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2009 Vol. 26, No. 8
Published: 2009-08-15
The Issues for Caution on Implement of ” Code for Rock and Soil Chemical Analyses for Railway Engineering ”
XIAO Ji—Min,LI Rong—lun,WANG Zi—Jiang
Research purposes:With the developments of science and technology,the analysis methods for paaial test items stipulated in”Code for Rock and Soil Chemical Analyses for Railway Engineering”issued in 1987 fall behind the current chemical analysis method and test technology.So it is necessary to revise the code for meeting the demands of railway construction.
Research conclusions: In this paper.the introduction iS given to the main revised contents and the issues for caution on implement of the revised”Code for Rock and Soil Chemical Analyses for Railway Engineering”
2009 Vol. 26 (8): 1-4 [
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Issues on Analysis of Corrosion of Water Quality with“Code for Analysis of Water Quality in Railway Engineering”
WANG Zi—jiang,WU Fang—ruo,LI Rong—lun
Research purposes: Whether the railway engineering corrodes the environment water or not directly influences the construction cost,durability and safety.Therefore,the all persons working for the railway construction should the correctly understand and implement”Code for Analysis of Water Quality in Railway Engineering”to unify the analysis method and technical requirements for water quality in railway engineering,provide the accurate reliable technical parameters for analysis of water quality and accurately determine the corrosive type and degree of environment water.
Research conclusions: In order to enhance the accuracy of analyzing and determining the corrosion of environment water,first of all,the analysis should be made in time to guarantee the reality and representation of the sampling because some water qualities are changeable.Secondly,the corrosion of environment water mainly relates to the pH value,so42-,CI-,corrosive C02,Mg2+density and total dissolved salts(dissolved salts),SO the corresponding analysis method,the instruments and configuration solution should be adopted and some special measures should be taken for the different water quality component and concentration range.Selecting the technical parameters for analysis of water quality and grasping the key points of the chemical reaction can guarantee the accuracy of analysis result.The standards for determining the corrosion of environment water for general railway engineering follow the”TemporaryProvision for Railway Concrete Durability Structure Design”.For the special engineering,some additional state standards should be followed except the standard mentioned above to fully and correctly determine the corrosive type and degree.
2009 Vol. 26 (8): 5-9 [
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Revise Principles and Technical Characteristics of“Code for the Engineering Survey for New Railway”
CHENG Ang,LU Jian—kang
Research purposes: The”Code for the Engineering Survey for New Railway”issued in 1999 has not fit in the application of new surveying and mapping technology because some provisions in this code limit the application of new technology,SO it is urgent to revise the code.This paper gives the introduction to the main technical characteristics of revised code for application of new technoly in railway engineering survey.
Research conclusions: According to the survey principle of”integrating three control network into one net”for new railway engineering,this paper describes thecontrol network system newly added in the revised code for new railway engineering survey and gives the introductions to applications of GPS RTK center line survey,terrain survey and aerial surveying methods in surveying and mapping the cross—section of subgrade and application of optoelectronie ranging and trigonometric leveling method in tri—vertical control survey in mountainous area for railway construction.
2009 Vol. 26 (8): 10-14 [
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Issues for Caution on the Vertical Compressive Load Test to Single Pile
CHANG Jv—you,WANG Zi—jiang
Research purposes: This paper discusses the issues for caution on the vertical compressive load test to single pile according to The Technical Rules for Test Technology for Railway Engineering Foundation Piles for guiding the engineering works.
Research conclusions: To correctly do the vertical compression load test to single pile attention should be paid to the in situ operational detailed rules and regulations,the slow maintained load test method should be adopted,the foundation beating capacity should bear the compressive stress,the used instruments and equipments should be in the period of validity,the maximum effective load capacity of the base beam should be not less than 2 times of the characteristics number of the design bearing capacity of single pile with fixing one end of the base beam and simply supporting the other end,the time of loading every level should not be less than 2 hours with achieving a relatively stable settlement,the characteristics number of vertical bearing capacity of single pile should be a half of the ultimate bearing capacity of single pile in vertical compression,and the whole process should achieve the standardization and the sequencing.With all these,the accurate vertical bearing capacity of single pile can be tested.
