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2009 Vol. 26, No. 11
Published: 2009-11-15

1 Research on the Choice ofDeep Cutting and Short Tunnel in theMountain Area for Protection of Ecological Environment
ZHAO W en-yan
Research purposes: Construction ofhighway tunnel and deep cutting inmountain area involves to dealwith the relation between highway construction and environment protection because the construction quantities is large with poor stability and construction is easy to destroy environmen.t In this paper, the plan of deep cutting and tunnel are chosenwith consideration ofprotection ofecologicalenvironmentinmountain area for reducing the influence of the plans' unreasonableness on ecological environment.
Research conclusions:Perfect dealing with the relation between cutting and tunnel construction and ecological environmentand reasonable choice of the construction plan of cutting and tunnel are the bases to solve the conflict between cutting and tunnel construction and ecological environmen.t The verification shows choice of the plan of cutting and tunnelwith comprehensive consideration of ecology, technology and economics can lower the influence of highway construction on ecological environment to the minimum and it is one of countermeasures for dealing with the relation between highway construction inmountain area and protection ofecological environment.
2009 Vol. 26 (11): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 2555 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (897 KB)  ( 114 )
5 Study of the Engineering Geological Problems in Permafrost Region along China-RussiaO ilPipeline and Prevention Countermeasures
WANG Jian-liang, NIU Huai-jun, YANG Yong-peng, HAN Long-wu
Research purposes: China -Russia oil pipeline crosses the permafrost region in Daxinganling of northeast China. The frost heaving and thawing settlement in permafrost region and active layerwould destroy the oil pipeline engineering, resulting in uneven deformation of the pipeline foundation and influencing the pipeline security. Thispaper analyzes and studies the engineering geologicalproblems in permafrostregion alongChina-Russia oilpipeline, and puts forward the prevention countermeasures forensuring the security and stability of the oil pipeline engineering.
Research conclusions:(1) Installation ofoverhead oilpipeline in permafrost region can extremely reduce the influence of unfavorable engineering geology on the security of the oilpipeline. (2) Themain reason for the pipelines' deformation damage and inducing disaster to the pipeline is the difference in freezing and thawing deformation in permafrost region.Therefore, reducing the absolute value of frostheave or thawing settlementdeformation to slow down the acute degree of the pipelines' differential deformation in the vertical direction is an effective way to overcome the deformation damage.(3) In the unfavorable geological areawith expansive sensitive soil and ice -rich frozen soi,l themeasures of insulating the pipeline, replacementof filling and thickening the pipewall can be taken foreliminating or reducing axially uneven deformation of the pipeline.
2009 Vol. 26 (11): 5-9 [Abstract] ( 2537 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (332 KB)  ( 307 )
10 Application of Geological Forecast in Construction of Q ipanshi Karst Tunnel
LUO Li-rui,LIU Zhi-gang,YAO Hai-bo,ZHANG Zhi-bo
Research purposes: The karst tunnel easily becomes the place where the geological disasterhappens during construction of karst tunne,l such as water -inrush and mud -inrush, due to its complexity, changeability and uncertainty. Atpresen,t it isdifficult to accurately forecast the type, position and size of the unfavorable geologicalbody in front of the tunne.l So it is urgent to improve the accuracy of the geological forecast in order to decrease the construction costand casualties asmuch as possible in karst tunnels construction.
Research conclusions:(1)The characteristics and mechanical properties of the karst caves ofQipanshi Tunnel are analyzedwith geological knowledge, and the location and size of the caves in the leftside of tunnelwall are speculated.(2)The ground probing radar is used to probe the left side of tunnelwall and the tunnel bottom, and the probing result shows thata large karst cave exists in the left side of the tunnel and it conforms to the speculated results, except the deviation in position. The reasons for the deviation are analyzed. (3)The comprehensive geological knowledge and geophysical equipmentare two necessary conditions to do the geological forecast perfectly.
