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2017 Vol. 34, No. 10
Published: 2017-11-15

Geology and Subgrade
Railway and Rail
Bridge Engineering
Tunnel Engineering
Urban Rail Construction
Orignal Article
Electrification Engineering
       Geology and Subgrade
1 Design and Construction Technology of High Speed Railway in Seasonal Frozen Soil Region Hot!
Abstract:Research purposes: Based on brief introduction of distribution and engineering characteristics of the seasonal frozen soil, this paper reviewed the development present situation of high-speed railway in seasonal frozen soil region in our country, summarized the research results of seasonal frozen high-speed railway subgrade frost heave control technology and other control technologies such as track structure engineering, catenary and the emu snowmelt de-icing, and prospected the future development.  Research conclusions: (1) It is effective to avoid the effects of seasonal frozen soil on the structure of the project and considering the smooth, safety, comfort and durability of high-speed railway, it is suggested that the railway should be replaced by the bridge.(2) We should carry out a comprehensive monitoring of the health status of the whole life cycle of the high-speed railway, and carry out related research in combination with the deformation rule of high-speed railway structure to ensure the safe, high-speed and healthy operation of high-speed railway. (3) We should vigorously develop non-contact nondestructive monitoring technology to avoid the influence of the monitoring instrument on the main structure of high-speed rail, so as to provide an important basis for the timely design optimization and maintenance of high-speed railway. (4) We should understand, explore, accumulate and perfect high-speed railway construction technology in seasonal frozen soil region, at the same time, strengthen the system analysis of cold injury causes and countermeasures, and strengthen the research of freezing injury mechanism and maintenance technology, build the technical standard of high-speed railway maintenance in seasonal frozen soil region, to ensure the safety of construction and operation of high-speed railway. (5) The research results have certain guiding significance for the design and construction technology of high speed railway in seasonal frozen soil area in China.
2017 Vol. 34 (10): 1-10 [Abstract] ( 4038 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (811 KB)  ( 2852 )
11 Experimental Research on the Settlement Control of a New Type of Geotechnical Grid Reinforced Roadbed Structure
LENG Jing-yan
Abstract:Research purposes: In this paper, the settlement deformation characteristics and control effect of a new type of geotechnical grid reinforced roadbed structure is studied by the numerical simulation and field experiment, which is inexpensive, easy construction, good earthquake resistance, environmental and landscaping, and the research conclutions provide basis for the application of this structure in similar engineering. Research conclusions: (1) Numerical analysis and field experiment show the new structure can meet the design requirement for foundation settlement and the technology is feasible. (2) The new structure retains the pattern and effect of the original roadbed structure, and could reduce the foundation reinforcement of the slope of the embankment on the premise of the embankment stability. The scale and quantity of the material of foundation reinforcement is reduced. (3) The new structure is suitable for subgrade bed of soft clay foundation in railway and highway constructions. 
2017 Vol. 34 (10): 11-14 [Abstract] ( 3211 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (618 KB)  ( 2488 )
15 Research on the Calculation Method of Foundation Settlement Based on Rotary Penetration Testing Technology
LI Peng
Abstract:Research purposes: Rotary penetration test is a new in-situ testing method that has broad application prospect. It has high efficiency in exploration depth, continuous repeatability, rapid test, economic benefit and other advantages. In this paper, in order to expand the application field and scope of rotary penetration testing technology, a foundation settlement calculation method was proposed based on the rotary penetration testing technology. The empirical calculation formula of foundation settlement was established and verified by engineering examples.  Research conclusions:(1)A new calculation method of foundation settlement was proposed based on rotary penetration test, and the corresponding empirical calculation formula was established. (2)All required  parameters to calculate the foundation settlement could be obtained by in-situ test of rotary penetration without drilling, sampling and consolidation test. This method could avoid the inconvenience of undisturbed sampling and discrete results of consolidation tests, and reduce the period and cost of engineering exploration. (3)The method could not calculate the settlement of the foundation reinforcement area, which could be calculated by using the formula of the compression deformation calculation of reinforcement zone for composite foundation.(4)The results can provide a simple new calculation method for foundation settlement and promote engineering applications of the rotary penetration technology.