2009 Vol. 26 (8): 15-17 [
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Comparative Analysis of the Railway Track Technical Standards between China and Germany
YAN—Hua;HAN Yi—tao
Research purposes: Germany has the advanced experience and perfect technical standards for the railway track design,construction and operations management At present,China is in the early stage of construction of passenger dedicated line and high—speed railway.So comparative analysis of the railway track technical standards between China and Germany has significances to learn Germany strong points and closing the gap.
Research conclusions: The results of the comparative analysis show that the railway track technical standards of China and Germany are worked out and issued on the basis of the national conditions,railway conditions and engineering practice,although there are some differences.As the Germany railway track technical standards are rather perfect,China can learn from it for perfecting its own standards.
2009 Vol. 26 (8): 18-22 [
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Research on the Technical Specification for GSM-R Relay Transmission System
DUAN Yong—qi,LI Run—cheng,CHEN Jian—ping
Research purposes: In this paper,the introduction is given to the relay transmission system comprised of the base station,repeater,trunk line amplifier,leaky coaxial cable and antenna feeder for the purposes of achieving the wireless coverage of GSM—R weak field and working out the technical specifications for GSM—R relay transmission system,including the equipment type,equipment component and main technical standard.
Research conclusions: Based on the studying the technical system of GSM—R digital mobile communication and related industry standards,the technical requirements for the system are proposed,including working frequency,C/I ratio, time delay and field strength coverage,the technical specifications are offered for the main system equipments,such as repeater,trunk line amplifier,leaky coaxial cable,antenna feeder and SO on,and combined with the concrete application of system in railway,the specific requests are proposed for the working condition and reliability of the equipments for guiding the engineering design,product manufacturing,construction and installation,equipment maintenance and quality inspection.
2009 Vol. 26 (8): 23-26 [
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Proposals for“Technical Requirements and Test Method for Acoustic Elements of Railway’s Sound Barrier”
LIAO Jian—zhou
Research purposes: It was found there were some limitations and deficiencies about the sound absorption(or insulation)properties,impact resistance and their test method stipulated in”Technical Requirements and Test Method for Acoustic Elements of Railwayg Sound Barrier”(TB/T3 1 22—2005)when using the”Technical Requirements and Test Method for Acoustic Elements of Railway’s Sound Barrier”to determine the performance indexes of acoustic elements of sound barrier.In order to meet the needs of construction and the requirements of high speed of railway and low frequeney noise of train,some modification proposals are offered in this paper.
Research conclusions: This paper analyzes the limitations about the noise reduction coefficient and weighted sound reduction index stipulated in the current standard based on the spectrum characteristics and distribution range of railway sound source.ofrers the proposal that the noise reduction coefficient and weighted sound reduction index should be changed into sound absorption coefficient and transmission loss of different frequency based on related standards at home and abroad,discusses the deficiencies about the impact resistance and test method for acoustic elements of sound barrier material based on practicable railway sound barrier material,and gives the suggestions that there should be the different performance requirements and test methods for the different materials.
2009 Vol. 26 (8): 27-30 [
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Application of the High—density Resistivity Method in Engineering Exploration
FAN Yao—wu,WANG Qi-jun,HU Yan—lin,YANG Lei
Research purposes: If the traditional high—density instrument is used to explore for construction of Shengli Railway Tunnel,there would be lots of difficulties and the exploration work would not be finished in time because of the burying depth and lengh of the tunnel.If the WGMD一6 Distributed 3 D High—density Resistivity lmaging System is used,the field exploration work can be finished in time,because this system is easy to use with the characteristics of full functions,deep effective exploration depth,high observation accuracy and resolution,large volumes of stored data and geological information and hiigh reliability.
Research conclusions: Application of the high—density resistivity method can interpret the geologic section of electric property and provide the powerful support to the type classification of surrounding rock of tunnel after the modification and verification of the exploration results.The application shows the WGMD一6 Distributed 3 D High—density Resistivity Imaging System is an effective exploration means for construction of new railway.
