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2017 Vol. 34, No. 7
Published: 2017-08-15
Geology and Subgrade
Railway and Rail
Bridge Engineering
Tunnel Engineering
Survey and Design
Urban Rail Construction
Engineering Economy and Management
Orignal Article
Communication Signals
Survey and Design
Design Difference Analysis and Coping Strategies for International Project
GUO Chong-feng
Abstract:Research purposes: Based on design practice and experience on Algerian railway project, this paper makes systematic analysis on the difference of following aspects: international engineering standard system, design concept, survey means, approval procedure, design phase, design cycle, disciplinary division and cultural background. Coping strategies are proposed as per the differences in standard application, concept updating, design strategy, structural organization, production arrangement, communication mechanism, etc. Meanwhile, recommendations are made on project localization strategy and resource integration capacity promotion so as to provide reference for international project design practice. Research conclusions:(1)Survey and design is the soul of international engineering, design plays a decisive role in project cost, schedule, quality and so on, it is necessary to study and understand differences on the international engineering survey and design in the standards system, design concept, reconnaissance means, approval process, design cycle and cultural backgrounds.(2) In view of the difference, take the corresponding effective measures, strategies such as territorial management strategy, efficient integration of multi-source resources, active integration and integration with the international community are explored.(3) Work closely with the general contractor to achieve seamless connection between business and design, in order to smoothly promote the design work and reduce project implementation risk. (4) The research results of this paper can be used as reference for international engineering design project.
2017 Vol. 34 (7): 1-4 [
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Geology and Subgrade
Research on the Solution to Coefficient of Earth Pressure at Rest Using Effective Stress Spade
LIANG Wei, XIONG Da-sheng
Abstract:Research purposes: The coefficient of earth pressure at rest is an important mechanical index of ground soil. The key to determine the coefficient of earth pressure at rest is to obtain the horizontal effective stress of ground soil in situ. Through this study, an effective stress spade test for simultaneous testing of soil horizontal total stress and pore water pressure is developed, and the method of determining the coefficient of earth pressure at rest by the effective stress spade test is proposed. Research conclusions: (1) The total horizontal stress measured by the effective stress spade test is the average value along the shovel face distribution, and the pore water pressure at the center surface of the spade face is the minimum value of the distribution of the excess pore pressure. (2) With the dissipation of pore water pressure, the soil around the spade surface is drained and consolidated, which leads to the increase of the effective stress. (3) Compared with other testing techniques, the consistency and correlation of the coefficient of earth pressure at rest calculated by penetration value of the effective stress spade test are better.
2017 Vol. 34 (7): 5-9 [
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Research on the Calculation Model of Horizontal Consolidation Coefficient from DMTC Dissipation Test
TU Qi-zhu
Abstract:Research purposes: The flat dilatometer test is an advanced in-situ test technique. Compared to the CPTU pore pressure dissipation test, the DMTC dissipation test has many advantages. Through this study, a mathematical model for calculating the coefficient of horizontal consolidation of DMTC dissipation test is established, and the key parameters-time factor in the mathematical model by comparative test is determined. Research conclusions: (1) For saturated soft cohesive soil, the p2 value by the DMTC dissipation test is approximately equal to the pore water pressure, and the DMTC dissipation curve matches well with the pore pressure dissipation curve. Therefore, the mathematical model for calculating the coefficient of horizontal consolidation of DMTC dissipation test can be established based on the pore pressure dissipation theory. (2) DMTC dissipation test curve and u2 pore pressure dissipation theory curve have the highest fitting degree of similarity, so it can be carried out the DMTC and u2 type pore pressure dissipation test to determine the model parameters - time factor. (3) The horizontal consolidation coefficient obtained by DMTC dissipation test calculation model is closer than the pore pressure dissipation test, and it is an order of magnitude greater than the laboratory odometer tests, which is consistent with other scholars research results. (4) The comparative tests show that the mathematical model for calculating the coefficient of horizontal consolidation of DMTC dissipation test is reliable.