2017 Vol. 34 (10): 15-19 [Abstract] ( 3175 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (692 KB)  ( 2439 )
20 Seismic Performance Test Study and Numerical Simulation of PHC Pipe Pile
DI Hao
Abstract:Research purposes: In order to study the aseismic behavior of PHC pipe pile under low cycle reciprocating load at lateral pile, numerical simulation and nonlinear analysis based on the test conditions were carried out and the standard specimen of the piles is designed on the basis of domestic relevant specification. Then the low cycle reciprocating load test is carried out and the ductility and energy dissipation capacity of the piles were evaluated. Further the force state and failure mechanism of the piles under imitation seismic action were analyzed. Then the fundamental reasons of the lack of energy dissipation capacity of PHC pipe pile were found.  Research conclusions: (1)PHC pile is short of ductility and energy dissipation. The specimen had brittle failure because the prestressed reinforcement tensile ruptured and the pile cracks did not fully developed. (2)The main reasons of the lack of energy dissipation is that brittle failure of prestressed steel bar limits the development of high strength concrete cracks which inhibits its high pressure bearing capacity. (3)The configuration of non-prestressed reinforcement is suggested to improve PHC piles’ aseismic performance, so as to enhance its application in the structural foundation field of high intensity earthquake area.
2017 Vol. 34 (10): 20-24 [Abstract] ( 3173 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (612 KB)  ( 2529 )
       Railway and Rail
25 The Wind-sand Flow Characteristics and Engineering Installation of the Section of Taitema Lake on Golmud-Korla Railway Hot!
Abstract:Research purposes: Golmud-Korla Railway passes through the Tarim Basin, goes through the Taklimakan and Kumtag Desert with G218 National Highway and Tarim River. Taitema Lake area through the Golmud-Korla Railway is located in a low-lying sediment transportation channel from Kumtag Desert to Tarim Desert, and the railway crosses the wind-sand flow area where the desertification is serious, the construction of the railway and subsequent operations will be affected by the wind-sand flow, the project could also have an impact on the traffic capacity of G218 National Highway. Therefore, choosing the appropriate engineering means to pass the serious wind-sand flow area is the focus of the study.  Research conclusions: Through analyzing the characteristics of wind-sand flow and environment geological conditions of the section of Taitema Lake where the railway passes through, on the basis of the full collection and analysis of a large number of sand data, the project settings should meet three requirements: (1) to dredge sand and should not set up sand blocking project; (2) reducing the impact on the environment and can't aggravate the impact of sand on the G218 National Highway; (3) the operation maintenance is relatively easy in operation period. The bridge program to pass through and control the clearance of the bridge could meet these conditions after comparing the three types of engineering of roadbed, bridge and tunnel. This case provides a good reference for future multi-program research and demonstration in the construction of railways which on the basis of the full collection and analysis of a large number of data in serious adverse geological area.
2017 Vol. 34 (10): 25-29 [Abstract] ( 3187 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (739 KB)  ( 2477 )
30 Research on the Railway Noise Control Principles and Measures
HAN Yun-qiang
Abstract:Research purposes: With the implementation of medium and long-term railway network planning and the rapid development of China's high-speed railway, the noise problem is increasingly arousing great public concern. The exceeding of ambient noise functional zone on both sides of the railway has become a common problem, and parts of railway projects have not yet passed the environmental acceptance check due to the noise problem. In order to normalize and unify noise control target and noise control measure choice in environmental impact assessment and design, in order to solve the problem of noise control in the environmental acceptance check projects, it is necessary to carry out the research on the principle and measures of railway noise management and the application of the conditions.  Research conclusions: (1)Railway noise control should give priority to take engineering measures on the noise source and acoustic pathways and implement the active control of noise, at least to ensure a reasonable indoor acoustic environment quality. (2)Train noise sources are mainly concentrated in wheel and rail area under the body more than 2.0 meters, barrier above the rail height 2.05 m can effectively shield direct sound from the wheel and rail area and the lower part of the body area. (3)In the sound barrier design, the sound barrier protection range, height, length should be based on the characteristics of the railway source, combined with sensitive point noise reduction requirements, terrain, geomorphology and other working conditions, to adopt different design parameters. (4)The research results can provide reference for the prevention and control of railway noise. 