2009 Vol. 26 (8): 31-33 [
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Analysis of the Causes for Landslip Induced by Construction of Boerbosong Bridge and Research on Its Treatment
CHEN Xiu一yi
Research purposes: With the implement of strategy of developing the west,the railway construction in western mountain area is speeded up.The landslide induced by construction increases.Landslide belongs to unfavorable geology disaster with huge impact on the construction.Due to the insufficient understanding of the landslide,there are many badly damaged accidents occurring after the completion of construction.Thus a correct understanding of landslide is very important to making a correct evaluation of the stability of landslip.Summarizing the experience,analyzing the forming mechanism and causes for the landslip induced by construction of Boerbosong Bridge and offering the treatment measures are very significant to design and construction of the railway and ensuring the traffic safety.
Research conclusions: The principle of”Prevention First”should be followed to route selection in mountain area.It is unavailable for”Big Cut and Big Filling”in bedding slope area.because the”Big Cut and Big Filling”will destroy the stability of the mountain.The temporary support should be strengthened when constructing in bedding slope area.The route should avoid or bypass the bedding slope area.
2009 Vol. 26 (8): 34-37 [
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Comparison and Analyses of Numerical Simulation and in Situ Observed Data of Subgrade Subsidence of Beijing—Tianjin Intercity Railway
GUO Chao,YAN Shu—wang,SONG Xu—guo
Research purposes: There are a lot of soft soils in the Tianjin section of Beijing—Tianjin Intercity Railway.The main reasons for the soft soil formation are the alluvion and accumulation of lake marsh.According to the lithologic classification。most of these soft soils are clay. silt and sand soil and a few of them are sludge and mucky soil.As the soils contain much water with big void ratio,the subsidence of subgrade subsidence is large under the loads of the embankment and the train.For satisfying the requirement of ballastless track for the construction—post subsidence of subgrade,the subgrade base is reinforced with CFG pile.As the stressed situation of composite subgrade is complicated, it is difficult to predict the construction—post subsidence of subgrade.In this paper,the construction—post subsidence of the subgrade is predicted by making the comparison and analyses of numerical simulation and in situ observed data.
Research conclusions: (1)The numerical simulation and in situ observed data are used to compare and analyze the subsidence law of composite subgrade and it can be seen that the compression of soil between piles appears in 1/4—1/6 ranges of the pile bottom and the entry volume of pile end is up to 20%一30%of the total subsidence volume.(2)It can be seen from the subsidence—depth distribution curve that the compression depth of the soil body under the pile end is one tine of plane distribution width of pile.(3)The max.subsidence volume and construction—post subsidence calculated with finite element method ale very close to the observed data and the difference of construction—post Subsidence predicted with finite element method is smaller than that with experience formula.So the finite element method is worth using widely in calculation of subsidence.
2009 Vol. 26 (8): 38-41 [
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Analysis of Flow Field of Snow Drifting Disaster to Embankment
WANG Xiang—yang
Research purposes: Snow drifting is a main type of disaster in the cold region,which threatens transportation badly,SO doing the researches on the snow drifting disaster to embankment has theoretical and real significances to the transportation construction in the snow disaster area.
Research conclusions: In this paper,the flow field of wind and snow in embankment construction is simulated with the ANSYS software of FEM and the analyses of influences of subgrade height,side slope ratio and change of background wind velocity on the wind velocity of embankment are made to section of embankment.The results show the simulated values When the embankment height arrives at the certain level,the velocity can effectively reduce the road surface snow drifting.embankment design
2009 Vol. 26 (8): 42-47 [
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Railway Route Selection Principles Based on the Classification of Engineering Geological Condition in Permafrost Regions
WANG Shen—ping
Research purposes: (1)The treatment measures for the subgrade in permafrost area include passive protection,active cooling,passive protection along with active cooling,combining two kinds of active cooling,building bridge and SO on,and each measure has the different effect.In order to reasonably use the measures,the main factors that affect the engineering geological condition should be considered together and the engineering geological condition should be classified in permafrost area.(2)Based on the classification of engineering geological condition and its corresponding engineering structure,the cost was estimated for providing the scientific basis for engineering geological route selection in permafrost zone.
Research conclusions: :(1)The engineering geological conditions in permafrost area along Qinghai—Tibet Railway are divided into four grades,namely good,general,poor and very poor.The corresponding measures for them are to adopt ordinary embankment,take a single active cooling measure,take two active cooling measures and build bridge.The safe running of train with 1 00 km/h on the Qinghai—Tibet Line in permafrost zone since open to traffic on July,2006 shows that the classification of engineering geological condition is feasible and the respective engineering structures are stable and reliable.(2)The cost of building bridge in very poor section Was 40 millions per kilometer,that was 4.4~15.4 times than the other section in the permafrost area.Therefore,railway route bypasses some very poor areas or passes it with the shortest distance.
