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2023 Vol. 40, No. 11
Published: 2023-11-15

Engineering Economy and Management
Main Line: Engineering Geology and Subgrade
Main Line: Railway and Rail
Main Line: Communication Signals
Information Technology
Main Line: Bridge Engineering
Main Line: Tunnel Engineering
Urban Railway Development and Technology Research
       Main Line: Engineering Geology and Subgrade
1 Analysis on Factors Influencing Stability of Fully Weathered Pebble Soil Slope in Western Sichuan
XU Hua, ZHOU Tingyu, WANG Dong, ZHANG Guangze, ZHANG Xiaobo
Research purposes: There are a large number of fully weathered pebble soil (Q2,Q3) formations in the westSichuan region,which are prone to instability,collapse and slide when encountering water.Based on the slopeengineering of west Sichuan region railways, the dynamic problems of the whole process of slope failure were analyzed and the influences of slope rate, slope height and water content for slope stability were considered with particle flow code. According to the influence of property, the sensitivity order is obtained, and the control suggestions of slope ratioand slope height are put forward in slope design, so as to provide technical support for the construction of slope engineering in weathered pebble soil layer.
Research conclusions: (1)The characteristics of failure for fully weathered pebble soil slope were completely in accordwith pull-type slip,landslide body was dispersed.(2)The sensitivity order of influencing factors on stability is asfollows:slope rate>slope height>water content;the stability factor of slope decreased by 1.9 with that slope rateincreased from 1∶1.5 to 1∶0.75, the safety factor decreased by 0.5 as a result of being softened with that the watercontent increased from 14% to 16%, the slope was more stable with low height.(3)It was recommended for slopedesign that the slope rate needed to be less than 1∶1.25, the slope height should be controlled below 8 m, andwaterproof-drainage measures had better be taken to control water content under 14%.(4)The study can provide corresponding references for stability analysis and protection design of fully weathered pebble soil slope for west Sichuan region.
2023 Vol. 40 (11): 1-7 [Abstract] ( 3 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (2344 KB)  ( 0 )
8 Research on the Identification Technology of Subgrade Soil Density Based on MFCC
GUO Huajie, JIANG Huihuang, LIU Xiangming
Research purposes: Most of the characterization indexes used in the outdoor subgrade soil continuouscompaction technology are converted from the frequency and amplitude of the vibration acceleration signal collected on the steel wheel of the vibratory roller, and the characterization effect is poor under the influence of jumping vibration andmechanical natural vibration, and the signal has not been deeply excavated. In order to find reliable indicators tocharacterize soil compaction degree, this paper introduces sound source material recognition technology while conductingindoor test and analysis, and extracts timbre features based on human ear hearing and psychology, combined withphysical properties of materials, so as to improve the recognition rate of soil compaction degree. By stimulating soil samples with different compacted degrees indoors, acceleration signals and sound signals were collected. MIRtoolbox timbre toolbox was introduced to extract sound timbre features using the impact sound feature extraction method based on the principle of hearing perception, and this method was applied to the feature extraction of acceleration signals.
Research conclusions: (1) When the hammering force is 55 N± 5 N, the correlation coefficients between theeigenvalue mfcc6max extracted from the acceleration and sound signal and the soil sample compaction degree are 0.81 and 0.69 respectively, so the eigenvalue mfcc6max can be used as the index to characterize the soil compaction degree.(2) In the reverse identification of soil compaction, the hammering force is controlled at 55 N± 5 N, and the mfcc6max value calculated in the acceleration signal is substituted into the correlation equation y=0.014x-0.92, or the mfcc6max value calculated in the sound signal is substituted into the correlation equation y=0.018x-1.09. The two obtained y values can predict the soil compaction degree in reverse.(3) The characteristic values and methods used to characterizesoil compaction degree in this test can be further applied to outdoor continuous compaction technology, and are fundamentally different from traditional continuous compaction technical indicators, which provide guidance for improving soil recognition rate.
