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2016 Vol. 33, No. 5
Published: 2016-05-16
Geology and Subgrade
Railway and Rail
Bridge Engineering
Tunnel Engineering
Survey and Design
Urban Rail Construction
Engineering Economy and Management
Survey and Design
Research on the Surveying and Mapping Method for Railway Project / Africa
GUO Chong - feng
Research purposes : The African continent is one of tlie key areas of tlie 11 going out strategy" of China railway construction. However,basic surveying and mapping information of African countries is lack,technical condition is fall behind,natural and traffic conditions are bad,human and social environment is complex,how to obtain the surveying and mapping results quickly and accurately which meet the needs of the railway survey and design,reduce personnel and equipment input,avoid security risks,is task with great concentration of railway technical personnel who participate in such project. The paper used practice of a certain railway survey project in Africa, summarized and analyzed railway construction metliod and technology roadmap of African countries which use China modem railway survey technology. Research conclusions :The conclusions listed below were drawn in the paper tlirough exemplary cases:(1)The usage of technology and railway survey standard of China in survey and design of the African railway is suitable for the basic situation of Africa counties. (2)The usage of Gauss - Kruger projection coordinate system,satellite mapping and LIDAR technology meets therequirements of surveying and mapping information in all phases of railway design and avoids security risks effectively,which makes up the lack of basic survey information in Africa and the technology gaps between Sino - Africa. (3 ) The survey technical route and method in this paper provide a cerain reference to overseas route engineering survey and design.
2016 Vol. 33 (5): 1-5 [
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Geology and Subgrade
Research on the Stress Deformation and Engineering Effect of the Lancangjiang Fault in Sichuan - Tibet Railway
LI Yu - sheng1,YI Shu - jian1,JIANG Liang - :en2,MAO Bang - yan2,HUANG Chao1,LIU Kai1
Research purposes : Tectonic dynamic problems of the Lancangjiang fault such as activity characters and stress - deformation characteristics of crustal rock mass,greatly influence and restrict Sichuan - Tibet Railway engineering. Through field investigation and research of the fault geological formations - structural features, and combining with regional geophysical fields and the deep structure information, the authors have established the geomechanics conceptual model of the fault zone crustal structure. On this basis, we use ANSYS finite element numerical simulation metliod,to analyze stress deformation field characteristics of tlie fault crustal rock mass and explore its engineerng effect problems. Research conclusions :( 1) The Lancangjiang fault mainly shows the characterstic of strong press - thrst,and cnstal rock compressive deformation. (2) Transfer of crustal stress and deformation is cut off by the fault and magmatic rocks on the west side,and makes stress and deformation intensity of both sides differ. (3 ) Two horzontal weak rock belts in the deep cmst, which drive the upper geological bodies to eastward migration,is the main dynamic factor affecting the regional tectonic movement. (4 ) The fault zone infuences in railway engineering mainly include compressive deformation of rock mass and high geostress problem in tunnel engineering of tlie west side magmatic rock mass. ( 5 ) The research results are mainly applied to the geological route selection and design optimization of Changdu to Basu in SLhuan - Til)et Railway.
2016 Vol. 33 (5): 6-10 [
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Discussion about Estimation Techinitjue of Tunnel Thermal Harm in Ya^an - Kangding Section of the Sichuan - Tibet Railway
FENG Tao, JIANG Liang - wen,ZHANG Guang -ze,WANG Dong
Research purposes: Ya,an -Kangdingsection of theproposed Sichuan - Tibet Railway would pass through South - East branch of the Xianshuihe fault zone,where thermal harm of hydrothermal mobile is prominent,which could influence on the selection of the railway plan. Currently, the calculation methods are unsatisfactory for geothermal gradient of hot water and temperature of the tunnel bottom plane. In order to make progress, this paper tried to use 11 inversion method about geothermal gradient of hot water" and 11 fitting method about temperature contour of the tunnel bottom plane11 for solution and propose corresponding geology route selection suggestion,which presented the new views on it for providing the reference. Research conclusions:( 1 ) The geotliermal gradient of hot water at the Dapingslian No. 2 tunnel and the Maojiagou tunnel is calculated and the temperature contour of the tunnel botom plane is drawn by 11 inversion method about meothermal gradient of hot water" and "fitting method about temperature contour of the tunnel bottom plane" methods, thermal harm influence zone is divided and field drilling results verify the rationality of t!ie contour map,which shows that these two methods is feasible. (2 ) Based on division of the thermal harm influence zone of the hydrothermal mobile,the author estimated thermal harm influence,then proposed corresponding geology route selection suggestion in hydrotliermal mobile zone. (3) The two methods of 11 inversion method about geothermal gradient of hot water" and "fitting method about temperature contour of the tunnel boom plane" can be used for reference for similar tunnel engineering sites which are in the hydrothermal mobile zone.
