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2009 Vol. 26, No. 12
Published: 2009-12-15
Research on the Program for Line Trend in Section between Chengde and Tangshan ofZhangjiakou-Tangshan Railway
ZHANG Ke, XIAO Lian-shan, YAN Jian-bin
Research purposes: By analyzing the controlling factors of the section between Chengde and Tangshan of Zhangjiakou -Tangshan Railway and following the design concept of " Putting man firs,t Serving transportation, Strengthening the foundation and weakening the trivia,l Optimizing the system and Looking for the development", the recommend program for the line trend is determined based on the considerations to the railway network, environmental protection, geology, planning and projectquantity, for the purpose of accumulating the experience for alignmentdesign in the same area like Zhangjiakou -Tangshan Railway.
Research conclusions:Based on the analyses of the railway network and the project quantity for the section between Chengde and Tangshan, the "Western Line Program" is determined as the recommended program. Based on the analyses of the environmental protection, the geology, the planning and the projectquantity, the "Bypassing Protected AreasProgram" isdetermined as the recommended program for the section betweenChengdexi andXinglongshan. Based on the analyses of the factors in all fields, the "Zunhuaxi Program" is determined as the recommended program for Zunhua Section. The concrete analyses show the railway network, environmental protection, geology, planning and projectquantity havemuch effecton and are very important to the railway route selection.
2009 Vol. 26 (12): 1-4 [
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Research on the Engineering Arrangement Design for Railways in Difficult Mountain Area
ZHUO Jian-cheng
Research purposes: Railway construction is a project for long-term service. Especially construction of the railway inmountain areas with lots of bridges and tunnels will encounter themore complicated and diversified geological conditions. Therefore, higher requirement is broughtout to the engineering arrangementdesign for railways inmountain areas. This paper sums up the arrangement design of bridge, tunnel and subgrade for one railway for the purpose of providing certain guidance for alignmentand engineering treatment so as to optimize the systematic design.
Research conclusions:In order to make railway construction in mountain areas technically feasible, economically reasonable, safe and reliable, the engineering arrangement design thoughts of " giving priority to bridges& tunnels engineering rather than subgrade" must be corrected, the phenomenon of " concentrated and less" arrangement of bridges and tunnels appeared inNanning-Kunming Railway and Neijiang-Kunming Railway should be avoided, and the " pretend subgrade" should be reduced. To any section featured by high filling, deep excavation or major unfavorable geological conditions that may cause engineering diseases, selection should be made following the comparison of schemes ofbridges& tunnels and subgrade comprehensively and taking the factors into account such as rationality in economy, soundness in technology and safety so as to lower the risk of railway construction and operation.
2009 Vol. 26 (12): 5-7 [
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The Impact ofW enchuan Earthquake on Railway Route Selection
BAI Chao-neng
Research purposes: The research is done on how to reasonably select railway route atvery beginning of the construction for achieving the goal of scientific prevention ofearthquake and reduction ofdisaster.
Research conclusions:(1)When the railway route selection is conducted in high seismic intensity region, especially around faultzone, the track should pass through the highly intense earthquake region in parallel outside of the fault zone, andwhen the track has to pass through the faultzone, itshould pass through the faultzone vertically asmuch as possible and the inverted slope around the tunnel port should not be vertical to the fault zone. (2)The railway track should keep away from the areawhere lots of rocksmay fall in wide range. (3) The track should keep away from the fault zone asmuch aspossible. If the track has to pass through the faultzone, itshould pass the narrow area of the fault zone with low subgrade and low bridge. (4)When the track passes through valley, the reasonable track elevation should be selected on consideration to the potential unfavorable factors, such as barrier lake, unstable sliding body, sliding slope, talus andmudflow. (5)When the railway construction is conducted adjacent to the unstable slope to affect the construction safety, the comparison should bemade between the plan of reinforcing the unstable slope and the plan of the track keeping away from the unstable slope. (6) When track passes through the high seismic intensity region, more tunnels should be buil,t and less bridge and road structure should be buil.t (7) No or less bridge in steep slope and nearmountain, road structure and small curve radius track should be buil,t especially in unfavorable geological area.
