-fei;YUAN Hang-xin;YING Yue-long
Research purposes:There are lots of fuzzy and uncertain factors involved in optimal selection of soft soil treatment scheme, such as geological conditions, construction conditions, environmental conditions and engineering cost. In order to get the most practical soft soil treatment scheme, it is necessary to establish a new model that can take fuzzy and uncertain factors into consideration for treating the soft soil.
Research conclusions:The Interval numbers attribute was used to evaluate the fuzziness and uncertainty of indexes. After standardizing decision-making matrix and separating it into mid-point matrix and radius matrix, linearly weighted aggregation and error transfer formula were employed to calculate the interval numbers of comprehensive evaluation value of all optional schemes. The possibility degree formula and ranking formula were used to rank and select optional schemes finally. The analysis of the case showed using this model could reduce the lost information for evaluation and improve the reliability of evaluation result. This model provides the other way for selection of soft soil treatment scheme.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 19-23 [
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Experimental Study on Improvement of Filling Material for Subgrade of Harbin-Dalian Passenger Dedicated Line
WANG Xiao-ming
Research purposes:Generally speaking, high-speed railway is very long and its space span is big, so the shortage of the filling materials for the subgrade often does exist in some sections. In order to reduce the construction cost and protect the environment, it is necessary to improve the subgrade filling materials that can not meet the graded requirement in the course of the construction. This research tries to improve the gradation of river pebble with mixing fine-grained soil and fly ash to make the river pebble becoming the qualified subgrade filling material.
Research conclusions:In order to study the feasibility of this method, a lot of tests were done to the tests ample, such as gradation test, compaction stroke test and in-site compacting test. In addition, the different compaction methods were used to the in-site compacting test for seeking a scientific and reasonable compaction technique. The tested result of technique showed this improvement method improved the grained gradation of filling material and enhanced the effective strength and compactness, which could meet the requirement of the code for the filling material. This method not only brought about obvious economic profits, but also brought out the huge social and environment-protective profits.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 24-27 [
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Study on Settlement Control of Dig Jet Mixing Pile Composite Foundation and Soft Rock Filling Embankment
QING San-hui,CAO Xin-wen,XIE Qiang
Research purposes:Application of geotechnical centrifugal model test verifies whether the post-construction settlement of the dig jet mixing pile composite foundation and soft rock filling embankment in red rock area can meet requirement of the designed control standard or not for the purpose of guiding the design and construction.
Research conclusions:The experiment done in the experimental section shows the compacting factor of soft rock filling material in red rock area shall be more than 0.93, and the tracks should be laid at least 6 months later after the embankment is filled. In this way, the post-construction settlement of top layer of the embankment of dig jet mixing pile composite foundation can meet requirement of the designed control standard, namely, the settlement is 15 cm and the settlement rate is 4 cm annually. The experiment also shows application of the dig jet mixing pile composite foundation with the distance between piles of 1.0 m and pile diameter of 50 cm and soft rock filling embankment is feasible, which is very significant to guiding the design and construction.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 28-32 [
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Discussion on Schemes for Monitoring Post-construction Subsidence of Subgrade of Zhengzhou-Xi'an Passenger Dedicated Line
HAO Jin-yu, ZHU Shao-jie
Research purposes:According to the special requirements of monitoring the post-construction subsidence of the subgrade of Zhengzhou-Xi'an Passenger Dedicated Line in moist loess area, the analysis of the defects of the existing two schemes for monitoring post-construction subsidence is made. Based on the technology development and research of fibre light grid transducer and its monitoring application in civil engineering, the discussion is made on the possibility of using the fibre light grid transducer to monitor the post-construction subsidence of the subgrade of the passenger dedicated line in moist loess area.
Research conclusions:From the analysis and discussion it is concluded the fibre light grid transducer can realize long-distance (50m), quasi-distributed, multi-spots and multi-parameter measurement with the high measurement accuracy. It can accurately measure the vertical displacement change of less than 0.1mm (relative to the reference base), and it is suitable for long-term monitoring with the good capacity of electromagnetic interference resistance and can satisfy the requirement of long-term monitoring the post-construction subsidence of subgrade of Zhengzhou-Xi'an Passenger Dedicated Line in moist loess area.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 33-36 [
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Slope Protection Design of No.1 National Highway of the Republic of Congo
CHEN Zhi-jun,ZHENG Zhi-yong, ZHANG Sheng-bin
Research purposes:Combined with the design and construction of the slope of No.1 National Highway of the Republic of Congo, this paper introduces the slope protection styles and the concepts and practices for slope ecological protection in the developed countries and offers the measures for dealing with disease appeared in excavation of the slope for the purpose of providing the reference to the similar design and construction.
