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2009 Vol. 26, No. 4
Published: 2009-04-15
Assessment and Control of Engineering Geological Risk to the Railway in Desert Area
HUANG Yuan-liang
Research purposes:Construction project is much impacted by the geological disasters, so it is very important to assess the geological disasters risk before the construction. The researches are done in this paper on assessment of the geological disasters risk for the purpose of providing the scientific basis to the similar works in future.
Research conclusions:(1) The work of assessment of the geological disasters risk should be done well in the stage of the project plan so as to clearly know the current and latent geological disasters risk. (2) The work of assessment of the geological disasters risk should be done for both risks of the sudden happening geological disaster and slow change geological disaster. (3) The identification and analyses should be made for the existing risk and assessed risk, and the danger classes and dange scale of different types of disaster should be defined and assessed with quantum molecular identification method. Meanwhile the rational measures for prevention of the different disasters should be proposed.
2009 Vol. 26 (4): 1-4 [
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Research on Influence of the Displacement of Surface Rock in Coal Mine Goaf on High-speed Railway
CHEN Ze-Lian
Research purposes:When the high-speed railway passing through the coalmine goaf, through analyses of the surface deformation and effected boundary, the evaluation is made on the influences of the surface deformation and effected boundrary on high-speed railway for the purpose of offering the basis for the railway route selection. With the new calculation and prediction methods, the high-speed railways' safety can be guaranteed and it can be reduced in the possible resources occupation by reserving the railway pretection column against coal to meet the precise requirement of high-speed railway.
Research conclusions:The main influencing factors can be considered with probability integration method. The calculation parameters for the rock displacement should be rationally chosen for precise prediction of the result of surface deformation in goaf in accordance with the geological conditions, coal storing volume and technological condition. The analysis indicates that the railway route in the original plan locates in the influencing range of coalmine goafs and the deformation value exceeds the allowable value. So, the goafs should be treated or railway route should be adjusted to ensure the safety of high-speed railway. However, there are lots of the factors to influence displacement deformation of the rock, so the calculation parameters should be chosen according to surveyed data.
2009 Vol. 26 (4): 5-8 [
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Research on the Settlement Characteristics of Subgrade with Piled Raft Foundation under Conditions of Thick Compressible Foundation
CUI Wei-xiao
Research purposes:This paper researched the settlement characteristics of subgrade with piled raft foundation under conditions of thick compressible foundation and put forward the methods of settlement calculation and parameter selection, which can be used to design reference of settlement control of high speed railway subgrade.
Research conclusions:There are obviously different about bearing and settlement distortion characteristics between single pile and pile group. The settlement obtained by testing in reinforced area is caused actually by the stab deformation (piles pierce into substratum). The Geddes should be preferred to use in settlement analysis of the piled raft foundation.
2009 Vol. 26 (4): 9-12 [
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Design and Analysis of U-shape Groove Structure
DING Zhao-feng, WU Pei-pei
Research purposes:Through the discussion on the structure design of a new type of Supporting Structure-U-Shape Groove, this paper mainly analyzes its key technical issues, such as the theoretical calculation model, loads, reinforcement and structure shop drawing for providing the solution to the focal and difficult points in the structure design of U-Shape Groove and providing some reference to the similar design.
Research conclusions:Now, the general and feasible method to analyze the Structure U-Shape Groove is based on the elastic theory. All the loads including their combination behavior should be considered reasonably. The structure should be designed as the beam with single reinforcement, and some essential structure measures should be taken on the sections where there is stress concentration. Besides the stressed steel bar, the hoop, the distribution reinforcement and the reinforced steel bar for the control section are needed. In unfavorable geological area, the structure can be used with other engineering measures to meet the design requirements.
