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2017 Vol. 34, No. 9
Published: 2017-10-16
Geology and Subgrade
Railway and Rail
Bridge Engineering
Tunnel Engineering
Urban Rail Construction
Engineering Economy and Management
Engineering Economy and Management
Exploration on the Comparison and Overseas-project Application of Railway Engineering Construction Standard in China and Foreign Countries
Abstract:Research purposes: With the quickening of "Going Global" steps of Chinese railways, the triune "technical standards barrier" problem of the technical regulations, technical standards and technical certification is increasingly prominent. Combined with the problems existing in the railway construction application of the technical standards at home and abroad, this paper compares and analyzes the Chinese and foreign railway engineering construction standards from the standard characteristic, composition, and so on, to better guide China's railway technical standard application in overseas projects. Research conclusions: (1)In civil engineering, the Chinese standard is generally not lower than the European standard, but in the concrete construction, the better one should be chosen and used after comparison according to the local particular case and other equipment in use. (2)The design problem of the limit state method and the RAMS problem are very complicated and are still in the process of coordination. (3)The research results can provide reference for the application of Chinese technical standards in construction of overseas projects.
2017 Vol. 34 (9): 1-8 [
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Geology and Subgrade
Research on the Geological Route Selection in Luluo Railway Station of Heshun-Xingtai Railway
SHI Huan-sheng
Abstract:Research purposes: Heshun-Xingtai railway passed through Taihang mountains,nearby Luluo railway station,there is steep terrain,for the canyon walls,collapse,rockfall and other bad geology have development, groundwater is rich, geological conditions is complex. It is the basis of Luluo railway station about outside and tunnel type selection to find out the formation lithology,geological structure,the distribution range and development degree of collapse and rockfall. In order to make the thorough investigation of the engineering geological and hydrogeological conditions,comprehensive investigations were applied,and combined with the national scenic area and Xingfen highway slope stability condition, this paper put forward opinions on the line selection reasonable geological Luluo railway station. Research conclusions: (1)The outside Luluo station avoids collapse and rockfall development area, it is a good engineering geological conditions, and the engineering investment is less. (2) The outside station is safe and convenient about construction and operation scheme. (3) The outside station tunnel construction scheme near the expressway by using small dosage controlled blasting and TBM small tunnel construction measure, can avoid rockfall induced near the highway slope. (4)The outside Luluo station scheme is better than full tunnel scheme,it is recommended.(5)This paper can provide reference and guidance for the geological selection in the complicated terrain and the development area of collapse rockfall.
2017 Vol. 34 (9): 9-13 [
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Research on the Technique System of High Speed Railway Subgrade in Arid Region
XIN Wen-dong
Abstract:Research purposes: In the construction of high-speed railway, there are no mature experiences for reference about subgrade technical problems, such as subgrade packing filling, subgrade side slope protection in the wind area, foundation treatment of Gobi soil, and sand control engineering in the passenger dedicated line from Lanzhou to Xinjiang. Through experimental research, the problems of railway subgrade are solved in the construction project, and the technical support is provided for the smooth construction of the passenger dedicated line from Lanzhou to Xinjiang. Research conclusions: (1) Through experimental research, the standard of subgrade filling and the influence factors of compaction quality, foundation treatment of Gobi soil, the adaptability and the protection effect of different subgrade slope protection measures are put forward. (2)Through the analysis of the main form of sand flow, characteristics of wind sand flow along the railway line in Gobi area, sand control measures for constructing high speed railway in strong sandstorm area of Gobi are put forward.(3)The reasonable values of the parameters such as the reasonable form, location, height, wind load and the force of the subgrade are put forward, while the experimental parameters for train safety evaluation, train and windbreak structure, surface pressure wave propagation are provided. (4) The research results are applied to the design and construction of the passenger dedicated line from Lanzhou to Xinjiang, which provides a reference for similar projects.
