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2017 Vol. 34, No. 8
Published: 2017-09-15
Geology and Subgrade
Railway and Rail
Bridge Engineering
Tunnel Engineering
Survey and Design
Urban Rail Construction
Energy Saving and Environmental Protection
Engineering Economy and Management
Orignal Article
Survey and Design
Research on the Environment-friendly Railway Route Selection of Ya′an-Kangding Section of Sichuan-Tibet Railway
LUO Yun-wu, HAN Peng, ZHENG Guang-yu,WU Jun, WU Zhan-bo, ZHANG Hong-wei
Abstract:Research purposes: The Sichuan-Tibet Railway is a major project of the natioanl 13th Five-year-plan. Now, the Lhasa-Linzhi section and Chengdu-Ya′an section of the railway is under construction, the Ya′an-Kangding section has finished the work of feasibility study, the Kangding-Linzhi section is working on fundamental issues before construction. Sichuan-Tibet Railway is famous for the large wavy terrain, complex geological conditions and sensitive environment, and environmental protection has become one of the difficult problems of the railway construction, so it is necessary and significant to carry out the research of environmental selection. This paper summarizes the experience of environment-friendly railway route selection of Ya′an-Kangding section of Sichuan- Tibet Railway, to provide references for similar projects in this area. Research conclusions: (1) Identify the criteria of environment-friendly route selection. (2) Combined with several scheme analysis of route selection, the minimum environmental impacts program was chosen based on overall consideration . (3) Major environmental sensitive area should convene a specific authentication and consult experts and competent authorities in advance. (4) The proper measures are requested to ensure temporary works and program go smoothly. (5) The study aims to provide experiences for subsequent railway programs.
2017 Vol. 34 (8): 1-5 [
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Research on the Standard of Profile Optimization for Regional Railway
FENG Hui-miao
Abstract:Research purposes: Regional railway designed speed of 100 ~ 160 km/h is a high-speed, high-density, mass transit type passenger dedicated line. With the development of urbanization in our country, the demand for regional railway construction in the city is more and more big; the standard of the running regional railway is not uniform. Combined with the characteristics of regional railway, regional railway profile standard should be researched from several aspects of main line interval maximum gradient, the conditions of long slope setting, the connection between adjacent grades, minimum length of grade, to provide a reference for regional railway project design and specifications. Research conclusions: (1) The main line maximum slope can be used in 35 per thousand. (2) Vertical curve should be set up when gradient difference between adjacent grades is greater than or equal to 3 per thousand. (3) Minimum length of grade should not be less than 200 m and the adjacent vertical curves do not overlap. (4) The standard of regional railway profile is lower than Code for Design of Intercity Railway, Code for Design of Railway Line, Code for Design of Metro; the standard of the maximum gradient is the same to Japan, France and German, the standard of gradient difference of vertical curve is lower than the French and German. (5)The research results could provide references for regional railway profile optimization standard and code compilation.
2017 Vol. 34 (8): 6-10 [
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Geology and Subgrade
Design and Implementation of Remote Sensing Image Processing System for Railway Engineering Geological Survey
LIU Gui-wei1, QUAN De-wu2
Abstract:Research purposes: There has not been a professional software of remote sensing image processing for railway engineering geological survey. In order to fulfill the requirements of railway remote sensing interpretation work, we built a software which can realize the optimal bands composite selection, band operation, image fusion and quantitative evaluation, image enhancement and thematic information extraction, etc. Research conclusions: (1)The optimum index method can realize the bands composite selection.(2)Based on the quantitative evaluation through spectral fidelity and texture clarity index, the preferred data fusion methods can be identified, which can improve the interpretation ability of the image.(3)The stripe noise removal method can eliminate the sensor calibration differences, that enhance the image clarity.(4)The water index method, which is better than the spectro-photometric method on the details reflect, is suit for extracting water information in flat areas, otherwise, the spectro-photometric method, which can distinguish the water and shade, is suit for extracting water information in steep mountainous areas. (5)The software provides the basic support for the remote sensing image processing of railway engineering geology survey, and can be widely applied to the remote sensing interpretation of engineering geology work.