2009 Vol. 26 (4): 13-16 [
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Test and Measurement of the Vibration Induced by Heavy Ramming Foundation and Anti-vibration Measure
YIN Jian, ZHANG Liang-tao
Research purposes:The heavy ramming was used for the foundation of Hong'an Comprehensive Maintenance Depot for Hefei-Wuhan Railway, which induced the serious impact on the adjacent resident houses. For safety of the houses and maintaining a normal living environment, it is necessary to perform a specific test and measurement of ramming vibration and work out the reliable anti-vibration measures.
Research conclusions:The vibration of heavy ramming would damage the adjacent resident houses and the vertical Z-weighted vibration acceleration within the house would also exceed the state standard if no countermeasures are taken. The ramming will not induce resonance of the houses if the main frequency of ramming vibration is far away from the house inherent frequency. Vibration-isolation ditch is an effective structure for attenuation of vibration. It is recommended to deepen the vibration-isolation ditch and take out debris in it as well as if necessary, the concrete can be jetted to the ditch wall for better effects. In the meantime, for ensuring safety, the adjacent residents can move out and the monitoring of vibration can be conducted to the houses during the ramming. After completion of construction, the structure of the houses should be repaired.
2009 Vol. 26 (4): 17-20 [
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Overall Design of Shaoguan-Huadu Railway of Wuhan-Guangzhou Passenger Dedicated Line
CHEN Liang
Research purposes:Wuhan-Guangzhou Passneger Dedicated Line is an important part of Beijing-Wuhan-Guangzhou-Shenzhen Passenger Dedicated Line planned in Medium-Term and Long-term Railway Plan and will be a busy railway, composing of the railway corridor from Beijing to Guangzhou with the existing Beijing-Guangzhou Railway Line. The introduction is given in this paper to the overall design of Shaoguan-Huadu Railway of Wuhan-Guangzhou Passenger Dedicated Line, including the routes selections in complicated geological area and special area and application of new technologies.
Research conclusions:After the comparison of Zhangshi Plan with Qingyuan Plan in the fields of land form, geological condition, environment protection, technology and investment, the Zhangshi Plan is recommended. In this plan, the railway station is recommended to locate in Baijialong through comparison of that in Zhouxinzhen in the fields of the technology and investment. In the meantime, the new technologies are adopted for construction of track, subgrade and tunnel to accumulate the experience for construction of passenger dedicated line.
2009 Vol. 26 (4): 21-25 [
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Exploration on the Surveying and Data Processing of Control Network for Ballastless Track of High-Speed Railway
SHI De-bin,WANG Chang-jin,LI Bo-feng
Research purposes:Construction of the ballastless track of high-speed railway needs control network III (CPIII) for precise survey and control. For such control networks with high accuracy, the modern precise surveying devices should be adopted along with the optimum surveying scheme and reliable data processing for control of quality. This paper discusses the construction procedure and surveying scheme of CPIII and the corresponding data processing method for the first ballastless track high-speed railway from Beijing to Tianjin in China for providing the reference to the similar projects in future.
Research conclusions:The ballastless track control network based on free station and linear-angular intersection for high-speed railway is better than the general network in precision and network stability, which can satisfy the precise requirement of high-speed railway construction. The study and analyses of the surveying and data processing of CPII and CPI show the network with one surveying spot very 60m can satisfy the requirement of the track regularity and the control spot is restrained one time about very 500m can save money.
2009 Vol. 26 (4): 26-30 [
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Research on the Design of Bridge in High Intensity Seismic Zone
ZHANG Xiao-kun
Research purposes:In the north suburb of Weinan city, Zhengzhou-Xi'an Passenger Dedicated Line twice crosses the Wei River located in high intensity seismic zone. The line was required to cross the river with large span bridge for reducing the water-blocking area caused by the bridge pier foundation because of the demand of flood protection. Based on the seismic design of the WeinanWei River Bridge on Zhengzhou-Xi'an Passenger Dedicated Line, the introduction is given in this paper to how to determine the main bridge span and connected length of the prestressed concrete continuous beam in high intensity seismic zone in the premise of ensuring the rationality of structure design.