2017 Vol. 34 (9): 14-17 [
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Research on the In-situ Monitoring of Post-construction Settlement of Bridge-subgrade Transition Section
JIA Liang,LIANG Rong,YAO Kai
Abstract:Research purposes: The settlement of back fill behind abutment is the main cause for the differential settlement and the vehicle bumping at bridge-head. To explore the post-construction settlement of bridge-subgrade transition section under self weight and vehicle load, in- situ monitoring of subgrade settlement is carried out on the Lanyon highway. Settlement cells are embedded in various depths of the driveway and the shoulder of highway. Long- term settlement monitoring is conducted to investigate the variation of settlement with time and space, to provide a basic data for future research on bridge-subgrade transition section in highway construction. Research conclusions: (1) The settlement of highway shoulder is greater than that of the driveway;(2) The settlement of subgrade will increase with time, while the settlement of bridge-subgrade transition section tends to be stable after one year;(3) The vehicle load has insignificant effect on the subgrade settlement;(4) Logarithm models can predict the post-construction settlement of the subgrade accurately;(5) This research achievements can provide the reference for the design and construction of bridge-subgrade transition section.
2017 Vol. 34 (9): 18-21 [
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Research on the Characteristics of Large-scale Shaking Table Experiment Slope and Dynamy of Micropiles
ZHENG Jing,NIU Wen-qing,WU Hong-gang,SHI Yan-qiu
Abstract:Research purposes: Micropile is a flexible support structure, the bending deformation occurred in the earthquake can effectively avoid the brittle failure and thus the micropile is often preferred in seismic reinforcement. At present, the research of micropiles is mainly focused on the study of static characteristics and little research is carried out on the dynamic characteristics by large-scale shaking table. In order to study the dynamic characteristics of micropiles and their reinforcing slope which is supported by micropiles, this paper carries out the calculation analysis and large-scale shaking table test of slope which is supported by herringbone micropiles and parallel micropiles, and compares the anti-deformation ability and bearing capacity of two types of micropiles. Research conclusions: (1) The deformation of the slope begins from tensile cracks at the trailing edge of the slope after the earthquake, and the vertical cracks are more in the slope. The horizontal earthquake has a greater effect on the deformation of the slope. (2) Under the earthquake, the deformation of micropiles is shown as the "S"-shaped bending deformation bounded by slipping surface and the rotation deformation of pile from the top to the bottom. (3) The bending moment of the micropiles is shown as “S” shaped distribution and the shear force is showed as "〖JX*3〗〖HT4,5〗|〖HT〗〖JX-*3〗〖KG-1*5 〗〖HT5,2"〗>〖HT5SS〗" shaped distribution. (4)The anti-deformation ability and bearing capacity of the herringbone micropiles are stronger than those of parallel micropiles. (5) The research results are mainly used in reinforcing and rescuing slope engineering.
2017 Vol. 34 (9): 22-28 [
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Railway and Rail
Snow Flight Characteristic and Prevention Research on the High Speed Railway in Cold Region
JING Guoqing, DING Dong
Abstract:Research purposes: The problem of snow flight obsesses high speed railway in cold region, where train structure and ballast bed cross section are important factors. In the paper, the k-epsilon Realizable viscous model is adopted together with sliding mesh technique, and CRH3 train-ballast bed numerical model is used to investigate aerodynamic effects, which reveals the mechanism of snow flight and provides theoretical basis for optimizing ballast bed cross section and preventing snow flight. Research conclusions: (1) Train head, tail and bogie area result in large fluctuation of wind pressure and speed, where the probability of snow flight is high. (2) There is large wind pressure and speed in the center of ballast bed, and snow blocks are easy to move and splash; the value of wind pressure decreases from center to side, and snow blocks are prone to move and cumulate in crib. (3) The key aerodynamic factor of snow flight is train speed. The value and fluctuation of wind pressure become larger with train speed increasing. When the train speed is above 250 km/h and increased by 100 km/h, the peak value of wind pressure is double. (4) The wind pressure increases with shoulder height, whose height of the shoulder ballast is from 0 mm to 150 mm at train speed 350 km/h, and the peak value of negative pressure increases by 9.0%. With lateral resistance value reach requirements, the shoulder height should be reduced. (5) The research conclusions can provide basis and reference for prevention and control of snow flight.
