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2017 Vol. 34, No. 4
Published: 2017-05-15

Geology and Subgrade
Railway and Rail
Bridge Engineering
Tunnel Engineering
Electrification Engrinnering
Urban Rail Construction
Engineering Economy and Management
Orignal Article
       Geology and Subgrade
1 Research on the Engineering Geological Characteristics and Engineering Countermeasures of Xigeda Strata of Chengdu - Kunming Railway Hot!
DING Wen -fu,ZHANG Guang -ze,SONG Zhang
Abstract : Research purposes : The Chengdu - Kunming railway is the important connection channel for the regions of Sichuan,the northwest China and Yunnan province and Southeast Asia,and along the railway the Xigeda strata are widely distributed. However, affected by its formation mechanism, physical and mechanical properties, structural conditions and groundwater,special engineering problems of the slope and the deformation of surrounding rock existed, and brought great harm to the engineering construction. Based on the capacity expansion project of Chengdu - Kunming railway,for tlie key technical problems of tlie Xigeda strata of tlie railway construction,this paper was on a certain basis of the summary of existing results and experience,and experimental study, the reasonable geological parameters and engineering measures were put forward to solve practical engineering problems. Research conclusions:( 1) The Xigeda strata is extremely soft rock,the dip angles of rock formation is gentle,and with the characteristics of poor stability of water and weak permeability. (2) For the subgrade engineering,the Xigeda strata cutting slope should consider the bedding influence when the dip angle is equal to or greater than 5 degrees; the high fill and slope fill sections should set the lateral restraint piles; strengthening surface drainage and slope protection to prevent the substrate from water softening. (3) For tiie bridge engineering,the Xigeda strata should be bearing layer as the open excavation foundation and pile foundation, however, as soon as possible after the excavation of concrete to avoid the pit wall and pit bottom seepage softening deformation. (4) For the tunnel engineering, the Xigeda strata should abide by the principle of soft rock tunnel construction of “ the short footage, attach importance to advance forecast, reduce disturb?ance, strict control of water, strengthening support, rapid sealing, timely lining”. (5) The results of this paper can be used for reference in the construction of railway and highway under the similar engineering geological conditions in the southwest mountain area of China.
2017 Vol. 34 (4): 1-5 [Abstract] ( 3967 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (876 KB)  ( 2438 )
6 Research on the Progress of Railway Subgrade Frost Heave in Seasonal Frozen Region
CAO Yuan – bing
Abstract : Research purposes : Frost heave is one of the dificulties to control deformation of high - speed railway subgrade in deep seasonally frozen region. High speed railway subgrade needs extremely tiny deformation,which frost heave greatly increased the difficulty to control,especially ballastless track. In view of the necessity and urgency of deeper study on railway subgrade frost heaving,we analyzed and summarized the progress in research on frost heave of railway subgrade in seasonal frozen region ( SFR) in this paper. Research conclusions:First of all,summarized metliods to control frost heave of railway subgrade in SFR: in Germany, France and Japan, on - frost heaving fillers are used within the scope of the frozen depth, which is calculated with freezing index, while we calculate with standard frost depth. Secondly, introduced the mechanism of frost heave including moisture migration and ice formation, the three elements of which happened ( negative temperature, fine grained soils and water), and summarized the progress of three research directions to control frost heave : heat preservation,filler improvement and water control. Finally,the next research direction is prospected: strengthen the field monitoring and simulation analysis. This research result can provide reference and summary of subgrade frost heaving for the further research.
