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2017 Vol. 34, No. 1
Published: 2017-02-15
Geology and Subgrade
Railway and Rail
Bridge Engineering
Tunnel Engineering
Urban Rail Construction
Engineering Economy and Management
Electrification Engineering
Geology and Subgrade
Some Cognitions and Thinkings about the Specific Geo - environmental Problems along the Sichuan - Tibet Railway
XU You - ding1,YAO Ling - kan2
Abstract: Research purposes : To propose the cognition about the special Geo - environmental problems along the Sichuan - Tibet Railway and the concise key points of tackle hard - nut problems in science and technology. To provide the science and technology support for the successful building and safe operation of the Sichuan - Tibet Railway. Research conclusions : The junctional zone of Gangdise - Nyenchen Tanglha active continental margin and northern Himalayan fold belt,is a region in which has never been built any railways before,facing the specific Geo – environmental problems such as,inner dynamic effect of tlie Yarlung Zangbo suture zone,glacier lake outburst in the maritime glacier zones and glacial debris flow,etc. The Sichuan - Tibet Railway passes through three major suture zones,including the Yarlung Zangbo suture zone,so we need to pay attention to influence on the Sichuan - Tibet Railway affected by the big earthquakes occurred on the Himalayan arc,and suggest carrying out the study on crustal stress, measuring ground temperature with the antecedent project. To the problems of glacier lake outburst in the maritime glacier zones and glacial debris flow, study on the basic theory of formation mechanism, motion feature should be enhanced, and the strategy of higher elevation design to avoid the damage of valley disaster chain should be studied as well.
2017 Vol. 34 (1): 1-5 [
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Research on the Effect of Ground Treatment Measures of Highway Culvert in Collapsible Loess Area
ZHAO Yong - hu1,MI Wei - jun1,SUN Run - dong2,QU Yao - hui1,RONG Lu3,LIANG Heng - xiang1
Abstract:Research purposes: The highway culvert diseases are often occurred in collapsible loess areas. In order to solve the problems of post - construction sedimentation and large deformation of culverts caused by poor ground design in collapsible loess area,taking the two culverts of collapsible loess areas of Minhe to Xiaoxia I - grade highways in Qinghai province as examples, the actual effects of different ground treatment measures and settlement and deformation characteristics have been analyzed based on the methods of replacement and lime - loess compaction pile,to provide the reference for the application of different ground treatment methods of highway culvert in collapsible loess area. Research conclusions:( 1 ) The methods of replacement and lime - loess compaction pile can effectively eliminate or decrease the collapsible deformation of culvert ground caused by soaking and improve the bearing capacity of culvert ground significantly. (2) Compared with the replacement method,the lime - loess compaction pile method is more 9fective in the aspect of improving the compression modulus of ground soil. (3) By the field monitoring dada,the accumulative total sedimentation during a whole year is 25. 0 mm for the replacement method and 18. 2 mm for the lime - loess compaction pile method,and accounts for 79. 9% and 78. 1C of final settlement respectively. The settlement deformation of both kinds of composite ground presents the trend of the increasing rapid in the early stage and smooth and stable in the late. (4) The cumulative settlement of culverts which were processed by ground treatment keeps in a stable and controllable range, which can effectively improve the security of culvert structure. Lime - loess compaction pile method may perform a more important function in reducing the compression deformation of collapsible loess and improving the bearing capacity of culvert ground than the replacement method. (5) The research results can provide the theoretical guidance and scientific basis for ground design and disease prevention of culvert in collapsible loess areas.
2017 Vol. 34 (1): 6-10 [
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Model Test of Pile Negative Friction for Different Pile - end Underlying Layers
MA Xue - ning,ZHANG Pei - yun,JIA Xi - cui,LI Shan – zhen
Abstract : Research purposes: The negative skin friction could produce dragloads on pile,which will cause the increase of displacement and the decrease of vertical compressive security levels,even results in pile destruction. To analyze the influence of different underlying layers ( loess and coarse sand) on displacement and negative skin friction, through model tests,this paper compared the difference of pile and pile - surrounding soil displacement,and the distribution of axial load for these two underlying layers, then clarified the change regularity of neutral point position and gave the suggestion value. Research conclusions :( 1) The influence of underlying layers on pile - surrounding soil disj)lacement is smaller,while on pile displacement is bigger. Compared witli loess underlying layer,the neutral point position of coarse sand is deeper under the same surcharge loading level. ( 2 ) The axial force of these two underlying layers increases with the increase of load level. But tiie dragloads and pile - end reaction of coarse sand are bigger than loess. (3) The neutral point positions which are determined by pile - soil relative displacement and peak axial force are basically the same. (4) Considering the geological conditions in actual engineering,some appropriate measures should be taken in order to minimize pile negative friction and make full use of tiie bearing capacity of pile. (5) This paper suggests that tiie neutral point position of loess underlying layer ranges from 0. 51 to 0. 61 while coarse sand underlying layer ranges from 0. 61 to 0. 81. (6) These results can provide some references to decision and design of the neutral point under surcharge loading in the similar projects.