Research conclusions:The slope ecological protection is an important part of engineering, and protection works should follow the concept of "respecting nature and restoring natural". The style of slope ecological protection should reasonably arrange and suit the local conditions, such as the climate, hydrology, topography, soil quality and sources of material, etc. The slope ecological protection should be coordinated with the surrounding environment to maintain the balance of the ecological environment and beautify the environment.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 37-41 [
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Research on the Space Stress-distribution Characteristics of Long-span and Complex Structure Bridge during the Whole Construction Process
HU Guo-wei, ZHANG Yu-ning, ZHANG Jun-bing, SHI Zhou
Research purposes:By establishing three-dimensional non-linear model with aging and road construction efficiency analysis for the whole construction process, the research is done on the space stress-distribution characteristics of large-span V-shaped continuous rigid frame arch composite structure bridge during the whole construction process to solve the problem of uneven stress-distribution on the cross-section due to the shear lag and distortion of concrete box girder with the previous calculation method for bridge design and construction monitoring.
Research conclusions:The analyses are made for the space stress-distribution and spatial variation of the longitudinal normal stress and transverse compressive stresson the roof and the shear stresson the sternum of large-span V-shaped continuous rigid frame arch composite structure bridge and their change regulations during the whole construction process. From the analyses the following conclusions are drawn: Firstly, the longitudinal normal stress on the roof of main girder is distributed along the transverse direction with unevenness, and the shear lag effects of the stress are obvious, which is different from the predicted results with elementary beam theory. Secondly, the transverse compressive stress of the main girder is not big and the uneven level of stress distribution on the roof is more than that on the floor.Thirdly, the shear stress distribution on the tri-web of single-box and double-booth section girder continuously changes and the shear stress on center web is slightly greater than that on the side web with good regulation. Lastly, during construction the envelope of longitudinal normal stress reflects the working condition with the maximum tensile stress and maximum compressive stress and this provides a theoretical basis for construction control.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 42-48 [
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Measures for Closure of Main Arch of Dashengguan Yangtze Rive Bridge and Analyses of Monitoring Computation
HU Hui-yue
Research purposes:Based on the Dashengguan Yangtze Rive Bridge in Nanjing, this paper analyzes the monitoring computation for the closure of the main arch of the steel truss arch bridge with three main steel trusses and studies the closure measures for the purposes of directing erection of the bridge, achieving the accurate closure in short time and providing the references to the similar works.
Research conclusions:The Dashengguan Yangtze Rive Bridge is a tri-steel truss and six-span continuous arch bridge with two main arch spans in the middle and two side spans on the both ends. The general scheme of using double cantilevers to erect the steel truss of the middle main pier, using single cantilever to erect the steel truss of the two side main piers and conducting closure in the middle of the two main arches was adopted for the closure of the main arch of this bridge. Through the analysis of the monitoring computation and the study on the closure measures for the main arch of the steel truss arch bridge with three main trusses, the series of closure measures were taken for accurate closure of the two main arches of the bridge, such as using long circle hole, circle hole, dowel, pushing and pulling device and temperature difference.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 49-51 [
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Discussion on the Measures for Guaranteeing Effective Prestress of Vertical Prestressed Reinforcement of Box Girder Bridge
XU Hua-xuan
Research purposes:Based on the theoretic analysis, test and practice, the research is done on the reasons for the big pretress loss and poor effect of prestressed reinforcement of the web plate of concrete box girder, and the measures for them are presented to guarantee the effect of the vertical prestress and avoid the appearance of stress crack on the web plate.