2017 Vol. 34 (8): 11-15 [
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Analysis of the Characteristics of Geological Disasters and Its Prevention Methods along the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway
SONG Zhang, ZHAO Ping, CHEN Ming-hao
Abstract:Research purposes: The Chengdu-Chongqing railway, which is the first railway in the Southwest region after the founding of new China, has been opened to traffic more than 60 years. At the time, in view of the impact of the national economic and technological power, the construction technical standards are lower and the engineering support and prevention measures are weaker. Influenced by the factors such as the stratum lithology, geological structure, heavy rainfall, and human activities, the geological disasters such as the gravity unfavorable geology, washout and tunnel diseases develop, which impacted on the traffic safety and operation of railway. On the basis of survey, this paper analyzed the characteristics of geological disasters along the railway and its formation mechanism, and discussed the engineering prevention measures to serve the railway engineering. Research conclusions: (1) The geological disasters along the railway include the gravity unfavorable geology of weathering spalling, topsoil slip (landslide), rockfall (avalanche) and boulder, the washout of basal softening, rising soil, blocked drain and culvert, the tunnel diseases of water percolation, spalling and cracking of the top and side of tunnel. (2) The formation mechanism of the emergence and development of geological disasters can be summarized as the interaction of various factors, such as the lower construction technical standards, soft and weak lithology, complex geological structure, abundant rainfall, active groundwater condition and human activities. (3) The governance of the geological disasters should consider the influence on the driving and safety of railway, and engineering support and prevention measures should be efficient, simple and practical. (4) The conclusion of this paper is of guiding significance for the governance of geological disasters along the Chengdu-Chongqing railway.
2017 Vol. 34 (8): 16-21 [
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Key Technology of Introducing Ballastless Track upon High-speed Railway Subgrade
LI Jing-yuan,CHEN Wei-zhi,LI Ning,YUAN Bao
Abstract:Research purposes: The research on protection measures of subgrade isolation is weakly while the new or extension structures closed to existing ballastless track on high-speed railway subgrade. In particular, there is not special disposal measures and design methodologies for the introduction of existing ballastless track upon high-speed railway subgrade. To study the key solutions of the above mentioned issues, combined with the construction of Qufu-Linyi high speed railway, analysis of critical distance, subgrade fillers, foundation treatment and construction safety for the introduction of existing ballastless track on soil subgrade of Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway is conducted. Research conclusions: (1) The isolation measures between new railway subgrade and existing ballastless track on high-speed railway subgrade can be neglected when critical distance is more than 50 m. (2) 0.6 m thickness gravel plus 0.6 m thick high strength reinforced lightweight concrete plus general lightweight concrete can be suggested as subgrade structure for the instruction of ballastless track. (3) The control effects of additional settlement for existing ballastless track on high-speed railway subgrade through micro steel tube pile was basically identical with cement fly-ash gravel pile, high-pressure rotary jet grouting pile and replacement of lightweight concrete. (4) The additional settlement of existing ballastless track on high-speed railway subgrade can be controlled effectively by using isolated piles, meanwhile, the control effects of additional settlement increased with the length of isolated piles, but small influence of spacing method. (5) The disturb of existing ballastless track on high-speed railway subgrade increased with the number of isolated piles excavated at the same time, therefore, the number of isolated piles excavated at the same time should be controlled reasonably. (6) The research results can be used as a reference method to introduce ballastless track upon high-speed railway subgrade.
