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2008 Vol. 25, No. 8
Published: 2008-08-15

1 Research on the Technology of Engineering Geology Investigation about Permafrost along Qinghai-Tibet Railway
LIU Zheng-Ping
Research purples: In permafrost region along Qinghai-Tibet railway, the natural environment is extreme,and the engineering geology condition is complex, and the ecological environment is vulnerable. It is more difficult toinvestigate in this region than anyplace else. The engineering geology investigation in permafrost region is a scientific research and exploratory investigation. It is important to research and sum up about technology of engineering geology investigation.
Research conclusions: To engineering geology investigation, we consider not only the special engineering geology condition, but also environmental protection and natural environment influence, especially, the extreme climate influence. These were very striated with the engineering geology investigation about permafrost along Qinghai-Tibet railway. Through summing up engineering geology investigation, a complete set of investigation technology was formed, which was reliable to construction, and suited the Qinghai-Tibet railway. Including; constituted the criterion, organization mode,management, means and measures, supervisal, environment protection, and so on. To research and sum up about technology of engineering geology investigation, which can be referenced to the Qinghai-Tibet altiplano and other regions.
2008 Vol. 25 (8): 1-5 [Abstract] ( 2467 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (591 KB)  ( 129 )
6 Experimental Research on the Engineering Characters of Improved Xiashu-Clay with Lime as the Embankment Filling of High-speed Railway
LUO Xi-yuan
Research purposes: The safe and stable running of high-speed train needs a sub-rail foundation of high regularity and stability. As one part of track structure, subgrade must have features of high strength and rigidity and perfect stability and durability to resist the influences of all natural elements, so it requires perfect engineering character of subgrade filling. Since there is not enough high quality filling along Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway, the xiashu-clay has to be improved for the filling of high-speed railway, the systematical researches are done on the engineering characteristic of improving xiashu-clay with lime as filling through doing indoor physical tests, static mechanics tests, dynamic mechanics tests and site filling tests, and the evaluation is made on the feasibility of improving xiashu-clay with lime as the embankment filling of high-speed railway.
Research conclusions: After improving with lime, the granule constitution of xiashu-clay is obviously changed, the water stability is evidently improved and the static mechanics character is obviously enhanced with excellent dynamic mechanics characteristic. The quality of the improved xiashu-clay with lime can satisfy the standard for bottom bedding of high-speed railway , the improved xiashu-clay with lime can be used as the embankment filling of high-speed railway, but the attention should be paid to the influence of lime content and water content etc in use of it.
2008 Vol. 25 (8): 6-9 [Abstract] ( 2533 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (370 KB)  ( 171 )
10 Research on the Permafrost Structure of Protection Measures along Qinghai-Tilbet Railway
CAO Yuan-Pig
Research purposes: The length that Qinghai-Tibet crossing the continuously permafrost regions is 546. 43 km. Preventing the permafrost thawing and sinking is the chief technical problem in design and construction of Qinghai-Tibet railway. To guide design and construction, the typical regions that Beilu River, Qingshui River and Ando are selected before large scale construction. The active protection contractures include air-cooled riprap embankment, heat pipe embankment, slope protection of rubble and crushed stone subgrade, and ventilating pipe embankment are researched.
Research conclusions : The four kinds of embankments can adjust the energy of radiation, convection and conduction by changing the structure and filler of subgrade. The cool reserves of the four kinds of embankment are increased; the thermal regimes of permafrost foundation,improved. They are the effective engineering measures to protect the permafrost and are applicable to embankment engineering in permafrost zone. The length of subgrade is 380. 30 km along Qinghai-Tibet railway in the permafrost regions, and the lengths of sir-cooled riprap embankment , slope protection of rubble and crushed stone subgrade and heat pipe embankment are respectively 117. 69 km, 127.00 km and 32.0 km. The testing engineering of active protection contractures had experienced at least six freeze-thaw cycles, and the diseases of thawing and sinking did not appeared. The train is stable running with 100 km/h in permafrost regions, which shows the active protection contractures are stability and reliability.