2016 Vol. 33 (5): 11-17 [
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Research on the Load Transfer Rule in Ballastless Track Subgrade System of High - speed Railway
Research purposes : As the basis of the Fallastless track structure of the high - speed railway,the subgrade is subjected to the train loads transferred from the fasteners and the track system. The internal stress level of the subgrade is directly influenced by the loads distributed by the fasteners. Therefore, the finite element model for the ballastless track subgradesystem of thehigh - speed railway was established to investigatetheload distribution of thefasteners and the variation of tlie subgrade internal stress. Research conclusions : Regarding the ballastless track subgrade structure of the high - speed railway,the following conclusions can be drawn : (1) When the single wheel axle load is acting on the fastener point of the ballastless track system,the load is mainly distributed by 7 fasteners. The load distribution is greatly affected by the space and the stiffness of the fasteners. (2) As for tlie two wheel system,if one of tlie wheel axle loads is acting on the fastener point of the ballastless track system,the load is mainly distributed by 11 fasteners. (3) The stress attenuation is slower with the further distance from the subgrade surface. When stress is transferred to the bottom of the subgrade,the subgrade stresses become very close with different axle loads. (4) This research results could provide references for t!ie design of the baiastless track subgrade system of thie high - speed railway in China.
2016 Vol. 33 (5): 18-24 [
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Railway and Rail
Experimental Research on the State Index ofCWR in Golmud - Lhasa Section of Qinghai - Tibet Railway
ZHANG Xiang - min1,GAO Liang1,CUI Ri - xin1,ZENG Zhi - ping2,CHEN Xian - mai2
Research purposes : Golmud - Lhasa Section of Qinghai - Tibet Railway in permafrost zonehas many unique characteristics,such as low temperature and oxygen, changeable climate, indiscernible four seasons, big day/night temperature difference,long annual negative temperature,stronger solar radiation,more steep gradients,thicker ballast bed,more thawing settlement of subgrade and so on,which are diferent to the value and variation laws of state index of CWR. So it is very important and urgent to study the value and variation laws of state index. Re—arch conclusions :( 1) The monitoeng system for state index of CWR on plateau railway in pemafrost zone was developed. This system can gather the temperature and displacement at the same time,and realize the lasting observation and automatic data storage of rail displacement,brdge beam displacement,air temperature,rail temperature and brdge beam temperature. (2) With the CWR monitorng system lay in the permafrost zone, the rail and beam temperature difference value and change laws were revealed. Longitudinal and lateral displacement of rail, relative displacement between beam and rail and beam - ends were evaluated too. ( 3 ) It is proved that the CWR in the permafrost zone is stable and reliable. (4)The research results can be applied in the state monitdng of CWR,and it also has important reference value in ballastless track constniction and expermental research on the stability CWR.
2016 Vol. 33 (5): 25-31 [
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Prevention and Restraining - control for the Construction Safety Accident of Railway Business Line
Research purposes : Prevention and restraining - control for the construction safety accident of railway business line and adjacent railway business line to ensure the construction safety is one of the important contents of the construction safety risk management of railway engineering. This paper analyzes the primary and secondary causes of tlie construction safety accidents of railway business line and adjacent railway business line in the 5 years from 2006 to 2010,and proposes the measures and suggestions of tlie prevention and restraining - control. Research conclusions :( 1) The construction of railway business line must ensure safety in the first place. Adhere to the policy of t!ie 11 safety first,precaution crucial and comprehensive treatment" and focus on the prevention and restraining - control of t!ie construction safety. (2) To ensure the construction safety of the railway business line and the adjacent railway business line,the accidents must be eliminated in the bud by prevention and restraining - control the accident risk in advance and by the comprehensive implementation of the safety risk management of railway engineering construction. (3) Construction scheme is not approved, no construction. (4) Not to sign the construction safety agreement in accordance with the regulations,no construction. (5) It is strictly forbidden to enter the site and prepare world prior to blocking construction in advance and the blocking construction order of time is not issued,no construction. Construction safety protection is not in place, no construction. (7) The construction of the railway business line must be strictly in accordance with the approved construction scheme. It is strictly forbidden to change the scheme and simplify procedure of tlie construction.