2017 Vol. 34 (8): 22-27 [
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Spatial Analysis and Study of Roadbed Vibration Effect on Loess Area for Xi′an-Baoji High-speed Railway
MENG Xiang-lian, ZHOU Fu-jun
Abstract:Research purposes: With the construction and development of China′s western region, the Belt and Road initiatives, high-speed railway net and other major projects, there are a large number of rail transit project on western loess area. The typical roadbed has been selected, and field tests have been carried out, in order to study the environmental effects of ground near the railway, when the train passes. In this paper, the strength, time and frequency spectrum and other spatial features of vibration have been analyzed to provide support for design and measures of similar engineering on loess area. Research conclusions: (1)The vibration load produced by high speed train running, caused the spatial effect on ground surface and underground depth for strata. (2)The strength of vibration caused by train running decreased with the increase of distance and depth. The reduced acceleration changes at certain location. The strength is directly proportional with the train speed and weight along both horizontal and vertical directions, the mathematical relationship is the similar between vibration time and train length. But the distribution of vibration frequency is inversely proportional with train speed along ground surface, and the vibration frequency is concentrated along depth. (3)The vibration produces a rebound and increases in the local position, due to the structural and nonuniformity of loess strata. (4)The research results can provide technical support for high-speed railway subgrade engineering design, and provide theoretical reference for similar geotechnical engineering.
2017 Vol. 34 (8): 28-33 [
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Shear Strength Test Study of Expansive Soil under Alternate Dry-wet Conditions
CHEN Yong-ai, LIU Fu-chun, ZHANG Hui-ping
Abstract:Research purposes: Based on the 1 to 12 times of dry-wet loop tests on disturbed and compacted samples of medium expansive soil for different loop paths, this paper discusses the relationship between shear strength, swelling ratio, swelling pressure and path of dry-wet loops, number of loops, to identifies the test conditions and circulation parameters of dry-wet loops, as well as to provide the basis for the analysis on slope stability of expansive soils. Research conclusions: (1)The dry-wet loop test on disturbed and compacted samples of medium expansive soil,the shear strength decreases with the increase of dry-wet loop times. After 5 dry-wet loops, the shear strength tends to stable.(2)The swelling ratio and swelling pressure of expansive soil are not reversible after dry-wet loops. With the increase of dry-wet loop times, the swelling ratio and swelling pressure decreases and tend to be stable after 5 dry-wet loops. Thus, 5 dry-wet loop can be used as the characteristic parameters for test under alternate dry-wet conditions.(3)The results of this study can be used as the standard test method for dry-wet loops and also can be used for the stability analysis of the soil slope.
2017 Vol. 34 (8): 34-39 [
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Bridge Engineering
Control of Rotation Construction for Prestressed Concrete T-shaped Rigid Frame Bridges
WEI Qing
Abstract:Research purposes: During the rotation construction process for T-shaped rigid frame bridges, stress and deformation of bridges is a complex condition. Many factors of the construction are difficult to accurately estimate in advance, although the most possible situation has been considered by designer, so it is necessory to monitor the construction process in real time. This paper takes the bridge in Shijiazhuang city as an example. In the construction process, the bridge structure is controlled in real time, and the control parameters are adjusted according to the control results, in order to make the deformation, internal force and linear shape of the structure meet the design requirements. Relevant data are collected to provide reference for the construction of similar structure. Research conclusions: (1) Through implementation of the reasonable control program, the theoretical values based on calculation of Midas civil software are compared with the measured values, we can see that the main beam elevation is closed to the predicted elevation, the key section stress of the main beam meet the specification requirements in the construction process, the bridge has a smooth linearity and reasonable pre-camber. (2) The parameters provided by test of weighing and bob-weight also ensure the safety of the bridge rotation construction. (3) The relevant data collected at the site can be used as the basis for technical management and technical evaluation during the operation of the bridge. (4) The research results can provide references for the design and construction of similar bridges.
