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2017 Vol. 34, No. 5
Published: 2017-07-15
Geology and Subgrade
Railway and Rail
Bridge Engineering
Tunnel Engineering
Urban Rail Construction
Engineering Economy and Management
Orignal Article
Electrification Engineering
Geology and Subgrade
Research on the Soil Arching Effect in Pile Net Structure of Embankment under Static Load and Dynamic Load
WEI Ping1,WEI Jing1,YANG Song - lin1,ZHANG Dong1,TAO Sheng2
Abstract : Research purposes : To investigate the formation mechanism and mechanical characteristics of soil arching effect within pile net structure in embankment under train load,discrete element model of pile net structure is found by PFC3D software for mesoscopic research,the chain of contact force,the horizontal and vertical displacement,and vertical distribution of soil particles stress are analyzed in this paper. Research conclusions :( 1) The soil stress between piles is increased and the soil arching effect is weakened by dynamic load. (2 ) Most of dynamic load is pased to the top of pile because of dynamic soil arching formation. ( 3 ) The formation of equal settlement surface is associated with the displacement arch,because the soil particles will run into the area between piles from the area on the top of piles within thedisplacement arch,which leads to a higher vertical displacement on the top of piles outside displacement arch and a lower soil vertical displacement between piles. (4) It will lower soil arch height and weaken virtual soil arches among stress arch if the geogrid cushion is put into use,but the pile - soil stress ratio is increased. ( 5 ) This research results will provide method of working mechanism for railway roadbed Ntructure.
2017 Vol. 34 (5): 1-5 [
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Numerical Simulation Study of Influence Factors on the Embankment Slope Stability Filled with Gobi Soil
YANG You - hai,SHI Xing - long
Abstract : Research purposes : The stability of embankment slope of higli speed railway in Gobi area is afected by filling characteristics,rainfall,slope protection,reinforcing and so on. In this paper,based on the subgrade test sections of the second double - line of Lanzhou - Xinjiang Railway in Gobi desert area,for embankment slope filled with typical filling,the rules of influence factors on slope stability are studied with numerical simulation under different conditions. Research conclusions :( 1) The stability of embankment slope filled with Gobi gravel sand and fine gravel soil can meet the requirements of t!ie specification under unsaturated condition. (2) It is a great influence of t!ie rainfall on the slope stability with Gobi desert soil. The rainfall infiltrates into theslope,which will increase thelateral displacement. Different saturated soil thickness in the shallow slope corresponds to different maximum lateral displacement. If the saturated soil thickness in the shallow slope is less than 1 m,theshallow slopeis prone to collapse. The greater saturated soil thickness in the shallowslope is,the worse the slope stability is. (3) For embankment slope filled with Gobi desert soil, its performance will be well improved through reinforcing the sh91ow slope, and the slope stability will be enhanced, too. Reinforcing has an obvious improvement effect on slope sh91ow slumping. (4) Under the corporate measures of reinforcing and slope protection, the slope stability has been greatly increased, and diseases caused by adverse influence factors can be prevented. (5) The research results can provide the corresponding reference to the engineering construction and design in the similar area.
2017 Vol. 34 (5): 6-10 [
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Research on the Long - term Monitoring Technology of Subgrade Settlement for High - speed Railway in Operation Period
WANG Xiang,WANG Bo, WANG Zheng -xing
Abstract : Research purposes : High - speed railway pases all kinds of complex geological structure and transition sections frequently in our country. Moreover, climate in one line is a important factor it must to face. So a reliable monitoring technology must be supplied for high - speed railway maintenanc in order to ensure security. Research conclusions:(1) The vertical displacement sensor by air pressure difference with precision 0. 1 mm could meet the requirements of long - term monitoring for engineering stucture after compensating the system error from temperature and gravitational acceleration. (2) Its date drifting by time and temperature in the range of ±0. 5 mm have been proved by corresponding experiments, which also confirmed the sensor could work normally under - 20 ℃. (3 ) Automatic continuous long - term monitoring of subgrade settlement for high - speed railway in operation period using the vertical displacement monitoring system by air pressure difference with solar power and internet of things was conducted in some experimental section, which can satisfy the requirement of high - speed railway in the accuracy, stability and safety. Other high - speed railway can also use the technology.
