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2009 Vol. 26, No. 2
Published: 2009-02-15

1 Research on the JiangxiRailway NetworkcsDevelopment and Plan
Research purposes:W ith speedingup railway construction in the new era, it isnecessary to do researcheson the development and plan of Jiangxi railway network for the purposes of promoting the railway construction in Jiangxi Province, enhancing network capacity and improving network quality.
Research conclusions:The research shows the railwaynetwork in JiangxiProvincewillcover4 535 km in 2020 and form "大" railway network framework composing of Shanghai-Kunming, Beijing-Kowloon and Xiangtang-Putian railways, with the railway network density of0. 95 km / ten thousand people, railway network density/per unit area of 267 km /10, 000 km2, double-track railway rate of76. 6 percen.t At that time, the network qualitywillbe improved much, which can bettermeet the requirements of rapid economic and social developmentof JiangxiProvince.
2009 Vol. 26 (2): 1-5 [Abstract] ( 2469 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (678 KB)  ( 256 )
6 Prelim inarily Research on the Railway Route Selection in Seism ic Region of Mountain Area
HAN Kang
Research purposes:Although the current railroad standard has some stipulations to the route selection in seismic region, but does not integrate with the concrete seismic dynamic parameters, so it is difficult to put into practice. AfterbigWenchuan earthquake, the secondary disasterproduced inmountain areawas extremely serious, but the impacting grade depended on the acceleration of dynamic peak value. This paper studies the relation between the seismic acceleration ofpeak value and railway route selection for the purpose ofdirecting the route selection inmountain area.
Research conclusions:In the areaswhere the seismic acceleration ofdynamic peak value is0.1 or0.15 g, the earthquake impacting factors may not be considered in railroad route selection. In the areas where the seismic acceleration of dynamic peak value is 0. 2 or 0. 3 g, the earthquake imparting factor railroad route selection must be considered in railway route selection. In the areaswhere the seismic acceleration ofdynamic peak value is\0. 4 g, the railway route selection is impacted by earthquake factor serously, and the railway track in these area should be easy to repair.
2009 Vol. 26 (2): 6-9 [Abstract] ( 2581 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (118 KB)  ( 150 )
10 Study on the Scheme ofLeading Tianjin-Q inhuangdao Passenger Dedicated Line into Q inshan Area
LV Jian-jun
Research purposes:There are many existing railways in Qinshan Area, and it is difficult to rebuild the existing stations. However, the existing railway network conflictswith the city developmentplan, and LeadingTianjin-Qinhuangdao PassengerDedicated Line not only faces the existed problems, but also needs consideration of the city long-term developmentplan. Thispaperstudies the scheme of leadingTianjin-Qinhuangdao Passenger DedicatedLine into Qinshan area and sums up the experience in this field.
Research conclusions:Base on the technicaland economicalanalysesofallkey influence factorson leading the line into the area, the recommended scheme of leading Passenger Railway leading into Qinshan area is given in this paper,including the necessarymodification of the existing railway lines.
2009 Vol. 26 (2): 10-12 [Abstract] ( 2565 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (231 KB)  ( 246 )
13 Research on the Necessity of Building Railway Ferry between China and South Korea
LI Jia-yu
Research purposes:The analyses of the current trade situation and development trend between China and SouthKorea are made and the study is done on the necessity of building railway ferry between two countries. The economic and trade developments between two countries require building the railway ferry because the railway ferry can be as other transportation mode between two countries, which can improve the transportation network and promote formation of railway corridorbetweenAsia and Europe.
Research conclusions:(1) The railway ferry will develop the trade between China and South Korea and them with MiddleAsia, WesternAsia and Eastern Europe, enhance the traffic volume of the Second ContinentalBridge in China and promote the people exchange between two countries. (2) The railway ferry will provide a new choice for freight between two countries, which can meet the demands of two countries. (3) The railway ferry can promote the coordination between Chinese railway andKorean railway. (4) The railway ferrywill have great potential benefits and possibility to become the access betweenAsia and Europe, which can be as a resource for economic integration ofAsia and Europe.