2023 Vol. 40 (11): 8-16 [Abstract] ( 6 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1896 KB)  ( 0 )
17 Response Analysis of Vibration Roller Compaction Signal under Jumping State
FENG Huaiping, YANG Yang, WANG Zhiman
Research purposes: Jumping is a common phenomenon in the process of subgrade vibration compaction. When jumping occurs, the discreteness of harmonic test indexes such as CCV and CMV in the intelligent compaction system increases significantly, which affecting the judgment accuracy of subgrade compaction quality. In order to analyze the influence law of vibration jumping on harmonic continuous compaction detection indexes, based on the "wheel-soil" dynamic system, the Universal Mechanism modeling was used to study the influence law of vibration rollerfrequency and ratio of excitation force to weight of vibration wheel, roadbed stiffness, roadbed damping,etc,on vibration jumping. On the basis of revealing the mechanism of jumping, the influence on the intelligent compaction index was studied.
Research conclusions: (1) There is a significant positive correlation between the stiffness coefficient of roadbed and the ratio of the exciting force to the weight of vibration wheel and the occurrence of jumping.(2) With the same roadbed stiffness, the probability of jumping decreases with the increase of vibration frequency and roadbed damping.(3)The jumping behavior has influence on the CCC index, among which CMV is significantly affected by the jumping. Non-neglectable errors could exist when using CMV to predict the degree of compaction at jumping state. While CCV is relatively less affected by the jumping because it considers multiple harmonic components.(4) A method for determining the occurrence of the jumping based on the ratio of exciting force to the weight of vibration wheel and road stiffness is proposed. In this paper, the interaction between dynamic characteristics, vibration parameters and jumping vibration ofroadbed is revealed to provide references for controlling the control behavior of road rollers to achieve high-quality intelligent compaction.
2023 Vol. 40 (11): 17-22 [Abstract] ( 5 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (741 KB)  ( 0 )
       Main Line: Railway and Rail
23 Some Problems of the Layered Beam Model and Algorithm of Track Dynamics
LEI Xiaoyan, WANG Hai, YIN Xuejun
Research purposes: Because of its simplicity, the layered beam model of track structure is widely used in the analysis of track dynamics and vehicle-track coupling system dynamics. However, whether the simplified layered beam model of track structure can reflect the deformation and dynamic characteristics of actual track structure in semi-infinite space, and how accurate the vibration response of the vehicle and the track structure calculated using the layered beammodel of the vehicle-track structure is, have not been systematically studied yet. In this paper, by establishing a nonlinear coupled system dynamics model of the vehicle-layered track structure, an explicit algorithm for solving the dynamics equations of the vehicle and the track structure independently by using the cross iteration method is presented. The calculated results for the layered beam model of the track structure and the 3D block element model of the track structure, and the calculated difference between the layered beam model of the track structure and the semi-infinite space model of the track structure are compared and analyzed. Then, the applicability of the layered beam model of track structure in vehicle-track coupling system dynamics analysis is investigated. At the same time, the computational efficiency, accuracy and characteristics for the cross iteration algorithm and the traditional coupled equation solution are compared in solving the dynamic response of the vehicle-track coupling system.
Research conclusions: (1)It is feasible to use the layered beam model to simulate the track structure with good accuracy, and is able to meet the analysis requirements of engineering problems.(2)The cross iteration algorithm is more efficient, more accurate, less time consuming and easier to program than the traditional coupled equation method,and it is not only suitable for linear wheel-rail contact analysis, but also suitable for nonlinear wheel-rail contact analysis.(3)By introducing the relaxation factor to modify the wheel-rail contact force, the convergence speed of thecross iteration algorithm can be accelerated.(4)The feasibility of the layered beam model of track structure and the superiority of the cross iteration algorithm for solving have been verified, providing references for efficient modeling and accurate analysis of high-speed railway track dynamics.