2016 Vol. 33 (5): 32-36 [
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Bridge Engineering
Construction Technology for Bridge Foundation in Deep Water and Gradient Bedrock under Complex Geological Conditions
YAO Fa - hai
Research purposes: The newly constructed Baisliatuo Yangtze River bridge is located at upstream of Yangtze River and the riverbed is mostly gradient bedrock without covering layer due to current scour. Meanwhile, the water level varies rapidly,the speed of the current varies greatly. Pier No. 3 is located at the middle of the river where the bedrock is uncovered with a altitude difference of 17 meters and shallow blasting is adopted for the bedrock above the water and underwater controlled blasting is adoptd for the bedrock below water. A platform is installed firstly before boring,and boring and cofferdam erection are carried out simultaneously during the foundation construction. Eight steel casings and the auxiliary piles for gantry crane support tlie higher platform so that boring wont stop in case of flood and then construction progress is continuous. Research conclusions:(1) To decrease the damage effects of the blasting on the existing bridge,millisecond blasting and shock relieve vent are adopted. (2)To fit the gradient bedrock,movable strips with a certain height and stiffness are erected at the bottom segment of the cofferdam. When the cofferdam takes its place,drop the strips in time,then pad and fill in the gap between cofferdam and gradient bedrock. ( 3 ) Throw fill inside and outide the cofferdam and botom sealing for the cofferdam. After the hang with the platform is removed,cast concrete into the cabins of cofferdam first which can save the thickness of the concrete for bottom sealing. (4 ) The research result can provide reference for otlier similar project with deep water and gradient bedrock.
2016 Vol. 33 (5): 37-41 [
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Durability sessment on Railway Reinforced Concrete Arch Bridge
WU Fang - wen,FENG Bing - long,XUE Cheng - feng
Research purposes : A large number of railroad reinforced concrete arch bridges in service stage are damaged by load,natural disaster,concrete ageing,and steel bar corrosion. The bearing capacity inadequate,ageing and damage problems caused by durability damage will directly threaten the safety performance of the structures and the carrying capacity. Taking a railway arch bridge as an engineering background,the durability is studied to assess the structural health based on the fuzzy hierarchy method and field test results. Research conclusions :( 1) Analytic hierarchy process can decompose the complex target problems into various factors, and these factors are grouped according to the control relationship. Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process is combined with the fuzzy evaluation method and analytic hierarchy process, and emphasizes the fuzziness and precise mathematical expression. (2) The hierarchy model of the railway arch bridge is established according to the field test results,the durability indexes of different components are given different weight coefficients. The comprehensive evaluation result for the railway arch bridge is grade I . ( 3 ) The evaluation results are consistent witli the field test results. So the assessment results by fuzzy analytic hierarchy process can refect the health of the important components. It has the characteristic of practicability, scientificity and objectivity. (4) The research results can be used to guide the bridge design and maintenance to prolong the service life of bridges.