2017 Vol. 34 (8): 40-45 [
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Railway and Rail
Experimental Research on the Coupling Aerodynamic Response of High-speed Trains Passing through Wind-break Wall
LI Kun1, TIAN Hong-qi1, MENG Xiang-lian2, YANG Ming-zhi1
Abstract:Research purposes: The aerodynamic response coupling between wind wall and high speed train will affect the running safety and comfort, when a train passes or two trains run each other by wind wall. The coupling aerodynamic response experiments were carried out by adopting the high speed train aerodynamic performance moving model rig in this paper. Then the pressure wave on the surface of wind wall and train, and its propagation law are gotten and analyzed. Research conclusions: (1) The maximum, the minimum and amplitude of the pressure wave for the measuring points on the inside and outside surface of the wind wall change little when a train passes by the wind wall, and the absolute values of above data are the largest when two trains run each other at middle the wind wall. (2) For the pressure on the inside and outside surface of the wind wall, the amplitude of the pressure wave on the outside surface of the wind wall is far less than that on the inside surface, and these values are proportional to the square of the speed approximately. (3) The pressure on the inside surface of wind wall decreases with the measuring point height increasing, and the pressure on the outside surface of wind wall increases with the measuring point height increasing. Therefore, the pressure change inside surface of the wall should be mainly taken into account when the wind wall structure design calculation is carried out. (4) The research results can provide the basis for the high speed train running safety and wind resistance engineering calculation and design.
2017 Vol. 34 (8): 46-52 [
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Mechanical Characteristics of Ballastless Track under Subgrade Frost Heaving in High-speed Railway
ZHAO Guo-tang1, ZHAO Lei2, ZHANG Lu-shun3
Abstract:Research purposes: High-speed railway subgrade frost heaving is very common in seasonal frozen area, local subgrade frost heaving will bring a great impact on the ballastless track force, and may even lead to structural layer cracking. In this respect, coupling models of different types of ballastless track-subgrade system under subgrade frost heaving in high-speed railway are established. Based on the input conditions of subgrade frost heaving deformation curves, the effects of wavelength and amplitude of frost heaving deformation on the mechanical characteristics of different types of ballastless tracks are calculated and analyzed, the effect of the introduction of the sealing layer of asphalt concrete under the bed plate of CRTSⅢ ballastless track and optimization effect of boss restrict on bed plate are both analyzed. Research conclusions: (1) The stress of the ballastless track structure increases as the increase of the amplitude of frost heaving deformation and the decrease of wavelength of frost heaving deformation. (2) The maximum longitudinal tensile stress of track slab and supporting layer is lager in bi-block ballastless track under subgrade frost heaving, the structure is prone to cracking, thus inappropriate to be applied to seasonal frozen areas. (3) The groove on the bed plate of CRTSⅢ ballastless track is the bearing weakness under frost heaving deformation, after optimized to boss restrict, the structure force can be significantly reduced under the foundation deformation. (4) When the asphalt concrete layer is laid under the bed plate of CRTS III ballastless track, the stress of the track slab and the bed plate simultaneously shows a decreasing trend. The lower the elastic modulus of asphalt concrete is, the greater the decrease of stress is. (5) The conclusion of this paper can provide a reference for the development of subgrade frost heaving control standard and the selection of ballastless track for high-speed railway in seasonal frozen area.
2017 Vol. 34 (8): 53-61 [
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Arrangement and Design of Expansion Rail Joints in Medium-low-speed Maglev Transit
QUAN Shun-xi
Abstract:Research purposes: Expansion rail joints of medium-low-speed maglev are used as connecting devices which are installed at the location of expansion joints between two track panels. According to the ability of fitting the rail gap, this kind of devices are classified as modelⅠ, modelⅡ and modelⅢ. For the construction of medium-low-speed maglev operation line, a research on regulation of interaction between the track panel and the base is needed to be done, then the law of arranging expansion rail joints can be proposed and the structure can be optimized. Research conclusions: (1)The expansion displacement between track panels in the middle of the beam is relatively small, so modelⅠcan be adopted to meet the displacement. (2)The expansion displacement between track panels in the end of the beam is mainly affected by the temperature span of the bridge. When choosing the expansion rail joint, the temperature span of the bridge, the temperature condition around and the creeping of the concrete should be taken into consideration. (3)New kinds of expansion rail joints are proposed, including modelⅠ, modelⅡ and modelⅢ, which have already been used in Changsha maglev railway project. (4)The research of this paper is of great significance for picking and designing rail joints of maglev track.