2017 Vol. 34 (4): 6-9 [Abstract] ( 3179 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (727 KB)  ( 2528 )
10 Analysis of the Influence of Large Area Deep Foundation Pit Engineering on the Adjacent High - speed Railway
Abstract : Research purposes : Taking a large area deep foundation pit project which was close to a high - speed railway bridge and roadbed section as background, to insure the safety of high - speed railway, a proper safety evaluation criterion of high - speed railway was established according to current codes in this paper. By using finite element simulation,settlement of high - speed railway bridge and roadbed,differential settlement of adjacent piers,lateral horizontal deformation, longitudinal horizontal deformation, track regularity and structural safety of bridge foundation were calculated and analyzed and reasonable safety evaluation of tlie high - speed railway was given in this paper. Research conclusions :( 1) After adding the design value,settlement of each construction stage of high - speed railway bridge and roadbed met the specification requirements of 15 mm and 20 mm. (2) Differential settlements of adjacent piers of high - speed railway bridge met the specification requirements of 4 mm. (3) Lateral horizontal deformation and longitudinal horizontal deformation of each construction met the specification requirements of 15. 75 mm and 28. 06 mm. During construction,each single pile bearing capacity of thie main lines bridge met thie allowable bearing capacity. This research was suitable for these deep foundation pit projects that adjacent high - speed railway.
2017 Vol. 34 (4): 10-14 [Abstract] ( 2754 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (839 KB)  ( 2448 )
15 Experimental Researchonthe Influence of the Fine Particle Content onthe Consolidation and Compressibility of Silty Sand from the Passenger Dedicated Railway Hot!
WANG Wu - gang1,LUO Qiang1,XU Zai - liang2,SUI Xiao - min2
Abstract : Res earch purposes : In order to improve the lack of tlie study of tlie influence of tlie fine particle content on the consolidation and compressibility of silty sand from the passenger dedicated railway,based on the new Tongliao to Xinmin nortli station high - speed railway engineering, a series of experiments tests were carried out to measure the influence of the fine particle content on the void ratio, the consolidation coefficient, the compression modulus, the development of stess - strain relationship and the strain with time. The mixing rate of t!ie fine particle content were 5%, 15%,30% and 40%for loose,medium and dense saturated silty sand respectively. Research conclusions:( 1 ) Witii the increase of the content of fine particles, the void ratio and the consolidation coefficient of loose silty sand decrease gradually,the compression modulus increases conversely. Besides,the influence of the fine content was remarkable when it was more than 15%. And the development law of the void ratio, the consolidation coefficient and the compression modulus of trie medium and dense saturated sand were same as the loose silty sand. But there is a significant turning point in the development law of the void ratio and the consolidation coefficient. That is,they begin to increase gradually,when the FC reaches 30(2) In accordance with the content of fine particles,the lawof deformation of the silty sand in different state with time and the strain with load function were fitted by logarithmic function and hyperbolic function. And the more reliable unified expressions were obtained. (3 ) The influence of the fine particle content on the consolidation and compressibility of silty sand from the passenger dedicated railway has been verified in detail by computer model simulation test. (4 ) The research results could be applied to the design and construction of the similar passenger dedicated line subgrade silt foundation treatment.
2017 Vol. 34 (4): 15-20 [Abstract] ( 2809 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (907 KB)  ( 2423 )
21 Comparison and Analysis of Main Technical Standards of Germany and China High Speed Railway Subgrade
HAN Peng – fei
Abstract : Research purposes : In order to perfect subgrade design technical standards of high speed railway,according to China Code for Design of High Speed Railway ( TB 10621 -2014) and Germany railway industry standard 5otechnical Structure and Geotechnical Engineering Design,Construction and Maintenance ( Ril^836 -2013 ),comparison and analysis works were done from six aspects : design philosophy, computational load, subgrade structure, subgrade filling and compaction standard,standard of post - construction settlement. The differences for main technical standards of high - speed railway subgrade between China and Germany were put forward. Research conclusions :( 1) Most of the requirements in Germany and China railway technical standard are same,but the design idea in local content are different. (2) Parameter values of Germany and China railway main technical standard are almost same,China standard still need supplement and perfection. (3) Design idea of protect layers put forward by Germany can be used for studying the general design metliod of roadbed in China.