2009 Vol. 26 (8): 48-52 [
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Analysis of the Particularity of Calculating Carrying Capacity of Datong-Qinhuangdao Railway
NIU Hui—xiang
Research purposes: Generally,some influence factors can not be fully reflected in the calculation formula of carrying capacity,such as the time and modes of the comprehensive window maintenance,and the influence of quantity of arrival and departure track in intermediate station on the transport organization and carrying capacity,etc.This paper analyzes the influence factors on Datong—Qinhuangdao Railway,and puts forward a new calculation method for the carrying capacity of Datong—Qinhuangdao railway for being as the valuable reference to survey and design of heavy—haul railway.
Research conclusions: The particularity of calculating carrying capacity of Datong—Qinhuangdao Railway mainly reflects in the following three aspects:(1)There are two kinds of comprehensive window arrangement,namely V—mode and vertical skylight and they occupy the different time of train diagrams.(2)The quantity of arrival and departure track in intermediate station will directly influence the loss window time outside maintenance.(3)The number of V—mode and vertical skylight will influence the daily carrying capacity of the railway.
2009 Vol. 26 (8): 53-56 [
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Analysis of Choice of Track Structure of Harbin-Qiqihaer Passenger Dedicated Line
LU Mao—sheng
Research purposes: The rapid and safe running of train is the most important to the passenger dedicated line.Whether the reasonable track structure is adopted or not in extremely cold area directly influences the normal running of train.After the analysis of track structure type at home and abroad and considering the actual characteristics of Harbin—Qiqihaer Passenger Dedicated Line,the reasonable track structure type was chosen.
Research conclusions: The ballastless track structure was adopted in Harbin—Qiqihaer Passenger Dedicated Line,with the following merits:(1)It can prevent the subgrade frost heave effectively to satisfy the requirement of track regularity for running high—speed train;(2)It can solve the problem of difficult maintenance of track in winter with high maintenance cost;(3)It is easy to install and use the snow thawing equipment to guarantee the traffic safety.
2009 Vol. 26 (8): 57-59 [
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Design of Bi—block Sleeper for Ballastless Track of Hefei—Wuhan Railway
ZHU Ying—juan
Research purposes: The Pandrol fastening is a kind of elastic divided fastening without shoulders,and its application in Heifei—Wuhan Railway was the first time for China to use.No Bi—block sleeper for the Pandrol fastening has been designed or produced in China before.This paper introduces the design of Bi—block sleepers for the Pandrol fastening to provide the reference to the design of ballastless track.
Research conclusions: The Pandrol fastening is largely different from the other fastenings in matching rail with sleeper,anchor mode,isolation system,fixing systems for fastening and base plate,SO during the design of bi—block sleeper,the factors such as the moulds manufacture,the stripping technique,size accuracy,storage of finished products, conveying,connection with track bed and the durability of ballastless track structure should be considered together.
2009 Vol. 26 (8): 60-63 [
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Research on the Node Space of Fastening at End of Bridge Beam for Intercity Rail Transit
LI Zhi—hong
Research purposes: The intercity rail transit is mainly constructed on bridge with ballastless track to save land and reduce the influence of ballast dust on environment. When the CRTS I slab ballastless track is designed on the bridge for the intercity rail transit,the node space of fastening at beam gap cannot meet the specification requirements of 650 mm due to the small radius curve.This influences the implement of design scheme of ballastless track on bridge,SO the research is done on finding out a feasible design scheme to solve the problem of node space of fastening at the end of the beam.
Research conclusions: Through analyses and researches on the design parameters,design conditions and evaluation indexes for the rail deflection,elastic breaking—up space of widened rail when the rail broken at beam gap and shearing stress at end of concrete slab.and analyses of the stressed situation of track structure on the node space of fastening at end of beam,this paper proposes a feasible design scheme that the node space of fastening at the end of beam can be up to 725 mm.This breaks through the stipulation of the relative code,but solves the problem that the node space of fastening at the end of the beam influences the implement of track design scheme when ballastless track is used Oil bridge.