2017 Vol. 34 (8): 62-65 [
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Tunnel Engineering
Discussion on the Several Key Design Problems for A Foreign Railway Tunnel Project
HAN Hua-xuan
Abstract:Research purposes: The design of a railway tunnel project in a foreign country have faced several engineering problems such as standardizing the pressure calculation and the design basis of tunnel reinforcement measures for the surrounding rock pressure within volcanic ash layer and the swelling soil stratum, standardizing the seismic design basis of tunnel within high intensive seismic area, optimizing the selection method of service gallery under short construction period. The main purpose of the study is how to adopt China design standards as design basis and adjust details with local conditions to formulate appropriate technical standards and engineering countermeasures. Research conclusions: (1) Plastic design theory was adopted to determine the surrounding rock pressure around tunnel within volcanic ash layer. Forecast on swelling force shall refer to the ratio of displacement and stress relief during tunnel excavation. (2) Comprehensive measures were used to pre-reinforce the tunnel within weak stratum formed by volcanic ash, by applying chemical churning piles, dewatering and discharging measures in both inside and outside tunnel. (3)Response displacement method and Level I, II performance-based design method was applied on seismic performance verification of tunnel structure. The region that requires seismic precaution was determined based on overburden depth and local geological structure, with corresponding precaution measures applied such as ground grouting, structure reinforcement and joints optimizing. (4) Scheme comparison was used to optimize the form of service gallery, by considering technology, economy issues and applicability. (5) The research results can provide guidance for other overseas tunnel design projects or within soft soil stratum and high intensive seismic area.
2017 Vol. 34 (8): 66-72 [
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Research on the Classification Method of Railway Gas Tunnel
KUANG Liang1,ZHANG Jun-yun2, ZHANG Zhen-qiang2
Abstract:Research purposes: At present, 0.5 m3/min is used as the high and low gas level limit value of the railway tunnel as the absolute gas emission. Nowadays, with the rapid development of high-speed and large section railway gas tunnel, the ventilation mode and process of construction have great changes, this classification method can not be fully applicable to the large section of gas tunnel, it will increase the equipment investment and engineering measures, and result in a waste of investment. A suitable classification method for various section railway gas tunnel was put forward by means of analysis of gas grade classification principle and method of mine and traffic gas tunnel, combined with railway tunnel cross section size, air flow and gas concentration index to meet the use of gas tunnel design and construction. Research conclusions: (1) According to the safety of gas concentration, and combined with the section size of tunnel and ventilation,railway gas tunnel classification method is proposed. Accordingly, the gas grading of Chengdu-Guiyang railway line for passenger traffic were classified, the results can reduce the engineering investment, accelerate the construction progress. (2)The concept of micro-gas tunnel was put forward, the boundary value of the concentration of micro gas and low gas tunnel is 0.1%, and the boundary value of the low gas and high gas tunnel is 0.3%. (3) On the basis of the excavation area, railway tunnel is divided into four levels: class Ⅰ (30 ~ 70 m2),class Ⅱ (70 ~ 110 m2),class Ⅲ(110 ~ 140 m2) and class Ⅳ(≥140 m2). (4) The suitable calculation method of gas tunnel classification for 〖JP2〗amount of wind was put forward, the boundary required air volume of micro gas and low gas was calculated by 0.15 m/s 〖JP2〗multiplied by the basal area, the boundary required air volume of low gas and high gas tunnel was calculated by 0.2 m/s multiplied by the basal area. (5) The research results can provide a reference for the design and construction of railway gas tunnel.