2017 Vol. 34 (4): 21-24 [Abstract] ( 3354 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (550 KB)  ( 2483 )
       Railway and Rail
25 Research on the Key Desi^^n Parameters of Sleeper for 40 t Axle - load Heavy Haul Railway Hot!
HU Lian - jun1,YANG Ji - zhong1,FENG Du - bei1,ZHANG Lei1,XIAO Fa - ming2
Abstract : Research purposes : The increases of axle load deteriorate service environment of concrete sleeper greatly on heavy haul track. For inquiring the key design parameters of sleeper witli the effect of 40 t axle load, more accurate three - dimensional wheel - rail contact and track finite element models were established. By analyzing the stress change rule of sleeper, some measures to improve the carrying capacity of sleeper were put forward, which could provide valuable data for future designs of heavy haul track structures. Research conclusions:(1) When 40 t axle - load heavy haul train passed with the speed of 120 km/h,maximum stress on rail seat of sleeper was 9. 21 MPa,within compressive strength limit 12 MPa of C60 concrete. (2) The carrying capacity of sleeper was controlled by its sagging moment. With the speed of 120 km/h,the sagging moment of sleeper could achieve 18.99 kN ? m,which was very close to the maximum sagging moment 19.05 kN ? m of type ! sleeper. By widening or lengthening type ! sleeper,as well as its weight should be increased to more than 350 kg,it could meet the requirements of 40 t axle - load heavy haul train. (4) Taking into account the construction costs and ballast gauges and otiier factors,widening sleeper should be prior. After widening 10 cm,the sleeper could bear at least the maximum sagging moment 23.52 kN ? m,the maximum hogging moment - 22. 87 kN ? m. (5) The research results could provide the references for tlie concrete sleeper design of 40 t heavy haul rail'way.
2017 Vol. 34 (4): 25-29 [Abstract] ( 3700 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (982 KB)  ( 2477 )
30 Application of Wavelet Transform in Fine Adjustment of High - speed Railway
ZHAO Long,LU Jian -kang,LIU Zhu -jun
Abstract : Research purposes : Typically, during the indoor - world process of fine adjustment on blast less track of high - speed railway,data would be partly deposited,adjustments would be set tentatively with manual method,and final result would be gotten by comparison,judgement and screening. However,this method is resource intensive and time consuming. What ( s more,too much manual intervention makes the quality of data varies,and the overall coordination of data may not be guaranteed. Wavelet transform performs its advantages,not only in ensuring the similarity between global and regional data,but also in smoothing the local data. The objective of the current study in this paper is to use the wavelet transform method to filter out the irregular data,remain the smooth part and ensure the available indicators of smoothness meeting the requirements. By performing this method,the indoor - work would turn into a kind of semi - automatic data processing. Research conclusions :( 1) Wavelet transform could eficiently reduce TQ! in fine adjustment of high - speed railway. (2) After many wavelet transforms, the qualification rate of longitudinal evaluation factor will increase, while the qualification rate of horizontal evaluation factor will diverge after a convergenceona specific value. ( 3 ) After many wavelet transforms, the percentage of adjusted data will increase, but the adjustment amount of most data will be controlled within - 1 1 mm , which leaves enough room for subsequent adjustment step and prevents that there is no fastener left to be used. (4)The algorithms have been successfully applied in indoor - work process of fine adjustments on ballastless track, and wavelet transform could compute the adjustments automatically, make the error rate of adjustment reduced to less than 7% ,and largely reduce the degree of manual intervention.
2017 Vol. 34 (4): 30-35 [Abstract] ( 2950 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (822 KB)  ( 2487 )
       Bridge Engineering
36 Researchonthe Scheme Designfor Jinhai Highway - railway Cable - stayed Bridge Hot!
MA Ming
Abstract:Research purposes: In this paper,based on the design of Zhuhai City to the airj^ort intercity railway Jinhai Combined Road with Railway Cable - stayed Bridge with 480 m center span,the three - dimensional model of tlie long span combined road and railway cable - stayed bridge has been establislied when taking into account the factors that should be considered in the design of long span cable - stayed bridge. The purpose is to compare the influence of different auxiliary pier,tower and the type of girder on the mechanical properties of the structure,and this can determine reasonable structure form. Research conclusions:(1) By using combined rail and road of same layer,the cable - stayed bridge with 480 m center span has the advantages of reasonable structure,and convenient to transition of separate construction,and will provide a great stiffness and a good vehicle - bridge dynamic,wind resistance,seismic resistance performances that can meet the requirements of structural strength and stiffness under various design load. (2) Side span must set up auxiliary piers to improve structure stiffness,and reduce the fatigue of cable and beam. The number of auxiliary piers and the space between them depend on the construction scheme and cost of side span. (3 ) Separate flat steel - box - girder section has a larger torsional rigidity, and a good wind resistance stability, by an analysis of wind - vehicle - bridge coupling vibration,the girder structure can provide a high comfort and safety. (4) The research results can provide the valuable reference for the structure selection of highway - railway cable - stayed bridge.