2017 Vol. 34 (7): 10-16 [
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Model Test Research on the Negative Skin Friction of Single Pile under Different Loading Sequences
MA Xue-ning, ZHANG Pei-yun, WANG Xu, JIA Xi-cui
Abstract:Research purposes: The pile negative friction leads to the drop load on pile, which increases the axial force and end resistance of the pile and even leads to pile failure. Because of the different settlement development process of the soil around the pile and the pile, the sequence of the pile loading and the surcharge loading must have a great influence on the negative friction of the pile. In this paper, through model tests, the effects of the sequence of the pile load and the surcharge loading on negative friction of single pile under the condition of different bearing stratum at pile-end were studied. Research conclusions: (1)On the condition of pile -surcharge loading sequences, after the applying of the surcharge load, the neutral point is furthest away from pile top; With the increase of pile load, the position of neutral point is gradually moved up, eventually, the neutral point positions of loess and coarse sand bearing stratum are 0.49l and 0.56 l far from pile top, the axial force of the pile increases first and then decreases, the exert coefficient of bearing capacity of single pile is 0.69 and 0.57, respectively. (2)On the condition of surcharge-pile loading sequences, when first applying pile load, axial force of the pile gradually decreases along the depth, no neutral point, then while applying surcharge load, the axial force increases first and then decreases, and the neutral point appears and gradually moves down, finally the neutral point position of the loess and the coarse sand bearing layer is near 0.41l and 0.50l, and the exert coefficients of bearing capacity of single pile are 0.86 and 0.69, respectively. (3) Under the same bearing stratum, there is the greater exert coefficient of bearing capacity at the pile-surcharge loading sequence, the safety reserve of the bearing capacity of the pile is smaller. (4)In practical engineering, comprehensive analysis of geological conditions, stress characteristics and bearing requirements of the pile foundation should be conducted and appropriate loading sequence should be selected to reduce the friction of pile. (5)The research results can provide a reference for design of pile foundation under the surcharge loading.
2017 Vol. 34 (7): 17-23 [
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Research on the Additional Stress Distribution of Underlying Stratum under Embankment Load
LI Jian-guo1,BAI Chao-neng2
Abstract:Research purposes: Because of no considering the influence of the soil distribution and main design parameters of the composite foundation, the traditional calculation method for additional stress cannot estimate layer under additional stress accurately. Using numerical simulation, the influence rule of pile spacing, pile elastic modulus, 〖JP3〗 elastic modulus ratio of reinforcement area soil to under layer of composite ground and pile length on underlying stratum′s〖JP〗 additional stress are analyzed systematically in this paper. By introducing the load transfer coefficient, the fitting relation between numerical simulation solution and Boussinesq solution of additional stress in underlying stratum is established. Research conclusions: (1) There is an obvious stress concentration phenomenon in underlying stratum of composite ground. (2) With the decrease of pile spacing or increase of pile elastic modulus, the additional stress increases; With the increase of elastic modulus ratio of reinforcement area soil to underlying substratum, the additional stress decreases gradually; With the increase of pile length, the attenuation of additional stress in the substratum becomes slowly, and the upper load is transferred to the deeper strata. (3)The fitting relation between numerical simulation solution and Boussinesq solution of additional stress is established. (4) The research conclusion has a good reference value for engineering staff to estimate the additional stress of underlying stratum.
2017 Vol. 34 (7): 24-29 [
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Research on the Mechanical Characteristics of Double-deck Geogrids of Pile Net Structure of Low Embankment under Dynamic Load
WEI Ping,WEI Jing,YANG Song-lin,ZHANG Dong,MA Ying-li
Abstract:Research purposes: The dynamic analysis model software was built to investigate characters of double-deck geogrids within pile net structure in low embankment under train dynamic load. Both of the interaction mechanism among dynamic load, double-deck geogrids, pile and soil, and the force or deformation law of double-deck geogrids were studied. Research conclusions: Under train dynamic load, for the longitudinal section geogrid, pull stress of the substratum geogrid is higher than of the superstratum. For the transvers section geogrid, pull stress of the superstratum geogrid is higher than of the substratum and led to a very small difference value from subgrade center to slope toe. Tensioned membrane effect, the total pull stress and the reduction of single geogrids stress were all be better for the double-deck than for the single one. Double-deck geogrids can reduce the incremental value of geogrids pull stress and led to stucture stable.It will provide method of working mechanism for geogrids of railway roadbed structure in this research.
