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2009 Vol. 26, No. 10
Published: 2009-10-15
Classification of Gypsum Karst Breccia for Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan Passenger Dedicated Line
ZHAO Jian-feng, ZHANG Chang-xin
Research purposes: The Gypsum karstbreccia seems like soft rock and hard soilwith the characteristics of the complicatedmaterial components and greatdifferences in strength. Knowing the classification of such rock ishelpful to instruction ofengineering geological survey and deep understanding the engineering characteristics.
Research conclusions:Through researching, it isunderstood thatGypsum karstbreccia has specific horizon, locating at the first segment in each formation of the medium series ofOrdovician System. Mostof it is special flexible rock with greatdifferences in strength. According to the difference of cementation, gypsum karst breccia is classified as slight cementation, weak cementation, moderate cementation, strong cementation. According to the grain composition, the material componen,t its forming environmentand the cemented degree, the gypsum karstbreccia can be divided of four kinds: the boulder shape, stone coated bymud shape, shapewith the gravel and the hard soil shape. The engineering geological survey should be strengthened forFengfeng Fm ofOrdovician system.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 1-4 [
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Analysis of TreatmentEngineering for the Slope Deformable Body of Zhegu Mountain
LIAn-hong, YAO Yu-chun, LI Chu-gen
Research purposes: The slope deformable body of ZheguMountain was a potentially large -sized sliding deformable body and itwas in the creep deformation stage. The big landslidewould probably happen under the effect of heavy rain or the external disturbance to interrupt the traffic of the NationalHighway 317. This paper studies and analyzes the reasons for formation of the slope deformable body and offers themeasures to be taken for treating the slope deformable body to ensure the entire stability of the slope deformable body and smooth traffic ofNational Highway 317.
Research conclusions:Through the analyses of the reasons for formation of the slope deformable body and the characteristics ofslope deformable body in the creep deformation stage, the proposalwasmade the integral treatment had to be conducted. Namely, the slide -resistantpile was adopted for reinforcing the down part of the slope deformable body, the anchor-framed framework was adopted for reinforcing the steep surface and the deep foundation slide –resistant key was adopted for reinforcing the middle partof slope deformable body. After conducting these treatments,the slope deformable bodywas stable entirely andwell stood theWenchuan Earthquake and heavy rain.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 5-7 [
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Thoughts on the Resisting Earthquake and Reducting Disaster Caused by Zhanlongya Landslide in Daqiao Town of Pingwu County
LI Ji-dong
Research purposes: The principle of "Putting Prevention First and Combining Prevention with Relief" is followed so as to preventand reduce the earthquake disasterand guarantee the safety of peoples' life and properties. The research is done on resisting the earthquake and reducing disaster caused by Zhanlongya landslide in Daqiao Town of Pingwu County to provide the basic information forworking out the plan of earthquake resistance and disaster reduction and provide the basis for takingmeasures forearthquake resistance and disaster reduction.
Research conclusions:Zhanlongya landslide belongs to extremely big landslide with sliding volume about118x104m3 due to the effectof"5?12" Earthquake in Wenchuan. There are lots ofenvironmental conditions to form landslide and external sectors to aggrave the landslide developmen.t These conditions and sectors are still changing now to threaten the traffic safety ofPingshui Highway and safety of the house and farming fields. Once barrier lake forms, itwillproduce the serious losses ofupper and down streams. Based on the formation reasons, formation conditions and loss of landslide,the evaluation of the effectof treating landslide is made. If the landslide can be treated in time, the life environmentcan be improved much.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 8-11 [
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Control of Sand Storm in the Section between Gomlud and Lhasa of Qinghai-Tibet Railway
WANG Duo-qing
Research purposes: The Qinghai -TibetPlateau has a special geographical and climatic environment with theweak ecological conditions. The sand storm along Qinghai –Tibet Railway is widely spread, with complicated and violent movement to bring serious danger to the railway. So it is necessary to study and summarize the distribution,characteristics, control methods and control effect of sand storm along Qinghai -Tibet Railway for providing the references to maintenance of the railway and to the similar works.