Research conclusions:In design, the ratio between the stress and yield degree of vertical reinforcement should be controlled. The rebound value of 1.65 mm should be adopted when calculating the stress loss caused by anchor deformation and gap compression. The stress loss caused by installation error of anchor backer should be added and the rebound of 3.3 mm should be used. The stress loss caused by water thermalization of concrete and cement grout should be considered and the attention should be paid to improvement of the construction technique in construction. The error of incline angle should be controlled to make two flat and one straight and make the included angle within 1o when installing the anchor backer. The anchor torque of 1 200 N·m and 600 N·m with torque spanner should be used to φ32 reinforcement and φ25 reinforcement. The tension and super tension techniques should be used. The four groups of vertical reinforcements on the joint place of the front part and the rear part of the girder and the reinforcements on the rear part of the girder should be tensed at the same time.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 52-56 [
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Application of Vacuum Auxiliary Mud Jacking in Construction of Box Girder for Passenger Dedicated Line
WU An-feng
Research purposes:This paper mainly describes the main points for the quality control for the construction technology of vacuum auxiliary mud jacking applied in construction of post-tensioned prestressing box girder of Pingyang Bridge of Wenzhou-Fuzhou Passenger Dedicated Line and introduces the experiences and measures for the quality control for the construction technology of vacuum auxiliary mud jacking.
Research conclusions:For construction of the post-tensioned presstressing box girder with traditional mud jacking technology, there are bubble and poisoned rain water in the mud to easily corrupt the pore space and prestressed reinforcement, resulting in reducing durability of the structure. In addition, the jacked mud probably is not compacted and saturated, resulting in pore space to reserve the hidden trouble in quality of the box girder. Application of vacuum auxiliary mud jacking technology can guarantee the compactness of pretressed duct after mud jacking and enhance the durability, security and service life of the structure.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 57-60 [
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TBM Type-selection and Study on Optimization of Support System for Super Long Dahuofang Water Tunnel
ZHANG Jun-wei, MEI Zhi-rong, Tang Yu,ZHANG Yuan-ai
Research purposes:The Dahuofang water tunnel is a super long deep-buried tunnel with the length of main tunnel of 85.32 km and excavation diameter of 8.03 m. TBM was used as main construction method along with bored blasting method for construction of the tunnel. As the tunnel passed through the area with complicated hydrogeologic conditions, it was necessary to do the works of TBM type-selection and optimization of the support system so as to solve the technical problems related to the stability of surrounding rock, water inrush of the tunnel, tunneling efficiency in quartz sandstone area and rock outburst while tunneling.
Research conclusions:Based on studying a large number of data and TBM construction cases, the main engineering geological problems in the area where the tunnel passed through were analyzed. Based on the analysis of TBM construction experiences at home and abroad, it was decided to adopt the open-type TBM for construction of the tunnel and to adopt the composite lining structure made up of bolt-shotcrete support+cast concrete lining as support system of tunnel instead of segment lining. It played an important role in construction of tunnel and could be as the reference to the similar projects in the future.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 61-65 [
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Study on the Adaptability of Effective Cross-section Area of the Tunnel of Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway
DENG Jie, YU Nan-yang, ZHAO Hai-heng
Research purposes:The numerical computational method along with one-dimensional, non-constant, compressible flow model and characteristic method were adopted to analyze the adaptability of effective cross-section area of the tunnel with the clear space of 100m2 on Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway. The sensibility analyses of transient pressure wave in single line and double line tunnels were made under the different tunnel lengths, train lengths and train speeds.
Research conclusions:Based on the comparative result between of the criterion of permissible pressure wave in China and UIC criterion, the requirement of the sealing time for high running of train in tunnel of Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway was presented and the proposal was made that the train speed could be slower than 350 km/h when two trains met in tunnel.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 66-70 [
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Method for Determining the Minimum Security Coping Thickness of Sub-aqueous Tunnel
YAN Cai-bin, ZHOU Wei
Research purposes:Based on the engineering analogy and numerical analysis, the method is offered for determining the minimum security coping thickness of sub-aqueous tunnel for offering the reference to the similar works.