2017 Vol. 34 (5): 11-14 [
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Railway and Rail
Analysis of Deflection Force and Deformation for CRTS I Ballastless Track on Simply Supported Bridge
ZHANG Peng - fei1,GUI Hao1,GAO Liang2,LEI Xiao - yan1
Abstract:Research purposes: The force of CWR on bridge is very complex,the force and deformation of bridge and track structure have become a widespread concern issue. In order to study the stress,deformation and influence factors of track structure on bridge under train load,according to the structural characteristics of element slab ballastless track CWR on multi span simply supported bridge and finite element method,the space coupling model of CRTS I slab ballastless track CWR on multi span simply supported bridge is established,the deflection force and displacement of track structure on bridge are calculated,the longitudinal resistance of fastener,longitudinal horizontal stiffnes of fixed bearing of abutment and pier factors such as force and deformation influence on deflection are analyzed. Research conclusions :( 1) The maximum value of deflection tension and stress appears on the left abutment fixed end and the middle of last span under the action of train load, the longitudinal displacement of rail has decreased after increasing and gradually reduced to zero on both sides of subgrade. (2) Using small resistance fastener could obviously reduce deflection force of rail and track structure,but the relative displacement of the track slab and rail will increase at the same time,rail crawling on the abutment sliould be focused. (3) It is disadvantageous to the longitudinal displacement of tlie track structure on bridge under the train load by using the low pier bridge which has large longitudinal horizontal stiffness. (4) With the increase of the number of bridge span, the longitudinal force and displacement of track structure are also increasing, and its growth trend are obvious before six - span,its growth trend slowed down and gradually stabilized after six - span. (5) The researcli results have reference value for the design and construction safety of CRTS I ballastless track on bridge.
2017 Vol. 34 (5): 15-19 [
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The Characteristics Analysis of Dynamic Irregularity at Transition Zones of Ballasted Track and Ballsastless Track
LI Cheng - hui,QI Wei,GENG Hao, LIU Yu - tao
Abstract : Research purposes : At present,when designing the track stiffnes at tlie transition zones of baiasted track and baisastless track,only the convenience of construction has been considered. There are still many diseases of railway line caused by the dynamic irregularity of railway line. In order to solve these diseases,we need to study the characteristics of dynamic irregularity at transition zones of ballasted track and ballsastless track. Based on this, it can develop a reasonable transition schemes to achieve the purpose of reducing line maintenance and improving the safety and comfort to the passengers. Research conclusions : From the evaluation indexes of dynamic irregularity linear type,rail deflection rate,rail vibration acceleration,wheel/rail force,the conclusions are obtained as follows: (1) The problems of excessive wheel rail force and bad smooth lines still exist at the transition zones of ballasted track and ballsastless track. (2) Favorable design of track stiffness at the transition section can significantly improve the transition effect. The analysis results showthat the most suitable design is linear transition,and the transition effect is very good when the quantity of transition segments is no less than 5. The setting length of transition zones should be 20 ?30m,and particular length of specific transition zones should be according to the driving speed. (3) The reasonable design of rail stiffness at the transition zones of ballasted track and ballsastless track can effectively reduce the diseases in high speed and heavy load line,which also can provide references for otlier transition zones.