Research conclusions:For how to use a convenient method at the beginning of structure design to determine the span of the bridge in high intensity seismic zone, a useful method is offered in this paper.
2009 Vol. 26 (4): 31-34 [
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Exploration on the Security Measure for Railway Tunnel
Research purposes:In this paper, the discussion is made on the foreign experience and practical equipment developped by China for the security of railway tunnel, and the different protective measures are offered for the different tunnels.
Research conclusions:(1) In the situation of fire hazard happening in tunnel, the ventilation of tunnel should be guaranteed in order to maintain peoples' thinking and physical strength. (2) According to the different situations, the measures, such as adopting vertical division, horizontal channels and escaping chute should be taken to help people to escape the disaster area. (3) Considering the possibility of power off in the tunnel, the clear guiding facilities should be installed for power off. (4)Mechanical tools should be simple and reliable and manual operation is preferred. (5) For subway tunnel, the protective measures for the tunnel security should include auto elevator and screen gate. (6) For mountain tunnel, the protective measures should include fire door and fans. (7) For river tunnel, the protective measures should include water proof gate and escaping chute.
2009 Vol. 26 (4): 35-38 [
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Study on the Grounding Mode of 10kV Single Conductor Cables on the Passenger Dedicated Lines
LI Wen-hao, CUI Xiao-yu, CHEN Wei-rong, LIN De-fu
Research purposes:Single high-voltage conductor cables are used for most of the 10kV power run-through line in the construction of Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan Passenger Dedicated Line (PDL). Considering the effects of different electric loops along the electrified railways, the studies were done on the induced voltages of the metallic sheath in single-phase and three-phase circuits. According to the requirement of GB50217-2007, the induced voltage in the metallic sheath of the single conductor cable was calculated. After analyzing and comparing the different grounding methods, the solution was proposed to the layout of the single conductor cables and the grounding of the metallic sheath.
Research conclusions:Single conductor cables in 10kV power run-through lines are better to be arranged as an equilateral triangle. The effect of catenary currents should not be neglected when calculating the induced voltage of the metallic sheath. The two ends of the metallic sheath in the single conductor cable shall not be earthed directly. For the cable length up to 2 km, it is grounded with one end direct earthing and the other end protective earthing. Middle direct grounding-two ends protective grounding method can be adopted if the cable length is about between 2 km and 4 km. Metallic sheath cross connection method is advised when the cable length is longer than 4 km.
2009 Vol. 26 (4): 39-42 [
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Evaluation of the Catenary-pantograph Relation in Passenger Dedicated Line and Its Application in Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Railway
BAO Li-bo, LUO Jian
Research purposes:Catenary-pantograph relation is one of key points of high-speed electrified railway. By doing the researches on the catenary-pantograph relation requirements and parameter evaluation standard of international high-speed electrified railway and also on the catenary-pantograph relation and static state dynamic examination for Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Railway, this paper systemically summarizes the evaluation standard of catenary-pantograph relation in China, and puts forward the advices for designing pantograph and OCS for high-speed electrified railway based on the examined data of Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Railway.
Research conclusions:The research and analysis of the requirements of catenary-pantograph relation as well as the examined data show the evaluation standard used for the catenary-pantograph relation of Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Railway is feasible, which can be as the technical reference to the OCS design simulation platform and the standard engineering evaluation system in China. The proposals are made that for reducing the off-wire spark of high-speed electrified railway, the pantograph design should be optimized and the tension of contact wire should increase to 30kN, and for reducing the elasticity difference of contact wire, the dropper length should be calculated precisely and the installation error should be controlled strictly during construction.
2009 Vol. 26 (4): 43-46 [
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Research on the Material for HGT and Construction Technology of Slip-form Paving
DONG Chong-feng
Research purposes:The HGT made from a concrete mixed material with low elastic property has been used for the ballast base of bi-block ballastless roadbed in the integrated experimental sections of Suining-Chongqing Passenger Dedicated Line and the Wuhan-Guangzhou Passenger Dedicated Line. The material is a new developed material and first applied in China, and the paving construction technology for it is a new technique in China. This paper researches on the material for HGT and construction technology of slip-form paving for it.