2023 Vol. 40 (11): 23-28 [Abstract] ( 4 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1610 KB)  ( 0 )
29 Research on the Influence of Longitudinal Resistance of Fasteners on Mechanical Characteristics of Metro Turnouts
ZENG Zhiping, TANG Qihui, HUANG Xiangdong, TIAN Chunyu, HU Ji
Research purposes: The fasteners are key component for transferring force in metro turnout, and its longitudinal resistance has an important impact on the force and displacement of each rail of the turnout. In order to clarify the longitudinal mechanical characteristics of metro turnout under different fastener rail pads and different longitudinal resistances, experimental tests and numerical simulation analysis were conducted on the fasteners.
Research conclusions: (1)Compared with rubber pads, using polyester pads can reduce the longitudinal displacement of the basic rail of the turnout by more than 13%, reduce the longitudinal displacement of the guide rail by about 2%,and the longitudinal force on each rail of the turnout changes little.(2)As the longitudinal stiffness of the fastenerincreases, the longitudinal displacement of the turnout structure and the longitudinal force on the basic rail gradually decrease, although the temperature force of the guide rail increases slightly, but the increase is very small and will notaffect the structural safety.(3)Using polyester pads in metro turnout and appropriately increasing the longitudinal stiffness of fasteners is a reasonable direction for optimization.(4)The research results can be applied to the selection of fastener rail pads for metro turnout fasteners and optimization design of resistance.
2023 Vol. 40 (11): 29-35 [Abstract] ( 5 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (1373 KB)  ( 0 )
       Main Line: Bridge Engineering
36 Deflection Analysis of Concrete Composite Beam with Corrugated Steel Web and Steel Base Plate
LIU Shizhong, CAI Minghao, MAO Yana, MA Jianhong, QIN Aoao, WANG Lijuan
Research purposes: In order to accurately analyze the deflection change of the waveform steel web and steel base plate concrete composite beams under long-term loading, on the basis of incorporating the effects of sheardeformation effect, shear hysteresis effect and shrinkage creep effect of the composite beams on the calculation of deflection, the control differential equations of the waveform steel web and steel base plate concrete composite beams and the natural boundary conditions were derived by using the energy variational method, and the formula for the deflection calculation of the waveform steel web and steel base plate concrete composite simply-supported single-box and double-compartment box beams were obtained. The deflection formulas of the box girder under centralized load at mid-span and uniform load at full span were obtained, The deflection values at 7 d, 1 000 d and 3 650 d were calculated by using the obtained formulas, which were compared with the numerical solution of ANSYS and the calculated values without considering shrinkage and creep effects, and verified by the results of the model test.
Research conclusions: (1) The deflection values in this paper are in good agreement with the ANSYS numerical solution and model test results. (2) The deflection of corrugated steel web steel base plate concrete combined simplysupported box girder increased by 9.12% and 12.94% after 1 000 d of centralized load in the span and full-span uniform load, respectively. (3) The deflection in the span increased by 14.69% and 18.32% after 3 650 d. It is obvious that the effect of shrinkage creep on the deflection calculation of the combined box girder cannot be ignored. (4) This paper provides references for the deflection calculation in the design of the corrugated steel web plate.
2023 Vol. 40 (11): 36-41 [Abstract] ( 3 ) HTML (0 KB)  PDF  (902 KB)  ( 0 )
42 Seismic Control of Large Span Cable-stayed Bridges Based on MR Dampers for Collision Effects
XIANG Min, WU Qiong, YANG Congjuan, GUO Jin
Research purposes: The longitudinal restraint of long-span cable-stayed bridge with floating system is weak, and its beam end will produce large longitudinal displacement and cause collision under the action of earthquake. Therefore, appropriate control measures need to be taken. Taking the main approach bridge of a long-span highway rail dual-purpose double tower cable-stayed bridge as the engineering background, aiming at the collision problem of the main approach bridge under earthquake, this paper introduces MR damper into the bridge. Through SIMULINK modeling, different control measures such as passive, semi-active and intelligent fuzzy control are adopted to study the damping control effect of MR damper in the collision problem of the main approach bridge of the cable-stayed bridge, so as to explore the best control scheme.