Research conclusions:There are Semi -fixed dune and active dune along Qinghai –Tibet Railway. The sand flow is developmentand river area is also the place where the sand storm happens frequently with complicated and violent movemen.t The control of the sand storm in this area is long-term process. The principle of" PuttingPrevention First and Combining Prevention with Control" should be followed by adopting the method ofputting the project prevention of sand storm first and adjusting measures to local conditions to conduct comprehensive contro.l During the operation of Qinghai-Tibet Railway, it isnecessary to do the studies on the technologies forcontrolling the sand storm and ensuring the safety of the railway in sand storm area and river area. The accumulated sand should be cleaned up in time and environmentprotection should be strengthened.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 12-15 [
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Deficiency in Design of Anchors (cable-anchors)-frame for Cut Slope and Its Counter measures
JIANG Chu-sheng, LI Jun, LIQ ing-ha,i HE Gang
Research purposes: Based on the introduction of the current situation of using anchors to reinforce the cut slope, the analysis ismade for the deficiency in design of the anchors (cable -anchors) -frame for the cut slope.Based on the theory of reinforcing the slope, the analysis ismade for the durability of the anchors (cable -anchors) -frame, and the feasible antisepicmeasures are offered for the anchors (cable -anchors) -frame.
Research conclusions:From the analysis of the deficiency in the previous design, it is pointed out that the length of anchors(or cable -anchors) mustbe selected reasonably according to the slope -ratio and the bed parameters, and the potential sliding-surface of a slope would be determined on the base of the stability analysis at first for ensuring the anchors(cable -anchors) fixed in the stable bed. The anchors(or cable -anchors) would be painted with epoxy,chlorosulfonated polyethylene coatings, or insulated by a iron wire -netdirectly, or the integrated antisepic measures would be taken for the anchors. Adopting these measures could insulate the touch of eroding matter with the reinforcements(cables). Especially the physical insulation could cutoff the continuity of the cracks caused by the tensile force, obtaining a very good protection effectand ensuring their service life availably.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 16-19 [
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Research on the New Ecology Protection Structure for Crag Rock-natured High Side Slope
HE Gang, JIANG Chu-Sheng
Research purposes: The conventional reinforcementway of the anchors (or cable -anchors) frame plus the vegetation concrete afforestation protection slope is used for rock -natured side slope with rather big difference of elevation in construction because the rocks in the side slope are cut crag due to the development of joint fissure.However, the cost is too high if the anchors (or cable -anchors) frame is used in a big range and the stability of crag high side slope can notbe guaranteed if the vegetation concrete afforestation protection slope isused alone. The research is done on a new ecology protection structure forcrag rock -natured high side slope and the new ecology afforeestation is applied to verify its feasibility.
Research conclusions:From the comparison and analysis of the bench protection slope and the anchors (or cable -anchors) frame plus the vegetation concrete afforestation protection slope used for the high side slope in previous construction, it is known these two methods have deficiencies and can notmeet the stability requirement of the side slope. Through research, a new ecology protection structure is offered for crag rock -natured high side slope. This structure can combine the perfectreinforcementeffectofanchorson the shallow unstable bodywith the good effect of the vegetation concrete affore station protection slope to achieve the goals of protecting the side slope and improve the construction environmen.t This structure has been applied in protecting the high side slope of new Lijiang Railway Station, obtaining the good results.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 20-22 [
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Optmiization of Cambridge Model Parameters for Soft Soil in Subgrade Expermiental Section of Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Railway
GUO Chao, YAN Shu-wang, SONG Xu-guo
Research purposes: There are a lot of soft soils in the Tianjin section of the Beijing -Tianjin Intercity Railway. Themain reasons for the softsoil formation are the alluvion and accumulation of lakemarsh. According to the lithologic classification, mostof these softsoils are clay, siltand sand soiland a few of them are sludge andmucky soil. As the soils containmuchwaterwith big void ratio, the subsidence of the subgrade subsidence is large under the loads of the embankmentand the train. Forsatisfying the requirementofballastless track for the post-construction subsidence of subgrade, the subgrade experimental sectionwas established to do the secial study on post-construction subsidence for providing the basis to numerical simulation calculation.