Research conclusions:(1) The Norwegian Experience Curve Method is the simple stand the most easy and it is suitable for the primary determination at the early stage of geological survey while the construction period is pressed, but its result is conservative and needs to be economically verified at later stage. (2) The Water-resisting Rock Column Experience Formula can accurately determine the minimum security coping thickness and its result can be as the reference after the geological condition is well known. (3) The result obtained with numerical analysis is the most accurate, but the numerical analysis needs lots of certain conditions. Only when the external conditions, such as working condition, engineering geological condition and hydrogeologic condition, are determined can establish the model for returning the original construction condition, so its result can be as the reference to the final determination.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 71-75 [
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3D Numerical Simulation to Transient Electromagnetic Method under Effect of Whole-space
SUN Yu-guo, TAN Dai-ming
Research purposes:When the transient electromagnetic method is used for the geological survey in advance for tunnel, the induced electromagnetic field will be generated in front and back of the working faces at the transient moment of disconnecting exciting current. What the receiving coil receives is the fold of the eddy current field of whole space of surrounding rock, different than that of the ground where there is the fold of eddy current of underground half-space. In this paper, the propagation properties of induced eddy current are simulated in whole-space of tunnel without abnormal body and with abnormal body by using ANSYS, and the distribution laws of magnetic flux density along a measuring line with abnormal bodies deflecting from centre and with abnormal bodies at centre are compared. It is significant to the research and wide application of transient electromagnetic method.
Research conclusions:The transient electromagnetic fields in tunnel appears propagation property of "water wave effect" other than "smoking ring effect" on ground. The low conductive body in tunnel obviously changes the time -domain property of eddy current to indicate the induction characteristic of abnormal body. The maximum of magnetic flux density occurs on the other side of centre due to the deflection of abnormal body from the centre line.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 76-80 [
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Technology for Treating Burst Port of Filling Solution Cavity with High-pressure and Rich Water of Yesanguan Tunnelon Yichang-Wanzhou Railway
ZHANG Mei, ZHANG Min-qing, SUN guo-qing
Research purposes:After completion of the double primary supports for solution cavity 602 of Yesanguan Tunnel on Yichang-Wanzhou Railway, the high-pressure water formed in the solution cavity to breakdown the double primary supports because of the heavy rainfall. The series of methods and measures were adopted and taken for treating the burst port, such as lowering water pressure by building the high drainage branch tunnel, plugging water and consolidating block stone debris at burst port by grouting and adopting advanced pipe-shed support.
Research conclusions:The block stone debris can be consolidated by grouting and pipe-shed support. The time of drilling through an I20-beam is between 30 mins and 90 mins when using a driller with the torque of1 200 N·m to 2 000 N·m and rotational speed of 300 rpm to 500 rpm. The grouting under the local condition of water drainage can be controlled by using compound grouting material system of sulphoaluminate cement slurry and ordinary cement-soluble glass double slurry, following the grouting sequences of from down to up, from outside to inside and grouting every other hole, conducting sectional grouting with reasonable section length and combing a certain grouting number with a certain grouting pressure. After the block stone debris is improved by grouting, it can be used as an advanced φ76 mm pipe-shed support to ensure the construction security at burst port.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 81-86 [
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Comparative Analysis and Selection of Construction Methods for Large Section Loess Tunnel
ZHANG Ying-cai, HU Guo-wei, XIN Zhen-xing
Research purposes:Based on using the finite element theory to do the simulation calculation of the actual construction process of large-section loess tunnel with the optimized excavation method, the analyses are made for the change regulations of stress field, displacement field and structural strength of surrounding rock, and the applicable Scopes of the different construction methods are determined according to the allocation of resources, construction progress and monitored results for the purpose of select a reasonable construction method for large section loess tunnel.
Research conclusions:Combined with the geological condition of surrounding rock of large section loess tunnel, the researches are done on the qualitative and quantitative indicators of construction process, subsidence, construction order, resource allocation, construction risks and construction costs of construction large section loess tunnel with CRD method, short bench 7-step method and twine side wall pilot tunnel method. In addition, the traditional excavation method is optimized in the construction or derand support method, and the advantages and disadvantages of the different construction methods are offered to provide the reference to the similar works.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 87-92 [
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Application of Cross-section Measurement System in Measurement of Wall Rock's Change of Tunnel
CHEN Shu-guang
Research purposes:Using Leica cross-section measurement system to measure the clearance displacement change of the wall rock of tunnel can rapidly obtain the measured result of the wall rocks' change of tunnel with giving the visual and accurate grapy table and data because the pre-installed software of the system can automatically collect the data on the clearance displacement change and the data can be analyzed and processed by post-processing software. This measured result can be the basis for judgment of the stability of wall rock and for construction.