Research conclusions: (1)By comparing the seven control strategies with the longitudinal displacement response of thestructure without control, it can be found that the damping effect of semi-active control is close to that of passive control, and the effect of fuzzy logic control is the best.(2)From the impact force response, it can be seen that the seven control strategies can reduce the number of collisions and the peak value of impact force between the main approach bridges, among which the damping effect of semi-active control and fuzzy logic control is better than that of passive control.(3)From the energy dissipation of damper, it can be seen that the energy input of fuzzy control is far less than that of passive control and semi-active control.(4)The conclusions of this paper can be used as a reference for the collision control of the main approach bridge of similar bridges.
2023 Vol. 40 (11): 42-49 [Abstract] ( 3 ) HTML (0 KB)  PDF  (1588 KB)  ( 0 )
50 Dynamics Response Study of Large Cantilever Concrete Swivel Bridge under Existing Railway Train Loads
ZHAO Shouquan, LIU Xu, DOU Shun, ZHU Hongxing, YANG Xuehu, HAN Kan
Research purposes: With the further advancement of China's strategy to become a transportation powerhouse, the proliferation of intersecting routes in transportation infrastructure is on the rise, and the construction method of rotating bridge structures is becoming increasingly prevalent. These rotating bridge are widely used in engineering projects across existing railway lines. However, there is currently a relative scarcity of research concerning the structural vibration spatial response patterns and transmission mechanisms of rotating bridges under the load of existing railway train traffic. Based on the Shizuishan Super-large Bridge (637#and 638#), this paper utilizes vibration acceleration sensors to conduct tests on the structural response data of rotating bridges under the sole contact of spherical hinges and in a state of large cantilever, and analyzes the dynamic acceleration response, dynamic displacement response, and the vibration Hilbert energy spectrum of the rotating bridge structure.
Research conclusions: (1)Under the normal speed train load of the existing line, the lower pile cap of the swivel bridge should reach the vertical acceleration peak point before the upper pile cap, and the peak value is greater than the upper pile cap.(2)The acceleration amplitude of the structure is amplified during the transmission from the bridge deck to the beam end of the swivel bridge, and the acceleration time-history curve will show "reciprocating" fluctuations, indicating that the vibration wave resonates with the natural frequency, and the acceleration response peak distribution curve is spatially "V" symmetrical distribution.(3)The dynamic vertical displacement response generated at the end of the bridge is relatively significant, and the peak vertical displacement responses at various measurement points along the beam exhibit a symmetric "W" shape distribution.(4)The swivel spherical hinge has obvious filtering and vibration reduction effect on the middle and high frequency bands of vibration waves.(5)The vibration wave has obvious standing wave effect at the beam end, and the vibration wave in the middle and high frequency bands attenuates rapidly. The vibration wave in the low frequency band is the main cause of the vibration of the rotating bridge beam.(6)The research results can provide a theoretical reference for the design and construction of swivel bridges near existing lines.
2023 Vol. 40 (11): 50-57 [Abstract] ( 5 ) HTML (0 KB)  PDF  (2777 KB)  ( 0 )
58 Applied Research on the Comprehensive Survey and Analysis Method in a Bridge
FENG Zhiguo, HAO Jiangtao, QIU Youyou
Research purposes: A bridge is located in structural suture zone, with developed faults, high seismic intensity, extremely complex geological conditions. Therefore, major geological problems such as slope stability, dangerous rocks, collapses, and rockfalls are prominent. The "ground" survey method has the characteristics of strong intuition and high accuracy. However, due to the adverse climate, high altitude, large elevation difference, steep terrain andother factors in the site, it is difficult to implement and has high safety risk in the difficult sections of the bridge. According to the environmental characteristics and geological conditions, it is necessary to introduce new technologies and methods combined with ground means to form a comprehensive survey and analysis technology, so as to find out the engineering geological and hydrogeological characteristics, especially structural plane and unloading zone needed for the slope stability analysis.
