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2009 Vol. 26, No. 6
Published: 2009-06-15
Innovation and Practice on Railway Location Concept Analyses for Railway Engineering ”
ZHU Ying
Research purposes: Railway location is the most fundamental and important work in railway design,which is the overall work affecting the whole.Along with the improvement of railway technology standards and building technology of high bridge and long tunnel.great changes have taken place on the railway location concept.For hish—speed railway location design,more attention should be paid to engineering safety,environment and urban planning as well as coordination of resoume development,traffic,farmland and water conservancy facilities between each other,overall coordination with each other and globally economic rationality with more high and new technology applied shall be required,which is the overall design requirements for world—class high—speed railway and passenger dedicated line as well.In this respect,the quality of route location shall directly affect reliability,safety,technical feasibility,economic rationality and social admissibility of railway construction as well as development of railway and local economic sociality.It is therefore the first question to be valued for high—speed railway construction.Only proper route location concept established,world—class high—speed railway Can be constructed.
Research conclusions: Connecting with the main restraining factors to route location of hiish—speed railway,the route location principle concepts including geological location,priority site selection to major project,environment protection,planning,resource and Cross—section route location have been put forward in this paper,which emphasizes focusing on the major and free the minor while determining the alignment of railway,making a difference between key route and nonessential route,allocating the resources rationally to avoid waste.In route alternative,investment should be strictly controlled but not the sole factor taken into account.None but the route scheme with proper investment and optimization of social comprehensive benefit shall be optimal scheme.
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 1-5 [
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Influence of Track Super Elevation on Curve Radius and Transition Curve Length on Passenger Dedicated Line
Research purposes: The speed D—value of train through the CurVe at both sides of station is rather big.The track super elevation innuences the comfortableness of passenger train and also directly innuences the selection of curve radius and the length of the transition curves.Using big radius curves can improve the comfortableness of passenger train,but it needs to cover more land.However,the most stations locke in the urban densely populated area.Using small radius curves can much reduce the work of moving people out.Through the analyses of the Curve radius,the transition curves and the super elevation setting,this paper sives some suggestions to selection of the curve radius value and the length of the transition curves at both sides of station.
Research conclusions: The curve radius at both sides of the station of passenger dedicated line should be chosen with consideration of the terrain conditions and calculated on the base of the minimum train speed.If the terrain conditions permit.the 1 1 000—12 000 m curve radius and the max.transition curve stipulated in the code should be adopted.For considering the further speed—raise in future,it is advised the transition curve length should extend 30 m,when adopting 1 1 000~12 000 m curve radius.
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 6-8 [
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Research on the Feasibility of Further Speed—raise of Ningbo—Taizhou—Wenzhou Railway
QIU Wen—zhan
Research purposes: Through reference to the operation practice of similar railway and based on the engineering and geological characteristics of Ningbo—Taizhou—Wenzhou Railway.all influence factors oil speed—raise of the railway are analyzed,the measures to be taken and the problems to be studied are offered and the feasibility of further speed—raise of the railway is verified.
Research conclusions: Through analyzing the construction standards and technical measures for various infrastructures and auxiliary projects,to further raise the railway speed is feasible.By adjusting partial ballast thickness,improving the grades of ballast and reinforcing the subgrade,the goal of running 250 km/h train can be achieved.On the whole, transportation organization and various engineering technology can adapt to the requirement of running 300 km/h train in future,but transportation pattern and signaling system should be further studied and perfected.
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 9-12 [
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Research on the Key Technical Standards for Handan—Huanghuagang Railway
WANG Xing—hua,LI Yong—qing
Research purposes: Handan—Huanghuagang Railway from Handan to Huanghuagang passes through the plain terrain in Hebei Province with characteristics of much farmlands,many roads and shortage of soils along the railway.For accumulating the design experience in construction of grade I freight railway in plain terrain. this paper researches the key technical criteria for Handan—Huanghuagang Railway,mainly on the maximal gradient and subgrade filling criteria.
Research conclusions: Compared with the railway with max.gradient of 6‰,the investment in the railway with max. gradient of 4‰will be increased by 400 million RMB,accounting for 2.5%of the total investment.However,the traction weight of he railway with 4‰ gradient will be up to 7,250 t,80 it is suggested to adopt 4%t gradient for meeting the requirements of heavy—haul transportation,large vehicle in the future and being uniform with neighboring main line of the railway network in the criteria.As there is little subgrade filling materials in plain terrain.it is suggested to use the impmved soil grade A to the surface layer of subgrade and the improved soil grade C to the bottom of the subgrade with rolling compaction to lower the cost and enhance the implementation.