Research conclusions:Using Leica cross-section measurement system to measure the clearance displacement change of the wall rock of tunnel is feasible, getting good results in judgments of the stability of wall rock and the support effect and also in finding the change of the wall rock. By using this system, the accuracy and reliability of the data can be improved and the manual error can be reduced, so the measured result from this system can be as scientific and reasonable basis for tunnel construction to ensure the construction quality and security and speed up the process of tunnel construction, and also can be as the important basis for optimizing the tunnel design.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 93-96 [
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Research on the Management of Supervision in BT Mode for Line 5 of Shenzhen Metro
DAI He-gen
Research purposes:The BT construction mode is regarded by the governments in China. With more and more practices of it in recent years, some new features of it appear continuously, so it is urgent to do the research on how to give full play to the supervision effect in BT construction mode. The research on the management of supervision in BT mode has the guidance effect and real meaning to the construction project with BT mode.
Research conclusions:In this paper, it is proposed the BT undertaker substitutes for the owner to manage the supervision unit for further bringing into the better balance relations among the BT undertaker, owner and supervision unit, solving the problem of supervisions' deficiency and giving full play to the supervision. It is also proposed that the check-up system to the supervision unit by the BT undertaker, the communication system between the BT undertaker and supervision unit, the regular meeting system between BT undertaker and supervision unit, special examination system and inspiring system should be setup for improving the management system for supervision, giving full play to the supervision and enhancing the construction level of BT project.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 97-100 [
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Practice and Exploration on the Integration of Design and Construction in BT Construction Mode for Line5 of Shenzhen Metro
LIU Cheng-jun, ZHU Gao-ming, LI Hai-ming
Research purposes:The research is done on the integration of design and construction in BT construction mode for laying foundation of widening the application of BT mode.
Research conclusions:The government should strengthen the guidance in policy, and further implement and improve the qualification management system to give the qualification of integration of design and construction to the design and construction enterprises so as to push forward the general construction contract and enhance the market competition ability of Chinese construction enterprise. The Chinese construction enterprise should improve its internal management level, setup the standard system for the integration of design and construction, train the high-qualified talent of construction management, integrate the resources of design and construction, realize zero joint of design and construction, enhance the enterprises' management level and create the condition for implement of BT construction mode.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 101-104 [
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Measurement in Metro Construction with Subsurface Excavation Method and Feedback Technology
SONG Yi-rong, CHEN Guang-feng, XIA Shi-long, LI Li-xia, ZHAO Rong
Research purposes:In metro construction, using the reliable monitoring and information feedback technologies can prevent the appearance of accidents. Application of the triangle surveying in shaft can connect the ground with the underground. To strengthen monitoring the deformation, convergence, the vault settlement and ground settlement along with sorting out the monitored data, mapping the displacement-time change curves in time and making regression analysis of the state curves in early stage can predict the important parameters that probably appear, such as the max. deformation value and max. stress value so as to provide the important basis for controlling the risk in advance to the metro construction with subsurface excavation method.
Research conclusions:Application of engineering measurement technology and information feedback technology can know the deformation situation of the monitored objects and therefore can make prediction and adjust the design and construction parameters in time for providing the accurate data to the metro construction and the reference to the similar works.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 105-108 [
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Experimental Research on the Temperature Change of Subway Station during Construction
QI Feng, WANG Wei, ZHANG Ye-tian
Research purposes:As the construction period of subway station is long and the construction technology is complicated, it is difficult to collect full temperature values and there is a little test done on the temperature change of subway station. Therefore, it is necessary to do trace test on the temperature of subway station and make the analysis of the temperature so as to provide the data support to the temperature analysis of subway station in theory.