2009 Vol. 26 (12): 8-11 [
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Research on the Railway Network Plan for Hubei Province
ZHANG Hua-jun
Research purposes: The railways inHubeiProvince are located in centralofChina and the intersection area with the railways from north to south and from east towes,t somaking the betterplan of the railway inHubeiProvince,strengthening the co -ordination with neighbor provinces and cities, planing railway as a whole and focusing on the future have the great significance to meeting the demand to the passenger and freight traffic, promoting the leaping developmentof the railway construction and ensuring the sustainable developmentof the economy.
Research conclusions:This paper analyzes the socia,l economic, urban systems and traffic development characteristics ofHubei Province, proposes the railway network plan forHubei Province. The five vertical and two horizontalmain railway lines inHubei Province are planned with total length of 5 564 km, which lists the top in centralChina. The "one -loop and five -axis" radial intercity railway network is formed in Wuhan City Circle, with total length of 1 048. 8 km, which ranks themoderate level ofwell-developed city circle athome and abroad. Well-planned layout of the railway network has strengthened the railway construction in the east city circle inHubei and the westecological circle inHube,i promoted the tourism industry andmineral resourcesdevelopments, and setup the railway traffic circle targetof "54321" inHube.i
2009 Vol. 26 (12): 12-16 [
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Research on the Plan for Track Joining ofX iangtang-Putian Railway
ZHAO Zhong-bao
Research purposes: The choice of the plan for the track joining at railway starting point and ending point directly influences the plan and arrangement of railway network and function orientation of the projec.t To seek the suitable railway line trend for the localnaturalconditionshas the profound significance. Thispapermainly researches the issues on how to join the railway tracks at railway starting point and ending point according to the railway network 's characteristics, regional economy, railway line trend, arrangement of operation site and construction investmen.t This involves awide range and lots of complicated factors.
Research conclusions:Thispaper, according to the arrangementof thewestern seacoasteconomic zone of the Straitand the characteristics of coastal cities in Fujian Province, puts forward the valuable plan for railway track joining at the ending poin,t determines the primary plan for railway track joining atending point in Fuzhou orPutian, or synchronous joining track in Fuzhou and Putian with the quantitative method along with qualitative method. Through overall and multi-level comparison and choice, and comprehensive evaluationwithmultiple targetdecision -makingmethod, it is concluded the synchronous joining track in Fuzhou and Putian is optimal and should be recommended.
2009 Vol. 26 (12): 17-19 [
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Knowledge on the Survey for Liaoyewan Major Bridge of Suining-Chongqing Railway
WANG Guo-xin, LIDong
Research purposes: At presen,t the mostof the newly -built railway are high -speed railwayswith lots of bridges, so the higher and higher requirement to the geological prospecting is demanded. To the survey for the bridge foundation in simple geological condition area, the conventional reconnaissance can be adopted, but to the survey for the bridge foundation in complicated geological condition area, there are lots of influencing factors, so the knowledge on the survey should be deepened. In this paper, taking the geological prospecting for the Liaoyewan Bridge of Suining -Chongqing Railway as an example, the problems existed in each stage of the survey, their reasons and resolutions are analyzed, and the knowledge on ensuring the survey quality for the bridge foundation in complicated geological area is presented.
Research conclusions:For the bridge foundation in the complicated geological condition area, the integrated exploration method should be adoptedwith relyingmainly on the geological surveying andmapping. The fine geologicalprospecting should be adopted. In this way, there are lots ofworks to be done, but it is necessary and has to be done. The coordination should be done among all specialties, namely, the geology - specialized person firstmakes clear the geological condition for the controlpierand abutmentarrangementand late the bridge -specialized person carriesout the arrangements ofpier and abutmentand selection of the pile position.
2009 Vol. 26 (12): 20-24 [
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Selection ofSpeed TargetValue ofGuiyang-Guangzhou Railway
ZHANG Hong-we,i GOU Zhi-ping, ZENG Zhong-yan
Research purposes: Through the selection of target values of time, infrastructure and train running and analyses from the view of points of technical feasibility, economical rationality and the long -term development of Chinese railway technology, the reasonable target speed value ofGuiyang -Guangzhou Railway is selected.