2008 Vol. 25 (8): 10-14 [Abstract] ( 2532 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (480 KB)  ( 169 )
15 Research on the Identification of Expansive Soil by Moisture Absorption Water Content
CHEN Yong-ai,wu Qing-lin
Research purposes: At present, there are not unified criteria and methods in China to distinguish between expansive soil and non-expansive soil. The research studies moisture absorption water content of expansive soil of different grades from different regions by testing on the same oven-fried soil samples used in free swelling ratio experiments, and the corresponding testing methods are provided. The paper suggests determining the expansive properties of soil by moisture absorption water content of oven-fried soil, which overcomes the discreteness of free swelling ratio experiment results, and it also tries to probe for the boundary value for the identification of expansive and non-expansive soil.
Research conclusions: The given methods of testing moisture absorption water content of oven-fried soil are easy to operate and practicable to be extensively adopted in construction surveying. The results of the test indicate that there is good linear relationship between moisture absorption water content of soil and montmorillonite content, canon exchange capacity or free swelling ratio. Therefore, it can be adopted as a direction of research on ways of identifying expansive soil, and it also has great value for research on determining the expansive potential of expansive soil.
2008 Vol. 25 (8): 15-17 [Abstract] ( 2900 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (295 KB)  ( 81 )
18 Scheme Alternative of Maximum Route Gradient on Guiyang-Guangzhou Railway
CHEN Liang
Research purposes: According to landform, investment of project, transportation organization, construction period and construction risk , etc.,different gradient proposals have been analyzed and compared to determine the reasonable route design gradient of GuiGuang railway.
Research conclusions: It is recommended that limited gradient is 9%0 and assisting gradient is 18%0. According to all kinds of analysis, the proposal with limited gradient of 9%o and assisting gradient of 18%0 is adaptable to landform better and save investment of project, satisfies the speed and traction mass requirements of freight train and the transport requirement due to few increase of running time, is more reasonable when the total construction period is the same and balanced in proportion of human power and funds inputted for the whole line and has not appear the situation which is abort of human power and funds and has stronger anti-risk ability for sudden accident as the double spur grade is adopted in tunnels in the soluble rock stratum. Therefore it has been determined that the proposal with limited gradient of 9%0 and assisting gradient of 18%0 is adopted for this route.
2008 Vol. 25 (8): 18-22 [Abstract] ( 2463 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (412 KB)  ( 229 )
23 Research on the Time Sequence of External Railway Rapid Passage Construction in Sichuan
HE Xue-gang
Research purposes : On basis of existing railway , under-construction railway and proposed railway, this paper analyses the suitability of Sichuan railway transportation capacity and demand to determine the time sequence of external railway rapid passage construction in Sichuan.
Research conclusions: In Sichuan railway construction, we should concentrate onto building the external passage first and later building the internal passage. In proposed railway construction, the double line on the Lanzhou-Chongqing railway and Suining-Chongqing railway will be built immediately. In the plan of railway , the sequence of railway construction is in turn the Chengdu-Kunming railway for raising the speed and transportation capacity, Xian-Chengdu passenger dedicated line, Chengdu-Guiyang railway, Chengdu-Guiyang railway. The four railways mentioned above will be completed and operated in 2018.
2008 Vol. 25 (8): 23-26 [Abstract] ( 2742 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (325 KB)  ( 148 )
27 Structure Analysis of the Frame-slab Track in Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity Rail Transit
JIANG Feng-lin
Research purposes: Frame-slab track is a new kind of track and has been applied in Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity Rail Transit, but the method of systemic design has not been established. This paper sets up the calculation model and method of the frame-slab track, predominates the rule of force and deformation of frame-slab track, provides support for the frame-slab track design.