2017 Vol. 34 (10): 30-33 [Abstract] ( 3316 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (330 KB)  ( 3326 )
34 Research on the Treatment Scheme of Horizontal Displacement Disease in Side Spines Zone of Ballastless Track
JIN Hai-yuan
Abstract:Research purposes: Based on the analysis of the horizontal displacements of side spines zone of an operational high-speed railway, the main reasons for the horizontal displacement are analyzed according to the field characteristics. The reinforcement scheme, construction technology and key technical parameters are determined according to the characteristics of the surrounding rock mass and the site construction condition, to provide a strong support for the establishment of maintenance technology system of ballastless track. Research conclusions:(1)The horizontal displacement of the side spine is mainly caused by the residual deformation of the surrounding rock and soil, resulting in that resistance can not meet the orbit longitudinal huge force caused by temperature changes.(2) The paper puts forward the remediation plan of steel pipe grouting to deal with the disease of the side spines zone, including vertical and inclined grouting hole arrangement around the side spines zone, divided into deep hole grouting and shallow hole grouting. Using superfine cement as the main grouting material, grouting pressure is controlled in the 0.1 ~ 0.3 MPa. The two adjacent orbital measurement of horizontal or vertical deformation in the construction process are not allowed to be more than 1mm.(3)The steel tubes retained in the grouting hole after grouting, which formed micro-group anchor structure, and greatly enhanced the level of resistance to deformation.(4)The research results can provide a reference for the design,construction,operation and maintenance of side spines zone of ballastless track. 
2017 Vol. 34 (10): 34-38 [Abstract] ( 3298 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (873 KB)  ( 2547 )
39 Limit Value Research on the Single Angles of Rotation at Bridge End of Heavy Haul Railway Ballastless Track
XU Hao, LIN Hong-song, TIAN Chun-xiang, YAN Hua
Abstract:Research purposes: Bridge end rotation will produce additional uplift force or down force of fastener system on ballastless track, which will lead to failure of fastener system, so we must limit the angle of bridge end rotation. In order to study the limit angle of bridge end rotation, the finite element model for calculating force of the fastening system at bridge ends of heavy haul railway was established in this paper. The influence of the angles of rotation at bridge ends, fastening system space at the bridge crevice, pad stiffness and overhanging lengths of bridge ends on fastening system at bridge ends were analyzed. And the limit values of the single bridge end rotation under different pad stiffness and overhanging lengths of bridge ends are gained on the angle at which the uplift force does not exceed the uplift limits of the fastener.  Research conclusions: (1) The influence of the fastener system space at bridge crevice on the force of fastener system is small, whereas the influence of the pad stiffness and overhanging lengths of bridge ends on the force of fastener system is large. (2) The bigger the pad stiffness and overhanging lengths of bridge ends are, the less limits angle of rotation at single bridge ends is. (3) The bridge clockwise rotation limit angle is less than counterclockwise rotation limit. (4) The limit angle of rotation at single bridge end should be fixed according to the design parameters of fastening system and then check the uplift force of fastening system could meet the uplift limit of fastener. (5) This paper could provide support for the design of heavy haul railway ballastless track. 