Research conclusions:Combined with the functional orientation of the railway line and through analyses from view of points of the passenger flow composition, the travel time ofdifferent transportmode and time targetvalue, the proposed time targetvalue of the whole line should be controlled within 5 hours, and the adopted train speed should be up to 200 km /h or above. According to the requirements of the line and the adjacent lines for the time target value and on considerations of the topographic conditions, investmentand economic benefi,t itis the best to construct this railway line with speed of250 km /h to obtain the perfect investmentbenefi.t By analyzing the speed -targetdevelopment trends of the railway line formixed passenger and freight traffic in China, the influences on the lines' capacity and transportation organization by the differentspeed targetvalues and the adaptation ofChinas' locomotives and rolling stock to the railway line with speed of250 km /h, the 200 km /h (with the infrastructure reserved 250 km /h condition) program only needs a littlemore investment than 200 km /h program to obtain better line plane conditions. Therefore, the 200 km /h (with the infrastructure reserved 250 km /h ) program is recommended to this line.
2009 Vol. 26 (12): 25-29 [
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Analysis of Selection of Target Speed Value and Lmi it Slope Standard of Q ingdao-Lianyungang Railway
ZUO Feng
Research purposes: To determine the speed targetvalue ofnew railway line formixed passenger and freight traffic should not only consider the demand of speed target value, but also should consider the influence of time difference caused by the feature of the line. The limit slope standard much affects the line trend, line length,construction investmen,t operating costs, traction quality and traffic capacity.
Research conclusions:The speed targetvalue of200 km /h used for this railway line canwellmeet the requirementsof the time targetvalue and coordinatewith the speed targetvaluesofJinan-QingdaoPassengerDedicated Line, Qingdao-Rongcheng Intercity Line, Lianyungang -Yancheng Line. The limit6jslope on this line can meet the demand of traffic capacity of this line andwellmatch the adjacent railway line in network.
2009 Vol. 26 (12): 30-34 [
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GIS-based DataManagement Solutions to Railway Engineering Geological Survey
Research purposes: Taking geographic information system technology, engineering geology, computer 3D analysis technology, database technology and national digitalmap as the carrier and GIS geographic information system as technicalplatform, the large -scale network engineeringSQLServerdatabase isbuilt tomanage the large numbers of scattered and cluttered geologicaldata, so through the database, these data can be processed into a "digital" information which can be repeatedly used and permanentpreservedwith high efficiency.
Research conclusions:Through the study, the problems related to the informationmanagementforengineering geological survey data are solved, and the integrated management and multi -bearings inquiry and application of the survey achievementare realized. The practice has proved thatGIS -based railway engineering geological survey database can realizemanagementof the data in orderwith high efficien.t This is good trial for increasing the production efficiency,improving the survey quality and the basic geographic information system and pushing forward the application ofGIS in railway engineering geology.
2009 Vol. 26 (12): 35-38 [
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Experimental Study on the Technology for Filling the Subgrade ofH igh-speed Railway with Red Rock
Research purposes: Red rock is widely spread in southwes,t northwes,t central south and southwest of China, so doing the study on the technology for filling the subgrade of high -speed with red rock and proposing the systematical applicablemethod and engineering technology for the red rock as fillingmaterial are essential to the railway construction in China.
Research conclusions:The systematical studies are done on the engineering characteristics of red rock as filling materia,l the compactness and subsidence of red rock subgrade and the characteristics of accumulated deformation through indoor soilmechanics tes,t on -site subgrade filling tes,t subgrade centrifugalmodel tes,t on -site prototype subgrade subsidence observation and on -site prototype subgrade cycle loading tes.t Based on the study, the engineering technology for filling the subgrade ofhigh -speed railwaywith red rock isproposed, including themanufacture standard of red rock fillingmateria,l the compactness standard of red rock subgrade, the structure and design parameters of red rock subgrade, construction technique and construction key points. The engineering practice shows the technology presented in this paper for filling the subgrade ofhigh -speed railwaywith red rock is reasonable and feasible.