Research conclusions : Frame-slab track is be provided with favorable technical and economy, frame-slab is benefit to reduce the influence of wrap deformation of slab. The model calculation model and analysis method established in this paper take in count of the load of train, temperature load and asymmetry settlement, bend of bridge, etc. can systemically analyse the frame-slab track , predominate the rule of force and deformation. By analysis the influence of design parameter to force and deformation,this paper draws a conclusion that the force and deformation of the slab bottom is decrease with the accretion of elastic modulus of CA sand mortar, and increase with the accretion of stiffness of fastener and settlement of substructure.
2008 Vol. 25 (8): 27-32 [Abstract] ( 2777 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (447 KB)  ( 113 )
33 Discussion on the Design Method of Pile-slab Structure for Passenger Dedicated Railway
LUO Zhao-xin,DING Zhao-feng
Research purposes:By comparison of allowable stress method and limit state method adopted in the design of pile-slab structure for new foundation improvement, the analysis has been made on the feature, merit and current development condition of two design methods and the calculation and quantitative analysis has been made according to engineering cases to attain some useful conclusions for designers for reference.
Research conclusions : If the allowable stress method is used , it is not necessary to differentiate the kinds and condition of service of the members. According to allowable strength, the different load types have the same safety coefficient K to make the structure design safer and more conservative. Probability limit state method based on probability statistics has objectivity and reasonableness, superior to allowable stress method with subjectivity and experience. However for the particularity of railway train load, the reliability of probability limit state method is not mature. Thereby at present the allowable stress method shall be adopted in the design of pile-slab structure. It is hoped that in the near future probability limit state method will take the place of allowable stress method.
2008 Vol. 25 (8): 33-36 [Abstract] ( 2531 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (405 KB)  ( 192 )
37 Reasonable Layout of Prestressing Strand
GONG Wei,HU Wen-bin
Research purposes: In fundamental construction, the use of preatressed concrete continuous beam is more and more popular. Engineering quality, construction costs and service life are influenced by the reasonableness layout place of prestressing strand. Aiming at the characteristics of under press of prestressed concrete continuous beam, a justified location for prestressing strand is designed.
Research conclusions: In statically indeterminate beam, press line of concrete has something with eccentric distance in beam end and the shape in girder span of bundled bars, and has nothing with eccentric distance in middle support. It would static , no matter how to alter eccentric distance in middle support , so long as maintain the location of the two ends and shape of bundled bars.
2008 Vol. 25 (8): 37-40 [Abstract] ( 2544 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (326 KB)  ( 132 )
41 Research on the Design of Long-span Pedestrian Bridge
LIU Zhi-jun
Research purposes: For the river reach with broad main channel and narrow alternative bar, when the piers are not allowed to set in the main channel and the structural height is controlled by such multiple factors as pavement elevation of bridge approach and designed flood level, etc.,how to select the right bridge type and span scheme as to work out the economical and reasonable bridge structure is a subject to be studied by bridge designers.
Research conclusions: In the paper, the study shows in the river reach with above-mentioned characteristics of river reach the design of bridge is generally controlled by multiple factors. Therefore, the comparison can be made on multiple schemes in combination with practical circumstances. It is thought that the abnormal-shape prestressed concrete continuous beam bridge of which side-middle span ratio is smaller obviously than normal that is sometime a better selection of bridge type. For this bridge type, it is key to take measures for preventing bridge side bearing from occurrence of tension. It is suggested to take such a counter weight measure that the side span is solid section and widened transversely and thickened vetically, if necessary, the concrete blocks can be set at the bottom of beam for counter weight.
2008 Vol. 25 (8): 41-44 [Abstract] ( 2516 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (329 KB)  ( 174 )
45 Discussion on the Difficulties in Design of Fenghuoshan Tunnel in Qinghai-Tibet Railway
HUANG Shuang-lin
Research purposes: Fenghuoshan tunnel is located in a special area featured with high altitude, cold and permafrost. Several special difficulties, such as control of freeze-thaw cycle, action of frost heave force, waterproof and drainage technology have to be solved in design of the tunnel, which are key points in the tunnel construction.