2009 Vol. 26 (11): 10-12 [Abstract] ( 2566 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (237 KB)  ( 186 )
13 Key Construction Technology for CRTSⅠ Double-block Ballastless Track in Tunnel
YAN Shao-fa, DING Li-jin, WANG Shan-gao
Research purposes: Taking construction of the ballastless track in Liulin Tunnel as an example, the key construction technology for CRTSⅠ double -block ballastless track in tunnel is described, such as the technology of CPIII-pointmeasuremen,t track panel assembling, coarse adjustmen,t fine adjustment of track and concrete pouring etc.. These technologies play key role in guaranteeing the precision ofballastless track construction and can be as the reference to the similar works.
Research conclusions:The precision control of every construction process is the key pointduring the ballastless. The survey control network to meet the measurement precision requirements is essential to laying the ballastless track.However, the real construction quality depends on the quality of the coarse adjustmen,t fine adjustment and concrete pouring. The sequencing and normative construction is also the key point of guaranteeing the track construction quality under condition ofguaranteeing the precision of rail anchor, strutboltand fine turning rail system.
2009 Vol. 26 (11): 13-16 [Abstract] ( 2571 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (918 KB)  ( 281 )
17 Analysis ofOptmi ization of Unsupported Cable Force of Steel Frame with Cable Hoisting Method
HAN Le,i ZHANG Jun-bing
Research purposes: By summing up the advantages and disadvantages of using the torque balance method and the finite element"zero displacementmethod" to determine the cable force, the optimal calculationmethod isused for the LuobuxiBridge to guarantee the linear accuracy in arch rib segmentof the bridge and construction safety.
Research conclusions:The optimal cable force is solvedwith non -linear iterative calculation and taking the cable and frame structure as an integrated structure. Through the iterative calculation and the calculations for the normal assembly and reverse disassembly of the frame segmen,t the optimal cable force before closure is obtained and the control data about tube stress and elevation of the steel tube frame during hoisting the frame are offered. The application shows this method canmake sure that the steel tube frame has the perfect closure condition and the accurate data aboutelevation can be offered. This is significant to guide hoisting the steel tube frame ofLuobuxiBridge.
2009 Vol. 26 (11): 17-22 [Abstract] ( 2593 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (389 KB)  ( 208 )
23 Research on the Temperature Control for Stream Maintenance of32 m Box G irder for Passenger Dedicated Line inW inter
ZHANG Ke-wei
Research purposes: When the 32 m box girderwith girderweight of 800 t for passenger dedicated line is precasted inwinter, the internal temperature of the girderwill rise, the temperature difference between the internalpart and external part is big and the cracks easily happen on the girder surface because the heat is given out due to the cementhydration after concrete pouring. The usage of steam maintenance technology to the precasted concrete box girders can further improve the girder quality, but how to control the temperature of the steam maintenance is very importan.t In this paper, through researching and analyzing the temperature control for the stream maintenance of concrete box girder in four stages, the temperature control parameters for stream maintenance of concrete box girder in winter are offered to guide precasting concrete box girderon site and ensure the precasting quality of the girder.
Research conclusions:Through researching temperature control for the streammaintenance of32m boxgirder inwinter, the temperature control parameters for stream maintenance of concrete box girder in four stages in winter and the precasting technique of the girderare offered. The application shows all the indexes of the precasted concrete box girder meet requirements of"TechnicalSpecifications forConcrete PrecastedGirder forPassengerDedicated Line", the period ofprecasting the box girder is shortened and the precasting quality of the box girder is ensured. All of these create the foundation ofensuring the construction process.
2009 Vol. 26 (11): 23-27 [Abstract] ( 2534 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (389 KB)  ( 139 )
28 Study and Analysis of Train Running Speed on Cao'e River Bridge on X iaoshan-Ningbo Railway Line
LI Tao, XI Jin-liang, GAO He
Research purposes: The Cao 'e River Bridge is required to change steel truss of main bridge due to electrification upgrading of Xiaoshan -Ningbo Railway. For meeting the speed -raise requiremen,t the on –site dynamic test is carried out to the bridge structure. The calculation resultsof fullbridge dynamic response at the different train speeds are offeredwith the establishmentofcalculationmodelofvehicle -girder-frusta system based onmeasured dynamic parameters and vehicle -bridge coupling dynamic simulation analysis. The operation safety and comfort level are evaluated forproviding the basis to control of the bridge operation state.