2017 Vol. 34 (8): 73-77 [
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Discussion on the Calculation and Control Methods of Water Pressure on Tunnel Lining
XIAO Ming-qing
Abstract:Research purposes: The tunnel water drainage system will be blocked gradually due to various reasons during the long-term operation, and the secondary lining will subject to water pressure. The current calculation method of the water pressure on the lining is obtained from the two-dimensional model of cross sections, it’s necessary to study the longitudinal distribution characteristics of the water pressure on the lining and the control methods of the maximum water pressure basing on the space effect of the water-proofing and drainage system. Research conclusions: (1) For the structural water pressure obtained from the current two-dimensional model of cross sections, redistributions of water pressure will be formed after the consideration of space effects of the water-proofing and drainage system. (2) The maximum water pressure on the secondary lining of blocked sections is generally in direct proportion with the “margin” of underground water and the square of length of blocked sections, and inverse proportion with the product of the total area and the filtration coefficient of the drainage layer. (3) The recommended value of water pressure loads on the secondary lining: for mountain tunnels with small water drainage and maintenance operation difficulty, the water pressure may not be considered, or it shall be controlled within 0.05~0.15 MPa; for underwater tunnels and highway tunnels, it shall be controlled within 0.2~0.3 MPa, and it shall be controlled within 0.4~0.6 MPa for railway or subway tunnels. (4) “Pressure-relief rings” installed at a certain interval inside the tunnel are able to effectively control the maximum water pressure on the structure.(5)This research results will provide method of working mechanism for the water pressure on the lining and the control methods of the maximum water pressure.
2017 Vol. 34 (8): 78-82 [
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Orignal Article
Research on the Capacity Expansion Project of R3 Line Dalian Station
Abstract:Research purposes: With the continuous development of the city and the gradual construction of the subway network, the conflicts between the capacity demand and transport supply of the line R3 has become more remarkable. As the starting station of the line R3,Dalian Station′s turn-back ability limits its transport capacity, so the transformation of Dalian Station is necessary and urgent. In this paper, the station′s turn-back ability after capacity expansion and the switch adaptability after the lateral speed hoisting have been studied. A new expansion plan about the station-front turning-back has been put forward by comparing the construction projects of the station-front and station-post turning-back. This result has great significance to the full range of capacity expansion project. Research conclusions: (1) The calculation result of station-front turn-back capacity shows that line transportation capacity can be improved by increasing speed of train that running through the turnout in the side direction and expanding the train formation. (2) For the design of the station-post turn-back project,it needs to first calculate the turn-back capacity after the station expansion, and then according to the construction conditions to make reasonable capacity expansion plan. (3) The choice of capacity expansion plans should minimize the impact on the line operation and at the same time,pay attention to both the economic benefit and the project coordination difficulty, thus choosing the optimal solution. (4) The research results can provide a reference for the selection of other similar line expansion and expansion.
2017 Vol. 34 (8): 83-88 [
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Urban Rail Construction
Discussion on the Construction Cost Control Measures for Urban Rail Transit
LI Peng
Abstract:Research purposes: In recent years, urban rail transit has shown a vigorous development trend, construction and operating mileage continued to increase. Valuable experience of urban rail transit project cost control was accumulated from numerous project construction, but there has been many construction cost beyond the cost estimation. Therefore, for the characteristics of urban rail transit, such as large project scale, long construction period, difficulty on construction cost control, it is very significant to study and establish a set of urban rail transit construction cost control measures for the healthy and sustainable development of urban rail transit. Research conclusions: Regarding to the current problems in the cost management of urban rail transit, the whole process cost control's principle and measures are proposed. (1) In the pre-planning and project approval stage, an appropriate construction scale and construction standards should be chosen by combing with the actual and planning situation of the city, to provide the basis for cost control. (2) In the engineering design stage, the owner should select a preferred design company, and introduce design and cost consulting system. At the same time, design company should strengthen the awareness of cost control and carry out cost-limit design. (3) In the construction bidding and construction stage, the owner should select a preferred construction contractor, and strengthen contract management and on-site management. (4) In the completion acceptance stage, the project managers should directly participate in the completion acceptance and the project final accounts, as well as do the project audit. (5) The research conclusions of this paper are valuable to the construction cost control of urban rail transit.