Research conclusions: The paper discusses considerations and methods for the design of tunnels in high altitude, cold and permafrost area by analyzing the technical solutions for Fenghuoshan tunnel, and presents references for the similar project. The general design idea for the permafrost tunnel is ”protecting permafrost" with mufti-technique measures, including heat insulation, complex frost heave resistance, integrated waterproof, etc.,to effectively restrict freeze-thaw cycle development and to eradicate the root causes of frost heave.
2008 Vol. 25 (8): 45-49 [Abstract] ( 2538 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (448 KB)  ( 226 )
50 Design and Analysis of Key Technology about Channel Immersed Tunnel
NING Mao-quan, XIAO Ming-qing
Research purposes : Immersed Tunnel Technology is an advanced subaqueous tunneling method,which need take structure, construction scheme, hydrogeological parameter, working factors into account. With the construction of Shenjiamengang immersed tunnel project, several of key technologies of design method were analyzed and researched to guide the design.
Research conclusions: The research , such as tunnel hydrological conditions, immersed structure, the water resistance of immersed sinking, calculation of GINA joint selection, project design measures durability, etc.,solved the several key tunnel technical problems. With the help of research, the design of Shenjiamengang immersed tunnel was successfully completed. The reference experience of channel immersed tunnel design was accumulated.
2008 Vol. 25 (8): 50-53 [Abstract] ( 2527 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (437 KB)  ( 200 )
54 Key Design Points of Waterproof Compound Liner Tunnel
XIAO Ming-qing
Research purposes: Along with the great development of underground engineering and improvement of environmental protection request, increasing shallowly buried tunnel segment will adopt waterproof liner. At home, waterproof compound tunnel liner is used rarely. With the help of research,the key design points are summarized.
Research conclusions: Application success of waterproof compound tunnel liner rests with the following respects : firstly, whether structure design , especially inverted arch design is reasonable ; Secondly , whether waterproof system is strict and waterproof measure is put into effect, in which stickable flashing is one of waterproof guarantee measures of waterproof tunnel; Thirdly, water table effect at the course of construction can not be neglected which may be very serious when there exists weak stratum on the earth's surface; Fourthly, whether strict construction technics request and quality guarantee measure are put into effect.
2008 Vol. 25 (8): 54-57 [Abstract] ( 2573 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (372 KB)  ( 270 )
58 The Application of Integrated Geophysical Exploration Technology in the Tunnel Under the Complicated Geological Conditions
LI Zhi-hua, ZHU Xu-dong
Research purposes: The researches are done on the way of collecting data on the spot and the technology of data anti-analysis with high resolving power in investigation of complicated geological tunnel under the condition of the earth electromagnetism technology subjected to the limit for the purposes of making the thorough investigation of the complicated geological conditions of the tunnel , expanding the applicable scope of the traditional geophysical exploration technology and overcoming the problems in investigation of complicated geological condition.
Research conclusions:(1) A suitable integrated geophysical exploration technology and the modern and advanced instrument and computing technology are adopted for full use of integrated geophysical exploration technology; (2) Various influence factors are analyzed and abnormities are distinguished fully with a comprehensive evaluation system,the colorful diagrams gained in the integrated geophysical exploration to manifests the large varieties of a geological bodies in the earth's surface and deep underground which shows soft rock exists; (3)It can provide a demonstration and reference to the engineering geological investigation of railway under the similar geological condition.
2008 Vol. 25 (8): 58-61 [Abstract] ( 2602 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (405 KB)  ( 198 )
62 Research on the Design of Shiziyang Tunnel across Pearl River on Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hongkong Passenger Dedicated Line
Research purposes: The Shiziyang Tunnel crossing Pearl River on the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hongkong passenger dedicated line is the first two-lane railway tunnel across the major rivers constructed according to the highest technical standards in China so far. But the design nouns and standards of the corresponding water supply and drainage system and fire fighting system is still lacked. The research and discussion on the design of water supply and drainage system and fire fighting system were provided referring to the existing design norms and standards and the design of overseas similar projects. The decided scheme and main parameters of this design might conduce to the design of future similar projects.