Research conclusions:The analyses of the train operation stability index calculated from vehicle -bridge coupling finite elementdynamic simulation and on -site testdata for the passenger and freight train atdifferent speeds show when the speed ofexistingC62 -model freighttrain reaches65 km /h and new type freighttrainK2 runs at100 km /h, the vertical and lateraldisplacementof longitudinalgirder, maximum lateraldisplacementof frusta top and dynamic ratio ofdefection to span can stillmeet the requirementof tolerable values, and the all dynamic performances ofvehicles are good.
2009 Vol. 26 (11): 28-30 [Abstract] ( 2554 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (229 KB)  ( 202 )
31 Analysis of the Risk ofChongqing-Suining Railway's Caojie Jialing River BridgeH itby Ship
ZHONG Jian-guo
Research purposes: With appearance of several serious bridge collapse hit by ship in the recent years in China, the governmentauthority, the bridge ownerand the bridge design departmenthave paidmore andmore attention to this acciden.t Atpresen,t American and the European standards regard the ship hitting bridge event as a risk event and the bridge capacity of anti -ship hitting is designed on the base of the acceptable risk leve,l but the Chinese standard regards the ship hitting bridge event as an occasional event and the bridge capacity of anti -ship hitting is designed on the base ofvoyage and shipping situations. Comparatively speaking, the systematicaldesign concepton the bridge capacity of anti-hitting bridge has notbeen formed in China. Therefore, it is necessary tomake analysis of the risk of ship hitting bridge to provide the basis for security assessment.
Research conclusions:The risk of ship hittingChongqing-SuiningRailways' Caojie JialingRiverBridge is studied and analyzedwith the AASHTO method. The annual ship hitting ratio of the bridge and the annual collapse ratio of the bridge under conditions of the predicted shipping situation in near-term andmedium and long-term are obtained from the study and analysis, and the corresponding proposals aremade to provide the foundation for further study and provide the basis for the security assessment for ship hitting.
2009 Vol. 26 (11): 31-34 [Abstract] ( 2527 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (273 KB)  ( 205 )
35 Research on the Prediction of InrushW ater Volume ofYanmenguan Tunnel and the ProtectiveM easures
LIU Jun-xin, YIN Hong-bo, LIU Yu-tian
Research purposes: As a key projectof straightening railway double tracks, the developments of the surface water and the groundwater in the construction zone of Yanmenguan Tunnel cause much difficulties to the tunnel construction. In order to ensure the construction safety, the surface water and the groundwater in the construction zone should be evaluated and the inrushwatervolume during construction should be predicted.
Research conclusions:The hydrogeologicaland engineering geological survey and the comprehensive analysesof the data obtained from geophysicalprospecting and drilling indicate that in the tunnel area, the developmentof regional structure and the rich -water conductivity of the fracture zone of the fault lead to the groundwaterdevelopmen.t The groundwater mainly contains the faultzonewater and the bedrock fissurewater. Generally, the faultzonewater is heavy richwater,while the bedrock fissurewater isweak -medium richwater. The concentrated inrushwater segments of the tunnel are mainly in the zone of developed faults. As the inrush water of fault is large and the inrush may happen, the water blocking should be as the main protective measures and the geological forecast in advance should be well conducted during the construction period.
2009 Vol. 26 (11): 35-39 [Abstract] ( 2555 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (612 KB)  ( 232 )
40 Research on the Control Technology for Large Deformation of Carbon Schist of X inshuhe Tunnel
GOU B iao, ZHANG Y i-bin
Research purposes: The large deformation easily happens to the primary supportduring construction of long-distance carbon schist tunne,l and the supportdeformation and fouling of clearance gauge bring aboutgreatchallenge to the on -site construction, construction process and construction security. Combined with the control technology for the large deformation of the carbon schist ofXinshuhe Tunnel and the experience in construction of the large deformation tunnel in the pas,t thispapersummarizes the control technology and control scheme for the carbon schistofsingle –track railway tunnel forproviding the reference to the similarworks.