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 13-16 [
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Research on the Numerical Simulation and Imaging of GPR Based on the FDTD
FENG Yan—qian,WANG Yin,LIU Si—xin
Research purposes: The exploration of GPR is influenced by the conditions of weather,site,economy and SO on and using FDTD to simulate the mechanism of GPR call overcome the influences,lave cost,improve exploration efficiency and data collecting quality and provide the guidance for the positive simulation of the GPR.Migration imaging is one of the most important methods of the data processing.It can set the every reflection point to the real position and obtain the actual image that could reflect the underground medium.
Research conclusions: The abnormity of pipelines is obtained from the common offset profile by making simulation for the detection of underground pipelines.The result shows that using FDTD to simulate the mechanism of GPR is feasible. The actual positions of the underground pipelines ale known by using migration imaging.The result shows that migration imaging could make the object back to the original position and obtain underground actual image with high transverse resolution.
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 17-20 [
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Analysis of Application of Precisely Determined Geoid Model in Railway Surveying
Research purposes: At present,the hot topic point in GPS application and research is to obtain the normal height of observation spot from GPS observe information.In this paper,the obtained ellipsoidal height from GPS measurement in projects call be converted directly into the normal height by establishment of the precisely determined geoid model.
Research conclusions: With the precisely determined geoid model,the GPS control network spot is fitted in height and the internal and external accuracies of the precisely determined geoid model are checked and analyzed.The result shows the accuracy of the precisely determined geoid model is better than±3.5 cm.the normal height with centimeter—level accuracy can be got and this really achieves the three—dimensional positioning function of GPS technology in the geometry and physical senses.Compared with the traditional standards of leveling measurement,by using the precisely determined geoid,there is no error accumulation,the labor intensity can be much reduced and the working efficiency Call be improved.Under conditions that the traffic is inconvenient and topographical condition is complicated,the calculation accuracy of the normal height Can reach at centimeter level by using the high—resolution geoid model,which is a big leap in railway level surveying.
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 21-24 [
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Research on the Prediction of Settlement of Foundation Pile with Parallel Gray Neural Network
SHEN Yao—wei,WANG Jie
Research purposes: The static load test is the most visual and effective approach in all foundation pile tests and the scientific validity of the tested data is essential to analysis of test result.By using parallel gray neural network,this paper discusses the effective prediction of foundation pile settlement and data remedy in static tests under the similar geological conditions,and offers the calculation methods for them.
Research conclusions: The correlation degree of the soil mound pile is decided by making gray correlation analysis. With the aid of the linear—weighted method,the gray model is integrated with BP neural network to optimize the noisy—reduction for sole model.By adopting parallel gray neural network,the effective static load test data of sole pile in the area of the similar soil layer are predicted,and the errors are compared.The results indicate that overall factors could be considered in this approach,and the decisions of missing data remedy in the test,fitting of known settlement,prediction of future settlement and reference value of foundation pile settlement have practical values in correlation region.
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 25-29 [
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Analysis of Distribution Characteristics of Stress and Displacement of Portal Double—row Pile
ZHUO Ying—hua
Research purposes: The analyses are made for the distribution characteristics of internal force of pile body of portal double—row pile and the corresponding design and construction technologies.
Research conclusions: (1)The displacement in top of the front pile in portal double—row pile is obviously small than that of single—row pile and double—row pile without coupling beam,when the distance between two rows is big.(2)The max.moment and shearing force in the front pile are close to the back pile and the absolute value of positive moment and shearing force are close to the negative moment and shearing force.The coupling beam has an obvious effect on coordinating the moment and shearing force between the front pile and the back pile.(3)The parametem choice of the karst soil is an important influence factor on design of friction pile.(4)Portal double—row pile has lateral rigidity to effectively restrain the lateral deformation of exterior—protected construction.(5)To the side slope of expansive soil,the excavation and support should be conducted in time during engineering to reduce the disturbance of the water content and soil body by the engineering.(6)The numeral calculation should be adopted along with the experience for ensuring the stability of side slope..
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 30-33 [
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Research on the Design of Dock Structure for Underpass of S245 Highway
WEI Guo—an
Research purposes: In this paper,the introduction is given to the researches on the calculations of the structural style of road cross—section,soil pressure and buoyancy force resistance for design of the dock structure for the underpass of S245 Highway under the complicated engineering geological and hydrological conditions.