2017 Vol. 34 (1): 11-15 [
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Three - dimensional Analysis of Force and Deformation Characteristics of Oblique Crossing of Railway Tunnel with Landslide
WANG Lei1,SHEN Yuan2,BAI Chao - neng2
Abstract : Research purposes : In engineering practice,due to the concept of space and linear constrained conditions, railway tunnel must be through the landslide and the tunnel portal must be set on the landslide. The existing relevant research results are mostly based on the two - dimensional model of theory analysis. When the railway tunnel and landslides oblique,true 3D model can reflect interaction and structure deformation characteristics of the tunnel and landslide more truly. Taking Youzuitou landslide renovation of tlie Luoyangcun tunnel rebuilding project of Ganquan - Zhongjiacun railway as the background, MIDAS GTS finite element software is used to establish three - dimensional model of landslide,anti - slide pile,tunnel and simulate anti - slide pile construction,the roadbed and the tunnel hole excavation supporting construction process. Extracted from the results of numerical calculation of each construction step, the stress of tlie tunnel structure and anti - slide pile deformation data are used to study stress deformation characteristics of railway tunnel while the railway tunnel oblique crossing with landslide and the influence of tunnel excavation on the landslide stability process. Research conclusions :( 1) The stress characteristics of tunnel in the sliding body and sliding bed resjDectively show the bias and confining pressure. (2) The longitudinal deformation of tunnel structure is mainly focused on the sliding zone nearby. (3 ) The hole body of tunnel is completely excavated into the slide bed , the influence on the stability of landslide and anti - slide force gradually disappear.
2017 Vol. 34 (1): 16-22 [
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Railway and Rail
Experimental Research on the S –N Gurve of HRB500 Steel Bar in Longitudinal Connected Slab Track on Bridge
XU Qing - yuan,WEI Qi,LOU Ping,DUAN Jun,XIAO Zu –cai,ZHANG Ze
Abstract : Research purposes : HRB500 steel bar is the main load - bearing steel bar in longitudinal connected slab track on bridge, and its fatigue properties during service life have received great attention in engineering circles. In order to study the fatigue properties of the HRB500 steel bar in longitudinal connected slab track on bridge, static tension tests on the mechanical properties of HRB500 steel bar were conducted first. On the basis of static tests, constant amplitude fatigue tests on HRB500 steel bar under fi^lly reversed tension and compression cyclic load for seven different kinds of stress levels were conducted. Research conclusions:( 1) The S - V curve of the HRB500 steel bar was fitted according to the fatigue test results; According to the codes in related standards on the reliability indication of railway engineering structures and fatigue strength reduction coefficient of longitudinal connected steel bar, as well as considering the relevant codes in Britain standard 5 400 on the extrapolation method of the long - life S - V curve of steel bar and on deducing S - V curves with different probabilities using middle value S - V curve,the S - V curve of HRB500 steel bar with reliability index of 4. 2 which is suitable for the fatigue life prediction of HRB500 steel bar in longitudinal connected slab track on bridge was deduced; (3) The research results can provide experimental basis for the establishment of life prediction model of HRB500 steel bar in longitudinal connected slab track on bridge.