2017 Vol. 34 (10): 39-43 [Abstract] ( 3258 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (582 KB)  ( 2583 )
       Bridge Engineering
44 Design of Continuous Steel Box Beam of New Flyover Bridge
BAI Quan-an
Abstract:Research purposes: The structure selection of bridge across the existing lines should not only consider the construction method and construction schedule, but also consider the operation safety of the existing railway. Reasonable structure selection can not only ensure the successful completion of the project, but also minimize the interference to the operation of the lower line. Continuous steel box girder is a new railway bridge structure, the structure shape closed can effectively avoid the construction debris fall, also has a flexible matching condition, without temporary pier construction, which is suitable for bridge construction with limited space, is the best choice across existing lines. In this paper, taking the Extra-long Bridge of Datong-Xi′an dedicated passenger tie-line as the engineering background, the calculation method of steel box girder, the temperature value, the fracture mode of bridge deck concrete and the stress concentration at the abutment are explored.  Research conclusions: (1) The whole bridge is calculated by full bridge model and simplified calculation, and the comparison is made. (2) For the uneven heating, the current standard only prescribes on the steel structure and concrete box girder with concrete bridge deck, and didn't make provisions on the steel box girder structure, the design refers to the British standard BS 5400 value. (3) For the bridge deck concrete, break-joint form of partial disconnecting is adopted. (4) The bridge support relies on vertical stiffener plate based on irrigation, partial filling of micro expansive concrete in the floor support, with shear stud connections between steel plate and concrete, which can make full use of the good compressive property of concrete and advantageous tensile property of steel, can effectively improve the bearing stiffness, significantly optimize the stress distribution. (5)The research results can provide reference for the design of the similar bridges in the future. 
2017 Vol. 34 (10): 44-49 [Abstract] ( 3439 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (904 KB)  ( 2726 )
50 The Outer-covered Concrete Construction Scheme Optimization of the Long-span Concrete Arch Bridge with Stiff Skeleton Hot!
YANG Guo-jing, XU Yong, HUANG Yi
Abstract:Research purposes: Long-span concrete arch bridge with stiff skeleton has become the main structure for mountain railway bridges with its high rigidity, strong spanning ability and good adaptability to the mountainous valley. However, the formation of arch ribs needs through a series of system transformation, the mechanical behaviors are very complex. It always needs to control design. Based on the Beipanjiang river bridge on Shanghai-Kunming high-speed railway, the calculation method in construction process of concrete arch bridge and the main influence factors are analyzed, the stress state and control factors of arch rib during construction are studied, the different outsourcing concrete construction schemes are compared and analyzed from the two aspects of horizontal ring and longitudinal section, to provide reference and basis for the design of the similar arch bridge.  Research conclusions: (1) With the increasing of section horizontal ring number, the skeleton's stress will be obviously reduced. It shows the number of rings affects the force of arch bridge directly, and we should make sure that the number of rings should not be too little. (2) The longitudinal section number is not the more the better, and the stiff skeleton which is not wrapped by concrete in the working face junction is in a bad condition. (3) The proposed optimization scheme is beneficial to reduce the maximum stress at the top of the upper chord, and avoid the stress mutation at the working face, to achieve the optimization purpose.
2017 Vol. 34 (10): 50-54 [Abstract] ( 4124 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (539 KB)  ( 2559 )
55 Research on the Optimization of Arch-axis and Column Layout Based on APDL Language
HOU Chun-hui,SONG Shun-xin
Abstract:Research purposes: On the purpose of fully understanding the method of optimization of arch-axis coefficient, the calculation principal of catenary arch-axis coefficient and the method of arch axis coefficient  optimization are introduced in this article. Optimization procedure of arch-axis coefficient was also mentioned. At the end of this article, taking a long span deck-type reinforced concrete arch bridge as example, the whole optimization procedure is shown. In this example, least bending energy method was used while taking different column spacing and was compared with the traditional method which was called 5 points coincidence method. By comparing the results, reasonable column spacing, layout method and arch-axis coefficient were gained.  Research conclusions: (1) Using the least bending energy method to optimize the arch-axis coefficient could help you to get a reasonable arch-axis coefficient. It is available in practical engineering. (2) According to the practical engineering mentioned in this article, by comparing the results of least bending energy method and 5 points coincidence method, along with engineering experience, 10 meters of the column spacing with no column on the arch middle top was used and the coefficient of 1.543 is the best choice for this bridge. (3)The research of this paper can be applied to the optimization design of arch-axis coefficient of arch bridges and reasonable column spacing. 
