Abstract:Star ted wi th ana lysis from the inf luential facto rs on the weathering of rocks, the law o f w eathering of the g rani te on the Xi 'an-Ankang Railw ay Line i s ex plo red. Then, the di st ribution law of the w ea thering decompo sed layer w ith di fferent depth has been giv en in the pa per.
孟祥连 毛建安. 西康线花岗岩风化层厚度 分布规律研究[J]. 铁道工程学报, 1997, 14(2): 126-129.
Meng Xia ng lia n Mao Jiao 'a n. RESEARCH ON LAW OF DISTRIBUTION FOR DIFFERENT DEPTH OF DECOMPOSED GRANITE IN XIAN-ANKANG RAILWAY LINE. Journal of Railway Engineering Society, 1997, 14(2): 126-129.