Research conclusions: It is proved that the border conditions,such as buoyant force of underground water,leakage,soil pressure have a great influence on the design and construction of the underground engineering in the area of complicated engineering geological and hydrological conditions,80 all the influence factors should be taken into account in the design to ensure the safety of construction and operation in future.It is feasible,reasonable and safe to adopt dock structure for underpass of highway under complicated engineering geological and hydrological conditions.
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 34-36 [
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Stability Analysis Method for Railway Dyke
WANG Kai—yun
Research purposes: At present,the design and stability calculation for the railway dyke in declining gully for water retaining and diversion is on the base of those for the hydraulic rolled—earth dam,but the borne load and stability condition of railway dyke are different from hydraulic dam.As a litde research has been done on this field,SO a set of mature design and calculation method has not been formed for the railway dyke yet.In this paper,the analyses are made for the stability of one railway dyke built in declining gully.
Research conclusions: (1)The stability of dyke in declining gully is influenced by the lowering base gradient,the cohesion of base contact surface and friction coefficient.(2)It is inappropriate to build a dyke on the ground directly when ditch gradient is more than 5%,and the dyke base should be made flat if possible.(3)It is appropriate to regard the cohesion of base contact surface as zero because the base contact surface is immersed in water for long term to drop the cohesive performance.
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 37-40 [
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Analyses of Reinforcement of Karst Subgrade of Luoyang—Zhanjiang Railway
YAO Yu—chun,LI An—hong,CHEN Yu—gang,LI Zhong—wei
Research purposes: The analyses of the default types and its forming mechanism of karst subgrade in different areas are made for the purposes of treating the kamt subgrade defaults of exsiting railway,reinforcing the karst subgrade of newly—built railway to ensure the safety of the karst subgrade.
Research conclusions: (1)The main default of the karst subgrade of Luoyang—Zhanjiang Railway is the subgrade settlement.The penetration corruption caused by the fluctuation of underground water,vacuum absorptive corruption and pumping underground water by human being are the reasons for the settlement.(2)The treatment principles of karst subgrade are as follows:To the embankment,grouting will be conducted,to the road cutting,the principle of combining prospecting with grouting will be followed and the verification will be made by prospecting and boring,to the deep buried carst cave,the grouting will be conducted after flyash and mortar fillings,to the open or shaUow buried karst cave,the refilling will be conducted after excavation or the concrete cover plate will be added.(3)In the prospecting and grouting process,it is necessary to pay attention to the changes of grouting pressure and environment and control of grouting quality for getting perfect grouting result and good stability of the karst subgrade.
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 41-43 [
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Research on the Key Technology for Big and Deep Foundation Pit for Shanghai Hongqiao Integrated Transport Hub
XU Xiang——hui
Research purposes: The principles and the thoughts on the met}lod for construction of big,deep and complex foundation pit for integrated transport hub are offered,and the methods for determining the parameters of building exterior—protected system and large—space bracing system for multi—step foundation pit aye discussed.
Research conclusions: The construction scheme of the foundation pit for integrated transport hub should be determined in accordance with the overall thoughts.The construction scheme and the relative parameters should be chosen with numerical simulation and calculations.As there is no criterion for determining the parameters for the exterior—protected construction for the multi—step foundation pit,80 the parameters for the exterior—protected for such foundation pit should be determined in accordance with the ratio of unloaded width(B)and foundation pit depth(H),the construction method and dewatering condition.For arranging the large—space bracing system and determining its parameters,the concept and principle of equivalent stiffness and even stiffness should be followed and the influence factom of the change of environment temperature,heave and settlement of the bracing column and construction loads should be considered.
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 44-49 [
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Applied Analysis and Study of Plane Design Standard for High-speed Rail-Way
BAI Bao—ying
Research purposes: The plane design standard for railway line decides the train running speed and the comfortable level,and affects the construction cost.By analyzing and researching the train operating plan and the V—S curve,the scientific and reasonable plane design standard for the railway line is obtained in order to meet the design requirements for the speed target value and the comfortable level of train and controls along the railway line,and achieve the goal of obtaining the optimal railway line plan in technology and benefits.
Research conclusions: For the section with the special technical requirements and control sector,the plane design standard for the railway line should be decided in accordance with the operation situation of construction project and researched result of V—S curve.For the sectional track,the plane design standard should be reasonably selected after analyzing the relation of the speed difference between the cross—line train and hish—speed train and deciding the reasonable comfortable level of train and relative super—elevation of track in accordance with the operation situation of construction project and researched result of V—S curve.For the tracks on both ends of station,the plane design standard should be selected after analyzing the relation of the distance between the curve and the center of the station and the relation of the speed difference between the entering and departing trains and high—speed train,and deciding the comfortable level of train and the super—elevation.