2017 Vol. 34 (5): 20-25 [
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Analysis of Longitudinally Connected Ballastless Track on the High - speed Railway Long - span Bridge Based on the Actual Measured Temperature
DAI Gong -lian,GE Hao,LIU Wen -shuo,SU Miao
Abstract : Research purposes : As the existing researches on the longitudinaly connected baiastless track mostly consider the variation of tlie overall temperature of tlie bridge and neglect tlie structural temperature gradient,a non - linear structural temperature pattern is fitted through statistical methods on the basis of the temperature field data,the data is acquired through the long term measurement on the field. A finite element model which considers the integration of rail,track plate,base plate,bridge and pier is established. A practical example of a certain large - span continuous girder bridge of Shanghai - Kunming high - speed railway is selected in this paper. The relative displacements between the various layers of track structures and the distribution rules of thelongitudinal additional stress of therail are respectively analyzed under the nonlinear temperature mode. Research conclusions :( 1) The rail additional stress is nearly 0,when only consider the temperature patem of track plate and bed plate. (2) The temperature gradient of the bridge will trigger the sharp increase in the rail additional stress of the beam crevice,the structural temperature gradient needs to be considered in the research on longitudinally connected ballastless track. (3) The deformation of cement and asphalt mortar above the consolidation of the large - span continuous bridge exceeds its ultimate deformation tested by the experiment, it is suggested that sliear reinforcement should also be installed above the consolidation of the continuous girder bridge. (4) Broken plate will cause the significant increase of the rail additional stress, and therefore % the occurrence of the fracture of the longitudinally connected ballastless track should be rigorously restricted, and the exchange of the ballastless track should be done witliin the closure temperature. (5 ) The research results can provide reference for the design and improvement of longitudinal slab ballastless track on long span bridge.
2017 Vol. 34 (5): 26-31 [
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Seismic Safety Evaluation of High - speed Trains Considering the Characteristics of Track Spectrum
GUO En - dong1,ZHANG Shu - qiang1,HE Qian2
Abstract : Research purposes : Track irregularity is the main cause of vertical vibration in the process of high – speed train operation. The track spectra can be used to describe the characteristics and rules of track irregularity from two aspects of wavelength and amplitude. In order to analyze the influence of different track spectra on the running safety of domestic high - speed trains under seismic action, the dynamic model of high - speed train - track coupled system is established,used China high - speed railway ’ s track spectrum and German low - disturbing spectrum as the track irregularity power. Based on the dynamics theory of t!ie train - track coupled system, the typical seismic oscillation is selected as the external incentive to calculate the indexes of the train’s running safety under different seismic intensities. Research conclusions :( 1 ) The asessment of the running safety of high - speed trains under seismic action with Germany low - disturbing spectrum is more conservative than China high - speed railway spectrum. But their difference recedes with the increasing of the seismic oscillation. ( 2 ) China high - speed railway statistical spectrum should be consummated and applied on the assessment of running safety of high - speed trains under t!ie seismic action which could enhance the transporting efficiency of the high - speed railway and ensure the running safety of the trains. ( 3 ) This research can be regarded as a reference for the evaluation of the running safety of high - speed trains in China and reasonable determination of the earthquake alarm threshold of the high - speed railway in China.
2017 Vol. 34 (5): 32-37 [
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Bridge Engineering
Effect of Adjacent Excavation on Deformation and Internal Force of Bridge Pile Foundation
WEI Li - min1,XIN Xue - zhong2,HE Qun1,XIA Qi - di3,ZHAI Shun1
Abstract : Research purposes : The detrimental effect of adjacent unsupported excavation on bridge pile foundation usually degrades the operation quality and security of high speed railway. A series of field prototype tests had been performed to investigate the behavior of pile groups in deep soft clay subjected to adjacent excavation in three working conditions. The ABAQUS finite element software had been adopted to execute the three dimensional numerical simulation of t!ie process of field tests. By comparing test results wit!i those from numerical analysis,the rationality of established finite element model and adopted calculation parameters in this paper was verified. Then the influences of excavation conditions (the excavation width,the distances between the pile foundation and the excavation,the excavation depth) on pile response were investigated. Research conclusions :( 1 ) The distrilDution range of deformation and internal force of piles induced by adjacent excavation is 2. 1 ?2. 8 times as long as that of active piles in design,which deteriorates the piles performance and high attention should therefore be paid to it in operation and maintenance of high speed railway. (2) When the excavation width exceeds 5 times of tlie distance between the pile foundation and the excavation ; the effects of increasing sequential excavation width on pile response could be neglected. ( 3 ) When the distance between the pile foundation and the excavation exceeds 30 m ( roughly 6 times of tlie excavation width) ; the pile responses induced b: narrowand shallow excavation can be neglected in engineering practice. (4) The horizontal displacement of pile top and the maximum bending moment increase exponentially with the increase of the ratio h/b and the smaller the distance is,the higher the growth rate is. (5) The research results can be used for the design,construction,operation and maintenance of pile foundation of high - speed railway bridge.