2017 Vol. 34 (4): 36-40 [Abstract] ( 2736 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1137 KB)  ( 2442 )
41 Research on the Construction Quality Control of the Super Large - long Diameter Bored Piles Steel Reinforcement Cage
ZHANG Xi – min
Abstract :Research purposes: In order to solve the problem of deformation and placing precision in making,lifting and fixing of super large - long diameter bored piles' steel reinforcement, the reinforcement cage of super long - large diameter bored piles is analyzed systematically witli Midas/civil in order to simulate the stress and deformation states of each process when in the manufacture and installation. Research conclusions :( 1 ) For propose of control the stress and strain of manufacture and installation, !28 grade HRB335 rebar is used to be main reinforcement and 112. 6 as stirrup. When lifting,the lifting point is 4 meters from the end,dividing the !32 main reinforcement into four groups as steel hanger and placing it on the joist steel. (2) To make sure the thickness of pile body concrete protective layer,the long - term construction is used to process the reinforcement cage,every 4 meters along the circumference layout four steel bar as protective layer, and there is 200 cm horizontal direction stagger between up and down. (3) Keeping unification of process and installation of but joint as well as controlling the quality of sounding pipe in the way of materials and construction process can prevent the accident availably.
2017 Vol. 34 (4): 41-45 [Abstract] ( 2693 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1085 KB)  ( 2424 )
       Tunnel Engineering
46 Analysis of the Stress Characteristics and Rock Burst of Ultra Deep Buried Tunnel in Sichuan - Tibet Railway Hot!
WANG Dong1,LIN Tisin - bin1,JIANG Liang - wen2,LIN Zhi - heng2,FENG Tao2
Abstract : Research purposes : Ultra deep buried tunnel of Zheduoslian is the controlling key porject of Chengdu to Kangding Railway,which is located in the western section of Chinese famous 11 Y" shaped tectonic wedge position. The characteristics of ground stress and rock burst analysis are of great significance for railway route selection, design and construction. In this paper,the Sichuan - Tibet Railway Chengdu to Kangding control engineering of Zheduoshan tunnel as an example,through the data of ground stress test and numerical simulation to analyze the stress distribution characteristics of Zheduoshan tunnel area,and achieve the direction of the maximum principal stress. And through the tunnel rock stress - strain curve under uniaxial loading - unloading to calculate the tendency index of tunnel rock burst, analysis the rock mechanics index of rock burst. Finally,through the deep - hole drilling results,rock mechanics test, numerical simulation analysis and hydrological experiment to analyze Zheduoshan tunnel stress and the rock burst strength. Research conclusions:(1) The maximum principal stress of Zheduoshan tunnel is horizontal stress and the direction is NEE,the measured maximum value is 17 MPa,the maximum numerical simulation * value is 48 MPa; (2 ) From the analysis of rock burst tendency index test, the surrounding rock has the energy storage and release conditions of the medium to intense rock burst. ( 3 ) Through comprehensive analysis, the medium to intense rock burst of Zhuoduoslian tunnel J possible to occur. (4 ) The research results can provicie a basis for the design of thie tunnel, and also provide reference for the stability of surrounding rock.