2009 Vol. 26 (2): 13-16 [Abstract] ( 2559 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (167 KB)  ( 182 )
17 Discussion on Detection ofUnderground Pipelines for Railway
LI Zhi-hua,XU De-yin,WANG Kang-ping,ZHANG En-yi
Research purposes:The analyses and summaries aremade on the detection difficulties, contents and quality ofunderground pipeline for railway for the purpose of improving the detectionwork ofunderground pipelines for railway tunnel to satisfy the needs of railway construction.
Research conclusions:Based on the difficulty points and characteristicsofunderground pipelinesdetection, the analyses of the influencing factors on the underground pipelines detection for railway are made, and the countermeasures and resolution to improving the detection quality ofunderground pipeline for railway are offered.
2009 Vol. 26 (2): 17-20 [Abstract] ( 2511 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (116 KB)  ( 114 )
21 Thoughts on Design of the Damaged Road byW enchuan Earthquake Zone
WANG M ao, LUO Q ing
Research purposes:The epicenter ofWenchuan earthquake located in the mountainous zone and the roads and bridges in seismic zonewere damaged seriously. Based on the investigation of the style and location of the damaged roads and bridges, the analyses of reasons for the road and bridge being damaged aremade and the points for caution in design of themountain road are offered.
Research conclusions:The investigation shows the main reason for hard relief are the road exitwas singleness, the landform, geology and road standardswere notconsidered together in design of the road, and the protective construction for side slope could not stand the pulling force, shearing force and bending caused by the earthquake. The following points for caution in design are presented: (1) Road network should follow the principle ofmultiple exits; (2) The road standard should consider the local conditions; (3) More attention should be paid to the geology; (4) The side slope should be anchored; (5) The crash pad should be adopted to the bridge.
2009 Vol. 26 (2): 21-24 [Abstract] ( 2626 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (215 KB)  ( 163 )
25 Solution to the Control of Subgrade Settlement for Passenger Dedicated Line
HAN Zhi-xia, CUI Jun-jie
Research purposes:The commonly-used design and treatment theory andmethod for the traditional softsoil foundations can notmeet the needs of the foundation consolidation treatment and design calculation of the post-construction settlementofpassengerdedicated line because the passengerdedicated line requires less post-construction settlement for its subgrade. This paper offers the solution to control of subgrade settlementofpassenger dedicated line.
Research conclusions:Themethod fordetermining the thickness of compressed layer is put forward throughmaking the analyses ofadvantages and disadvantagesof the allmethods in details. Based on the analysisof the load characteristicsof track, train and transporting girder vehicle and subgrade control factor of stabilization and settlemen,t the proposals are made to simplifying the load forms of track, train and transporting girder vehicle. Through the research on the different load transfer characteristics of foundation forms and formation conditions of composite foundation, it is pointed out the subgrade settlement control on passengerdedicated railway line should be conducted according to the cushion form of the embankmentbase and strengthening pile typeswith the composite foundation theory.
2009 Vol. 26 (2): 25-29 [Abstract] ( 2587 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (333 KB)  ( 87 )
30 Experimental Study on the Engineering Characteristics of Loess Filling and Its Improvement under DifferentBuried Depth
LUO Zhao-xin,LIANG Bo
Research purposes:Based on the indoor tes,t the analyses of the engineering characteristics ofnatural loess and improved loess underdifferentburied depth aremade for the purposes ofseeking theway of improving loess and the mixturematerials and itsmixes quantity for the filling ofhigh-speed ballastless track.
Research conclusions:The study shows the natural loess isnotsuitable forbeing the filling ofroadbed directly due to its the big porosity, water sensitivity and collapsibility for the ballastless track requiring less settlemen,t so the natural loess mustbe improved. After improvemen,t its coefficientofcompression is loweredmuch, its strength andwater stability of loess are highly improved, and its collapsibility is removed. The improved loess can be as highly qualified filling materials forhigh-speed ballastless track when the construction quality is guaranteed in mixture ratio, water conten,tlaying thickness and compactness.
2009 Vol. 26 (2): 30-34 [Abstract] ( 2615 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (683 KB)  ( 99 )
35 Study on the Technology forGround Temperature Test in PermafrostRegion
LIU Zheng-ping
Research purposes:The ground temperature test is a key point of engineering geologic investigation in permafrost region, and the accuracy of the tested result is essential to the rationality of themeasures for the construction in permafrost region because the tested resultwillbe as the basis to the engineering design. As therewere already lots of theworks done on ground temperature tests for construction ofQinghai-TibetRailway, this paper studies and sums up the technology for the ground temperature tests forQinghai-TibetRailway for the purpose ofproviding the reference to the similarworks in permafrost region.