Research conclusions:The three -step temporary inverted arch method can be adopted to the single -track railway tunne,l with strictcontrolof the step lengthsof the step, inverted arch and secondary lining after installation of sectional concrete inverted arch on the top step forgetting the perfectcontrol effec.t The appropriate deformation quantity should be remained in advance to the large deformation tunnel according to themonitored andmeasured data. This is essential to preventof the support's damage in early -stage, the protected arch 's crack in later -stage and the control of construction cos.t The tunnel deformation is restrained to some extent after grouting through the back of the primary supportwalland improvementsof the type ofsteel frame, the form and location of the jointand installation of the vertical connection. The long step construction orkerve has to be forbidden during construction.
2009 Vol. 26 (11): 40-44 [Abstract] ( 2557 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1063 KB)  ( 227 )
45 Research on the Prediction of Rock Outburst for Deep-burying Long Tunnel
WANG Bo, HE Chuan, WU De-xing
Research purposes: The maximal burying depth of Cangling Tunnel is about800 m and the integrality and strength of rock in the tunnelwere perfec,t so rock outburst would happen underhigh pressure of surrounding rock after the tunnel excavation. In order to ensure safety and exactly forecast the rock outburstof the rock in unexcavated zone in frontof the working face, with the means of theoretic analysis and real tes,t the rock outburstofCangling Tunnelwas predicted in two phases.
Research conclusions:From the prediction of rock outburst in two phases, it is known that compared with the state in the pas,t the length ofslightrock outburstareawas reduced, but the length ofmedium rock outburstareawas almost the same, and generally the rock outbursthappens in the side wall of tunne.l Therefore, criterion ofRussense is the most suitable toCangling Tunne,l and the stress of internal structure in the tunnel obtained from the research in the early -stage is comparatively accurate. With the means of theoretic analysis and real test and combined with the prediction mode for rock outburstin two phases, the rock outburstin certain area in frontof theworking face ispredicted correctly.Thismethod is feasible forpredicting the rock outburst.
2009 Vol. 26 (11): 45-49 [Abstract] ( 2623 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (401 KB)  ( 208 )
50 Research on the Exam ination and Evaluation Method and Standard for Grouting Effect to the High-pressure and Rich-water Fault
ZHANG M in-qing, Sun Guo-qing
Research purposes: The research is done on the examination and evaluation method and standard for the grouting effectunderhigh -pressure and rich -waterweak geological condition to provide the reference toworking out the criterion and standard for the similarengineering.
Research conclusions:The P -Q -tcurve analysismethod, the analysismethod for the yieldingwaterquantity from the bore, the grouting quantity analysismethod, the determination ofyieldingwaterquantity from the check -up bore, and the check -up bore stability analysismustbe used forexamining and evaluating the grouting effect to the high –pressure and rich -water faul.t The analysis method for the yielding water quantity from the bore and the determination of yieldingwaterquantity from the check -up bore are used forexamining the ponding effec.t The P -Q -tcurve analysis method, the grouting quantity analysis method and the check -up bore stability analysis are used for examining reinforcing effec.t The on -site tests and several grouting cycle tests forF11 high -pressure and rich -water fault of Qiyueshan Tunnel show the standard of2 litres perminute /permeter for the yieldingwater from the check -up bore is feasible and reliable.
2009 Vol. 26 (11): 50-55 [Abstract] ( 2536 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (513 KB)  ( 199 )
56 Numerical Analysis of Earth-pressure-balance Shield Driving Considering Based on Construction Course
FANG Yong, HE Chuan
Research purposes: 3D finite elementmodel isbuilt to simulate the construction course ofearth -pressure -balance shield tunnel driving. The shield machine 's action, the influence of void and grouting in the tail and trolley weightare considered in thismode.l The displacement controlmethod is adopted for the solution. Thismodel can be used for ascertaining the magnitude and distribution of the displacement on the surface or in the ground, and ground movementvariationwith shield tunnel driving.
Research conclusions:Ground surface settlementhappenswithin the range from 1D ahead the cutting face to 2D after the tail during the shield driving. The ground is disturbedmore greatlywith increasing ofburied depth. The tailvoid of the shield is the major factor to induce the ground movemen.t Before the arrival of cutting face, ground will displace alongwith the driving direction. This displacementwill decrease and then increase as the shield passing because of ground settlemen,t and becomesmaximum after the completion of tunnel.