Research conclusions: Several factors should be taken into account during the design of water supply and drainage system and fire fighting system of railway tunnel crossing a river according to our research and discussion on the design of Shiziyang Tunnel crossing Pearl River on the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hongkong passenger dedicated line. Three independent fire fighting systems( i. e.,hydrant, water spray and fire extinguisher) were set simultaneously. To put out the fire not caused by oil, the water spraying system that is high efficient, water-saving and environmental protective was recommended, while the water sprinkle system was not recommended. The water supply system must meet the requirements of total water consumption, water quality, water pressure and the safety standards. The drainage system includes sewage drainage system and rainwater drainage system. Pump room is set at the lowest point of the tunnel for wastewater discharge from fire fighting, rinse and structure leakage. Both wastewater and rainwater were discharged into nearby water body.
2008 Vol. 25 (8): 62-66 [Abstract] ( 2526 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (479 KB)  ( 404 )
67 Research on the Compensation Modes of Parallel Reactor for Qinghai-Tibet Railway Continuous Power Cable Lines
Research purposes : In order to guarantee the safety of power supply and train operation in Qinghai-Tibet Railway uninhabited zone, a continuous power cable lines were built from Tuotuohe to Naqu in addition to one 35 kV overhead line. The normal and fault current would be increased because of large phase-to-ground and phase-to- phase capacitor on power cable line. It becomes a prime question to minis the capacitance current, decides the compensation method and ensures the cable ends grounding mode.
Research conclusions: Through studying of two estimating method, it is fixed that capacitor per km of Qinghai-Tibet railway continuous power cable lines is between 0. 124 0~0. 133 1 uF, Then three compensation modes, namely, undercompensation, overcompensation and synthesized compensation are discussed through simulating and calculating to confirm whether it can satisfy the operating demands in all kinds of power transmission. A decision to adopt undercompensation was made to avoid resonance and lead to more fault. When overhead lines and cable lines run together, it has a little impact to the cable when overhead lines cast in, on the contrary, it has much more impact to the overhead lines when cable lines cast in, but it would be sustainable. After analyzed the over voltage,the conclusion of it would satisfy the system operational reliability and overvoltage needs if it adopted the undercompensation, both cable line end grounding method and reactor neutrality point grounding method. When one phase has a grounded fault, the other two phase voltage would turn into line voltage,just like the usual little current grounding system.
2008 Vol. 25 (8): 67-70 [Abstract] ( 2514 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (453 KB)  ( 246 )
71 Research on the Scheme of Beijing-Shanghai Electrification Railway Reconstruction Project for Low Net Height Structures over the Railway
SUN Hai-fu
Research purposes : The key technical problems of design and construction of different work site are settled by studying on the design and construction technic of typical key work site in Beijing-Shanghai electrification railway where the low net height of the structures over the railway can not meet the requirement for two layer container convey.
Research Conclusions: For the structures over the railway with low net height which can not meet the requirement for two layer container convey , special structure treatment scheme of contact line will be considered at the first place on condition that the main technical standards of the existing railways are not be lowered. If it is impossible to use special contact line scheme to solve the problem, lowering the level of railway, lifting or rebuilding the existing structure over the railway will be considered. Temporary line and measurement can be considered when it is difficult for the reconstruction of the existing railway so that the existing mainline can be shut down for the reconstruction of level lowering of the existing line. The height of the lowerest point of contact line on the two Iayer container passage will be 6 250 mm. At the place where it is not allowed to raise the line level, the height of the lowerest point of the contact line on the two layer container passage can be 6 200 mm. The height of the hanging point of contact line will be 6330mm normally.