Research conclusions:Based on studying the technology for the ground temperature tests forQinghai-TibetRailway, a complete setof investigation technology is summed up, including the drillingmethod forground temperature, fixing test tube and itswaterproo,f recovery time ofground temperature in drilling, fixing components forground temperature tes,t and collection and analysis ofdata.
2009 Vol. 26 (2): 35-38 [Abstract] ( 2592 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (144 KB)  ( 156 )
39 Exploration on the Design Theory for Anti-sliding Composite Structure of M ini-piles
JIANG Chu-sheng,ZHOU De-pei
Research purposes:This paper studies the design theory and gives the corresponding calculation formula for anti-sliding composite structure ofmini-pile to determine the rational space, shearing force and back- landslide pushing force of composite pile for the purpose ofproviding the basis for composite structure ofmini-pile.
Research conclusions:The design of the composite structure ofmini-pile shall follow the following points: Firstly, the space between piles can be considered as 2. 5-3. 5 times of the equivalentdiameter of themini-pile. Secondly, the landslide pushing force acting on the pile can be calculatedwith the landslide analysis calculationmethod. Thirdly, the calculationmode can be simplified as to calculate the multi-column frame with rigid top slab under the effects of pushing force or earth-pressure above the sliding surface, and for simplified calculation, the things below the sliding surfacemay be considered as the fixed end. Finally, the total shearing strength of the reinforced sliding-surface by mini-piles is equal to the sliding-surface itselfplus piles'shearing strength.
2009 Vol. 26 (2): 39-43 [Abstract] ( 2545 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (446 KB)  ( 288 )
44 Analysis of the Assessment of Loess Tunnel Settlement before Laying Slab Track on Zhengzhou-Xi'an Passenger Dedicated Line
GAO Shu-feng
Research purposes:Zhengzhou-Xia' n PassengerDedicated Line is the first long railway line adopting the modified Zueblin slab track with bi-block sleepers on the whole line in China, whereas the slab track requires less subsidence for its foundation. However, for the subsidence of loess tunnels, there is nomature experience for reference athome and abroad and for the assessmentof tunnel foundation subsidence, even no example is available before. This paper attempts to improve the assessmentprocedure and summarize some laws of the tunnel foundation subsidence based on the analysis and study on the tunnel assessment forZhengzhou-Xia' n PassengerDedicated Line.
Research conclusions:The analyses show the total tunnel foundation subsidence is very smal,l most less than 5mm and onlymeasured data from a few of cross sections can offer a reasonable regression curve whilemost of sections can no,t and the tunnel deformation tends to be stable in 60~120 days after finishing the secondary lining.
2009 Vol. 26 (2): 44-46 [Abstract] ( 2759 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (233 KB)  ( 117 )
47 Research on the Track Irregularity ofBallastlessTrack in theComprehensive Experimental Section of Suining-Chongqing Railway Line
CAIW en-feng,WANG Ping,YIN M ing-m in
Research purposes:The studies are done on the statistical law and characteristics of ballastless track irregularity and the overall analyses of amplitude characteristics, wavelength structures of track irregularity and the periodicwaveform existed in frequency and amplitude are made for the purpose of providing references to design & construction ofpassenger dedicated line and themaintenance ofballastless track. Research conclusions:Based on the statistic data on Suining-Chongqing Railway Line tested by track geometry inspection car, the evaluation of the power spectral density of the statistical sample ismade with periodic gram method andARMode,l and the power spectral density of track irregularity is obtained by usingMATLAB software. The study shows the stable wave length structures becomes stable gradually, the track regularity in the experimental section is better than ballast track and the value ofpower spectraldensity reflects the spectrum characteristics ofcontinuouswelded rail on Suining-Chongqing RailwayLine after it opens to traffic for tenmonths, but there is cyclical track irregularity in the 2-4 m narrow band range.
2009 Vol. 26 (2): 47-51 [Abstract] ( 2841 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (364 KB)  ( 168 )
52 Temperature M easurement and Temperature Stress Analysis of Ballastless Track Slab
WANG Sen-rong, SUN L,i LIQ iu-y,iWU You-song
Research purposes:The regulation of all-day temperature variation on general-slab and frame-slab is presented through temperaturemeasurementofballastless track slab. The regulation of all-day temperature gradientof slab is given. The temperature effecton the slab is analyzed and researched for purpose of instructing the design.