Research conclusions:The applications of the HGT and its slip-form paving in the Suining-Chongqing Passenger Dedicated Line and the Wuhan-Guangzhou Passenger Dedicated Line show the HGT made from a concrete mixed material with low elastic property can meet the technical requirements and is suitable for slip-form paving to achieve the expected goal. For example, there was no problem appeared to HGT in the MU test at the speed of 351km/h carried out on Wuhan-Guangzhou Passenger Dedicated Line, and it shows the HGT and paving technology are successful.
2009 Vol. 26 (4): 47-51 [
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Application of One 3D Coupled Element Model in Smiulation of Smear Layer
ZHOU Gang,LUO Zhao-xin,LI An-hong
Research purposes:The material properties of drain well are so different than those of surrounding soil, so the contact interface elements are needed in the simulation of smear layer. But most contact interface elements only can reflect the stress-strain property and can not reflect the penetrable property. In order to consider the settlement difference between drain well and soft soil as well as the penetrability of contact interface elements, a new kind coupled contact interface element is developed to simulate smear layer.
Research conclusions:Based on considering the effect of smear layer, 16-node constant thickness contact interface elements coupled with 8-node isometric elements are used to simulate the smear layer of drain wells. A relevant finite-element program is made to analyze two practical examples. The result is verified reasonable shows that the coupled element model is effective and can be used in numerical analysis for construction.
2009 Vol. 26 (4): 52-56 [
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Research on the Reclamation Technology for the Land Temporarily Used for Railway Construction
YANG Rui-feng, ZHANG Jian-qiang
Research purposes:There are no design codes and design thoughts for reclamation of land temporarily used for railway construction. This paper describes what was done for reclamation of the land used for construction of Guiyang-Guangzhou Railway and points out the land reclamation should be done according to the local conditions for the purpose of providing reference to the similar work.
Research conclusions:The ecological functions of the land destroyed in the course of railway construction, such as the lands for storing waste soil, for temporary path, for temporary house and for temporary engineering can be restored by adopting the relative reclamation technology and taking relative measures, such as removing surface soil, building irrigation system and installing vegetable layer. These technologies and methods are very useful for restore the ecological function of the destroyed land along the railway.
2009 Vol. 26 (4): 57-61 [
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Analysis of the Parameters Related to Determining the Midway between Tracks in High-speed Railway Passenger Station
LIU Jian-guang
Research purposes:The midway between tracks in station is one main technical parameters of station design. The design method is stipulated in the Design Code for the midway between tracks in station of the 200 km/h high-speed railway or above (passenger dedicated line), but the final parameters needed in the station design are not stipulated in the Design Code. This paper analyzes the parameters related to determining the midway between tracks in station of high-speed railway (passenger dedicated line) and offers the reference opinions on it based on the design practice.
Research conclusions:The midway between tracks in station is not only related to the facilities of catenary post, noise barrier and canopy column, but also related to the facilities of the structural column of elevated station building, anti-collision wall and longitudinal drainage between tracks. This paper gives data about midway between main line and receiving-departure tracks with or without column, and the midway between receiving-departure tracks respectively.
2009 Vol. 26 (4): 62-66 [
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Research on the Route Selection and Station Site Selection of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hongkong Passenger Dedicated Line in Shenzhen Downtown Area
PAN Guo-qiang, YANG Jia-qi
Research purposes:Considering the complexity of the route selection and station site selection of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-HongKong passenger dedicated line in Shenzhen downtown area, the optimum Yitian plan of route selection and station site selection is proposed and the reasonable functions of new Shenzhen Station and Yitian Station are presented through a comprehensive comparison.