2017 Vol. 34 (5): 38-44 [
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Research on the Factors Affecting the Busy Operation Lines during Jacking the Framed Structure Bridge
SHEN Yu - peng1,ZUO Rui - fang1,YANG Li - ming2,CHEN Wan - cheng3,JIN Zhen - shan4
Abstract : Research purposes : When the post - construction railway or highway passes through the existing line,the framed structure bridge is one of tlie main forms of changing the plane cross to three - dimensional cross. In the process of jacking construction, the construction parameters and engineering conditions will lead to the geometric changes of track and subgrade of the existing lines,and have a negative impact on safety and stability of the train on the existing lines. Taking the jacking construction of framed structure bridge which is under tlie existing Tinajin - Sanhaiguan railway as research object, by using the MIDAS/GTS finite element software, the jacking construction model of framed construction bridge is established,the parameters which influence jacking effect of frame construction bridge are analyzed, and compared with actual engineering monitoring results, the influence of construction parameters and engineering conditions on the settlement of subgrade,the rail top level and the horizontal displacement of subgrade are discu sed. Research conclusions:( 1 ) Settlement of the operated subgrade is greatly 9fected by the excavation footage, and settlement becomes greater when the excavation footage become bigger. ( 2 ) Settlement of subgrade can be effectively controlled when the grouting strength increased,and the maximum settlement decreases by about 10% for every 10 MPa increase in grouting strength. (3) The jacking force is the main reason for the horizontal displacement of the operated subgrade,and the horizontal displacement increases by about 30% for every 50 MPa increase in jacking force. (4) The settlement of subgrade,the rail top level and the horizontal displacement of subgrade are greatly influenced by the span, depth and elasticity modulus of subgrade filling of the framed structure bridge,and all the three targets increase with the increase of the span and decrease of the depth and elasticity modulus of subgrade filling. (5 ) The research results can provide a reference for tlie design of similar framed structure bridge engineering.
2017 Vol. 34 (5): 45-51 [
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Response Analysis of Railway Bridge witli High Piers due to Vehicle Braking
ZHU Zhi - hui,YAN Ming - ming,XU Zhi - wei,YU Zhi - wu,DAI Gong - lian
Abstract : Research purposes : To investigate the longitudinal vil)ration performance of railway bridge witli high piers induced by the action of braking of higli - speed train,a longtudinal dynamic analysis model for a coupled train - tracl - bridge system is established using the software TTBLS - DYNA developed autonomously. The finite element method is adopted to create track - bridge 3-D spatial model and the vehicle subsystem is modeled by rigid body dynamics. According to the braking deceleration characteristic curve of the EMUtrain,a numerical integration method is adopted to solve the dynamic equations of vehicle and bridge respectively,and then the dynamic response of the interaction system is analyzed. Take Shijiagou simply - supported bridge with high piers as numerical example to analyze train - track - bridge longitudinal coupled vibration. Research conclusions :( 1) The longitudinal vibration of the bridge with high piers is generally small,the maximum displacement and acceleration value are 0. 17 mm and 58 mm/s2 respectively. (2 ) The longitudinal deformation of beam has accumulative character during the braking procedure of EMU,the maximum displacement occurs before the moment of train stopping. In contrast,the maximum longitudinal acceleration occurs at the moment of train stopping. ( 3 ) The maximum value of the bending moment at the bottom of all piers is 1 152. 0 kN ? m,which is only 31.5% of the value 3960.7 kN ? m obtained by the static force calculation metliod according to the code for design on railway bridge and culvert in China. It indicates that tlie braking force of high - speed train obtained from the code posess a higher safety stock. (4) The research results of this paper can provide good references for design of railway bridges with high piers.