2017 Vol. 34 (1): 23-25 [
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Comparative Research on the Error Correction Methods for the Experimental Data of Track Settlement
WANG Xi-ming
Abstract:Research purposes: The data obtained from the field experiment can’t Oe directly used for the statistics and analysis,so that it must go through some necessary data preprocessing first. Through the error correction of tlie measured data,it can provide more accurate and reliable track settlement data for tlie follow^ - up data analysis. In this paper,the basic principle and practical way of reference point correction method and error plane correction method are introduced. Then the two methods were used to revise the track settlement data that obtained from field experiments respectively. Finally the results that obtained from the two methods are compared and analyzed. Research conclusions:(1) Both of the two error correction methods can effectively modify the height measured data in some extent. (2) The reference point correction method has concise thinking and quick calculation, and has no additional requirements to the field experiments,but can ’ t reflect the difference of the error correction value between different observation points. ( 3 ) The error plane correction method has solved the problem that the different observation points have different error correction values,the calculating result is more accurate,but the calculation is complex,and also proposes additional requirements to the field experiments. (4) Comprehensively,the error plane correction method is better than the reference point correction method. (5 ) The research results can be applied to the error correction of tlie track settlement data obtained from the field experiment.
2017 Vol. 34 (1): 26-29 [
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Experiment on the Temperature and Longitudinal Deformation of Rail at the Transition Between Bridges and Tunnels for High - speed Railway
ZENG Zhi - ping,LUO Jun,WEI Wei,SONG Shan -yi
Abstract: Research purposes: In order to obtain longitudinal distribution lawof rail temperature and characteristics I rail longitudinal displacement at the transitions for high - speed railway,a transition between bridge and tunnel in Hefei - Fuzhou railway line was taken as research object and the rail temperature and longitudinal deformation was monitored continuously,to provide the reference for the stability research of jointless track at t!ie transition section. Research conclusions :( 1) Transition section of rail temperature will form in the range of 20 m around tunnel portal and local maximum temperature gradient will reach 6.9 E/m,which is far more than 1.55 E/m calculated according to the linear distribution of temperature gradient. (2) The rail longitudinal displacement at transition section varies obviously with the change of daily temperature difference. The maximum daily temperature difference is 34. 9 E and the maximum daily variation is 1. 6 mm. (3) At the transition section, the rail longitudinal displacement has the trend to increase cumulatively and linearly,the maximum accumulation is 2 mm. The cumulative deformation rate is 0. 016 9 mm/day after the line was open to traffic,which is faster t!ian 0. 0147 mm^day before the line was open to traffic. (4) Based on least - squares method,the distribution mode of rail temperature along the line in the area of transition section of rail temperature and the prediction model of rail daily temperature difference were established. The fitting accuracy is relatively high and the regression model is reliable. (5) The research results provide research foundation for rail temperature force and longitudinal creep at tlie transition between bridge and tunnd in baiastless track for high - speed railway.
2017 Vol. 34 (1): 30-35 [
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Influence of Track Irregularity on LIM Wheel/rail System Dynamic Characteristics
WEI Qing - chao1,ZHENG Fang - yuan1,FENG Ya – wei2,ZANG Chuan - zhen1
Abstract : Research purposes : Based on the theory of vehicle - track coupling dynamics,the simulation model of tlie linear induction motor( LIM) wheel / rail system was established. The dynamic calculation was based on a variety of iiegularities. The influence of the vertical fault and the loose form of the fastener on the dynamic characteristics of the LIM rail transit system was analyzed. Combined with the actual track irregularity management mode,the influence ofthe level of the harmonic form, the distortion and the complex irregularity on the running quality of the vehicle was discussed. The research results provide theoretical basis for the line maintenance of the LIM wheel / rail system. Research conclusions: ( 1 ) The suggestion is that the 10 m strng method is adopted in the track irregularty management. (2) Workers should focus on checking the status of the rail in the side of the plate and the position of the fastener in the plate. (3 )The strength of the plate should meet the requirements. (4) Workers should strctly control the settlement of the track plate. (5) Workers should focus on the control of LIM air gap at the end of the excitation side. The vertical vibration and air gap is most affected by the twist irregularty. Lateral acceleration,derailment coefficient and wheel load reduction rate of the vehicle body are affected by the complex irregularty. (7) The conclusion can be used to guide the maintenance and repair work of track structure.