2017 Vol. 34 (9): 29-34 [
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Research on the Expansion Additional Force Algorithm of Continuously Welded Rail on Bridges
DAI Gong-lian, ZHENG Rong-rong, CHEN Guo-rong
Abstract:Research purposes: At present, the general resistance model is used to calculate the additional expansion force of rail. When the span is large, it is possible that there is no mechanical solution. In order to obtain an accurate analytical algorithm for the expansion force of the CWR on the bridge under temperature, provide a basis for selecting a reasonable bridge temperature span value and longitudinal resistance, a new algorithm is proposed. In this paper, the nonlinear longitudinal resistance model is used to separate the CWR into several sections according to the position where the fastener enters the plastic deformation zone. A set of equilibrium differential equations is set up to obtain the rail displacement and expansion force. Research conclusions: (1)According to the standard design condition of CWR, the maximum stress of rail and the maximum relative displacement between beam and rail under different longitudinal resistance are calculated.(2)Without considering the braking force, the temperature span limit corresponding to different longitudinal resistance is obtained based on the rail strength limit.(3) Taking 70 mm and 90 mm as the fracture width limit, the minimum value of the line longitudinal resistance is 17 N/(mm·line) and 13 N/(mm·line). (4) The conclusions of this paper can provide the basis for selecting the appropriate temperature span and longitudinal resistance of bridges.
2017 Vol. 34 (9): 35-40 [
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Bridge Engineering
Research on the Dynamic Characteristics of Multi-room Single Box Composite Girder with Corrugated Steel Webs
ZHENG Shang-min1, WAN Shui2, CHENG Hai-gen1
Abstract:Research purposes: In order to study the difference of dynamic characteristics between composite box girder with corrugated steel webs and concrete box girder, two test girders are designed which span is 5.2 m, and the three dimension finite element(FE) models of two test girders are built with ANSYS FE software, the model experiment and finite element analysis(FEA) are combined to study the two test girders, moreover, the effects of diaphragm setting on torsional vibration frequencies between multi-room single box composite girder with corrugated steel webs and concrete box girder, is analyzed. Research conclusions:(1)The datum between test measured and FEA analysis show that there is little difference, which proves that the test datum is correct, and the FEA method is reasonable. (2)The fundamental vibration frequency of multi-room single box composite girder with corrugated steel webs is slightly bigger than that of concrete box girder, while its high order vertical bending vibration frequencies are all smaller than that of concrete box girder. (3)The torsional vibration characteristic of multi-room single box composite girder with corrugated steel webs is more sensitive to diaphragm setting than concrete box girder. (4)The setting position of diaphragm for multi-room single box composite girder with corrugated steel webs has a more effect on torsional vibration frequency than concrete box girder. (5)The research results provide some references for dynamics analysis in multi-room single box composite girder with corrugated steel webs.
2017 Vol. 34 (9): 41-46 [
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Construction Technology of the Whole Floating Crane Erection of Steel Pipe Arch Bridge
WANG Ai-ping
Abstract:Research purposes: Steel tube arc bridge is one of the bridge types that is more extensively used in urban bridges of China.Especially on the navigable river bridge design,steel tube arc bridge is the preferred type.In consideration of the navigable demand of channel,the side assembled and integral lifting construction technology are more generally used when it comes to the construction part of this bridge.The integral lifting has two methods,including drag erection and the whole floating crane.In this paper, the whole hoisting construction technology of the main steel pipe tied arch bridge of Danyang Lvdong Bridge is studied, to from a set of detaild comprehensive construction technology of the whole floating crane erection of steel pipe tied arch bridge. Research conclusions: (1) The whole floating crane erection construction processes of steel pipe arc bridge include: preparations for construction of the floating crane, crane barge ship in place, the whole crane, synchronous retreat of floating crane ship, synchronous rotating clockwise by 90 degrees, synchronous moving toward the bridge, fine-tuning floating crane ship, main bridge in place, artificial siting precision adjustment, deconstruction, floating crane ship away from the scene. (2) The advantages of the whole floating crane construction technology of steel pipe arc bridge include: the main bridge assembly and approach bridge construction can be carried out in a synchronous way, which can shorten the construction period; The construction safety risk is small; The hoisting can be completed in a short time, only 2~3 h can be completed, the time of sealing is greatly shortened. (3) Using the floating crane erection construction of Danyang Lvdong Bridge, successfully completed the assembly task, therefore the whole erection construction on the existing channel has great promotion prospects and technical guidance.