2017 Vol. 34 (7): 30-35 [
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Research on the Ultimate Resistance of Antislide Micropile in Slope Stabilization
SUN Shu-wei1, ZHU Ben-zhen2, FENG Meng-qian1
Abstract:Research purposes: The antislide micropile has the advantages of flexible arrangement, fast construction, strong adaptation to the construction site and marginal environment impact. In recent years, the antislide micropile has been widely used and popularized in the field of slope reinforcement. However, there is no scientific method to analyze the ultimate resistance of the micropile in slope stabilization at present. Therefore, a simplified numerical model for analyzing the resisting force of the micropile is set up and an approach is proposed to calculate the ultimate resistance under the controlling of bending bearing capacity, shear bearing capacity and pile horizontal displacements. The loading mechanism is studied by the proposed method. Research conclusions: (1) The ultimate resistance of micropile is different with type of slope materials, and for the higher strength of slope, the micropile provides the greater ultimate resistance. In general, the ultimate resistance of the antislide micropile is mainly controlled by the bending capacity and shear capacity of the pile section for the soil and rock slope, respectively. (2) The thrust is mainly carried by the half-piles near the load, and the half-piles away from the load are not subject to force. (3)The resistance between the micropile and soil is mainly provided by the normal stress of the pile elements near the load, and the shear stress has a marginal and negligible effect. (4) The research results provide theoretical guidance for the design and safety evaluation of antislide micropile in slope engineering.
2017 Vol. 34 (7): 36-41 [
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Railway and Rail
Bottleneck Analysis and Optimization for Welding Base Assembly Line
GUO Jun-feng
Abstract:Research purposes: In order to meet the maintenance requirements of national railway network, the former ministry of railways set up 11 one hundred meters long CWR (Continuous Welded Rail) welding bases national wide. The efficiency of the rail welding assembly line is one of important issues to the manager. In this paper, based on the example of assembly line from rail entrance to “hot-line” in Xiaolizhuang rail welding base of Zhengzhou Railway Bureau,we find that there is a large gap between the actual takt and the original design. Bottleneck effect is obvious. At the same time, in the parallel line of the assembly system, scheduling and coordination will also affect the efficiency of the entire system. Through the methods of survey, modeling and simulation experiments, we evaluate the efficiency of welding assembly line, anlyze bottleneck effect of the parallel line of the assembly system, and then put forward the optimization scheme. Finally we conduct the simulation experiments to analyze the optimized results. Research conclusions: (1) Through investigation, modeling and simulation experiments, we find that the hoisting phase is the outstanding bottleneck of the whole "hot-line" welding assembly line. (2) To eliminate the bottleneck, this paper propose to add one more set of electric hoist on the existing 7 cross beams. (3) After enhancing the efficiency of the hoisting phase, "hot-line" phase becomes the bottleneck. To tackle this problem, the paper proposes to adjust the post-welding check from the high occupied welding platform to low occupied crude grinder platform. (4) Propose to enhance the efficiency of "hot-line" through accelerating the moving speed of hoisting track. (5)The simulation experiment shows the outcome〖HJ〗 is effective, the efficiency rate is increased by 30~40%. (6) The research results can not only be applied on the production capacity expansion of existing CWR welding base but also on the design of new CWR welding base.
2017 Vol. 34 (7): 42-46 [
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Bridge Engineering
Research on the Seismic Isolation of High-speed Railway Bridges
Wenliuhan·Heisha1,ZOU Shuang1, ZHOU Fu-lin1,YANG Bin2, CHEN Shu2, ZHAO Hai-chao2, ZHU De-jun2
Abstract:Research purposes: High-speed smooth driving safety, comfort, huge live load on the high-speed railway bridge bearing performance have strict requirements, the general isolation device is difficult to meet the requirements. Therefore, in this paper a functional separation design concept is proposed, function separation isolation system is developed for the high-speed railway bridge, and the control effect of function separation isolation system on seismic response of high speed railway bridge is verified by shaking table test. Research conclusions: (1) After the function separation isolation system works, the peak acceleration of the bridge floor is reduced to 30%~51% under different intensities, which proves the effectiveness of the separated seismic isolation system. The degree of shaking table acceleration is only dependent on the magnitude of seismic input, and is independent of the input seismic wave characteristics. (2) The principle of seismic isolation design is proposed in this paper for the high-speed railway bridge based on the function separation seismic isolation system. The working mechanism of the function separation isolation system follows the principle of seismic isolation design. (3) The earthquake intensity has a great influence on the maximum horizontal slip displacement of the separated seismic isolation system, and the maximum horizontal slip displacement increases with the increase of seismic intensity. The performance of the function separation seismic isolation system is good, and the hysteretic energy dissipation and sufficient restoring force are provided to prevent the transmission of energy to the superstructure of the bridge. (4) To adjust the horizontal stiffness of the lead rubber bearing in the function separated seismic isolation system, it can effectively reduce the horizontal displacement of the beam under earthquake. Improving the applicability of unction separated seismic isolation system is the further research content. (5) The research results can provide a new way of thinking and means for the design and application of the seismic isolation technology for the simple supported bridges of high-speed railways.