2017 Vol. 34 (1): 36-40 [
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Bridge Engineering
Explorationonthe Horizontal Limit Bearing Capacity Formula of Gravity Anchorage
YIN Xiao - tao1,YAN Fei2,ZHOU Lei1,WANG Dong - ying1,DENG Qin1
Abstract : Research purposes : Horizontal limit bearing capacity under current design of gravity anchorage based on friction design condition is often conservatively estimated. The estimated value without consideration of synergy and joint bearing mechanism of gravity anchorage and base is greatly deviated from practical one. Using friction test of rock base in adit,monitoring section of deep displacement under base bottom and numerical simulation experiment,the synergy and joint bearing mechanism of gravity anchorage and base is discussed in the paper. Research conclusions :( 1) Fail mode presented by limit test proves that gravity anchorage is not friction bearing,but anchorage and base joint bearing. (2) The limit bearing capacity of anchorage ; rock base can be divided into two stages and contains three effects,first being friction efect supported by friction limit bearing capacity of anchorage base bottom,second is clamping effect presented by clamping rock mass shearing limit capacity,third is buried depth effect enhanced the former two limit bearing parts by refilling soil weight on base and structure. ( 3 ) The estimation formula for horizontal limit bearing capacity of gravity anchorage witli above three effects considered is built, which is checked by project case, limit result of formula being 9. 6 P is close to that of numerical test being 8. 0P, these prove precision of tlie formula and conform to practical fail mode. (4) The achievement above can be used in design and monitoring fields of new type gravity anchorage.
2017 Vol. 34 (1): 41-46 [
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Experimental Research on the Vertical Pressure Dependence about Shear Properties of High Damping Rubber Bearing
WANG Jian - qiang1,ZHANG Zhen - yang2,LI Zheng3
Abstract: Research purposes: In the actual earthquake due to the impact of horizontal overturning moment and vertical ground motion,the vertical pressure on the rubber bearing in the base - isolated structure will change greatly,and the shear properties of tlie bearing will change due to the changing of the vrtical pressure of the rubber bearing. So it is necessary to study the pressure dependence about the shear properties of the bearing. In this paper,the cyclic loading method was adopted to study the shear properties of the high damping rubber bearing,the influence of the vertical pressure and shear strain on theshear properties of HDR was studied. So the empmcal formula on the presure dependence of the bearing shear properties will be established. Research conclusions:(1) Witli the increase of compressive stress,the hysteresic loops of HDR become more full,the energy dissipation of HDRincreases,and the stiffness harding phenomenon obviously appears. (2) The yield force and the equivalent damping ratio of HDR increase witli the increase of compressive stress. As the shear strain increasing,the 9fect of compressive stress on the yield force increases, the 9fect of compressive stress on the equivalent damping ratio decreases. (3) The post yield stiffness of HDR decreases with theincrease of compressive stress,the effect of compressive stress on the post yield stiffness decreases with the increase of shear strain. (4) When the shear strain is larger,the horizontal equivalent stiffness of HDR increases with the increase of compressive stress. (5) According to the test results,the empircal formula on the pressure dependency of the bearng shear properties is given, which can be used by deigners of tiie bae - isolation stricture.
2017 Vol. 34 (1): 47-51 [
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Deformation Experiment Research on the Model Tunnel Anchorage of Dadu River Bridge in Luding
WEN Li - na1,CHENG Qian - gong1,CHENG Qiang2,GUO Xi - feng3
Abstract : Research purposes : This paper presents the deformation test of the model tunnel anchorage of Dudu river bridge in Luding,which is a part of tlie highway from Yaan to Kangding. The deformation test want to obtain the design paramaters and deflection of the anchorage of the bridge. The scale of the model anchorage is 1 : 10. It is near the bridge tunnel anchorage. The deformation test included the surface deformation monitoring, the deep rockmass deformation monitoring,the deformation of tlie anchorage and surrounding rock interface dislocation monitoring and the strain of tlie anchorage,the deformation characteristics of tunnel anchorage in 1!,3. 5! and IP loads were analyzed. Research conclusions:( 1 ) Test results show that under the 1P,3. 5P and IP loads, the average deformation of anchorage body is 0. 40 mm,2. 19 mm and 5. 81 mm. ( 2 ) The average deformation of surrounding rock deformation (tensile direction and vertical direction) is less than 0. 25 mm,0. 21 ?1.86 mm,-0. 42 ?6. 59 mm. (3 )The maximum displacement between the anchor body and surrounding rock is 0. 12 mm,0. 32 mm,0. 77 mm. (4 ) But the instantaneous deformation of the anchorage and the surrounding rock are more apparent,so in the bridge design ,the deformation of tunnel anchorage and surrounding rock and the surrounding rock stability should be fully considered. (5 ) The results can not only provide the necessary technical parameters and support for bridge design but also provide technical reference for similar projects.