2017 Vol. 34 (9): 47-52 [
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Coupling Vibration Study of Medium-low Speed Maglev Train- Long Span Continuous Bridge System
LIU De-jun1,LI Xiao-zhen1, HONG Qin-ye2, WANG Dang-xiong1,JIN Xin1
Abstract:Research purposes: In this paper, the coupling dynamics model of medium-low speed maglev vehicle- suspension controller-bridge system is established for the largest span medium-low speed maglev bridge in the world. Considering the influence of track irregularity, the dynamic performance of the medium-low speed maglev vehicle-bridge system with 110 m main span continuous girder is evaluated by the vertical dynamic response of vehicles and bridges at different speeds and different vehicle loads (AW0, AW2 and AW3). Research conclusions: (1) The maximum vertical acceleration of the vehicle body is 0.447 m/s2, the maximum value of the Sperling comfort index is 1.664, and the vertical ride comfort is "excellent". (2) The maximum fluctuation value of the suspension gap is 2.26 mm, except for the speed of 100 km/h, the fluctuation of the remaining working conditions is within 2 mm, which shows the suspension system has sufficient suspension stability. (3) The maximum mid-span vertical acceleration of the beam is 0.065 m/s2, far less than the limit of 0.5g. (4) The research results can provide a reference for the design and application of long-span medium-low speed maglev bridge.
2017 Vol. 34 (9): 53-57 [
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Effect of Bridge Pier Deformation for High Speed Railway with Ballastless Track on Train Running Safety and Comfort
WU Nan1, XIAO Jun-hua2, CHEN Jian-guo3, ZHANG De2
Abstract:Research purposes: The deformation of high speed railway bridge foundation (pier) would cause additional track irregularity of the ballastless track, and thus perform impact on train operation. This paper, based on the system of element slab ballastless track, established finite element model of the track, bridge superstructure, bearing and bridge pier, and the dynamic interaction model of train and track, respectively. Then, considering different deformation modes and values of bridge piers, the train running safety and comfort was analyzed and evaluated. Research conclusions: (1) The influence of the pier deformation on train operation was dependent on train speed, and the higher the train speed was, the more significant the influence was. (2) The influence of the lateral deformation of the pier on train operation was more significant than that caused by the settlement of the pier, and the safety of train operation was mainly affected by the lateral deformation in the case of the settlement and lateral deformation occurring simultaneously. (3) The train operation evaluation index increased as the bridge span decreased, especially when the pier lateral deformation was greater than 10 mm. (4) For the 32 m standard span bridge, if the pier settlement did not exceed 20 mm, the safety and comfort index of train operation did not exceed the limit; but when the pier lateral deformation exceeded 15 mm, the safety index for high-speed train has exceeded the limit. (5) The conclusions have some guiding significance for the management and control of bridge pier deformation for high speed railway.
2017 Vol. 34 (9): 58-63 [
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Research on the Seismic Isolation of High Speed Railway Simple Supported Girder Bridge
ZOU Shuang, Wenliuhan·Heisha
Abstract:Research purposes: In recent years, in order to meet the needs of people′s transportation, high-speed railway project is booming. Correspondingly, the seismic problem of high-speed railway has attracted more and more scholars' attention. However, the general seismic isolation devices can not meet the strict requirements of high-speed railway seismic safety. Therefore, a new seismic isolation system is proposed for the simple supported girder bridge of high-speed railway under rare earthquake. The dynamic design parameters of the new seismic isolation system are optimized to make the new seismic isolation system better serve the high-speed railway bridges. Research conclusions:(1) In the feasible region of LRB performance parameters, the optimal solution satisfying the constraint condition of the model is obtained. The optimization design improves the control effect of the new isolation system and reduces the production cost.(2)The new seismic isolation system has good control effects on the seismic responses of high speed railway simple supported girder bridge under strong earthquake. The new seismic isolation system can minimize the bending moment at the bottom of the pier on the basis of reducing the longitudinal displacement at the end of the beam and ensuring that the pier does not yield. (3) In the seismic isolation design of high speed railway simple supported girder bridge, the longitudinal displacement at the end of the beam and the shear force of the pier are the main constraint conditions, which play an important role in the selection of the performance optimum parameters of the new seismic isolation system. (4) Using the SQP algorithm to solve the optimal design model established in this paper, the convergence of the optimal solution is fast and stable. (5) The research results can provide a new way of thinking and means for the design and application of the seismic isolation technology for the simple supported bridges of high-speed railways.