2017 Vol. 34 (4): 46-50 [Abstract] ( 2948 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (749 KB)  ( 2474 )
51 Research on the Temperature Field and the Buried Deptli of Drains for Tunnels in Cold Region
SUN Ke - guo1,YANG Peng2,QIU Wen - ge1,SONG Xian - hui3,LIN Li - bin4,XU Wei - ping1
Abstract: Research purposes: Freezing damage often happens in cold region tunnels. Waterproof and drainage measures are the important component to prevent freezing damage,for which the reasonable buried depth of drains is the most important factor. The depth is controlled by the temperature field, and influenced by the meteorological environment,geological environment and engineering measures. Since less research has been focused on the tunnel temperature field and buried depth of drains,this paper will deeply evaluate this problem based on practical project. The results can provide guidelines for preventing freezing damage. Research conclusions: Utilizing theoretical analysis,numerical experiment, and on - site test measures, and based upon the heat transfer theory of fluid - solid coupling , the temperature field and the buried depth have been thoroughly studied. Several conclusions have been obtained:(1 ) The time and space distribution rules of the temperature field for cold region tunnels have been reached. The relationship between the regional frozen depth and the buried depth of drains has been analyzed. (2) For this problem, thermal diffusivity is the first grade index and the density,thermal conductivity , specific heat are second grade ones. ( 3 ) The formula for the buried depth of drains has been obtained. This formula is based on the average temperature of the coldest month and considered the difference of the thermal diffusion between the surface soil and the surrounding rock of tunnel. Utilizing this formula,the design for drains in cold region can be realized more reasonably. (4)Through analyzing the monitored data from a highway tunnel in nortlieast China, the validity of tliis formula has been verified,which can provide reference and guidance for subsequent similar tunnels.
2017 Vol. 34 (4): 51-57 [Abstract] ( 2729 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1333 KB)  ( 2471 )
58 Pre - cutting Metliod Design of the Shallow - buried Excavation Underpass Highway Tunnel Paragraph
HAN Gao - sheng1,LI Mei1,WANG Xiu - ying2
Abstract:Research purposes: Combined witli the idea of shield tunneling and NATM,the pre - cutting metliod is more flexible with complex geology. It is a promising met!iod for mechanization construction, and can ensure the safety of tunnel construction to a large extent especially when facing with small strength sand or clay,and with cases of tunneling near other structure in city. In this paper, with the problem of designing construction plan of Xingushan tunnel, a shallow - buried section of the tunnel under the Fuzhou Airport Expressway,the feasibility of pre - cutting method used in shallow tunneling underpass road in small strength sand or clay is discussed. Research conclusions:(1) The pre - cutting method can be designed for shallow tunneling,tunneling underpass road and other special sections of tunnel construction. (2) Compared to common technique means such as pipe roof,precut arch formed by pre - cutting met!iod is more advanced and reliable to control surface subsidence and ensures construction safety under the special conditions of shallow,weak and close construction. (3 ) The research results can give references for design of the same surroundings tunnel engineering.
2017 Vol. 34 (4): 58-64 [Abstract] ( 2863 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1259 KB)  ( 2460 )
65 Research on the Key Technology of Small Diameter Shield Machine in Municipal Comprehensive Pipe Gallery Hot!
DUAN Ya – gang
Abstract :Research purposes: Underground comprehensive pipe gallery,which can make use of tlie underground space efficiently,is the development direction of the city municipal pipeline in the future,but at present,the main method is the construction of open cut method,which has a great impact on the surrounding environment and high investment. With the increasingly widespread application of shield method in tunnel construction,the small diameter shield is extended to the construction of the underground pipe gallery,in reducing the difficulty and reducing the comprehensive investment has a considerable advantage,but must according to the characteristics of pipe gallery construction,for small diameter adaptability in shield tunnel segment the structure of the shield machine specifications,technical standards and other aspects,formed a set of suitable pipe gallery shield specifications. Research conclusions:( 1 ) The use of small diameter shield tunnel pipe gallery scheme is reasonable and feasilDle. (2) For general and special pipeline pipeline,we can determine the small inner diameter of the pipe gallery shield by 4 100 mm is reasonable. (3) Taking engineering geology and the surrounding environment to the project as the basis, we determine the spokes type earth pressure balance shield machine witli central support. (4) With shield wall thickness of 300 mm , 1 000 mm of the ring width , the bearing capacity and durability to meet the requirements at the same time , can adapt to the changing of tlie plane and vertical section line b;ter. (5 ) The research results can be used for comprehensive pipe gallery design as shield construction.