2016 Vol. 33 (5): 42-47 [
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Tunnel Engineering
Reliability Analysis of Different OpenCut Tunnel
TAN Zhong - sheng1,LI Lei1,MENG De - xin1,CHEN Li - bao2,WANG Hai1
Abstract : Research purposes : Witli the increasing development of railway tunnel design technology,compared witli the safety coefficient method,the probability limit state method can consider much more comprehensive factors to make safety assessment more reasonable and reliable. Combined with specific engineering case,based on the element software ANSYS modeling to solve structure internal force calculation, this paper usd MATLAB to compose the H - L method program to calculate the reliability of the diferent open cut tunnels,compared the reliability of the diferent open cut tunnels and explored the relationship between its reliability and the influence factors, to provide reference for the research of related tunnel. Research conclusions :( 1) Limit state design method can comprehensively reflect the uncertainty of every factor and the integrity of the structure,which is much better than the safety factor method. (2) The safety stock of the open cut tunnel structure in every speed is very enough now. The double - line tunnel) s design parameters are more conservative than the single - line tunnel) s,but this phenomenon becomes not obvious with the increase of speed. (3) Excavation site and thickness of covering soil below 4 m have weak influence on the reliability of the open cut tunnel structure,but the stress form have significant influence on it. (4) Making the reasonable arch axis can greatly improve the overall reliability of theopen cut tunnel. (5) The research result can provide the reference for open cut tunnel design wit!i the probability limit state method.
2016 Vol. 33 (5): 48-54 [
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Research on the Anti - alkaline Test of Embedded - channel in Lining Segment in Shield Tunnel
JIN Shi - he,YAN Song - hong,LIANG Qing - guo
Research purposes : Embedded - channels of shield segment have been widely used abroad because of its easy to use,environmental,elegance,and no injury to segment structure,no influence on the useful life of tlie segment when electromechanical installation in subway. The prelude of embedded - channels application in domestic is also pulled open gradually because of its advantages while our country has entered the peak of the metro construction. But our country has not yet to establish a national standard of embedded - channels. The test - method of embedded - channel is not perfect, can only refer to the railway standard. Our country has a vast territory, and the concrete alkalinity is diferent in diferent regions. It is necessary and urgentto study on embedded - channels alkaline and to establish national technical standards. This paper takes Lanzhou subway engineering as the example, studies on anti - alkaline test of embedded - channels of shield segment. Research conclusions :( 1) In the processes of shield segment construction,the insulating layer of embedded - channels will be softened and cause insulation failure under concrete alkaline environment. Then, the aluminum and zinc elements of multi - element co - penetration will react and produce about 2 liter of hydrogen under concrete alkaline environment. There is no any space in the surface of embedded - channels,trapping by concrete in gravity. Hydrogen was compressed and enough pressure was created to break through the 250 mm thick of concrete trapping, and they are insufficient of concrete compactn;s anti - permeability ability because of hydrogen hotels. ( 2 ) The evaluating index is set up by research test of embedded - channels anti - alkaline. ( 3 ) The ability of embedded - channel anti - alkaline has been enhanced obviously after spray neutral epoxy resin in surface of embedded - channel which was successfully applied to shield segment construction in Lanzhou metro project. (4) The research achievements are mainly applied to the field of shield segment design and construction ; can also be applied to the field of high speed railway or building construction using embedded - channel.
2016 Vol. 33 (5): 55-58 [
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Analysis of Cutterhead Torque Calculation and Its Influence Factors for Slurry Balance Shield
YANG Zhi - yong1,CHENG Xue - wu2,JIANG Yu - sheng1
Research purposes: Cutterhead torque of slurry balance shield is a key parameter in shield design. In order to the accurate calculation of slurry balanced cutterhead torque value,combing with the characteristics of the shield,this paper derived the cutterhead torque calculation formula for slurry balance shield,verified the correctness of the formula by cutterhead torque measured value of diameter line projects in Tianjin and Beijing,and analyzed cutterhead torque composition and main influence factors. Research conclusions:(1) Cutterhead positive friction torque,back torque and lateral friction resistance torque are the three important parts of total tor(que,they have at least 90% of total torque,and among which,positive friction torque has up to 60% of total torque. (2) When cutterhead opening rate increases 10%,cutterhead torque decreases about 5%. (3) When slurry pressure increases 10%, cutterhead tor(que increases about 8 %. (4) Cutterhead torque increases with the increasing of cutterhead diameters, and torque augmentation increases with the increasing of cutterhead diameters. (5) Cutterhead torque increases with the increasing of frictional coefficient between cutterhead and soil,they have good correlation. (6) Thi research result can be used in slurry balance shield torcque prediction and control measures.