2017 Vol. 34 (8): 89-92 [
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Research on the Subway Project Insurance Based on Insurance Premium Rate
JIANG Cheng-jie1, WANG Wen2, LIN Gang3
Abstract:Research purposes: At present, the scientific and reasonable method for setting the insurance premium rate about transit engineering such as the metro rail project is less. In order to promote the healthy development of China′s engineering insurance, this paper constructs a model for determining the premium rate of subway transit project based on the results of project risk identification. In this model, under the theory of premium rate, the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and expert scoring method are applied to the risk assessment of metro rail transit, which provides a new pricing basis for the estimation of the premium rate. Research conclusions: (1) Making Jianshesanlu Station of Hangzhou Metro Line 2 as an example, based on the BOQ mode, this paper identifies the risk of the project, constructs the WBS-RBS risk matrix of the system, determines the risk adjusted coefficient by the AHP analytic method and improved entropy weight method and calculates the engineering insurance rate which should be 6.76 per thousand. (2) The proposed method can be used in urban rail transit and other construction projects, which can objectively reflect the insurance rate of engineering risk.
2017 Vol. 34 (8): 93-97 [
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Energy Saving and Environmental Protection
The Design and Application of Electrical Energy-saving in Railway Industry
LIAO Fang-fang
Abstract:Research purposes: In recent years,sustainable development began to gain traction, the design of electrical 〖JP2〗energy saving has become a very important issue in the design process of railway industry. Reasonable electrical energy-saving design can greatly reduce energy consumption and save energy, to ensure the sustainable development of energy. From the point of view of electric energy- saving, this paper describes the design of electrical energy- saving in the large railway passenger station, D-train depot(section), EMU overhaul base and high-speed railway training base. It puts forward four main technical measures for the design of electric energy-saving in railway industry, that is energy-saving of power supply and distribution system, energy-saving of lighting system, energy-saving of building automation system and energy-saving of energy management system. Research conclusions: (1) In the design of power supply and distribution system, through reasonable design of power supply and distribution system, the energy-saving of power supply and distribution system is optimized.(2) In the lighting system design, through the use of new energy-saving light sources, LED lighting source is preferentially adopted, and intelligent lighting control system is set up to make the energy-saving of lighting system achieve the optimum.(3) Area of 3 000 square meters above the railway passenger station set BAS, to achieve energy-saving building all kinds of mechanical and electrical equipment control.(4) More than 20 thousand square meters of large railway stations, EMU overhaul base and high-speed rail training base and other places, set up energy management system, so as to achieve the best energy-saving management in buildings.(5) The results of this study can provide a useful reference for the later railway electrical energy saving design.
2017 Vol. 34 (8): 98-103 [
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Engineering Economy and Management
Research on the Operation Management Modes for Providing Urban Rail Trainsit Service on Conventional Railways
HU Xiao-dan, SONG Yuan-sheng, CAO Lin-wei
Abstract:Research purposes: The paper mainly aims to develop rational operation management modes for extending its urban transportation functions of the conventional railways to provide urban rail transit service in railway terminal cities. Taking into account the special features of urban rail transit and conventional railways, it analyzes the critical influencing factors and challenges and presents several different types of operation management modes. A comparison of two typical operation management modes is implemented to conduct the practical demonstration on Chengdu terminal case. The new 〖JP2〗operation management modes are expected to solve the potential challenges in pratical applications and make conventional railways applicable to serve urban public transportation activities. Research conclusions: (1)In order to facilitate sustainable development of providing urban rail transit service on conventional railways, it should clarify the rights and responsibilities of conventional railway owners during the project feasibility stage and develop customized applicable operation management mode satisfying the requirements of modern enterprise system. (2)On the railway lines where conventional long-distance transportation service takes a small share, it is conducive to apply the mode of separation of railway infrastructure and operation from the point of view of railway network capacity, efficiency and benefits maximization. (3) On the railway lines that provide large conventional transportation service, the operation management modes could be more flexible to make decisions and requires to consider more practical constraints.(4)The research results can provide the reference for selection of operation management modes for providing urban rail trainsit service on conventional railways.
2017 Vol. 34 (8): 104-108 [
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Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
Supported by:
Beijing Magtech