2017 Vol. 34 (7): 47-52 [
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Study of Plastic Hinge Length in High-speed Railway Bridge Piers
SHAO Guang-qiang1, LIU Kai1, JIANG Li-zhong2, KANG Jun-tao1
Abstract:Research purposes: Equivalent plastic hinge length, Lp, is usually used to predict the limit displacements at the top of piers in simplified design under earthquake loading. High- speed railway bridge piers have larger section size and less longitudinal reinforcement ratio. At present, code for seismic design of railway engineering in China has no recommendations for the plastic hinge length of piers, engineers can only refer to the existing empirical formula for seismic design and its applicability is not clear. Based on the pseudo static test data of nine rounded type of high speed railway bridge piers, this paper analyzes the parameters of the plastic hinge length of multiple piers, compares with a variety of design specifications, aims to study and put forward the plastic hinge length formula suitable for high-speed railway bridge piers, for seismic design of bridge piers. Research conclusions: (1) The experimental results matched well with the modified Chang-Mander concrete model in the fibre beam-column element. (2) The pier height and axial compression ratio are the most influencing factors for the development of Lp, and the yield strength and diameter of steel rebar have less effect on Lp. (3) Compared to the existing design equations, the proposed equation predicted Lp in high-speed railway bridge piers well. (4) The research results can be applied to the seismic design and analysis in high-speed railway bridges.
2017 Vol. 34 (7): 53-59 [
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Research on the Influence of Construction of New Bridge on Foundation Displacement of High-〖JP〗speed Railway in Service
WANG Jing-chun, LIU Xu-fei, HOU Wei-hong
Abstract:Research purposes: During the construction of the new bridge under the high-speed railway bridge, it is important not only to ensure the safety of the new project, but also to ensure the stability of the foundation of high-speed rail caused by pile construction and operation in a reasonable range. High speed railway track is characterized by high smoothness, and the limit of its foundation displacement is more stringent than the general bridge. Flac3D was used to analyze the foundation displacement of high-speed railway under the influence of new construction project during the construction of the New Interchange Ramp Bridge under the Harbin-Dalian Railway Passenger Dedicated Line. Based on the relevant standards, the impact of new construction on the high-speed rail foundation was evaluated. What's more, on the basis of the original scheme, the influence of the adjacent distance and the construction sequence on the results was analyzed. Research conclusions:(1)The analysis results illustrated that in the cross region, pier No.439 was the most affected which is nearest from the new pile and the adjacent pier No.438 was affected by the second largest. The deformation of the two adjacent piers both conformed to the requirements of relevant codes.(2)Different proximity distance had great influence on foundation displacement of high-speed railway bridge. The smaller the distance was, the greater the foundation displacement was, and it was suggested that the minimum horizontal distance between the new pile foundation and the high speed iron base pile cap was not less than 3 times of the new pile diameter.(3)The influence of different construction sequence on the foundation deformation of high speed railway was relatively smaller. In order to reduce the influence of construction on the operation of high-speed railway, it was suggested to use the method of jump pile to pile foundation construction. (4)This research conclusion can provide reference for the construction of new bridge under high-speed railway in service.