2008 Vol. 25 (8): 71-74 [Abstract] ( 2563 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (376 KB)  ( 141 )
75 Research on the Mechanical Reliability of Contact Line
LI Hui-jie
Research purposes: The contact line is the major component of the overhead Contact Systems(OCS).It shakes and wears when interacting with OCS-pantograph. These will reduce contact line strength and increase its stress leading to a shorter life-span. To solve this problem, we study the contact line reliability. We proposed corresponding suggestions by analysis and calculation of mechanical parameters. This work generated some preliminary data for future OCS design.
Research conclusions: We established a mathematical model between mechanical parameters(mechanical intensity, working tense , wear rate and the number of pantograph use ) and stress for studying. We can draw conclusions that the contact line mechanical reliability will decrease when train running speed, the number of pantograph and wear rate increase ; it will increase by increasing the contact line intensity , lowering the pantograph raising force and increasing the contact line working tense at a certain level. As a result, we should consider some factors such as pantograph slider to reduce wear rate when choosing the contact line. The contact line working tense should be determined by comprehensive consideration of the current-carrying between the contact line and pantograph and the reliability. When the traction power can meet the requirements , we should choose contact line with high intensity to reduce stress-strength interference area, and further increase the contact line's reliability.
2008 Vol. 25 (8): 75-79 [Abstract] ( 2734 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (358 KB)  ( 145 )
80 Research on the Lightning Protection of OCS in Passenger Dedicated Lines
FAN Hai-jiang, LUO Jian
Research purposes: The construction of the passenger dedicated lines(PDL) is speeding up in China. There are various geographical environments, different whether and climatic conditions in the areas where the PDL goes over. Because of the complicated situations , the overhead contact line system(OCS ) is apt to be damaged by the thunders if the lightning conductor being absent. In order to guarantee high reliability of the OCS operation, the study on the lightning protection in the PDL was carried out through theoretical calculation and practical analysis. Based on the analysis of the measures for lightning protection in Germany and Japan, taking the practical situation in China electric railways into consideration , some suggestions were proposed for the lightning protection of OCS system in Guangzhou to Shenzhen railways.
Research conclusions: Whereas the accident of lightning strike occurs frequently in electrical railway in China, after the statistical analysis of the switch-off occurrence due to the lightning, the conclusion was drawn that the earthing lines shall be installed along the Guangzhou to Shenzhen railway and arranged on the top of the poles. In the strong lightning areas, the arrester is necessary to be fixed. In order to guarantee the lightning facility running safely, the grounding of the lightning conductors and the arrester is suggested in the DPL lines.
2008 Vol. 25 (8): 80-83 [Abstract] ( 2563 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (396 KB)  ( 581 )
84 Analysis and Calculation of Mobile Communication Signal in Metro Station
TAO Meng-hua
Research purposes : In order to satisfy the demands of mobile communication consumer in metro, the mobile communication system signals will be distributed in the metro. As the space environment in the metro underground station is narrow and irregular extremely in shape , the blind spots of signal for mobile communication system in the metro underground station will be produced by reflection wave and refraction wave. This paper aims at studying the covering type of electromagnetic wave field strength in the concourse from the theory to reduce the blind spot of signal and guide the design antenna arrangement.
Research conclusions: In this paper, the analysis has been made on electric wave transmission performance in free space and the multipath effect is produced by reflection wave and refraction wave. The field strength distributing curve is drawn by theoretical calculation,and the blind spots of signal are analyzed, so the viewpoint of that multi-antennae signal covering with 99% of area is put forward. If the signals of multiple networks are distributed in the metro, it is impossible to separately establish the network for each system, accordingly the concept that the multiple networks signals are combined into one network is used for the design of antenna subsystem for attaining the best result.
2008 Vol. 25 (8): 84-88 [Abstract] ( 2549 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (331 KB)  ( 193 )
89 Discussion on the Design of Neighborhood Tunnels
SU xiao-feng
Research purposes: Through introducing the optimized design concept on the neighborhood tunnels in Gangding-Shipaiqiao section of Guangzhou Rail Transit Line 3 from the original design of double-,h tunnel for the variable small space section to separated tunnels, this paper focuses on the many unfavorable conditions, encountered in construction, describes the construction technique, process and support measures, and discusses the feasibility of changing the double-arch tunnel into separated tunnels and the reliability of waterproof for the purpose of providing a new design mode for design of double-arch tunnel.
