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2009 Vol. 26, No. 1
Published: 2009-01-15
Research on the Application of Ground Barrier in Reducing the Vibration Along High——speed Railway
LUO Kun,LEI Xiao—yan,LIU Qing—jie
Research purposes:Operation of Beijing—Tianjin intercity railway indicates that the”High—speed era”has come to China.However,with the increase of the train speed,the environmental vibration along the railways has become more serious.Therefore,it is urgent to do the study on how to reduce the vibration caused by high—speed railway for the purpose improving the life quality of the people living along the railway.
Research conclusions:By means of establishing models of the vehicle—track—roadbed—ground coupling system and the ground—barrier coupling system.the studies have been done on the vibration isolation effects of five barriers,i.e., open trench,in—filled trench,stiff trench,piles and three—rOWS of honeycomb WIB,with the universal finite— element software ANSYS.The results show that 1 5 dB vibration can be reduced by using three—rOWS of the honeycomb WIB,reducing6—8dB vibration by open trench and reducing 5 dB vibration by in—filled trench,stiff trench and three—rOWS of the piles respectively.
2009 Vol. 26 (1): 1-6 [
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The Test Items and Quality Control Mode for Nuisance in Concrete Admixture
SUN Lu,WANG Jun—wei
Research purposes:Based on the analyses and comparison of the test items and quality control mode for the nuisance in concrete admixture at home and abroad,the suitable and effective way is offered for improving the control modes and the test items for the nuisance in the concrete admixture.
Research conclusions:The present single item control mode for the nuisance in concrete admixture,namely only control of the content of the nuisance in concrete admixture,can not meet the needs,SO it is suggested that the double items control modes,namely control of both the content of the nuisance in concrete admixture and the content of nuisance brought into soil,should be adopted for the nuisance in concrete admixture,which can satisfy the requirements of using the Polycarboxylate high performance water reducer and guaranteeing the concrete durability for construction of passenger dedicated line
2009 Vol. 26 (1): 6-110 [
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Effects ofMaximum InstantaneousW ind Velocity on the Safety of High-speed Train and ItsControl
MA Shu-Hong, MA Yun-Jun
Research purposes:It is great important to do the study on the risk classification ofmaximum instantaneous wind velocity for the safety of train running on passenger dedicated line. This paper studies themaximum instantaneous wind velocity and strongwind direction for the purpose ofoffering the scientific basis forworking out the technical safety standard for train running on passenger dedicated line in strongwindyweather.
Research conclusions:The study results show thatboth the overturning risk degree ofhigh-speed train and the angle between railway line and wind direction have made remarkable impacts on the safety of train running on passenger dedicated line. Based on the maximum instantaneous wind velocity occurring for one time in two years, the train is forbidden to run asV2_max> 30. 0 m/s, the train speed is limited as 30. 0 m/s[V2_max[20 m/s, and the train speed can be returned to normal asV2_max[15. 0 m/s. W ithmaximum instantaneouswind velocitymentioned above, a direct estimation index of safety and risk degree for train running on passenger dedicated line can be obtained.
2009 Vol. 26 (1): 11-16 [
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Application of SAR Remote Sensing Images in Railway Engineering Geological Survey
TAN Qu-lin, WEIQ ing-chao, YANG Song-lin, HU Ji-ping
Research purposes:The interpretation and application of remote sensing images, including aerialphotos and satellite images, have become the indispensablemethod for railway engineering geological survey. This paper introduces the image characteristics of SAR sensors and imaging process, analyzes the SAR image applications in railway engineering geological survey and sums up the response characteristics of radar echo for the purpose of providing the scientific basis for selection of the data on band, polarization, angle of incidence and illumination direction etc.
Research conclusions:(1) The perfect results of lithologic identification and lineament features interpretation can be obtained by adopting SAR composite images for some geologic surveying andmapping. (2) It is proposed thatSAR data should bewidely applied in the railway engineering geological survey along with optical sensing images because of its unique advantages.