2017 Vol. 34 (7): 60-65 [
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Tunnel Engineering
Experimental Research on the Acoustic-vibration Detection of Tunnel Secondary Liner Void
DOU Shun1, HE Lei2, ZHENG Jing1, WANG Nian-qin2
Abstract:Research purposes: The void of tunnel secondary liner threats the safe operation of road seriously, timely detection and prevention work is particularly significant. In order to solve the problems in existing detection methods, reduce the detection cost, this paper conducts the experimental research of acoustic-vibration detection, through the frequency conversion, extraction of eigenvalues and the neural network fitting of the response signal, the preliminary criterion for the void determination is obtained. Research conclusions:(1)Low frequency component (about 1 000 Hz) of serious void signal is prominent, high frequency component (about 8 000 Hz) of no void signal is prominent, the slight void signal shows uniform distribution of low and high frequency components in similar proportion, and the curve is in a multi peak shape.(2)The main peak frequency, secondary peak frequency and decline rate of peaks can be regarded as the signal eigenvalues, and reflect the secondary liner structure state in the round.(3)Taking the eigenvalues and the corresponding secondary liner structure state as the input and output value for BP neural network training, through testing the network, the mean square error of predictive value is small (mse=6.475e-5), which means the network has a good prediction ability and can realize the qualitative identification and determination of secondary liner structure state initially.(4)The research results can provide theoretical basis for engineering application of acoustic-vibration method in tunnel secondary liner void detection.
2017 Vol. 34 (7): 66-71 [
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Lining Cracking Mechanism and Treatment Measures at Tunnel Portal in Seasonally-frozen Soil Regions
ZHENG Bo, WU Jian, GAO Hong-bing
Abstract:Research purposes: In recent years, lining cracking in winter and water leaking during spring thawing period have occasionally occurred at portal sections of either short tunnel or long tunnel, especially in high-latitude seasonally-frozen regions of China′s northwest and northeast, it seriously affected the tunnel structure and operation safety. Taking the ZEST tunnel of a railway line in northeast region as an example in this paper, the mechanism of lining cracking in winter and water leaking during spring thawing period at tunnel portal section are studied by means of field tests and numerical simulation, and based on comparing the different treatment measures, the treatment measures suitable for such type of tunnel is put forward. Research conclusions: (1) The annual frozen period in tunnel area is about 5 months, the extreme annual range of temperature is above 60 ℃ and the annual average temperature is 2 ℃, which is a typical seasonally-frozen region. (2) Because the lining cracking section mainly passes through the silty clay stratum and the water content in surrounding rocks is larger, the main cause of lining cracking is the loading effects of frost-heaving force in surrounding rocks. (3) It is recommended to use the treatment measures of "spraying the insulating layer of 12~13 cm thickness and the fireproof mortar, and laying electric heat tracing cables in both side drains", meanwhile, the anchor bolt reinforcement is adopted for the existing damages of lining structure and the epoxy resin embedded processing is used on lining cracks. (4) After evaluating the effects of different treatment measures for these tunnel diseases, the treatment measures proposed in this paper are quite effective and the problems such as cracking and water leaking of tunnel lining are completely solved.
2017 Vol. 34 (7): 72-77 [
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Communication Signals
The Application of ATO in CTCS-2 Train Control System for Mainline Railway
XU Xiao-ning, LI Yi-nan, LIU Lei, LIU De-chao
Abstract:Research purposes: In recent years, Automatic Train Operation(ATO)has been applied in Pearl River Delta intercity railway, which has realized automatic control of train operation, and improved system automation degree and transportation efficiency. Since the condition of mainline railways is more complex, there is no clear technical plan of ATO applied in mainline railway. This paper aims to analyze the characteristics of mainline railway and requirements of automatic train operation, so as to apply ATO in CTCS-2 train control system for mainline railway. Research conclusions:(1)The most feasible grade of ATO applied in mainline railway shall be GoA2: semi- automated train operation.(2)The main functions of ATO applied in mainline railway should include automatic driving train, automatic plan adjustment, accurate stopping and train doors protection.(3)Considering characteristics of mainline railway and requirements of existing equipment, the recommended solution of ATO applied in CTCS-2 train control system for mainline railway in actual projects should be the one based on driver’s valuation.(4)The research results can provide some references for ATO applied in train control system of mainline railways.
2017 Vol. 34 (7): 78-83 [
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Orignal Article
Damage Identification of Beam String Structure on the Railway Platform Based on Modal Parameter
YU Zi-ruo1,SUN Zhen-ya1,ZHANG Ming-bo2,AN Ming-zhe1
Abstract:Research purposes: With the development of railway passenger station in our country, the long-span canopy without platform column was used in many railway platforms in order to increase the space of platform. The beam string structure (BSS) possesses excellent structural performance and has broad application prospects in canopy without platform column. Therefore, it is very important to identify the damage of BSS on railway platform, and to predict the ultimate carrying capacity of BSS after the damage. Research conclusions: (1) Frequency rate-of-change (FRC) and normalized frequency rate-of-change (NFRC) were suggested as the parameters of damage identification for BSS on railway platform. (2) It is suggested that NFRC1 as parameter for truss damage location, NFRC2 as parameter for strut and string damage location, and FRC3 as parameter for prestressing loss identification. (3) The relationships between modal parameter FRCi and relative ultimate carrying capacity k were suggested. (4) The study in this paper can provide a reference for the damage identification and assessment of ultimate carrying capacity for BSS on railway platform.