2016 Vol. 33 (5): 59-63 [
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Research on the Cutting Characteristics of Cutters on Pre - cutting Machine with Different Cutters, Layouts
XIA Yi - min1,QIAN Cong1,TIAN Ze - yu2,CHEN Li2,TAN Qing1,ZOU Hai - yan2
Research purposes : In order to study the cutting characteristics of pre - cutting machine witli diferent layout of tlie cutters,the finite element software was used and the simulation model of cutters breaking the rock witli four kinds of cutters , layouts was established. The process of multi - cutters , breaking the rock with different layout of the cutters was simulated. The horizontal load and the specific energy of cutters , breaking rock were analysed. Research conclusions :( 1 ) The vertical resistance of the cutter is much less than the horizontal resistance when the cutters break therock. (2) At t!ie penetration of 6 mm,among the four kinds of cutters , layout,the average horizontal load of the cutter in scheme a which is 485 N is the minimum and the average horizontal load of the cutter in scheme d which is 548 N is the maximum. (3 ) The average horzontal loads of t!ie cutters in scheme b are the most even and the average horzontal loads of t!ie cutters in scheme a and scheme d are more uneven. (4) Overall,at the penetration of 4 mm,6 mm and 8 mm,the specific energy in scheme a is the minimum and the specific energy in scheme b is the maximum. The viration lawbetween the specific energy and the penetration is not obvious. (5) On the whole,scheme a is the best. This scheme has been initially tested on the pre - cutting machine and the cutting peformance was good. (6 ) The research results can provide references for the study of tunnel pre - cutting machine cutters , layout.
2016 Vol. 33 (5): 64-69 [
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ANewTwo - stage Damage Diagnosis Methodfor Frame Structures
YANG You - fa,TAN Xi,CHENG Ya - peng
Research purpose : Damage diagnosis of engineering structures is tlie core technology and theoretical basis of structural health monitoring. Based on the combination of the advantages of change rate of modal strain energy and directly analytical method,a new two - stage damage diagnosis method for frame structure was proposed,the change rate of modal strain energy was usd to identify the damage location for tlie first stage,and for the scond stage the directly analytical method was used to quantify the damage degree. At last, the two - stage metiiod was used to verfy its effectiveness. Research conclusion : ( 1 ) The proposed met!iod not only reduces the number of damage parameters of directly analytical method greatly,but also greatly reduces the number of required modes for damage identification. (2) Damage diagnosis can be conducted accurately only witii the lower orders of mode. ( 3 ) The two - stage damage diagnosis method is more closer to practical engineerng theoretically. ( 4 ) The research results can be used for detecting the damage location and damage degree of frame strictures.
2016 Vol. 33 (5): 70-77 [
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Urban Rail Construction
Reasonable Scale Calculation Model of Urban Rail Transit Network Based on Entropy Weight
CHEN Jian1,CAI Xiao - yu2,CHEN Lin1,DAI Lu - chuan3
Research purposes : The overall efficiency of urban rail transit construction and operation of the whole life cycle is directly related to the rationality of networl^ scale,and the rationality is the core index of rail transit networl^ plan. Aiming at the problem that there are obvious differences,one - sided interpretation,and difficult combination in different network scale calculation results,the model of the reasonable scale of rail transit network calculation based on entropy weight is put forward. Research conclusions :( 1) Based on summarizing the concept of the existed urban rail transit network reasonable scale, further deepening and clarifying the specific meaning and external performance of rational scale. (2) Based on the service level analysis of network scale, the results of the three methods are given a treatment of valuation by using information entropy,and thereasonablevalueof network scaleis determined amply,effectively enhancing therationality of network scale. ( 3 ) The model is applied on the case of network scale of cityrail transit studyin Chongqing,and the results show that tlie reasonable scale value should be 570. 61km in 2020,so there is still tlie space of adjustment and optimization in the actual plan. (4) The model can analyze and calculate the comprehensive value of each urban rail transit network reasonable scale,providing the theoretical support for the urban rail transit network plan in China.