Research conclusions:The Cambridge model belongs to the isotropic hardened elastic mode,l which is adaptive to the soft soil in the subgrade experiment section ofBeijing-Tianjin Intercity Railway with consideration of the water-press yield characteristics, the press rigidity, the shearing shrinage and the effects of load and download. The determination method for the test parameters of the model is simple for easy usage. Using the modified Cambridge model as the constitutivemodel is scientific and resonable. The testcurve is obtained from the ordianary triaxial compression test for providing the necessary parameters to the Cambridgemodel and providing the basis to numerical simulation calculation. The accuracy ofK0consolidatin test is improved and the model parameters are optimized through upgrading the triaxial device. These parameters can be as the reliable parameters to calculation of post -construction subsidence of the subgrade ofhigh -speed railwaywith Cambridgemodel.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 23-27 [
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Research on the Using Dry Jet Mixing Pile to Reinforce Soft Soil Foundation of High-speed Railway
WANG Xiang
Research purposes: Through the in -situ test and laboratory experimen,t the research is done on the construction technique, construction organization and mangement of using dry jet mixing pile to reinforce the soft soil foundation of high -speed railway.
Research conclusions:Using dry jetmixing pile to reinforce the soft soil foundation ofhigh -speed railway is feasible.There is a little difference in piling strength by using the differentmachinemodelsofdry jetmixing pile, but there isbig difference in piling strength by using differentmachine unitof the samemode.l The unconfined compression strength of dry jetmixing pile ishardly influenced by the cyclicmixing of10m pile and allpile, adding the cyclic number of mixing and the different stratum. Selection of construction ismore important than selection of constructionmachine for the dry jetmixing pile construction. When the pile length iswithin 10m, the unconfined compression strength ofdry jet mixing pile is even, achieving perfect construction quality. For ensuring the construction quality, the dry jetmixing pile construction demands strict management.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 28-32 [
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Research on the Design ofRailway Tied Arch Bridge
ZHU Min,WANG Yu-jue,YANG Yong-yi, WANG Jue
Research purposes: As the tie -arch bridge uses tie bar to bear the push force of the arch, so it is one of reasonable bridge types under the condition the bridge height is limited or the bridge site lies in the unfavorable geological area. The supermajoroverpass on the 3rd ring road in Chengdu is the first and largest large -span double track railway prestressed concrete tied arch bridge inChina. In thispaper, the research isdonemainly on the structural features and the characteristics of force bearing capacity of such tied arch bridge for instructing the construction.
Research conclusions:The the static and dynamic analysesof the supermajoroverpasson the 3rd ring road in Chengdu show that all indexes of the bridge meet the code requirements. As the bearing force at joint point of arch beam is complicated, the three -dimensional prestressed structure should be designed, the beam end ofmain beam should be widened and heightened, andwebs should be thickened. The stress concentration happens in some partsbecause of the complicated structure. Based the research and calculation, the applicable range of tied arch structure in construction of railway bridge iswidened by adopting new scientific research achievements and theories athome and abroad and it can provide the reference to the similar works.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 33-36 [
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Analyses of Modal and Earthquake Response of Twin Towers Single Cable-stayed Bridge
ZHU M eng-Jun
Research purposes: The modal and earthquake response of twin towers single cable -stayed bridge are analyzed in order to verify the seismic performancesof twin towers single cable -stayed bridge and provide the theoretical guidance for the seismic design.
Research conclusions:Through establishing the dynamic analysis mechanic model for twin towers single cable –stayed bridge, the dynamic characteristics and temporal process of earthquake are analyzed for twin towers single cable –stayed bridge with finite element method. The modal analysis shows the first modal of twin towers single cable -stayed bridge is the vertical symmetrical bend ofmain beam, with bigger self -vibration frequency than the floating cable –stayed bridge, so the twin towers single cable -stayed bridge ismuch influenced by vertical earthquake, wind and vehicle vibration. The internal force and deformation law of the structure of the bridges encountered many earthquakes are studied, and the seismic performance of the cable -stayed bridge is analyzed. The study shows some cable –stayed bridge canmeet the seismic requirement stipulated in the design code under effect of encount eringmany earthquakes with the transcendental possibility of 10% in 50 years.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 37-40 [
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Research on the Impact of Construction of Box Culvert Underpass the Existing Highway on Environment
ZHANG Jian, GAO X iu-mei,HUANG Sheng-gen
Research purposes: How to control the disturbance impact of construction of box culvert underpass the highway on the surrounding environment is a key point for jacking construction ofbox culvert rapidly and safely. In the course of jacking construction of one box culvertwith super large section and many technical difficulties, in order to reduce disturbance to the normal traffic of the existing highway, the underpass technology ofpipe –roof was used. This paper analyzes the tested data in site and researches the law ofdisturbance impactof jacking construction ofbox culvert on the surrounding environment.