2009 Vol. 26 (1): 17-22 [
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NumericalSimulation ofCreep Behavior ofXiakou LandslideUnderDifferent RainfallConditions
ZHANG You-yi,LIU Jun-xin, FENG Tao
Research purposes:Themain reason forXiakou landslide located in Yaa' n city of the Sichuan province is rainfal.l For studying the deformation of Xiakou landslide caused by rainfal,l the monitoring systems have been established including the displacement monitoring of surface and subsurface, groundwater monitoring and rainfall monitoring. In this paper, the hydrogeology and engineering geologic conditions ofXiakou Landslide are analyzed, and its deformations in different rainfall are simulated with FLAC software to reveal the deformation characteristics and deformationmechanism of the landslide for the purpose ofproviding the basis for evaluation of the landslide.
Research conclusions:The slope deformation is positively correlatedwith rainfal,l and the largestdisplacementhappens in front edge of the slope, themedium one inmiddle partand the smallone in the rear edge. In the course ofone short and strong rain, the deformation ofslope increased graduallywith the rain. But the deformation still continued to enlarge within 72 hours after the rain stopped, and then it slowly became small afterbecoming the biggest.
2009 Vol. 26 (1): 23-28 [
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The ProblemsRelated to theAnchorageEngineering for Side Slope and Their Effects
ZHENG Jing, HAN Long, ZHU Ben-zhen, ZENG Hui-hui
Research purposes:Based on the inspection and analyses of the anchorage engineering for side slope, the researches are done on the problems related to the anchorage engineering for side slope and their effects for the purpose ofproviding the basis for evaluation of the quality and stability of the anchorage engineering for side slope.
Research conclusions:The anchorage engineering is a concealed work, possibly occurring the problems in anchorage head, anchor rod, outside anchorage structure, prevention of corrosion and prestress loss. For instances, the problems in anchorage head, anchor rod and outside anchorage structure are caused by poor engineering quality. The problem in prevention ofcorrosion isnotonlyby the poorengineering quality, butalso by poordesign. The problem in prestress loss is notonly caused by the normal loss from the anchorage body and tension system, butalso by the abnormal lossbecause ofpoor engineering quality. In aword, the problemsmentioned above are caused by both personal sector and technical sector, and the problems in anchorage head, anchor rod and outside anchorage structure can certainlymake the effects on the anchorage engineering for side slope and the effect of prestess loss on the anchorage engineering for side slope should be defined regarding the concrete circumstance.
2009 Vol. 26 (1): 27-31 [
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Control of Destablization Disaster of Typical Cutting Slope in Permafrost Region
ZHAO X iang-qing, XIONG Zhi-wen, HAN Long-wu, YANG Yong-peng
Research purposes:W ith the developmentof thewestern China, theQinghai-TibetRailway has been built onQinghai-TibetPlateau, and the Qinghai-TibetHighway is now under reconstruction. They all cross the 550 km long permafrostregion. Based on the investigation, thispaperanalyzes the problems related to the subgrade ofQinghai- TibetRailway built in 2001~2002, especially the road cutting problem.
Research conclusions:Focusing on the seriously default sections of K 1 115 and K 1 128 judged as the artificial permafrost table, the analyses of the stability of the cutting slope is made in combination with the investigated hydrogeology information made in Apri,l 2008 and the special environment in permafrost region, the reasons for the subgrade problems are pointed outand the protectionmeasures are presented based on the lab tests and testequations for frozen soi.l
2009 Vol. 26 (1): 32-35 [
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Analysis of the Ballastless Track Vibration ofHigh-speed Railway
LEIX iao-yan, ZHONG Zhi-wu
Research purposes:Bymeans of establishing the continuous elastic resiliently supported layer beam model for track structurewith random irregularity of track verticalprofile, numericalmethod forvibration analysis ofballastless trackwith resiliently supported block ties is presented for the purpose ofdirecting the design of the ballastless track.
Research conclusions:Vibration equations for track structure should be transformed with Fourier for obtaining the vibration displacements inFourier transform domain. Then, the vibration responsesof the track structure can be obtained by performing inverse fast Fourier transform. The random irregularity of track vertical profile can be generated on computerbased on the measured power spectral density of track vertical profile. Thismethod is simple and effective compared with other complicated vehicle and track coupling dynamicsmodels. It is easy to codewithMatlab software to reflect the fundamental rules and characteristics of the track vibration, especially suitable for reflecting the track vibrationwhile train passing. Thismethod had been used to analyze the track vibration with resiliently supported block ties forhigh-speed railway, including the influences ofdifferent random irregularities of track verticalprofile, railpad and fastening rigidities, track foundation rigidities and the train speeds on track vibration. The result shows the reasonable values fordesign of rail pad and fastening rigidity and track foundation rigidity are 60~90MN/m and 120~ 150MN/m respectively.