2017 Vol. 34 (4): 65-69 [Abstract] ( 2652 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (962 KB)  ( 2399 )
       Electrification Engrinnering
70 Analysis of Protection Coordination between Substation and Sub - section Post in Electric Railway
NING Jian – bin
Abstract: Research purposes: In order to meet the reliability and flexibility of power supply in railway junction area, large station and railway branch line, sub - section post of direct supply is usually set to expand feeding lines for independent power supply unit. Circuit breakers that are located at feeding lines of switching station and incoming lines of switching station and feeding lines of traction station form a multi - level protection. The research finds a more reasonable and more reliable protection scheme to solve the problem of overstepping trip) due to poor protection in the actual operation. Research conclusions:( 1) In view of tlie current development situation of relay protection device,it is proposed that tlie range of protection coordination should be reduced to 0. 2 second from 0. 3 second. (2) Two protection schemes are put forward according to relative position of substation and sub - section post. (3) Solutions of short circuit near substation and bus short circuit in sub - section post after protection adjustment are raised. (4) The research conclusion provides guidance for the protection setting and the setting calculation of substation and sub - section post,to give the guarantee of improving the reliability of power supply and reducing the scope of power cut and the time of power cut.
2017 Vol. 34 (4): 70-74 [Abstract] ( 2690 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (623 KB)  ( 2400 )
       Orignal Article
75 Research on the Location and Junction Scheme of Harbin Railway Depot
ZHANG Jian – hua
Abstract:Research purposes: The depot is a very important part of railway marshalling station. The railway junction scheme of a depot to an existing marshalling station is closely related to the layout type of the station. By studying the railway junction scheme of tlie Harl)in depot,this paper put forward the factors that should be considered in studying a depot jointing to an existing marshalling station,which can be the reference to similar constructions. Research conclusions:(1) Grade separation scheme is a priority choice for a depot, however when it is limited by terrain or the layout type of tlie station,the level crossing joint scheme is permitted. (2) I the shunting intersect the receiving - departure route or the depot connecting line crossing the main line,we shall check and calculate the carrying capacity and choose the most economical scheme when the carrying capacity is acceptable. (3) When the depot joint to an existing marshalling station, it is recommended to choose a level crossing joint scheme which can reduce the construction costs and minimize the influence during constructing. ( 4 ) The two feasible joint scheme of depot in rail station and their pre - conditions presented in this paper can provide references for station design.
2017 Vol. 34 (4): 75-79 [Abstract] ( 5124 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1111 KB)  ( 2451 )
80 Research on the Travel Choice Behaviors of Transportation Corridor Based on SEM - MNL Model Hot!
HU Ji1,YAO Ming2,LIU Yan1,TANG Lin2,CHEN Jian3
Abstract : Research purposes : The study of passenger travel mode choice in transportation corridor is the great significance for tlie rational planning of transport corridors and the integration of transportation resources. At present,the prediction accuracy and explanatory of the analytical model are insufficient. In order to improve the accuracy and explanatory of model, the paper uses structural equation modeling technique to study the relations between the observable and latent variables, and constructs transportation corridor SEM - MNL integrated model that covers observable and latent variables. The model includes travelers latent psychological factors to the utility function based on the mechanism of travel. As an example, an empirical analysis is carried out in Chengdu - Chongqing transportation corridor. Research conclusions:( 1 ) The latent variables have a significant influence on the choice decision of the traveler. (2) The results showthat goodness of fit of the integration model that added latent variable are better than the traditional model,the accuracy rate is also increased dramatically. (3 ) The research results can be applied to the structure analysis and configuration of transportation corridor.