Research conclusions:Throughmeasuremen,t themaximum temperatures of the upper surface and the lower surface of slabs are respectively 16eand 3ehigher than the localmaximum temperature. The temperature difference in the top-bottom surfaces of slab is between 10eand 13e. The temperature gradientof the slab profile is approximately 0. 5e/cm, approaching the linearvariation. A calculationmodelof thermalwarping stress ofslab is established. Upon calculation, thewarping stresses andwarping deformations ofgeneral-slab are smaller than those of frame-slab, and thewarping deformations of general-slab and frame-slab are 0. 82 mm and 0. 61 mm respectively. The maximum longitudinalwarping stresses of general-slab and frame-slab are respectively 1. 81 MPa and 1. 51 MPa, and the maximum transversewarping stresses ofgeneral-slab and frame-slab are 0. 75MPa and 0. 58MPa respectively.
2009 Vol. 26 (2): 52-55 [Abstract] ( 2788 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (460 KB)  ( 236 )
56 M echanicsAnalysis of the Rail Fastening of Bi-block Ballastless Track on the Bridge Term inal
Research purposes:When the terminalofballastless track bridge produces some deformation, the fastenings near the bridge jointwill produce additional force. The fastening is an importantpartof the ballastless track to transfer the force. Both the toe load of fastening and pressure deformation of resilient pad have corresponding limits, so it is necessary to analyze the additional force of fastening near the bridge join.t
Research conclusions:Combinedwith bi-block ballastless track ofZhengzhou-Xican PassengerDedicated Line, this paper calculates the additional force of fastenernear the bridge jointwith the finite elementanalysismethod. The result indicates that the additional force of fastenerproduced by bridge deformationwillmake influence on choosing the type of fasteners near the bridge join.t
2009 Vol. 26 (2): 56-59 [Abstract] ( 2545 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (575 KB)  ( 257 )
60 Construction Technology for900Tonnage Common-span High-speed Railway Bridge
LIU Hui,QIN Shun-quan
Research purposes:The summary ismade on the design characteristics and the key construction points for 900 tonnage high-speed railway bridge and the introduction isgiven to the key technologies and erecting equipments for 900 tonnage simply-supported boxbeam fordouble line high-speed railway for the engineers to learn somemore about the technical innovation in construction ofhigh-speed railway in China.
Research conclusions:China has made the great achievements in the design concepts, construction techniques and carriage and erection technologies for high-speed railway bridge since tackling the key scientific and technological difficulties in the design and construction ofhigh-speed railway bridge by theMinistry ofRailways. Now the 32m span double-line integralbox beam is commonly adopted to the high-speed railway bridge in China, which establishes the uniquemode for construction ofhigh-speed railway bridge with 32 m span 900 tonnage simply-supported box beam and also pushes forward the developmentof a setof technologies forbox beam prefabrication, carriage and erection.
2009 Vol. 26 (2): 60-63 [Abstract] ( 2562 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (263 KB)  ( 206 )
64 Analysis of the Local Stress in Cable-beam and Cable-tower Anchorage Zone ofCable-stayed Arch Combined Bridge
TU Yang-zhi
Research purposes:Themain bridge ofXiangtan Liancheng Bridge is a flying-bird type concrete-filled steel tube cable-stayed arch combined bridge with spans arrangement of 120+400+120 m. The cable-stayed is anchored on the side beam, bridge tower and concrete-filled steel tube arch, which is unique and nove.l This paper analyzes the local stress in the anchorage zone of cable-beam and cable-towerwith three-dimensional finite element model for providing the reference to similarworks.
Research conclusions:Because the anchorage zones of cable-beam and cable-tower is affected by complex force, such as cable force, momen,t there are largermain-crush stress and pull stress existing in connected area ofanchorage zone and beam or tower. The anchorage zones should be reinforced by stee.l In addition, because there is largermain- pull stress existing in the areawhere the cable passes through the top face ofbeam and outside of tower, largermain- crush stress exists on the bottom of anchor steel plate.