2009 Vol. 26 (1): 36-40 [
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Research on the CPóM easurement Technology for Flat-track and Its Expenditure
LI Cheng-dong
Research purposes:The flat-track is commonly adopted in passenger dedicated line in China. The CPó measurement is essential to guaranteeing the track regularity ofpassengerdedicated line, so it is a very important factor to passenger dedicated line. Based on the research on the CPó'smeasurement technology and site investigation, this paper analyzes the expenditure constitution and makes calculation of the expenditure of the CPómeasurement in accordancewith the related technical specifications and the existing expenditure standards issued by the Ministry of Railways for the purpose ofproviding the basis for defining the expenditure of themeasuremen.t
Research conclusions:Based on the research and analyses, themeasuring step, working conten,t allocations ofperson and equipment andworking efficiency ofCPómeasurement for flat-track are presented and the engineering economic ndex is given in thispaper. Through the preliminary calculations, the related expenditure ofnetCPómeasurement for flat-track is 13, 300 Yuan RMB per km on main line and the expenditure of repetition measurements is 9, 300 Yuan RMB.
2009 Vol. 26 (1): 41-43 [
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Research on the PositionalAccuracy Required for CPóNetwork
CHENG Ang,LIU Cheng-long,XU X iao-zuo
Research purposes:In consideration of CPónetwork and accuracy required for observed values, the simulated calculation on necessary positional accuracy ofCPónetwork and improved CPIII net form was performed. And through theoretical analysis of error, the discussions were made on the reasonable positioning precision ofCPó points in two circumstances and the reasonable permissible error of coordinate difference in the direction ofxandy.
Research conclusions:By calculating the positional accuracy required forCPócontrolnetwork based on the parameter adjustmentof side-angle measurement network, the result shows the improved CPIII net form is better in integration intensity, but it isworse in positional accuracy, especially in lateral accuracy, compared with the CPónetwork. For the CPónetwork, the repeatablemeasurement accuracy should be less than?1. 5 mm and the coordinate difference tolerance should be less than?3. 0 mm in the direction coordinate ofxandy. For the improved CPónet form, the corresponding repeatablemeasurement accuracy and permissible difference should be less than?2.0 mm and?4.0 mm respectively.
2009 Vol. 26 (1): 44-48 [
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Research on the3D Precise M easurement Technology for Existing Railway Line
ZHU Hong-Tao, XU Rong
Research purposes:Formeeting the urgentdemand of finemanagementofexisting speed-increased railway line, this paper analyzes and discusses the 3D positioning survey 's technology in details, including the implementing scheme andmethod and problems. Using the 3D precise measurement technology to measure the three-dimensional coordinates directly for the existing railway trackwill lead the strategy of"precise inspection and fine repair" ofexisting railway track into a new stage.
Research conclusions:The research shows the three-dimensional survey system based on total station just apples to measuring the primary or long-term parameters, because lots of factors affect themeasuring efficiency. In order tomeet the needs ofdaily inspection ofexisting track, the high-precise digital3D track boundmeasure system based on can be developed togetherwith themaintenance benchmark along the railway, for instance the simple tools like offsetscale can be used formanualmeasuremen.t The research provides theoretical basis and thoughts on developing a complete high efficient andmoney-saving 3D track boundmeasurement system with high efficiency andmoney saving.
2009 Vol. 26 (1): 49-51 [
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Research on Improving theBallastElasticity of theTrack onNanjingYangtze River Bridge
ZHOU Yu,XU Yu-de,ZHOU Hong-qing,CHEN Li-m ing
Research purposes:In order to research the effects of ballastmats on improving the elasticity of ballasted track onNanjingYangtzeRiverBridge, the analysesof the effectof three kindsofballastmatswith differentthicknesson the dynamic responses to the bridge and wheel are made with the simulation calculation and site test on the basis of testing static stiffness ofballastmats in lab andwheel-rail dynamic response applying to ballastmats.