2009 Vol. 26 (12): 39-43 [
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Study on the Subgrade Design Mode with3D Design System
LIU Zhong-jie
Research purposes: With 3D system for the road engineering design, choosing the appropriate subgrade engineering design mode is essential to framing the subgrade design model and its development and application. By studying variable design modes for road subgrade engineering with 3D software system, this paper proposes the appropriate subgrade designmode and the corresponding overall solution to the system development.
Research conclusions:In 3D software system for the road engineering design, the designmode for road subgrade can be divided into threemodes theoretically, namely pure -3D designmode, quasi-3D designmode and pseudo-3D design mode. Through a comprehensive analysis of the production requirements, subgrade engineering characteristics, change of design concep,t usage of resource and synthetic investmen,t it shows using quasi -3D design mode to develop subgrade engineering design software is appropriate, and under certain conditions, using quasi-3D designmode along with pseudo-3D designmode step by step is also feasible.
2009 Vol. 26 (12): 44-46 [
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Research on the Design ofW elded Base for 100 m Long SteelRail
ZHOU M ing-xiang
Research purposes: Construction of the welded base for100 m long steel rail is a new matter and it is for realizing the leaping developmentof the railway development inChina andmeeting the demands of construction of rapid railway passenger network and intercity railway and upgrading the existing railway line. The current design manua,l design standard, and design specifications are unavailable for i.t This research plans to perfect the design of thewelded base for100 m long steel rail through the analysis ofproduction process and functional characteristics.
Research conclusions:The existing experience should be learnt in the design and construction of the welded base for 100 m long steel rai.l The reasonable verification should bemade forconstruction of thewelded base for100m long steel rail on consideration of the requirement of the railway network in China. The all factors should be taken into account whenmaking decision. The site choice of thewelded base should satisfy the demand of the railway network and reduce the influence on environmen.t The arrangementofwelded base should satisfy the demands of the railwelding process of the production line, with a compact and reasonable arrangement and no interferences among the all production operations. The reasonablenessof the overallarrangementof thewelded base should be tested by realproduction so as to gainmore experience fordesign of similarwelded base.
2009 Vol. 26 (12): 47-50 [
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An IterativeM ethod forCalculation ofFlexuralStress ofReinforced Concrete Slab
LI B in, JIN Yu-juan
Research purposes: The arrangementof reinforcement for arbitrarily shaped slab or slab subjected to biaxial loadshaspersecuted engineering designers fora long time. Unreasonable arrangementof reinforcementis amain factor to cause cracks and adversely affect durability and serviceability of the structure. When using working stressmethod for structural design, the arrangementof reinforcementcan be essentially considered as the calculation of stress, therefore,this paperpresents a general algorithm to solve the problem mentioned above.
Research conclusions:The essential of the algorithm is to create the equilibrium equations related to primarymoments,and an iterative approach is adopted to solve the equations to calculate concrete stress and reinforcement stress in reinforced concrete slab. A computer program corresponding to this algorithm is developed. A lot of real calculation examples show that this algorithm can obtain the fastconvergence in iterative process and accurate resul.t This algorithm can also simulate some special actions of loaded slabs. If this algorithm is used in actual design, it can calculate the theoretic areas of main bar and additional bar needed when the structure subjected to all kinds of load cases,furthermore, the envelop curve of steel area is captured forpractical application.
2009 Vol. 26 (12): 51-54 [
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Research on theDesignMethods ofComposite TunnelLining on Consideration of Environmental Effect
XIAO M ing-qing, SUN W en-hao
Research purposes: The various influencesof the environmentaleffectson preliminary bracing and secondary lining ofmountain composite lining tunnels exis,t especially on young sprayed concrete. As the young sprayed concrete is thin, the influence of the leakage corrosion on thematerial isnotnegligible, exceptnecessarily considering the contact corrosion of the environmen.t Thispaperpointsout that the designmethodsofcomposite lining need consideration of the particularenvironmenteffects according to the features of tunnel construction.
Research conclusions:As the leakage corrosion is very severewhen the thickness ofyoung sprayed concrete is thin and the hydraulic pressure isbig, so itshould be considered in the design. Because the preliminary bracing permanencewill be influenced differently in the differentenvironmentconditions, so the designmethods should synthetically consider the environment corrosion, hydraulic pressure, watermagnitude, etc; For the design method of taking the preliminary bracing asmain bearing structure, only the supervisory results during tunnel construction is notenough to evaluate the tunnel security of thewhole service life.