2009 Vol. 26 (2): 64-68 [Abstract] ( 2487 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (866 KB)  ( 122 )
69 Design ofContinuousBeam and Arch Combination Bridge ofQ inghai-Tibet Railway for Crossing Lhasa-GonggaHighway
MO Y i
Research purposes:The bridge ofQinghai-Tibet Railway for crossing the Lhasa-Gongga Highway is located on the curvewith the large bevel angle of the rail and highway and wide road surface, so it can notmeet the requirements of clearwidth of grade separation to us 32 m span simply-supported beam to cross the highway. If the bridge pier is built in themiddle of the highway, itnotonly occupies the road bounds, butalso affects the permeability of the highway vision because the bridge is located on the main highway to Lhasa, demanding beautiful landscape. Therefore, it is necessary to design a bridge that can meet the requirements of clearance for grade separation and coordinationwith the surrounding landscape.
Research conclusions:The continuous structure of the pre-stressed concrete continuous beam and steel pipe arch has the characteristicsof largerspan, lowerheigh,t the perfectstructure performance and easy construction. Thispapergives an introduction to the design and construction of this bridge.
2009 Vol. 26 (2): 69-71 [Abstract] ( 2515 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (258 KB)  ( 242 )
72 Design ofLp=44 m Dry-joint SegmentalBeam
XIE X iao-lan
Research purposes:The introductions are given in this paper to the prestress distribution on segmental pre-cast assembly beam, the design of shear key, the design of shear resistance for the joint seam on dry joint segmentalbeam and constructionmethod of assembly beam for the purpose ofproviding reference to the similarworks.
Research conclusions:Segmental precast assembly beam has the characteristics of high efficiency, high quality, short construction period, systematization and automation. Along with the development of the new technology and new materials in China, the assembly segmentalbeam willbe usedwidelywith "dry joint" method.
2009 Vol. 26 (2): 72-75 [Abstract] ( 2523 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (282 KB)  ( 267 )
76 ExperimentalResearch on the SurroundingRock Pressure ofLarge Sectional Loess Tunnel under Deep and Shallow Submersion
YANG Jian-m in,YU Yu, TAN Zhong-shen, ZHAO Hui-xiong
Research purposes:Aiming at the problems in design of loess tunnel on Zhengzhou-Xi 'an Passenger Dedicated Line, the studies are done on dividing height of deep and shallow submersion, computing method for surrounding rock pressure and design principle of secondary lining of large sectional loess tunnel for the purposes of directing the design and construction of the loess tunnel on Zhengzhou-Xia' n PassengerDedicated Line and providing the technical support to the similarworks.
Research conclusions:Based on the research on the ground cracks and surrounding rock pressure during the excavation of loess tunne,l the dividing line ofdeep and shallow submersion, computingmethod of surrounding rock pressure and designing principle ofsecondary lining of large sectional loess tunnelon Zhengzhou-Xia' n PassengerDedicated Line are presented. The dividingheightofdeep and shallow submersion of loess tunnelon Zhengzhou-Xia' n PassengerDedicated Line is40~60m, the loess tunnel load under shallow-buried condition can be calculatedwithXie Jiaxiu Formula, the loess tunnel load under deep-buried condition can be calculated with TerzaghiTheory and the thickness of secondary lining of loess tunnels under differentburied depth can be the same.
2009 Vol. 26 (2): 76-79 [Abstract] ( 2596 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (148 KB)  ( 305 )
80 Applicable Study of Geophysical Exploration Technology for Karst under Tunnel on Yichang-W anzhou Railway
CUIDe-Hai,YANG Q ing-bo
Research purposes:This paper gives an introduction to the application of integrated geophysical exploration technology (single-receiver seismic and ground penetrating radar) for the karst under tunnel on Yichang-Wanzhou Railway, analyzes the characteristics ofprofitsignaland noise derived from artificial field in the tunne,l and studieshow to improve the signal-to-noise ratio by data acquisition and processing forbetter survey.
Research conclusions:The study shows the seismic method along with electromagnetic method is the most effective method for exploration of the karstunder railway tunnelbecause these twomethods canwell compensate each other, the efficiency of artificial seismic source system is the key point for applying single-receiver seismic method, and the ground penetrating radar has the high resolving capability to the big-scale karsts by the data process appropriately, even under condition of the severe electromagnetic interference.