2017 Vol. 34 (9): 64-69 [
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Tunnel Engineering
Research on the Ground Settlement Prediction in Shallow Tunnel under Unsymmetrical Pressure Based on Stochastic Medium Theory
FU He-lin, LI Jie, WANG Hong-tao, ZHANG Jia-bing, HUANG Zhen
Abstract:Research purposes: The ground loss caused by tunnel excavation in the uneven ground may lead to the settlement or uplift of the ground surface which could further result in the uneven settlement of the stratum and the buildings above. To ensure the safety of the buildings, it is necessary to calculate and analyze the vertical displacement of the ground surface caused by the tunnel excavation. Research conclusions: (1) Based on the stochastic medium theory, this paper demonstrates the feasibility of settlement prediction in the bias terrain, and derives the ground settlement formula of the shallow bias shield tunnel excavation. (2)Through theoretical derivation, the convergence region U′-V′ needed in the formula are fixed. (3) To simplify the calculation, polar coordinates are used to optimize the formula. (4)When the slope gradient is greater than 45 degrees, the rate of displacement is accelerated obviously. And there is a linear relationship between the maximum vertical displacement of the ground and the ratio of the depth to radius of the settlement of excavation unit. (5) When the vertical distance from the tunnel axis to the slope surface is less than 3.5 R, the vertical displacement of the surface is accelerated. The site where the distance is longer than 3.5R is much better for tunnel excavation. (6)The research results can provide a new way for the predicition of surface displacement of shallow tunnel excavation, and provide technical support for surface displacement control.
2017 Vol. 34 (9): 70-76 [
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Research on the Parameters of Pre-lining Support in Loess Tunnel
SUN Bing
Abstract:Research purposes: With the development of transportation, it is urgent to deal with the problem of the mechanized construction of tunnels in soft surrounding rock. In this paper, the integral safety of pre-lining was analyzed based on project of Hongliangying large section loess tunnel by numerical simulation method. The support parameters could be analyzed based on above results, and the research results can give reference for design and construction of similar projects in future. Research conclusions:(1)The distance of steel frame had significant effect on the integral safety of pre- lining, the smaller the distance was, the higher the safety factors were.(2)The different treatment methods of the arch foot had greater effect on the integral safety of pre-lining.(3)Because the cutting groove is segmented, the safety factor of the pre- lining is reduced. When the local weakening degree of the pre-lining was more than 50%, the safety factor of the pre-lining can’t satisfied safety requirements.(4)In this paper, by taking the project of Hongliangying large section loess tunnel as the research background, the integral safety of pre-lining was obtained in different conditions of buried depth, distance of steel frame, treatment methods of the arch foot and local weakening degree. The results can give guiding role for design and construction of pre-cutting method tunnels in future.
2017 Vol. 34 (9): 77-82 [
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Research on the Heat Resistant and Anti-seismic Technology of High Rock Temperature Tunnel in Meizoseismal Area
CUI Guang-yao1,ZUO Kui-xian1,WANG Ming-nian2,JING Hong-fei3
Abstract:Research purposes: Structural safety and stability of high rock temperature tunnel in meizoseismal area is one of the hot issues that need to be studied and solved urgently. In order to reduce the service temperature of the support structure of high rock temperature tunnel and improve its safety at the time of earthquake, taking Jiwoxiga tunnel on Lasa-Shigatse railway as the research background, this paper studies the heat resistant and anti-seismic technology of high rock temperature tunnel in meizoseismal area by using finite difference numerical simulation technique. Research conclusions:(1)It proves that he best heat resistance scheme of tunnel rock grouting, that is, the grouting thickness is 3 m, the grouting area and the initial branch spacing are 0 m contact grouting.(2)It proves that the tunnel is the best anti-seismic scheme for the use of surrounding rock grouting, that is, the grouting thickness is 3 m, the 〖JP2〗 interval between the grouting area and the initial branch is 0.5 m.(3)Considering the heat-resisting effect and the anti-seismic effect of the supporting structure, the high-temperature tunnel in meizoseismal area is recommended to use the best anti-seismic scheme of surrounding rock grouting to design it.(4)The research results can provide reference for the development of the heat resistant and anti-seismic technology of high rock temperature tunnel in meizoseismal area.
