Analysis of the Reasonable Support Length for Multi-spans Submerged Floating Tunnel
QIN Yin-gang1, ZHOU Sheng-guo2, ZHOU Xiao-Jun1
1. Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China; 2. Chongqing Jiangbeizui CBD Invest-development Co-Corporation, Chongqing 400024, China
摘要 研究目的:水中悬浮隧道是一种新型的穿越水域的固定交通设施,当悬浮隧道穿越水道较宽时,需要在两岸之间设置支撑系统。支撑系统设置是否合理直接关系到悬浮隧道的稳定性和修建成本,因此本文特对此进行分析。
关键词 :
支撑 ,
悬浮隧道 ,
涡激 ,
Melnikov方法 ,
混沌 ,
Abstract :Research purposes: Submerged floating tunnel is a new type of fixed transport facility for crossing waterways and always needs support system between the banks to make it stable when it crosses broad water area. It not only affects the structure's stability but also affects the building coat whether the support system is set up reasonably or not.
Research Conclusions: The current velocity and the vortex frequency influence the support system length mostly. The unstable criterion of the support of the high order for submerged floating tunnel is larger than that for low one. The Melnikov method can be used for judging whether the allocation of support system is reasonable or not.
Key words :
submerged floating tunnel
vortex induced vibration
Melnikov method
收稿日期: 2008-01-08
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(10572121);教育部霍英东基金资助项目(94024)
作者简介 : 秦银刚,1974年出生,男,博士研究生。
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