2016 Vol. 33 (5): 78-81 [
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The Deformation Law of Deep Foundation Pit and Surroundings of Subway Station for Using Full Cover Construction
REN Jian - xi,WANG Dong - xing,WANG Jiang,LIU Kang - hui,CHENG Yuan,ZHANG Yang - yang, LIU Dong - yang
Research purposes : The surrounding environment of the deep foundation pit of Hujiamiao Station of the project ofXi , an subway line No. 3 is complex,and the full cover excavation method is used. Taking the deep foundation pit of Hujiamiao Station of tlie project of Xi , an subway line No. 3 as background,this paper studied the deformation of the subway station of the enclosure structure,the deformation law of the surrounding ground,and the deformation of the adjacent structures. The design scheme and monitoring results provided a basis for information construction of tlie subway station for the full cover construction. Research conclusions :( 1) The design of the curtain piles,steel support and the military convenient girders played a very good effect in terms of suppressing deformation of foundation pit, the reasonable conclusion was verified by the monitoring data. (2) In terms of the bridge of Changle near to the edge of deep excavation pit, the grouting strengthening measure of bridge piles is reasonable and viable,and the safe operation of bridge has been ensured during the construction period. (3) Full cover digging subway station uses FLAC3D software to simulate monitoring data,the actual monitoring data were compared with numerical simulation results. Numerical simulation results are consistent with the monitoring results, to verify the correctness of the results. (4) The research results can provide a new reference value for the construction of tile loess region s otlier similar full cover deep station foundation.
2016 Vol. 33 (5): 82-88 [
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Research on the Influence Factors and Function Route about the Change of Construction on Subway Station
WANG Tao1,XU Lei2,ZHAO Na1
Research purposes: In order to use the multiple case study for the analyze of three representatives project about Beijing subway station,it revealed the main factors about construction changes in subway station,and studied the affecting paths of the main factors on construction changes in subway station,with a viewto provide theoretical support and practical guidance for the construction management of subway station. Research conclusions:( 1 ) The main factors of construction changes on subway station come from three aspects: the external environment, the internal conditions and the process of construction. (2) Made three basic theoretical propositions : the external environment is the major cause of station construction changes,the internal conditions are the fundamental reasons for t!ie changes about station construction,and the process of construction is the basis of changes in construction. (3 ) Analysed the internal correlation of factors about tiie construction changes in subway station,and built the action path model of triangular pyramid about the factors of theconstruction change in subway station. (4 ) This research result can provide the reference to the scientific decision and application for tlie change management in subway projects.
2016 Vol. 33 (5): 89-92 [
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The Designof Monitoring System for Axial Force of Steel Bracing of Foundation Pit in Subway Construction
GAO Yu,FAN Xu - chao,HE Yu,SHI Wei
Research purposes : Monitoring of axial force of steel bracing of foundation pit in subway construction is very important,which has significance to the secure construction witli pit. At present,it use the frequency meter to detect changes of tlie axial force in the construction site. Its disadvantage is not real - time monitoring,not alarm immediately overrun pressure. At the same time,the traditional reading meter adopts high voltage excitation mode,easy to damage the axial force meter. This paper introduces a kind of axial force detecting system based on low power microcontroller MSP430F149 of TI Company as the control core. The system has the function of real - time monitoring of t!ie axial force to steel bracings. Research conclusion : Through the system design and the construction scene test, the following conclusions are obtained : (1) The system can realize vibration to steel string of sensor by the way of low - voltage with frequency,the same effect of by the way of high - voltage wit!i frequency can monitor axial force meter,and can reduce the damage to the sensor. (2 ) Through comparison of the reading results with frequency reading meter, the design can realize the accurate reading of frequency of theaxial force meter,at thesametime,it can monitor theaxial force changes in real time,to improve the effect of foundation construction engineering safety early warning,so as to ensure the safety of foundation pit. (3)The research results can be applied in monitoring of deep foundation pit support.