2009 Vol. 26 (8): 64-67 [
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Study and Design of Integral Joints and Detailed Structures of Steel Truss Girder
QIAO Jin-fei, LI Feng-qin
Research purposes: (1)The research is done on the reasonable connection between web member and gusset to make the dowel pattern simple and clear,make the stress distribution in the end of web member uniform,and improve the anti—fatigue performance of web member.(2)The research is done on the reasonable connection between cross beam and chord to make the joint structure of cross beam flange completely satisfying the requirement of fatigue performance of slruclure and get rid of the tearing failure between the cross beam and bottom chord.(3)The research is done on the reasonable design of the integral joints and detailed structures of steel truss girder to make the dowel pattern of integral joints simple and clear under complicated mechanical states,get rid of the stress concentration,and improve the anti—fatigue performance.
Research conclusions: (1)The full cross—section splice is adopted between web member and gusset,obtaining the uniform stress in the web member,strong joint stiffness and perfect anti—fatigue performance of member bar.(2)The major arc transition and penetration weld are adopted between the joints plate of cross beam flange and chord with the 1 weld quality,and the weld edge must be hammered to satisfy the requirement of anti—fatigue performance of weld.At the intersection of chord and cross beam,the chord riser extrudes 30 mm with Q370qE—Z25 rolled steel to get rid of the tearing failure of chord riser.(3)In the design of integral joints and detailed structures of other steel structures,the measures for crack and rupture controls should be taken such as major arc,gentle slope,grinding and hammering,to improve the anti—fatigue performances of integral joints and other detailed structures and satisfy the requirement of anti—fatigue performance of structures.
2009 Vol. 26 (8): 68-72 [
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Analysis of Design of the Maximum Track Gradient in Tunnel for Mixed Passenger and Freight Railway
SU Mei
Research purposes: This paper analyzes some problems presently existed in profile gradient design in the tunnel according to relevant provisions regarding profile grade design for tunnel section stipulated in current code for railway construction and proposes a profile gradient design method for tunnel section for the electrified mixed passenger and freight railway through analysis of influence factors of train additional resistance in tunnel section and relation between performance of locomotive,tonnage rating of train,train running resistance,and profile gradient of railway line.
Research conclusions: As a reference,the formula of additional resistance in tunnel,stipulated in explanation of code for Design of Railway:Electric Traction (TB 1 407—82),is available for design of tunnel section for mixed passenger and freight railway,but its simplified formula is seldom use.The gradient design for tunnel section only in accordance with Article 2 of Clause 3.2.5 in co如加r Design of Railway Line(GB 50090—2006)can not fully meet requirements of railway construction.Especially for the tunnels located in the section with severe topographical and geological conditions,the factors such as performance of locomotive,running speed of train and additional air resistance in tunnel should be considered to make full use of the mobile equipments,and the computer simulation technology should be adopted to determine the maximum profile gradient of tunnel section with formula of additional resistance in tunnel.
2009 Vol. 26 (8): 73-76 [
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Application of Fiberglass Reinforcement in Exterior-protected Structure of Shield End Shaft
LIN Gang,LUO Shi—pei
Research purposes: The application of fiberglass reinforcement in exterior—-protected structure of shield end shaft instead of steel reinforcement not only can reduce the occurrence of accident that the shield enters into and comes out from the shield end shaft and improve the efficiency of construction,but also reduce the cost for consolidation of stratum at the end shaft.For the reasons mentioned above,in this paper the study is done on the application of fiberglass reinforcement in the exterior—protected structure of shield end shaft through the theoretical analysis,indoor test and in situ test.
Research conclusions: The basic mechanical parameters of fiberglass reinforcement and the basic structure features of fiberglass reinforced concrete are obtained through the indoor test.The basic design formula of fiberglass reinforced concrete has been deduced with referring to the design method for reinforced concrete and assumption of the bearing capacity of cross—section.The measured data of the first hand about application of fiberglass reinforcement exterior— protected pile in the construction of foundation pit are gained through the in situ test.All of these provide the theoretical,technical and in situ basis for application of fiberglass reinforcement in exterior—protected structure of shield end shaft.