2017 Vol. 34 (1): 52-59 [
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Research on the Control Technoloy in Cracking Prevention of 100 Meter High H - type Cable Tower
LIU Jin - yan1,HU Guo - wei2
Abstract : Research purposes : The temperature rise of concrete is caused by hydration thermal effect while concrete segment of the main tower is pouring. As the temperature of concrete is gradually decreased with time,descending speed of temperature in each position is uneven, the relative temperature difference is formed, because of constraints in anterior segment, under the action of temperature difference,shrinkage and creep, early age cracking is more prominent. Meanwhile, the bending moment on the bottom of tower column is very big under the action of weight and external load,the concrete is compressed on one side and is pulled on the other side,the crack may be caused by the misconduct of construction. The main tower of Yujiang Super Major Bridge has a vase - like shape and large dimension, which requires high survey precision. In this paper, taking construction of cable pylon of Yujiang Bridge as example, based on the element software ANSYS modeling to solve structure internal force calculation, the thermal analysis and structural analysis of tlie first segment are selected as example,twenty calculation cases are presented in construction of cable pylon,force condition and stress distribution of different calculation cases are analyzed. The concrete measures in cracking prevention of 100 meter high H - type cable tower are proposed according to analysis results of the early hydration rffect and later force condition of cable tower,to provide reference for similar projects. Research conclusions :( 1) The paper analyzes the early hydration thermal effect of tlie first segment by finite element sofeware,the formula of temperature deformation is derived, calculations of the formula are in good agreement with results of finite element sofeware,adding ice to concrete is a cooling measure. (2) The tie rod of bottom columns is established in design position,the two balancing rods of middle tower columns are established in design position,the force condition of cable tower is effectively improved by these measures. ( 3 ) The comparison result of calculated value and measured value of tlie key section measuring point shows that the stress state which is simulated by finite element software follows the same trends as the actual situation,results are in good agreement. (4) The research result can provide reference for control project in cracking prevention of 100 meter high H - type cable to^wer.
2017 Vol. 34 (1): 60-66 [
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Service Performance Evaluation of High Speed Railway Long Span Bridge Based on Healthy Monitoring
SHI Zhou1,PU Qian - hui1,YUEQing2
Abstract : Research purposes : The bridge structural healtli monitoring technology continues to develop,however,it still has difficulty in damage identification and performance evaluation based on the healthy monitoring data. According to the problem of performance evaluation of Dashengguan Yangtze River Bridge based on the healthy monitoring system,the service performance evaluation method and its detailed indexing system of the bridge based on healthy monitoring data were analyzed. Research conclusions:(1) Based on the results of detailed static,natural vibration and transient dynamic responses, the evaluation methods includes direct evaluation of measured parameters,the variation evaluation of the parameters, and comprehensive evaluation were put forward. ( 2 ) The healthy monitoring data were used to direct evaluation and variation evaluation, the results show that the maximum acceleration value - 121. 54 mm/s2 were smaller than the calculation, normal and safety limited value; the maximum ratio of variation value and variance is 0. 628, so the vibration and the variation of vibration of the bridge are both fairly low and the comprehensive evaluation conclusion “ excellent),“ no damage” were received. ( 3 ) The suitability of evaluation indexing system as well as the fairly well vibration characteristics of Dashengguan Yangtze River Bridge were verified, and the method can provide certain references to other similar bridges.
2017 Vol. 34 (1): 67-74 [
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Tunnel Engineering
Common Geological Prediction Metliods and Its Application in Karst Tunnel
GOU De - qiang,XIE Xian – guang
Abstract:Research purposes: China is one of the most widely distributed karst area in the world,the distribution of karst formation extents in wide range,in addition to two karst plateaus which locate in Shanxi as the central distribution area in Northern China and in Guizhou as the central distribution area in Southwestern China,there are more broad geographical span regarding karst formation distribution. The latest statistics show that exposed surface carbonate rock area is of about 2. 03 million km2. With buried carbonate rocks,a total distribution area is of 3. 65 million km2, accounting for more than 1/3 of ChinaV land area. The construction practice of Yichang - Wanzhou railway, Guanjiao tunnel and other famous karst tunnels reveals that construction risk of complicated karst tunnels is very high,and the geological prediction is the leading measure to resolve the construction safety risl^ of complicated karst tunnels. However, due to different prediction goals,the used methods are obviously different,so study of the appropriate karst geology prediction method and its prediction accuracy is necessary. Research conclusions:(1) Based on practice experience and investigation of comprehensive geological prediction in the Yichang - Wanzhou railway, Guanjiao tunnel and Yunnan - Guizhou railway projects and otlier complicated karst tunnels,the time consumption and prediction accuracy of several common karst geology prediction metliods are analyzed, the adaptability and result accuracy of several common karst geological prediction metliods are discussed; (2 ) The components of dFferent geological prediction systems are proposed according to the risk assessment level; ( 3 ) The research results have great reference value for future improvement of karst geology prediction technology and safe construction control of karst tunnels.