2016 Vol. 33 (5): 93-98 [
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Measurement and Analysis of the Vibration - ::tenuating Mfect of Rail Suspension Fasteners on Subway Vibration
WEI Kai,LIANG Ying -chun,ZHANG Pan,WANG Ping
Abstract : Research purposes : In order to control subway vibration in our country,many kinds of track structures were adopted. As a new vibration - control technique, the suspension fasteners are rarely used in China, and its actual vibration - alleviating effect is still unclear. Therefore,some field tests should be carried out to facilitate design of subway track. Research conclusions :Acertain section of the metro line 2 in Chengdu was chosen to test the vertical ground vibration accelerations before and after replacing rail fasteners. The test results in both time and frequency domains were compared. The compared results show that: (1) The time - domain vertical ground vibration accelerations would transform from several concentrated vibrations to the decentralized and uniform ones after replacement of the DZ Ⅲrail fasteners witli rail suspension fasteners. Besides,the time - domain peak particle accelerations caused by rail suspension fasteners is less than 50% of that caused by the DZ Ⅲ rail fasteners. (2 ) The vibration - reduction effect of rail suspension fasteners is more remarkable in the 1/3 octave center frequencies of 50 ?160 Hz. Compared with common rail fasteners,the highest decrease of !"zmax in the 1/3 octave center 50 ~ 160 Hz is 21 dB. (3) The integrated VLx 1/3 octave center frequencies of 1 ~ 160 Hz at all measuring positions are ranged from 57. 3 dB to 68.3 dB,mostly less than China, standard threshold of 65 dB,after application of rail suspension fasteners. (4)The research results can be used in control of subway vibration and noise.
2016 Vol. 33 (5): 99-104 [
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The Optimization of Ventilation in Subway Station Using Composite Platform Screen Doors System
YUAN Zhong - yuan,LEI Bo
Research purposes : In recent years,the energy consumption of tlie environmental control system has gained growing attention. Composite platform screen door ( CPSD) integrated both energy - saving advantages of PSD and closed system. The optimization of ventilation of the system was studied in this paper to support its engineering application. Research conclusions:(1) The difference of ventilation rate in subway station is not obvious under those two ventilation modes. Moreover,the ventilation rate would increase at the start and then decrease with the increase of quantity of train in motion. (2) By comparison,the ventilation rate of station platform under ,the ventilation mode of setting piston shaft to the exit end of the station , is larger,but the ventilation rate of station hall under that is smaller. (3) The ventilation rate of station platform could meet the control standard under those two modes. In addition,the ventilation rate of station hall could satisfy the fresh air required under , the ventilation mode of setting piston shaft to the entrance end of the station ,. However,the ventilation rate in some station hall could not meet the air change standard under , the ventilation mode of setting piston shaft to the exit end of the station”. (4) Eventually,,the ventilation mode of setting piston shaft to the entrance end of the station ” is better than , the ventilation mode of setting piston shaft to the exit end of the station”. (5) The research results in the paper could be used in the engineering of subway environment control.
2016 Vol. 33 (5): 105-109 [
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QualitativeResearch on the Establishment and Interpretation ofthe Cost Management Control Model of Subway Projects
WANG Meng - jun,ZHAO Na,ZHENG Jun - wei,WANG Qing - e
Research purposes: Based on in - depth interview and text analysis, this paper used qualitative research metliod of grounded theory for the analysis and coding of the data which has been collected, tried to explore the key influencing factors and the underlying mechanism of the cost management control about subway projects, to provide certain reference and inspiration for the guiding of cost management control about t!ie subway engineering. Research conclusions:( 1 ) The analysis results indicate that the five categories, which were the paradigm guiding, organization collaboration, mechanism operation, execution control and process improving, have significant influence with the cost management control of subway projects,however, the relationship differs from each other. (2) Combined with the empirical case,the framework about the behavior relation of cost control on the subway engineering isenriched and renovated,in the end, the frame model of the cost management control about subway projects is buit. ( 3 ) The research results can be applied to the whole process of subway construction in the terms of dynamic cost management.
2016 Vol. 33 (5): 110-115 [
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Engineering Economy and Management
Analysis of the “ Going Global ” Strategy of China Railway Engineering Construction Technical Standards
XU You - ding,GAO Bai - song,YANG Ji -zhong,XU Jun
Research purposes : Coping witli the increasingly prominent technical standards conflict in the course of China railway globalization, this paper focuses on the attributes,contents, and overseas cases in Chinese railway engineering construction technical standard system and the European * s ,which has the largest influence in the world,in order to improve China* s current technical standard system and provide a reference for t!ie China railway 11 going global" strategy. Research conclusions:( 1 ) The constraints on M going global" of the cuirent China railway engineering construction technical standards are put forward, including national situation differences,system stricture differences,theoretical differences,etc. (2) In accordance with the prnciple of 11 self - oiented,open and compatible",the implementation plan for the globalization of China railway engineerng constriction technical standards is proposed based on the current China railway situation,which covers the China technical standard introduction,compatibility and intercommunication of the domestic and foreign technical standards, adjustment of technical standard system and so on. (3) The research results can provide references fr the improvement of the existing technical standard system in China and the implementation of Chinee railway " going global " strategy.