2009 Vol. 26 (11): 56-60 [Abstract] ( 2538 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (555 KB)  ( 141 )
61 Discussion on the Construction Scheme of Tunnel Entrance in Crowded Population Area
ZHANG Y ing-m ing, DING Li-jin
Research purposes: Through discussion on the construction scheme of Liulin Tunnel entrance in crowed population area, this paper summarizes the construction experiences of the tunnel entrance, including the construction scheme, construction method, construction measures and caution for attention in construction of the tunnelentrance, for the purpose of providing the reference to the similar works.
Research conclusions:Liulin Tunnel is located in the crowded population area. Successful construction of its entrance shows the construction scheme, construction method and constructionmeasured for the tunnelare economic and feasible.The method and scheme ofadopting short footage, loose blas,t static blas t, small pilot tunnel along with using anchor to spurt the ne t, the steel pipe column to hang the Bruckernetand to laymortar to the slice stone overcome the problems in construction of the tunnel entrance in the steep slope and crowed population area and the problems of synchronic operation for the tunnel connectedwith bridge, andmeet the requirements under special construction condition.
2009 Vol. 26 (11): 61-63 [Abstract] ( 2624 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (471 KB)  ( 223 )
64 Discussion on the Rapid Construction Technology for Dabieshan Tunnel
Research purposes: With a total length of 13 256 m, Dabieshan tunnel on Hefei -Wuhan Passenger Dedicated Line isone of the controlling works of the railway. Safe and rapid construction of Dabieshan tunnel is essential to completion of Hefei-Wuhan Passenger Dedicated Line on time. Therefore, the effective construction technologies and construction methods must be adopted so as to realize rapid construction of the tunnel.
Research conclusions:The successful construction method adopted for Dabieshan tunnel is presented in the paper. It shows the rapid tunnel construction can be achieved if the construction organization is reasonable, the critical issues are focused on, the strict management is implemented, and the drill and blast technology is used along with ordinary machinery. The average daily drilling ratio of Dabieshan Tunnel is 7. 5 m, with the maximum monthly drilling ratio of 240 m.
2009 Vol. 26 (11): 64-68 [Abstract] ( 2554 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (308 KB)  ( 133 )
69 Application of Full -jet Vertical Induction Ventilation in the Queletage Mountain Tunnel2
Research purposes: In this paper, the study is done on the ventilationmodewith vertical ventilation design theory, and the theoretical description and practical verification of full-jet vertical induction ventilation are made for QueletageMountain Tunnel2. At the same time, the computingmethod ispresented for the full-jetverticalventilation mode based on the establishmentof themodel and concrete design calculation of the ventilationmode for the tunnel.
Research conclusions:Application of jet fans technology to induct air vertical flow is an effective ventilation mode for long tunne.l The full-jetvertical induction ventilationmode used forQueletageMountain Tunnel 2 is feasible, and it notonly meets the requirement of the design criteria, but also ensures the operational safety of the tunne.l The computingmethod presented in this paper for full-jetvertical ventilation can be used for the similarworks.
2009 Vol. 26 (11): 69-72 [Abstract] ( 2547 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (171 KB)  ( 199 )
73 Design and Research on the Electric Control System for Turnout ofUrban MassTransit in Chongqing
HU A i-feng, YANG Yu-qun
Research purposes: The reliability and security of the electric control system for the turnoutof urban mass transitare vital to the entire turnouts. The traditional safety relay controlmode adopted at present can notmeet the requirements of the turnoutprecision and collection of the on -site data and information required by the running control center. Through analysis and discussion on this problem, this paperpresents the solutions to it.
Research conclusions:Compared with the application of the traditional turn outdriving system, this paper analyzes the defects of the controlmode for traditional safety relay, describes the working principle and controlmode of software redundancy control and hardware redundancy control systems, and puts forward that the hardware redundancy control system willbe the developmentdirection for the control system in the future.
2009 Vol. 26 (11): 73-75 [Abstract] ( 2502 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (418 KB)  ( 77 )
76 Research on the Short-circuit Test of Traction Power System on the Passenger Dedicated Line
Research purposes: The short-circuit testof traction power system is an important testwork in the phase of integration testof the passenger dedicated line. This paper studies the precondition, procedure, method and issues for caution of the short-circuit testand analyzes the measured data and the evaluation standard used forBeijing-Tianjin Intercity Railway forproviding the standardized reference to otherpassengerdedicated line construction.