Research conclusions:The results of the calculation and test indicate the ballastmats can improve low-frequency wheel-rail force, vertical displacements of rail and tie, vibration acceleration of rail and tie a little. Moreover, it can improve vertical displacement and vibration acceleration of ballast obviously. Vertical displacement of ballast can be increasedmore than 50% and vibration acceleration can be decreasedmore than 45%. The influence ofballastmats on the dynamic response is independentof train speed and thewavelength andwave depth of track irregularity. The ballast elasticity improvementby the ballastmatswith 30mm thickness is the better than the others. The totaldynamic stiffness ofballast track applying to the ballastmatswith 30 mm thickness is close to that ofballastless track. So the 30 mm- thicknesses ballastmats is helpful for transiting the track stiffness between ballastless track and ballasted track.
2009 Vol. 26 (1): 52-57 [
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TwistConstruction Technique for Cable-stayed Bridge of Shihuan Highway Crossing Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan Railway
MAO Suo-m ing
Research purposes:Thispaperdiscusses and analyzes the controlsofkey construction process in construction of twisted cable-stayed bridge crossing Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan Railwaywith flat-turnedmethod.
Research conclusions:The key points of realizing the continuous turning the large tonnage bridge are as the follows: (1) Design of the turning system shall be reasonable and effective, which is the precondition for the successful construction. (2) Process and installation precision of the turning ball hinge is the basis for successful construction.(3) Bob-weight and weight test are the safeguards for successful turning. (4) Careful and perfect organization for turning construction is the key point for successful construction.
2009 Vol. 26 (1): 58-62 [
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Construction Technology forDraining-sinkage for South Caisson Anchorage to Taizhou Yangtze RiverHighway Bridge with Large-sized SunkW ell
TAO Jian-shan
Research purposes:W ith the economic development in China, more andmore large-sized sunkwells have been used. For instance, the 67. 9 m long, 52 m wide and 41 m high base of south caisson anchorage toTaizhouYan-gtzeRiverHighway Bridge had to be sunk in the alluvial sand on the riverbank by draining-sinkage alongwith non-draining-sinkage. How to ensure the safety ofsunkwell structure, surrounding buildings andYangtzeRiverdam is the key poin.t The introduction is given in this paper to the draining sinkage scheme, including the steel caisson assembly,concrete jointheight and pumpingwater and removing soilwith deepwel.l
Research conclusions:Using draining sinkage can guarantee the grouting quality for concrete joint height and can effectively control the deviation of sinkage, with the features of large sinking coefficien,t good precipitation effects of deepwel,l perfectpumping efficiency of the excavator, removing largemud and high sinking speed. And the subsidence of the surrounding buildings andYangtzeRiver dam is controlled effectively by fillingwater.
2009 Vol. 26 (1): 63-66 [
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ExperimentalResearch on the FullFace Grouting forW eak Stratum in Soil and Rock Boundary for Xiamen Xiangcan Submarine Service Tunnel
XU Hai-ting,WANG Quan-sheng, SUN Guo-qing,LI Zhi-guo
Research purposes:According to the design, XiamenXiangcan SubmarineTunnelwillpass through the four deepweathered troughs or capsules: F1, F2, F3, F4. In order to make the submarine tunnel passing through the weathered trough successfully and offer the reference to the similarwork, the grouting experimenton full face grouting in advance is conducted in the bad segmentof the soil and rock boundary.
Research conclusions:Using full-face curtain grouting technology to dealwith the deep weathered and weak stratum can obtain a good resul,t but the technique and technicalparameters forgrouting should be controlledwel.l The grouting technique should be the segmental grouting in advance along with afterward grouting. The vertical grouting length for submarineweathered troughs does not exceed 25 m.The area of the grouting in portraitshould be 4m outof the contour line of the service tunnel and the area of the grouting in the travelling tunnel is5m. The groutingmaterial isGM cemen.t
2009 Vol. 26 (1): 67-71 [
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Analysis and Monitoring of Ground Subsidence Caused by Excavation of Adjacent and Crossing M etro Tunnel with Shallow-depth and Subsurface ExcavationM ethod
ZHENG Bao-ca,i CHENG W en-bin, HU Guo-wei
Research purposes:According to themonitoring data on the adjacent and crossing tunnels ofmetro lines 5 and 6, the regularity ofground subsidence caused by excavation of large-span crossing tunnelwith shallow-depth and subsurface excavationmethod is analyzed and the reason for ground subsidence is summarized.