2009 Vol. 26 (8): 77-81 [
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Research on the Selection of Parameters for the Overhead Contact Line System with Stitch Wire on High-speed Railway
LI Wen—hao,CUI Xiao—yu,CHEN Wei—rong,THOMAS Reichmann
Research purposes: In order to study the influences of the parameters for overhead contact line system with stitch wire of high—speed railway on the dynamic performances of the pantograph/overhead contact line system,a 3 D catenary model and a mass—damper—spring pantograph model were adopted to calculate and analyze the overhead contact line with stitch wire and pantograph system of 350 km/h railway.Considering the contact forces and safety。The comparisons were made for the simulation results to select the suitable parameters for the overhead contact line system of high~speed railway.
Research conclusions: The research shows that the Cu—Mg alloy contact wire with the 1 20 mm2 cross—section should be used in priority and its tensile force should never be less than 27 kN.The copper alloy with the 120 mm2 cross—section should be used for the messenger wire and its tensile force should be around 23 kN.The span length should be between 55 m and 60 m.The system height can be 1.4 m to 1.6 m.The tensile force of stitch wire should be less than 3.5 kN.The length of stitch wire varies from 1 6 m to 1 8 m.The distance between the suspension point and the 1 st dropper should be around 4.5 m.There should be no gradient on the contact wire.The catenary irregularity of the wave length equal to 2~6 times of dropper spacing should not appear as much as possible.
2009 Vol. 26 (8): 82-87 [
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Research on the Design of Low Resistance Grounding System for Entire Cable Power Line along the Railway
Research purposes: As the design standard,the entire cable power line is adopted in construction of high—speed railway.For solving the problem that the capacitance current is big when the single—phase grounding failure of entire cable power line occurs,the low resistance grounding system should be used.Based on the comprehensive analyses of the low resistance grounding system,this paper offers the design method for low resistance grounding system for providing the reference to the similar works.
Research conclusions: Through analyses of the principle and characteristics of low resistance grounding system and the single—phase grounding failure,this paper offers the calculation methods for selection of equipment parameters and protection setting of low resistance grounding system for entire cable power line for high—speed railway,analyzes the reasons for general potential bonding in buildings when low resistance grounding system is adopted and gives the design method for it.
2009 Vol. 26 (8): 88-92 [
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Analysis and Study of the Deicing and Anti-icing for Catenary
WANG Guo—liang
Research purposes: The Harbin—Dalian Passenger Dedicated Line is situated in the northeast of China with cold winter night and foggy and snowy weather.The maintenance and repare will be conducted in night for the line,but the catenary will ice up because there is seldom train running on the line in night.In order to ensure the train operation safely and make the catenary in perfect status,this paper analyzes the deicing and anti—icing and offers the measures for deicing and anti—icing for catenary.
Research conclusions: According to the icing situation,the alarm induction device can give out the deicing message in time for timely deicing,avoiding or reducing the ice disaster.The short circuit method for the catenay deicing is simple and feasible.The catenary icing can be effectively avoided,the unsafe train running due to the catenary icing can be reduced,the weals of pantograph and catenary due to the catenary icing can be reduced and the passenger comfort can be improved by coating the materials for deicing on catenary,SO the perfect economic benefits can be obtained by deicing and anti—icing for the catenary.
2009 Vol. 26 (8): 93-95 [
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Research on the Intercity Rail Transit Network Plan for Pearl River Delta Region
ZHoU Hou—wen
Research purposes: Plan and construction of Intercity rail transit is an inevitable demand for the development of urban complexes to meet the requirements of increasing demand of passengers and freight traffic.Doing the deep researches on the network framework,working out the reasonable optional plans and establishing the effective index evaluation system and evaluation method is very significant to reasonable planning intercity rail transit.In this paper,the intercity rail transit plans for Pearl River Delta Region are offered and the optimal plan is obtained form them with comprehensive fuzzy evaluation method.
Research conclusions: This paper gives the advices that the scale of intercity rail transit network for Pearl River Delta Region should be estimated with demand analysis method,the optional plans should be worked out according to the city and town arrangements and the space structure of Pearl River Delta Region,the evaluation system should be established,the index weight should be determined with step analysis method,and the comprehensive evaluation model for planning the intercity rail transit network in Pearl River Delta Region should be established with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method.The research result shows the methods mentioned above are available for planning intercity rail transit network.
2009 Vol. 26 (8): 96-100 [
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Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
Supported by:
Beijing Magtech