Research conclusions:The short-circuit test of traction power system is an indispensable testwork in the phase of integration test of passenger dedicated line. The short-circuit testprocedure, method and evaluation used forBeijing-Tianjin Intercity Railway are suitable, correct and reliable. The installation quality, system function and system performance of traction power system can be verified by standardization of actual short-circuit test and the relative parameters can be optimized according to the test results.
2009 Vol. 26 (11): 76-80 [Abstract] ( 2525 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (357 KB)  ( 306 )
81 Experimental Research on the Master Frequency of Blasting Seismic Wave
MENG Hai-l,i GUO Feng
Research purposes: The master frequency of vibration is one of the issues being paid attention to by all researchers on the blasting seismic wave because ithas the obvious effecton the building damage, so ithas a practical significance to do study on the blasting seismicwave. The purpose of the experimental study presented in this paper is to study the relation between the change regulation of the master frequency of blasting seismic wave and the proportional explosives for starting explosion at the same stage and the distance from the testpoint to the explosive area.
Research conclusions:In this paper, based on the theory on the seismic wave transmitting in sticky elastic medium, the function relation between the blasting vibration frequency andmain influence factors, such as explosive and distance, is put forward, the regression analysis ismade for the realmonitored data on the blasting vibration obtained in Shenzheng Meishi Power Plantand the prediction formula for the master frequency under the specialblasting condition is obtained.These can be as the practical and theoretic albasis for studying the attenuation regulation of blasting vibration frequency and forprediction of themaster frequency of the similar blasting. The study finds the master frequency of the blasting vibration decreaseswith the increases of the explosive and distance.
2009 Vol. 26 (11): 81-83 [Abstract] ( 2482 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (240 KB)  ( 226 )
84 Controlled Blast Technology for Demolition and Expansive Excavation of Tunnel for Transform ing the Single Track into Double Track under Complicated Conditions
HU Guo-we i, HAO Si-wang, CHENG W en-bing, ZHANG Jun-bing
Research purposes: The controlled blast technology was adopted during construction of tunnel for transforming single track into the double track of Yichang -Wanzhou Railway Line under complicated geological conditions in order to ensure the stability of wall rock and support structure and the construction safety for achieving the good effect of expansive excavation and perfect social and economic benefits.
Research conclusions:(1) The controlled pre -blast technology was used for divisional and partial demolition of the support structure for secondary lining and the controlled weak smooth blast technology was used to the face for expansive excavation with bench and full-face method. By taking a series of technical measures, such as control of the explosive quantities, establishment of a number of the free faces, improvement of the transmission way and application of non -electric millisecond detonator network, the purpose of reducing blasting vibration was reached. (2) The real –time monitoring was conducted to the blasting vibration and it showed the monitored data accorded with the requirements of the process and target control, achieving the good effect. The shallow buried tunnel was constructed successfully in Yichang and Wanzhou areas with broken rocks and karst development, following the subsequence of "first construction single -track tunnel and later construction of double -track tunnel by demolition and expansive excavation blasting".
2009 Vol. 26 (11): 84-88 [Abstract] ( 2618 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (591 KB)  ( 218 )
89 Discussion on VoiceGroup CallService Flow in GSM-R Network
Research purposes: The voice group call service (VGCS) isused for the railway dispatching operation and its quality is essential to the dispatching operation. At present there are still some blanks inGSM -RA Interface for testing specification of VGCS protocols, and it heavily affects the project acceptance. The A Interface protocol flow is the importantmethod andmeans ofdescribing the process of voice group call service. Based on "China Railway GSM –R Co-operating Test", this paper discusses the realization process of VGCS with A interface protocol to provide the basis forworking out the test specification for the VGCS.
Research conclusions:According to the different resource distribution mode, different announcement mode and different group call end and releasemodes, the discussions and descriptions are made for the different time of setting up group call and the occupation ofdifferentGSM -R resources aswell as the detailed flowsof setting up group call, the callend and call release with A Interface protoco.l In real test, selection of which resource allocation to the corresponding equipment should be careful on the basis of consideration of network resource situation, network co-operating situation and the actual demands of railway dispatching operation.