2017 Vol. 34 (7): 84-90 [
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Urban Rail Construction
Spatial Evolutional Mechanism of Diaphragm Wall Lateral Deformation in Metro Station Construction
LI Wei-ming1, YAO Cheng-yi1, SHI Xu-dong2, WU Zheng2, DING Jing-wen2,JIANG Yi3
Abstract:Research purposes: The Metro station is always in the city downtown, and lots of factors should be considered carefully. One of the factors is the lateral deformation of the diaphragm wall. The deformation is difficult to investigate by analytic solutions, and the numerical simulation is hard to demonstrate all the mechanisms. Therefore, the spatial evolutional mechanism and the statistical characteristics need to be explored based on the long-time monitoring data. Research conclusions: (1) The lateral deformation of the diaphragm wall is affected significantly by the time effect. The construction process should be optimized, and the brace should be added after the excavating. (2) The deformation increases deeply in the foundation pit excavation, and increases insignificantly while the station is in construction. The maximum velocity of the deformation occurs while the fifth layer excavates. (3) The period between the foundation bottom excavating and the bottom floor concreting is one of the main period for the deformation growth, in which period the performance increase much. The lateral deformation increments slow down and shape becomes to be stable after the bottom floor concreting. (4) The results are helpful for the design and construction of similar metro station engineerings.
2017 Vol. 34 (7): 91-95 [
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Engineering Economy and Management
Research on the Model of Lean Construction Based on the CAS Theory
WANG Jun-shan
Abstract:Research purposes: The construction industry faces a complex and changeable internal and external environment, which requires continuous innovation in construction management theory, management methods and management means. Based on the adaptive core idea of CAS theory and synthesizing those research findings in recent years, the paper proposed the lean construction theory model, which trying to provide theoretical and intellectual support for improving the production efficiency and construction quality. Research conclusions: (1) Following the project's life cycle, the lean management technique should be adopted in all stages of the construction management. (2) Adhering to the sustainable development conception, lean construction has minimized the negative effects of construction projects on economy, society and environment. (3) Drawing the open systems and the feedback thoughts of the system science, through system transformation, feedback and improvement of the environmental information and production factors to realize the seven "zero" ultimate goals. (4) Reconstructing the adaptable and complex lean construction system, which can guide the implementation of lean management from the strategic perspective. (5) The research achievements have theoretical and practical significance for improving construction enterprises' project management efficiency.
2017 Vol. 34 (7): 96-100. [
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Function Analysis of Society in Promoting the Scientific and Technological Competitiveness of State-owned Enterprises
FENG Sha-sha
Abstract:Research purposes: Society as an academic mass organization composed of scientific and technical workers, it has played an important role in the development of science and technology as well as economy and culture in China.With the deepening of scientific and technological research in China,both academic quantity and influence have been improved, and the advantages of promoting the national scientific and technical competitiveness have been fully demonstrated.In the current market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, how to close the relationship between the state-owned enterprises and the society, with the help of science and technology research, technology exchange and productivity transformation to enhance their own core competitiveness, leading the development of the market with the progress of science and technology, which should be paid more attention to and thought by managers of state-owned enterprises. Research conclusions: (1)Taking the role of the current society in promoting the scientific and technological competitiveness of state-owned large enterprises as the research carrier, this paper analyzes the difficulties and solutions for the state-owned enterprises to excavate and play the society in promoting the scientific and technological competitiveness of the enterprises.(2)We should give full play to the functions of society to enhance the scientific and technological competitiveness of large state-owned enterprises, so as to realize the strategic goal of scientific and technological success.(3)The research results of this paper have some reference significance for exploring the role of the society in promoting the development of scientificand technological innovation and improving the competitiveness of science and technology in large state-owned enterprises.
2017 Vol. 34 (7): 101-104 [
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Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
Supported by:
Beijing Magtech