Research conclusions: (1) Many survey problems of the bridge site have been solved by using the integrated comprehensive survey method of the "air-space-ground". (2) The survey results of "air", "space" and "ground" are in good agreement. (3) The comprehensive survey and analysis method can improve the survey precision and accuracy under complex terrain and geological conditions. (4) The comprehensive survey and analysis method have been well applied and verified in the bridge, and can be popularized and applied in similar bridge projects.
2023 Vol. 40 (11): 58-63 [Abstract] ( 3 ) HTML (0 KB)  PDF  (2217 KB)  ( 0 )
       Main Line: Tunnel Engineering
64 Research on Protection Measures of Large Diameter Shallow Tunnel Passing through Operating High-speed Railway
ZHAO Daliang, CHEN Qifa, WANG Bing
Research purposes: In order to ensure the safety of operation of high-speed railway during large-diameter shallow-buried tunnel shield construction, reliable reinforcement measures must be taken for the undercrossing section of high-speed railway due to the high displacement requirements of the technical regulations caused by the impact of underpass engineering. In this paper, based on the first large-diameter shield project of high-speed railway in China,Suzhou city main road undercrossing Shanghai-Nanjing intercity railway engineering, for soft soil area and the high deformation characteristics of high-speed rail piers, the influence of the loss rate of formation, the isolation pile diameter and pile length, and the pouring material in steel casing on high-speed railway bridge pier is studied, and a safe and reliable reinforcement scheme is put forward.
Research conclusions: (1)When the tunnel shield passes through the saturated silt and fine sand soil layer,it is suggested that the soil in the isolation pile should be strengthened to improve the stability of soil.(2)As the diameter of the isolation pile increases, its stiffness also increases, and its influence on the high-speed railway bridge pier decreases.(3)According to the horizontal deformation of the isolation pile of different pile lengths and its influence on the high-speed railway bridge pier, and combined with the type and depth of embedded soil layer, the reasonable length of the isolation pile is determined.(4)The combined stiffness of the isolation pile filled with different materials in the steel casing is mainly determined by the diameter and wall thickness of the steel casing, and the influence of soil grouting inthe steel casing on the high-speed railway is less than that of concrete.(5)The reinforcement schemes and safety assessment ideas for underpass operation of high-speed railway in soft soil areas are put forward to ensure the operation safety of high-speed railway during and after the implementation of the project, which can provide reference for similar projects in the future.
2023 Vol. 40 (11): 64-69 [Abstract] ( 4 ) HTML (0 KB)  PDF  (1499 KB)  ( 0 )
70 Internal Force and Displacement of Composite Lining of Deep Buried Tunnels Based on Load-structure Method
LIU Shuhong, WU Chenhao, CHEN Xuefeng, ZHU Yongquan
Research purposes: It has important theoretical significance and engineering value to study the internal force and displacement of composite lining of deep buried tunnels with arbitrary shape. In this paper, the analytical solutions of axial force and displacement of composite lining of circular tunnel under axisymmetric load are derived based on the theory of elastic mechanics, and are compared with the numerical solutions to determine the reasonable value of elasticmodulus of the link element between primary support and secondary lining.The axial force,bending moment anddisplacement of composite lining of non-circular tunnel in grade Ⅳ surrounding rock are analyzed. The constraint effects of surrounding rock on primary support, primary support and secondary lining are simulated by the link element, and the elastic modulus of surrounding rock and primary support are taken respectively. Finally, the influence of lateral pressure coefficient on mechanical properties of non-circular composite lining is discussed.