2017 Vol. 34 (1): 75-80 [
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Analysis of Regional Spring Basin Characteristics and Hydrological Conditions of Soutliern Taihang Tunnel
YAN Chang - he,SUN Guang - ji,WANG Yan - tao, YUAN Xiao - bo
Abstract : Research purposes : Taiyuan to Jiaozuo intercity railway crosses the region of Shanxi and Henan Province by southern Taihang tunnel, in which Ordovician and Cambrian carbonate rock form and develop, karst groundwater conditions are complex. To study hydrogeological characteristics of southern Tailiang tunnel and accurately predict the hydrological conditions of tunnel construction,this paper analyzed the geomorjDhic features,tectonic contact,lithologic characteristics,spring water level and recharge, runoff and discharge conditions of Sangu spring basin,Yanhe spring basin and other scattered springs basins. Research conclusions:(1) The hydrological conditions of Sangu spring basin,Yanhe spring basin and otiier scattered springs basins are similar to geomorphic features and lithologic conditions of southern Taihang tunnel,the spring basin hydrology has influence on the tunnel construction. (2) The tunnel construction is not affected by surface runoff,but groundwater storage is much larger, and tunnel construction will cut off the groundwater seepage channel, leading to larger water inflow, so need to take the measures of combination of water plugging and drainage to avoid causing hydrological environment problems. ( 3 ) The research results have has certain reference value for tunnel construction and regional hydrology research.
2017 Vol. 34 (1): 81-85 [
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Non - probabilistic Reliability Researchonthe Lining Structure Systems ( Interval Interference Situation
WANG Jing - chun1,KANG Jian - chao2,HOU Wei - hong1
Abstract : Research purposes : In the program of non - probabilistic reliability analysis of lining structure, stress and intensity interval interference will occur when the non - probabilistic reliability index is 0 < < 1. At the same time when analyzing reliability of tlie lining structural system,failure probability of each unit system usu^ly was calculated by using the traditional methods based on probability theory and fuzzy theory. In this paper, the stress – strength interference model was proposed,the ratio of tlie area of failure region to the total area of tlie region constructed by the basic interval variables was taken as the non - probability failure degree of lining structure and the PENT metliod was combined with the non - probabilistic reliability analysis of the whole tunnel structural system. Research conclusions:( 1 ) The problem of non - probability failure degrees of lining structure under interference situation was successful solved,which showed the non - probability failure degree having compatibility with that fromthe failure probability. (2 ) Interval interference lining structure model could be used to calculate non - probability failure of lining structural unit in the tunnel structural system. ( 3 ) The results provide a new feasible method for the tunnel structure system reliability analysis, while in the non - probabilistic reliability analysis of actual project interval interference problem also have been solved.
2017 Vol. 34 (1): 86-90 [
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Research on the Cracking Mechanism and Treatment Measures of Tunnel Invert Filling Structure under the Action of Water Pressure
ZHENG Bo1,WU Jian1,WU Eia-Long
Abstract : Research purposes : In recent years,the cracks in the Yottomof the tunnel under the action of water pressure frequently appear,which seriously affect tlie safety of tunnel operation. In this paper,taking a tunnel as an example, the cracking mechanism of invert filling structure of tunnel is studied by numerical simulation and field measurement, and the corresponding measures of disease controlling are put forward. Research conclusions :( 1) Under the action of water pressure, the filling structure cracks are 11 V" shape, and the cracks mainly appear in the center line of the tunnel, there is no crack near the side wall. (2) The numerical calculation and field test results of the maximum water pressure of the tunnel invert water pressure are 0. 213 MPa and 0. 2 MPa respectively. (3) If only the surrounding rock pressure is considered,the crack will not appear in the invert filling structure. Considering the interaction of surrounding rock pressure and water pressure, the maximum principal stress values will appear in the upper of invert filling structure,and the maximum principal stress values will be greater than the ultimate tensile strengtli of plain concrete, which will produce tensile cracks. (4) In the regulation of similar diseases in tunnel engineering, following measures can be taken: in the fill and the invert filling structure reinforced, rigid sleeve valve pipe grouting improve basement, between invert and surrounding rock setting groundwater drainage system and so on. (5) After several years of observation,the results of the regulation measures proposed in this paper are good and can provide reference for similar tunnel diseases.