Research conclusions:(1) At the place of the same elevation with the box culvert axis, the soils in front of working face generate the biggest horizontal movements. (2) By monitoring the contact stresses between soil and the culvert wal,l the effort of grouting and the total jacking forces can be obtained. (3) The box culvertcan be jacked in along the design path by adjusting jacking forces. (4) The pore pressure is a sensitive and exactindex for monitoring the vibration of soil in the process of box culvert jacking.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 41-46 [
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Research on the Construction Control of Cantilever of Prestressed Continuous Bridge in Tianjin Nanjiang Haven
ZHENG Yong-hong
Research purposes: The double -lane highway bridge in Tianjin Nanjiang Haven is an important traffic passageway for large -sized vehicles going to and coming from Tianjin Nanjiang Haven. One lane is designed for the vehicle with three axis, vehicle weightof 750 kN and vehicle distance of10 m. The design load of the bridge is great than ?grade highway. So it is necessary to control distortion and stress in cantilever castfor the purpose sofensuring the bridge closure and construction safety, and obtaining a perfect bridge type of line.
Research conclusions:Only distortion and stressofbridge is controlled in construction and themoulding board elevation is ensured, the bridge type of line and stressdistribution can satisfy the design requirement. The distortion measurement should be conducted before sunrise to eliminate effect of temperature difference. The real field measured values of the concrete elasticmodulusmustbe adopted in computation. In construction control of this bridge, the errors happened in construction is modified by adopting parameter identification method, obtaining a good resul.t As the effect sofshrinkage and creepage are evident in stress testing, the effect should be calculated to each construction phase for the clear and easy usage.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 47-50 [
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Research on the Comprehensive Physical Exploration for the Tunnel in Metamorphic Rock Area
ZHANG Ji-zhen, LI Zhi-hua
Research purposes: In the exploration for the tunnel in complicated metamorphic rock area, choosing the suitable technology with rapid andmoney-saving characteristics for comprehensive physical exploration and adopting the modern advanced instrumentand computerprocessing technology are the effective ways to expand the applicable range of the technology for comprehensive physical exploration, improve the accuracy of geological survey and solve the complicated geological problem.
Research conclusions:In typical geological survey for the tunnel in complicated metamorphic rock tunnel project geology, the technology with rapid and money-saving characteristics for comprehensive physical exploration was used,and with it the unfavorable geological body in deep underground was clearly revealed, the precision ofgeological survey was improved much and the accident hidden peril was lowered hugely. This can be as the reference to the similar works.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 51-54 [
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Research on the Numerical Smiulation of Subsidence of Existing Tunnel Caused by Adjacent Metro Tunnel Construction in Shenzhen
ZHANG Hui-gang, JIANG Zhi-ling, ZHANG Yu-wei
Research purposes: The process is simulated for construction of ametro tunnel adjacent to existing tunnel in Shenzhen with FLAC3D software and the discussions are made on the surrounding stratum displacement, the existing tunnel subsidence, ground subsidence, the safety of the new tunnel and the adjacent metro tunnel.
Research conclusions:Under this geological condition and specially pushing force of shield, the maximum of the ground subsidence is12. 9 mm, and the maximum rise value of ground is0. 7 mm.They satisfy the design requirements. After the completion of the existing tunnel and taking some measures, the corresponding consolidated subsidence value is 1. 8 mm. Thewidth of subsidence slotunder the tunnel floor is 60 m. The subsidence curve is relatively fla,t which satisfies the lateral differential subsidence demand of the existing tunnel.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 55-58 [
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Analysis of the Influence of Underpass Shield of Wuhan Yangtze River Tunnel on Settlement of Wuhan-Jiujiang Railway
Research purposes: The surrounding engineering environment of Wuhan Yangtze River Tunnel is complicated, and the shield under-passing the existingWuhan -Jiujiang Railway is one of the difficult points in the project. For accurate analysis of the settlement of the railway caused by the shield underpass, this paper calculates the influence of the shield driving on the settlement of Wuhan -Jiujiang Railway with the classical Peck Method and finite elementmethod respectively and introduces the protective measures taken in the construction and the onsite monitoring situation to provide the reference to the similar projects.