2009 Vol. 26 (12): 55-59 [
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Research on the Jiezipo Syncline Karst Water System and Hazard of Water-gushing-and-bursting in Tunnel
DU Yu-ben,ZHANG Q iang, JIANG Liang-wen,XU M o
Research purposes: The DazhushanTunnel of theDali-RuiliRailway goes through Jiezipomultiple syncline water-rich geological structure composed of Jiezipomultiple syncline hydro -geological unit and Banjiazhai hydro -geologicaluni.t The folding and fracture structure are complicated and the karstwater is active, so there is relatively high risk forkarst tunnel construction. By researching the Jiezipomultiple syncline karstwater system and the hazard of watergushing-and -burstingwater in tunne,l the hazard ofwater-gushing-and -bursting ispredicted and evaluated effectively forhelping a safe and successful construction of the tunnel and providing the reference to the analysis of the hazard ofwater-gushing and bursting in the similarkarstwater-rich structure.
Research conclusions:The research on the risk assessment system forwater-gushing and bursting in tunnel shows the high risk grade ofwater-gushing and bursting in Jiezipomultiple syncline ofDazhushan tunnelmainly belongs to the high -risk and medium -risk range, and the Jiezipo multiple syncline is a water storage structureswith high risk of water-gushing and bursting in construction of the tunnel.
2009 Vol. 26 (12): 60-64 [
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Study on the Plans for Compensation and Earthing ofPower Cable through Line ofShijiazhuang-Taiyuan PDL
Research purposes: In order to improve power supply reliability, the 30 -60km long power cable through linewas used forShijiazhuang -Taiyuan PDL. Its capacitive currentwas normally bigger than 30A and exceeded the international limited value. Since the loadwas nothigh in the railway section, the loadmuch differed in different time and runningmethod, and the capacitive current of the cable line amounted a big proportion of the total curren,t the capacitive currentof the cable line changedwith the change of railway load. In order to solve the capacitive effec,t this paper analyzes and calculates the compensation capacitywithATP to determine the plan of compensation and extinction of the electrical arc.
Research conclusions:Combined with the actual engineering situation of Shijiazhuang -Taiyuan PDL, this paper describes the harm probably caused by capacitive effect of long cable line, gives the resolution to this problem, and determine compensation capacitiesof the static -type SVG and tracking-mode extinction coilwithATP. Thismethod is proved reliablewith perfect result in the real testand can be as the reference to the similarworks.
2009 Vol. 26 (12): 65-67 [
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Analyses of the Technical Plan for Overhead Contact W ire Crossing the AerialDefense Facility in Subway
Research purposes: According to the principle that urban mass transit has to give consideration to aerial defense, the analysis of the technical plan for the overhead contactwire in tunnel crossing the aerial defense facility is made forchoice of the safestandmostreliable plan to notonlymake the overhead contactwire smooth crossing the aerial defense facility, meeting the traffic requiremen,t ensuring the accepted currentwith high quality, butalso to enable the aerial defense facility switching its function in peacetime to the function inwartime.
Research conclusions:By analyzing the characteristicsof the defense partition doorand two deferentsuspension kindsof overhead contactwire, the plans are compared and selected. When the flexible suspendedwire is adopted, the inserted board should be equipped to the defense partition door. When the rigid suspendedwire is adopted, the obstruction board should be equipped to the defense partition door. If the outside junction of bus -barwire is connected, the rigid suspendedwire ispreferable to crossing the defense partition door. This scheme is adaptive to quick construction in both of peacetime andwartime, good to operation and maintenance and can obtain the good economic benefits and be used widely because the contactwire ismore integratedwith less components and parts.
2009 Vol. 26 (12): 68-71 [
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Analyses of RBC Control Ability and Its Arrangement Scheme
PENG Chuan-xian
Research purposes: RBC is the core ground subsystem of the CTCS -3 train control system. With speeding up the construction of the passengerdedicated linewithCTCS -3 train control system, it isnecessary to do the research on the RBC control ability and its arrangementprinciple.