Research conclusions: (1)Under axisymmetric load, the error between the analytical solution and the numerical solution of axial force and displacement of initial support and secondary lining of circular tunnel is less than 5%.It is determined that when the link element is used to simulate the interaction between initial support and secondary lining of the non-circular tunnel, the elastic modulus of initial support or secondary lining can be used.(2)In the corresponding position of the non-circular tunnel, the axial force and bending moment of secondary lining are greater than those of initial support. For primary support and secondary lining, the maximum axial force occurs at the hance and the bottom, respectively. The maximum bending moment occurs at the arch foot, and the maximum vertical displacement occurs at the bottom.(3)For grade Ⅳ surrounding rock with lateral pressure coefficient in the range of 0.1 to 0.3, the change of lateral pressure coefficient has little effect on the maximum axial force, bending moment and displacement of non-circular tunnel secondary lining.(4)These conclusions can be applied to the engineering structures such as tunnels, shafts, and pipe piles.
2023 Vol. 40 (11): 70-74 [Abstract] ( 2 ) HTML (0 KB)  PDF  (850 KB)  ( 0 )
75 Research on Tunnel Lining Void Detection Technology Based on Improved VMD-HHT Impact Echo Method
MENG Lu, WANG Xu, LU Song, XIAO Yang
Research purposes: Aiming at the problems of multiple peaks and false frequencies in tunnel lining voiddetection by conventional impact echo method, a genetic algorithm with fuzzy entropy and correlation coefficient as thecomprehensive objective function is proposed to optimize the variational mode decomposition (VMD) of the originalsignal. The marginal spectrum of the signal is calculated based on Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT), and the void detection analysis is carried out accordingly. The inherent defects of the Fourier transform in the analysis of non-stationary impact echo signal are solved, and the data processing method is verified based on the simulation signal and the detection signal of tunnel lining physical model.
Research conclusions: (1)The genetic algorithm with fuzzy entropy and correlation coefficient as the comprehensive objective function effectively realizes the decomposition parameters optimization of VMD, which avoids the contingency caused by artificially setting parameters.(2)VMD can adaptively realize components separation with different dominant frequency of the impact echo signal. Because there is no mode aliasing in the decomposition result, the noise signal can be effectively filtered to improve the data signal-to-noise ratio.(3)The impact echo method based on improved VMD-HHT proposed in this paper can reliably detect the lining thickness owing to the clear and obvious dominant frequency in the detection results. The interference of the improved VMD-HHT method is far less than that of the Fourier transform result, which is not easy to misjudge, and effectively improves the detection accuracy.(4)Since there are errorsin the detection results of lining thickness both by the Fourier transform and VMD-HHT method, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive comparison in combination with the results of dense tunnel lining to accurately determine whether the lining contains void or not.
2023 Vol. 40 (11): 75-82 [Abstract] ( 4 ) HTML (0 KB)  PDF  (1438 KB)  ( 0 )
       Main Line: Communication Signals
83 Research on the Interoperation Scheme of National Railway and Urban Train Control System
XU Xiaoning, LI Hui, WANG Fei, LV Shuli, WANG Wentao
Research purposes: In recent years, with the continuous development of China's railway transport network and the construction of the integrated rail transportation network of urban agglomeration, in order to achieve resourcesharing and improve passenger travel efficiency, there is a need for the integrated development of trunk railways, intercity railways, municipal (suburban) railways and urban rail transit. As the key system to ensure driving safety, the interoperability of train control system is an important research direction. This paper summarizes the interoperationschemes of domestic railway train control systems at home and abroad, and proposes the interoperation scheme of national railway and urban rail train control systems.
Research conclusions: (1)The interoperation technical schemes of railway train control systems at home and abroad are summarized, and their respective technical routes are analyzed.(2)The interoperation scheme is put forward, in which the joint of the national railway and the urban rail line is set with a common management area, and the on-board equipment uses balise to complete the control switching.(3)Two integration modes of decentralized and integrated on-board equipment are proposed, and it is suggested to implement the decentralized scheme in the early stage.(4)Thebalise setting scheme for interoperation between national railway with different CTCS level and urban rail CBTC is proposed.(5)The research results can provide references for the integration of national railway and urban train control sytem.