Research conclusions:(1) The curve shape ofground subsidence induced by excavation ofadjacentand crossingmetro tunnelwith shallow-depth and subsurface excavation method is identical to the Logstic curve shape. (2) Repeated intrusion in the excavation progress of crossing structure and system conversion between structures are themain reasons for the ground subsidence. (3) The appropriate excavation space, temporary invert arch and grouting reinforcement in the progress ofconstruction play a comparatively notable role in controlofground deformation. The research resultshave some practical reference to construction ofshallow tunnel in excavation, optimization ofconstruction procedures, rational usage and control of superimposed deformation caused by construction of crossing tunne.l
2009 Vol. 26 (1): 72-76 [
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Analysis of the Influencing Factors ofVortex-induced Vibration Response of the Submerged Floating Tunnel Supported by Tension Leg
QIN Y in-gang, ZHOU X iao-jun
Research purposes:This paper studies the effectofproperty change of tension leg structure on the dynamic response of submerged floating tunnelwith the followingmethods: It is to simplify the multi-span submerged floating tunnel into the concentratedmasswhich acts at the end of the anchor cable, supposing the submerged floating tunnelhas a little amplitude dynamic vibration formeeting the need of usage comfortableness. When the effect of the vortex-induced vibration of tension leg on submerged floating tunnel structure is not taken into accoun,t the equation for submerged floating tunnel vibration is established under the effect of cross current vortex-induced vibration and the slope tension leg is equalized into horizontal tension leg and vertical tension leg. If it only considers the submerged floating tunnelvibration crosses the currentand the load acts atthe anchorcable, it is to simplify the fluid force into tune load. UsingRunge-Kutta numericalmethod solves the vibration equation and the different cases are simulated with MATLAB program.
Research conclusions:The study result shows that the angle between the anchor cable and the bottom of the ocean has little effecton the dynamic response, and the response law of the tension legs' axis stiff is the same as initial tension.
2009 Vol. 26 (1): 77-81 [
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Analysis of the Relation between Railway Tunnel and Groundwater Environment
DU X in, ZENG Ya-wu, YUE Quan-gui
Research purposes:The tunnel construction in China encounters a new development period with the developmentof railways, but for a long time, there is an irreconcilable contradictions between tunnels construction and the natural environmen.t Form both positive and negative aspects of the interaction between the groundwater and the tunnel construction, this paper analyzes the reasons forhow the groundwater affects the tunnel construction and how the tunnel construction affects the groundwaterenvironmentand the ecologicalenvironmentof the placewhere tunnel isbuild for the purpose ofproviding the relevant reference to the tunnel constructions.
Research conclusions:The tunnel construction and natural environment can be considered as a contradicting and affecting each other. When the tunnel construction affects the karst development and the groundwater seriously, the coupling effectof the stress field and seepage fieldwill cause the large plastic deformation ofwall rock, resulting in the waterbursting andmud bursting. After completion of tunnel construction, the long-term drainage of groundwaterwill change the originalbalance between the stress field and the seepage field, resulting in the surfacewaterdrying up, the surface subsiding andworsening the ecological environmen.t
2009 Vol. 26 (1): 82-85 [
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Research on the Construction Technology for Deep-buried Long Tunnel in High-pressure andW ater-rich Stratum
QING San-hu,i YANG Jia-song, HUANG Shi-hong
Research purposes:Jinping Tunne,l the total length of 17. 5 km, locates in faul,t fracture and karst development area, with deep buried depth of2 375m and blind headingwith long distance trackless transportof9 800m, and the time limit for construction of it is 50 months, so it is urgently necessary to do the researches on how to prevent the geological disaster ofhigh-pressuredwaterbursting and the other disasters caused by rock blasting for the purpose ofguaranteeing the construction safety.
Research results:Based on the hydrodynamic simulation tes,t much high-pressured groundwater isplugged effectively by taking themeasures of selective plugging, curtain grouting in advance, vertical grouting-plugging and grouting- pluggingwith gunny bags and string bags. Based on numerical simulation testwith discrete elementmethod, rock blasting disaster is prevented by talking the measures of relaxing stress in advance, controlling blas,t and using expansion anchorbol,t mesh and steelarch rib and spraying the concretewith thin zeolite powderadditive. Based on the aerodynamic simulation tes,t large powerful jet fan and jetgallery ventilation technology are developed, which settled the technical problem of the ventilation for the construction of blind heading with long distance trackless transport and created the world record of blind heading with trackless transport of 9 800 m. After doing the research on integrated geological forecast in advance and the technologies of shot-concrete in rock blast and water- rich section, fast construction and supervision of long tunne,l the geological forecastaccuracy is increased to above 85% and construction efficiency is improved much. The successful construction of Jinping Tunnel brings out a set of comprehensive construction technology for deep-buried long tunnels in high-pressure and water-rich stratum and promotes the developmentof tunnel construction technology in China.