2017 Vol. 34 (1): 91-96 [
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Operating Ventilation Technology for Diesel - hauled Train Crossing Extra - long Tunnels in High Altitude Plateau
SUN San -xiang,SONG Wen -jing,ZHANG Yun –xia
Abstract :Research purposes: The Penyinla tunnel,in the railway line from Lhasa to Shigatse,is a diesel - hauled, extra - long tunnel with high altitude and extremely cold climate. One deviated well and three cross - holes were built in the process of construction. Under tlie conditions of special climate in tunnel zone from Lhasa to Shigatse,the influence of cross - holes on operation ventilation needs to be studied urgently. Based on detection value of emission index of NJ2 type diesel locomotives and the monitoring results of natural wind, the RNG ! - ! turbulence model was adopted to simulate and analyze the influence of cross - holes on natural ventilation in the Penyinla tunnel. The relationships of natural wind between outside and inside of tunnel,and the influence of thermal pressure on natural wind in the tunnel were confirmed when different cross - holes opening. Research conclusions:( 1 ) The propositional projects for operating ventilation are as follows, the cross - holes numbering 2 : and 4 : are proposed as exhaust outlet,the portal to Lhasa,to Shigatse and the cross - holes numbering 3 : are recommended as air inlets. (2) Combining witli disaster - prevention,the wind direction of chosen jet fan for main tunnels should be same with the train movement. (3) The research results are useful to operation ventilation technology of long tunnel in high altitude area.
2017 Vol. 34 (1): 97-101 [
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Electrification Engineering
Research on the Adaptability of Catenary Engineering Computing System
LIU Yang
Abstract : Research purposes : Contact network engineering calculation is an important link in the construction of electrified railway contact network. From the beginning of the last century in the eighties,Germany and other developed countries have developed the software system for the construction calculation of the contact network using computer technology. In recent years,with the continuous development of science and technology,our country has made great progress in this area of research. But as a result of the catenary system standardization degree, computer operating system upgrades and other factors,the catenary engineering of existing computing system has been unable to meet different application requirements under different technical conditions, constraints to furtlier improve the operation efficiency of the construction,it is urgent to contact network engineering computing system adaptability study. Research conclusions:(1) Ageneral mathematical model for the calculation of the engineering structure of the contact network is developed,which can solve the problem of the calculation of the main assembly structure and installation form (including the imported technology) in China. (2) Using GDI + technology, can be achieved simulation and real - time mapping function. (3) The software can be installed on the current operating system, such as Microsoft. (4) It can solve the problem of accurate calculation of center anchor span and five span, and phase anchor joint special section. (5) It can provide a systematic solution for the data interface of tiie computing system. (6 ) The results are mainly used in the construction of newand rebuilt electric railway contact network installation work.
2017 Vol. 34 (1): 102-105 [
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Urban Rail Construction
Research on the Construction Technology of Large Cross Section of Chongqing North Railway Station
HUANG Ming -li1,NING Rui2,QU Xiao - wei1,TAN Zhong - sheng1
Abstract : Research purposes : The challenges caused by the construction of the near distance cross tunnel are increasing. Relying on the Chongqing North Railway Station line 10 and loop line cross transfer station project, this paper makes a comparative analysis of tlie stress,deformation and measured data,by means of numerical calculation, theoretical analysis,and field monitoring data,to determine the reasonable construction scheme,to provide reference for similar subway projects. Research conclusions:(1) We chose the first scheme in three alternatives : that is line 10 first excavation and followed by line 10 lining. (2) By the numerical simulation of a cross section of tlie program,the maximum settlement and the maximum uplift were 8.2 mm and 4. 04 mm,which are not more than the safety range. (3) The measured data shows that t!ie ground building maximum settlement value is 1.30 mm,the maximum convergence value is 12. 53 mm (blasting disturbance), the maximum settlement of crown is 7. 76 mm. The stability of tunnel surrounding rock can be well controlled by the method of excavation cross section, which further verifies the rationality of the selection scheme. (4) The research results can provide reference for the construction of Chongqing Metro station and ot!ier similar metro station.