2017 Vol. 34 (5): 52-58 [
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The Statistical Characteristics Analysis of Bridge Accidents and Prevention Principle of Security Risk
ZHAO Shao - jie1,TANG Xi - biao2,REN Wei - xin3
Abstract : Research purposes : In recent years, the bridge collapse accidents have repeatedly happened. For fully recognizing the common mechanical mechanism and destruction causes behind of these accidents, so as to do well prevention and control work of security risk contrapuntally in bridge design,construction and maintenance stages,and to reduce accident rate of bridge collapse,the study was carried out. Research conclusions :( 1) By analyzing many collapse accidents of bridges,the statistical characteristics of all kinds of bridges and ai kinds of destruction causes for bridge accidents were obtained. The results showed that the general safety of rigid frame bridge is the best and the arch bridges is the poorest correspondingly; the self - factors of construction is the main cause of bridge collapse in construction period,and the factors of vehicle and ship as vehicle overload is the main cause of bridge collapse in operation period. (2 ) By using mechanics metliod,the analysis and summary of common causes for collapse accidents were made on technological asj^ect. Then the cause of bridge collapse was put forward,and this is because that the external cause occupied the leading position in the contradiction of structural resistance and external force. (3)The prevention princijDle of security risl^ of bridges in design and construction stages is discussed and proposed, and the relevant suggestions in bridge design, construction and operation stages are also given. (4)The results can provide guidance and reference for the control work of security risk in bridge design ; construction and operation maintenance.
2017 Vol. 34 (5): 59-64 [
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Tunnel Engineering
Rockfall Shock Risk Assessment Study of a Tunnel Portal Section
LIU Hong - liang1,HU Jie1,LI Li - ping1,WANG Qing - han2,SHI Shao - shuai1,SUN Shang - qu1
Abstract : Research purposes : The extrance and exit sections of tunnels constructed in southwestern are always located in valley. The terrain cutting is intense and the rockfall disasters are common at the heading slope. To evaluate the rockfal l risk,flow chart of extension assessment of rockfall risk was established and multi - index extensive comprehensive evaluation model was firstly built and then used to determine factor weight for avoiding human subjective effect,to provide the basis of rockfall hazard management,rockfall calculation and prevention project. Research conclusions:( 1) The extension theory was used in the rockfall risk evaluation. Furthermore,flow chart of extension assessment of rockfall risk was established and multi - index extensive comprehensive evaluation model was built. (2) Some main influencing factors witli non - dimension were preprocessed and a simple correlation functions was proposed to make evaluation index comparable. (3) Rockfall risk was classified into very low risk, low risk, medium risk, high risk and very high risk. The result was validated using a case study and compared to the result got from AHP - Fuzzy mathematics model,which shows the evaluation model is feasible. (4) The results of this paper can provide a newmethod for rockfall risk evaluation.