Research conclusions:Based on the description of the RBC system 's characteristics and components, analyses of the controlled objects and controlled range of RBC and the processing time, and discussion on the corresponding sectors related to RBC system controlability, the restrictedmodel for individualRBC controlability isgiven. By referencing the technical indexes stipulated in relative code forRBC system, the RBC arrangementprinciple and formula are presented,which can provide the reference to the similarengineeringworks.
2009 Vol. 26 (12): 72-76 [
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Practice and Discussion onDesign ofGangchengluVehicleDepot for Shanghai M etro
Research purposes: The Gangchenglu Vehicle Depot is installed for Line 6 of ShanghaiMetro. With the continuous progress ofdoing research on common sharing resource of the depo,t the depots' function and scale changed several times. Based on the comprehensive consideration of interactive relation between the maintenance and repair resource of the entire transportation network and the Line 6 of ShanghaiMetro, in this paper, the feasibilities of the maintenance and repair resource sharing, function positioning, construction scale and overall arrangementof the depot are discussed and the feasible plan is proposed and determined through optimizing and designing the optional overall plans formaking the overall planmore reasonable.
Research conclusions:From the discussions on the maintenance and repair resource sharing, function positioning,construction scale and overall arrangementof theGangchengDepo,t it is concluded the design of the depot involves lots ofmatters inwide range and ismuch affected by the depotsite, the connection condition of the lines forentering into and departing from the depo,t the line and network plan and the resource sharing. Therefore, the overall analyses should be made in the design and the design scheme should be optimized. The pipelines of the depot should be well designed in overall arrangementbecause there are lots of pipelines for the power feeding, overhead contactwires, signaling and communication andwater supplying and draining for the depo.t The large -sized equipments, such as vehicle washing machine and sprocketmachine, much affect the design and construction of civil engineering due to the long production period for them, so it isnecessary to purchase them in advance. The vehicle lifting jacks and vehicle traverse should be used for the overhau,l and it is good for the coming construction ofother facilities for the overhaul.
2009 Vol. 26 (12): 77-80 [
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Study on the Project Plans of the X i'an Subway Passing through the Earth Surface Crack Zone
LI Tuan-she
Research purposes: By analyzing the earth surface cracks' active characteristics and the distortion regulation of the earth's surface crack zone passed through by Xi ' an subway 's track, this paper studies the subway engineering disaster caused by the earth surface crack and proposes the plan for the subways' track adaptive to the earth surface crack after the active distortion of the earth surface crack when the subway sectional tunnel passing through the earth surface crack zone for the purpose of providing the scientifically theoretic instruction and design basis for the Xi ' an subway design, construction and security operation.
Research conclusions:Based on the analyses of the reason, harm and distortion characteristic of the earth surface crack, and guided by the principle of "prevention and putting aside", the overall adaptive plan of adjusting the rail gradientand using adjustable frame slab railwas adopted alongwith taking comprehensive technicalmeasures, such as partial reiforcemen,t remaining clearance in advance, trearmentstep by step, using flexible jointandwaterproofing after construction of structure. So the problem ofXi'an subway passing through the earth surface crack zonewaspreliminarily solved by doing so and this research resultwaswidely applied in Line?and LineòofXi'an subway.
2009 Vol. 26 (12): 81-85 [
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Research on Design of the 40 . 5 m Steel Track G irder for Line 2 of Chongqing LightRail
CHEN Yang-yi,LIU M ing-jun
Research purposes: The purpose of this research is to solve the problems related to design of the 40. 5 m steel track girder forXiejiawanOverpass of the firstphase projectofLine 2 ofChongqing light railbecause it is the first application of straddled typemonorail in Chinawith new technology, big difficulty and high design requirement.