2017 Vol. 34 (4): 80-85 [Abstract] ( 2901 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (770 KB)  ( 2424 )
       Urban Rail Construction
86 Thinking about the DesignofShenyang Metro Line 2 to Shenyang North Railway Station Hot!
GAO Xing
Abstract : Research purposes : Adjacent to the large railway station,due to the particularity of tlie station environment, the general layout and building space design of metro station must be different from other ordinary metro station, designers need to conduct in - depth study of tlie program selection. Shenyang Nortli Railway Station of Shenyang metro line 2 is located in Shenyang Nortli Railway Station South Square,how to reasonably select metro station,do a good job with the railway station and underground civil air defense commercial space design,and organize a variety of passenger trains,railway and bus are the research design purpose of this station. Research conclusions:(1) Shenyang North Railway Station is located in a variety of passenger flow distribution center, need a metro station layout and railway station opened the buffer distance,the distribution for the passengers to leave enough space. (2 ) The architectural design of Shenyang North Railway Station should make full use of existing underground space station square, expand the scope of metro services, absorb a variety of passenger flows from the railway,bus and underground business. (3) In order to achieve the real convenience of passengers,the general layout of the metro station in large traffic hub should set aside special traffic space, the architectural design should be fully integrated with other modes of transport to achieve convenient transfer and fire safety into consideration.
2017 Vol. 34 (4): 86-90 [Abstract] ( 2986 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1569 KB)  ( 2482 )
91 Research on the Settlement Control of Subway Shield Undercrossing Railway Subgrade in Ningbo Area
Abstract:Research purposes: Based on the numerical simulation and Peck - empirical formula,it is concluded that the coefficient reference value of soil settlement trough caused by shield construction. For analyzing the settlement control of subway shield undercrossing railway subgrade, the engineering of shield pass through Ningbo - Taizhou - Wenzhou railway is considered. By the method of three - dimensional numerical simulation,the settlement discipline are put forward when shield travel across the subgrade reinforced area,half - reinforced area and unreinforced area. It can provide theoretical reference for the similar projects in this region. Research conclusions:( 1)The soil of Ningbo area can be summarized as silt soil,clay,silty and sand soil. The value of K and the width of settlement trough are decreasing in turn caused by shield construction disturbance, but the maximum settlement value is creasing in turn. (2 ) By the way of linear regression fit,the initial sensitive factor and the depth sensitive factor are first defined. With the increasing depth of the shield,the former effects gradually weakened, and the latter effects gradually increased. When the depth is sufficiently large,the deformation tends to be consistent. The shield should avoid crossing half - reinforced area,if tlie subgrade has been reinforced. In the area of reinforced part or unreinforced part,the subgrade deformation,that coming from the disturbance of shield construction,decreases with increasing depth. The settlement curve changes slowly in unreinforced part of the reinforced subgrade. (4) This paper provides a theoretical basis for the optimization of subway shield undercrossing railway subgrade and safety shield construction in soft soil area, with a strong reference for similar projects.
2017 Vol. 34 (4): 91-95 [Abstract] ( 2936 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (852 KB)  ( 2482 )
       Engineering Economy and Management
96 Exploration on the Compliance Management in Central Construction Enterprises
WU Yin
Abstract : Research purposes : Compliance management became hotsj^ot in company management in recent years, SASAC became experimental work of compliance management in central enterprises last year,but the level of compliance management theory and application still have roomfor improvement compared with international big companies,Based on the theory of compliance management and survey of current situation of compliance management in several central enterprises,this paper analyzes and constructs the system and mode of compliance management in central construction enterprises,hoping it is helpful to the practice of compliance management in central construction enterprises. Research conclusions:(1 ) Compliance management is a useful tool for the company taking precautions against risl^, practicing corruption,and the safeguard of the company. ( 2 ) The central enterprises carry out compliance management should leam from the global companies,and assure it is suitable to its real occasion,and handle with three relations at the same time. ( 3 ) Compliance Management of central construction enterprises should base on the comprehensive regulation management,focus on the organic integration of compliance management and otlier existing managing system. (4)The mode of compliance management of central construction Enterprises should make all the departments of the company work cooperatively. ( 5 ) Results of the research have reference value for the system design of compliance management of central construction enterprises.
2017 Vol. 34 (4): 96-100 [Abstract] ( 2710 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (752 KB)  ( 2419 )
Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
Supported by:Beijing Magtech