2017 Vol. 34 (10): 55-59 [Abstract] ( 3190 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (548 KB)  ( 2460 )
60 The Correlation on Near-fault Seismic Response of Railway Bridge and Ground Motion Intensity Measure Index Hot!
CHEN Ke-jian1, ZENG Yong-ping2, FAN Qi-wu1, SU Yan-wen1
Abstract:Research purposes: Selecting ten groups of isolated railway bridges with typical period as the research object and the ductile displacement of the isolation as the engineering demand parameter (EDP), the correlation between seismic responses of isolated railway bridge subjected to near-fault ground motion and intensity measure index(IM) of ground motion has been evaluated.  Research conclusions: (1) The velocity type of IM index is most suitable for characterization of near-fault isolated bridge nonlinear displacement demand. (2) When the initial period of structure is similar to frequency area contains the most of the high-frequency energy of seismic wave or the velocity pulse period will lead to EDP is insensitive to the change of IM value, when design an isolated bridge, the initial period should avoid the sensitive frequency area. (3)This research result can provide guidelines to seismic design for the railway bridges located on near-fault zone.
2017 Vol. 34 (10): 60-65 [Abstract] ( 3343 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (894 KB)  ( 2580 )
       Tunnel Engineering
66 The Characteristics and Formation Mechanism of Rock-burst for a Long and Deep Tunnel of Chengdu-Lanzhou Railway Hot!
SONG Zhang, YUAN Chuan-bao, DU Yu-ben, WANG Yan-dong
Abstract:Research purposes: For its geological background such as the complex geological structure conditions, high tectonic stress field characteristics, hard and intact surrounding rock conditions, which is under construction for the Ping′an tunnel of Chengdu-Lanzhou railway, the rock-burst disasters of surrounding rock generally produced in the process of tunnel construction. According to the phenomenon of rock-burst and it′s failure characteristics of supporting structure, this paper based on the geological survey, the data analysis of geo-stress test and physical mechanics test of rock mass, from several aspects of the engineering geological environment, geological structure, geo-stress field and formation lithology, the formation mechanisms of rock-burst of surrounding rock which is in the environment of complex geological structure and high geo-stress field were analyzed in perspective of engineering geology, and the rock burst level of the other section of tunnel under similar engineering geological conditions were evaluated.  Research conclusions: (1)In regional structure the 3# inclined shaft working area of Ping′an tunnel located in the front arc position of Jiaochang mountain structural belt, new and old structures such as fold and fault were developed and superimposed, with complex construction condition. (2) In tunnel rock-burst was mainly expressed as the phenomenon of rock burst loose, spalling, and ejection, etc., and with the failure characteristics of primary support concrete spalling, fracture, steel distortion, crack and collapse for the engineering structure. (3) Rock-burst was mainly presented as the immediate rock-burst characteristics in time, and rock-burst level is moderate to strong. (4) In perspective of engineering geology, the formation mechanism of rock-burst of tunnel surrounding rock can be summarized as the comprehensive influence of main factors such as the inoculation conditions of strongly complex geological structure, mechanics condition of high geo- stress field and condition of hard and intact surrounding rock. (5) The 〖JP3〗analysis methods and conclusions of this paper have certain reference significance for the design and construction of rock-〖JP〗burst of surrounding rock of tunnel engineering under similar engineering geological conditions in mountainous area. 