2009 Vol. 26 (11): 89-93 [Abstract] ( 2511 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (597 KB)  ( 225 )
94 Application of Wireless Data Transmission Technology in Underpinning Pier for Binzhou Light Rail in Tianjin
BU Jian-qing, SUN N ing, GUO Y i-qing
Research purposes: In the course of underpinning the pier for Binzhou light rail inTianjin, the light rail had to be open to traffic, and the bridge could notbe reinforced. The data wireless transmission technology was used for the real-time monitoring the elevation of the underpinned pier top to ensure the train operation safety and construction quality.
Research conclusions:The wireless data transmission technology was used for monitoring the whole construction process in the course ofunderpinning the pier forBinzhou LightRail in Tianjin, obtaining the reliable data in time and realizing the data real-time collection and display to provide the basis for the decision -making for each construction process.The wireless data transmission technology is better than thewire data transmission technology and it can be used in the other construction monitoring or long-term health monitoring.
2009 Vol. 26 (11): 94-99 [Abstract] ( 2484 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (507 KB)  ( 120 )
100 The Feasibility of Developing Urban Mass Transit in Suzhou-Wuxi-ChangzhouM etropolitan Region
Research purposes: In the coming period, with implement of the national railway development strategy gradually, Suzhou -Wuxi -Changzhou metropolitan region will face the great development opportunity of urban mass transi.t Atpresen,t the Suzhou -Wuxi-Changzhoumetropolitan region has achieved the phase results in planning the urbanmass transi.t The nextwork is to do the preparation work for the urban mass transi.t The Tokyo metropolitan region of Japan is one of the most developed areas in urban mass transi.t This paper introduces the development process and experince of the urban mass transitinTokyometropolitan region forproving the feasibility of implementing the urban mass transitplan forSuzhou -Wuxi-Changzhou metropolitan region to push foreward the coordinated developments of the city and transportation.
Research conclusions:The Suzhou -Wuxi -Changzhou metropolitan region is one of the most developed areas in economy in China, with the economic foundation of developing the urbanmass transi.t As the contradiction between the supply and demand in traffic hasbecome obvious and the urbanmass transithas the comparative advantage, the Suzhou -Wuxi-Changzhou metropolitan regionwillusher in the upsurge ofurbanmass transit construction. The nextworks are offered to realize the rapid development of urban mass transit in the Suzhou -Wuxi -Changzhou metropolitan region,including railway system reform, appropriately advanced construction of infrastructure, deepening the line linkswith the network at the different levels and establishing themarket financing system.
2009 Vol. 26 (11): 100-103 [Abstract] ( 2531 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (122 KB)  ( 294 )
104 Study of the Interactive Relationship between Regional Coordinated Development and Transport System
SHI Jing, ZHANG Dan, WU Zhao-zhang
Research purposes: Construction ofhighway tunnel and deep cutting inmountain area involves to dealwith the relation between highway construction and environment protection because the construction quantities is large with poor stability and construction is easy to destroy environmen.t In this paper, the plan of deep cutting and tunnel are chosenwith consideration ofprotection ofecologicalenvironmentinmountain area for reducing the influence of the plans' unreasonableness on ecological environment.
Taking the transport plan in " Twelfth Five -year Plan" period in China as the background, through analysis and study of the interaction between regional coordinated development and transport system in foreign countries, this paper tries to explore the direction of interactive relationship between regional coordinated developmentand transport system in China, in order to provide reference to the decision -making. Research conclusions:(1) Enlargement of the transport economic region and city belt, even the city complexhas to be guided by the distribution of the transport system in order to reduce the economic gap between urban area and rural area for achieving the goal of harmonious development. (2) Plan of regional development has to have perspective in order that the construction and development of the transport system can satisfy the demand of the regional economic development forproviding the perfectservice quality and guide to the regionaleconomic developmen.t At the same time,working out the law, regulation and system for the whole region and transport is the important means for smooth implement of the plans in all phases. (3) Establishmentofmulti-mode transportsystem to guide the region expansion is very important to the regional coordinated development.
2009 Vol. 26 (11): 104-108 [Abstract] ( 2456 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (317 KB)  ( 180 )
Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
Supported by:Beijing Magtech