2023 Vol. 40 (11): 83-86 [Abstract] ( 3 ) HTML (0 KB)  PDF  (706 KB)  ( 0 )
       Information Technology
87 Building and Analysis of BIM Study Knowledge Map in Railway Industry
WANG Jiquan
Research purposes: Building Information Modeling (BIM) has been widely used in railway construction in recent years and become one of the important technical means of industrial empowerment. In order to judge the technical development and application trend of BIM technology in the field of railway, on the basis of relevant study literature as data sources, we built the knowledge map of BIM technology application in railway industry at home and abroad from two aspects, namely research hotspot and research trend based on CiteSpace software, and analyzed the BIM research status and trend in railway field from the qualitative and quantitative aspects.
Research conclusions: (1)The application research of BIM technology in the field of railway engineering at home and abroad has its own emphases. Foreign countries focus on the research of BIM basic theory and standardization and start earlier with fruitful results, forming a relatively complete knowledge system, while domestic focuses on the application ofengineering practice. Although the original achievements are relatively lacking, it shows a tendency to catch up.(2)From the viewpoints of research trend, BIM technology is deeply integrated with artificial intelligence, Internet ofThings, cloud computing, big data and other new generation of information technology. It will become the futuredevelopment direction to realize the deepening application of railway engineering fields such as collaborative design,construction management, visual management in operation and maintenance stage, railway life cycle management, BIM application standardization and so on.(3)The research results can provide reference for further promoting the theoretical research and practical application of BIM technology in the field of railway.
2023 Vol. 40 (11): 87-93 [Abstract] ( 4 ) HTML (0 KB)  PDF  (2403 KB)  ( 1 )
       Urban Railway Development and Technology Research
94 Research on the Influencing Factors of Utilizing Existing Railways to Operate Urban/Suburban Trains
SONG Weiwei, SHI Jianwen, YE Yuling, CHEN Congcong, YU Pan, ZHU Ziyue, ZHOU Wentao
Research purposes: Current state policy favors the development of urban/suburban railways by utilizing existing rail infrastructures. However, the decision-making process for introducing urban/suburban trains on existing rails involves multiple interacting and influencing factors. This paper employs the FISM-MICMAC method to identify the key factors affecting the decision to run urban/suburban trains on existing railways, and analyzes the relationships among these factors.
Research conclusions: (1)Existing railway technical standards, capacity utilization rates, construction costs, andoperation and maintenance costs are fundamental factors influencing the decision to introduce urban/suburban trains,among which the technical standards of existing railways are the most foundational.(2)Public transportation alongexisting rail lines, passenger flow direction, passenger flow type, existing station distribution, travel time, and trainfrequency during peak hours are direct influencing factors for this decision-making. Of these, the type of passenger flow and the train frequency during peak hours have a more direct impact.(3)When the technical standards and capacity of existing railways meet the requirements for running urban/suburban trains, the decision should focus on whether the primary passenger flow is commuter-based and whether trains can be operated like public transit during peak hours.(4)The research findings can be applied to preliminary decision-making for projects related to running urban/suburban trains on existing railways.
2023 Vol. 40 (11): 94-100 [Abstract] ( 4 ) HTML (0 KB)  PDF  (664 KB)  ( 0 )
       Engineering Economy and Management
101 Research on the Influence of High-speed Railway Operation on the High-quality Development of Hebei Regional Economy
LI Suying, ZHANG Jiaojiao, WU Yongli
Research purposes: The construction and operation of high-speed railway has promoted the convenient connection between urban agglomerations in Hebei Province,and promoted the rapid economy development of Hebei. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee put forward a new concept of development, its ideological connotation gradually deepened into the field of economic development. On the basis of analyzing the influence of high-speed railway development on the five aspects for high-quality economic development in Hebei, including innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, this paper puts forward countermeasures and suggestions for high-speedrailway operation to promote high-quality economic development in the Hebei province from the following aspects:government policy, industrial development and high-speed railway construction.