2017 Vol. 34 (10): 66-72 [Abstract] ( 3317 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1195 KB)  ( 2594 )
       Electrification Engineering
73 Research on the Catenary Layout on Throat Area of High Speed Railway Station
WANG Guo-liang
Abstract:Research purposes: In a high-speed railway station yard design, because of the terrain and investment restrictions, turnout combination on throat area takes special form, there are only 117 m distance between No. 42 and No. 18 turnout, under the premise of not change existing station layout, according to the catenary pantograph model and dynamic envelope line and the positioning column at the pull-out value of contact wire, the positioning column support device geometry and data switch, the research on the precise layout of switch catenary in throat area is carried out, catenary wire and switch are arranged by studying the geometric relationship, so as to ensure the safety of high-speed pantograph smooth through the crossing area, to avoid the transformation of civil engineering.  Research conclusions: (1)The station layout does not changed, the guiding catenary type and simple non-crossing type layout is adopted, the auxiliary guiding OCS which between main line and side line is taken advantage of, and several groups of contact suspension space position are reasonably arranged.(2)The layout not only has the advantages of simple structure, to facilitate the inspection and maintenance work less, but also to meet the hard points and catenary system flexibility index, so as to ensure the pantograph high-speed through mainline, from mainline swich to sideline, and from side line swich to mainline with safety and quality of power supply.(3)The research results are adapted to the high speed railway catenary layout on the complex throat area, can be flexibly combined with station design, which can proride reference for catenary layout when the high speed railway is introduced into the existing railway lines under the limited condition of civil construction.
2017 Vol. 34 (10): 73-77 [Abstract] ( 3242 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (866 KB)  ( 2509 )
       Orignal Article
78 Architectural Design of Urban Traffic Hub Based on Regionalism and Culture Hot!
TANG Ya-nan1, LIU Jun-shan2
Abstract:Research purposes: Chengdu Railway Station after the restructure and extension, is not only an important comprehensive passenger transportation hub building in southwest China, but also the landmark buildings and landmarks of the city central, which integrates regional and cultural attributes into the modern transportation building, completes its technical features and cultural needs, and is the core value of the entire design practice. This paper analyzes that how the design idea is originated from the regional and cultural environment, based on the functional requirements, by means of modern structure and material technology, to eventually build up a multiple attribute of modern railway station, and based on relevant national policies and economic and cultural development needs, explores the design thinking and practice method of geographical and cultural attributes in modern transportation architecture in railway station expansion project in the core area of the city.  Research conclusions: (1) The city railway station in the central area carries the strong regional and cultural attributes. (2) The regional culture attribute should be integrated into the large volume modern transportation building which requires translation, extension and abstract form. (3) The modern structure and material technology means should be utilized to achieve the unity of the spirit of regional culture and architecture physical demand. (4) The design practice can provide the reference for the planning and construction of the other city center railway station expansion project. 
2017 Vol. 34 (10): 78-83 [Abstract] ( 3240 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (977 KB)  ( 2599 )
       Urban Rail Construction
84 Research on the Inter-city Rail Transit Planning from Ningbo to Cixi in the Ningbo Metropolitan Area
QU Rong-hui
Abstract:Research purposes: According to the inter-city rail network construction planning of Zhejiang Province, to carry out the national strategy, strengthen the influence of Ningbo Central Business District(CBD), and meet the needs of the sustainable development, a rail transit need be built to connect Cixi district and Ningbo CBD. Thus, this paper researches on necessity and feasibility of building the rail transit to connect Cixi district and Ningbo CBD, and key problems that the rail transit planning has to solve, such as traffic volume forecast and line route, from the perspective of regional development.  Research conclusions:(1)The inter-city rail transit between Ningbo CBD to Cixi district does not only help the communication between Ningbo CBD and cities around it, but also develops the internal bus system in Cixi district.(2)After traffic volume forecast, we get the line section passenger flow volume is 7.2 thousand people and 14.5 thousand people in the near and far future, and the all-day passenger flow volume is 335 thousand people in the far future.(3)Based on the study of line route, technical standards, system working mode, operation and management and so on, suggestions are given that starting the special research of traffic volume forecast as soon as possible to support the planning and construction of the inter-city rail transit from Ningbo CBD to Cixi district.