Research conclusions:The comprehensive analyses of the characteristics of Shenzhen city and its planning, the railway terminals layout, construction conditions, the station site and attracting the passenger with the convenience to them shows the Yitian plan of route selection and station site selection can satisfy the requirements of the city plan and the Yitian Station has favourable conditions for building a modern large-sized transportation terminal. New Shenzhen Station serves the long-distance and cross-line trains and most the trains to Xiamen city, and Yitian Station mainly services the intercity trains.
2009 Vol. 26 (4): 67-70 [
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Research on the Pre-reserved Upgrading Scheme for Subway Station in Beijing South Traffic Terminal
The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation, Tianjin 300251, China
traffic terminal; zero transfer; pre-reserved subway station; upgrading
2009 Vol. 26 (4): 71-75 [
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Research on the Upgrading Plan of Xiangtangxi Marshalling Station
HOU Xiang-ju
Research purposes:Aiming at the problem that Xiangtangxi Marshalling Station in Nanchang railway hub is deficient in operation capacity, this paper systematically studies the upgrading plans of Xiangtangxi Marshalling Station, and puts forward the recommended plan though comparison of plans in economics, technology, traffic flexibility and operation capacity.
Research conclusions:Through the research on the upgrading plan of the marshalling station, it is decided to upgrade the up system of marshalling station into two-stage -four-yard and the down system into three-stage-three-yard by using level untwining reasonably with consideration of the numbers of freight train, train flow properties, flexibility of operation route and demands of transport development under condition of no way to adjust the existing layout largely. Therefore, the upgraded station can meet the near and long-term development demands and save the construction investment.
2009 Vol. 26 (4): 76-81 [
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Research on the Track Program of Rail Transit in Lagos with Set Pair Analysis Theory
LING Han-dong, JIANG Hui-yuan
Research purposes:In recent years, traffic cooperation and exchange projects between China and Africa become more and more increasingly. As the biggest city in Nigeria, Lagos has obviously improved much in the economy recently. With the growing demand for passenger and freight traffic, rail transit has become the important part of urban transport plan. This paper intends to propose the appropriate track programs of rail transit in Lagos and select the optimum program from a number of programs with the best evaluation methods.
Research conclusions:Set pair analysis theory is a new method to deal with the uncertain and multiplex problems. Through quantitatively analyzing uncertain systems and sequencing the uncertainness of the different programs, the optimum program is obtained by establishing the integrated evaluation model for rail transit in Lagos with the set pair analysis theory, determining the index weight with analytic hierarchy process and establishing the evaluation index system for evaluation and estimation of a number of optional programs. The results show that the set pair analysis theory can be used for optimizing the track program of rail transit.
2009 Vol. 26 (4): 82-85 [
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Analyses of the Transfer Plans for Five Rail Transit Lines Accessing to Hongqiao Integral Traffic Hub
SHEN Yue-rong, BAO De-ying
Research purposes:The analyses and comparisons are made for the transfer plans for five rail transit lines accessing to Hongqiao Integral Traffic Hub with large amount of traffic for the purpose of determining the transfer plan and providing the reference to working out the transfer plan for multiple lines accessing to the large modern traffic hub.
Research conclusions:It is concluded from researching the design of transfer plan for West Metro Station of Hongqiao Traffic Hub that for the large-sized integral traffic hub, the transfer plan should pay more attention to the transportation mode with the biggest passenger flow and the large amount of passengers demanding transfer, and it should be known where the transfer passengers come from and where to go for designing the transfer plan more reasonable to realize the "jointless connection and zero transfer".
2009 Vol. 26 (4): 86-90 [
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Design of Signaling System for Line 2 of Guangzhou Metro Line 2
Research purposes:This paper analyzes the configuration and design of the moving-like block ATC system based on the digital track circuit and makes the proposal to application of new technology of signaling system in order to provide the reference to signal design for metro.