2009 Vol. 26 (1): 86-91 [
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Research on the Fast Algorithm for GSM-R Switching for High-speed Railway
WU Hao, GU Yong-hao, ZHONG Zhang-dui
Research purposes:With the developmentofhigh-speed railway and passenger-dedicated railway, GSM-R digitalmobile communication system is developing fast in China. Meanwhile it brings some problems to be solved urgently because of the linear coverage plan of GSM -R, requiring frequent switching for the running train. The performance of switching has verymuch effect on system service quality and train running safety because high-speed train requires high standard forGSM-R switching. The research is done on the switching algorithms for the purpose of seeking one fast algorithm to shorten switching delay time, realize the fast and reliable switching and enhance the successful switching ratio ofGSM-R during transferringMSC section under condition ofhigh speed.
Research conclusions:A new type of fast algorithm forGSM-R switching for high-speed railway is present through research, and the analyses of the feasibility and feature of this algorithm aremade in theory. In addition, comparedwith the normal switching algorithm, the new algorithm is better in shortening switching delay time, especially the switching delay time can be reduced by 64% during transferringMSC section. This fast algorithm is very appropriate for high- speed railway.
2009 Vol. 26 (1): 92-96 [
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Evaluate andModel the Transportation Equity from DifferentAspects
SHI Jing, YANG Lang, HUANG Q ian, YING X i-wen
Research purposes:Themathematicalmodels are offered forevaluation of the transportation equity in thispaper.
Research conclusions:The analyses of theoretical essence and representation format for the transportation equity are made from the aspects of different transportation modes, different social groups, different regions, and different generations. The various models are offered for the equity, including the equity model for differentmodes based on minimum of external costs, the equitymodel for different groups based onW ilson entropy assumption, the model forregional equitywith parametersofeconomical leveland price leve,l and the generationalequitymodel forconsidering the change of life quality and preference. These fourmodels from different aspects fully analyze the equity in details, and make itpossible tomodel the equity formathematical evaluation.
2009 Vol. 26 (1): 97-101 [
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Study on Calculating the Comprehensive Cost of Transportation for High-Speed Railway
YANG Yu, WANG Huai-xiang
Research purposes:The comprehensive costof transportation forhigh-speed railway does include the exter-nal cos,t such as noise and airpollutions caused by high-speed railway, except the internal costmeasured bymoney.W ith the life cycle theory, this paper intends towork out a framework for calculation of comprehensive cost of high-speed railway.
Research conclusions:The predication of the comprehensive costofBeijing-ShanghaiHigh- speed Railway of2015 shows the external cost possesses a big proportion of total comprehensive cost of the high-speed railway so it is necessary to do the study on calculation of the cost of traffic infrastructure, especially the calculation of external cos.t This paper offers the calculationmethod of the comprehensive costofhigh-speed railway including the cost items.
2009 Vol. 26 (1): 102-106 [
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Research on the Countermeasures for the FinancialRisk to Chinese State-owned Enterprise
Research purposes:Some ofChinese state-owned enterprises are veryweak in financial risk management and prevention because of their defaults in governing structure and lacking the financial risk prevention system, so it is urgently necessary to do the study on the characteristics of financial risk to Chinese state-owned enterprise and the countermeasures for it.
Research conclusions:From macroscopic and microscopic angles, this paper analyzes the intensions and reasons for producing the financial risk toChinese state-owned enterprise and presents fivemeasures forprevention of financial risk to Chinese state-owned enterprise: (1) The property right relation of state-owned assets should bemade clearly and the enterprise should be governed legally. (2) The industry adjustmentwith policy should be strengthened and the investmentdomain by the enterprise should be standardized. (3) Themonitoring system for investors' finance should be established. (4) The risk management culture should be integrated into the enterprise culture. (5) The inner managementof enterprise should be strengthened to improve the level of scientific decision-making.
2009 Vol. 26 (1): 107-110 [
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Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
Supported by:
Beijing Magtech