Research conclusions:The on site monitoring resultof the settlement is greater than the calculation resul,t butitdoesnot affect the traffic safety of the railway. Due to the impact of train operation, the trough width and depth of surface settlementcaused by the under-passing railway are both greater than those of the adjacentPeace Road.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 59-63 [
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Design of the Open Structure of Shiziyang Tunnel for Float-resistance
Research purposes: The ShiziyangTunnel of Guangzhou -Shenzhen –Hongkong Passenger Dedicated Line is the first underwater railway tunnel in China and the highest-speed underwater railway tunnel in the world. In this paper, compared with construction of Shiziyang Tunnel, the introduction is given to the problems in design of tunnel structure for float-resistance. Based on the analysis and calculation, the advisable values of float-resistantwater leve,l buoyant force and buoyant force -resistance and the reinforcementnumber ofupliftpile are offered for design of open cut tunnel structure to provide the reference to the similar works.
Research conclusions:As there is no uniform standard for selection of the float-resistant water level and the current theory aboutcalculating buoyant force doesnot regard the penetration of the soil layerswhere the tunnel structure is on,the design result of float-resistance deviates from the real situation. From the analysis and calculation it is concludedwhen the pile length ofupliftpile is longer than 10m, the sectional reinforcementshould be conducted to save the cost. The possibility of taking uplift pile as load bearing pile should be considered in design of the uplift pile, and the influence of installation ofupliftpile on the internal force of the tunnel structure should be calculated.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 64-68 [
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Research on the Calculation M ethod for Vertical Earth Pressure of Shield Tunnel in Soil Layer
SUN W en-hao
Research purposes: There are some differences between the common -used calculation method for vertical earth pressure for design of shield tunnel and themethod stipulated in the code for design of tunne.l In this paper, the discussion is made on the calculation method for the vertical earth pressure of shield tunnel in soil layer. Through the quantitative and qualitative comparing the common calculation method of vertical earth pressure for design of shield tunnel with the method stipulated in the code for design of tunnel, the analysis of the coincidence between measured value on -site and calculated result ismade. The feasible calculation method forverticalearth pressure of shield tunnel in soil layer is offered.
Research conclusions:The calculation method for vertical earth pressure stipulated in the current code for design of tunnel is inapplicable for the shield tunnel in soil layer. Forsoftclay stratum, the load model of allearth -pillars can be used to calculate the verticalearth pressure fordesign. Forotherstratums, no matter what the soil depth is, the Terzaghi Arch Theory can be used to calculate the verticalearth pressure, but for sand stratum, the groundwaterpressure and soil pressure should be calculated separately.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 69-73 [
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Treatment of the Collapse of Gangcheng Tunnel of Taiyuan-Zhongwei-Yinchuan Railway
HOU Jun-hong
Research purposes: Gangcheng Tunnel is a single tunnel and double track tunne,l located in the Hengshan County of Shanxi Province, with total length of 4575 m. The collapse happened during the construction of the tunnel,with the inrushmud volume ofabout1 000m3. The buried depth of the tunnel in collapse place was 94 meters, and the maximal ground settlementvolumewas5. 137 m. According to the characteristics of the collapse and inrushmud, the method of " large pipe roof construction plus the upper face grouting in advance " was selected to reinforce the rock stratum aftermaking comparisonwith the ramming pipemethod and freezing method.