Research conclusions :Monitoring and measuring data during the construction of tunnels in Gangding-Shipaiqiao section illustrates that the new design concept and construction method not only can shorten the construction period and improve the waterproof property, but also can overcome the difficulties on unsymmetrical earth press and crown settlement of tunnels compared with the original double-arch structure. It provides references to similar works in future.
2008 Vol. 25 (8): 89-92 [Abstract] ( 2573 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (408 KB)  ( 188 )
93 Analysis of Necessity of the Primary Structural Transmutation Observation in Subways
MA Zhen-hai,YU Chun-hua
Research purposes : This paper analyzes the reasons and characteristics of the main structure transmutation of underground engineering in construction and circulation, summarizes the transmutation principle and forecasts the development trend of transmutation. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the primary structure transmutation, master the circs of structural transmutation dynamic, adopt proper remediation steps on the larger transmutation region in times, insure the circulating security.
Research conclusions: When urban rail transit engineering begins operating, the primary structure may occur transmutation generally. So, it is necessary to adopt some proper means to observe and it is necessary to master the structural transmutation status in time. These are of advantage to operating safely and these should be much accounted of by correlative departments.
2008 Vol. 25 (8): 93-95 [Abstract] ( 2543 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (330 KB)  ( 232 )
96 Analysis and Study of Fluid-solid Coupling and Combinatorial Loads of Pillar-less Canopy in Railway Station
YANG Hui-dong,LIU Xing-yong,WANG Shi-pei,ZHANG Yong-li,LEI Xian-hua
Research purposes: Using ANSYS CFX top grade hydrodynamic software, this paper simulates the alteration condition of inner flow field and pressure field when high speed trains pass. And this paper also studies the effect of this alteration on the structure deformation and stress by applying specific fluid-solid coupling analysis technology of ANSYS.
Research conclusions:The maximal deformation in the vertical direction is 0. 662 mm when the train passes in the unidirectional way; it turns to 0. 775mm when the trains pass in reversible ways. The vertical deformation of the canopy truss will attach to its maximum with the downward direction under the action of other combinatorial loads which does not take the temperature in consideration. There are two aspects when the contribution of temperature is concerned: negative temperature makes the canopy shrink which increases the vertical downward deformation of the truss, while positive temperature makes the canopy expand which cancels out partial vertical downward deformation, the deformation value will reduce consequently. On the strength aspect , the maximal stress of the truss is less than the yield extreme of the material under the action of the considered load condition , so the canopy is feasible.
2008 Vol. 25 (8): 96-100 [Abstract] ( 2547 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (429 KB)  ( 132 )
101 Preliminarily Analysis of the Current Situation and Development Trend of Construction Supervision
ZHOU zhao-jia
Research purposes: The countermeasures and development trend are presented through making the analysis of the current situation of construction supervision and doing study on the following problems ; The thorough supervisions are not putted into practice, the supervision market is not conventional, the supervision corporations are lower at credibility and quality.
Research conclusions: The present countermeasures brought forth in this paper are to insist on operation in credibility, to introduce internationally advanced IS09001 quality assurance system, to insist on scientific outlook and putting man first, to implement the principles of "focusing on customers" and competitive strategy of popular market plus top market. And the development trends pointed out in this paper are to establish the initiative concept instead of passive one , to develop entire engineering project management, to attract and nurture high quality talents who can work for the development strategy, to strengthen the training work of the employees in charge of supervision and consulting services, to establish data system, to pay more attention to the engineering supervision marketing, to explore the regulation and mode for international supervision and consulting services, to actively take part in Sino-foreign cooperation and to implement the” two major international standards and one regional standard" for enhancing the competitive ability in international market.
2008 Vol. 25 (8): 101-104 [Abstract] ( 2500 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (359 KB)  ( 234 )
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