2017 Vol. 34 (1): 106-111 [
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Mud Preparation and Seepage Test for Slurry Shields Driving in Sandy Cobble Ground
WANG Zhen - fei1,ZHANG Cheng - ping2,ZHANG Ding 2
Abstract: Research purposes: This paper presents a case of the slurry shield of Beijing underground straight rail transit line. Aiming at mud preparation and mud membrane formation for large - diameter sli^rry shields driving in sandy cobble ground in Beijing,laboratory tests were conducted to examine the influence factors of sli^rry characters. Moreover,mud seepage discharge,pore water pressure,impermeability of mud membrane,and distance of sli^rry infiltration,were used for analyzing and evaluating of tlie effect of experimental mud fluids. Research conclusions:(1 ) It is feasilDle to adopt polyacrylamide, mixed metal hydroxide in combination witli sodium carboxy methyl cellulose as mud additive. (2) The prepared HPRT had a significant effect on face stability and dregs transportation,while the formation time of mud membrane was not immediately obvious. (3) The "Type 3" mud fluid of oil field in north China,which was the optimal mud type for slurry shields driving in sandy cobble ground in Beijing, was conductive to plugging formation porous,reducing filtration of water. In addition,the anti - permeability of prepared mud membrane was obviously preferable. (4) The research results can provide a valuable reference for t!ie engineering construction of similar slurry shields driving in sandy cobble ground.
2017 Vol. 34 (1): 112-117 [
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Research on the Seismic Behavior of Subway Station Crossed by Overpass
Abstract : Research purposes : Exploitation of underground large space structures became hotsj^ot in the development process of urbanization in recent years,some seismic codes went into effect in these years,but tlie level of seismic theory and application still have room for improvement compared with ground structures,it ’ s not adaptable with the fast development of underground construction. Based on time history analysis method,this paper simulates and analyzes the subway station which has a overpass bridge on top,result data of 2 conditions which describe the different position of subway station and overpass bridge is analyzed and concluded,hoping it is helj^ful to the recognition and metliod perfection of seismic design of underground structures. Research conclusions:( 1 ) Displacement difference between top plate and bottom plate of the station under all conditions can meet the requirement of the limit of elastic inter - story disj)lacement angle in the relevant codes. (2) Under the condition that deformation and bearing capacity of structure meet t!ie requirements of code,the bridge - station separated plan saves more expenditure and labor cost. ( 3 ) Results of time history analysis of underground constructions should be compared with the corresponding results of other seismic analysis methods and be corrected,the analysis of seismic performance of underground structure should be analyzed qualitatively and taken as reference of structure design. (4) The research results have reference value for the seismic analysis and structural design of underground engineering.
2017 Vol. 34 (1): 118-123 [
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Engineering Economy and Management
Analysis of Engineering Economic Risk: Management and Its Prevention Countermeasures
YE Jing
Abstract : Research purposes : The engineering economic risl^ is systematically analyzed and studied from project, feasibility study,design,bidding and construction stage. This paper makes the risk analysis of engineering economy extend to the project proposal,feasibility study and project stage,studies the occurrence rules of engineering economic risks and risk control technology,and puts forward precautionary measures and suggestions,in order to provide reference for engineering project and engineering economic risk management. Research conclusions:( 1 ) In the project proposal, feasibility study and project stage, we should make decisions effectively and prudently,and strengthen engineering economic risk prevention and control of project decision - making stage,which can effectively eliminate 11 unfinished projec 11 unsustainable investment" and other major risk. (2) In the process of design,bidding and construction, risk control in every link is an important means of risk prevention of the implementation stage and attaining the project economic purpose. (3) We should formulate engineering economic risk management plan, perfect the mechanism of risk control system, and prevent risks from the whole process and all factors,to achieve the purpose and benefit of investment.
2017 Vol. 34 (1): 124-128 [
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Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
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Beijing Magtech