2017 Vol. 34 (5): 65-73 [
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Electrification Engineering
Application Analysis of Power Rapid Switching Technology for Railway Traction Substation
WU Shi - ping,WANG Han - lin,LV Liang - jun,LI Yong - guo,YAN Hou - yang
Abstract : Research purposes : Through the study of electrified railway traction substation power rapid switching technology to deal witli the electrified railway traction substation main equipment maintenance or main transformer switch operation,which has problem of leading to the power failure of tlie whole station,low efficiency and over reliance on the maintenance 11 Window". This paper systematically introduces the basic principle of fast switching power supply technology. Based on the practical application of the main electrical connection of the railway traction substation,the paper studies the engineering application of the fast switching power supply device in the equipment maintenance and rotation working of the traction substation,analyzes the results of various programs,in order to promote the accumulation of experience. Research conclusions :( 1) Power rapid switching technology can realize the seamless switching of the power supply of the traction substation,and can keep the uninterrupted power supply in the process of the main transformer reversing, which avoids the power failure of the whole station. (2) Power rapid switching technology ensures the reliability of traction power supply,and improves the work efficiency of the traction substation main equipment. (3) Power rapid switching technology can provide series switching and parallel switching mode, which makes the maintenance work arrangement of the traction substation main electrical equipment more flexible,and is not limited by the time limit for the maintenance “ Window" . (4) With the improvement of tlie hardware performance and the improvement of tlie software function ; this technology can be widely used in the operation of tlie electrified railway traction substation.
2017 Vol. 34 (5): 74-77 [
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Orignal Article
Research on the Identification between Structure Damage and Sensor Fault in Structural Monitoring of the Railway Station
HUANG Zu - guang,SHEN Zhao - wu,CHEN Yan - chun
Abstract: Research purposes: Structural health monitoringsystemusually assumethat thesensor can work normally, but sensor malfunctions often happen. Monitoring system will consider tlie data change caused by sensor malfunctions as structural damage,therefore,it is necessary to take into account in sensor malfunctions in order to reduce false alarm rate. Research conclusions :( 1) Sensor failure makes tlie dimension of tlie sampling data or data size reduce,the sensor fault cause a drift of tlie sample average,that cause the run lengtli out of control in system increased according to the generated control limit. (2) In processing of the training data, the normal range of sensor output data can be got by building cointegration relationship, eliminate the influence of temperature, environment and load efect on identification of structure damage,and need not a large number of test data. (3 ) Sensor fault diagnosis strategy and double layer data processing model are put forward based on the analysis. Put the sensor fault diagnosis in data preprocessing module, and put structural damage identification in the diagnosis module, which is more convenient to system development. (4) The research results can provide reference for reducing the rate of false alarm of structural monitoring of t!ie railway station.
2017 Vol. 34 (5): 78-82 [
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Urban Rail Construction
Research on the Parameters of Double – shield TBM BasedonMohr - Coulomb Criterion
WANG Yu - suo, HE Jun - nan,WU Hao, FENG Gao - fei,LI Zheng - hui,WANG Tao,ZHOU Liang, WANG Zhi – long
Abstract : Research purposes : In the field of urban rail transit,the double - shield TBM was applied successfully in Qingdao subway for the first time. According to the mechanical coordination of cutter thrust force,support boots force, and strength of surrounding rock,the tunneling parameters and the mode selection can be obtained in the double shield TBM construction based on Mohr - Coulomb criterion,which was combined with the application of the double shield TBM in Qingdao metro. The research provides the basis for choosing the types and the adaptability of the double shield TBM. Research conclusions :( 1) The double shield TBM can be advanced successfully with the double shield model in srnrounding rock of class I,II and IV,and the cutter thrust force can be provided by support boots. (2) Because the mechanical coordination of cutter thrust force,support boots force and strength of surrounding rock cannot be met,the double shield TBM cannot be advanced successfully under the double shield model. Then the single shield model was selected in surrounding rock of class V,and the react force was provided by concrete segment. (3 ) The tunneling parameters in different surrounding rock conditions can be obtained according to the mechanical coordination of cutter tlirust force,support boots force,and strength of surrounding rock under normal tunneling circumstance. (4) The results of research can provide a theoretical reference for the design and construction of TBM in the field of tlie urban rail transit.