2016 Vol. 33 (5): 116-122 [
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Research on the Operating Environment Cost Nonlinear Estimation Metliods of the Green High - speed Railway
DUAN Xiao - chen1,TIAN He2,ZHANG Xiao - ping3
Research purposes : To define the influential content of the operating environment of high - speed railway, and estimate its operating environment cost,on the basis of calculation content of t!ie operating environment of high - speed railway, the cost - significant ( CS) theory and neural network method were put forward to predict the environmental costs of proposed operating projects in this paper. Meanwhile, Changsha - Yiyang inter - city railway environmental costs prediction results proved the applicability and accuracy of t!ie model. Research conclusions:( 1) Use the cost - significant ( CS) theory to confirm cost - significant items of high - speed railway,and then it can simplify the workload of environment cost estimation. (2) Neural network method has applicability in high - speed railway operating environment cost estimation. ( 3 ) High - speed railway operating cost database need to be supplemented further in order to improve accurate estimation. (4) The nonlinear estimation methods of high - speed railway which suggested in this paper,can be applied in operating environment cost estimation.
2016 Vol. 33 (5): 123-128 [
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Research on the Evaluation Solution about Quality Situation of Railway Construction Industry
WANG Slrn - 3.,F:;G mia2,W:;G Yin@ - dim1
Research purposes: According to Quality Development Outline (2011 -2020) of State Government,in order to improve the evaluation system of quality situation by government sector,evaluation solution about quality situation of railway construction industry is discussed for decision aids of railway industry supervision agency . Research conclusions:( 1) Quality situation of railway construction industry^ shows not for any specific projects result, but the whole quality level and status of all under - building projects. It shows the quality situation of railway construction industry during appointed year or period. (2) Based on the factor of truth and availability,the data from governmental quality supervision agency should be used for situation evaluation. The 3 first level indexes can be set for 11 quality behavior problems",M engineering entity^ quality^ problems",11 quality^ accidents",and the second and third level indexes can be choose according to classification of enterprise,professional engineering and accident grade. (3) Static evaluation method can be designed to analyze quality situation of railway construction industry by weighted scoring. Governmental quality supervision agency or otlier consulting company can inspect typical projects and judge the whole industry quality situation by the statistic scoring average. (4) Dynamic evaluation metliod can be designed to analyze quality^ situation of railway construction industry by dynamic index, which can reflect the continuous change during the different time period. (5) The research result can be applied in construction management field, and can be used for decision aids of governmental quality supervision agency.
2016 Vol. 33 (5): 129-133 [
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Research on the Construction Scheme of Enterprise Master Data Management Platform
Research purposes : The M Data" is the 11 blood" of information system. When the enterprise information develops to a certain extent,the data management ( MDM,Master Data Management) will be promoted to an important management field of enterprise information management. The quality of data management,to a large extent affects the process of enterprise information,and determines the quality of enterprise information results. Master data management is a standardized specification design and system integration work,which has many involved departments and systems, and relates to the processing of historical data and other issues,so the implementation is very difficult. In order to effectively promote the project implementation, the distributed implementation must be carried out. The master data management refers to the create and maintain a set of standard,technology and scheme of the master daa,to ensure the consistency,completeness and accuracy of thedata. Research conclusions :( 1) Themaster data management is to realizedata sharing among different application systems, and it is the benchmark of tlie data exchange among the reference systems. (2) The main goal is to make the business data management system in the acquisition of baseline data,to ensure data is up - to - date,consistent,accurate,able to perform data validation of the system in real time. ( 3 ) The master data is the core data of enterprise information management, should be more effective;comprehensive; unified and proper management. (4) The four elements of master data management is data integration; data sharing,data management and data quality. (5) The application of research results will unify the basic data of busines information application system.
2016 Vol. 33 (5): 134-136 [
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Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
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Beijing Magtech