2017 Vol. 34 (9): 83-87 [
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Research on the Limit Supporting Force of the Shield Tunnel Excavation Face
WANG Guo-fu1,ZHENG Tao1,WANG Wei-ming1,LU Lin-hai2,SUN Jie-cheng2
Abstract:Research purposes: There are great potential safety problems in the construction of shield tunnelling, under the influence of the over excavation of the shield cutter, the inner wall of the shield shell and the asymmetric thrust of jack, resulting in front of the excavation face deformation is complex, difficult to control the stability of the excavation face. Based on the theory of the curved surface of silo, the limit equilibrium model of the surface of the curved wedge prism was proposed, and the theoretical calculation formula of the limit supporting force was deduced; then in the engineering background of the shield tunnel of Jinan rail transit line R1 Wangfuzhuang to Dayangzhuang section, the deformation distribution characteristics of excavation face with different curvature radius were studied, to provide scientific theoretical guidance for the stability of curved tunnel excavation face. Research conclusions: (1) The damage of curved shield tunnel excavation face presented asymmetric distribution, by the influence of eccentric support pressure of excavation face, the surface gradient wedge prism balance model was formed. (2) With the decrease of the radius of curvature, the excavation surface displacement and the limit support pressure first increased then decreased, and the supporting pressure was calculated not according to the central supporting force, but rather according to the lateral side of the curve, and its value was greater than the straight line of shield tunnel. (3) Limit support pressure increased with the increase of cohesion, internal friction angle of the soil excavation surface, first showed a trend of increase with the increase of the difference in value on both sides of the rupture angle, decreases when the β1>32.3°, and eventually flatten out. (4) The research results can provide theoretical guidance and scientific basis for the stability of the excavation face and its support in the construction of the shield tunnel.
2017 Vol. 34 (9): 88-95 [
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Urban Rail Construction
Analysis of Structural Vibration Characteristics of Simply Supported Box Girder Bridge in Urban Rail Transit
LEI Xiao-yan, WANG Zhen-guo, LUO Kun
Abstract:Research purposes: Aiming at the problem of structural vibration of simply supported box girder bridge when the train passes the bridge,the previous simulation model that was established by SIMPACK is summarized and analyzed,and a wheel rail coupling simulation method is proposed based on the multi-body dynamics and finite element method. According to this method, a vehicle bridge coupled vibration analysis model is established, and the structural vibration characteristics of box girders are analyzed from two aspects of time domain and frequency domain, in order to provide a reference for the vibration reduction design of urban rail elevated box girder bridge. Research conclusions: (1) When the train passes at the speed of 40 km/h, the vertical vibration of wing is the strongest, the second is the web, and the vertical vibration of the box girder is more violent than the transverse vibration. (2) The increase of the train speed will not only increase the deformation of the box girder, but also cause the box girder to be subjected to greater impact energy. (3) When the vehicle passes through the bridge at low speed, the low frequency mode below 40 Hz contributes greatly to the vibration of the box girder; When the vehicle passes through the bridge at high speed, the first order mode contributes most to the vibration of the box girder,and the increase of vehicle speed can excite the higher order modal of box girder, which makes the local vibration of box beam strengthen. (4) The wheel rail coupling method is not only suitable for the coupling between vehicle and bridge, but also for the coupling between vehicle and the earth or other track structures.
2017 Vol. 34 (9): 96-102 [
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Research on the Deformation Laws of Center Pillar of Metro Station Excavated by Semi- covered Method
REN Jian-xi, MA Ji-nan, BAI Jin-long, YANG Ke, FAN Di, HUANG Jian-bin
Abstract:Research purposes: The center pillar is regarded as a particular support structure for the foundation pit of metro station using semi-covered excavation method, which can directly affect the safe construction, the deformation law of which is sophisticated, about which there are little experience and knowledge especially in loess area. This paper takes the foundation pit of metro station excavated firstly by semi-covered method in Xi'an as study background, studies deformation mechanism and deformation law of center pillar, so as to provide reference for the design of foundation pit retaining structure in the loess area on this condition. Research conclusions: (1) The deformation of center pillar is relevant with the following factors, foundation pit precipitation, vehicle loading, weight of cover plate and support structure and heave of the bottom soil, in which the last factor has the greatest influence on deformation of center pillar. (2) The accumulative deformation of center pillar in real-time can be divided into four phases with little dropping phase, continuous phase, dropping phase and stable phase where the maximum occurs in the second stage. (3) The value of uplift of center pillar is increased with the addition of excavation depth. Therefore, the design must consider uplift problem of center pillar, to ensure that has a sufficient length. (4) The use of temporary pavement system composed of reinforced concrete support and pavement slab and the implementation of the eight steps of the construction process can make the deformation of center pillar safe. (5)The construction method of this metro station and various design parameters of support structure can provide reference to similar projects in loess area.
2017 Vol. 34 (9): 103-108 [
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Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
Supported by:
Beijing Magtech