2017 Vol. 34 (5): 83-88 [
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Vibration and Noise Analysis of Single Line U Beam in Urban Rail Transit
LUO Wen -jun,CHENG Long
Abstract : Research purposes : The finite element prediction model of beam - plate vibration including rail,ballastless track and bridge structure is established,and the vibration and its structural noise in the frequency range of 20 ?200 Hz under tlie direction of vertical wheel - rail force are analyzed. The vibration characteristics of the U - beam in the frequency domain, the structural noise characteristics of the near and far - field of the U - beam and the acoustic contribution of each plate are discussed. Aiming at the problem of low frequency noise of bridge structure,the vibration and noise of U - beam are analyzed,and the optimization of section is proposed. Research conclusions: ( 1 ) The amplitude of the vibration amplitude of the U - beam is about 31. 5 ~ 63 Hz, the amplitude of the wing is the largest,followed by the bottom plate and the web. (2)The vibration power level loss from rail to Ubeam is about 16. 9 dB to 20 dB,and the vibration power level of Ubeam is basically the same as that of sound pressure contribution that of bottom plate > web > wing plate. ( 3 ) The peak value of the sound pressure level in the near field is 50 Hz,the sound pressure level of the bottom plate is the largest,followed by the web and the wing. ( 4) The far - field noise is mainly affected by the bottom plate that the role of the pressure contribution is about 81 %,should be the main noise reduction object, while the vilDration peak of tlie wing is large, but tlie impact on the sound field is very small, almost negligible. (5) The research results can provide a reference for the bridge vibration and noise reduction measures of urban rail transit.
2017 Vol. 34 (5): 89-93 [
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Engineering Economy and Management
Research on the Whole - life Cycle Risk Management ofRailway Construction Survey and Design Project
ZHENG Hong - bo
Abstract : Research purposes : The railway construction survey and design project management has strong dynamic characteristics. The risks in the process of project implementation are often influenced by environmental impact. The comprehensive risk management process should be implemented based on whole - life cycle perspective to reduce the losses caused by risks. The job of risk identification,risk measure and risk control can be taken effectively through rational designed risk management model. The project objectives can be successfully achieved through the above measures. Research conclusions:(1) The whole - life cycle risk management should organize risk management integration system platform,risk factor distribution and risk management process; ( 2 ) The risk distribution in the process of railway construction survey and design have significant volatility characteristic; ( 3 ) The construction of closed project risk management loop can improve the efficiency of collaborative work between risk management processes; ( 4 ) The conclusions of tliis paper have reference value for railway construction survey and design institutions.
2017 Vol. 34 (5): 94-99 [
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Research on the Relationship between Sci - tech Journals and Scientific and Technological Progress of State - owned Enterprises under the Condition of Informatization
FENG Sha - sha
Abstract : Research purposes : The rapid development of information technology has made the information media gradualy change from the traditional paper platform to the modem electronic platform. As an important carrier of scientific and technological information dissemination,sci - tech journals experience opportunities and challenges under the condition of informatization. Under tlie background of diversified development of perodicals,how to realize the accurate positioning of sci - tech journals and bring into play their driving force in promoting the scientific and technological innovation and progress of state - owned enterprises is the key problem to be studied and discussed at present. Research conclusions :( 1 ) Sci - tech journals are the important platform for the display and transformation of the scientific and technological achievements of state - owned enterprises,and also an important approach to the development of scientific and technological innovation of state - owned enterprises. (2) The scientific and technological progress of state - owned enterprises has promoted the quality improvement and good development of sci - tech journals, and realized the mission of sci - tech journals to serve the progress of science and technology. (3) With the rapid development and gradual maturity of information technology,the operation mode of sci - tech journals has changed,and meanwhile, the function mechanism of sci - tech journals in the scientific and technological development of state - owned enterjDrises has been optimized. (4) The research results of this paper can provide some references for the interaction and mutual promotion between sci - tech journals and state - owned enterprises under the condition of informatization.
2017 Vol. 34 (5): 100-104 [
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Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
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Beijing Magtech