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 50-53 [
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Research on the Design Technologies for Welded Turnout Group of Hefei—Nanjing Railway
HUANG Zheng—-hua
Research purposes: This paper studies the stress and deformation of the welded turnout group of passenger dedicated line with the Rail—Fastener—Sleeper—Bed finite element model and offers the calculating method for the temperature force and displacement of welded turnout group with a non—linear finite element program for the purpose of providing the references to the design,construction and maintenance of the welded turnout group of passenger dedicated line.
Research conclusions: The experimental study results show that the glass foam revetment is better than the sward revetment in insulated during the experimental period, which can reduce the seasonable thaw
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 54-57 [
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Fabrication Calculation for Arbitrary Bar Arranging On Arbitrary Cross—Section
YANG Yong—yi,CHEN Ke—jian
Research purposes: It has been an unsolved difficult problem in engineering to conduct fabrication calculation for reinforcement structure when complex bar arranging is required on complex cross—section.The right solution has not been given to the fabrication on the non—symmetric and non—equably reinforcement section.Taking AutoCAD fits the secondary developing platform,based on ObjectARX and VC++ along with analytic method,iteration method and graphic method,this paper initially perfects fabrication calculation for reinforcement structure when arbitrary bar arranging is required on arbitrary cross—section(allowable stress method),and as a result,a fitting arbitrary bar arranging program I’S made with allowable stress method.
Research conclusions: The results of comparison and verification of considerable calculation cases show that AFPA is feasible and reliable in computing reinforcements for random reinforced concrete section and in computing the stress redistribution for random concrete section;and the computation by means of AFPA show the diaphragm set in the middle of bi—directional stressed hollow section has a little effect on controlling sectional rebar stress and crack width.
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 58-62 [
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Design Features of Capping Beam for Pier of Straddle—type Monorail Track Beam Bridge
YU Yang
Research purposes: The introductions are given in this paper to the design of the first straddle—type monorail transit system in China and its features,including selection of the style of pier capping beam,type of considered loading,design characteristics of bearing pad—stone and reinforcement arrangement for capping beam, drainage design,and technological breakthrough and innovation based on the digestion and absorption of the Japanese monorail technology for providing references to the similar works in future.
Research conclusions: The monorail adopted in the Phase I of Jiaoxin Line of Chongqing light rail was the first time for China to use it.The structure of the used T—shaped pier Was reasonable,which adapted to the characteristics of monorail pressure.The selected loading met the requirements of the various construction conditions and service condition for monorail.The precise design of the parameters for bearing pad—stone not only met the construction requirement,but also broke through the Japanese monorail construction mode that the pier Was constructed first and the beam is constructed late.
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 63-66 [
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Research on the Key Technologies for Design of Continuous Welded Rails (CWR)on Large—span Basket Handle Arch Bridge
LIU Wen—-bing
Research purposes: By studying the deformation law of large—span basket handle arch bridge under the effects of the temperature change and train load and establishing the non—linear finite element calculation model for the CWR on the basket handle arch bridge with ballastless track.the analyses of the interaction of the bridge and rail are made for the deformation,vertical force,expansion displacement and deflection displacement of CWR on 140 m span basket handle arch bridge with ballastless track to provide the support for the design and construction bridge and CWR.
Research conclusions: In the calculation of expansion force,the same calculation method as that for simply—supported beam or continuous beam Can be adopted for the of expansion displacement of basket handle arch bridge.The max.Flexural displacement caused by train load is less than the expansion displacement caused by temperature change,and the rail flexural force is less than the rail expansion force.So in general,the flexural force does not control rail calculation,but it may control the design calculation of piers.
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 67-70 [
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Analysis of Differences in Bridge and Culvert Designs of High—speed Railway between China and Germany
WANG Ting—zheng
Research purposes: Through Introducing the experiences of the consult work with the experts from Germany,the brief analyses of the main arguments and technical differences in bridge and culvert designs between China and Germany are made for the purpose of initiating the deep discussion on the innovative thoughts and advanced technologies to push forward the technology for bridge and culvert designs for high—speed railway.