Research conclusions:From the research on 40. 5 m steel track girder forChongqing light rai,l it is concluded the vertical deflection is 0. 044 7 m under the static and active live load of train. Under the most unfavorable working condition, themax compressive stress in the top slab ofmid -span is145. 0MPa, themax tensile stress in the bottom slab is128 MPa and the max shearing stress in the web near the bearing is 47. 4 MPa. The lateral center distance between two box girders is3. 7m, andB /L>1 /20. The fatigue stressofactive load is from -70. 5MPa to 73. 7MPa. Through calculation of the real bridge, the natural vibration frequency of the lateral first step of the bridge body is 4. 201 2 Hz and satisfies the index requirement of "Code forDesign of Straddle Monorail Transit". Through precise control of the design and construction, the line shape of steel track girdercompletelymeets the requirements ofmonorail vehicle operation and comfort of passengers.
2009 Vol. 26 (12): 86-92 [
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OptimalDesign and Application ofEnergy-saving Technology forVentilation Air-conditioning in Subway Station
YANG Z i-xiao
Research purposes: Ventilation air-conditioning system is themain energy consumer in the subway station,so the effective reducing the energy consumption of ventilation air-conditioning becomes a key and difficultpoint for design of the ventilation air-conditioning in subway station. In this paper, the analyses of the changes of one typical air-conditioning load in the subway station aremade for seeking an effective way to reduce the energy consumption of the ventilation air-conditioning.
Research conclusions:Based on the energy consumption of ventilation air conditioning system equipped in subway station, the optimal design flow forenergy-saving is analyzed. By analysis and statistics ofpassenger flow and load of air conditioning system of each hour, frequency conversion technology is determined to apply for regulating ventilation air-conditioning system. In this way, the energy consumption and operational cost can be reduced much, and the corresponding installed capacity of transformation and distribution equipments and the area of transformation and distribution equipment room can be lowered. Furthermore, the amount of the civil works of the station can be also decreased. This technology can be used in the similarworks in the future.
2009 Vol. 26 (12): 93-95 [
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Discussion on the Issue Related to Selection of Station Site of Beijing-ShanghaiH igh-speed Railway
WU Cai-lan
Research purposes: Combined with the study on selection of the station site ofBeijing -ShanghaiHigh -speed Railway on the construction, thispaperdiscusses the general terminalplan, the quantity ofpassenger station, the relation between the station ofhigh -speed railway and the station ofexisting railway and the city plan, and puts forward the issues for caution in selection of the station site.
Research conclusions:(1) A greatnumberof railroads and stations should be built in China (2) The existing railway lines should bemade fulluse in the rapid railway network (3) The EMU can run on any line in rapid railway network.(4) The existing station should bemade fulluse forapproaching the passengerdedicated line into the urban terminal as much as possible, but for the those terminalswith insufficient station quantity and departure capacity, the new station should be built for the approach based on consideration of the coordination between the line and station. In the big city,like the capital ofprovince, there should be several lines forapproaching the passengerdedicated line into the citywith two ormore central passenger stations. The newly -built passenger station should become the center of integrated transportation terminal and a new properof citywith the city development.
2009 Vol. 26 (12): 96-101 [
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Performance-characterized Assessment and Design of Fire Protection for Roofing SteelStructure ofFuzhou South Railway Station
ZHANG Feng, SHI Jian-yong,YU W en-jing
Research purposes: The Fuzhou South Railway Station of Fuzhou -Xiamen Railway is complicated in architectural functionwith unique style in architectural structure. The large space architecturalarrangementis adopted to the station halland thewaiting room, which goesbeyond the regulation for fire protection stipulated in the relative design code inChina. Using themethod stipulated in the currentChinese code isdifficult tomeet the security and the economic requirementof the fire protection for the important steel roof system. Thus, based on the performance –characterized design thoughts, the security of fire protection is assessed to the main structure of steel roo.f Firs,t the target of fire protection of the steel structure is determined. Then themechanical performance of the whole structure in the probable worst fire situation is analyzed. At las,t the security of fire protection and necessary measure for fire protection are evaluated according towhether the security of fire protection canmeetthe performance targetof the fire protection or not.
Research conclusions:Through performance -characterized analysis, the reasonable and economical design of fire and the technicalmeasures are determined for the station building. The research result is accepted by the experts of the fire protection and can be as reference to the fire protection design of the similar structure.
2009 Vol. 26 (12): 102-105 [
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Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
Supported by:
Beijing Magtech