Research conclusions:To the large cross section metro with function of untwining passenger flow, the mature and reliable moving-like block ATC system based on the digital track circuitnot only satisfies SIL4 safety requirement, but also meets the main technical operation indexes, such as 90s headway, 120s turnaround interval, etc. In the meantime, the safe and reliable technical interfaces can be also realized with the corresponding systems, including communications, power supply system monitoring, platform screen door system and flood gate system, etc.
2009 Vol. 26 (4): 91-95 [
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Design of Interval Signal for Continued Project of Dalian Rapid Rail Line 3
WANG Hai-tao
Research purposes:Through analyses of the route plan and profile of the continued project of Dalian rapid rail line 3 and in combination with the carrying capacity of the line requirement and signal equipment as well as according to the passenger volume requirement, the traction simulation calculation is made, and based on the calculation results, the transportation capacity and reasonable divisional location of signal are designed for the purpose of guaranteeing the safety of the train on the No.3 rapid rail line.
Research conclusions:Through the simulation calculation, the highest train speed of the No.3 rapid rail line is 79 km/h and the biggest braking distance is 657 m. However, considering the necessary safe distance, the maximum blocking section length will be 700m that can satisfy the requirement of train operation, and considering the requirements of the train returning and the train speed, the minimum blocking section length around the kaifaqu Station will be 200m that can satisfy the requirement. With fixed automatic block, the speed grade of signal equipment should be consistent with the train speed without limitation of the normal train operation for increasing the train speed.
2009 Vol. 26 (4): 96-99 [
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Research on the Relation between Installation of Signaling System and Layout of Auxiliary Track of Urban Mass Transit
WEN Ren-guang
Research purposes:This paper illustrates the shortcomings in design of the track of existing urban mass transit from the view of signaling system, proposes the analysis method for the length of auxiliary tracks of urban mass transit based on the engineering practical experience, and presents the installation requirement of the auxiliary by the signaling system for providing the similar design in future.
Research conclusions:The operation requirement, economic rationality, signaling system and civil structure should be considered in the design because the relation is complicated between the location of wayside device of signaling system and location of the auxiliary track. Based on the analyses and calculation, the concrete requirements are presented to layout of the auxiliary track, which can overcome the limitation to the signaling system caused by civil engineering and meet the operation requirement of signaling system for urban mass transit.
2009 Vol. 26 (4): 100-103 [
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Exploration on the Wireless Technology for Subway Passenger Information System(PIS)
LI Jia-yi, HUANG Chun-fang
Research purposes:The operation management of modern urban transport system pays more and more attention to the service of passengers, and establishment of the passenger information system servicing the passengers is placed in a key position in subway construction. Through the research, the proposal is made that the wireless technology can be chosen for the subway passenger information system.
Research conclusions:Through the analysis and comparison of the three wireless technologies of WLAN, WMAX and Mesh, application of WLAN technology can realize the bi-high speed telecommunication for subway between train and the station of subway, which is the most advanced, practical and reliable real-time telecommunication mode that can satisfy the communication for high-speed train of subway.
2009 Vol. 26 (4): 104-107 [
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Analysis of Construction Organization Design and Engineering Cost for High-grade Railway
HU Fa-zong
Research purposes:The high-grade railway has the characteristics of high speed, high technology and high quality, and new code, new design standard and new construction technique. However, there are some problems appeared in completed high -grade railway and the high-grade railway under construction, so it is necessary to make summary and do research for overcoming these problems in high-grade railway design in future.
Research conclusions:In the course of high-grade railway construction organization design, the more attention should be paid to combining the construction organization with the plans of construction schedule, the location and scale of laying rail, the beam construction, the location and scale of fabricating beam and materials supply. For defining the engineering cos,t the focuses should be made on the technical and economic comparisons of the track and bridge construction plans, earth-borrowing (stone) plan and infrastructure construction plans so as to correctly reflect the requirements of the design and construction.
2009 Vol. 26 (4): 108-112 [
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Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
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Beijing Magtech