Research conclusions: There are the big differences in the culvert design,layout of bridge deck,calculation of train braking force and traction force,braking force on pier of continuous beam bridge,distribution of braking force,limited value of deformation of creep on beam,calculation method of pile foundation and principles of reinforcement of pile cap between China Railway and German Railway.Through communication and discussion,the reasons for the differences are known and the reasonable opinions of German experts are listened to,which can provide the reference to improving the construction quality of bridge and culvert in China.
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 71-75 [
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Exploration on the Settlement Computation of Bridge Pile Foundation in Collapsible Loess Zone on Zhengzhou—Xi’an Passenger Dedicated Line
BAI Qi—cheng
Research purposes: As the Sanmenxia—Linbao section of Zhengzhou—Xi’an Passenger Dedicated Line lies in the deep collapsible loess zone,the over—settlement of bridge pile foundation occur8 due to the negative friction resistance.No computing method for pile foundation settlement in collapsible loess zone is reported up to now,80 it is necessary to do the searches on the computing method for the settlement of the bridge foundation pile in collapsible loess gone to control the total settlement in design.
Research conclusions: (1)In the settlement computation of bridge pile foundation in collapsible loess zone,the influence of negative friction resistance should be considered.(2)In design,it is reasonable that the total settlement of not more than the specified value is adopted for controlling the settlement of bridge pile foundation.(3)For the bridges in collapsible loess zone along the railway from Sanmenxia to Linbao,adopting the modified code of railway bridge to compute the total settlement of pile foundation can control the design.(4)The modulus of compressibility of soil beneath the pile bottom is the main influence factor on settlement computation,so it must be preciously measured during prospecting.
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 76-80 [
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Application of Cable Structure in Bridge and Basic Antiseptic Measures
YING Gan—zhou
Research purposes: The cable structures are widely used in bridge day by day and their main applicable areas include cable suspension bridge,cable—stayed bridge,arched bridge,tie—arch bridge and SO on.The cable structures are correspondingly divided into many kinds of type,such as cable,guy cable,hanging cable and etc.According to the environmental condition in the place where the bridge with cable structure locates,very hish anticorrosion performance of the bridge with cable structure is required.
Research conclusions: As the materials for cable structure have good performances,the cable structure is widely used in bridge.For ensuring the service safety of the bridge for long term,the antiseptic measures should be taken to the cable structure.At present,the basic antiseptic measures for cable structure materials are mostly galvanizing by hot—dipping and epoxy spray coating.
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 81-85 [
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Research on the Geologic Comparison for Schemes of Lianhuashan Karst Tunnel on Lijiang—Xianggelila Railway
ZHANG Guang—ze.DUAN Guang一wu
Research purposes: The safe and feasible principle on the route selection for Lianhuashan Tunnel is put forward based on finding out the hydrogeologic conditions of Lianhua8han tunnel.
Research conclusions: (1)The main innuence factor for the tunnel scheme is the Heilongtan karst runoff which drains as spring groups to Heilongtan at the foot of Xiangshan Mountain,north of the ancient city Lijiang.The spring water is mainly supplemented by atmosphere precipitation in about 121 km2 kant depression zone,including Jiuzihai,Lariguang and Hongshuitang areas.This karst run off zone is a relatively independent vein runoff with a small hydraulic gradient and low flowing velocity.(2)The principle of route selection for the tunnel:Based on the researches on the harm of karst water to the tunnel and the influence of the tunnel excavation on the kant water system,the tunnel route should keep away from water concentrating area like large—scale corrosion basin or depression etc.and upriver karst runoff zone close to the reehar舀ng area.The route in front of the tunnel line should be heightened,SO that the tunnel can pass safely through the kant safe area close to the drainage area.
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 86-90 [
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Earthquake Disaster Characteristics of Tunnel 109 on Baoji—Chengdu Railway and Measures for Urgent Repair and Treatment
MENG Xiang—lian
Research purposes: The”5·12 Wenchuan Earthquake”brought the mountain collapses to damage the Tunnel 1 09 and the running freight train,resulting in oil tank cars firing in the tunnel and interruption of Bali—Chengdu Railway.Whether the railway could be reopen to tratfic in short time became the focal point in urgent repair work.This paper sums up the survey and design experiences in urgent repair of the tunnel for the purpose of providing the reference to the similar work.
Research conclusions: Improvement of emergency systems is the base of urgent repair work.The scientific thoughts 0n urgent repair work is the core for guiding the urgent repair work.Rapid action and flexible working style are the principle of the urgent repair work.The perfect survey and design works for the traffic facilities in mountain area are the premises Of preventing and reducing disasters and are also the basis for studying the program of changing route.