Research conclusions:(1) The scheme for treatment of inrush mud and collapse is reasonable. (2) The support in advance along with grouting reinforcement of the inrushmud and collapse areaGangcheng Tunnel is an effective way to treat collapse and inrush mud. (3) The treatment of the collapse and inrush mud of Gangcheng Tunnel shows the geological forecast in advance is essential to the safe construction of tunnel.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 74-78 [
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Research on the Design of Disaster Prevention and Relief in Large Tunnel of Taiyuan-Shijiazhuang Passenger Dedicated Line
SUN Hai-fu
Research purposes: The research is done on the design ofdisasterprevention and relief in Nanliang Tunnel of Taihangshan of Taiyuan –Shijiazhuang Passenger Dedicated Line for the purpose of discussing the key technologies for design ofdisasterprevention and relief in large tunnel.
Research conclusions:For disaste rprevention and relief in tunnel, the principle of"putting prevention first, combining prevention with elimination, making self -relief easy and safe evacuation" should be followed. Train should be prevented to enter into the fire tunnel. The train should notstop in tunnelwhen itfires, and if the train has to enter into tunne,l itmust stop at the "emergency relief station" in the tunnel for evacuating people. When a train fires in tunnel and if it is cable tomove continuously, the basic principle of"first drawing the train outof the tunne,l then breaking up the train and treating the fire disaster" should be followed. Installation of the operational ventilation facilities should consider the requirements of the prevention and elimination of smoke and combine with the ventilation facilities for prevention ofdisaster. According to the principle of"simplicity, reliability andmoney-saving", the necessary devices for disasterprevention and relief should be installed in tunnel.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 79-83 [
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The Gas Characteristics of Caishenm iao Tunnel on Xiangfan-Chongqing Railway and Its Treatment Measures
GAO Hong-jie
Research purposes: Through analyses of the gas's appearance process, existing conditions, change law of concentration, effective temporary measures taken on site and structure design of Caishenmiao Tunne,l the common measures are summed up for gas tunnel construction.
Research conclusions:The surrounding rocks of Caishenmiao Tunnel neither produces gas nor have the geological environment to storemuch gas. The gas in rock stratum comes from faraway and is of free state, so in genera,l the gas will not burst out suddently. The gas concentration will lower with the gas release through opens and ventilation.However, attention should be paid to the treatment measures and the danger of the gas and outcome caused by the gas should be known. The measres for gas prevention must be implemented one by one. The gas check and ventilation should be focused on to know the gas concentration in the tunne.l The holing must be conducted in advance while excavation ofworking face to control the gas concentration in the safe range. The gas block should be considered in tunnel strcture design to reduce gas escape asmuch as possible for ensuring the construction and service safety of the tunnel.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 84-89 [
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Research on the Technology for the Self-innovation of Low/Medium-speed Maglev Traffic Engineering
ZHANG Pei-zhu
Research purposes: In order to realize commercial operation of low /medium -speed Maglev traffic engineering and satisfy the requirement of the " Applicable Research on Low/Medium -speed Maglev Traffic Technology" which is one of the state pillarprojects in the science& technology during the "Eleventh Five –yearPlan Period" inChina. Through construction of the Tangshan Low /medium –speed Maglev Experimental Line, China is able to primarily realize the industrialization in low -medium –speed Maglev traffic engineering. This paper briefly introduces and analyzes themajor innovational contents in this field to provide the reference to construction andwide application of it.
Research conclusions:Comparedwithwheel-rail train, the low /medium –speed Maglev train has better turning and climbing capacity and saves the engineeringworks and cos.t Compared with the urban rail transi,t the low /medium –speed Maglev train has the characteristic sofsafety, environmental protection, comfort, rapidity, low energy consumption and low cos,t and especially it is suitable for in urban mass transit.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 90-94 [
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Discussion on the Overall Geological Survey for Metro Line2in X i'an
YANG Zhi-guo ZHANG Fu-zhong
Research purposes: The overall survey formetro is a new managementmode of survey. Taking the overall geological survey forMetro Line 2 in Xi 'an, the discussion is made on the task, main working contents, working procedure and flow, role and technical supportof the overall survey for the purposesofensuring the smooth conduction of engineering survey and providing the supportto the design and construction and the reference to themetro construction in other cities.