2009 Vol. 26 (2): 80-84 [Abstract] ( 2603 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (970 KB)  ( 231 )
85 Treatment ofDangerousRock atMuchangzi1#TunnnelPortal
ZHANG Yong-ping
Research purposes:This papermainly studies the hazards ofdangerous rock and its potential falling around the Muchangzi1#Tunnnelportalwhere crosses the highway, and puts forward a reliable, safe and effective treatmentscheme for he purposes of construction ofMuchangzi1#Tunnnel on the second railway line from Xiangfan toChongqing.
Research conclusions:According to the geological and terrain conditions, the treatment scheme includes the following measures together: highway protection, slope reinforcemen,t optimizing abutment foundation, blasting control and elongating the length of tunnel shed. These measures can ensure the safety of traveling vehicle and passengers on the 210#nationalhighway, and eliminated the threat to the security of the railway operation in the future. So for the similar works, firstof al,l the careful survey should be done to define the relation between the locations ofhighway and the pier and the location of the tunnel porta,l highway grade and falling situation of dangerous rock, distribution of dangerous rock. If the rock above the highway is of reverse suspension, the section of suspending rock should surveyed carefully and the joint development level should be marked on the section. Then, the treatment scheme should guarantee the safety of vehicle and people on the highway. Finally, the impact of the rock falling on the railway traffic should be considered in the treatment scheme.
2009 Vol. 26 (2): 85-88 [Abstract] ( 2550 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (631 KB)  ( 247 )
89 Research on the Power Interconnection of Triple Power Supply System for Beijing South Railway Station
Research purposes:The energy utilization ratio of triple power supply system can be up to 75% -90%, because it is avialble for the system to transfor the energy closedly to the load. However, it is very important to choose the capacity of electric generating set and themode of power interconnection for the system. This paper researches the capability of electric generating set and power interconnection of triple power supply system for Beijing South Railway Station.
Research conclusions:For the currentBeijing SouthRailway Station, it is decided to install two 1 800 kW gas turbine generators after calculation of the electric generating set capacity, and for improving the working efficiency of the generator and saving investmen,t the outputvoltage of the generator is 0.4 kV, after transforming to 10 kV, interconnecting with 2 bus bars to two substations for themain building ofstation and railway freezing room separately. 2 generarors can work independly, so they can be as standby one each other if any of them fails.
2009 Vol. 26 (2): 89-93 [Abstract] ( 2538 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (367 KB)  ( 248 )
94 Influences on the Station Architecture Design by Sectional Transport and Through Transport
WANG M ing-sheng
Research purposes:When a new track ofurbanmass transit jointswith the existing track in a city forbeing open to traffic, its differentoperationalmodes create the different influences on station architecture design. Based on the design ofNanyuanxi Station on Daxing line ofBeijing urbanmass transi,t this paper studies the issues on calculation of the scale of junction station architecture in reasonable operationmode.
Research conclusions:(1) The reasonable operationalmodes of the station are to adopt the through transportationmode in early days and nearly days, and the sectional transportation in future. (2) For the city development in the future, the expansion possibility should be considered to the city trunk line. (3) The passenger flow of junction station is transferring passenger flow, which is impossible to occur the superpeak hours' passenger flow, so it isunnecessary to use the super peak hours' coefficient in calculation of the platform width. (4)When the amounts of the subway trains of two lines are notsame, there is the possibility that the passengers to two trains arewaiting on the same platform at the same time, so the platform should bewide enough.
2009 Vol. 26 (2): 94-98 [Abstract] ( 2575 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (389 KB)  ( 121 )
99 Performance-based Analysis of the Fire Prevention Design for the Large-scale Subway Station
ZENG Guo-bao
Research purposes:This paper analyzes the fire prevention design for the large scale subway station with many exits, large concourse area, long evacuation distance, long underground passage andmany shops, for the purpose ofproviding reference to design of the interchange station and other large scale subway station.
Research conclusions:The exits and entrances should be in the places where there is enough free room for the passengers to evacuate. The stairs should be closed consideredwhen the platform is far from the ground. Smoke emission and other automatic fire prevention facilities should be equipped in large concourse area, and the fire prevention facility should be also designed for the shopping area.
2009 Vol. 26 (2): 99-102 [Abstract] ( 2573 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (313 KB)  ( 155 )
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