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 91-93 [
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Analysis of Electric Load of TRNF Section Post for Electrified Railway
CHU Zhen—yu.ZHANG Chang—mei
Research purposes: The section post is installed on the ends of feeding section for parallel feeding to up and down tracks on the double—track electrified railway,which can improve the voltage level and reduce energy loss of the traction electric network equivalently.In this paper,the researches are done on how to choose and determine the load capacity of section post rationally and the methods for calculating the maximum load current and the maximum equivalent current in the section post are presented se as to provide the basis for selection of electric equipments for section post.
Research conclusions: The maximum traction 10ad of section post arises under the conditions that the fleet trains run in the heavy—duty direction and no train runs in the light—duty direction.Both the maximum 10ad current and the maximum equivalent current in the section post increase linearly with the increase of train quantity.The max.Equivalent current of the section post can be taken approximately by 30%of the total current separately feeding to the up and down tracks at the first end in the heavy—duty direction when there is less fleet train and call be taken by quarter when there is much fleet train.
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 94-97 [
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Research on the Optimal Design of 3D Trusses with Adaptive Genetic Algorithms
TIAN Cheng—hao,DONG Cheng,LIU Ming,WANG Tie—cheng
Research purposes: Aiming to the problem of the standard Genetic Algorithms(SGA),such as premature convergence,oscillation and over—randomization in iterative process,a series of adaptive genetic algorithms is proposed to improve SGA.The optimal design model for 3 D trusses is established with the adaptive genetic algorithms and the optimal analysis program for the adaptive genetic algorithms is made with matlab language for optimal design of the canopy of railway station.
Research conclusions: The adaptive genetic algorithms decides the cross location,cross rate and variance rate of chromosome based on the individual adaptive value in calculation process to make the cross moving to the algorithms convergence direction,which ensures the filial generation is better than father generation,make the start phase variable obviously and later phase stable slowly and ensure obtaining the optimal solution as a whole for population development,seeking balance and entire convergence.The optimal design of the trusses structure of the railway station canopy is made with the optimal design model for 3 D trusses and matlab software.The result shows the adaptive genetic algorithms is an ideal optimal design method for building structure.
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 98-102 [
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Exploration on Whether or not to Set Successive Route for 6‰ Descending Grade on Passenger Dedicated Line
SHEN Zhi—ling
Research purposes: The Chinese Railway Specifications says the successive route of receiving has to be set when there is a 6‰ descending grade in the range of braking distance out of the home signal to prevent side collision accident in case that train overruns the start signal.But setting successive route decreases the station carrying capacity and increases the investment.This paper discusses the issue Otl whether Or not to set the successive route for 6‰ descending grade on passenger dedicated line and gives the possibility of not setting the successive route for 6‰ descending grade on passenger dedicated line for providing the reference.
Research conclusions: Through analyzing the reasons for setting the successive route for 6‰descending grade and the sophistication of the braking capability and control equipment of the train running on passenger dedicated line,the idea is expressed in this paper that it is unnecessary to set the successive route when there is a 6‰ descending grade on passenger dedicated line.This idea breaks through the regulation of The Chinese Railway Specifications,but has significance to decreasing the investments in the railway track and signaling equipments,reducing the land occupation and enhancing the traffic capacity.
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 103-106 [
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Research on the Development and Design of Reserved Top—head Platform of Car Depot for Fire Protection
GAO Hong
Research purposes: The development and design of reserved top—head platform of car depot are the development trend in future.After studying the development and design of reserved top—head platform of Shenzhen Qianhai Subway Car Depot,it is advised the non—combustible materials should be adopted to the plate,beam,column and foundation of the top—head platform,and the heat insulation measure with fire—proof coating should be taken or the protective layer for the members of the beam and plate should be thickened to meet the requirement of 4—hour fire resistance and the construction demands.
Research conclusions: From the study on the development and design of reserved top—head platform of Shenzhen Qianhai Subway Car Depot,it is concluded(1)The design of reserved top—head platform of Car depot for fire protection should be made in accordance with the real condition of each building and the suitable measures should be taken to meet the requirements of fire protection.(2)The problems in the fire protection of Car depot should be overcome by adopting the current technologies for fire protection with the Security Code and Standard.(3)The heat insulation measure with fire—proof coating should be taken or the protective layer for the members of the beam and plate should be thickened to meet the requirement of 4—hour fire resistance and the construction demands.
2009 Vol. 26 (6): 107-110 [
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Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
Supported by:
Beijing Magtech