Research conclusions: (1)New development concepts can be integrated into high-quality economic development indicators and used to measure the level of regional economic development.(2)The impact of high-speed railway on thehigh-quality economic development of Hebei province mainly includes: promoting the upgrading and innovative development of enterprises, promoting the coordinated development of regional economy, promoting the green development of environmental protection, promoting the open development of foreign trade exports, and enhancing the shared development of the people.(3)In the long run, the opening and operation of the high-speed railway network has won new development opportunities for the cities along the line, all kinds of resources have been effectively circulated, and the location advantages and regional accessibility have been highlighted.(4)The research results have management and reference significance for high-speed railway operation to promote the high-quality development of regional economy.
2023 Vol. 40 (11): 101-105 [Abstract] ( 2 ) HTML (0 KB)  PDF  (709 KB)  ( 0 )
106 Location Selection of Construction Enterprises Going Global Based on Stochastic Frontier Gravity
ZHANG Wenjin, ZHANG Feilian
Research purposes: The location choice is directly related to the success or failure of construction enterprises going aboard strategy. This paper identified the influencing factors of location selection of construction enterprises and constructed location selection model based on stochastic frontier gravity. ZTJ Group was selected as an example and key influencing factors and location selection of China's construction enterprises were explored. Theoretical supports for the location selection of construction enterprises were discussed.
Research conclusions: (1)The key factors affecting construction enterprises going abroad include: the host country's market size, degree of industrialization, level of infrastructure, natural resource endowment, institutional environment,level of science and technology, level of labor and the enterprise's own factors.(2)Different host countries have different attraction for ZTJ Group. In the target countries with project experiences, countries along the "One Belt, One Road" with greater project demands and market potential are more attractive. In developed countries without project experience, it is also attractive for, but it is more difficult to enter. Chinese construction enterprises and the government should use a variety of means to actively expand the construction market in developed countries.(3)The study can provide theoretical references for construction enterprises aboard projects and the international market location selection.
2023 Vol. 40 (11): 106-111 [Abstract] ( 5 ) HTML (0 KB)  PDF  (356 KB)  ( 0 )
112 Research on Reserve System and Inventory Strategy of Railway Engineering Materials in Complex Areas
SU Xiaokun
Research purposes: Railway construction projects in complex and difficult areas are characterized by a lackof resources, long transport distances for materials, fragile logistics channels and limited reserve,facilities,etc.It isimportant to meet the dynamic supply needs of super-large linear engineering materials in complex and difficult areas ina long cycle and enhance the level of guarantee for the supply of railway engineering materials. In this paper, the centralized reserve system of railway engineering materials is constructed, the inventory strategy of central warehouse within the bid section is proposed, and the optimal ordering point and quantity of engineering materials are obtained to minimize the long-term average inventory cost.
Research conclusions: (1)The three-level reserve system of railway engineering materials is constructed, and thematerial reserve base is established to ensure the timely supply of materials by the construction unit when the risk ofmaterial supply interruption occurs.(2)Considering the random lead time, random demand,price fluctuation ofengineering materials and other factors, the inventory strategy (R,Q) is adopted to optimize the central warehouse inventory of bid section.(3)Combined with numerical examples, the optimal order point and order quantity of central warehouse are considered under the condition of allowable and non-allowable stock shortage.(4)The research results can provide theoretical reference for further research of centralized reserve management.
2023 Vol. 40 (11): 112-118 [Abstract] ( 3 ) HTML (0 KB)  PDF  (685 KB)  ( 0 )
Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
Supported by:Beijing Magtech