2017 Vol. 34 (10): 84-86 [Abstract] ( 3408 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (498 KB)  ( 3342 )
87 Research on the Optimization Design about Layout of No.12 Metro Turnout
XIONG Wei1, TIAN Chun-xiang1, XU Jing-mang2, WANG Ping2
Abstract:Research purposes: In order to improve the lateral capacity of the No.12 metro turnout, four optimized design schemes are put forward based on basic parameters method of particle motion. The metro vehicle turnout coupling dynamics model is established to compare and analyze the dynamic interaction characteristics of the vehicle-turnout systems of the original scheme and optimized scheme.  Research conclusions: (1) Length of switch rail, switch angle and mediated curve radius in straight line segments of metro turnout are the main factors influencing the lateral capacity. The mediated curve radiuses of original scheme are smaller, which is the main reason that limits its lateral capacity. (2) On one hand, the larger mediated curve radius can improve the lateral capacity of vehicle through the switch, but on the other hand, the length of switch will be increased, not meeting the requirements of the development of urban metro. (3)The scheme one is recommended to improve the lateral capacity of metro turnout, in which mediated curve radius is 400 meters, total length of switch is 37.8 meters, and this scheme can improve the lateral capacity of metro turnout and will not increase the length of switch. (4) The research results can provide the basis for improving the lateral capacity of the metro turnout.
2017 Vol. 34 (10): 87-92 [Abstract] ( 3334 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (859 KB)  ( 2575 )
93 Research on the Structure Design and Mechanics Analysis of the Precast Pile-retaining Wall for Metro Station
LU Lin-hai1, WANG Guo-fu1, WANG Wan-ting2, XU Qian-wei2, WANG Yong-ji1
Abstract:Research purposes: Compound wall and composite wall are typical structures of deep foundation pits supported by permanent structures of metro station, which have been developed in recent years and widely used in the foundation pit construction of metro station. Taking the assembly station of the West Yanmazhuang Station of the R1 line in Jinan city as project background, a series of calculations are carried out on this new structure system according to the principles of composite wall and compound wall respectively, and the stress and bearing capacity of the main structure and the support structure under the condition of self-weight and water reaction are analyzed and compared to deiermine the suitable scheme and calculation method of station foundationpits supporting struture.  Research conclusions: (1) In the form of composite wall structure, it is necessary to pay attention to the stress condition and bearing capacity of the main structure midspan floor, bearing and midspan roof. (2) The new form of compound structure by means of linking the inner wall of main structure and the prefabricated piles can effectively transfer shear force and bending moment, which means that the prefabricated pile can integrate with the main structure as a whole to have good bearing capacity. (3) The use of prefabricated pile-wall compound structure can not only reduce the thickness and reinforcement bar of the inner wall, but also achieve the purpose of environmental protection and energy conservation under the premise of meeting the requirements of structure loading capacity. (4) The research conclusions can provide theoretical support and technical reference for the selection of supporting structure type of metro station foundation pits. 
2017 Vol. 34 (10): 93-98 [Abstract] ( 3584 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1085 KB)  ( 2677 )
99 Research on the Choice of Highest Service Speed for Type B Metro EMU Hot!
ZHANG Xiong1, CHEN Bin2
Abstract:Research purposes: There are more and more urban rapid rail transit projects in China, the choice of highest service speed plays a key role on the cost and benefit of the project. By the reason of lacking criteria, the highest service speed was commonly chosen by the objective of journey time and the percentage of the length of intervals which train can get the highest speed, that method neglects some important factors, and then misleads the conclusion. This paper analyzed systematically travel time value, traction energy consumption, rolling stock cost, maintenance cost, tunnel construction cost and depot construction cost, then presented the principles, methods and references regulation for the choice of highest speed for metro EMU type B, which can be used on urban rapid transit project study.  Research conclusions: (1)When the metro EMU type B(4M2T) runs at the highest speed of 80 km/h, 100 km/h and 120 km/h at least 10 s, the minimum interval distances are 1 000 m, 1 500 m and 2 500 m respectively. (2) The higher the maximum speed of the train is, the higher the construction and operation cost are, but they have the non-linear relation. (3) By travel time value-cost analyzing, on the condition of interval distance (D)≤1 500 m, 1 500 m
2017 Vol. 34 (10): 99-104 [Abstract] ( 3232 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (418 KB)  ( 2589 )
Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
Supported by:Beijing Magtech