Research conclusions:From the discussion on he overallgeological survey forMetro Line 2 inXia' n, it is concluded for the overall survey the key points and difficult points in the survey should be analyzed and judged, and the survey principle, the technical requirement and implement outline for the rock should be worked ou.t For ensuring reasonableness of the survey plan, the survey plan should be optimized, the factors and main links to influence the survey quality should be controlled, the operational procedure should be standardized, the survey report should be checked strictly, the correct geological information and the technical service should supply to the design and construction.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 95-98 [
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Research on the Influencing Factors on Intercity Rail Construction
DENG Li-hong
Research purposes: The cleardefinitions of intercity railway and the relative influencing factors on intercity railway construction aremade and the introduction is given to the relations between the influencing factors and intercity railway construction for providing the theoretical guidance to intercity railway construction.
Research conclusions:The intercity railway is different than the other traffic modes and itmainly satisfies the travel demand of intercity passenger. There are lots of the influencing factors on intercity railway construction, mainly composes of internal factors and external factors. The internal factors include the traffic demand of intercity passenger,regional economic development leve,l urbanization process and development levelof the other traffic modes. The external factors include resource and environment benefits, passenger service quality, investment and financing modes and socially public welfare benefits. The intercity railway construction is a system aticalproject restrained bymany factors. So the comprehensive factors should be considered when making the decision to construct the intercity railway.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 99-101 [
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Researches on the Adm ission and Sequential Decision-making Model for Intercity Railroad Construction
WU Q i-gang, YANG Jian-jun, GAO M ing-m ing
Research purposes: The research was done on the influencing factorson intercity railway construction and the scientific sequential decision –making model was established for the purposes of making the railway system coordinated with the social and economic developments andmaking the railway system has perspective.
Research conclusions:The analyses of influencing factors on admission of intercity railway construction were made, including the traffic demand, traffic supply, construction fund, financing policy and measure and national guidance policy. The scientific sequential decision-making model was established and with it the analyses of sequential decision-making were made for four admissible railway systems. The results showed this model was scientific in method and feasible in operation, and application of this model could overcome the one -sideness of using single method and improve the believability of planning of intercity railway system.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 102-105 [
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The Design and Construction of the Entrance to SubwayM ined Tunnel from Deep Foundation Pit
CAO Hong-ling
Research purposes: In construction of subway tunnel in section, it is popular that the entrance to themined tunnel is directly from deep foundation pi.t For the stability of open cut deep foundation pit and the safety ofmined tunnel entrance, it is necessary to take the measures in design and construction organization. Based on the successful completion of the tunnel in the section betweenWushanPark Station andHuashiStation of line 3 ofGuangzhoumetro, in this paper, the introduction is given to the key point sof design and construction ofentrance to themined tunnel from the foundation pitand its experience can be as the reference to the similarworks.
Research conclusions:(1) For ensuring the safe construction of the entrance to the tunne,l it is necessary to take measures of reinforcing the bed ofentrance to the tunnel in advance and strengthening the primary support to the tunnel. (2) During the excavation of foundation pi,t some constructionworks for the entrance to themined tunnel can be done through reasonable construction organization fornotonly reducing the repeated works and speeding up the construction of the entrance to the tunne,l but also forensuring the stability ofopen cut foundation andmaking the tunnel safe entry.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 106-110 [
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Research on the Construction of Third Generation Mobile Communication (3G)for Metro
TAO M eng-hua
Research purposes: With issusing the licenses of the third generation mobile communication (3G)system,the testphase of the 3G system hasbeen finished, and 3G system goes to commercialuseage. Meanwhile, the 3G system has to be introduced intometro for communication. However, as the space in themetro underground station is narrow,irregular in shape, the scheme to combinemultiple networks into one network isused for the 3G system. Throgh analysis and comparison of severaloptional schemes of introducing the 3G system intometro, thispaperoffers and introducesone appropriate scheme forproviding the reference to introducing the 3G system intometro.
Research conclusions:From the analyses, comparisons and field tests of several optional schemes, it is concluded the 3G system signals should be connected atend ofPOI. In the system ofcombiningmultiple networks into one network, in order to prevent the disturbances of signals each other, the insulation of the every network must be increased tomeeting the requirement. The 3G system can use the antenna subsystem of 2G system to reduce the construction cost and construction difficlty.
2009 Vol. 26 (10): 111-116 [
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Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
Supported by:
Beijing Magtech