Research conclusions:To the construction section between two induced joints of one subway station in Shanghai, the temporal temperature values of subway station were collected from the test on the different construction phase. From the statistics of the tested temperature, it was concluded that concrete temperature was affected mainly by the temperature rise of hydration and atmospheric temperature in early concrete casting stage. In medium and later concrete casting stages, the temperature change trend of subway station was basically consistent with the atmospheric temperature, and the max. day-temperature drop of the top plate and the place around induced joints was more than that of other parts and the max. Day-temperature difference between outside and inside of top plate and bottom plate was more than that of the inside lining wall. Based on the analysis of the tested data, the proposals on the definition of temperature load and the in-site maintenance were made.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 109-113 [
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Research on the Technical Scheme for Guangzhou-Qingyuan Intercity Rail Transit
LI Cheng-lei
Research purposes:For construction of Guangzhou-Qingyuan Intercity Rail Transit, this paper researches the scheme on the track alignment in Qingyuan City and offers the feasible scheme through making comparisons of three optional schemes in fields of technology and economy for laying the foundation for development of intercity rail transit in the Pearl River Delta Zone.
Research conclusions:This paper introduces the main design principle and technical standards for construction of Guangzhou-Qingyuan Intercity Rail Transit, compares and analyzes the three schemes in economy and technology from the fields of construction cost, construction difficulty, construction schedule, environment protection and coordination with the city planning, on the premise of meeting the track alignment, and offers the optimal scheme on the track alignment in city, namely, the scheme of track along Jingfu Road. This scheme can be as the reference to construction of the similar intercity rail transit.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 114-117 [
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Technology for Originating Construction of Shield Tunnel in Soft Soil Stratum in Shanghai
BAO Yong-liang, ZHENG Qi-zhen, TANG Jian-zhong
Research purposes:Originating is one of key links of the successful construction of tunnel in city. This paper researches the method of earth reinforcement, installation of guide rail, installation and check calculation for reaction force system so as to select the reasonable parameters of preliminary boring and guarantee the construction quality.
Research conclusions:(1) The foundation of the originating tunnel portal was reinforced with φ1 000 triple tube high-pressure churning jet pile and the boring earth core for sampling with proportion of 0.5%-1% was conducted. The unconfined compression strength tested in the experiment was more than 0.8MPa and it could ensure the earth stability. (2) The portal originating guide-rail was installed in the originating tunnel portal to avoid the appearance of "knotow" of shield machine because the cutter head of the shield machine was hanging while the shield machine was originating. (3) The pressure of earth chamber was bigger than that of earth ahead. In this way, the "knotow" of the shield machine after the machine disengaging from the originating base and the over-big ground subsidence were avoided. (4) The safety of the originating process of shield was ensured though the check and calculation of the mechanics of the reaction shelf.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 118-122 [
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Study on Distribution Proportion of Profits between General Contractor and Subcontractor
GUAN Bai-hai
Research purposes:The purpose of this research is to seek a reasonable distribution mechanism of profit between general contractor and subcontractor to enhance the subcontractors' enthusiasm in attending the project design for optimizing the project design and reducing the total cost of the project.
Research conclusions:The pains taken by the subcontractor to optimize design is in direct proportion to his coefficient of efficiency in knowledge and the profit distribution, but it is in inverse proportion to his coefficient of cost in knowledge and the proportion of designing fees in total project cost. The optimal distribution proportion of the whole projects' profit given to the subcontractor is in direct proportion to his coefficient of efficiency in knowledge, but it is in inverse proportion to his coefficient of cost in knowledge and general-contractors' coefficient of efficiency in knowledge.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 123-127 [
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Analysis of Cost Controllability and Cost Control Methods of the Passenger Dedicated Railway Construction
LEI Shu-hua, HAN Tong-yin, WANG Shu-yu
Research purposes:From the angle of the construction contractor and in combination with the serious problems in the cost management for construction of passenger dedicated railway, the analysis is made for the cost components and costs controllability of the passenger dedicated line in order to take the countermeasures for cost control and make the construction costs effectively controlled.
Research conclusions:On the premise of ensuring the construction quality, safety and schedule , the construction scheme should be compared and optimized, the construction resource should be put in enough and the construction cost should be controlled to the minimum so as to optimize the general construction cost. Meanwhile, the particular countermeasures for the cost control should be taken according to the degree of the controllability of all cost elements of passenger dedicated line.
2010 Vol. 27 (3): 128-132 [
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Beijing Magtech